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The Danger of Christian Nationalism

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
December 14, 2020 4:40 pm

The Danger of Christian Nationalism

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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December 14, 2020 4:40 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 12/14/20.

Cross the Bridge
David McGee
Building Relationships
Dr. Gary Chapman
What's Right What's Left
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So Beth Moore's made some very controversial comments about, quote, Christian nationalism and Trumpism.

Is she right? It's time for The Line of Fire with your host, activist, author, international speaker and theologian, Dr. Michael Brown, your voice of moral, cultural and spiritual revolution. Michael Brown is the director of the Coalition of Conscience and president of Fire School of Ministry. Get into The Line of Fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

That's 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Well, thanks for joining us on a very important broadcast today, Michael Brown.

So glad to be back live and in the studio with you. This is the day, December 14th, for the official counting of the electoral votes, which would then officially declare Joe Biden as president. Others say, hold on, hold on, still legal investigations, legal challenges, forensic investigations. We still don't know what the final outcome is. Hey, at a certain point, at a certain point, there's going to be an inauguration.

At a certain point, either Joe Biden or Donald Trump will be inaugurated, presuming they're healthy and ready to go. And at that point, we won't be discussing the ifs, ands, or the buts about who is the president, but the discussion of legitimacy and all that, that's going to be ongoing. But we're not going to focus on that today. We're not going to focus on that today.

We're going to focus on a broader subject, namely Christian nationalism. What is it? Is it healthy? This is part of the fabric of our nation.

Is it dangerous? Is it a deception? 866-34-TRUTH, 866-34-8784. Over the weekend, Jericho march in different cities in America, big rally in DC, stop the steal. What's that about? Is that a good example of believers saying enough is enough and crying out to God and coming together?

Or is this an example of dangerous Christian nationalism? We're going to talk about that. We're going to do our best to sort these issues out. And I'm going to play a phone call from a few days ago from a dear Christian brother, and then some interesting reaction to it that I happen to notice. I want to talk to you about that. I think you're going to find this enlightening. Now, I'm not just taking general Bible questions today, general theology questions. I know you couldn't ask me all last week because I was away, but any calls on topic, if you want to weigh in on this issue. In a moment, I'm going to draw attention to a Beth Moore tweet that's getting tremendous response for and against, but a lot of response. I wrote a whole article dealing with it.

We'll talk about that. First though, it's wonderful to be back with you. And I did pray for you as listeners and viewers of The Line of Fire and friends and supporters of our ministry as I was away last week. I had a habit probably since the late 80s, did for well over a decade where I would get away every year or two for three days, five days, one time for a whole week, and just seek the Lord.

Sometimes a big goal would also be to rest in the midst of a crazy busy schedule, but for the most part it would be to disconnect and to get with God and to pray for hours a day and to be in the Word and to to meditate before Him and to bring before Him and to bring my life before Him and ministry before Him. It had been many years since I'd done that. Many years. Close to 20, I think, but many years for sure. And maybe a little less than that, but a long time. And normally the first week of December thereabouts, I go to India, and it would have been my 28th trip to India, but because of COVID, the trip was cancelled. And I thought, you know, why don't I take time?

It's time we normally pre-record shows anyway. Why don't I take time to get along with God? And right as I was praying about it, three different people, two in North Carolina, one in Texas, quite out of the blue, said, by the way, if you ever need a place to get away, I've got a place. I thought, okay, I guess this is a real amen from the Lord that I should do this. So I went down to Texas, met with dear friends, maybe some are listening now, that regularly pray for me and Nancy and our ministry, and House of Prayer in Texas. So really devoted to us and the work we're doing. So we started Saturday morning together with them, flew out on a Friday night after radio, and then went from there about an hour and a half drive with one of our grads over to farmland he has in Texas, rural Texas, with a tiny little A-frame house. And that's where I was for eight days. I had one break to have dinner with the family and spend some time with them.

Otherwise, I didn't even go out of the place, you know, beautiful farmland, a place to walk. I just stayed in there and spent a lot of time seeking the Lord and a lot of time worshiping the Lord and a lot of time expressing my love for the Lord and hearing his voice and turning towards him and seeking to be more pleasing in his sight. And I just want to say from the heart, there's no one like the Lord. There is no one like the Lord.

And I was talking to Nancy about it. You know, it'd be the most amazing thing that I'd be praying and pouring my heart out. And the next thing I'd just be weeping because of his goodness. It's like he did anything.

