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From “Chaos” in the White House to Al Gore and Climate Change to Loving Your Enemies Redemptively

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
August 1, 2017 5:01 pm

From “Chaos” in the White House to Al Gore and Climate Change to Loving Your Enemies Redemptively

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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August 1, 2017 5:01 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 08/01/17.

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So what's God's perspective on the president. The White House world issues, North Korea, Russia will do her best to step back and give you kingdom perspective on the news stage for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown wonder about that. Not just what would Jesus do, but what would Jesus say what is his perspective. What is the Lord's perspective on what's happening in the world around us. We say don't even think about it, don't even think about your government is pray for them don't even think about world issues just concentrate on worshiping God and making disciples. Would he say you need to understand what's going on so you can better function as salt and light would be different callings for different individuals, some to be more engage some to be less engaged.

This is Michael Brown. Welcome to the line of fire. We will do our best to give you a kingdom perspective on what's happening in the world around us. 866-34-TRUTH if you like to call in. If you have a question for me if you have an area where you differ with me. Give me a call 866-348-7884 that is the number to call. Okay, when it comes to our president. Yes, things have been chaotic in terms of people in people out different press secretary different Chief of Staff Anthony Skinner Mucci brought on and then 10 days later. Let go. No sooner did I write an article on what the hiring of Anthony Skinner. Mucci tells us about Pres. Tromp so that I write that that he was fired could've written this letter. Article 2 days later because I would on a Friday. It was posted on Sunday.

Monday was a Monday that that he was fired yesterday so I could've written an article just changed from what the firing of the start which he tells us, I mean that's how quickly things are changed as people say there's chaos in the White House and Pres. Crump's been saying there is no chaos. I was reminded of the book that my friend Lance Wall Mount Rose called God's chaos candidate about resident trump. This is when he was candidate Crump depicted the sum of a divine wrecking ball and is who said many times, wrecking balls, do a lot of good wrecking balls do a lot of harm you got an old building that needs to be demolished that wrecking ball does an amazing job in a short period of time when you looking to renovate a bedroom in your house. You don't want to use a wrecking ball. The whole house will come down there times wrecking ball. The times for surgeons, but the idea of Donald Trump in God's chaos candidate. It seems that the KI and this was less formal writing in a supportive way not a critical way really seems like the chaos has continued in that regard, and of course there is constant constant father for the news outlets it's it's like feeding blooding meat to a shark and water mean there there swarming on the latest story and so much to talk about endless new cycles, but in the midst of it are we able to step back and civil what is God doing what we able to step back in and say what should our response be in on a regular basis. Regular basis that I hear from people when you're going to admit that you were wrong about Donald Trump by which some mean when you got admit that you were wrong and not backing him enthusiastically others me when you get to be wrong for that ongoing really tearing him down in a critical so I'm not out to please people, because whatever I say something like seven ocular life is different but bottom line is this your best to speak truth sort issues out to give you some perspective. Second hour climate change, love your enemies level to come stay with her hair on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown White House and even some questions about North Korea and Russia and where things or going before we get into that want to revisit once again the tragic situation with Charlie Gort. There's another case in the UK where a baby is on life support.

There are at least a half-dozen hospitals I've read in America that say they're willing to treat the child.

The doctors in England are recommending the child be taken off life support, even though they don't know why exactly. He's been in a coma these months as average as I understand the situation so the question is, is there something different in America are our policies different. In America I heard from an emergency room physician emergency care physician in Singapore who wrote with respect for ministry and was concerned because of the amount of influence. We have lots of people's lives that what I wrote about Charlie Gort is misleading and separates us from focusing on the real issue which is euthanasia and this physician's feeling was that I was against palliative care and that I don't realize that every single day doctors making life-and-death decisions and courts have to be involved with end-of-life issues and these are cases that we face in America as well. So because of the passion with which this Dr. communicated to us and because he had posted things on Facebook and the written Torah ministry.

Then it was passed on to me by folks or ministry. So every so often the be something that that her team feels especially important for me to look at and L take a look at. It was everything that comes in, the staff is able responded every so often the site need to look at this. So I wrote back. I sent some of the articles that I felt were relevant and and I want to make a few things clear.

And then if you're listening. And your doctor you're involved in healthcare or you're involved in courts regarding healthcare, I'd love to get your perspective.

I posted this on Facebook and I'll see if I get some responses, but here's here's what I found and this was the government website of the NC BI, and it was ethical and legal issues relating to children. When children die and NCB.

I was at stand for national Council of bio Hannah. Let's look it up NCB I stands for national Center for biotechnology information in this article that I found was maybe a decade old or so, but in it. It said this right wing sure for a child's medical problem is unlikely or impossible. However, courts have been increasingly willing to allow parents to make decisions based on their subjective analyses of risks and benefits. If another physician can be found who agrees with the parents and testifies that she or he will assume responsibility for the care of the child after the original physicians declined to follow the parents wishes all courts will permit patient parents to remove their child to the other physician, even if the original physicians are convinced that the new physicians therapies are outside any accepted medical standard. If a child's life is not immediately threatened, even if the underlying condition is desperately serious. Most courts long-standing practice is to refuse to order that high-tech high risk therapies be given over parental objection so you got you got two sides hear from what I understand, and I'll be eager to see what would medical professionals add intrusive comments on her Facebook page on a strict route and if it's easier if you just comment there. You're unable to call in but your hearing. This may be after the show, you're not hearing it live or maybe you're at work and you can't call and go to the start about Facebook page a is K DR Brown like the page there and then go ahead and comment on this.

So it seems you have two scenarios here one scenario where a child is dying because this is having to do with ethical and legal issues with death of children are children who are dying in hospitals things like that.

So let's say every doctor in the hospital says there's nothing more we can do for your child there. There is no further treatment. Your child is slowly dying and we wish we had something else to tell your hearts break, but maybe child has a multitude live in you, you parent your searching online you're looking for every option you find a doctor, he's a he's a holistic document medical professional. He's got a completely different treatment. There's no guarantee it's gonna work it it it hasn't been proven to work, but there's a possibility that it would work and he's willing to to take the responsibility to say I want to go ahead and trees cannot guarantee anything right will go ahead and treat your child that as I understand this, that the courts will normally say okay it's up to the parents to make this decision as long as another physician is willing to sign off right and that the hospital couldn't stop you and the courts will say let the parents make the decision even if it is subjective and highly unlikely as long as another physician is without know what that parallel the trolley guard case where a professor in the US said that he was willing to administer an experimental treatment and they had money raised to bring him over to the states in my mind this would be a parallel circuit.

If this had been in America than the courts would have been inclined to say go ahead and do this even though all the doctors right there with the child.

Recommend against it is your choice as the parents and there's another doctor willing to take responsibility okay that's that's number one.

Second case scenario seems to be that if the hospital says listen, we can extend your child's life by a few months. This is this is a high risk treatment. It's not proven, but we really want to do it. Parents say no and the doctors cannot force them to, according to the view of courts. That's what I understand this to be saying that when it comes to Charlie Gort when it comes to the question of palliative care.

I'm all for palliative care when it is the right thing to do because we can potentially keep someone alive for years, even though there there's nothing really alive about them there there just hooked up to machines. And obviously it's gut wrenching to make the decision to unplug the machine that's keeping some alive through us to completely branded. They bring brain-dead for weeks. There's no possible hope of change coming.

