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Interesting Facts About the Hebrew Bible and Your Jewish Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
July 13, 2017 4:41 pm

Interesting Facts About the Hebrew Bible and Your Jewish Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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July 13, 2017 4:41 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 07/13/17.

Turning Point
David Jeremiah
Encouraging Word
Don Wilton
Grace To You
John MacArthur
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
Wisdom for the Heart
Dr. Stephen Davey

Will you know what day of the week it is.

It's Thursday.

That means thoroughly Jewish Thursday here we go stage for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience have president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown what were going to talk about the language today to talk about the Hebrew Scriptures really take your Jewish related calls hopefully will give you some interesting insights, edifying insights all the way it is thoroughly Jewish Thursday Michael Brown delighted to be with you before we dive into some of the content for today I want to remind you that if you have any Jewish related question of any kind. Hebrew related Israel related messianic prophecy related contemporary Israel Islam related questions 866-34-TRUTH 87884 is the number to call. Last night I had a delightful time speaking to a group of about 100 young people aged 14 to 26 that had come together for an intensive week of training and equipping encountering God, and I was asked to address moral and cultural issues, and at the table before the event. Some folks were having dinner college that was on the air with me just a few days ago when his daughter, what is she eight years old.

Maybe she wanted me to know that she knew the number to call 866-34-TRUTH. She is a regular listener for listening right now I'm smiling. I hope you are to so phone lines are open. Have you read my latest article from Lassie to game of thrones. What has become of America is getting some good response a lot of interest. You can read it by going to my website. Asked Dr. Brown a SK or it is accepted from my new book coming out in September, saving a sick America.

September is going to be here before you know it to download the introduction and first chapter absolute absolutely free to watch the trailer which is a compelling three minute video go to saving a sick download the first chapter and then if you want to order the book preordered it. A signed and numbered copy such collectors edition that we do with the very first printing of the book Discover website asked Dr. and you can do that so when I came to faith 1971.

She knows a heavy drug using hippie rock drummer. I knew very little Hebrew at that time I did, I did have Hebrew classes for a few years leading up to that are permits for classes that I had through the age of 13, I was bar mitzvahed but it was very superficial. No fault of the synagogue. This was the level of our interest of us kids and with the synagogue therefore provided so we go in a few afternoons a week after our regular school and we have these classes, we learn a little Jewish history and we learn to speak a little Hebrew. I mean very very little in a few sentences. Maybe that was it. We learn that the script and then we prepare for a bar mitzvah. So we learn a portion of the Scriptures that we would then chant learn to chant at our bar mitzvah and the level of spirituality was such was so low was so nominal that we never even said them discuss the passage in English and thought about it in English and and talk through what it meant and spiritual significance.

We were just taught to the chanted in Hebrew so now a few years later, whatever Hebrew I knew of our forgotten almost all of it. I come to face get wonderfully born again start reading the Bible. The Bible represent King James Bible, start reading that in English and devouring that and then I get challenged challenged by the rabbis and others who say hey you're very sincere young man, very zealous, but you know Hebrew. Teach us to tell us what to believe they had a valid objection to say Jesus change my life and prophesy the Hebrew Scriptures. But I can't review I teach the rabbis the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 86. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown back to early Jewish Michael Brown delighted to be 866-348-7884 for any Jewish related questions that you have is always welcome calls from those who differ with me in the faith. Fellow Jews have different perspectives but anyone with a Jewish related question. You are welcome to call so I remember a conversation I had with the local rabbi who had befriended me shortly after I came to faith.

He was not the rabbi who bar mitzvahed me. He was a gentleman. I remember who had six daughters never got to have a son. So, of course, and in many faiths and many cultures having summonses is important, and in Judaism you want to have at least one son and one daughter to fill, be fruitful and multiply, but I was his son up to you what you produce summary at six daughters very kindly man but II came to faith after he had moved on from being the rabbi and the new rabbi was fresh out of Jewish theological seminary I was 16. He was maybe 26, 27 brilliant man and he immediately befriended me and for quite some time for the next couple of years would spend time with me extra for several years we spent time with me whenever he could. We would debate issues and he would take me to meet different rabbis and bring me to different places of Jewish learning just to expose me to to try to find someplace work. I would connect and renounce my faith in Jesus and become a traditional Jew, so we were having a discussion early on and remember, remember, I I had now been devouring the Scriptures in English skews me.

I was reading the Scriptures in English devouring the Scriptures in English and he would challenge me constantly about the Hebrew so by the way, just a quick note we are making a massive studio transition. We have have completely switched around to major offices in our building and making a complete switch that's can enable us to do much more with video as we join our line of fire broadcasts a very exciting things I can't share yet but will be able to do because of that I'm broadcasting from a different location which does not have the so-called cough button the mute button if you have to clear your throat. You press the button and it mutes you for that split second so my apologies for not having my cough button, mute button, where I am. But if you need to clear your throat all do it together. There we go right so on devouring the Scriptures in English right and I'm talking to the rabbi he said was of the Hebrew says it's misquoted its misinterpretation or mistranslation in going back and forth and I said to him about it on and start college and whatever time I start to learn Hebrew. In the meantime, I use the dictionary in the back of Strong's concordance not let me just say this, that's that was the source I had at that time.

All right had a strong's concordance and in the back you can look up the Hebrew word used but I didn't have any linguistic knowledge, and I didn't know some of the weaknesses of using the dictionary in the back of Strong's, and the dictionary back of Strong's is is not what people using straws. The reusing is a concordance. Now of course we just have software and burn yourself on your search for anything minded and instant. But then you have the concordances were incredible works in you. Decades of research to put them together and and great great help and use them for years and years and years, but the dictionary in the back, especially if Hebrew had various weaknesses. Add one Strong's was done there were there were various theories about the language about Hebrew that you could speculate more about the root meaning of a word or something like that in and here is the primary route of the primitive root meaning of it and there was more speculation than you'll see in the later dictionary source that that the value of Strong's concordance was the concordance dictionary in the back, especially for Hebrew was of less value and sometimes if you did not use it correctly could be misleading. All right.

Greek was less so misleading, but there are still problems less you know how to use it properly. Anyway, anyway. So I say the rabbi will in the meantime before learn Hebrew.

