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The Drive with Josh Graham / Josh Graham
The Truth Network Radio
June 16, 2023 6:09 pm

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The Drive with Josh Graham / Josh Graham

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June 16, 2023 6:09 pm

On a Friday Drive, Josh explains why Wake Forest is in trouble in Omaha, reacts to Michael Jordan selling the Charlotte Hornets, lists off the priorities the Carolina Panthers should have, ahead of training camp,  breaks down Steve Forbes' press conference, today, unleashing on Bobi Klintman's agent, and broadcaster for ESPN, Mike Monaco, who'll be on the call at the College World Series, discusses whether or not Wake Forest is the best college team we've seen in the last several years and what matchup he prefers to be on the call for in the coming ACC/SEC Challenge, next college basketball season. 


He's amused Cam Newton. He's been insulted by Charles Barkley. When some idiot in the press asked him, you know what you know now what you scheduled this game. He's interviewed Matthew McConaughey and he's taken on Big Blue Nation. He's just completely taking the wind out of my seat. It's time for The Drive with Josh Graham. We've made it to a Friday Drive. You are listening to WSJS News Talk Sports for the Triad, where about an hour ago, TCU and Oral Roberts opened up the College World Series.

At this time tomorrow, top-ranked Wake Forest will be facing Stanford in Omaha. And maybe fans haven't expressed this because of the plus 59 run differential and the unblemished record we've seen from the Deacs the last couple of weekends. Or maybe they do feel this way, but there's just an unpopular opinion to have. They're not saying it.

You don't want to say something that might upset some people. But there's a real reason to be concerned for the Demon Deacons tomorrow. There is plenty of danger in their opener and it shouldn't be surprising to you if they should lose.

And here's why. The ballpark dimensions can be a real equalizer out at Charles Schwab Stadium or whatever they call it. They used to call it TD Ameritrade Park. Ever since they replaced Rosenblatt, they've had this park with deep fences and it's made a difference many different times at this stage in the game. Just ask Trey Turner and NC State from about a decade ago. Wake Forest, they have the number one pitching staff in America.

The best ERA by nearly a run. Nobody has better arms than Wake Forest does. That is the greatest disparity between Wake and Stanford. In fact, Wake's ERA is literally half of what Stanford's is. Nationally, Wake's number one in ERA by more than a run or close to a full run to the second place team.

And Stanford ranks 128th nationally, the worst out of the eight teams that have advanced to Omaha. That seems like a pretty great advantage for Wake Forest. But the fences could curtail Wake's bats a bit. They get a hold on some on some balls from Cardinal pitching and they don't quite go out.

You can see where I'm headed here. It could really start to give Stanford an advantage in bridging that gap that exists between the Deke's pitching and Stanford's pitching. Here was Tom Walter pretty much saying yeah we're gonna have to adjust our game plan because of how long these fences are.

I thought it carried a little better than I expected it to today but we still got to in general live lower than we've been living. You know we certainly can't expect some of the home runs we've hit at our ballpark or other ballparks in the ACC. If you if you look across our league there's probably only one or two pitchers parks like in the whole league. It's mostly hitters parks in our league. So it's not just our ballpark that plays that plays a little smaller in our league. So we definitely have to lower our ball flight in general and change our pitch plan a little bit too.

The stage is also concerning. Everyone has talked about getting to Omaha. That's the way that people talk about college baseball. If you haven't won a national title, if you haven't been to Omaha, same for college basketball. It's like can you get to your first ever Final Four?

Can you get to your first ever College World Series or the first in Wake's case since 1955? And then once you get there it feels like you've already accomplished your goal doesn't it? Hey everyone's talking about getting to Omaha or getting to the Final Four and then once you get there what's stopping you from being truly fat and happy? Truly content.

Hey we've accomplished something and the rest is icing on the cake. They'll tell us now no we're aspiring for something more but that's not the way that most fans are reacting. They're taking a trip to Omaha and they would be content even if it's to and out for the Deke saying this was a historic run we're just so glad that we're there and had a magical season. And how does that not rub off on players? Juxtapose that with Stanford who is entering their third consecutive College World Series.

There's the pressure piece of being on this stage and then the contentness piece that you can be concerned about. None of that concerns Stanford because those players know the stage. Those players aren't expected to do anything once they're in Omaha. You're playing the number one team. No one's giving them a shot. So they don't have the pressure.

