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God's Message to America

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
September 28, 2020 4:10 pm

God's Message to America

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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September 28, 2020 4:10 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 09/28/20.

Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
Faith And Finance
Rob West

This past weekend, tens of thousands of Christians converged to receive the message that God was shouting out loudly to believers across the nation, which is, and repent. This is Michael Brown. Welcome to the broadcast.

866-3-4-TRUTH is number to call. I participated in the return, which was one of two major events taking place in D.C. on this past weekend. So the return began Friday night and went through Saturday night.

But the main bulk of the program was Saturday night in the morning until nine at night from 12 until noon. A prayer march with Franklin Graham took place, and these were within miles. I mean, easily within miles of each other.

There's only so much area right there in the heart of D.C. Combined, I'm sure well over 50,000 people there don't know the exact numbers. But I do know that analytics that came in for the return on Friday night, there were something around 50,000 churches that had signed up to say that they would air the event.

And again, this was the preliminary Friday night. And then major Christian networks, CBN and God TV, Daystar and others, they were airing it live as it was taking place, canceling the normal program, airing it live. Analytics said that in the States, Friday night, and this is what the organizers were told, that about 40 million were watching in the States, but that internationally it could have been between a quarter and a half a billion. So even if those numbers are way, way high, you're talking about one of the most watched Christian events in history. God was drawing attention. God was stirring hearts. And please hear me, to get that many people to come into D.C., so travel in, fly in, drive in with COVID and everything else, the numbers were higher than I was personally expecting.

I didn't even hear that much publicity about the events in terms of what would draw an even larger crowd. So something was going on and a message was going forward. And I want to take you into the event that I was part of, the return, and then also take you into the prayer march. I want to take you in.

I want to play some clips for you. But I got back to my hotel room Saturday night. I was given a four minute slot. Most speakers had three, four minutes, something like that, or to pray or to speak. So I was given a four minute slot early evening, focusing on Israel.

What we'll play that for you, we'll let you hear where I felt to go with that. But I got back to my room and I thought, you know, I'm going to write an article. Thousands of Christians converge on D.C. and trash the city. So I wrote this article.

That's the title. Tens of thousands of Christians converged on D.C. and trashed the city. If you're watching online, you see a picture of some of the crowd that was there. And you say trash the city.

Well, that was my way of having fun, getting attention, saying, hey, do you hear about that? The looting and the vandalizing and the cross to burn it down and the angry voices in the protest. Oh, you didn't.

Well, actually, tens of thousands did gather, but we got it to pray and to begin with repentance for for our sins, where we fell short before the Lord as God's people. And to my surprise, the article went up. went up in other places, our website, But when it went up early in the morning or late morning, whenever it was posted, I suddenly see the things taking off. I shared on our Facebook page. Now it's barely 24 hours later. Just Facebook shares is over 100000 just from that one article and one site.

And it's posted in multiple places. So it's just one of those things like, whoa, whoa, God's getting our attention. And then as the event is culminating and the shofars are being blasted with all the symbolism of that, we'll play that for you later. President Trump is announcing Amy Coney Barrett as the new nominee to fill Justice Ginsburg's seats.

What kind of timing? What's God saying to us? So I want to take you into the morning session. Pastor Carter Conlon, an old friend of mine, we haven't seen each other since, oh, shortly before David Wilkerson went to be with the Lord. But we got to know each other as good friends before he became pastor of Times Square Church and succeeded David Wilkerson for many years now leading a national prayer ministry.

But Carter is up. He's been reading from John three in God's will of the world, that passage. And God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world and begins to share as he shares.

You can feel the brokenness and the pain growing in his heart. Let's listen to Pastor Carter. Almighty God, we come to you this day, Lord, and ask your forgiveness.

For as your people in these last few decades in this country, we have loved lightness over light. As the prophet Jeremiah once said, Shall I not punish them for these things, says the Lord? Shall I not avenge myself on such a nation as this? An astonishing and horrible thing has been committed in the land. The prophets prophesied falsely, and the priests bear rule by their own power.

And my people love to have it so. But what will you do in the end? This is the peril of sitting under a deficient and a light representation of the Word of God, the purpose of God, the power of God, and the Spirit of God. God needs to forgive us as a people for loving lightness.