In the meantime, I'll use the dictionary in the back of Strong's concordance and I remember the rabbi replied to me meantime she meantime, if you don't know the Hebrew doesn't mean a thing. Now here's right differ with. I believe that when God gave us his word, which is ultimately an Hebrew little bit Aramaic and then in Greek he gave in such a way that could be translated. In fact, the Greek itself is a translation. What I mean. Paul wrote in Greek and and I believe the bulk of the New Testament was originally written in Greek, but all the words of Jesus. They want originally in Greek. They read Aramaic or Hebrew. So already we have the words translate this was God's way of saying I want to get this out to the whole world see it's very different to the Koran. Yes, there are translations of the crime but technically they are not the Koran in the older days you would see translations called the meaning of the Cromwell because theoretically once it's translated out of Arabic. It's no longer the Koran, so there are Muslims who pray their prayers daily Arabic but don't understand what they're saying this (Arabic and and one of my friends met a man in Pakistan that had memorized the entire Koran in Arabic but he didn't understand a word it just be member is led by Bob blow blow buddy Billy Bob but just just not saying Arabic sounds like that I'm just saying it was all foreign to him, but he memorized because it was sacred text symbol memorize it in and urge you translations you can understand, and Pakistan.

But no, it's not really the Crawfords translated consist of the rhythm in the in the Ryman the feeling all of that. Yes the Bible is rich in the original languages.

Yes, it's wonderful and glorious in the original languages, but it was God's intent to get the message out to the whole world, and therefore when you're reading your Bible in English reading the Bible that just reading the meaning of the Bible.

Now, there are numerous numerous translations which is a blessing because we can sort through those various translations we can compare them and you can compare Christian versions with Jewish versions and Protestant versions with Catholic versions and older versions with newer versions and you can see in verse after verse after verse after verse renders essential harmony. Verse after verse after verse after verse where where there is not really disagreement about what the text says maybe just slightly different ways of saying it and then you'll find verses here and there with this dispute and what's interesting is unless you get to the level of being a first-class scholar of Hebrew or Greek, you're not going to be able to decide definitively which reading is best which translation is best that while I said that because the scholars involved in the translations are first-class, scholar, cinema good translations in a timeout something miserable with the Jehovah's Witness New World translation. It's just abysmal right ultimate good, solid translations that you have top scholars of the Hebrew and the Greek working on these and who know the culture and the background of the theology and things like that and and and if they can't decide it's unlikely that if you have see year of Greek or your Hebrew to be able to decide what I'm saying is feel secure in reading the English translation not come to something that that came up yesterday on the come to that, momentarily or little later in the show where I explained to a caller with the Hebrew meant an end.

He pushed back when you're just saying what Michael Heiser said and asked if he could read Hebrew. He got very indignant and can read the Bible on knowingly that I wasn't questioning whether he could read the Bible have understanding and I wasn't telling him he couldn't be right on a thousand points. I could be wrong in a thousand points of the issue he was correcting me on Hebrew, but he could read Hebrew, I can read Hebrew okay it passed by God's grace. He called me to learn these things to study these things and spend spend decades about life immersed in this okay get advanced degrees in these things it doesn't mean that if we both sit down to read the Bible in English that I can understand it better than you. It doesn't mean that it doesn't mean that if you asked the Holy Spirit for insight. He won't give it to you because you can only read it in English or Spanish or whatever your native languages and I could read original Hebrew and in some of the original Greek of all my hubris much stronger than the Greek does mean that all it simply means if I'm telling you, by the way this Hebrew idiom means thus and such that actually know what I'm talking about okay and that if you're gonna tell me why I'm wrong. Could you read English will then that's where I would think you are a mistake. But the amazing thing is when I took the challenge of this rabbi and studied and learned and studied and learned more studies the more I learned, the stronger my faith foundation became not weaker the stronger one, because we are on the side of truth. Example we come back in the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution there again is Dr. Michael Brown.

Looking back to thoroughly Thursday 866-34-TRUTH 7884. Let me give you little Hebrew insight here a little, little background okay. There are times when you learn something at a superficial level, and you think you've you've mastered the field right you I remember you learn the Greek alphabet and suddenly I knew something old man out like it. I know the Greek alphabet. Look at that. Just a complex first day of class. Kind of vague and sadly I know it all while Wiggins I know the Greek alphabet because because my friends that know the Greek alphabet, so I was somebody right and then you can read your first sentence in Greek and make out the words and loudly like your world-class scholar. It look we that's human nature. Right. We know little bit more than the next person we think that there were special right of but what often happens is that we read the New Testament read the Bible as if an critics to this session say we put the critics will do this is if the biblical authors were just a bunch of ignoramuses or that you know that the those that that edited things are put the text in places we have it to how we get that the final edition of the book of Jeremiah, the way we have it to Jeremiah himself edited. Bruce described edited to be have some disciples that put it in its final form EL well� This doesn't flow well with this not what may be were missing something. Maybe were missing something.

Why make the assumption that the people putting this together just didn't know anything that they words. This is a going to bed. As we are close contradicts this line doesn't work well with outline will maybe there's a reason. Maybe there's something deeper. Maybe it's more than we actually understand. Could that be a possibility. You see the difference is you have set your give you my standard illustration. Some guy comes up to you and he says I your your your just starting to learn science and in the related field and physics in your you kinda new at this right. I made maybe your you know your got your Masters degree.

But you know when your PhD level and so on. Just an end, someone hands you this and they say it was decades ago, I've discovered something that's going to change science. It's like a major secret of the universe and Anna in here and they had your paper equals MC squared role.

Yet this is the big discovery on E equals MC squared your wrote on the back of a napkin body of all this is the big discovery will what it is is one who wrote that Albert Einstein was at such a genius level and so far beyond where you were that you can have the capability of recognizing or if it's me and I'm just, you know, a few years into my sign studies in physics and everything else related, you hand me. This equals MC squared.

I'm looking as like a with you. This is the big revelation all yet is gonna change the world. All I'm sure yeah but you got it will all that would do is expose my ignorance. Okay so it's the same with biblical authors that sometimes the critics will attack and set out like Matthew mistranslated this that he'd understand the Hebrew here for the gospel writers got it completely wrong since they were just a bunch of nitwits and look we know better were smarter than them, but then some scholars working on the gospel of Matthew said interview he likes to, paraphrase Barry his treasures and in you have to dig to find them. There is you have to have insight into Hebrew or Greek or or know what he's saying. In addition, mean just reading it at face value will be edified, but what you think is a contradiction or problem know there's actually something deeper going on so I give you classic example since you've heard this, but many many haven't sold Matthew chapter 2 Matthew chapter 2, he talks about how Yeshua and his family.

