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A Reality Check from a Christian Leader in Iraq

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
December 15, 2020 4:40 pm

A Reality Check from a Christian Leader in Iraq

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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December 15, 2020 4:40 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 12/15/20.

Focus on the Family
Jim Daly
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
Our Daily Bread Ministries
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Encouraging Prayer
James Banks

We're going to get a holy reality check from Iraq today, a Christian leader who's seen it all. 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Welcome, welcome to the Line of Fire. Michael Brown here, delighted to be with you.

Phone lines are open. 866-34-TRUTH, 866-34-8, 7884. If you wanted to weigh in on yesterday's topic on Christian nationalism, is this a healthy thing, an unhealthy thing?

Is it part of our heritage as Americans? Is it mixing the Kingdom of God with the Kingdom of Man? 866-34-TRUTH or anything else you want to talk to me about? Glad to do that. I do want to share a few further thoughts about that. At the bottom of the hour, we will be joined by Canon Andrew White. He is a church leader who has served for years in Iraq and has been to hell and back in that respect. He's a courageous leader and he'll be joining us at the bottom of the hour.

I believe that will be a very, very important time edifying, encouraging, challenging as well. I want to read a quote to you from David French. David French is a well-known conservative, columnist, a lawyer, served with the Alliance Defending Freedom for years.

And for many years, I've appreciated David's work. He has been a very strong Never Trumper, so I've had some differences with him on that. But he wrote an article about what he referred to as the idolatry of the religious right towards Trump. And we can debate that, put that aside for the moment. But look at what he said.

And it's to me, it's a very powerful quote. He said, I've often thought about what a persecuted first century Christian would think of the rage and panic of all too many American evangelicals. They would be stunned at the sheer size of the American church. I mean, they could not relate to numbers like that first century Christians.

And Paul wrote to the Corinthians, maybe 50, 75 members of the churches there in the city. So they'd be stunned at the sheer size of the American church. Picture our buildings, our wealth, right? They'd be in awe of our wealth. They'd be amazed that the most powerful men in the world would court our favor. So think of that, the president wanting the favor of the Christians, of the evangelicals of the first century.

I mean, Nero and these guys just killing Christians, right? And then they'd be even more stand of the fanaticism and fury displayed in the nation's capital yesterday. Wrote it on Sunday, speaking of the Jericho March event on Saturday.

I was just talking to a staff member about this before the show today. And by all means, it's important that Christians are praying now. And I'm thrilled to see that leading up to the election, there were great prayer events and movements.

The return in D.C. was one of them. Not political events, but prayer events. Crying out to God, asking God to have mercy on the nation, confessing our sins, the sins of the church.

It was wonderful that was happening. I thought, well, that puts us in a good position with the election that whatever God wants to do through this, whatever outcome he desires, we're humbling ourselves before him and asking for his mercy and repenting of our sins. And then with concern about fraud and many believing the elections were stolen and having logical and statistical reasons and other things they believe, eyewitness reasons to be praying for truth.

Can't mess with that, right? I mean, every every one of us, all of us should want a fair and righteous outcome of the election. Right. We should all agree, regardless of who we voted for, if we didn't vote.

We should all agree as American citizens that we want the will of the people to be done, that based on our electoral system, we want the duly elected president to serve as president. So if there was fraud, let it be exposed. If there wasn't fraud, let it be exposed that there wasn't, because otherwise neither side is going to be willing to really move on.

Right. If one believes things were stolen or not and you're not going to have any any type of unifying of the country. So by all means, keep praying for truth, for everything to come to light, for the good of the nation.

And forget Trump, Biden for the larger good of the nation. Amen. But when it becomes basically this was stolen from our man and that is what we're praying for, for him to be vindicated and for the truth come out. Now things go in the wrong direction right at that moment.

And then when the advance of the kingdom of God is directly associated with the success of a man. Now we've mixed things. Now, now we have exalted a man into a dangerous place. Now, here's what's really interesting.

And guys, maybe we can grab my Twitter feed. I've been doing some polling the last couple of days and asking a few questions. This may shock some of you when you hear this. Others you'll say that's that's what I think. All right. So first poll.