It's been the plague of the American church for several decades. We've loved comfort over conviction, and we've sought pleasure over purity. Our hope today, as the scripture says, is that we will humble ourselves, seek His face again, and confess that all of our ways are not as pure as we would like to think they are, and ask God to bring us back into the light of His Word again. We ought not to be afraid, because He speaks to us for good and never for evil, to bring you and I to a desired end. And if we will open our hearts one more time to the light of God, not only will we not be condemned or rendered powerless in this last day, but you and I, as the Church of Jesus Christ, will become a force to be reckoned with in our society. My cry and the prayer of my heart is, God, bring us back again to the light of Your Word, and let the glory, the absolute glory of the risen Christ, through the power of His Holy Spirit, radiate on us again in our thoughts, in our hearts, in our pursuits, in our witness, the way we live, the way we speak, in the reverence of our worship before a holy God. My prayer is, God, bring us back to our purpose on the earth, to stand as a testimony, not an argument, but a testimony to the reality of God, and to bring men, women, and children into a living relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. May God give us the grace to find our voice again. May God give us the grace to find the courage that only the Holy Spirit can give to the Church of Jesus Christ. May God give us the grace to pray in a way that one more time in our generation, mountains will be forced to be moved and be cast into the midst of the sea. Oh, God, in Jesus' name, touch Your people again.

Touch Your Church. Holy Spirit, come. We need You now. We need You more than life. We need You more than all of our plans and schemes and the things we've done in Your name. My God, we humble ourselves before You and confess that we need Your presence in our lives. Bring us, oh God, to the light one more time and let Jesus Christ above everything in this nation be glorified. Amen and amen and amen.

And amen. You know, there were people who were concerned, well, this is going to be a political event, this is just going to be a pro-Trump event, this is going to be a Republican event. No, this was a Jesus event. This is a repentance event.

This was an event of humbling ourselves before God and crying out for mercy before it is too late. And friends, we don't know a lot about desperation here in the Church in America. We don't know a lot about being in a critical life and death situation because we have been lulled to sleep and our culture as a whole has been secure. I mean, we're not threatened with constant invasion from the outside.

You think of living in Israel where you're surrounded by hostile enemies or living in South Korea where, you know, the hostility and armament of North Korea. We're very secure in many ways in America and the Church has preached a security first, kind of feel good, just enjoy life and enjoy God's message. And that's not real life and that's not the real Gospel.

The real Gospel is being lived out by brothers and sisters around the world today who are literally losing their lives rather than deny Jesus. We don't want to lose a little comfort or skip a meal. It is wake up time for the Church. It is an urgent moment in our nation and we're grasping it a little because of COVID-19, because of all the shaking going on around us. We're grasping it a little because of the riots and protests in the streets and the division and the and the controversy over the the upcoming elections.

We're grasping the desperation a little but it needs to go deeper. The one person who had a full message to preach was my friend Jonathan Cahn. And I speak to all those who are critics of the charismatic movement or anti-charismatic or have a problem with Jonathan and his message.

You think it's hype and I said for years, look, I know him. He walks in the fear of the Lord. He is a serious and sober-minded believer and he was the principal visionary behind this meeting taking place. And he was on fire when he preached.

We're going to play some excerpts for you. But he was on fire. He was burning with a message. So I urge all of you who have judged him a certain way or heard a little bit about his books and think he's a sensationalist or something, I urge you to listen to his entire message.

I believe it's a message from God to America, reaching out to those that don't know the Lord and speaking first and foremost to those of us who do know him. But remember, I've said it for many years, my greatest concern is not so much the presence of darkness as it is the absence of light. That is the greater issue.

If the salt has lost its saltiness, what good is it? So it is up to us to function as God's people in the world, in the society, shining the light, being a moral conscience, being a moral preservative. Jesus said, if the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness?

It's a different context, but we could make the application. The great problem in America today is the compromised state of the church. We'll be right back. It's the line of fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. So let's go back to the return, Saturday, September 26th, Shabbat Shuvah, the Sabbath of Repentance. One of the passages read that day in the synagogue's Joel 2, tiku shofar b'tzion.