Jesus and his family come out of Egypt and they settle in Nazareth right in Galilee says and he went and lived in a city called Nazareth. So Joseph in the family. So what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled that he would be called a Nazarene city wall. Matthew made something up, Matthew made a mistake. There's no prophecy that says he's going to be called a Nazarene and and I'm looking at various translations. The and RSV new revised standard version. The NLT the new living translation, which is a mild paraphrase. I'm just scanning some of these, the new King James that they actually have it." He shall be called a Nazarene's" so you soak it will.

Where is this you scour your concordances you go through the Hebrew Bible and you you can't find it anywhere. Nowhere that that you that you look at it doesn't work. Think will wear with Matthew make it up.

This is because ignorant he sitting around writing his gospel one day anything to the prophet suddenly makes it up well.

If you set ignorant. Why was the product of many years of work and and and why was this and pass on so referentially through the centuries and and and why did early scribes recognize he made a mistake and fix it correct, it removes the verse or change it or something because they make a mistake because you got to dig deep per got it. Got to dig deeper so he doesn't use his normal will normally will start his normal quote formula is normal formula for quoting right he uses something only here all right, which is a plural. He says this so that was so what was spoken by the prophets plural but was spoken by the prophets plural social.

He's not quoting a single verse or he's he's telling us by the language. He's not quoting a single verse so somehow the prophets said the prophets spoke of something that was now fulfilled by his dwelling in Nazareth.

Okay well what what are they talking about what how about the prophecies about him being meek and lowly, or with no account of humble origins like the beginning of Isaiah 53 that would point to that as well, but scholars believe and I agree that it goes deeper. There's a play on words here all right.

So for example in a Hebrew translation. He lives in a place called Bexar. It and he's call the knots re-all right when is he call the knots re-a Nazarene in the Bible want to see. He given that were Nazarene when is he given that title.

What I say 11 one says that the son of David, the Messiah will be a net's air will be a shoot branch that comes out of the stump and other prophets. Zechariah Jeremiah said he'll be a branch a different word for branch. There and here.

Isaiah says he'll be Annette's air right and let's say are some of living in Nazareth and not three there's a play on words there so Matthew was gathering a number of things said by the prophets about his loneliness is a basement is is having humble origins and also says he's going to be Annette Sarah branch social so picture this, you know, they settled enough place called branch town is the prophets say that well is gonna be a ranch Madison dig deep.

That's what he's talking about dig deeper. It's the line of fire with your host activist author internationals leader and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown is yes this is Michael Brown here welcome to go on a fire, 866-348-7884 there is an interesting article in the Jerusalem Post today a July 3, 18th Adam Rask on and it says this, the envoy, ambassador to Algeria from Saudi Arabia said that Hamas is a terrorist group that this is significant. All right, this certainly is following on the heels of Pres. Trump's address in Saudi Arabia speaking against Islamic terrorists that you might say well that's like that the pot calling the kettle black. Because Saudi Arabia are they are they are they are exporters of terror mean most of the 9/11 terrorist came from Saudi Arabia and their their Wahhabi Islam is radical and and sharia law is practiced. I understand all those points and I don't minimize those realities and certainly the radical Islamic stance of Saudi Arabia easily gives place to terrorism and engages in ongoing wars with radical Shiite Muslims as well.

So countries like Yemen have been torn apart by wars between Saudi Arabia and Iran, or more broadly a Sunni and Shiite Islam in their more radical forms. Nonetheless, to the extent the groups like Hamas are isolated and identified as terror specifically because of their their ongoing attacks against Israel. That to me is positive. All right obviously want to See Larger Changes Take Pl. in Saudi Arabia but this specific, I take is positive so the article says Saudi ambassador to Algeria Sawhney bin Abdullah Sally on Wednesday unequivocally said in an interview that Hamas is a terrorist realization quote. Of course it. Hamas is classified. It certainly is. If it seeks to create and cause problems.

Seleucid women Algeria based on the whole reporter asked him Saudi Arabia considers Hamas terrorist group. Now I don't have this in front of me in a transcription if it was in Arabic. If there's any nuance here but I would take it seriously enough in the Jerusalem Post being reported that this is accurate. Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip frequently endorses and carried out cars of violent attacks against Israeli military personnel and civilians is United States and European Union all considered Hamas to be a terrorist group sleep also criticize some Hamas leaders for living lavish lifestyles outside of Gaza. Yes, that terrorist groups have gotten rich off the funding from the rest of the world. So we stated the right to resistance is guaranteed to the PLO that was sitting in a five-star hotel in Qatar carry out conspiracies.

From there it should be that one is with his people and trying to advance this issue so obviously still as a religious Muslim is a Saudi leader. He is anti-Israel and pro-quote resistance all right so he's criticizing Hamas perhaps for their methods or maybe because Hamas is at war with the Palestinian Authority, or maybe because their key leaders. Some of them allegedly live richly lavishly outside of Gaza article says some Hamas leaders, including former Hamas police Borough chief Khalid Michelle reside in expensive hotels in Doha over many top leaders of Hamas, including its current politburo chairman is nothing near live in relatively modest conditions and Gaza Jerusalem post is stating that as objectively as it can. So it's one thing to say that we stand against Israel is Muslims.

It's another thing to support Hamas and it significant that statements like this are being made.

Look, it's it's it's a timestamp still massive issues. Saudi is on the other rig on the wrong side of Houston, many ways, but every little step positive step will direct that number by its goal with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown and transport joining us today on the line of fire. Michael Brown delighted to be with you. 863487884 that is number to call if you got a Jewish related Hebrew related question.

Let's see if RFI can try to sort this one out. It's a bit lengthy on Twitter. I appreciate the perseverance of the individual posting here in the names little funny, otherwise I'd give it but I told folks if they can call to go ahead and post so we try to read this.

What part of the Jewish nation is the part that allowed the Gentiles become to become say because there were Jewish Christians worst the heart of a nation that God holds accountable as a whole.