And I tweeted this out four hours ago. So we've got what, eight hundred twenty three responses so far. There are certain things of which we can say we're absolutely sure and many others we cannot. When it comes to election fraud, can you say you are absolutely sure, absolutely sure the election was stolen?

So I gave four choices. Yes, absolutely sure. Almost totally sure. Pretty sure.

And no. Now, obviously, I could have said definitely didn't happen, but I just put no generic category there. So the one that has the highest response so far is, yes, thirty eight point four percent of those responding said they are absolutely sure the election was stolen. Thirteen point seven percent said almost totally sure. So right there, that puts you over 50 percent, like 52 percent saying they're either absolutely sure or almost totally sure. And then pretty sure. Fourteen point four percent.

And then no. Thirty three point six. So two thirds are either pretty sure, almost totally sure or absolutely sure. That's certain. That's certain.

All right. So now there's another poll that I did. And this will obviously tie in.

And I did this one yesterday. It's got three hours to go. Fifteen hundred votes so far. If you've been concerned about electoral fraud, at what point will you accept Joe Biden as president now that the Electoral College has voted? He is officially not just by the media saying it.

He is officially president elect Biden. Now, you may feel it's unjust. You may feel it's fraudulent. And well, then let everything come to light. Let the truth come to light so we can either embrace the vote or the courts will say the whole thing's bogus. Right. So I ask the question, if you've been concerned about electoral fraud, at what point will you accept Joe Biden as president now that the Electoral College has voted? So by law, he is president elect Biden or by our system. All right. No, it's not inaugurated yet, but by our system, the Electoral College voted.

That's what happened. Right. And the courts have not overturned that yet. So that's where it stands at the moment. All right. So my question is, when will you accept him as president? This is to those who who think there is fraud.

So first choice I do now. There was the Electoral College has said what they said. I've been waiting for that now that he's been certified, the vote certified. I accept it now. That's twenty four point five percent. So one quarter. At the inauguration.

OK. When it comes to inauguration, there's still time. There's still time for fraud to be revealed. There's still time for the courts to take this up. There's still time to overturn this election.

But if it gets to inauguration, then I'll accept Joe Biden as president. All right. That's twenty two point five percent.

So a little under a quarter. Then when Trump concedes, I could have said if. But same difference. All right. That if a certain point Trump says I can see I can see eleven point seven percent said that's when they would accept it.

But check this out. Forty one point three percent of the fifteen hundred who responded said never. And the vast majority of those that follow me on Twitter are professing Christians.

Right. And from polls I've done in the past, about 70 percent Trump voters. Never. Forty one point three percent said never. So that would tie in now with how many are sure that that they're absolutely sure that the election was stolen. Thirty eight point four percent. So it works out pretty similarly, doesn't it? That basically you've got 40 percent of those that I'm polling saying we are absolutely sure the election was fraudulent.

Therefore, they will never accept Joe Biden as president. Does that strike you as dangerous? Now, I'm asking a question. Does that strike you as dangerous? Let me go a little further with with my question here.

With the fact that you have the unanimous chorus of well-known or prominent prophetic voices, all prophesying that Trump would be reelected would serve a second term, meaning a second consecutive term. Right. And and the maybe one or two have said, hey, I blew it, I was wrong.

Or maybe others about you. I don't know. But for sure, the the loud voices I'm hearing are saying, keep believing, keep holding on. It's not over yet. There's more that can be done. Fraud is going to be exposed.

Does this get into a place that's really dangerous, potentially really dangerous? Meaning no matter what happens, if every court in the land says the evidence being presented for fraud is is not persuasive. We have no evidence that the election was stolen. Right. Right up to the Supreme Court. If if this is an if if this happens.

All right. And you have prophets still saying he's he's God's man. He'll be reelected. So what happens if you get to this point where Joe Biden, in fact, is inaugurated as president?

And. You have all the courts saying there's not sufficient evidence. You have people saying, I don't believe the courts, the courts are corrupt, the courts have caved. I don't believe the media. I don't believe the politicians. I don't believe the FBI, Department of Justice. Don't believe any of them. All right. CIA, whoever. I don't believe them.