Then you have to just accept a certain fact and going because in years past. In centuries past. You could not preserve someone's life the way we do today so we can unnaturally keep someone quote alive too long we have the capabilities understand doctors, hospitals, parents, individuals children are for their parents are making decisions constantly.

We were asked last fall to make these decisions regarding my mom. She was hospitalized she been in the emergency room about four different times for different things and was in the hospital being treated and we we got a call that they want to meet with us how to fill out all these forms about pallets of care so palliative care would be a can to hospice that you know there's no further treatment. So you want to keep them comfortable and you want to do it in an environment which is not as sterile and an unfamiliar and unfriendly as a hospital can be because hospitals are not there for social atmosphere there.

There they are to save lives and preserve lives so palliative care setting can can often be more friendly and less sterile in that regard enemy still intrusive clean. I mean sterile.

In terms of this the general atmosphere so we were asked to come in and meet and discuss palliative care, which would mean that certainly within the next few months there expecting her to pass away. What happened was used to started to get stronger and never was, shocked so she went back to the place that she was that had ongoing care whenever needed and then passed away suddenly their boat. I was ready for. If that's what they recommended. After all, she was 94 years old. We knew she was getting weaker and weaker and weaker and having a harder time just functioning so palliative care would make perfect sense and remarkably, she was on medication or anything like that sheet which was on life support. But they were going to put her in a different atmosphere. There's a time and place for that, and I'm all for and ultimately Charlie little Charlie passed away in in a hospice setting. The parents will bring them home in the.

The medical profession ruled against the courts ruled against the medical profession recommended against getting equipment in the house different things.

If it was just not viable and workable. So little Charlie passed when hospice setting. Yes, there is a time for them. I'm not debating that at all. My question remains gave the hospital gave the doctors authority parents get experimental treatment child. There was a professor doctor in America willing to administer literary effect for cleansing and gives the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown settling for each of 6784. Listen, I know that many of you take my word seriously and believe that I do careful research before I speak that I think things through before I speak and that is the case, by God's grace I do my best to be accurate to be careful when I am not sure about something to tell you that when I don't have expertise in an area to tell you that when I feel strongly about something to tell you that like everything else it's important that you weigh what I say that if it's a controversial issue that truly look at the facts that you weigh things based on the level of expertise that I have in a particular area, and entreat my words, the same as anyone else's. In that regard that you take things as seriously as they should be taken or not, depending on your assessment and your evaluation so James Jacob. The third chapter says not many of you should be teachers exhibit greater accountability for those of us who are teachers, so leaders are accountable, not just for their own laws with the lives of those they influence and and I do not want to be writing one thing one week and then correcting it.

The next week and retracting the next week and at no regular business doing that and you know this is live radio there plenty things that come up to chew on under the weight. I don't have something constructive to say were edifying or useful or helpful or with insight keep my mouth shut. That's why there plenty things.

I don't comment on because I don't think I have something fruitful and constructive to say when it comes to our president.

Please hear me on this. What ever I say understand that I am not his defender and I am not his attacker. My goal is not to make him look good or bring on a flood of gas that speak well of him or cherry pick things to puff him up and to say what a great job he's doing. My goal is not to attack him in every day to bring on critics and to talk about what's wrong here or there. My goal is to be constructive and specially to say that to my fellow believers in Jesus to my fellow followers of the Lord hears how we should evaluate things. I gave the analogy in my recent article using using this this figure that I've mentioned it before, the me mention it again think of someone who is an old world Italian Mafia leader right but he has a great respect for the Catholic Church. Even though within his own organization. He's a ruthless guy to him. That's his business.

This is the way the business is run and it holds things together. You know you neither the crime syndicate. They do their job to hold things that he rationalizes whatever, but he has great respect for the Catholic Church. Even though he himself is not a churchgoing man and he finds out that the the local parish is having real problems financially. The building needs renovation so he secretly gives a large donation to to fix the building and make it better than it was because he has great respect for the Catholic Church and feels it has an important role in society. I'm giving this hypothetical analogy now is go a step further. Father one step farther different screen further and faultless: step farther. So let's let's say that the priest he finds out is getting threatened by some thugs. Some young slugs in the area. They don't like them, they're threatening to beat him up or something to the Mafia leader since one of his serious hitmen and he tells these young guys you threaten him one more time and you don't wake up dead on the bottom of the river was concrete blocks around your feet is a lawyerly that's that's completely contradictory because he's standing up for priest but is threatening to kill people harassing the priest yet. Will that would be the contradiction in the person, but I think you could wrap your mind around that and see that so as I look at the president. Here's what I see even in his partying worldly days. From what I could tell he still had a certain respect for the church and respect for religion, though he himself was far from leaving a godly life. That's 12 as he's gotten older. He has settled down more. Which happens with plenty of people and become more conservative in some of his views while remaining the same person. He's been with the strengths and his weaknesses with his good qualities and his bad qualities now is as he leaned forward towards running for president a couple years back he began to associate with more and more evangelical Christians and godly leaders and individuals. Was this all a ploy to get votes. This is he's trying to court the favor whoever he can court and and here's a group he knows is important voting block and get their votes by being a pro-life candidate and so on and says Stanford religious liberty so good after all, is a con man is a businessman. O'Sullivan needs to suck whatever his motivation was initially. I don't know what it was. God knows and you don't hate you don't know either.

Let's not judge the secrets of people's hearts. We don't know what has become clear that is that he is impressed by these leaders.

He admires lots of qualities about them. He feels that they are standing for many things that are in America's past interests. All of this is positive and he's genuinely embraced a pro-life position.

He may not be able to articulate it the way others would pro-life leaders. He may not be 100% on every issue exactly the way we would say police genuinely embraced a pro-life position and he generally wants to be a champion of evangelical believers and other people of faith and religious liberties are preserved and it's clear by decisions he's made that he didn't have to make so he's just appealing to his baseball reference only based number one and number two. From everything I can tell from people who have been with him in private from some who have known him for years and some who have known him for months. He sincerely seems to want to be a champion of causes that are important to us. Does he still say and do things that I find objectionable, highly do I wish that he would go through different processes sometimes absolutely.

But I am better able to understand who the man is and how God is using him in the midst of the flaws in the errors in the mistakes okay not to think it's good with a revolving door so to say with veto this one hired this one fired you can question the way he fired James Coleman with Comey apparently finding out that he was fired when he saw a TV report this thought with a joke at first.

There things that again. I wish were done differently let him lead let them bypass what he feels is a lot of red tape. There many things tweets he sent out.

And yet I could see sincerity and stance that is taken so I is just based on my observation, so why make the statements, the status of critic of the president was a defender of what is one trying to understand the truth speak the truth and help us understand the man leading our country.

It's the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown many times in climate change is man-made in the climate change movement almost never correct.

Why, because I've never studied the issue and I don't feel that I have much to say about the issue. All I could just get on one bandwagon or the other writer or take the staunch conservative line or the skeptical line towards climate change or just bash the new the tree huggers right say, well, most scientists say this but but has been an area of focus renouncing its unimportant has been a refocus minutes one and two. I just don't have expertise there but in the second hour. My friend Larry Tomczak is going to come on and he's got some comments and thoughts running Al Gore book coming out on climate change and then they climate change will be talking to about that and then also the second hour.