It's just a revelation of who he is. You get so overwhelmed that all you can do is just bask in his presence and weep and pour your heart out. So with everything in me, friends, I want to glorify the Lord. I want to be a blessing in your lives. I want to help you. I want to serve you.

If I ever say things that seem controversial, I'm not just trying to be controversial. I'm 65 years old. I've been through a bunch of battles for the Lord that I've been privileged to stand in. I've learned by my mistakes over the years as well. And there are no games to play.

I've never been about playing games. But if I wasn't playing games when I was 18, the first time I preached, I'm certainly not playing games at the age of 65. So I say what I say out of love. And sometimes it may be controversial. Sometimes it may offend you. If it offends you because it's true, then thank the Lord for it and take hold of it. Loving rebuke, loving correction, it's a God send. And I thank God for those that have that ministry in my life and for the Holy Spirit bringing correction to my life and rebuke when I need it. If it's offensive because of misunderstanding, let's try to understand each other.

If it's offensive because of judgmentalism in my heart or pride or spiritual holier than thou attitude in my heart, forgive me, that's never my intent. With everything in me to the core of my being, please hear me friends, to the core of my being, my number one preeminent desire is to see God glorified. That is what I burn for.

That people would know him, know who he really is, experience him. That's what I live for. That's what I breathe for.

That's the passion of my life. And if that means that 10 million people listen to every word I say, if that means nobody ever knows my name, all that's immaterial. The only thing that's material is that the Lord's Prayer is answered. And it begins with hallowed be your name. The day will come when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus the Messiah is Lord to the glory of the Father.

Things on earth, things in heaven, things on earth, things under the earth. Some will do it willingly, some will do it unwillingly. But all will bow.

All will bow. And I just want people to know God. I want them to know his goodness, his justice, his love, his mercy, his power, his purity.

I want them to know who he really is. And friend, we can have political differences, we can have cultural differences, we can have theological differences, doctrinal differences, practical differences. We can have all those differences. But to the core of your being, if you love Jesus, isn't that what you want more than anything?

You get past our divisions, get past our immaturity, get past our carnality, get past the superficial things that stand in the way. What do you want more than anything? If you could push one button and have that one prayer answered, wouldn't it be, oh God, that your name would be made holy? That everyone would know who you are. I mean, isn't that the answer to every problem in the universe? Isn't that the ultimate solution that people would know God? That people would worship him and adore him and thereby become like him?

Embrace his values, embrace his being, embrace his character? Doesn't it say during the millennial kingdom on the earth, passages like Isaiah 11, that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas? Isn't that why there's no war?

Isn't that why there's justice? Isn't that why the wolf lies down with the lamb? Because the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. You know, I've been in Jewish ministry since I got saved, right? Sharing the gospel with my Jewish family and immediately with other Jewish friends and the local rabbi. And so I've been doing Jewish ministry for almost 50 years, 49 plus years, as long as I've been saved.

Three days from today is the day, by God's grace, 49 years ago, I said, I'll never put a needle in my arm again. The point of surrender that I reached in God, that was what I knew, that I knew, that I knew that my sins were forgiven and his life was filling mine. But ever since then, 49 years, you know, I've been doing Jewish ministry. And while I was away, I didn't focus on that, but I did pray, you know, some of my dear Jewish friends, rabbis and others that some I've known since the beginning for 49 years, praying for God to open their hearts and minds to reveal Yeshua.

And that's what I want, that if they would just know him, if they could understand who he was, everything would change for the mockers, for the skeptics, for the cynics, for activists of other causes and those that are out there from every angle. Yeah, many have turned away from God willingly, knowingly. Their hearts are hard. They're rebels.

I understand that. But many others have never encountered him. Many others are sinning, and they're accountable for their sin. And yet, like Saul of Tarsus, persecuting believers, he said he did it in ignorance and unbelief. And when he encountered Jesus, when he encountered Yeshua, everything changed. Everything changed, and he became one of the most mightily used men on the planet in world history.

So that's my ultimate heartbeat. You say, well, why get involved in politics? Well, God's called me to be your voice of moral, cultural, and spiritual revolution. God's called me to address cultural issues, and cultural issues intersect with political issues, so we comment them. I comment on them as we feel it's right and appropriate, but I am not a political commentator.