They know what the stage is because they've been there. It's a bit concerning and I saw Rhett Louder pitch last week against Alabama. That was a tight game. Alabama hit the ball out a few times on Rhett Louder.

He was not the most sharp the last time we saw him and Stanford's bats are better than Alabama's bats. We got to give Stanford some credit here. This on paper is the best team Wake Forest has played this year. They played a home-and-home with Coastal. Coastal was 10th in the national rankings at the end of the year. Stanford 8th.

They were the last national seed. So this is the most talented team Wake Forest has played all year. They're in a ballpark that's different than any park they've ever played in before. It's their first time to Omaha while Stanford's been here before and their greatest advantage pitching might be neutralized or at least slightly affected, slightly equalized by the fact you have those very deep fences out in Omaha.

It's concerning to me. My gut tells me Stanford is going to upset Wake Forest tomorrow. That's what my gut tells me. I hope I'm dead wrong.

I really do. Partly because I hope I have a radio show on Monday. We will have all of Wake Forest's games from Omaha on WSJS tomorrow at 2 o'clock 140 start time for our pregame. If they win they will play Monday night. If they lose they will be playing right now at about this time on Monday afternoon. Wake's in trouble in the World Series tomorrow. They are. It should be a great game.

A great low-scoring game. On Twitter at WSJS radio if you want in on today's show we're on Twitter there and streaming there in addition to YouTube and on Twitch 3 3 6 7 7 7 1 600 is the phone number. Will Dalton is the executive producer of this show. WD, as a Hornets fan are you sad to see Michael Jordan go? Are you sad to see him selling his majority staking team? Not in the slightest. Not in the slightest.

I'm actually really perky. You're not gonna see him wearing you're not gonna miss seeing him wear his you know leather jacket sitting there courtside. It is cool when MJ's at the game. I mean that's great he can still come I just he hasn't been a very good owner in 13 years. No.

At all. Because it's MJ and it is the majority stake sale of an NBA franchise. This is news. It's news and it's been talked about quite a bit today.

One of the biggest headlines that's out there. However this sale isn't going to change much of anything for the Hornets moving forward. For starters to your point MJ isn't really going anywhere. He's not gonna be the majority stake owner anymore. He's not gonna be the loudest voice in the room but he's still gonna be a minority stake owner. He's still gonna be sticking around the organization. He'll still have influence with the two majority owners.

Why? Because those owners were minority stake owners before. They've been business partners for years. They are good friends.

They're probably going to make many decisions together. And focusing on these majority stake owners neither are really major players. Neither of these guys are billionaires.

I think one of the two is valued at 400,000 maybe 500,000. Was greatly involved with that GameStop short from a few years ago that created some headlines. Business, Wall Street types, okay. But neither are you know these massive tycoons, these massive guys that are going to you know be aggressive and take the team to new heights. Oh but at least they got Eric Church and Jay Cole involved. All those part-time owners or those part owners like Jay Cole and Eric and Eric Church and these two majority stake owners now and I'll even throw MJ in that. All of them combined make up a fraction of David Tepper's net worth. You know Mr. Concert's David Tepper who's worth 13 bills.

You know with concerts. That guy he's the type of owner that can change things. We're gonna spend more than everybody else. We don't need to have consultants and extra coaches, support staff like Jim Caldwell or whatever but we will spend in order to give our team every advantage. This that's not what this is going to be with these two majority stake owners now.

They don't have it where they're gonna be spending in the luxury tax every year which Michael Jordan never did. That's not going to change all that much. So the best you can say about what happened today is that it can't really get much worse.

That's the best. I don't know if it's good news. I don't know if it's good. It's just not bad news. It could be good news but right now it's blah. We don't know yet. We don't know.

Michael he was that bad of an owner. It probably is gonna be better than it was because it's hard to imagine it's going to be worse. In that sense it's good news but it's not earth-shaking.

It's not groundbreaking. It's not going to change all that much for the Hornets if we're being honest. The College World Series underway in Omaha and obviously our next guest is not on the call for TCU Oral Roberts but in about an hour and a half we will see Mike Monaco's face on ESPN calling Virginia and Florida tonight out in Omaha. Mike Monaco joins us now though and Mike you get to call some Red Sox for Nesson, ACC basketball and football. You know we've heard you on the call for the past few years for ESPN. The Carolina Hurricanes and the playoffs. You've been a pretty versatile guy over there but what does this assignment work in the College World Series for ESPN?