My friend James Robison want to talk about the importance of prayer and then loving our enemies into the kingdom, but let let me give you an analogy here little story and then I'll apply to our present stories told about an old woman destitute. Love the Lord, but dirt poor lived in a little house and one day this boy who was a real religion marker God marker.

He is walking through the place where she is. She and others live passes her little rundown house and here's your praying all God your faithful. I love you. I trust you right now, Lord, you know I don't have a dime in my pocket.

I don't have any money I don't have any groceries. I'm hungry, Lord and I know the what to do, so I'm just asking you, Lord, I'm gonna take a walk on leave this house only take a walk for an hour to an when I come back. I am believing that you were given provide groceries for me right here in my house. So this woman of great faith but no earthly means takes a walk at this point fix all are you kidding me. What a perfect set up all your rutted to town because I do that.

Be back in 1/2 hour to buy groceries for her with my own body under the climate through the window here put them on her table understand outside and listen to her because you think God did it. Where's I did it so guy hustles at the town get stuff for sandwiches meats and vegetables and fruits all at the pool. There is get. A couple bags runs back with the bags in his arm looks around though and Susan sneaks in through the window, puts on the kitchen table and that he just purges out behind the house waiting for the outcome whole become so opens the door. It sees the bags of the kitchen table and begins to cry and she begins to praise God and she says all God you worked a miracle you sent me food all God, I can't thank you enough yourself faithful your miracle working God and little boy pries open. The weather is lady. God didn't send that food I brought it as she says I don't care if the devil brought it God sent it so here's the deal, whether you think Donald Trump is acting with ulterior motives. Whether you think this is all a con you think he's just trying to appeal to the conservative base that got him elected. He knows he needs the help of these white evangelicals or whoever. Whatever you think whatever urinalysis and justice. Be careful not to go beyond where you should go in terms of statements and judgments of things like that. But even if it was all true. The fact is new course of study and either way, the fact is the president banned those who identify as transgender from serving in the military. The fact is, he didn't celebrate June as is Gay pride month.

The fact is he standing strongly with Israel in a number of key ways.

The fact is, he's appointing other justices of the same qualities in Al Gore such to the district and Circuit Court appoint these appointments and and these justices can be more influential because 99% of cases that relate to Supreme Court so whatever the motivation where there is good that's happening in the midst of chaos and flaws rejoice in that right that you file the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown yesterday afternoon. Second hour I talked about strengths and weaknesses of the King James version of the Bible, God willing, in weeks ahead will highlight different translations versions paraphrases talk about strengths and weaknesses, but the first time for summer doing this, focusing on specific versus become a Bible translations many times we started. Of course, with the grandest English translation of them all. When that was the translation for centuries in the English world. The King James about strengths and weaknesses. If you missed any of that just go to the life I website the line of and when you were there. Just click on listen and you'll find yesterday show were crossing a post that is a YouTube video. We video recorded as I was talking better be posted as well. Shortly will let you know about that also.

Also, do you know if you preorder go to saving a sick and preorder with Amazon with Barnes & Noble with reviewed Christian book review you order from online if you preorder you will get sent immediately.

The first four chapters of the book in PDF and you'll also get a free e-book that I will call five ways to pray for America.

So if you haven't preordered yet go to saving a sick watch the trailer if you're not sure if you want preorder download for free. The intro and first chapter of the book. That's it. Saving a sick you can also watch the trailer that lots of folks are talking about calling awesome and very very powerful. 86634 okay that can't posted to the wrong place so we just change that. There okay still waiting for folks to wait and we have lots of Facebook followers will over 1/2 million and they comment very actively but I asked a very specific question for doctors or folks involved in healthcare and its technical so we haven't gotten comments yet.

Last night I tweeted something out and then I posted it as well on our Facebook page and I meds I just said this this of this pastors and worship leaders remember your call to edify, not entertain, to equip a spiritual army not perform for watching audience something happened earlier in the night that made me think of that because of that I posted that comment well. I expected just automatically that virtually everybody would agree with virtually everybody would say amen or adding a comment in other words, I found nothing controversial about it. That really loves the Lord and those in ministry that love the Lord love the people of God. Every pastor I work with a worship leader.

I work with would agree with that statement and things are nothing controversial about and as I look now it reach of 54,000 people in God. So for over 1.7 thousand likes and I was 500 shares of free shocked to see that one person real snow block and they got so offensive accused me of attacking those who preach the cross wanted to make a buck off of my attacks and slandering the spirit to the point of blasphemy that unreal.

I mean you you you make a comment that is a truthful comment. I'm not mentioning names like this on unwanted people. Prince preach the cross.

I am wanting people to lead us into the presence of God and yet it gets taken.

Certainly so so here's a little little teachable moment okay I don't know if you've done this, but I have often misheard what someone was saying either.

II miss read one word and I thought it said something else or I miss understood why they were saying what they were saying. I heard them through a particular context. All right, I heard them through filtered it wrong because I filtered it wrongly. I thought that they were saying something very different. Okay and often we do that, I may say something and you may assume I'm a certain person or coming from a certain perspective. I remember, for example, when we were having weeks of discussion about racial tensions were having weeks of of interaction is probably after the killing of trave on Martin and the Zimmerman trial and so on. We were talk about these issues and I was constantly trying to understand different perspectives. What if I grew up in a poor neighborhood where if I grew up in a more affluent neighborhood. What if I grew up in an African-American home. What if I grew up in this environment or that environment so I was learning so much from from my listeners because of different perspectives and different upbringings and and as we've had these discussions over the years. They really shaped my understanding so I could say things pretty plainly I could say things pretty plainly and included pretty forthrightly because over months of talking years of people listening to me. We built up a certain report in a certain trust so I I summarized a lot of things by saying as I see it as I see it that white Americans often don't see racism when it is there in black Americans often see racism when it isn't there. These are our respective blind spots and people were calling in Hispanic, Asian, white, black, different backgrounds and agreeing with what I'm saying this; hostile, negative, angry with me. It happened to be a listener that had not normally listen to me and hissing was who gives you the right to talk about the shooting. Gropper I grep you deliver. I lived etc. and I was somewhat shocked except will be taught to find out they had just turned in the first time that day.

You have the context of the conversation in the trust that had been earned between my listeners and knee over the period of time here. I was just last night playing a game on my phone.

I have a word game that are played maybe once a day for a few minutes just for little diversion and it it you have these definitions and you have to you have to find the words that are broken up in pieces and it's in.

I'm on my plate for for for 23 minutes something like that and I saw something that said walking the runway and or their walk the runway and it's it was models that was cracker, which is broken up into smaller syllables netted piecing together, among many others. While I read it as walks the plank said runway walks the plank something walks up like it's death, it's pirates. It's this that's that it's drowning walks the plank and then finally when I saw models I thought all away I piece that together with all its is run like nothing I've done that. I just read the word wrong or heard the saying wrong often we make an assumption about where someone's coming from wheat we miss your word. We misunderstand a particular thing you would we we just filter it wrongly and because of that I'm saying so that you agree with and you attacked me.

I'm saying something that you believe and you attacked me.

Someone wrote an article someone wrote an article I wrote the article, I was the summit someone wrote a comment attacking recent articles month and in terms of reading comments in response to my articles closer posted many places.