Jewish people individually saved it Israel still backslidden that the people in charge the government because there are some Jews that are Christians. At the same token, the angel said to Abraham if there be only 10 the city I will save the city today if there would be 10 Jews was not held Israel's account.

I just want to know what God is basing his decisions on if you know thanks in advance so if I understand the question correctly what you're saying is this when Paul writes in Romans 11 that hardness came to Israel because of its rejection of the Messiah and that branches were broken off so that Gentile branches could be grafted in. So natural olive branches were broken off of the olive tree speak of the nation of Israel and and roots. Beyond that, back to the patriarchs. So branches individual Israelites broken off so that Gentile branches could be grafted in part of the nation's and turned.

How does God deal with the nation today is what the whole nation does is it what individual Jews do.

How does how does it work. Those are the questions being asked. How does God judge and if God spared was going to spare Sodom and Gomorrah if he could find just 10 righteous people, but he didn't. Then Arthur more than 10 righteous in Israel today but let's let's treat this in reverse order.

First, God wiped out Sodom because of the extreme sin that was there and if there had been 10 righteous people through Abraham's intercession, God would not have destroyed the whole city doesn't mean judgment of some nature wouldn't come, but he would not of wiped out the whole wall has he wiped out all of his yes.

So on that level. He has preserved the people of Israel by his mercy by his mercy. But even if it was looking for 10 God-fearing people in the nation, and on every generation is going to find that obviously so that's that's not the issue. He is not totally wiped us out, but no matter what he's promised not to be city. Discipline us would not totally wipe us out. That's found in Jeremiah chapter 31 versus 35 to 37 most clearly. But how does he deal with the nation. Well, it's basically the way the national leadership turns. That's the way the nation turns the way the national leadership turns is the way the nation turns when you read the books of Kings and Chronicles what you read when you read Judges you read with the people do, but you primarily read with the leaders do and as they go. The nation goes. So, for example, when Jesus rebukes the religious hypocrites. In Matthew 23. What is he saying nice. He's been speaking to the religious leaders.

The leaders of the nation and rebuking the hypocrites was a sale.

Jerusalem Jerusalem who killed the prophets and stone those sent you how often I want to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing so cool was that woman will Jerusalem, which is representative of the Jewish leadership is the Jewish leadership went. Ultimately, that's how the nation went so it's the same in Israel today the nation as a whole is not a believing nation may be 75% of the nation is primarily secular. They may not work on the Sabbath, because that's the national flow there it's it's a day off from from much work. However, depends on what city are in certain things are open. Certain things are not, however, many Israelis right time of the year Sabbath or at the beach there.

They are not praying and in synagogue and studying all day there there at the beach by because there primarily secular and religious Jews very zealous, very devoted very much keeping the commandments by they are or not believers in Jesus to shorten in any way, shape, size or form they be extremely hostile to Jews believing in him so so. In short, in short, I look at the national leadership that the leading rabbis, the leaders of the people they are the ones that set the tone, the rest of the nation, follows in that way, so individuals can always be saved. Individual Israelites can always be born-again individual anyone right does matter who you are, what your back on as anyone can turn to the Lord by his grace and be saved. Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, but on a national level, there will have to be national repentance for there to be full spiritual restoration on a national level, and that's what we'll see happen and Zechariah the 12th chapter.

We just take a look at that Zechariah chapter 12 Zechariah chapter 12 and look at what's written there and let's see what translational reads from let's let's read from the complete Jewish Bible right. This will give us a bit more of the Hebrew touches we do a prophecy word of Adonai comparing concerning Israel or Israel. There is the message from a mama who stretched out the heavens, laid the foundation of the earth, and formed the spirit inside human beings.

I will make you shall I'm a cup that will stagger the surrounding peoples even who.will be caught up in the sea against you shall I'm see who Duckworth Judah when that day comes, I'll make you shall I'm just Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples all try to lift it will hurt themselves of all the earth nations will be massed against her. This friends has not yet happened. This has not yet happened. It is not yet come to pass. Okay Jew Jerusalem has not yet been surrounded by enemy armies from around the world that has not yet happened.

Zechariah 14 lays that I was well well it was fulfilled in the structure Druze leader said no it doesn't work. This is simply does not work. I choose your podcast for some and he tried to argue that this was fulfilled in the book of Esther. What in the world is book of Esther. No not fulfill the book of Esther, the Jewish population largely exiled from Jerusalem at that time.

Well that's it is a prophetic interpreted no nonsense nonsense. I got a little disturbed with the podcast fellows interview myths of Monaghan entertainments nonsense. So this is not yet happened. This future when that day comes, as Adonai, I will strike all the horses with panic and their riders with madness. I will keep watch over you who.but I will strike blind all the horses of the People's the leaders of you who die will say to themselves, those living or shall I am on my strength throughout all knots follow their God, the Lord of hosts, their God. When that day comes, I will make the leaders of you a blazing fire pan in a pile of wood like a fiery torch among sheaves of grain. They will devour all the surrounding peoples on the right and on the left. Shall I will be inhabiting your own place. Adonai will save the tense of you who.1st, so that the glory of the house of David in the house and the glory of those living in Jerusalem will not appear greater that of you who.that they comes out and I will defend those living in, you shall I'm on that to even some of them stumbles will be like David David in the house of David will be like God, like the angel of Adonai before the that day comes, I will seek to destroy all nations attack you shall I'm and I will pour out on the house of David on the on on those living should show on the spirit of grace and prayer.

They will look to me whom they pierced. They will mourn for him as one mourns for an only son. They will be in bitterness on his behalf. Like the bitterness of her firstborn son that day comes, there will be great morning and you shall I'm more like that for her dog Ramon in the Megiddo Valley then the land will mourn each family by itself, the family, the house of David by itself, and their wives by themselves.

The family house of Nathan the Tom by itself, and their wives by themselves. The family house of Lady Levi by itself, and their wives by themselves. The family of of should be by itself and their wives by themselves alter many families, each parts of their wives, mom sources can be massive national morning to recognize and recognize the one we rejected the woman's office. The customer problems in section #� When they pierced. As a result.

Zechariah 13: that day comes spring will be opened up to the house of David living in Jerusalem to cleanse them from sin. As the day along the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown thanks for joining us on the line of fire Michael Brown here.