I mentioned that in my four-minute message. Blow the trumpet, sound the shofar, blast the shofar in Zion. It's an urgent call to the people of God to wake up and repent before it was too late. So let's listen in Jonathan Cahn's keynote address, Saturday morning, September 26th. Here he's talking about abortion and the sins of America.

Let's listen. 60 million Americans have been murdered and instead of weeping over that fact we go still farther. It was less than two years ago that in the nation's abortion capital New York that that gruesome law was passed to push the boundaries even farther to murder the unborn child to the point of birth.

And when they passed that bloody law they cheered and they lit up the tower at ground zero in the color pink in celebration. The city on the hill has grown dark. Its light has dimmed and is in danger of going out. It has now been overtaken by a plague that has left it shaken. A lockdown that has battered its economy and paralyzed its daily life and the sort of disorder and violence that has set it on edge and divided it in two. It's an America that has declared war against its own foundation, a nation its founders would not recognize.

An America in which the statue of one of its founders, its first president after which this city is named, is pulled off its pedestal wrapped in an American flag and set on fire. And yet it was that same first president who on the first day of his presidency gave the nation a prophetic warning. He said this, the propitious smiles of heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which heaven itself has ordained. That again is is the heart and soul of what was coming forth at the return event.

And then Jonathan said this, so we go to clip number three. For if a nation's course remains unchanged, so too will its end. For a house divided, a house that wars against its own foundation cannot remain standing. And that is why we have come to this ground on the 26th day of September 2020 and have gathered all over America and the world because the hour is late and the moment is critical. We've come here to stand before God, to intercede for this nation as never before and seek His mercy as never before.

We have come here because God has given this promise. Yet still if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear from heaven. I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land. So if you're watching that on Facebook or YouTube you see that there is a broken piece of pottery laying on the ground. Jonathan held it up as Jeremiah did in Jeremiah 19 and God told him smash the pottery and it's break into pieces that cannot be repaired because Jerusalem is about to be struck down. And it was a prophetic warning.

It was a very sobering time. One more clip from the message as Jonathan spoke Saturday morning September 26th at the return in Washington DC. The voice of God is calling to a nation America. Return and to the nations of the world. Return to everybody who has ears now to hear His voice. Return for my arms are open. Return to me and I will return to you. Has America passed the point of no return? What lies ahead? Judgment and calamity or return and revival?

It can be both. It can be that through shaking that revival comes. Did you hear that? It can be through shaking that revival comes. And that's not our sound effects. And through the shaking, through the darkening, through darkness that comes the light and through the shaking of a nation's power and the darkening of its light that the radiance of God's light might dawn and the fiery spirit might blaze and when the darkness comes and the night falls it is then that the people of God must shine as lights into the darkness and stars into the night. That's you. It happened that as he was speaking these things that started to thunder had been an overcast day.

As he prayed at the end the sun actually shone. Take that for what it's worth. But here's what makes it even more intense. So Justice Ginsburg dies unexpectedly. Yes she was 87 but there were no reports that she had been sick with cancer again.

You know all treatments she was supposed to be better. Suddenly she departs when and the shofar is being sounded around the world. The beginning of Rosh Hashanah, the feast of trumpets, the Yom Teruah, the beginning of the traditional Jewish new year and this holy season on the biblical calendar. All right that's when she passes away. When does President Trump announce Amy Coney Barrett?

He would have announced her earlier but he waited as Justice Ginsburg was lying in in in state in in in DC and was going to be buried. He makes the announcement Saturday and the two clips you're about to hear this is virtually within minutes of each other if not seconds of each other. The culminating events of the first part of the return ending at 5 p.m eastern time and then a break and then resuming 6 going into the evening but it culminates with an extended shofar blast. So this this in the bible is often a wake-up call, a call to repentance, call for the armies of God to rise. It's a stirring moment in the bible.

So the stage line with people with shofar as those who had it in the crowds were sounding it. So I want you to hear what was actually going on around 5 p.m Saturday September 26th in DC. Let's listen. We are now, do you have you ready guys?

You've been wanting to do this? This is about the power of God. So listen I'm gonna ask two things. They're gonna they're gonna blast all at once however many shofars we have out there. You're lifted up but pointed upward and we're gonna go full blast the power of God all at once and you also people of God you don't have a shofar you got a voice shout to the Lord. Ready?