Wherever is whatever groups are being involved. All right. I don't believe them.

I can't trust them. And the prophets have said it. Therefore, Trump is the president, no matter what. The courts say, no matter what inauguration said, do you see that as a potentially very dangerous position to be in?

And then the question would be and listen, I have folks close to me who are 100 percent sure to the core of their being by evidence and by what they feel in their spirit that the election was stolen. OK, I'm not there. I do not know. I do not know in terms of fact.

Neither do you. All right. We weren't there. We weren't there at every election polling place in the nation. But but it deeply concerns me that there is a potential scenario that no matter what evidence is presented.

Right. No matter what evidence is presented, people say, I don't believe it. And no matter what happens in the natural, people say, no, spiritually, Trump's still president.

That's a scary proposition. We'll be right back. It's the line of fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown, your voice of moral, cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Thanks, friends, for joining us on the line of fire. You know, I said on yesterday's broadcast that I was going to give you some constructive points in terms of of how to move forward. And they are the points from the last chapter of Evangelicals at the Crossroads. And in the last chapter of the book, I lay out 10 steps that we must take to pass the Trump test. What was the Trump test?

It's my term. So as I defined it, one one was to to be able to vote for Trump without losing our testimony, without compromising our witness. Can we do that? Can we be Trump voters and supporters and yet not compromise our witness? And I said, if we do certain things, the answer is yes.

Conductor says a certain way. The answer is yes. And the other is, can we unite around Jesus, even if we divide over Trump? Have we passed the Trump test? I say we failed miserably. We failed. We are massively divided over Trump as opposed to being wonderfully united around Jesus, even while having differences about the elections. And in many ways, we've tarnished our witness by becoming apologists for the president and not just voters of the president.

It's my take, my educated opinion. But in any case, the way forward, I lay out at the end of Evangelicals at the Crossroads. But I took the 10 points for those that don't have the book or don't want to get the book, can't get the book. I took the 10 points and just put them in bullet form at the end of one of my articles that I wrote all right around the election time. And it was an urgent appeal to supporters of President Trump as a fellow voter, a President Trump. And it was urging us to do certain things like put the cross before the flag and spiritual activity before political activity and regain our prophetic voice and various things like that.

That remains the imperative. So please hear me. If you are convinced that God did speak supernaturally, that Trump would serve a second term and you're convinced that there is fraud. Well, don't stop praying for fraud to be exposed.

But here's here's how I would recommend praying. Father, bring everything to light. May the truth come to light about these elections. This is a prayer we can all agree on. If there was not fraud or not sufficient fraud to steal an election, let that be known so that people can go on with their normal lives in business and not think that the election was stolen here in in 2020 in America. Or conversely, if it was stolen, let it come to light that this outrage would be revealed. Pray that right up to Inauguration Day.

Right. Pray pray it after Inauguration Day, whatever, a certain point, you know, except reality where we are, where we are. But pray with all your heart.

God, may the truth be revealed about the elections. Pray fervently for it. Why wouldn't we all do that?

Because right now America is divided over it. That's a prayer we can all agree on. Amen. Right.

And then pray, Lord, your best plan. You're the truth that you have. What you have spoken. Bring that to light.

Bring that to pass. So if the prophets are right, they're right. If they're wrong, they're wrong. And it's not the time for rationalization. No, no, no. Trump is president in God's sight, but not in man's sight. Now, forget that.

Oh, what's going to happen? We didn't believe enough. We didn't believe hard enough. You know, ancient Israel got a prophecy wrong. Yeah, well, it was true, but you didn't believe hard enough.

That was not an option. And there's been plenty of faith. We didn't pray enough. There's been plenty of prayer.

Either the prophets prophesied accurately or they didn't. So check out my latest article on or and we can interact there. All right. So one other thing, then I'll tell you what, tell you what, I'm going to go to the phones.

I wanted to play a clip. I didn't get to it yesterday, depending on how long I speak with with Canon Andrew White. We'll see if we get to it today. But let me grab some calls first.