It is thoroughly Jewish Thursday, 866-34-TRUTH for your Jewish related questions. Here's one posted on my personal Facebook page, Jessica, people are destroying the Star of David, because they say it's a pagan symbol when I was in Israel. I was told comes from the shield of David is that correct Jessica. There's no reason to destroy it because it has a rich history with in Judaism for centuries, but it also has a history outside of Judaism.

All right, it is it is one of these emblems, which has been used in different circles. It has been used in pagan circles and it is been used in Jewish circles in and of itself. It is neutral. Okay so for example a mom looking a Jewish and I'm looking up again David, which is David's shield which you mention this is the hexagram formed by the combination of two equal equilateral triangles uses a symbol of Julius. That's what the mug and every David shield is for the Star of David is placed upon synagogues, sacred vessels, and the like, and was adopted as a device by the American Jewish publication Society in 1873, all right. And then goes on with further explanations here and it says in the magic papyri soliciting Jewish encyclopedia in the magic papyri of antiquity pentagrams together with stars and other signs are frequently found on amulets bearing the Jewish names of God and are used to guard against fever and other diseases. So this goes back further of the pentagram called Solomon's seal is also used as a talisman. So this is a magical superstitious item to to ward off evil. And some think that the Hindus derive it from the Semites, although they by no means proves that Jewish or Semitic origin of the site. In other words, it's been used by different groups. Okay it's it's been used by Hindus.

It's been used by different Semitic groups that it's been utilized by the Jewish people. So, in and of itself, in and of itself.

The symbol is neutral and the so-called shield of David is something that was developed within Jewish tradition on the hexagram so was it first used for magical purposes. What was it first used for those and then later used for Jewish purposes neutral itself in just different groups of users that can be debated, but in itself, it's perfectly fine to use here. Let me give you an example of self. When I was in India the first time in 1993 the first of my 25 trips there 24, 25 trips are II was taken aback by what I thought was old anti-Semitism because I saw swastikas all over the place.

While I know the Indians were that hostile.

I did. I do know that that the Indians were were more anti-Semites like that will that was meant that no connection to the Nazis.

The swastika was a Hindu symbol for good luck for it for good fortune and the Nazis used at the Nazis borrowed from Hinduism borrowed from the culture and took that this this of good luck symbol and made it the Nazi symbol that I sought in a different context. I thought wow the Hindus in India got it from the Nazis and they were all anti-Semites know that at all. It was the Nazis got this symbol from Hinduism right and it simply was a symbol of good luck or fortune. I'm in the civil itself is good symbol Gabi symbol.

I'm simply saying it had nothing to do with Nazis or nationalism or German radicalism or anti-Semitism or anything in of itself was just a symbol of good luck and fortune.

So the hexagram could been a symbol that was used by different groups because of the imagery and you put different text inside and so on. But to the extent it's been associated with Israel and the Jewish people.

All right, it's perfectly valid.

There's no reason to destroy it in less for you. Maybe you came out of something some satanic group or some satanic cult or something like that and and they actually used it for those purposes. They used it for some type of satanic purpose and now it had that negative meaning to you and whenever you saw that you can follow the fun you should have it you should use but in and of itself.

The symbol is neutral and suffused within Jewish tradition. It is fine. It is not a problem whatsoever. Like everything else would people be guided by their own conscience just don't react as if there's some major issue here. So Jessica, I'm with you on that. No reason for people to be throwing them out or to what Bill I want to take your question right on the other side of the break. Okay, I don't have time to get into it now. So what will start taking calls on the other side of the break.

866-34-TRUTH 784 with any Hebrew related question Jewish related question Israel related question that you do have the remind you if you have not yet downloaded absolutely free the introduction and first chapter of my new book, saving a sick America. You will want to do it.

It is eye-opening. It is compelling. It is engaging. If you want to get a snippet of it I just go to my website.

Asked Dr. and you can read a part of the first chapter there is a standalone article you can read it there and and then you'll see a link at the end to click on where you can download the introduction, which is also compelling, and the whole first chapter. This will draw you in saving a sick America.

We start by talking about how sick we are. But then where we go from there is eye opening edifying life-changing.

You can order you can preorder assigned number collectors edition of the book. It's going to be a beautiful hardcover coming out late September, Thomas Nelson, but we can try to get the pre-our orders out earlier so signed and numbered this way. It's a one-of-a-kind thing we only do it with the first printing. Whether it's the first hundred first 500 books that are ordered. That's what we do. I have the joy of signing them of the Scripture verse for each of you. I believe I believe there is hope for initial listen, we are in an urgent situation. We I was talking on people last night and one young lady said she's at USC and she's in a video design class and its very very liberal. The whole program is very very liberal in its USC California top of it but she said every class.

She has every professor, every student the beginning of every class they have to give their their PGP their preferred gender pronouns so I would say I am Mike.

He his ham that's I want to be identified by could say I'm I'm gender binary. And I want to be identified as the server is something like that and this is our every class, every professor B student. There is a certain social madness. We have fallen into friends.

In this book. By God's grace provides a way out saving a sick America can order your signed you can download the first chapter it saving a sick America will you know what day of the week it is. It's Thursday.

That means thoroughly Jewish Thursday here we go it's time for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

Thanks so much for joining us today. It is thoroughly Jewish Thursday 866-34-TRUTH 7884 there was a listener disgruntled with me the end of yesterday's show that took the time to write it. And although we get tons of emails sent or way certain things are sent to my attention so this was sent to my attention and Victoria. I want to respond to you little bit later in the broadcaster email was sent to me yet.

Got to me right and I will respond. I appreciate you writing and will respond in its Hebrew related welcome welcome to the broadcast 866-34-TRUTH any Hebrew related Jewish related Israel related question you have for me of any kind. Be happy to take your questions and calls not want to talk to about the Hebrew language and to some interesting things give you some interesting insights as well.

But let's start on the phones will go to Fort Mill Road was last night, Fort Mill, South Carolina Bill welcome to Lana fire, you're probably on your show measure thing I have been told that Jesus fulfilled over 300 Old Testament prophecies in his first coming and I would like to know what is the one that you would consider exhibit a number one profit if somebody would just walk up, you would ask for the number one Old Testament predictive messianic prophecy was fulfilled by Jesus, proving his Messiah yes or the first thing is the number one prophecy I would point to is Isaiah chapter 53, but I want to clarify the idea we always hear the Jesus refill 300 messianic prophecies in a sense that's misleading because many of the prophecies are not overt prophecies, they are enhanced they are references, there are parallels.