Maybe I see one in 100 if it's really busy one. The issue whether the thousand.

Sometimes MEC five out of five comments, but normally figure 1 in 100 Aussie and I happen to see this one, it attacking my article point for point attacking article in civil respondent did you read this article because what you're arguing is exactly what he said.

In other words they were attacking me for not saying ABC was.

I did say ABC either. They only scan the article or they just looked at that the headline and summary or they read it wrongly so let's be careful friends, not just in what and how we say what we say. But in how we fear and how we listen and how we process and let's also remember you noticing loose lips sink ships.

Look at verses like Proverbs 1019 and Proverbs 13 three Proverbs 1821, among others, the power of the tongue Proverbs 15 for there are many related verses about the power of the tongue. We look at these verses remind it well look what happens with ethics garment.

She gets into a very very influential position apparently really wanted to have a position like that and in the White House and gives an interview that is completely unhinged and full of profanity and attacking others on staff and apparently flow instead that was one of the tipping points that got him dismissed the was forced to resign by incoming Gen. Kelly is White House Chief of Staff Russ man words they can they can bring life they can bring death. They can open up a lot of doors for you and a close in your face right back her plan by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown of your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Okay, one less thing and then on ramp call to when we look at the world situations.

Russia and North Korea of course the Russian actions now evicting what 750 of our diplomatic personnel from Russia expelling them.

This is a payback for things that Pres. Obama did when he wanted to basically slap Russia's hand for interfering in our elections so according to Vladimir Putin.

He was hoping things would change waiting for change without the change that he was taking action. Along with that Americans looking to impose different sanctions and assuming that prison trouble sign those into law. So things are ongoing. In that regard, North Korea continues to act in a more and more defiant way is crazy, enrolled as that nation is they put an incredible amount of money into military and certainly would be a tremendous threat to South Korea not to mention other parts of the world so right now I don't feel in my own heart particular tension that I might feel as if I felt something was ready to happen.

I mean, I'm perfect in my track record, but normally went limp. This something really ajar. The something really off of a sense it and it I don't feel that now I feel tensions rising, we all do but don't feel like we're right on the edge of some type of nuclear holocaust. But we need to pray daily if we can God your kingdom come, your will be done on this planet. May your name be held pray the Lord's prayer, the pray specifically Lord your will be done in Russia and North Korea according to your plan, your will Lord your restraint where it's needed to even though you have leaders that some may be hostile to God. Some may not know God at all semi-be religious in a certain form.

God is God. We believe God can restrain God can raise up God can bring down. Pray for wisdom for president. Whether you're on his side are not on his side in terms your own voting and perceptions. Pray for wisdom. Don't go proud of motion. Pray for God's plan and God's best, and then rest in him. This world is always in chaos. This world is always on the edge of explosion and I believe is not for God's restraining hand would've destroyed ourselves long ago. 866-34-TRUTH we will now switch subjects and go to the phones David in Baltimore.

Welcome to the line of fire over David and David's got you there. Commitment. Go ahead. Please would 125 when Abraham married my wife� Now particular deterrent in picture and the children he had from them away and one group of people would agree to date.

Also on face bill part of a beaten and parted. While not the of the covenant order is male.

But what got from yet an excellent question, and one that's very rarely asked David versus just take a look, there's something very, very significant here.

When we look in Exodus 25 and and you see this verse one Abraham again took a wife, so chronologically, this would be after the death of Sarah right so for reasons ontologically, and her name was Keturah and she brims around Yorkshire on May done midi on each box you know Sean and then he goes on from there and then it says and Abraham verse five gave all that he had to Isaac, but Abraham gave gifts to the sons of the concubines which Abraham had while he was still living he sent them eastward away from Isaac his son to the country of the East. So basically it's a okay you're my offspring physically and I'm in a bless you with gifts, but I'm sending away because the promise land that belongs to Isaac in his seat so roughly right that neither the promises to Isaac nor the promises to Ishmael apply to them and from what Paul tells us in Romans nine he reminds us that the promises go by way of the promisee to its Abraham, to Isaac, Isaac, Jacob, Jacob, to the 12 tribes of Israel. So one causes a bless those who bless you is that apply to that applies to the 12 tribes of Israel. That's right, Baylon, the book of numbers speaks that same blessing over the tribes of Israel, not over the Israelites not over the descendents of Keturah so they would be part of his physical offspring, but was no particular covenantal blessing and some of them, of course, would be completely lost in history. Others, for example, Midian. If we assume that this is the forefathers of of the people of Midian are related to them. These would be among the Arab peoples, Arab tribes, but you have a lot of shifting in the Middle East are it in the ancient world. The ancient middle and near East and in different different groups ruling in taking over and dominating her or her migrating. So we really can't trace most of them with any specificity. But if we could. We probably find most of them in these Middle Eastern tribes today that are much of the. The Arab and Muslim world that would be the assumption we just can't prove it definitively. In most cases, but I would also monitor Dr. that new owner could not prove that the impaired Melvin and not talk about the contractor, Catania. They are brother correct this or okay and I keep wondering that Satan had the Jewish people and not in the Muslim is milled defendant at each of the patent each other so it seems to me that he has filed that he has them into a first bed. Believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to fight the monthly travel three if they die without Christ. When all way around the boat you have the brothers killing tell that the defendant of the brother killing each other hate me double, and down without Christ and and I keep thinking about that. So what what would be your thoughts when you're absolutely right and in the same way the of the law was given through the seed of Abraham, to Isaac, and the prophets came to deceiving him through Isaac, the Messiah comes to the seed of Abraham through Isaac, and the. The apostles do as well. Summing you have on the one hand this profound blessing that's come, but only the remnant is received so David your you're right. The devils work overtime and then through. It was a city descendents of Ishmael is as most of us would trace it. You have a strongly monotheistic religion and stern people away from idols, but would save the not knowing God as he really is the one true God.

Interestingly Genesis 1612 the end of the verse about Ishmael, King James, you can James translate he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren. ESV he shall dwell over against all his kinsman NIV he will live in hostility towards all his brothers, some of thought that it was prophesied that Ishmael would live in hostility with Isaac, but you could make a good case for just reading that he'll live away from his brothers, or alongside them as supposed to be in hostility. Take a look and in Isaiah 19 Sir Isaiah 19 it speaks of an entire vision.

We are a serial which is Monday or rock in Egypt great countries of the Muslim world will worship alongside of Israel, so there will be a turning by God's grace. That's what we pray for. That's what we want for we want to see St. Lussier. Big time. Thank you from climate change to loving our enemies into the kingdom we got you covered today here on the line of fire. It's time for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown. I want to give you an encouraging update and call for your prayer should work for one of our sisters on the front lines. This is Michael Brown it's my delight to be with you today. If you minutes and will be joined by my friend Larry Tomczak talk about climate change. Al Gore has a book coming out how seriously should we take the issues of climate change and man-made climate change second half hour and speak a different James Robison about the importance of prayer and how to love our enemies into the kingdom of God before that.

Let me give you an update if you were listening to the show on Friday in the second half hour. I got a call from a woman, an anonymous caller somewhere in America who worked at a Planned Parenthood clinic and is herself a Christian took the job as a single mom for months ago because she needed the money, but is felt miserable working there stuff. Going to church because she felt miserable and broke down crying on the air talk about what happens to babies and Planned Parenthood facilities and I told her plainly. She could not go back to work. She did want to us. You can't start writing God's sight.