I am not a conservative talk radio host. I am, first and foremost, a servant of the Lord and a preacher of the gospel, and that is going to come through in everything on one level or another. Not every article is going to be an overt gospel article.

Not every commentary is going to be an overt gospel commentary, but in point of fact, that's my ultimate heartbeat. So I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, and I pray that that if you don't know him, you'll really come to know him, because to know him is to love him. And all of you that do know him, may you have a fresh encounter with his goodness, with his reality, so that your love for him deepens.

Those of us who've left our first love, may there be supernatural restoration in the days ahead. All right, 866-34-TRUTH is the number to call. We come back, we'll get into this discussion of Christian nationalism, and a quote from Beth Moore that's getting a lot of attention. Is she onto something important, or is she missing the point? It's The Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get into The Line of Fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. What is Christian nationalism? Is it healthy? Is it part of the fabric of our nation? Is it unhealthy?

Is it a mixing of two kingdoms? What's your take? 866-34-TRUTH. Sunday morning, Beth Moore tweeted this out, and she's got close to a million Twitter followers, and as of last night, it had like 108,000 likes.

I'm sure it's way more than that now. She said this, I do not believe these are days for mincing words. I'm 63 and a half years old, and I have never seen anything in these United States of America I found more astonishingly seductive and dangerous to the saints of God than Trumpism. This Christian nationalism is not of God. Move back from it. This Christian nationalism is not from God.

Move back from it. Let's just grab a clip from Saturday. Remember, she tweeted on Sunday. This is a Jericho march. These events were scheduled for different key cities and swing states where the votes are being disputed.

Let's give you a little feel for what happened. America is under attack by corrupt forces trying to silence our voices and our vote. Just as the Israelites circled the walls of corrupt Jericho, so we peacefully march, pray, fast, and protest until the walls of election fraud and corruption crumble. Jericho march was born of a vision from God. We are calling on patriots and people of Judeo-Christian faith to march around their state capitals every day at noon. These marches will culminate on December 12th where they let the church roar in national march in Washington, D.C. and in the swing states. Come and join our battle of Jericho.

Visit All right, so there's a very clear statement that there's been election fraud. There's an attempt to steal the election, which would then open the doors for radical leftist agenda that would transform America as we know it in very negative ways. And Christians responding saying, we're going to cry out to God. We're going to pray.

We're going to fast. As I'm speaking, let's just put some video footage up to give you an idea of what happened in D.C. So good-sized crowds, I don't know the estimates, did not get as much media coverage as one might have expected.

President Trump actually flew over in helicopters, so that got obviously a roar from the crowd. And a comment on Facebook, Diane, this fraud election is not about President Donald J. Trump. It's about freedom versus Marxism.

All right. So so many, many would would make that comment that it's not about Trump. This is about the freedom of the election. And Christians should be gathering.

It's about freedom rather versus Marxism. Christians should be gathering. They should be crying out. They should be seeking God. They should be making statements. They should be saying enough is enough.

That's what Christians do. And by the way, Beth Moore also put out another tweet saying, by all means, don't go the way of Biden is and don't replace Trump ism with Biden ism. Right. So she's not saying vote Democrat.

That's that's not the issue. But is this is this healthy? Is this a good thing?

Yeah. She said, God help us. We don't turn from Trump ism to Biden ism. We do not worship flesh and blood. We do not place our faith in mortals. We are the Church of the Living God. We can't sanctify our idolatry by labeling a leader, our Cyrus.

We need no Cyrus. We have a king. His name is Jesus. You say, well, she's missing the point. She's overreacting.

She's accusing of his idolatry. We recognize Trump is just a man. He's a man raised up by God for these moments in history. And therefore we are standing with him.

I understand that. And again, I'm a Trump voter, right? Trump voter.

When I was on my Huckabee show, what we recorded late September, maybe it aired early October somewhere around there. And when I explain why as evangelicals we've chosen to vote for Trump, he says the clearest explanation he ever heard. In other words, with all the reasons not to vote from why we did, that he says the clearest explanation he's ever heard.

Tweeted that out after the show. All right. So I get it. I know the pro-Trump argument. I have also sounded the alarm against what others are calling Trump ism from the start.

From the moment I began supporting him, once he won the primaries, so was a vote against Hillary Clinton. I understand that. I understand the stakes are very, very high.