What does it mean to you and what makes it different? Josh great to be with you as always man. I feel incredibly fortunate to be a part of this event from a teammates perspective that we have at ESPN. It's a really special event to a lot of people here at ESPN and that goes for production folks behind the scenes whose names and voices you don't hear who pour a ton into this and who camp out in Omaha for for two weeks. One of my favorite parts in the two years that I've experienced this out here is checking in at the hotel here and they say Mr. Monaco I've got you here for 13 nights is that right?

You say yep. So you know two weeks where you know it's like summer camp being with incredible teammates and then certainly on the analyst side as well. I have the utmost respect for the guys I'm working with tonight Kyle Peterson and Chris Burke who do the championship series as well and then get to work with Ben McDonald as well and Eduardo Perez is here and our sideline reporters and obviously Carl Ravitch who's a legend.

So it means a lot. Last year was my first year experiencing it and what a special event it is and so cool to see just as a sports fan not even as a college baseball fan to see what this city turns into and what that stadium looks like in terms of fan base. So I expect it to be fantastic tonight and if we can peek ahead to Saturday when Wakes playing and certainly the night game Tennessee LSU I think it's gonna be even crazier for a Saturday night out here. Yeah and a reminder to the audience we're gonna be carrying all of Wakes games on WSJS starting tomorrow at two o'clock pregame will start at around 140. Their opponent is Stanford who's super regional that you had this past weekend. It would appear there's a big disparity between Wake and the Cardinal and their pitching. In fact Wake Forest's ERA is half of what Stanford's is.

However do you think the length of the ballpark itself the length of those fences out in Omaha could serve as an equalizer a bit and neutralize some of that pitching advantage for Wake Forest? You know that that's real interesting Josh I don't know and and I'm really excited to see what Wake looks like out here if there is any difference from how they've been this season and and maybe in a scary way like again I know the pitching staff is the best in the country in all the metrics and and really by the eye test as well but if this ballpark's playing big like maybe Wake's even tougher as a pitching staff because of we all know what the couch plays like and that's been the story through the years and again makes it all the more impressive what what Wakes pitching staff did this season. So I'll be curious to see what it looks like and look Stanford I mean they have been here three years in a row now yeah like there's something to be said for the caliber of that program.