I sure that God would forgive her that God is never (which is why she feels this conviction while working there, and that if she needed help in the process that we knew folks that would gladly stand by her side, many immediately contacted us again about Abby Johnson. We hope to have Abby on the air in the coming weeks.

Abby Johnson had worked as a director of a Planned Parenthood clinic and then watching an ultrasound so the baby trying to fight for its life, and ultimately the children traumatized her.

She left Planned Parenthood try to silence her and the courts course he couldn't and she ended up having a a work helping people that lead Planned Parenthood to succumbing to pressure and and maybe are offered more money and just do this and whatever whatever it is, so I read from a colleague that I think it's 335 people. Now that she's documented of left Planned Parenthood in the Odyssey. The greatest voice to tell women tell men what actually happens in his clinics so we but before even heard that we reached out to to David Jason Benham and cities for life because this is a major ministry that they have a pro-life ministry based in Charlotte North Carolina but with templates that are being used around the country and we got someone from cities for life woman to reach out to our anonymous caller and yesterday the sister notify Planned Parenthood that she would not be coming back.

Yes, they offered her more money. Yes, she was talk told about the importance of what they do there. You don't want to have back alley abortions and things like that but she's held her ground. The cities for life organization is helping send a resume out to others for potential work and obviousness of his immediate financial needs, their friends will help her through that process, but these are life-and-death issues, friends, and on that on the radio to entertain anybody. We have fun together. We enjoy our time together but on the here entertain you to edify and build up and strengthen and I thank God for this format of life talk radio. This is why we do what we do. If you missed the call, discover what's in Esther to ASKGR you'll find it there and you can listen for yourself. We would put on YouTube. It's just the audio but it's been reported. A Christian posted an article on faith wired in an article out of the blaze did an article on it.

So this woman's voice is getting out speaking to many right back with Larry Tomczak talk climate change. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown is transferring joining us on the line of fire 866-34-TRUTH one of the subjects that you know I virtually never comment on this climate change. I have not studied it. I have no expertise and it. I know the larger scientific consensus that we hear about. I know of you saying it's not a consensus, the numbers have been fudged, and so on. Will there is climate change, but it's not man-made. Well, Al Gore has a new book coming out about this. Obviously, he's been the best known proponent of fighting against so-called man-made climate change, but for Larry Tomczak cultural commentator has written about this so I thought well it's relevant.

I don't have expertise but Larry's dug into this so let's remarry out to talk about it. Hey, great to have you on the broadcast. Thanks for joining us today on her again and thank you for the privilege that were gonna learn something that'll yes so Larry did you get involved in studying this issue well you know what Mike let me tell you that you made in our own you and I are longtime friend, you understand. I like hearing a burden that we as Christian are good stewards of the earth. I believe all of us have a responsibility in this challenge and we raised our kids just like you. You know, you honor God's creation, you avoid weight and be mindful of the less fortunate, and so you know you work in our home.

You know, you would know III could confirm that pretty high dive and pretty low. Another time, and we were sweaters and navigators and we don't waste anything. We have some little solar panels to get energy in. So I'm committed my status up front because sometimes when you talk about the topic. Mike and I got into what I thought were called to be good stewards of the earth and will call to you know be concerned with legitimate environmental issues in the back always been my approach 48 years of the Christian but I've noticed over the decade. There's been some alarming movement and champion of things in this realm that I believe can carry things too far and produce fear in people and then they start doing things are acting in certain ways. Contrary to what I believe is a balanced and healthy Christian life the way I Al Gore now not just a book 2599, you can see the sport but he had a movie. It's breaking it to be out this weekend nationwide and you know the first 20 years ago was an inconvenient truth, but now the an inconvenient and I need some real problems with this as I did with the first arts let's let's start to break them down. You have how many how many problems with what he's presenting here all I got a lot of them. I get it ready Mike. You know what 79 there was an Earth Day would not outboard.

A cause but there were all kind of predict, and they did come through the end of civilization.

In 1530 years. New Ice Age by 2000 hundred to 200 million debt starvation yearly for tenure. None of them came to pass, but there was an alarm if the back and then Al Gore put forth a movie and he lifted.

I'm not getting a prediction and I literally went back major expert they disagree on that they think this is junk science. People get departed. Al, our buddy Mr. Dent at the owl is getting rich off the you know I hate people that are hundred partners but I need electrolyte up to 2 million. Now you 200 million and a state you can be our first carbon billionaire so I looked at some of the predictions that he made and I can give you as many are you as you want. Let's start a Celexa. Let's let's let's go through a few we got time. Let's do it all right. Well in the first one you can check all that rising sea level. Well that was inaccurate and misleading. And they also found he purchased the beachfront mansion. After that I was interested. Number two would increase tornado well they been declining for decades. Number three a new Ice Age in Europe. Well they been spared.

It never happened.

Befit number for the South here would dry up completely untrue number five with massive flooding in China. In India never happened.

Number six melting Arctic falls. They had the largest refreezing in years. Just two years ago about this one polar bear extinction. Well there increasing our know I could go on and on and you know it. You may recall, one of the issues with our former president Obama what we were.

Many of us would think the most.

Kiss you very efficient facing of terrorism. What are our former president that know know know it it it's not that, and what he put forth what if issue of climate change and global warming and and and upon arriving, you don't make statements spared about it. There's going to be a massive well stop there. I don't want people thinking I'm alarm at your but I do think we should not speculate but rationally and biblically come let's reason together and let's take a look at what we can do to be good stewards what we can do to respect and teach our children about the environment and and using our resources to help especially the less fortunate, but not be motivated by fear, or you may have even seen Hollywood celebrities are getting in their big private jet and are telling us climate change, global warming, all the problems and that I think you're getting in your private jet. What one, why don't you do something about right. If you fly just got on a commercial plane and then cut down or maybe don't fly at all because of all the emissions and things so so Larry, here is a question yet there are people who think that when we reject the climate change hysteria or when we question Al Gore it's like were questioning established science that all scientists agree it's just too crazy fundamentalist Christians who for some reason can't accept this for you have your conservative agenda whenever it is.

Is it true that this is the slamdunk that all scientists agree with this and you have to be a fool not to, or is there disagreement from what you know in the scientific community as well.

In fact, I have a dear friend named Chris Rogers and he is the reducer of the film is called climate hostile and I recommend everyone looking today. You can Google climate hostile climate hostile the film cream you in Paris when the Paris Accord was put forth by the way our president in June removed us from this because it was committing us to billions of dollars in the cause befit it's a hoax.

Hundreds of millions around the world believe this is a hoax with being perpetrated here and so climate hostile previewed. While this Paris Accord would think that you hear from expert after expert out-of-court want with it Patrick or the legendary President of Greenpeace and environmentalists with all yet ;-) I would call him that there is no definitive scientific proof through real-world observation that carbon dioxide is possible for any of the slight warming of global climate which has occurred during the past 300 years and Mr. Moore and experts that he reject the quote science is settled. The debate is over mentality and more more people I think are our our theme. If older Donna nearby, 91% of Americans are not in global warming is the top issue so I just keep going back to the Christian everyone about be a good steward.