I get that. What if the Democrats here, worst case scenario, they steal the election, right? They win the other two seats in Georgia. They now have, for all intents, a majority in the House and the Senate, even the Senate would be 50-50. Kamala Harris would then cast the deciding vote if there was a tie. They can now vote to pack the Supreme Court. So all the years and work to get certain justices on, pack the Supreme Court, just add, okay, we're going to add five justices, whatever, number 10, all be ultra liberal. They're going to swing the borders wide open, let tons of immigrants come in that will, they'll all vote Democrat. Then they're going to impose a radical Marxist agenda on the society. Should not Christians be concerned?

Yeah. Worst case scenario that people are warning about should be very concerned, should absolutely be praying. However, the issue is that the cause of Trump becomes the cause of Christ. The issue is the wellbeing of America becomes the advance of the kingdom of God. The issue is the Republicans become the party of God and the Democrats the party of Satan, and it's just black and white, period.

That's the problem. And I wrote an article interacting with Beth Moore, and I'm going to go to your calls, just want to lay out the issues first, okay? I wrote an article interacting with what she had to say, was Beth Moore right to sound the alarm about Christian nationalism? So put Beth Moore aside.

Some of you love her, some of you don't like her ministry anymore. Let's put Beth Moore aside and just focus on the quote itself. So what is Christian nationalism?

Here's what I lay out in my articles. Let me go through this, all right? What exactly do I mean when I talk about Christian nationalism? I can't say Beth Moore, I can say me, all right? So are you a Christian nationalist simply because you love and appreciate America? No. Are you a Christian nationalist simply because you're a patriotic conservative military? No. Are you a Christian nationalist simply because you believe Trump was better for America than Biden? No.

Are you a Christian nationalist simply because you believe there was electoral fraud and are doing your best to fight for free and fair election? No. Are you a Christian nationalist simply because you believe that America must protect our religious liberties? No. Are you a Christian nationalist simply because you believe that God raised up America for special purposes in order to bless and help the world?

No. But you are a Christian nationalist if you confuse loyalty to your country with loyalty to the kingdom of God. You are a Christian nationalist if you wrap the gospel and American flag. You are a Christian nationalist if you quote merge Christian and American identities as defined by Pastor Jeremy Beller. Christian nationalism is the intertwining of the kingdom of God with the kingdoms of men.

In the American context it is often displayed by describing America through language reserved for the kingdom of God. The marriage between patriotism and righteousness further blurs the line between the kingdom of God and the kingdoms of the world. To be sure much of the attack against Christian nationalism comes from left-leaning thinkers as can be seen in some critiques of the concept. So I quote Andrew Whitehead and Samuel Perry who wrote the book Taking America Back for God Christian Nationalism in the United States and an article summarizing their views. Christian nationalism merely uses the Bible to impose its conservative political agenda by asserting that they are true followers of Christ in a country that is founded on Christian principles. Adherents of Christian nationalism can brand their political opponents as both ungodly and un-American. By playing the role of an oppressed minority Christian nationalism adds moral strength to its position while hiding the truth that its ideology is aging out driving young people away through its intolerance. So that's a that's a left-wing critique of Christian nationalism. But what about what Beth Moore said and I'm quoting from my article. In my view what she tweeted is correct.

As a Trump voter and Trump supporter what she tweeted is correct. There was a terrible danger of Trumpism. It has infected much of the church and Christian nationalism is not the gospel. So many Christian conservatives today are equating the fate of America with the fate of God's kingdom making one party obviously the Republican party into God's party and the other party obviously the Democratic party into Satan's party. That's why on Saturday prayer rallies for election integrity were scheduled together with Jericho marches in key swing state cities. It was just a biblical thing. This is just like Israel taking down Jericho a wicked city that was to be destroyed.

That it's just that clear the righteous versus the unrighteous. This was not simply a display of patriotism. This was not just a public demonstration against perceived injustices. This was not just a show of support for Donald Trump. This was about the kingdom of God advancing.

The two have become merged as one. That's why a peaceful protest and prayer march that took place in Washington, D.C. where participants rallied for America's election system to be free from fraud and corruption was called let the church roar. That's why victory for Trump even before the elections were contested meant a victory for Jesus.

All the more is true now that there's widespread perception that the election was stolen and that's why I tweet it as a Trump voter. I may say candidly that it's very troubling to see many American Christians far more mobilized for Trump than they've ever been mobilized for Jesus. The problem is that the differences between being Christians who love America and Christian nationalists are often subtle since we have many shared values such as being pro-life. Many sincere believers will also ask should we just stand back and let our country be destroyed? Should we let democracy be crushed forever? Should we simply hand over our nation to corrupt leaders? Should we not stand up and fight for what is right?