Let's go to Lebanon, Oregon. William, welcome to the line of fire. What are your thoughts? Thank you, Dr. Brown. I wanted to start out by saying that I really love you and I appreciate the work that you do. And your heart on these matters has really been a guide for me.

And it's helped me stay focused and centered on Christ in the midst of all of this craziness. But I heard you talking earlier and I noticed that you were kind of describing what was happening, but it felt to me like there were some elements that were being left out that I really felt like deserve to be added to the conversation. Please.

Please do. So I am one of the 40 percent of people I didn't actually respond to your poll, but I am one of the people who feel like at this point the election would be illegitimate because we have seen. Just countless examples of evidence and these this evidence really. It really paints a picture that there's something very, very hanky going on and these courts just seem to be rejecting it left and right. And that makes people like me feel like our legitimate concern is not getting a fair hearing.

Like there's there doesn't seem to be any interest to actually find the truth, only to just discredit claims that something like this happened. And when you consider the history of the left and communism and Marxism and how it's taken over other countries, people like me are terrified because we feel the colors being fitted around our necks. I know that's very extreme way of putting up. I apologize.

Very emotional about this because my wife and I live in Oregon and as conservatives in Oregon, there is incredible stress to not express your views or opinions. My wife has to completely remain silent at work. And what kind of what kind of work does she do?

She works in the medical field. OK, that's around enough. Let's make it as generic as possible. Yeah.

Medical field. Yes. So, William, let me let me ask you this. And I so appreciate you calling and the fact that this is such an intense subject and you feel I've left some some items out. The fact that you're so controlled in what you're saying is very meaningful.

I appreciate that. But what if just what if. Right. What if the evidence is not as it seems, in other words, I can make in a debate an incredible presentation and the whole place is like, this is unbelievable. You're right.

And the next guy comes along and challenges every point. It's like, oh, he's right. In other words, could it be? And I'm just asking the question that the reason that court after court after court, many of which must have Trump appointees in them, the court after court after court after court, right up to Supreme Court. And all the Trump appointees agreeing on this say, no, there's not sufficient evidence. It's really it's bogus. It's poorly argued. It's lacking. It's we're even shocked you're bringing it. Could it be that it seems like a lot of fraud, but really it's it's not there.

Is that possible? Or what would it take? And I'm not saying what it is either way.

I don't know. But what would it take for you to feel satisfied that the evidence was was was analyzed and and. That there wasn't fraud. I mean, is there any anything that could convince you?

Yes, absolutely. I mean, I want you to understand I'm not locked into a way of believing. I mean, nobody knows anything for certain.

Cartesian certainty is as far as I'm concerned. But the problem is, is we've seen all of these claims and evidence. And there is no real explanation for it.

There are really half hearted temps to explain this stuff. And it's just being accepted. And I feel like there is a legitimate case to be made. But what we really need to know is what really happened. And that is not what is being talked about.

They are they're saying, nope, there's nothing here. We don't want to even take a look at it. But there's nobody actually going in there and trying to explain how these incredibly suspicious and serious accusations that that obviously threaten the integrity of the election.

I shouldn't have to explain to people that if we all start doubting the outcomes of the elections, then the if the entire authority of the U.S. government is eroded and it will collapse. So we have to be able to trust that process. Right. So we have to.

We don't. Right. Well, we have to somehow agree on.

And obviously, if the clock wasn't ticking the way it is, it would be easier. But that the whole nation, including Republicans, Democrats, Trump, Biden themselves, should all agree, let everything be thoroughly investigated. So that either the charges can be dismissed and we can we can accept Joe Biden as president or the charges verified, in which case he's not really the president. And right now, the way that that should be happening is through our court system. So let me just say this this last thing. I, I so appreciate the call and the the point you want to get across and the real concerns about where the left could be going. But I really do understand that my view, just give me my my perspective on this, sir, is that with the massive prayer for God to bring the truth to light, more prayer mobilized more urgently than I can remember in my lifetime. And with our court system, with a massive effort, massive money being put into this massive motivation, if there was, in fact, fraud committed on the level that is believed and enough to steal an election or give Biden's a massive amount of votes, that it has to come to light. It cannot be hidden and that it will come to light. And and that at a certain point, that light will have to be dealt with. So my concern is just that there can be closure. And because otherwise, how do we move forward? My confidence has been that ultimately, if there are real cases, the courts will hear them. That's been my faith posture because of the prayer of God's people and our system. And we have so many courts and so many avenues that if there is validity, that the courts will ultimately hear it and it will come to light.