This was the preseason number three team in the country. It's an elite offense basically top ten in the country in terms of runs per game entering the postseason entering the the super regionals last weekend but yeah pitching is certainly a concern for Stanford and specifically their strike throwing and outside of their ace Quinn Matthews like who steps up for Stanford and pitches well that's gonna be the biggest thing I think that determines what Stanford does here because they talked about it we talked with players from all eight teams yesterday for over the course of eight hours and that's what Stanford said like we've been here the last two years yeah but we're one and four here and like we don't want to just be happy to be here which is maybe the mindset they took on they said their their last couple years here. Your comment about their bats does that I take it you're not surprised that Rhett Louder is going tomorrow for Wake Forest they don't save him for Monday? Yeah no sense saving them right and like the the rest of the pitching staff like you got to trust them enough and you're gonna have to get through LSU and Tennessee as well like that is a loaded side of the bracket that that Wake Forest is on so and then the other part of it is like the earlier you pitch Rhett Louder in theory the earlier you can bring him back and perhaps you know depending on how far Wake goes and they certainly hope it's all the way the more times you can throw him too so you you go with what got you here I think and and certainly when you're facing an offensive Stanford's caliber like they got they got some big leaguers in that lineup they got legitimate star power like Tommy Troy is is a beast and Braden Montgomery is only a sophomore but he is oozing with talent and he's been he looked really good in the super regional and then in the five spot they've got the Pac-12 Player of the Year who's who's hitting fifth in Alberto Rios so the lineup as it always is for Stanford is legit. Mike Monaco is with us here part of ESPN's team broadcasting the College World Series he'll be on the call in just a little bit for the nightcap Virginia facing Florida within that sport what are people saying about Wake Forest because I'm not nearly as plugged in as you are Mike and the text I get from my baseball friends this might be one of the best college baseball teams that we've seen in recent memory. Yeah I don't think that's a stretch to say Josh I mean like last year people were saying that about Tennessee really the entire season even though they they ended up not reaching Omaha they got as close as you can get without making it to the Men's College World Series and so with that as the comparison like Wake is as dominant and as loaded as Tennessee was last year and I think there is a curiosity from the people who cover this sport nationally and who who have been doing it a lot longer than I have to really see them in person and see what it looks like and see what it's all been about like Kyle Peterson who's you know our lead analyst and who's been doing this forever at the highest level born and raised in Omaha like he oozes this place he wanted to go to Winston-Salem May 5th to do Wake Forest Boston College because he wanted to see them in person because he knew they were gonna be here and he said then and he believes it now like they are the most complete team in the country and they have been all season long so I think there's a curiosity to see what it looks like and also to see what it looks like against a field this loaded because I'm not just hyping it up from trying to drum up some ratings here like you could not concoct a better field here like you have really like you know what five of the top eight national seeds who are here you have a two seed in TCU who went four straight years from 2014 to 17 and they're the hottest team in the country right now they're absolutely rolling you've got a Tennessee team that was the preseason number two in the country and then you got Cinderella as well in Oral Roberts and this is not some oh you know they just snuck in by the skin in their teeth and they kind of got hot and they're riding some good mojo they do have a lot of that but this a 51 win team so you have it all so I say all that to say I'm excited to see what Wake looks like against a field that is this powerful oh yeah and Oral Roberts blew an eight to nothing lead in game one on the road at Oregon and still won the next two yeah they certainly earned their way here Mike Monaco is with us here in the spirit of concocting the field though we've had some fun today we do not have ESPN's ACC SEC challenge matchups for next year yet so we started putting them together for in-state teams here you just let me know Mike Monaco which of these games you'd most like to be on the call for your level of intrigue if it were to be put together this way Duke Kentucky and Cameron Kentucky's never been to Cameron or excuse me they haven't been since 1958 John Calipari has never been to Cameron North Carolina potentially getting Tennessee sending Rick Barnes back to Chapel Hill shades of him yelling at Dean Smith and nearly starting a brawl back in the 90s how about sending Steve Forbes back to his roots either Texas A&M where he once coached or to the state of Tennessee against Vanderbilt get the private schools together and you know how about regionality NC State South Carolina yeah sign us up send them to Columbia the same way that the NCAA Baseball Committee sent NC State down to Columbia it seems like there's an obvious answer out of these four but I'll still ask you anyway yeah I think I'm taking the obvious there with the first one who said Duke Kentucky and and that's nothing against any of the other ACC teams in there are certainly the SEC teams too but I am so curious and excited to see what what John Shire's team looks like and what they bring back in particular but paired with what they add to I don't think I'm alone in that and my mind is certainly nowhere near basketball mode on June 16th but even that gets me excited yeah that's the goal just to you know tickle you a little bit get you excited and speaking of it being June 16 you reference that one of your teammates has been McDonald I got my O's cap on here you follow way at least baseball a little bit you know my O's currently have the second best record in baseball it just tell me like I'm asking you as a friend