Certainly not. We should fight for what is right and against what is wrong but the cause of Trump is not the cause of Christ. Nor is the battle for the senate a battle for the kingdom of God. America like every other nation on the planet is part of the world system or New Testament terms part of the world.

It's not the kingdom of God nor is it a special manifestation of the kingdom of God. In fact God's kingdom values are often diametrically opposed to the values of our country. Look America you know Christian nation okay we've aborted more than 60 million babies since 73. We lead the world in making and exporting pornography. Our murder rates are off the charts as are our rates for teen drug use, teen promiscuity, teen suicide.

Much of our history has been marked by racial injustice. We have as many radical elements on the right as we do on the left and we've pushed LGBTQ extremism on other countries at the risk of losing our finance. They're going to lose our financial support if they don't go with our agenda. So to equate America with God's kingdom or to merge the cross with the flag is to make a terrible and dangerous mistake and that's the era of Christian nationalism. So you can read the whole article when you get a chance up on or but the bottom line is if we would put Jesus first and preaching the gospel first and loving our neighbor first that would be the best way to serve America.

It's not that we don't get involved in other things it's just that we don't baptize our political activity into the cross and confuse the two. That's the concern. All right we're going to come back take your calls. I got a few more things to say and some practical guidelines. It's the Line of Fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. If you have not read my book Evangelicals at the Crossroads where we passed the Trump test, I came out with July it's more relevant now than when it came out. Yeah and it's going to be relevant for some time.