That hasn't happened thus far, which makes me wonder about the legitimacy of the claims. But fair points. And I appreciate you raising the big thing. And for everyone on every side, you have to be able to move forward with a sense of closure. How do we get there? How do we get there?

All right. We are about to be joined with Canon Andrew White. It's the line of fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown, your voice of moral, cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. I began hearing of Canon Andrew White some years ago. Known as the vicar of Baghdad and serving with the church in Iraq until he had to leave in 2014 because of security concerns. Worked previously in the West Bank.

You talk about difficult areas, life threatening areas, areas with great religious conflict and ethnic conflict. He's been right in the thick of it and has seen the Lord's grace in the midst of it. I knew of his courage and testimony. Was delighted to find out that he began to work with some of our missionaries in Kurdistan, Northern Iraq, and in recent years.

He has a book out, Glory Zone in the War Zone. Somehow we've we've never talked to me or we were in similar circles and our names come up. So it's actually the first time I have the honor and joy of talking to Canon Andrew White. Sir, thanks for joining us on the line of fire. Shalom, I have talked. Shalom. Here we are. Are you my Commodore, my favorite?

Yes. We could speak in Hebrew or we could we could speak in English for the folks. But Naimo, great to great to talk with you, sir.

Well, we can always talk in Yiddish. Ah, yeah. I am your Brooklyn boy.

Yeah. Well, born actually in Manhattan and then raised on Long Island. So close. Very close to there.

But great to great to officially hear your voice. Where where are you living right now? Well, my home usually when I'm not under lockdown is between you, Shalom and Jordan. But now I'm in England. I'm locked down at home in England. Oh, boy.

So that's that's not the place you want to be. It's really tough. I have managed to write two books whilst I've been locked down.

They're both published. And this glory in the war zone is one of them. Excellent.

Excellent. What have you seen in Iraq? What type of experiences have you had with the persecuted church suffering Christians, things that have broken your heart, but also inspired you?

Give us a picture. Give us a glimpse of what life has been like. Well, my story in Iraq is a supernatural story.

It's one of total devastation and total glory. It's a story of a thousand of our people being killed and a story of people being raised from the dead. And it's a story whereby people say, have you seen angels? We had angels with us all the time.

Every day we saw angels literally and particularly in our worship and particularly with young people. And one of my books, in my book, I say, people say to me, did you have a lot of fear? Were you frightened? And I say, no, because perfect love casts out all fear, not some. And the perfect love was given by my children. So you're saying what you witnessed in them, their love for God and for you drove fear out?

Where did they get? Absolutely. So they're facing literally slaughter. They're getting killed, families being torn apart. Yes, when you hear the stories of how they had to...

I remember two of my children lean and full as day. We had to hide under the table because the American and British bombs were dropping on us. And our whole church had been blown up and everything was finished. But our people knew that in the midst of this, they had seen the glory of the resurrected Lord. And we call Jesus Yeshua, not Yeshua, Yeshua. We pray and speak and preach in Aramaic.

It's all Aramaic, the actual language of Jesus. And every prayer is grounded in the blessing, we say, Shemit Baba, Brona, Brokha, Gosha, Halaha. And it says we believe in one God who is the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, only one God. And we say that because we have to show that we don't believe in three gods because the Muslims think we are three gods. So we really demonstrate the reality and the nature of the glorious Trinity. And do you understand the Trinity?

No, we don't. It is the mystery which inspires us and empowers us. What type of courage did you see in these Christians? These are ordinary people, these are moms and dads, these are people working jobs, these are kids, as well as pastors and leaders. What type of commitment did they show in the face of struggle?

I mean, it'd just be easier for many just to convert to Islam and not be under so much pressure. What did you see among these people? Well, I remember one day when the voice of the martyrs visited us.

