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Democrat National Convention—The Party of Romans 1

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton
The Truth Network Radio
August 21, 2020 8:00 pm

Democrat National Convention—The Party of Romans 1

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton

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August 21, 2020 8:00 pm

The Democrat Party held their National Convention this week, nominating Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as their nominees for President and Vice President.

Many of the luminaries of the Democrat Party made speeches at the convention, from former Presidents Obama and Clinton to Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and more.

So what does the Democrat Party stand for that half of our electorate will support? A simple and accurate answer to that question is: Romans 1:18-32. In other words, the party and its leaders “suppress the truth in unrighteousness” (Romans 1:18) through their rejection of God and His law.

Think that’s an overstatement? Then tune in this weekend to The Christian Worldview to hear excerpts of various speeches from their convention and official party platform.

Grace To You
John MacArthur
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
Summit Life
J.D. Greear
The Truth Pulpit
Don Green
Grace To You
John MacArthur

The Democrat National Convention, the party of Romans Chapter 1. That is a topic we'll discuss today right here on the Christian Royal View radio program, where the mission is to sharpen the Biblical world view of Christians and also to share the Good News, the Gospel.

Christ can be reconciled to God and be forgiven of their sin and receive everlasting eternal life with God in heaven. That is good news. Thanks for joining us today. I'm David Wheaton, the host. Our website is We're going to discuss the Democrat National Convention today. They held their national convention this week, nominating Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as their nominees for president and vice president.

Now many of the luminaries of the Democrat Party made speeches at the convention that we'll hear from today, from former presidents Obama and Bill Clinton to Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and many more. So what does the Democrat Party stand for that half of our electorate will vote for? A simple and accurate answer to that question as of what they stand for is written in the Bible in Romans chapter 1 verses 18 through 32.

We'll get into that. In other words, the party and its leaders from that passage in Romans 1 suppress the truth in unrighteousness. That's a line in Romans 1, we'll read it. Through, and how do they do that? Through their outright and blatant rejection of God and his laws.

You think that's an overstatement? Well then you want to tune in today to the Christian worldview as we hear excerpts of various speeches from their convention and also read some excerpts from their official party platform. So this week in the lead-up to the program I heard an interview because John MacArthur has been in the news a lot recently because of his church in California that has continued or opened up to have Sunday services despite the governmental orders in California to shut down indoor gatherings and so forth and so on. So they're just going on meeting, basing it on the biblical command that we're not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together even if there is a virus. We still assemble together, do it in ways that the church decides can be safe and they're doing that.

They've been meeting for a couple months now and there's been a lot of legal wrangling back and forth. Maybe you've seen John MacArthur interviewed on some of the national news programs and so he's been in the news recently for that and he was interviewed this week on a program called Just the News by host David Brody and he was asked just about the state of the nation, not so much about the the church reopening although he was asked about that, but specifically about the state of America and here's what John MacArthur had to say about where America is spiritually. I'm wondering if you could address some of the spiritual state of our nation and as to how this has been kind of sucked up into the oxygen of all of that.

Yeah and there are two ways that I would look at that David. Number one is this, in Romans chapter 1 it says in verse 18 the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness. Nothing could ever be more defining of America than that we hold the truth in unrighteousness. I mean we were founded on Judeo-Christian ethics morals and standards. The assumption was that this state nation started because people wanted religious freedom that's buried deep into the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the First Amendment.

So if any nation has ever held the truth we have but we are holding it in unrighteousness. This nation to be honest with you sort of collectively looks like the Jerry Springer show and that really is what Romans 1 tells us. Romans 1 says the wrath of God is revealed and then it defines what that is. First of all God gave them over to sexual immorality. That's the first thing that happens that's in Romans 1 24. The second thing God gave them over to homosexuality verse 20 28.

The third one verse 26 rather verse 28 is gave them over to a reprobate mind. So what wrath is this? Well it's not eschatological wrath it's not eternal wrath. It is the wrath of abandonment when God abandons a nation to its own sins. When God pulls back his restraints what will you see? A sexual revolution followed by a homosexual revolution followed by a reprobate mind and out of that reprobate mind at the end of the chapter comes all kinds of evil and it also says even though they know these things bring about death they not only do them but they applaud the people who do them.

So that's the sort of Jerry Springer idea. So we're living in a time people say well the wrath of God must be near. No we're in it and the evidence is we've gone through the sexual revolution through the homosexual revolution and when you get the reprobate mind what would that look like? Well that would be when you're a man but you think you're a woman.