I think you'll find it very very helpful. Michael Brown welcome to the Line of Fire as we focus on the question of Christian nationalism. What is healthy? What is unhealthy? 866-34-TRUTH. I just got a note from someone that's fallen away from the Lord and backslidden for some years and said the other day after seeing further evangelical support for Trump I'm never going to a church again and and I wrote because I know this person from the past I wrote and said to her hey can we separate Trump from the gospel for now and just talk about your relationship with God and so on and what happened there and and the problem is and and she's very happy too but the problem is that there's a tremendous association between the gospel and Donald Trump right now now again I'm going to go to your calls you speak your mind you can agree with me disagree with me but let me try to give you a perspective because I reflect on this much I pray much I don't just want to say words that are irrelevant to many of you I want to try to be precise and accurate I have received tremendous opposition for my stands on gay activism transgender activism God spoke to me years ago reach out and resist reach out to the people with compassion resist the agenda with courage but because I'm known as someone who stands against same sex quote marriage or believes there's a better way than sex change surgery because my views are well known I'm hated for that all right so be it that's I knew that going in I mean I that was self-evident and many people feel I'm hurting them attacking them and hateful that's how they perceive things no matter how loving or gracious I am to them I'm rejecting them I understand that so I I'll take that flack because my position is biblical and in other words I can say hey I I preach Jesus to you I share the gospel with you and if you hate me and reject me and my message because of my stand on these moral issues that hurts because I love you but so be it because that's truth that's truth in other words if you reject me because of my stand on controversial cultural issues not a problem because I'm basing that on scripture so your battle is with scripture but if you reject my gospel message because I so openly support and defend Donald Trump that's a totally different thing because now I'm defending Trump versus defending scripture you see the difference there that's the key issue voting for is one thing defending is another we're looking to a man people say Donald Trump is the only one can save America or save the free world that I say becomes idolatrous but we'll have a conversation because again I'm not here to stir up controversy I'm here to advance the kingdom and glorify the Lord and help us be everything God wants us to be amen all right let us go to the phones we start in Rocky Mount Virginia Stephen welcome to the line of fire hello Dr. Brown how you doing today very well sir thank you yes so I have a lot of thoughts in my mind but I'm gonna try to address one thing at a time do I agree with Beth Moore to some degree I do and to some other degrees I do not and the way I see it I do know that the atmosphere is very different even I'm an African-American male and even the atmosphere is very different than when Obama was President Obama was in office President Obama was in office it's something very different in the atmosphere now than it was being one part of me of the African-American it was a wonderful achievement and it's just like when Virginia won the NCA championship it brought I had fears within me that that bubble fourth and with him winning I bubbled fourth too in that light that it was history right before my eyes but with this situation there's several things in my heart number one I'm a part of a congregation and when I go into congregation I've never seen so much animosity even among believers and sometimes it seems like if you're African-American if you have voted Trump or you stand with Trump or maybe not on everything Trump stands on but you stand on some of the principles it's almost like you can feel the tension and what I don't understand is if we are redeemed by the blood of the lamb just as well as we go to the book of Corinthians it talks about different gifts but one spirit one spirit I don't understand how in the world can there be so much animosity and if we supposed to be led by love and from my take on it when I look at President Trump I don't get caught up in the isms and but what do we do with this scripture where it says to pray for our leaders that we may have a quiet life now by us praying for our leaders that we may have a quiet life I take that to mean that they do well and we know in scriptures that the Lord deals with nation and righteousness is also a nation so without the isms and things like that my heart goes out for the man because I really do believe he have our best interest at heart and my heart is broken I didn't vote for him but when I see things like moving the embassy to Israel when there was presidents before him that did not do it and he had the courage to do it my heart says amen yep when I see him trying to take back where we can have the freedom to pray in the name of Yeshua my heart rejoices when I even watched the other day on some news channel I don't think fox even heard it I don't think CNN even heard it when he was reading about the story of the Christmas story how he was calling Yeshua b'nei Elohim hi Elohim the son of God and to me it reminds me of an uncle you may have an uncle and he's have an alcoholic problem but he's one of the greatest man's people you want to meet gives the whole man bad right because of the alcoholism yeah and to me I think no no yeah I I appreciate I wanted you to to to get to share all your thoughts because the moment you started speaking I knew that you had you thought these things through and wanted to lay them out so I just want to jump in though and and say this Steven yeah the the level of animosity in the body on either side of the Trump debate is totally unchristian in other words we can have differences but the way we trash each other look down at each other you know judge one of those salvation it's it's it ought not to be it ought not to be and and yes I am thankful for all the good Donald Trump did that's why I voted for him without hesitation in November I voted from with hesitation 2016 without hesitation 2020 all right because he did the things that he said he would do now I also knew there would be a lot of collateral damage him being who he is and to me the key was that we were not primarily identified with Trump but that our message that we're screaming to the whole world is about Jesus Yeshua right that's what everybody knows us for and then way down the list over here and we voted for Trump somehow whether you're for Trump or against Trump that's that's it that's everything now that's that's it that's everything now when we stand before God that's going to be God's big question did you vote for Trump or not no that's not going to be God's big question and that name like every other earthly name is going to be forgotten in the sense of in the presence of God there's only going