So for example, Matthew 215 quotes Hosea 11, one out of Egypt I called my son talk about how Jesus is a boy went with his family into Egypt and was called out of Egypt back into the land of of Israel back to Judea. What was a little one is not a prophecy, Hosea 11 was talk about Israel in its infancy. When into Egypt, and God called his son Israel out of Egypt. And yet Israel continues to disobey and worship idols. So what Matthew is saying is not that it's a direct prophecy, but rather as it happened to Israel in its infancy. Israel God son. So what happened to the Messiah and his infancy Messiah God son or for example when when Psalm 41 is quoted, the one who dips his bread with me.

The one who ate with me has now betrayed me right and NL Jesus makes reference to that book that's originally a Psalm of David where he talks about the sickness in his sin and things like that and he was betrayed by close friend and Jesus is saying as it happened to David, so also what happened to me. So these are not all direct prophecies.

It's more that the gospel writers see all of the Hebrew Scriptures, pointing to the Messiah. So in that sense it's it's a it's a symphony with different voices and instruments sounding and pointing to him. But as far as a clearest, direct prophecy, Isaiah 5213 to 5312 which we just referred was is a 53 to build. This is deftly the number one exhibit Isaiah 5213 to 5312 definitely number one pointing to Jesus as the Messiah. Suffering for sin being rejected by our people and misunderstood yet dying for sin and rising from the dead. That's the number one for more info on that. Go to my Jewish website.

Real real member gives the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown in the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown friend even though we do this every Thursday and we start with musical clip. Most most segments always ready to start talking to the distal product. Many a time I just opened her mouth to talk and there is the music so thoroughly Jewish Thursday here we are 866487884 couple questions posted on my personal Facebook account. Edwin people Jewish. If only one of their parents and students does it make it make a difference does it matter. Excuse me if it's their mother or father. Edwin according to traditional Judaism. You are Jewish. If your mother is Jewish right, according to traditional Judaism and they would base that largely on say the accounts in Ezra Nehemiah when the. The Jewish man forced their wives when they intermarried with with pagans and they divorce their wives that they sent off the wives and children. The implication being that the children of pagan wives were therefore pagan themselves with the children of Gentile wives were therefore Gentile themselves.

However, others would say well look, you have throughout the Old Testament intermarriage where an Israelite man marries a Gentile woman. Solomon did that was numerous wives and there is no hint that their offspring were not considered Jews or Israelites, so some would say no. The lineages traced through the father of a reformed Jew liberal Jews today would say either the mother or father that makes you Jewish Nazis they would've said even a grandparent you with your one quarter Jewish of a Jewish grandparent that makes you Jewish, but the prevailing view through most of Jewish history say in in in the last 1500 to 2000 years.

The prevailing view has been that if your mother is Jewish or Jewish. My understanding in the understanding of some messianic Jews because Scripture does not say it explicitly is that if either your mother or father Jewish and you were raised with any sense of Jewish consciousness that you were raised understanding. Hey, I'm Jewish because if your mother father was Jewish, then you should consider yourself Jewish not in terms of salvation. We need the Messiah. We need Jesus just sent you a gentle need him just the same. There's an interesting account though and in acts chapter 16 and and look at what's written there and then scholars discuss this in terms of the implications of the text, but acts chapter 16 a. Paul came also the Derby and solicitor, a disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a Jewish woman who was a believer, but his father was a Greek.

He was well spoken of by the brothers of blistering meconium.

Paul wanted Timothy to accompany him and he took him and circumcised because of the Jews are in those places, for they all knew that his father was a Greek.

His mother was Jewish. So Paul circumcised the newest father was a Greek so he hadn't been circumcised at birth into the mother didn't care or the father was against but either either way. Either way he was. He was circumcised by Paul now in Galatians 2 Paul says that there was pressure to circumcised.

Titus who is a Gentile believer with them, but they would not yield to the pressure, they would not yield to the pressure so white well because Titus was Gentile, so Paul is not yield to the pressure to have an circumcised role. You know Jesus is the Jewish Messiah that if you fall yet become Jewish be circumcised buses now why did he circumcised Timothy because he recognized Timothy as a Jew and he didn't want there to be any dispute when he was going to the Jews. Always his father's Greek now is most usually circumcised, but scholars say that probably indicates that there was an open debate.

At that time about this very question it if if it had been cut and dry that yeah will understand if your father's Gentile, but your mother's Jewish than you Jewish within you would been circumcised and everybody would recognize that while apparently, there was still debate at that point so what's my view. If you do, your mother, father, Jewish, and you grew up with any Jewish identity. You can consider yourself Jewish if your mother father Jewish. Now you recognize say I have I do have a blood connection back to the Jewish people, great feel joined in and and carry that connection phot if you feel that that Jewish identity that is now part of your life will then asked Lorca what what this actually means assuming going back to the Sinai covenant, the Lord, what is that actually mean however, the idea that only a few mothers Jewish the traditional Jewish way and and that if your father's respect but is not in your.your site. I don't see that having scriptural forcible wanted. What about the argument that used this is not the only argument of traditional Judaism. What about the argument that hey went when the men divorce their wives that they they sent off the children as well. What if they keep the children. I think there are a few reasons for one reason is this that they would not have the capability of caring for the children and nurturing the children that would be both the mother, the wife would do the men would be out working in an caring care for various responsibilities and will have some work responsibilities, but otherwise they they be the ones caring for the billets that you got a six month old baby who keeps that the mother followed to the mother right got in her two-year-old affordability keeps at the mother father obviously the mother just a practical cultural thing.

Okay so that's that's .1 .2 if the union itself was a sinful union got site. In other words, the intermarriage was sinful. It was an explicit violation of the commandment they were marrying pregnancies are not women who were now following the God of Israel and living for the God of Israel and raising the children as if they were Israelites. These were Gentile women pagan women with their own religion their own gods, whatever.

Okay there. The relationships themselves were sinful.

This is not a Ruth join herself to the people of Israel.