They came from the Netherlands and they ministered with us. And they turned around, two of my children, Lina and Fuller, and they said, how is it in the midst of all these bombs landing every day, in the midst of all these idea attacks, you are the happiest people we have literally ever seen. And they turned around and they said, when you have lost everything, Jesus is all you've got left.

And we have lost everything, but not Jesus. Incredible. Incredible. I can honestly say that the only time I was scared was I used to do a lot of work on releasing hostages. And when I think about working for release of hostages, I think about the first occasion I was involved in such activity, which was in 2001. And that was in the Bethlehem siege, when the whole of Bethlehem was taken over by the terrorists. And they took over the church of their nativity. And that took me 39 days.

And I didn't realize that that would be nothing. In Iraq, I worked on the release of hostages for over six years sometimes. And I can remember one occasion, because the only way you can make peace is if you know the bad guys. You can't make peace with the good people. You know, these peace groups, they have peace groups and peace meetings, and they try and make peace.

Fine, you can talk about it, but you can't do it. And I was looking for some hostages one day, and they were Portuguese nationals working in Iraq as expats. And I found out who had taken these hostages. And I went to try and find them. And I met these people, and they were really, really bad. And they decided they would kidnap me. So they threw me in a totally black room.

Literally not a string of light at all. I couldn't use a phone or anything. It was all dark and black. And then after two days, I remembered that I had a satellite phone on me. Now, the satellite phone didn't work in this dungeon, but I had the light. I put the phone on and looked around, and I saw that the floor was covered with chopped off fingers and toes. They were the fingers and toes of the people that I was looking for. So I realized I had not saved them.

And then after two days, the kidnappers came in to give me my daily allowance of just water. And I got talking to them, and I explained to them, was there anything I could do to help them? It wasn't, can you get me out?

It was, how can I help you? And I realized that they really wanted me to help them get out their Sheikh Ghazali, their big sheikh who was the leader of all the terrorist groups. But he was held by the Americans. And so fortunately, I was part of the American Embassy set up under the Coalition Provisional Authority.

And around my waist, these were really bad kidnappers. Hang on, hang on right there. Obviously, no one's going anywhere. Got to hear the rest of the story. Ken and Andrew White, his book, Glory Zone in the War Zone, Miracles, Signs and Wonders in the Middle East. Somebody who lived it. Somebody who saw hell on earth. And so the presence and glory of God in the midst of it.

It's a bit of a reality check for us here in America and a great word of encouragement. Glory Zone in the War Zone. We'll be right back. It's the Line of Fire with your host, activist, author, international speaker and theologian, Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice of moral, cultural and spiritual revolution. Get into the Line of Fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Speaking with Ken and Andrew White, known as the Vicar of Baghdad.

His new book, Glory Zone in the War Zone, Miracles, Signs and Wonders in the Middle East. OK, you have been kidnapped by bad players. The people that you're looking for, you're hoping to negotiate their release.

They have been chopped to pieces and you're in a dark dungeon cell with some of the pieces of their body. Now talking to these terrorists who you ask, how can you help them? And they tell you they want the release of their sheikh who's held by American authorities. But you've got connection with the American embassy, so back to you, sir. So, what I did was discuss the issue and I said, look, I can get him. I can get you to him.

I will go and see him. But you need to let me out. Now I knew that they would want me to assure that I would do something, but also to provide something for them. Now it just so happened that a certain pastor in Charlotte, North Carolina, had given me a body belt filled with money. And there was $50,000 in that money belt around my waist.

So I took that money out and basically gave it to them. And that's what saved me. That is what saved our ministry.

That is what saved many, many people's lives. And it was all because of a church in Port Mill, North Carolina, giving a generous gift to me to take back to my people. We had so many supernatural experiences there.

It was amazing to see the number of people who were literally raised from the dead. And I have been greatly blessed in my life to be the grandson of not an Anglican. I wasn't brought up an Anglican.