to be one name that we're focused on so yeah we've the issues are great the issues are big they're massive they are they're very very big we understand that but our attitude once or another so I'm going to come back to that Steven thank you for weighing in I want to get to some other calls but thank you sir for weighing in I appreciate it let me say one quick thing and then your then more calls someone said to me on Twitter and I've heard this before you don't get it this is not about Trump this is about babies babies getting killed and Biden wants to kill babies and Trump doesn't and that's what we're fighting for the babies I don't believe that you're fighting for the babies why because the rest of the year you're not doing anything the rest of the the when I say you let me qualify the vast majority of us that are passionate pro-life voters do virtually nothing the rest of the year for babies and the vote is important but the vote is much less important than practical action that we can take on a daily basis that's a fact and we've aborted in the years under Reagan George HW Bush George W Bush and Donald Trump so what's that 24 years right 24 years over 20 million babies during that time it's not just going to stop if Trump gets four more years and it's not suddenly going to spike if Biden's in of course it's an important vote of course we're rallying over that well then rally the rest of the year do something for the unborn the rest of the year come on let's not be hypocrites said with passion and I'd say with a smile but it's too serious to say with a smile all right back to the phones let's go to Victor in Lorain Ohio you're on the line of fire hello Dr. Braun I want to thank you for having me on and I want to say thank you for all that you do and I I agree with everything you've said thus far I think you hit it right on the nail and I think it's just a matter of priority and as Christians Christ should be our our priority and that doesn't mean that we can't be good stewards of this land and be concerned about what's happening and I think we have a biblical responsibility according to Romans 13 to be involved in the affairs of our land but as you've already said if we become Trumpsters over being Christians that's where this whole concept of Christian nationalism comes into play now I'm a patriot I served four years in the United States Marine Corps I'm currently a law enforcement officer where I'm from and I very much respect and love this land but I understand that if the time comes where I have to choose between the Constitution or the Bible as Christians we have to be willing to lay down our national pride the Bible or not the Bible the Constitution and our allegiance the country for Christ because that's what we're called to do and so I just want to say that you know I I didn't vote for Trump the first election I didn't think that our votes even mattered you know um but after seeing everything that he's done like the last caller said I voted for Trump this past election and ironically it seems like our votes didn't matter this time around but uh at the end of the day Trump is not Jesus Christ I support him I pray for him and I want the best for him in our nation but we have to put Christ first thank you for having me out Dr. Brown thank you Victor thanks for your your words of affirmation too and thanks for your your service to our country yeah we can be we can be good patriots we can fight for our nation and by all means if you're convinced there was election fraud keep standing keep standing and let's all pray for a righteous outcome absolutely but friends there is a dangerous mixture if you say well I don't see it pray maybe maybe maybe it's not your heart maybe it's not your life but it's out there a very serious level all right back with more your call stay right here it's the line of fire with your host activist author international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown 866-34-TRUTH okay less than 30 minutes from now we are doing our weekly YouTube chat virtually never do it on a Monday but with me being away all last week at the prayer retreat we're going to be doing it today so 4 15 eastern time that's less than 30 minutes from now 4 15 eastern time right here our weekly exclusive YouTube chat when I say right here so on the Ask Dr. Brown YouTube channel ASK DR Brown also if you don't get my emails which are really informative useful helpful please take a minute to sign up and and when you do we've got a really neat series of emails we get the next few days with some of my testimony and background with what we do we just implemented that folks seem to really love the info they're getting so go to Ask Dr. Brown and just click to receive our emails all right back to your calls let's go to Sue in Minneapolis Minnesota you are on the line of fire oh hi Dr. Brown hey how are you good good thank you yes so I just had a couple of thoughts on this Trumpism and I do find it to be just a fascinating phenomenon and I wanted to ask do you think it's possible that what people are seeing as Trumpism and this kind of you know experience and enthusiasm it really people seeing it like tangibly God's work in very amazing ways and just being kind of excited about getting behind what God is doing and in some ways is it possible that even these rallies that I know you say there's more enthusiasm there than there is for like a revival meeting but I'm wondering if it's almost close to being a revival meeting and I feel like as I've watched this presidency unfold it actually has been a part of my spiritual awakening because I think it's it really has to almost be supernatural as to how this this whole thing this whole presidency continues to move it doesn't really make any sense and this is from the very beginning like I just find it fascinating I never took it seriously you know up until when he was elected and then I started to wonder if this really could be God moving and then you keep saying so many really powerful spiritual truths I mean it's always peppered with just a really strange package and you know offensive tweets that people lose their minds over I don't because sometimes I think you know as far as the big thing I'm wondering if he's got those more solid than a lot of people I just wonder and and you know sometimes I heard a quote that said sometimes what we think is really bad God doesn't so much and what he hates we don't think is so bad and you know look at his like you I would say I've become much more pro-life since he's it's like it's been like a spiritual awakening for me you know and just when you look at what's going on in the Middle East or Israel I just am like maybe God really is using this person and maybe this really is you know and I think we should support it right so so let me let me jump in and first say I'm so glad you called and articulated things so clearly and whatever spiritual awakening is happening in your own life I'm thrilled to hear that's that's wonderful and I have no doubt that that God used Trump in many ways and that I even felt that he was supernaturally raised up and put that in writing because the odds were so