Use your resources. It had a boy from a homeless shelter in our home Friday starting Sunday we blessed and we got him school because we got a minor. We blessed people. We try to be generous but I'm stating resources to blessed the less fortunate. With my wife and family, but I don't want us as Christians to coming to you or guilt, or somehow being a ghetto in in in in some kind of I would think disagreement with our very God promised he would mean stability in the season and the ocean. Genesis 822 Genesis 911, Jeremiah 522.

We serve a sovereign God who is in charge, so please if you're listening to people. I hear these things and concerned. I saw Al Gore's book at Cosco notes is right on the future of human civilization is under threat.

Don't succumb to that kind of fear. I so healthy. Good stewardship that's common sense that's part of our biblical responsibility book of Revelation even speaks against those who destroy the earth. But the fear mongering the. The idea that civilization is about to collapse, etc. that that this is unhealthy and is destructive and you're saying is also without basis. It is interesting to go back a few decades and read warnings about the coming Ice Age and the extinction of the human race than those not getting to cold is getting too hot and I'm not mocking scientists on that a scientist and also I appreciate the research and work with Larry stick around. I've got another question I want to ask you and I want to tell readers where they can read your article and find out about the bull's-eye challenge as well, but why is it Larry that so many people on the far left. The coat tree huggers. The extreme animal rights activists are not pro-life they are, they tend to be very, very strong abortion proponents know if you thought that through the ghetto breaker will come back if you have any thoughts on that and I want people to read your article will give you some information. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown thanks friends for joining us in 14866. We are by God's grace your voice of moral sanity and spiritual clarity got an important announcement how to get a free e-book assure that with you in a moment but first back to my friend Larry Tomczak Larry years ago when I lived in Maryland when you lived in Maryland as well. There was a friend of ours lived a couple miles away, and he told us that folks were going through the neighborhood from Greenpeace so this is a radical left activist organization and save the world organization in terms of environment things at that sugar some causes they have that there were the but this fellow not to my friend store and was raising funds to help save the baby whales.

I'm sympathetic to saving baby whales. I assume slaughtered needlessly so he he said there were try to raise money to save the baby whales in my friend said to him, a more concerned with saving the baby humans and the Greenpeace guy got angry and walked away in a huff. Have you seen that over the years Larry that the people that have extreme concern for the environment or for tree or for an animal going extinct seem to be pro-abortion.

At the same time I have Mike and that that had edited cellular in the Bible that the God of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so people were not regenerated born again are not things the eyes that God intended us to see and so I think will meet for a cause are because we know was advancing God's rule bringing the gospel to our generation evangelizing some churches planted so we know God's priority. But if people are not linked up with the living God. Then they look for a cause, so it could be very because were talking of today and that could be commendable again curing it to Street, but I think it was Mike that that at the end of time. The two groups of people. Those of the state might will be done and those that state that I will be done. We saved I will be done so we align and conformed everything got called to do and that is speak up for those that are perishing.

We know when life begins John the Baptist in the womb hears the word in a week. We stand for pro-life but other individuals don't find a cause there selective but when you start touching this one about human life.

Unborn babies abortion think the of life. That's where I think they like to stay well.

A government is God or you know we choose our own clauses and our appeal is always to listen and try to understand where people are at with certain causes, but then turn and say but this is a human being in the womb.

And of course then you see the blindness when they say well I don't believe that the blubber tissue or whatever might get better if the if the dilemma of using items that we so I try to defend the people I think look your desire for the environment. I identify in X, Y, and Z areas and I commend you for your work. Could I take a few minutes now as I listen to you to share some things about my cause and then I'll try to share the gospel written with transition stock you know if I can in state sanctity of human life which is so close to God's heart and so what you do might you fight what am I on track with that. Yeah I mean is certainly that there there so many ways to look at it and I always try to boil things down and sinks through MMC reproaches the winsome approach and yeah a bit in your home.

I know how you live another frugality in the stewardship of witness that for many years for sure and your desire to help the poor and the needy side-by-side taken in your home and help where we can as I've tried to bottom line. This in terms of why there are these differences, it just struck me that if you believe that human life is created in the image of God, then that makes us different than animals. That makes us different than the environment, nature is not God. God is not in a tree the way God is in a human being re-damaging.

In particular, and and I look at it like that. Yet human beings were were made with it in the image of God and because of that we we care for justice and we have an in performance.

We get wrong as well. So there all the sins we wanted you could want to help, but if you don't recognize human beings created in the image of God, then hey, here's a mother and she's in distressing things I can bring another kid the world he whatever that mom needs you just that's great.

If it means terminating a pregnancy that that's fine. You do that, but there's a Davie Eagle. It's going to go extinct and look at the Eagles beautiful and so I may we have these totally skewed ways of looking at things with the life of an animal in the will becomes more important in the life of a baby and the woman. To me it's it's a fundamental worldview issue so that that gets us back to your bull's-eye challenge which we we always like to remind folks about friends think of 30 of the top issues of the day be at cultural issues moral issues. Abortion be at stewardship issues how you approach them for Larry Tomczak is put together a series of videos just a few minutes long watch them each day, then get his book on the bull's-eye challenge and then read the chapter Larry Hamm how much time you think someone needs to invest, say, one a day for a month to to digest these arguments to to listen to read all write it on perfect perfect.

When we talk of today, August 1 at 31 David what you got a date. Simply know if you will take a minute that's all.

And you get the book just on Amazon you get it overnight and start chemical 30 day 15 minute are your devotional time, and what you do is you watch a video. It's right there acceptable watch it to three four-minute little video on the topic transgender is social justice. As Mike said the topic and then you read a brief little chapter the book. It's like a printer.

It'll give you a biblical perspective will be biblically informed on the issue you're confident that take you three minutes and pray 15 minutes you use the month of August back-to-school face new challenges Mike it to me. It is such a help and resource so thank you for allowing me to make this boat go to bull's-eye bull's-eye and bury it. You could start the videos. Now you see him and get the book real quick on Amazon, yet it and go through it as a family go through. It is a Bible study go to is your church or maybe as a family however you want to do it, Mike.

I commend Matt and II know you when I work together. We want you like Martin Luther King said today. Darkness can't drive out darkness only like him and that's what were endeavoring to do and don't forget climate possible check that out an outstanding documentary I got it in your article on climate change. Where is the toasted charisma Barb wire will really find it. Yeah, they can go to charisma news. You know, we put in there like you do charisma news or Barb wire or WMD WMD has it WorldNetDaily and it's just basically a topic and you know here is that Henry to reject Al Gore one print one for only climate equal, another one for phony baloney and climb and investigate any and read it.

You see the quotes you get all the hyperlinked place that you go to, but we've got a calf today and let's keep bringing the gospel to our generation.

Amen. Like, keep up the great works joy to partner together. Thank you.

Love, I got less all right always a delight to touch my friend Larry Tomczak and again he's in for more research into this looked at it more carefully so check away has to say evaluated and by all means do all get caught up in the hysteria. It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 664 through here again is Dr. Michael Brown yes yes yes where makes a massive yes I believe in the statement that prayer changes things. Yes, we are changed as we pray and spend time in God's presence.

But not only so, because God has ordained prayer because God answers prayer because God will do certain things if we pray and not do other things.

If we don't pray and he says it plainly in his word, prayer is critically important.

It's amazing 24 hours in a day and with most of us having expendable time in the course of the day where we can choose to do with that time what we want.

