March 3, 2019 7:00 pm
Explain how the inclusivistic worldview of our age resists the exclusivity of Christ?
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
Growing in Grace
Eugene Oldham
The Charlie Kirk Show
Charlie Kirk
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
The Masculine Journey
Sam Main
Tim, let's get into religious pluralism. You know, the world thinks that all sincere religious roads lead to the same God.
How would you respond to those challenges? So the religious pluralism challenge is false without even going very deep. And here's why it's false. All religions out there, if you study them in some depth, what you find out is there's superficial similarities. People say all religions are basically the same.
Wrong answer. There's superficial similarities, but there are fundamental differences. For example, Muslims believe, one of the biggest world religions out there, they believe that Jesus is not the son of God. Christians believe he is the son of God. In fact, he's God the son.
He is God. Muslims deny that. We can't both be right. We can't both be right. The law is the law of logic. The law of non-contradiction says either A or not A.
Okay? And so take your pick. And so the Christian could be right here or the Muslim could be right, but we can't both be right. And so religious pluralism can't be true because it says all religions are equally valid. They're all equally true. And to make that statement, you have to be, you're ignorant. That's not a put down.
I'm trying to be descriptive here. You're just ignorant of what the religions teach because when you study the world religions, my Muslim friend is not a Christian because he denies key tenets of Christianity. And the same is true when you investigate all the different world religions out there. Okay? And so that's kind of like the nail in the coffin of religious pluralism. Logic demands that it can't possibly be true.
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