against it and and so on now were the rallies in DC like revival rallies no I've been in revival I've been in revival no if they were like revival rallies people would have been on their faces repenting of sin and crying out Jesus Jesus Jesus not USA USA USA I guarantee you that I served in the longest running local church revival in American history and and I'm somewhat not I've been called an authority on revival in any case I've written on it studied it so no that's that that was a patriotic revival not a Jesus revival and when they get confused that's where I get concerned so here's here's my my issue all right a if God raised up Trump and got him in supernaturally well right now he's not getting him in supernaturally the second term at this moment he's not getting him in supernaturally what does that say if God orchestrated the first was God not powerful enough to overcome electoral fraud or other things that's that's my first thing the second thing is we know there's a list of things in Proverbs 6 that God says that he hates right yeah one of them is a lying tongue another another is a haughty or arrogant attitude another is someone that stirs up division among brothers you can say that Trump does all those things top of the list so he all God also hates the shedding of innocent blood so of course that's why you know I voted against Biden and for Trump against Hillary and for Trump pro-life being one of the biggest things and no questions God used him but my perspective is unless we recognize the degree of damage that he also does look many Republican leaders are saying to him just accept the elections don't you're tearing the country apart you're ripping the country apart my bigger concern is the amount of people who have been turned away from Jesus because we we feel the need to defend Trump at any turn that to me is more important than than a baby being aborted or or anything else that if we turn people away from Jesus there's nothing more important so it's the mixture that concerns me not was God at work but the fact that we're mixing the two things and not saying hey God used a man very flawed man for certain purposes but I put no trust in the man nor do I defend the man I I see God working and certain thing you know what I'm saying that's and and then a renewed patriotism is not necessarily renewed spirituality yeah well I I know a lot of um I've I've really gotten friends with a lot of Christian Trump supporters and none of these people that I know worship Trump but what do you what do you mean by worship what do you mean by worship him because no one's saying they bow down and say Trump is Lord what do you well I that's the that's the feel I get up when like when when like when people like the Trumpism I feel like that's just a very firm to someone that supports Trump I mean I could say I would be considered a Trumpism by many people and um and I just listen I I listen to them respectfully as to um you know what they think and why they're so offended and um it's almost like when I can listen to them as they start talking about them there's something very very um like it's it's uh it's an irrational hatred I really can't put my finger on it got it even really nice people I know right so so here's what I'm seeing so and I so appreciate you're trying to listen respectfully I have seen almost inevitably that when I interact at length with someone that let's say they say I'm a lifelong Republican I'm a Christian I love the Lord but I cannot vote for Donald Trump and and you guys are totally wrong to vote for him so they're quote never Trumpers right so you got the Trumpists and they're never Trumpers and then I said well tell me why almost inevitably they start bringing up all the left-wing talking points and he wants to put people in cages and he's a racist and he's a misogynist and they get irrational I said you sound no better than never Trumpers sound no more rational than than the Trumpists so sue what I encourage you to do is just keep going to the Lord and saying Lord I'm yours and I just want to honor and serve you and if there's anything in me putting my trust in a man in the wrong way or confusing patriotism with spiritual revival show me and where my heart's right show and he'll confirm that because your your attitude I'm not your judge I'm not God right but from what you're saying that's that's the very attitude that I want people to have to say okay I don't see it I but I'm hearing what you're I'm trying to listen and understand and then we all get on our faces before the Lord we all get on our faces say Lord we just want you and your will and your best hey thank you for the call I pray I know with every call we could go on at length so I apologize for not taking more time with each but trying to to give as many of you a voice as possible thank you thank you very much for the call uh let's see we go to Atlanta Georgia Jim you just got a couple minutes so dive right right in right hi doctor uh oh what an honor and a pleasure those last two calls were so good that the marine I I kept repeating his name in my head and then of course once you get on I forgot it again with an a but he was a marine and a police officer and um you know it's I told the the screener uh I don't know her name but um that um I'm a fireman city of Atlanta and I used to I'm I used to be Catholic became a Christian uh 12 years ago 13 years ago and my wife is Jewish and she has become Christian and I actually got to see you speak in Ackworth Georgia you may not remember it but you spoke at a little Christian church there and I was sitting not far like the second row back so I've actually had the honor of of hearing you preach and it's uh one of the highlights of my life and what why I find this uh topic you're talking about because prior to my conversion of Christianity I put all my hopes and dreams in conservatism it had become an idol in my life that's where and one day as I was getting ready to listen to Rush Limbaugh on the radio which I had done for years before that every three hours of the day I heard a voice behind me say do you realize Jimmy you're turning away from half of my people hating half of my creation and it wasn't like one of these things like um just I actually looked up into the sky over my shoulder said are you serious like this is what you're asking me to do and I have never listened to political talk radio since that day so it it wasn't like I was trying to conjure up some kind of weird thing I once pulled turkey from something I had been doing for years on the dime and just changed but with with Trump and everything that's going on I'm getting drawn back into it through the tv all right so watch you all right so so Jim here's I'm out of time I'm out of time but let me help point you to keep your focus on Jesus don't get drawn into something God delivered you from let me help point you to keep your focus on Jesus get in the word pray honor him share your faith and if you feel to stay informed do it but in a very reserved way don't want to fall back into idolatry friends 15 minutes from now our youtube chat
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