It's amazing how little time we spend doing the most important thing we could possibly do to spend quality time with God. This is Michael Brown I'm sharing that with you. I'm sharing it with me as well moment were going to talk with James Robison about the importance of prayer and about loving our enemies into the kingdom but just want to share this with you quickly. My new book, saving a sick America comes out September 26 with Thomas Nelson publishers with a foreign fact, by James Robison and while the book is as sober as you can get I mean is eye-opening.

As you can get in terms of the current state of America how sick we are. The whole book is a prescription for moral and cultural transformation based on Scripture and with hope for awakening. I believe that the greatest awakening our history could still be ahead. I personally believe that it may seem impossible, but I lean into that because what's impossible with man as possible with God.

I lean into the impossibility. I lean into the hopelessness and that puts me totally leaning on God and I also know this.

I have my life. You have your life.

I have my family you have your family. I have my sphere of influence you have your sphere of influence. What if we within our own spheres of influence live out the gospel in your personal life and your family in your business and your associations in social media and with whatever other setting you have influence that you live a consistent godly life. So in saving a sick America I layout all the ways we can do that how we can be pro-life, how we can move away from a culture of death, which is not 70 with abortion but pervasive in our culture how we can have a purity revolution versus a sexual revolution how how we can overcome the entitlement mentality by by practicing biblical principles and the that the self-centeredness of our society and problems in the education system in every case to go back to the word back to the word back to God and say here's how we can see change come I've written an e-book that you can get for free when you preorder saving a sick America to get instructions on how to do they go to saving a sick You can watch the three minute trailer which many just after watching all this is while or wall are powerful it's it's a picture in three minutes of where we are today in America and and how things have changed in the last 40 or so years, 40 or 50 years but you can get a free e-book how to pray for America five ways to pray for America free mini e-book that will stir you and bless you and inspire you.

So go to saving a sick and their instructions regularly order Amazon, Barnes & Noble Christian book review normally order. Go ahead and order and then you send in the information you'll get the free e-book will also send you the first four chapters in advance. Even though the book to come out to September 26. So take a minute to do that get the free e-book with you. Preorder prepare to be blessed and stir error on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. I've said this before, but it is my friend James Robison joining us again on the air this week. When I think of my brother for the first word that comes to mind is redemptive, loving, and with that redemptive and whatever I'm writing articles and am always right on controversial issues. It's been in my heart before but through my fellowship with with James the last few years it's deepened. Whatever I'm doing. The redemptive be redemptive so I want to talk to James Robison about that as well as talk about the power pray James thanks for joining us again on the broadcast. So your all I know many times we are reactionary. Someone mistreats us. We get angry. Someone pushes us away. We want to push back but it seems that your reflex with God's built into you is when you see something ungodly or someone ungodly or wrong behavior. Your response is not to respond in kind, but rather to act redemptive limit how you do that and how do we get that attitude in our own hearts of Anglican kerning are expected responses to situations in a way that we think is appropriate for Christian but when something catches us off guard and I reaction is the normal response. I think that's a real test of what's in the vessel I break a glass jar full of muddy water muddy water comes out. You don't get honey wants to hurt preacher say that it will monitor Mark somebody part your vessel. That's what the matter will be honey stringer program arm and sharing welcome muddy buddy clearly knew that I was reactionary to all. But when the Holy Spirit really feel just overthrow the continual flow of the vessel yielded to God allowing that river logical price quote for in the supernatural response to the unexpected is his graciousness and forgiveness and I can't as a spirit filled Christian and as a true lover of Jesus can choose not to forgive us forgiveness lives and make Bryce lives in Bryce and true it won't be one the other, but it will be oh truth and righteousness to them. A yielded life of the believer. So I'm just family you see something that's disturbing to if we will pray for that person and ask God to use us to product and some white point them to the redemptive love and transport our God will actually find joy in my journey and we actually see not only supernatural responses or reactions to what comes up unexpectedly, but we also see miraculous impact and transformation when we allow that power flow and what you're saying. In short, is not me, it's about the other person because no man thinking you hurt me you wanted me you wrong me and that's when dealing with as opposed to how can I help you. You must be hurting some things going on in your own life, but that's how that's who Jesus is. That's who he is in us and this just came up in a conversation with us the other day about about someone that was in the spotlight for little bit and seem to be a bit of an unsavory character and your minute response was, I want to love on this person. I thought that's redemptive. I've already written remember pictures in my tracks and make calls to people that might get me with this I implemented was let go by Gen. Kerry, which was probably very wise decision, but Susan Marquardt was that he hasn't perhaps met somebody who really loves Jesus would not target acute religious rhetoric. But the really sure truth, transforming crew, so I was immediately reaching out and embraces the sunlight, I went to be with with Mr. Trump was also out of my mouth never stopped out of my just can't tell you how much I love closer, look like little glasses going at all 2401 things upright for because I was very bold or don't want to talk with them at birth was forced was possible for man to be with my energy.

He is one of the is what unconditional love on my part and everything else that was redemptive. I was after. Buying for myself. I was after something. I am planning to spend with all the American people, and it moved to Sun Prairie nonpertinent Gen. Kerry right now will be that Armstrong divorce back and look straight allows the president and speakers to bring about the relationship but I like that is like a farming. I was necessarily inviting the prophets were always brought it back most of morning so I know I'm sent I don't I don't get up in the morning wondering why I'm here. I been sent by God I'll be sent back to live, but it's probably the redemptive purpose and there's something that's very disarming to people you walk in like that first skirmish sets him back personal how to feel somebody that's not self-seeking, but when I received your abdomen, you want the best ball make you seem to have almost a contagious insolent claimant. Right now our president and print all of our leaders.

I want Congress to learn about Iraq.

One of the church behind the parameters of what that looks like you know Michael you been with me will always church leaders and all the diverse groups and I'm trying to bring them together in a supernatural unity submitted to the one here at the one part of it reallyso we as Americans, we own and as Christians we need to be praying for that to happen and we need to be asking God to help us behave in such unit is with yielded lives filled with the spirit so that we actually rebuilt what Jesus is like not some religious temperature impression but really, what is the right and frankly I see that it is item list to get him watching you grow and I'm watching you become stronger.

Everybody talks about upgrading your path to be the sponsor, the brown brick panic. I said yes but usually redemptive and you notice operative yes really good microstrip welling up in my business. I might have been Mike is his redemptive and him and I think that's what we have to be in that we need to pray for our leaders don't stop praying. We have an enemy that is all outside of the store everything that's valuable everything that is meaningful and and called disarray and destruction that I want to put us in darkness.

The enemies of his, but he turned in outer darkness, the father of lies was to get as much darkness as can both spiritually yes directly mock.

So I started our life in our mind and in our nation. Darkness, he wants her parents down and we've got to stand in the power of the Holy Spirit in a power prayer supernatural unity and stand against the forces of perception and darkness we have to do it and I think working answer prayer. Right now you know what's happening in the shakeup. I think that's not answer people's prayers that you had a post on the stream By the way, all of my articles are posted there are right one Oracle week exclusively for the stream and in all the other articles. Three. Further articles direct various websites all on the stream and then cutting edge comments are what's happening from news, but all from these redemptive perspectives. James you had a post linking to a video of yours but great news wrote about fake news, but great news you're doing, these fireside chats now on Facebook.