This is a sinful relationship done in violation of the commandments, for example, Deuteronomy 7 not to intermarry. So what is it mean if it sinful from the start when you repent you repent holistic so you repent of the marriage and repent of the fruit of the marriage that would be separation and that's it's just very hard very extreme but certainly understandable in terms of biblical law and the standards I don't think in any way proves that that the the mother is the deciding factor as to whether the child is Jewish or not. Okay Stan, to what extent you take the understanding of the divine counsel worldview. How prevalent is it in the Bible there is no question that the Old Testament paints the picture of one God and one God only only one creator only one who is truly God only one cowboy right and everything else is created. Everything else is subject to him and created it is not like the Council of the gods where you've got warring gods and you've got it on the ancient Greek world and you know this God fighting against that God and their devotees battling it out here on the earth or the ancient Babylonian creation accounts work. This God's money gets that God in this God chops this God and peace Nono if one sovereign God one ruler, one king, that's why. Exodus 15 asked the question who is like you among the gods become mocha by Liam Adonai right so Yahweh who is like you among the gods there are these other gods, small G gods these other deities right and and what's behind them really are demon powers. There are these other deities that people worship there are these other entities in the spirit realm, but they're all created by God so whether they were fallen Angels that then became worshiped by the peoples, whether that's the same as demonic beings that were worshiped by the peoples. Paul tells the Corinthians that that the gods of the nations are just demons. We understand that there's only one God. So the divine counsel does the Bible speak of that. Yes it does it does in and who is it speaking up.

Well, if you look for example at Job 1 and Job 2 would suggest that the angels appear before the Lord, and in this case, Satan or the accuser, the adversary himself is in their midst.

That's a whole other story. What's he doing there had to get there.

That's a whole other story of the speculation on that.

So you have Yahweh and the angelic counts and you have accounts like first Kings 22 were God says to essential counsel K who will go and see they have a have who will go in this once is this this one says that.

To that extent is a divine counsel and that is how God rules and reigns and carries out his edicts have a kingdom that I think is clear in Scripture, we will file the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown thinks friendliness Mrs. Michael Brown used the villagers Thursday one of my grads just texted me this so I know it's the villagers Thursday, but this is hot off the press. It's maybe an hour out now in Christianity today. Big news yesterday was there's an interview with Jonathan Merritt and he injuries Eugene Peterson said if he was asked to perform the same six what he would do it and it gays, lesbians in Sturgis before they seem to have the same spiritual life. Everybody else and they didn't really know didn't really matter, so we been going through the the chain of command to to get some for publisher so I could interact with them privately.

People say when you get it right on this Reagan address that I saw but I will as possible, but try to reach out privately to understand and find out what he believes it is their way to dialogue with them about it. Well Christianity today is just publish this, a day after religion news service interview portrayed retired pastor North Eugene Peterson as affirming same-sex marriage.

The evangelical leader retracts his response and affirms the biblical view of marriage. Instead, quote to clarify, I affirm the biblical view of marriage one man to a woman. I affirm a biblical view of everything. He said the statement. He also regrets the confusion and bombast and the thought of the remarks which were widely shared and commented on yesterday Peterson wrote recently. Reporter asked me whether my personal opinions about homosexuality and same-sex marriage have changed over the years, I presume, I was asked this question because of my former career as a pastor in the Presbyterian Church USA, which recently from homosexuality and began allowing its clergy to perform same-sex weddings and retired from the pastor more than 25 years ago I dodged the reporter that I haven't had a lot of experience with to clarify our firm. The biblical view of marriage one man to one woman. I affirm a biblical view of everything. So in an article titled best-selling author Eugene Peterson changes his mind on gay marriage. Religion is service, start as emeritus Peterson quote. If you are pastoring today in a gay couple in your church were Christians of good faith asked you to perform the same six wedding ceremony. Is it something you would do it.

Responded yes to clarify 80 or four-year-old pastor said that it is 29 years as a pastor in your sense, I've never perform the same six wedding there been asked.

Frankly, I hope I never am asked this report, however, asked a hypothetical question. If are pastoring today and if good couple were a gay couple were Christians a good faith and if this may perform their wedding ceremony if if if pastors don't have the luxury of indulging in hip-hop hypothetical hypotheticals excited to be honest, no sun or what I typically use Peterson went on to say that because of the biblical view of marriage, he would not marry same-sex couple when put on the spot for this particular interview I said yes in the moment, but on further reflection and prayer.

I would like to retract that it's not something I would do. Out of respect to the congregation. The larger church body and historical biblical Christian view in teaching on marriage, that's it, I would still love such a couples, the pastor they'd be welcome at my table along with everybody else right so on the one hand, I very much appreciate Eugene Peterson clarifying that comment and folk it. In fact, under the posted right now on our Facebook page. Let's just see here all right under the post. This even as the miracle of modern technology. Right that on the poster so others of this content can read it for themselves and I appreciate him retracting that and saying what he says 84 years old. Also, I appreciate his integrity wanted to get that out now. Obviously I would differ with certain aspects of what said there okay I would. I would certainly differ with the idea of of hay if if there Christians a same-sex couple could actually be practicing Christians if if you're practicing homosexuality than I would say that you are not following Jesus right if you're practicing homosexuality. You are not following Jesus. It's one thing to be same-sex attracted and struggle all of us struggle with different issues.

Some very deep sofa struggle with issues that feel like this is who I am to the core of my being. But in Jesus.

Realistically, this is not actually who I am a new creation, but I'm still a fallen human being being renewed so I might have certain lusts. I might have certain romantic attractions I might have certain emotions might have certain tendencies I might have certain desires that are contrary to the Lord and contrary to the cross. Okay so because of that, because of that II don't identify with the act, which I struggle with greed. Let's iced over drill is jealous� Struggle with lust with the struggle with anger. I don't identify that. That's not who I am. If I'm in Jesus, am a new creation of his son on his mom's daughter child of the father, all right, a brother or sister of of of the Messiah. That's how I identified not by a particular struggle or or or challenge that I might have. This is part of the flesh. Even if it feels to be a very real part pry a real is that I'm a prideful Christians know what I would set him of pridefulness and if you know I wouldn't identify like that I'm a follower of Jesus and foggy shoe you struggle yeah sometimes this prize like always there yeah like these negative thoughts all the time or you're just like this. Judging of other people. It's like, okay, but this and who I am to sit who you are.