And we'll just keep doing it for a little while. Ready everybody? All right from here and Lord we as we seal the return and the power of God. Now Lord let the sound of your power go forth to the world.

And yet Jesus, Yeshua's name, go! All right literally within minutes of this happening could have been seconds but certainly within minutes of this happening not far away in Washington DC I want you to hear what President Trump was saying and doing. Let's listen. Today it is my honor to nominate one of our nation's most brilliant and gifted legal minds to the Supreme Court.

She is a woman of unparalleled achievement, towering intellect, sterling credentials, and unyielding loyalty to the Constitution, Judge Amy Coney Barrett. All right so look nobody scripted it like this. Do you understand what I'm saying? President Trump is not saying oh there's this prayer event going on and they'll be blowing the shofar right about this time so we'll have the press conference then and on on the side of the return this whole schedule was scripted out well before Justice Ginsburg had passed away well before anyone had any clue about Amy Coney Barrett. Now I've got a guest that's going to join me in a few minutes at the bottom of the hour and we're going to talk about the significance of her nomination what it does mean but could this be again God saying I'm ready to have mercy if you will humble yourselves and pray and cry out and seek my face and not stop now I'm ready to have mercy and I'm ready to address the horror of abortion in your land.

We want to see the courts change more importantly we have to see the hearts of Americans changed. All right let's uh let's go over to Jeff in Houston, Texas. You're on the line of fire. Hello Dr. Brown. Hello. Yeah, Jeff calling from Houston. I normally would call on thirdly Jewish Thursday. I'll try to give you a point of reference from the last time we talked about. Yeah, tell you what dive right in only because time is short. Yeah, go ahead. Okay, okay so uh yeah uh really impressed with what happened over the weekend my wife and I had that all all weekend long it just so anyway uh in reference to who who we are together I'm a Jew I'm a believer we both have the same birthday I called you a couple months ago and just love your program love what you and Jonathan can do so uh quick question about end times uh I was listening to Jonathan Burness and he thinks that Jesus will literally come back on Yom Kippur so maybe maybe since it's not thoroughly Jewish Thursday it's tell you what yeah just just got to jump in I was specifically wanting you to ask the question on my screen namely what will happen in the U.S. now that this has taken place so that that's what I do need to to focus on Jeff so I appreciate the call and there's a lot we could talk about biblical calendar and all that but but here's the short answer there's a window of mercy open if we will earnestly pursue the Lord if we will earnestly humble ourselves and repent of our sin if pastors and leaders hundreds of churches signed up for repentance Sunday this past Sunday the 27th and there were major gatherings around the world of prayer and repentance Saturday if friends we will continue to humble ourselves and earnestly seek his face we can't see mercy come to America it's not too late I believe that's the message got a shot it's the line of fire with your host dr michael brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is dr michael brown so what's the significance of president trump's nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to replace justice Ginsburg the timing of things just quite amazing as I was just sharing justice Ginsburg passing away at the beginning of Rosh Hashanah so with the trumpet blast the the beginning of the sacred season 10 days of all on the Jewish calendar as this return event is culminating in DC Saturday the 26th shofar is blasted call for repentance literally at that moment president trump is announcing the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett and what I've already tweeted for all my non-catholic friends I'm not catholic myself just understand the attacks that come against her faith in the days ahead are not specifically attacks on her catholicism but the attacks on her christianity and conservative beliefs i'm joined on the air by my old friend reverend pat mahoney he is the director of the christian defense league defense coalition and he has been for decades decades on the front lines of the pro-life movement hey pat thanks for joining us on the broadcast today uh thank you for having me dr brown and good word old friend i i like that part um i'm actually for your listeners i tried to do it outside but i'm in the office literally across the street from the supreme court i could throw a stone and hit the court it's a bit windy outside but dr brown it's on saturday my heart was so full of god's thankfulness and glory and i just thought it gets weary some some time especially on the life issue on the pro-life call and i've been out in 100 degree heat freezing weather i prayed at the court by myself and with crowds and sometimes you continue to pray you see setbacks in the court you see other struggles and i felt and i i think every person is a little bit different but they can all understand this that god literally imprinted a verse in my spirit grow not weary in well-doing for a new season you shall reap a harvest as you faint if you faint not and mike i thought for 47 years we've been praying at this court for this moment and it's here this moment is here now all the people who came up here that no one will ever know until we get into heaven all the people who have sacrificed all the people who have gotten up at one and two in the morning and cried