I was reared in between the strict and particular Baptists, which made the most strict Southern Baptists look conservative, and the Pentecostal Church, the Assemblies of God. And my grandfather had been a missionary with the Assemblies of God, and he used to work for a very famous guy called Smith Wigglesworth. Amazing. And I actually, when he died in 1947, Donald Gee, who was a great Pentecostal leader at the time, was taking Smith Wigglesworth's funeral, and he gave his Bible to my grandfather. Wow. Now, when my grandfather was about to die, a few days before he died, he called me over and he said, Andrew, I want to give you the most valuable thing I have, and it was Smith Wigglesworth's Bible.

And do you know what I said? I said, Papa Smith who? Who is he? And he said, Smith Wigglesworth, one of the great Pentecostal leaders. So I actually have carried his Bible all around the world with me. His Bible came to me, with me, in the most dangerous times in the war zone. His Bible comes to me when I go to my favorite place now, is Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redmond, California. I never forget the day that I took his Bible out, and it's completely falling to pieces, and bits of the Bible were falling on the floor. And some of the students went around and they collected all the bits, and they put them together, laminated them, and next day presented me with a laminated cover of broken bits of the Bible. Amazing. Very good. Amazing.

Yeah, and it must have been a well-worn Bible just in Wigglesworth's day alone because of his voracious reading of the word. You say that you literally saw people raised from the dead, and it's obviously happened. So you document this, talk about it in your book, Glory Zone in the War Zone.

We've got about four minutes. Can you just tell us one story of what you witnessed in terms of someone being raised from the dead? Well, one of the most wonderful stories was of a young girl with cystic fibrosis. Every place that I've ever worked, including to this day, I have had a church and a medical clinic, and my background is in medicine. I'm an anesthesiologist by training. And a man came into the clinic one day, Ibrahim his name was. He said, please, please, can my daughter come here and be treated? She's so, so ill. And they brought him to me, and I said, where is she? She said, she's in the university hospital.

I said, we can't take somebody off to the university hospital and treat them. I said, I want to pray for her now. I prayed for her, and I said, the Lord is going to make her better today.

And he cried and cried, and I said, just go to her and say the word yeshua, yeshua, yeshua, which for us is Jesus. He went to the hospital. He got to the intensive care unit. And just as he was about to enter the intensive care unit, the consultant came to him and said, I'm really sorry, Ibrahim. When you were away, your daughter died. And he cried and cried, and he went to her bed.

He lifted up the sheet on her bed and put his arms around her. And just said yeshua, yeshua, yeshua, like he'd been staying all the way. And she sat up, and she said, Daddy, I'm hungry.

Can I have some food? So when he came and told me this, I said, don't worry, it's happened before. Just like that. So I was his daughter.

So that was one of the many resurrection stories. Do you feel, sir, that sometimes in a country like America where we have it a lot easier, where we're not suffering overtly, that kind of persecution, and life is easier in general, that we can get somewhat soft in our Christianity, lose the radical nature of it, the courageous nature of it, even the faith nature of it. Do you think that's a danger in a country like America? Can I be honest with you about America? Yeah. You think America is bad, you shouldn't.

I really love being in America. And I see such faith amongst so many of the Christians. All of my Christians at Bethel. I think of Michael Joseph, who got us the satellite Bibles, the Bibles which basically solar-powered. When ISIS destroyed all of our Bibles, we had nothing. And they gave us the satellite Bibles. And our people had the word so much so that our children learned the Bible in English and Arabic word for word. They didn't want to be beaten by the Muslim children, so they learned it from the in-contact ministry. So what you've seen in America is people who are full of faith and full of generosity. And I've had other missions friends and others from other parts of the world share that with me in terms of generosity of Americans and people of faith. Often we have been that aggressive in terms of a burden to share with the lost and often a lack of backbone to stand. But may we all stand strong in the midst of the fire.

My brother, we've got to meet face to face, but we're out of time. Folks, you have to just get the book. Glory Zone in the War Zone, Canon Andrew White. Published by Dest and Image.

All right, by Dest and Image, which published many of my revival books. God bless you, my friend, and we will meet. Blessings, my dear friends. L'hitraot. I pray I will get to you. L'hitraot, God bless you. L'hitraot.
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