Those could be things hypothetically the different ones of us struggle with but in any case I II appreciate Eugene Peterson. Obviously, a gentle soul, not not a battler or a fighter and just being candid about this, but I'm glad he had the integrity to immediately say what he said and maybe he'll reflect on a little further and maybe God will use them to even sharpen his view on that right so just wanted to share that with you II thought it was important and worth sharing. 8663 for 87884 David Austin awarded Jewish people's views on the Trinity, especially since it is an prevalent in the Old Testament are under him answer that Anubis on the break and Robert were the best books to give to Jewish friends all answer that as well.

On the other side of the break. Hey, have you downloaded the introduction and opening chapter to my new book coming out September, saving a sick America have you watch the three minute trailer people writing to me and said wow that's compelling the trails compelling and reading lots of responses to an excerpt from chapter 1 that I posted on that I posted on in an article form today from Lassie to game of thrones.

What's become of America what's happened to America. So here's how you can download the introduction and the first chapter absolutely free. Go to saving a sick saving a sick if you like what you read and you want to get a signed and numbered collectors edition. This is from the first printing we signed a number could be forget 100 preorders for 300 or 500 whatever number is 200 we we we number them so you know out of the first printing. The very first books that were shipped, number them. Sign up and for some it just has special value, and I enjoy doing it. People say I got number 41 number eight item 1 item 200 it's cool to meet the folks if you'd like that preorder and asked Dr. use it right on the homepage will be right back answering your question. It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speed and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown looking friends to our early Jewish Thursday broadcasts this is Michael Brown delighted with you. If you have a Jewish Hebrew Israel related question I will be taking calls, 8663 foray eight 784 been answering some questions posted on social media in the first 90 minutes of the show, but right now phone lines open 866-34-TRUTH right before this segment started. I know many of you all over DFW area of the parts the country just tuning in. Now I do want you to hear that Dr. Eugene Peterson who is the translator of the message that since an influential Christian leader yesterday an interview he was quoted as saying if he was asked to perform a same-sex wedding ceremony for comments. Would he do it.

He said yes he is issued a statement saying no I would not do it either from a biblical view of marriage one man to a woman. I affirm a biblical view of every thing so for some of you who wanted me to jump in on that immediately. I immediately tried to make contact with Prof. Peterson beverages lipolysis. If there's someone that I know that says something publicly friend of mine, a colleague semi-access to the make a public statement that's erroneous if I asked on the air of immediacy. I saw a different but I'm trying to reach out. I'll try to contact them first. Common courtesy right and even clarification. Why do they call to that, etc. right saw made economically back and help to Mabel Sedona. I made a mistake. I blew it mean that okay fine fine so if if I don't have direct access to them, but I'm birds about their position. I will try to reach them. Right now I can take weeks, but we will try to reach if we get a refusal. No response. Then I go ahead and write an open letter if it someone I know I'm not can I get access to write but let let's say for example that Pres. Obama said something. I differed with writer Pres. Trump sits in a different with what if I felt burden to address it that I write my open letter, can one see if I'll get back to me.

I got my people trying to track down the Pres., no on-site can happen. Okay even if I have someone that that is close to the president am I gonna presume make a present for me.

I got it I do take issue with something right so even though I have a relationship with Prof. Peterson until personally know someone of the top my head that's a good friend of his of the could put us in touch ethics so that we try to reach out first so is that interesting though that wall people are jumping all over and saying you know, and I was totally surprised to see a discussion of how how strong he wasn't certain viewpoints was so wasn't totally surprised, but that is not his reflected position. So just want to mention that okay question I was asked on my personal Facebook page, which was one of the best books to give to Jewish friends.

What depends where they're at with their thinking is but if they have any interest whatsoever in finding about finance who Jesus is. Given my book, the real culture. Jesus, because I interact with an Orthodox rabbi there. The fun and interesting hate you rubbish moly famous Rabbi. He wrote the book kosher Jesus check this out is a friend irrevocably keep you in a book called the real culture.

Jesus managers will take it, read it, it will be eye-opening for them.

Another good book is they thought for themselves.

They thought for themselves. It is the stories of 10 different Jews you know what Hindu priest.

There are some some Jewish guy got to yoga or whatever sub Jewish woman who survived the Holocaust or my own story. While not a traditional Jew 10 different Jews. They thought for themselves.

That's a real good book to give to Jewish friends as well so those just a couple. I would recommend Robert, you asked me that I received your message regarding Jim Brownson.

Sorry, not familiar with the message, which speak of right back with your calls and questions number by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown in a foreign really were 878848 twitter question asked this them to go to the phones in a moment wise and stoning permitted to date server not under the Sinai covenant. We are not under the Sinai covenant. If you are a traditional Jew, then you say that we have ongoing application in Jewish tradition through which God continues to speak because the Jewish leaders have to apply the Jewish law in every generation and stoning is nuts of that be done.

Also, even a traditional view that would want to would sit you have to have a certain Jewish government in place in Jewish sovereignty so that is not the ability to carry it out. According to the letter of Jewish traditional law. I would say simply that we are under in doing better covenant. So for example in in the Hebrew Scriptures where people were put to death for various sins, so if you're an Israelite, you practiced adultery. You were put to death right what happens in the New Testament, you're part of a of the congregation of believers, and you claim to be followers of Jesus, Yeshua, and your committing adultery. What is pulsing first with a swap excommunicate the people put them out right so what we do not stone them. This this was something under the Sinai covenant where God appeared to the whole nation and and in that sense was the intimate God of the whole nation, and therefore the penalties for disobedience were much more strict, but the spiritual penalties are more severe. That's with Hebrews 10 says so he who disobey the law of Moses died without mercy under the penalty of two or three witnesses that was terrible punishment that was that was strong punishment, fearful punishment, but how much worse is it to be spiritually cut off from the Lord and fall under his judgment. That's what happened.

So we have a new and better covenant and the penalties are different in this world with the spiritual penalties.

The implications are even more severe. 86634 we go to the phones and Baltimore Michael, welcome to the line of fire hi good afternoon Dr. Michael, Sir Dr. Michael quality: from Baltimore. Now my question is if we look at Matthew 2751 about the veil of the temple ring temperature after Jesus died. Now my question specifically is what all the signs that are historically verifiable that God used the coming years that the old covenant was over and he was beginning a new covenant yes or so that the first and biggest thing we have to look at is just the reality of the Messiah coming into the world, working miracles for three years demonstrating that he was the one and then rising from the dead, appearing with it before up to 500 witnesses and then

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