How would you rate these three issues we've discussed, from gender roles, women teaching men, to race and critical race theory, and then this issue of Christians who have, quote, same-sex attraction.
How would you rate how strong the push is for each of them? Like, which one is the most prominently being pushed within the SBC of those three? I think it's the women's issue and the racial issue in the SBC, and I think it's the sexual issue in the PCA, interestingly enough. The racial issue in the SBC, of course, as I mentioned before, I mean, the history of the SBC is tainted. There's no doubt there has been significant racial sin in our history, and nobody should pretend that that's otherwise. It's certainly true, and the writings are there, and we need to look at it and own it, as the SBC has done on multiple occasions, expressing repentance over the sins of racial prejudice and sinful partiality that have been a part of our heritage. But the women's issue is also very significant, and we see this by more and more women being emboldened to talk about preaching in their churches on the Lord's Day.
This past Mother's Day in 2019, Beth Moore, who is a very successful author, Southern Baptist, and she's, I think, one of the, maybe the top author that LifeWay represents or sells her books, she put out on social media how she planned to preach in her church on Mother's Day, and other women said, oh, I'm going to do that too, and they were joking about it. And when some of us questioned it and said, this is not right, this is contrary to where we should be encouraging women to use their gifts and how we should be thinking about this, the pushback was amazing and sad and tragic and indicative of how far down this road we have gone. So I think the women's issue is going to be probably the flashpoint that is going to have to be addressed and acknowledged in the SBC. The racial issue, I mean, man, there's racial prejudice no doubt still exists, needs to be dealt with.
That's always tragic wherever it's found, and it has been found. There was a church removed last year, two years ago, from the SBC because of racism, rightly so. From what I know of the situation, a church in Georgia was removed from the SBC. The SBC disfellowshipped them because of their sinful racial partiality. That's right. But this women's issue, suddenly it seems like our leaders are going mute, and it's like, well, you know, no, but she's Beth Moore, or, you know, she sells a lot of books, or yeah, it's a new church plant, and the wife of the church planter is a better preacher than the husband. So I think we're going to have to deal with that. I know for myself, and I talk to other pastors around the SBC, that is a bridge too far for us, and that issue is going to have to be resolved.
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