like what is I'm not used to having a good baseball team I'm not used to it Mike what should my level of excitement be how much should I give off without looking like a clown without looking like I haven't been here before I know you have my full permission to lean into the excitement as much as you want to and to drink it all in a because that's fun and that's what sport should be about like it is way more fun to live life as an optimist than it is as a pessimist but also like again how can you not get excited about the talent they have and from Adley to like Gunnar Henderson I was I was so impressed watching him at the end of last year doing Red Sox games and I know it hasn't necessarily been you know the the start that that he envisions or what he's gonna turn into but Grayson Rodriguez to like the excitement of that guy coming into this season so yeah you have my full permission to get as fired up as you want and look like again it's June 16th like we've had a lot of the season so you know not that things can't change down the stretch and certainly we know how good the AL East is but man the Orioles you know what they've been fun for a couple years now too like they have had their moments and this has been percolating and you've known it's been coming and I'm really happy for Orioles fans and you know Ben McDonald and Kevin Brown's a friend of mine like I'm really excited for them to to be able to broadcast a team as exciting as the Orioles are well Dalton you hear that he's a Yankee fan I have Mike Monaco's full endorsement to be obnoxious you hear that I mean you've already been kind of obnoxious already it's only gonna get worse now thanks I just got his full endorsement just got to make I love it well yeah sorry about that Mike Monaco you you have some fun over there jello jello shots for everybody out out in Omaha and have a great call for a game in just about like an hour and 15 minutes thanks for spending the time you know what Josh you're always welcome it's a pleasure chatting with you anytime if I see Steve Forbes at Rocco's and we do a shot together we will we will hopefully tweet out the picture let's go you hey you're a Notre Dame guy channel your inner Mike Bray that's what I'm encouraging you to do I did my share last year I'll put it that way the greatest entertainer, the hardest working man in show business, ladies and gentlemen, the star of the show now back to the drive with Josh Flann there's a reason WD I suspect is playing this song it might have something to do with the tradition that has become popular in Omaha where the college world series is taking place Wake Forest their first trip to Omaha in 68 years you're gonna want to hear what Steve Forbes had to say about the Bobby Klintman situation in just a little bit we'll play that sound for you in about 15 minutes from now but let's touch space on football for a few minutes as of a couple of days ago the Carolina Panthers were off on summer break so to speak they're off for six weeks until its training camp time in Spartanburg but that doesn't mean it's time to sit back and relax just yet there are things that need to happen between now and then and I have a list of what should be the Panthers three top priorities over the next six weeks number one being yes the quarterback Bryce Young getting ready physically and mentally the mental piece not all that concerned about it Bryce seems to be making great progress he seems to be right on track but if the expectation is for him to start right away and that is the expectation many have he still has a lot of work to do to be ready to go as the day one starter not just for the regular season but probably in training camp as well the piece I'm more concerned about is the physical side of things before the draft Scott Vitterer said if we were to draft hypothetically Bryce Young there are some things we can do with Bryce's frame now you can't really improve his height but he cited some things they did with Russell Wilson physically to make him a little bit thicker that's something that is worth keeping an eye on with Bryce because he still looked a little small maybe a lot of small when we saw him out on the field for rotas and in the minicamps here was Bryce when asked about whether or not he planned to pick up some weight this offseason you know for me I trust the strength and conditioning staff here that we have an amazing strength staff who you know works very very you know I've been had the pleasure to work with and will continue working with throughout the offseason they do a great job here my wife my wife was sitting next to me listening to Bryce Young speak last night and it got to the point where we were both predicting what his answer was gonna be to every question and usually we're batting about 700 we got it on the nose a number of times hey what specific teammate has stood out Sarah Bradford goes well I can't just single out one person and that's exactly what that's impressive yeah it's he's useless when it comes to the words that come out of his mouth but he's doing it on purpose that's next level smart to be purposefully dull and purposefully boring and not want to give us anything he does not utter an interesting syllable I'm sorry for wasting your time and playing that sound so but the top priority with Bryce is getting him ready physically the second priority for the Carolina Panthers pass rushers first off get the Brian Burns deal done he wants to be a panther he said so this week he's the best player on your roster right now he plays a premium position you turn down to first-round picks to keep him around you got the cap space DJ Moore Christian McCaffrey have been traded away you got a quarterback on a rookie deal there is no excuse for you to have this drag out until the start of training camp get it figured out extend Brian Burns long term the other pass rushing piece is probably the biggest hole on this roster offense or defense who is the second edge rusher I get former Tar Heel Marquis Haynes has had a pretty good offseason looks pretty good in shorts and without the pads on oh he got some air quote sacks out at these OTA practices but if that is your starting edge across from Brian Burns it's easy to want a little bit more from that spot the needle hunters out there the Vikings they're trimming things down they are scaling back releasing Dalvin cook trading away Zadariya Smith not wanting to