out to god and fasted and prayed brothers and sisters this is that moment and to confirm it and to just show we're not speaking in hyperbole look at what happened no one knew this announcement was going to be made on the 26th no one knew justice skinberg would pass and here we have major christian events yeah going on that day people on the mall repenting and crying out to god people seeking revival and mike you and i agree that when the holy spirit moves it's just not an internal spiritual thing of course that is the foundation but our faith and our commitment to christ springs out into the public square into the community so it's just exciting and i love what you said everyone has to realize when they attack judge barrett and they're already doing it it's not an attack just on her faith or her experience or her journey it's an attack on ours and i think one of the sidebars since blm began is god has pulled a curtain back where we see how public expressions of faith particularly christianity are now being treated in a very troubling way are being restricted are being censored are being uh treated differently than other forms of demonstration for example here in dc um early on months ago i could not gather more than 10 people at the capital to pray and yet the city was allowing tens of thousands of people to demonstrate students who arrested for sidewalk chalking in front of planned parenthood and if you walked out in front of the court today there's chalk all over so there's a lot you know you know what i love about the lord he's so amazing when he moves in one way it's like a stone in a pond it ripples out into so many other areas and god is doing this extraordinary moment and if you will pulling back the curtain and let us and letting the church really see what's going on in america regarding public expressions of faith and how they feel about christianity yeah it's it's it's the truth on so many levels and pat you know jonathan kahn and i were talking early evening saturday about okay the timing of justice ginsburg's death you couldn't be a time of the year especially as a jewish person that gets your attention more and the shofar had already been sounded in different parts of the world when we hear the news of her passing and then these events the prayer event with franklin graham and the return these were scheduled months and events no one knew any of this was coming and the schedule for the return i i got it weeks back very detailed laid out and it was going to end right coming to 5 pm with the sounding of the shofar and then in the evening we continue with celebration and a focus on israel and things so i mean the shofar is being blasted right i mean literally within seconds or minutes of the announcement of amy connie barrett so so pat you're a realist i mean you've been arrested many times for pro-life activity you bear in the front lines like you said 47 years it's easy to get weary during that time you know that people can surprise us anthony canady ends up going there you know a reagan appointee going the wrong way in key decisions john robertson bush appointee wrong way we've already seen gorsuch go the wrong way and he's a trump appointee uh yet you feel now with with amy barrack that this this really is a tipping point why is this so significant why is she so significant and why is the composition of the court something that you really think could make the difference you've been praying for for almost 50 years well let's talk about dr barrett herself just look at her writings look at her let's start mike where we should start with every politician and that's not with their votes let's start with their personal life the mother of seven two children from haiti one special needs child balancing out the role of law professor mother wife her complete devotion to her faith which he has been very open about i'm not going to criticize justice gorsuch or justice kennedy but there is no narrative whatsoever in their lives that connects them to a deep-seated real faith as a matter of fact one of the things that that brings assurance and i think should reassure everyone across the country who might be a little bit nervous is how progressives are attacking her faith yeah the uh only other justices who had that kind of faith uh narrative and journey recently scalia and thomas and i think they turned out pretty well yeah so so you look first at a personal life that's where everybody has to begin and none of the other justices that you referred to had that second she's left a wide variety of opinion and views in regard to being a law professor so nothing's going to take us by surprise nothing is going to be out there that she hasn't indicated over a long journey of teaching at notre dame law school then for the time and it hasn't been that long when she was on the federal bench look at her opinions so i do feel that that way but mike there's something um i know i'm presbyterian you and i always joke about that although you know god did sovereignly put all this stuff together before it happened but anyway that's for another radio show altogether but she is almost in a way the mere image of ruth bader ginsburg yeah she had children when she was a student she was a mom she was a law professor she argues for the marginalized and disenfranchised in many ways she is a ruth bader ginsburg on so many uh platforms so it's kind of interesting that if she replaces ruth bader ginsburg it will be a woman that ruth bader ginsburg i think would have been proud of uh this this woman who exemplifies in her life the whole mantra of being pro-choice is a lie you don't have to have abortion to get ahead being pregnant won't uh hurt your career i mean seven children and she will assume outside of the presidency and