What are these about them and what you trying to do through these chats as you encourage other believers or hopefully by this time tomorrow if not by the I'm gonna post a critical explanation of what I know in prayer for the last decade or more, that the enemy intends for us to be very specific about it. I'm going to be very specific as a matter fact I might try look something disparate to grasp, but I'm sure he can state your life and millions of others. I can actually say browse from the ultimate destruction, but animate intends and so you pray for me because that right now is coming to this earlier post oriented grief are not the people stay with me, but it's not be so great that I don't like it clear I want to encourage people to really begin to look for substance and truth and not just some little quick little excerpt that that they don't meditate on.

People don't even read today to be educated and enlightened by basically do everything to try to make dinner tonight which is why so many of the YouTube poster entertaining a lot of times I have to do with Wildlife.

Everybody Watches Her Mother Some Funny Thing in a Family Believably Better. Also Give Honest Attention to Someone Actually Speaking the Truth That We Must Hear Because so Often, but Only Knowledge That Is Personal but and Set Us Free Nationally and We Can Actually Miss What the Enemy Is Intended Know What We Can Short-Circuit the Enemy's Intentions and the Power of the Spirit and I Will Guarantee You. Enemy Ever Has Is What and Does What He Wants to Be Only Way and the Only People That Will Rise up Out Of the Ashes to Reveal What Life Really Looks like Will Be the People. Dear God, Love God and Keep God. The Only People That Will Be Able to Rise up. Enemy Gets His Way in America. I am believing that we will get the mercy and grace and divine intervention of God, so I'll be talking about that, perhaps even by this evening.

You'll see it on Facebook just to ramp James Robinson and Baptist listen up city of the Lord, O my Facebook page as soon as I father sharing his heart seeking to share the father's heart surgeon.

Keep it up your speaking to many and we have a dearth of fathers today. So rev. James Robison on Facebook. I'll be looking for the post before talking to you soon. God bless you.

You her and it's the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown. I did my first show, looking at specific Bible translations over the course of an hour. We've done other shows and are taken many questions about Bible translations specific questions about specific translations or generic questions about translation principles or Hebrew and Greek questions taken was endlessly but I just thought let's spend a little bit more time give you a bit more of a resource spend the better part of an hour, focusing on one version at a time, or genre versions at a time so we started with King James that the obvious place to start in the English world English-speaking world English reading world and talk about strengths of the King James and weaknesses of the King James and for sure is not a perfect translation there is no perfect translation.

God's word is perfect but there's no perfect translation. However, if you will read the King James of the new King James. If you read the NIV of the NASB, if you read the ESV or the NET or the MAV or the HCS B or many many other versions that were produced by believers right you will find that on all fundamental points of the faith. There is agreement. You will still come to the same conclusions about God, you will still come to the same conclusions about salvation will still come to the same conclusions about who Jesus is, etc. you may have one verse that you're expecting to say a particular thing in a particular way and it doesn't, all right, but overall the message will be the same as for is how you should live as a believer. The overall message will be the same but I give a number of reasons as to why I recommend if you if you are familiar with the King James. Love you. Can James use a modern addition and modern rendition. The new King James be at the modern English version of the MAV which is the same Greek manuscripts for the New Testament and language syntax that's familiar yet modernized and correcting some of the mistakes because there are many in the conveyances was the perfect translation in the mistakes and translations today and scholars will differ about this or that of why this is why the advent and then English language change in sexual a caller was referencing the end of Mark 16 and I just mentioned that verses 9 to 20 that we have in our Bible sometimes bracketed, sometimes not likely that the original ending of Mark. No, I believe that they are correct and true that they reflect the words of Jesus himself that that's asked that that it's in harmony with what is taught in the rest of Scripture. So I've no problem with people reading them, quoting and preaching from them. I just say we are safe that the original ending of Mark. The vocabularies changed in this. Is this a syntactic break the grammar from verse eight going to verse nine.

Some excess of whatever reason, in the providence of God.

We don't have box original ending we have this ending fight. Amen. It wasn't arguing against some take a harder line about using it but I was so caller who slipped into this said lipid you need to read with John Burrs on Verizon. Verizon wrote better known as Dean Burge on the burdock need to read what he wrote and it's never been refused a spokesman for you. Many times people on his side just don't believe it's been refuted. So here's an article for example by my friend Dr. James Wyche and it's at AOM I Alpha Omega's if you type in AOM I and then Dean Burge on DE BU RG ON your fineness by the skull Dean Bergeron and his phantom manuscripts and this is written over 10 years ago when the most bizarre arguments made from King James only advocates is the claim made popular by the late 19th century Dean Bergeron attempted to explain why there are no extant Greek manuscripts with distinct KJV readings, or more specifically distinct readings from the Greek Byzantine form of text from the first 300 years of church history so in other words, even though the majority of Greek text that we have reflect the manuscripts used by the King James translators or the manuscript that Texas receptors. The fact is that the so-called majority text is not reflected in the earliest texts. So that's a questionable where are they that. Why don't we have the logical answer would be well. These must be additions that that these are not the original text.

But these are additions extra words or phrases or things were put in and the originals didn't have will, according to Dean Bergeron.

He claimed that because these banks whisper so popularly used extensively near the church. They "worn out there anytime you have to argue like that you have a problem that there is no evidence whatsoever to support your claim. So the only way to make your claim is to say, well, all the evidence must've disappeared that's that's a difficult argument to maintain, given that Kim seems really old King James version only advocates its version of not advancing substantial arguments up to this day.

You often hear this worn-out manuscript argument from many.

KJV O even today that again my issue is not with use and can James, if that's your print preferred Bible great. I memorize 4000 verses of the conveyances new believer read it cover to cover five times I I find it to be beautiful and powerful. To this day, it just would not be my primary version, but if insurance find great � just make sure you understand English well and and and here and there, checking of the translation and things like that but go for great if you're familiar with it home with it, preach out of it. God bless you.

But if you say that is the only true English version or the others of satanic that's right so you are in serious error.

Okay so James breaks this whole thing down demolishes the argument and points out that there are fundamental empirical historical problems with this claim. The most glaring problem is that there's not a single Greek manuscript papyrus early version for the first 300 years of church history that contains a distinct KJV or Byzantine reading from a manuscript that reflects a Byzantine text so you are arguing from silence not just from silence your arguing against all the evidence going in the other direction. You may have a comeback that is fine, fine, here's my caution if you love the can James and that your preferred Bible.

God bless you. Just preach to the church a few weeks ago and this would be preach of the can.

James like finite. At present we can James, no problem whatsoever.

Again I memorize more verses of the can James and read through it cover to cover more than his aversion to separate in other versions over the years and didn't do as much image memorization tractable Hebrew memorization. Subsequently, things like that suck a great appreciation for it's the King James only mentality which is often a cultlike mentality and is based on massive and from misinformation.

That's where I have my great issue okay just another reminder. Here's how you get the free e-book five ways to pray for America edifying practical and inspiring when you preorder savings sick America on any of the websites remotely preorder be at Amazon or Barnes & Noble or Christian book, then you just go to saving a sick all the all the instructions are there when you do send info on your preorder and you get sent to you e-book the first four chapters of savings sick America before he comes out in September. Could America's best days ahead. Is it possible only with God, but with God, why not

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