extend Kirk Cousins whose contract is up after this year they're telling you they're going into the tank right now and they're looking ahead to the future so you could potentially get a guy like the Neil Hunter who didn't show up to mini camp this week that is the Scott fitter deal to be in on last priority having a healthier deeper cornerback room get JC horn back after the ankle foot deal that he's been dealing with get him back doesn't need surgery gotta wear a cast for a few weeks they said he'd be back by training camp let's hope that's the case Dante Jackson late last year sustained an Achilles injury here he was on his rehab feeling great feeling great about seven months and some change out be eight months next week but I'm feeling great was back running at like five and a half six months feeling strong yeah just using all this time that I have a bit of training camp to just keep getting more and more ready diving in the system and diving in you know just my rehab so get those guys back Dante and JC get them both healthy but with both of them being out it kind of revealed that you're a little thin and important position on that back in you can add another body and not the tryout guy who was added to the 93 man roster yesterday that's not what I'm talking about Marcus Peters is in free agency still waiting around there's some guys on the scrap heap here maybe Eli Apple not to be your number one or number two corner but maybe a second tour of duty in Charlotte to be a rotational corner that you can bring in just feels like that's something they need to do so the three priorities getting Bryce young ready physically and mentally pass rusher number two signing right Brian Burns and adding a legit secondary rusher and number three having a healthier deeper cornerback room those are the things Carolina needs to focus on getting back to why you were playing LM FAO whatever happened to those guys by the way shots the name of the song are you familiar with the jello shot challenge that they have out at a bar named Rocco's in Omaha I saw people posting about this but I'm not sure I didn't know this was a tradition so every year in recent years and they posted it on social media they sell jello shots and they ask you which team you root for and then they put on the board all eight of the schools that are in the College World Series and they counted up cumulatively throughout the World Series to see which fan base drinks the most jello shots Wake Forest started off pretty slow they only had like 43 but then they bounced back a day later with 328 Oh second place to LSU right now the geeks are coming let's hope and all the deep answer tell me wait wait Josh we don't play till Saturday we showed up a little bit late in the game and plus we got a pace ourselves we got a we're gonna be here for multiple weeks marathon that's right so the dekes are in good shape with the jello shot challenge I've never been a big jello shot guy usually when Steve Forbes has a press conference it's fun and entertaining today not so much we'll dive into that and give away dash tickets next on the drive all right hit run and score with dash day I believe in the Church of Baseball the first caller to three three six seven seven seven sixteen hundred gets a free pair of tickets now back to the drive with Josh Graham my disgust is not with agents my disgust is with one person who treated me and my staff and Wake Forest with zero respect oh I don't want to be on Steve Forbes's bad side but there is an agent that did end up on Steve Forbes's bad side by the name of Michael Tellum by the way first to call in right now at three three six seven seven seven one six hundred gets a pair of tickets to see the dash on Sunday afternoon three three six seven seven seven one six hundred is that phone number Steve Forbes he fired shots pretty directly there at Bobby Clinton's agent it was a 20-minute statement essentially what he read outlining why Bobby Clinton is no longer at Wake Forest and why Bobby earlier this week withdrew his name from the NBA draft past the deadline where you could return back to college so now he is committed to playing in Australia's professional basketball league he explained that the accusation essentially boils down to this Steve Forbes says that this NIL agent who Bobby Klintman hired in January Michael Tellum again is his name had no interest in helping Bobby with NIL his intent was to get Bobby out of college basketball because that's where this agent could eventually start making money off of Bobby and wanted them to be playing pro basketball selling them on the dream of making it to the NBA but if the NBA wasn't gonna be a he sure as heck wasn't gonna encourage Bobby to return to Wake Forest or to any other college instead valuing him going to play back overseas and in this case play in Australia Forbes brought up this example to prove that this agent this is Forbes aside had no interest in Bobby's education or keeping him in college basketball his agent finished our conversation by telling me European players were not interested in school throughout my career I've coached players from all over Europe this is just not the case in fact Matthew Morris was all academic all say ACC this past year incoming freshman Marcuse Marion is an honor student and Thomas Kavilowskas as a graduate of A&M and a 15-year professional on my staff on and on and on it was obvious to me that Bobby's agent was telling me telling him that school is not important and again proving that this agent was not working with us he was working against us he does have a few NBA clients such as Danilo Gallinari this Michael Tellum Usman Jang is another Dorian Finney-Smith who I believe is now on the Nets used to play for the Dallas Mavericks those are some of Michael Tellum's clients in addition to Bobby Clinton but one point that Steve wanted to make crystal clear Bobby never soured on Wake and he never really had issues with Bobby Steve and still doesn't in fact when I talked to Bobby back in Greensboro when Wake season ended he was telling me how excited he was to come back and play and to have a John Collins like second year and end up being a top 20 draft pick and I believe that would have been possible for him and according to Steve Forbes Bobby was texting him about adding Hunter Salas and adding some of these other guys in the transfer portal F didn't read this might be a very