some people might even argue greater than the presidency because it's lifetime but one of the highest positions in the world and so these are the things and then finally it's interesting and this is maybe inside dc but when the opening for justice cavanaugh when uh justice scalia passed there was an internal serious discussion among evangelicals and charismatic who did not feel comfortable with cavanaugh and all of them were leaning toward amy coney barrett and they felt the president missed his mark and people said no there will be a time just like esther where god will raise this woman up for such a time as this and in all honesty if she were nominated before she might have not gotten confirmed but right now president trump given the political climate and this is a political decision let's be honest he had to nominate a woman and what better woman than than uh judge barrett so i look at things first from a spiritual perspective not a political perspective we see the hand of god so much into this and the holy spirit moving and um i was working with police officers they expected twenty to thirty thousand for the combined events of the return and the dc prayer march and it exceeded that by multiple times was the 75 000 100 000 we don't know but all the press here said so many more people came than expected i see this great crying out to god those people um at at the two events were not there at a trump rally they were not there at a republican rally they were called as the people of god to seek the holy spirit in repentance and brokenness and say god heal our land move in our land touch our hearts and that's what this race is really all about we bring it to god we look to god and we seek him and i do know this you're uh you know i don't even remotely consider myself a theologian i know you are but i do know that when god brings judgment he brings ample warning he isn't like a parent who will suddenly ground you for six months without yeah and hey just to jump in because we're out of time pat yes it's a warning the warning is here the shaking is here the window of mercy is open we've got to seize the moment pat thank you it is time god bless it's the line of fire with your host activist author international speaker and theologian dr michael brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling eight six six three four true here again is dr michael brown i'm looking at a post on our facebook page s dr brown a skdr brown on facebook elizabeth said trump's nomination of barrett was at the same time as the trumpet blast the individual in the group portion overlapped with the nomination i was at the return and ran to my hotel at 14th and f to watch the nomination on tv while watching the return on my iphone the two events overlapped i mean friends god's getting our attention and the nomination of amy connie barrett is of tremendous significance let us pray over at the prayer march which took place a little earlier in the day from what roughly noon to two and and vice president pence was there there was more specific prayer for the for the government and things like that but it was a prayer rally not a political rally one of the speakers slash prayers was my friend bishop harry jackson listen to what he had to say the last several years i've been going through a healing process i should be dead from cancer and the god saw fit to heal me amen ten percent chance of survival when we think about the pence family and the president we think about a nation going through a healing process that prayer can turn things around amen so when you look at the riots you look at the challenges believe that god is healing us would you bow your head with me please heavenly father we think today about your healing grace we think about the fact that you are watching over the pence family that the vice president be a healer let him be a physician that is instructed by you and that the power of god arise as we move forward in this next season lord we remember psalm 68 verse 1 which says let god arise and his enemies be scattered let god arise and his enemies be scattered let god arise shouted with me on the count of three as a prayer to heaven that god will arise and anoint this leadership team the vice president and the president one two three let god rise amen amen friends i've said many times four more years of president trump is not going to save america or heal the wounds in america we need divine intervention so yes i plan to vote excuse me i plan to vote for president trump november 3rd but my hope is not in him i hope it's not in mike pence i hope it's in the lord himself america is wounded deeply america is divided deeply and only as we fall in our faces only as god pours out mercy only as god turns hearts only as the church arises can change come now now already amy coney barrett is coming under attack from every angle i wrote an article and i i did send it by way of twitter to professor ibram kendy i'm not sure if he'll actually see it or not but he's become one of the most influential authors professors in america today his book how to be an anti-racist is being used for school and government curricula in different parts of the nation but something happened over the weekend that grieved me and i felt it was important to address i don't know if he'll see my article or not hopefully he will but but if not we get the message out to others in any case and and here's here's what i want to focus on a conservative christian woman named jenny beth martin tweeted out with two adopted children from haiti it is going to be interesting to watch the democrats try to smear amy coney barrett as racist we know she's going to get smeared from every angle so professor kendy saw that and responded and he said some white colonizers adopted black children and adopted in quotes they quote civilized these quotes savage children and the superior quote ways of white people using them as props in their lifelong pictures of denial while cutting the biological parents of these children out of the picture of humanity this is from professor kendy what in the world does that do with amy coney barrett and and when white parents adopt black children they now firsthand experience some of the discrimination some of the racism that's in our country and how their white kids are treated better than their black kids i mean they've told me these things themselves white parents have adopted black kids and the reason kids are in orphanages is because they've already been cut off from their parents their biological parents they've been sex trafficked they've been they they've just been put in orphans because of poverty or parents dying or whatever and professor kendy followed up and said this whether this is barren or not is not the point it is a belief too many white people have if they have or adopt a child of color they can't be racist i find these comments racist and and the exact opposite of it was written about being an anti-racist because when you say hey i understand that to this day in america studies indicate that there is discrimination against children of color i cite an article in in my article about that that there's still discrimination against children of color even in our adoption system okay articles entitled the u.s adoption system discriminates against darker skin children so when you say i i want to give them better standing we're gonna we're gonna adopt them you're doing that out of compassion not to civilize savages and the better ways of white culture what kind of nonsense is that you're doing it out of compassion and and and the same way uh when somebody posts this it's even uglier here look look at look at this this is this is even even more extreme uh oh let me scroll down and find somebody i don't know who's slats 90 whatever his name is on twitter jenny beth martin on Adolf Hitler with the young Jewish girl who won this affection it's going to be interesting to watch the resistance to try to smear Adolf Hitler's rest racist it shows a picture of Hitler with some little girl all right friends friends Amy Coney Barrett now being likened to Hitler it's gonna get crazy it's gonna get sick but remember the attacks on her are for one word abortion and then with that conservative Christian faith remember that all right i don't have time to play the entire four minute message but i want to play as much as we can of my message at the return so we'll fade out probably during my prayer time at the end but here is what i was able to deliver 20 years ago i stood here with several hundred thousand young people we cried out to god for the nation we pledged our lives afresh for a new jesus revolution and many would dramatically touch that day have gone around america and around the world and done great things for god but sadly america has continued in a steady moral and spiritual decline and in these last 20 years something else ominous has happened i mean the rise of anti-semitism in america the rise of jew hatred even in the church i'm talking about in the halls of congress calling for boycott divestment and sanctions of israel i'm talking about a major black supremacist comparing jews to termites just as the nazis compared them to parasites to be exterminated i'm talking about a white supremacist marching into a synagogue in pittsburgh and shouting all jews must die and then massacring them i'm talking about a 19 year old evangelical christian going to a synagogue in poway california and saying jews must die because they are complicit in the killing of christ i'm talking about a catholic scholar with a rising internet following that says the jews are hostile to god and displeasing to all men i'm talking about an evangelical news network saying the jews are trying to take over the government and when they do they're going to kill millions of christians so get your weapons now we are here today to denounce anti-semitism in america and anti-semitism in the church we are here to denounce the theology that says god is finished with israel and we are here to proclaim with paul from romans 11 26 that the day will come when god will grant repentance to his jewish people and all israel shall be saved proclaim that with me here and around the world as you're watching say it out loud all israel shall be saved today in the synagogues shabbat shuvah this sabbath of repentance we read from hosea 14 shuvah israel turn back o israel to the lord your god we read from joel to tiku shofar blow the trumpet sound the shofar and zion but we also read from mica six miel kamocha who is a god like you for giving sin passing over the transgression of the remnant of his people and then what does it say he doesn't hold on to his anger forever because he delights and showing mercy 24 hours from now yom kippur begins the day of atonement jews around the world fasting praying asking god for forgiveness so father we pray right now for the opening of the eyes of traditional jews and secular jews for the opening in the eyes of rabbis counter missionaries and jews meditating in a hill somewhere in the paul we pray for liberal secular jews of america we pray for an outpouring of the spirit for eyes to be open and repentance to be granted to israel say it once more all israel shall be saved god bless you look at that it fit in to the second may israel be saved may america turn may god's mercy be poured out the window is still over to change the world
Whisper: medium.en / 2024-02-26 03:40:13 / 2024-02-26 03:57:20 / 17

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