long clip that we have here but I want to give it to you because I think it's really interesting Steve Forbes is descriptive breakdown of his last sit-down with Bobby Clinton and then what happened when Bobby went with his agent out west to work out in LA getting ready for the draft the day Bobby left for LA he met with me in my office and he told me that he wanted to experience the NBA draft process but planned on returning to Wake for us if he was not guaranteed a first-round pick he was excited about our team and his progress he had made during spring workouts I told Bobby to continue to build upon his upward trajectory that he had experienced the past five weeks and I wished him all the best I told him we'd come out and see him in LA after he got settled and watch him work out he was very excited to hear this and he told me couldn't wait to see me and our staff in LA the first week of May I asked coach say to fly to LA on May 4 5 & 6 to support Bobby and watch his workouts I went to Johnson City Tennessee to see my doctor my daughter received her doctorate coach say called his agent set the visit his agent was entirely deceitful during the entire time coach say was in LA and did everything he could do to not allow coach say to visit with Bobby which was ridiculous because coach say was only there to watch him work out and support him heck we sent Bobby shoes for his workouts when he got to LA because he was told he was not first with me Bobby was supposed to have dinner with coach down on the fifth instead his agent had Bobby come to his house for dinner Bobby told coach say he cannot come to dinner and had to go to his agent's house to meet some important people coach say was not invited the next morning the last day coach say was in LA he asked for a meeting with Bobby and his agent before he flew home they met at a Starbucks where his agent and another agent who works with Bobby's agent told coach say that Bobby was not gonna return to wake force if he didn't get draft in the first round instead he was gonna play in Australia that's pretty damning if true that they didn't let Jason Shea meet with Bobby Clinton and that he learned at a Starbucks ten days after Bobby told Steve Forbes that he was excited to come back to wake if he wasn't gonna be a first-round pick that he's now not gonna return to wake it's either gonna be going to the draft or going to Australia that is tough and my reaction the same as it was when I learned about this headline on Monday of this week that Bobby was pulling his name out of the draft to you know pursue a pro career in Australia I feel badly for Bobby because it's clear this agent didn't have his best interest in mind and this is what I mean specifically by that you get more exposure playing in the ACC in front of scouts and plenty of opportunity to impress people a lot more than you do 15 hours away on a plane in Australia and that's what's been robbed from Bobby by this agent especially now they can't put the wall in front of their eyes and say hey you can't get paid in college basketball that's no longer the case you can in college hoops so uh I have no reason to believe that what Steve Forbes outlined in a really detailed way isn't legitimate let's cheer up the mood for a second though it's Friday out in Omaha Nebraska they have a place called Rocko's where they are given out jello shots by the dozens by the hundreds and they're charting how many jello shots are bought by specific fan bases and adding it up the Deeks were in a bad spot after the first day but the Deeks they don't play until tomorrow so they were behind the 8-ball and now they're second among the eight teams and somebody who apparently has been doing a lot of damage in the way of buying these jello shots has called in from Omaha Nebraska Jay Austin is joining us from Omaha okay paint the picture for us who have never been to Omaha never been to Rocko's what's the scene like Jay Austin when you're in there afternoon Josh Graham thanks for having me on the scene out here is uh it's outstanding uh this town embraces this tournament and they embrace each of these restaurants it kind of reminded me of like a Pinehurst so you know hosting the US Open or like any of the like Greensboro hosting the Wyndham you know they just really wrap their arms around around the event and Rocko's is a corner restaurant pizzeria type place and we we pretty much closed them down last night staying till the end but uh but what they do is they they have that board that that I've sent you a picture of and they track it and then the five dollars half of it goes to charity right if I'm remembering correct yeah yeah I do see there's a charitable piece charity piece to this where a big portion of it and when it surprised me if it was half it goes to charity so how many people are in this place like are we talking hundreds like how many people are with you is this place is like stacking up jello shots late at night I would say 50 to 100 people were there last night as teams were starting to come in the dekes well represented though the dekes well represented the dekes are well represented represented if not maybe in numbers then in by our our fandom that's well fun because as far as teams LSU's probably got the the biggest you know arriving base already I haven't seen but maybe a few people you know support in Virginia and and I'm just going based off like a straw poll shirts and hats right yeah I got you um but Virginia Tennessee I think those teams are gonna be probably more in today because that games tonight and TCU and Oral Roberts we we end up staying at the Hyatt last night which is the official team hotel for Oral Roberts can you hear me okay yeah I can hear you just fine I just I just got to know this Jay Austin how many are you committing to put down tonight how many well like like a starting pitcher I might need a couple days before my next start we put down quite a few and I want a number I want a number last night how many I believe it was at least 20 or 25 on a personal level and then of course of our group I would say just about the same excellent put in the work Jay Austin keep us posted and then we will post what you're doing on our social media at Josh Graham radio keep us posted okay I will go deep
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-06-16 20:18:02 / 2023-06-16 20:33:34 / 16

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