That's when you've reached a level of insanity. The other way I look at it is this biblically speaking we have a collision of sinners in the world. We're all fallen. The wages of sin is death and everybody dies. So how does God restrain sins so society can flourish for his redemptive purposes and his glory? He has to put restraints. Restraint number one is the law of God written in the heart and the weapon is the conscience. So what needs to happen if you want to get rid of that is you rewrite the law you turn morality on its head turn it inside out and then tell people if they have a guilty conscience they shouldn't because they're better than that.

They shouldn't feel shame. So you you do everything you can to assault the conscience and assault the law written in the heart. The next restraint is the family. So if you want to get rid of that you destroy the family. Every way possible you go after the family.

We get that. That's what's been going on for decades now. The third restraint is the police. So are we surprised when the police are now under assault? They've already done in the human conscience. They've done in the family and now they're after the police. Defund the police.

Spit on the police. Right. That's the third restraint government Romans 13. The fourth restraint is the church. The church is salt and light in the world. So let's go after the church. This is a systematic satanically inspired assault on all the divine restraints in the world. We shouldn't be surprised that it's happening because it's folded into the very wrath of God where he turns over a society to their sinful choices and the consequences are inevitable.

Wow. He said an awful lot in that particular sound bite and this is why I respect this man so much. Not only is he biblically sound and he's been teaching the same doctrines of scripture verse by verse for literally 50 years in his church, Grace Community Church, and of course you hear him on the radio as well, but he hasn't moved.

He doesn't shift. He's a man, he's a fallible man he could, I don't think he will, but he could. He's 81 years old now. He's still doing this, still fighting the fight, but this is why I respect him so much. His worldview, his life, his eternity, everything's based on God's revelation in his word and he said a lot in there. He talked about America beating that we now hold the truth in unrighteousness as Romans 1 says. Despite the founding of our Christian principles, that is all rejected now. Not by everyone, but there's a general movement, a large movement of our society that doesn't want any part of those Christian values we were founded upon. It's like the the Jerry Springer show, in case you're not familiar with that show, that was a daytime television show.

I think it was back in the probably the 80s, maybe early 90s. Jerry Springer was the host and he would typically bring in someone like a woman and a man who were having a problem in their marriage and maybe divorced and one was accusing the other of infidelity or morality, then they bring in the adulterous person who was in the middle of their marriage and then a fight would break out and mayhem would happen and they discussed the most grotesque, immoral, perverse things on the program. That's what MacArthur is comparing America to at this point. If you read Romans 1, he read a couple verses from it, but it goes on this digression and I would really encourage you to read it because it explains really what is taking place, why what is taking place is taking place in our country. Just read verses 18 through 32, for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, and here's that this key phrase where it starts out, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. So there's a hiding, there's a suppressing, there's a covering of the truth and in the replacing it with unrighteousness. So it's the truth of God being exchanged for a lie and then Paul was writing this letter to the Roman Christians and he goes on to say that those who suppress the truth, they know about God, God is evident to them, his invisible attributes, his eternal power, his divine nature, they're all clearly seen being understood through what has been made, so they're without excuse. He goes on to say that even though they know God exists, they don't honor God or give him thanks, but they're futile in their speculations, they're futile in their worldview. And then what happens when you're futile in your worldview is your heart, well actually your heart is the seat of your affections, your worldview, it's darkened of a dark heart and they profess to be wise, as you're gonna hear in the sound bites you play today, these are all very captive captivating speakers from a certain standpoint, they sound like they know what they're talking about and they use language to to mask unrighteousness and then they exchange the glory of God for the form of incorruptible man, they worship man instead of the Creator and then in verse 24 God gives them over, this is that wrath of abandonment. And this is a terrible kind of wrath because if we don't have God's restraint in our own lives, if God just gives us over to do what we want to do, we're gonna go deeper and deeper into sin and that's what's taking place in our country. God's given us over, that's what MacArthur is saying, that's what he believes. I have to say I agree with him, it's almost like America is a city, remember how sieges took place back in the day where you have a walled city and a foreign invading army would come and this city would close all the doors and they'd try to be safe inside their walled city from this foreign invasion and they'd build a siege ramp on the outside and slowly over time the people inside the city would try to throw rocks or whatever they could to kill the people who are trying to build this siege ramp so they could breach the walls and take over the city. Well we're under siege in this country as well, we're under a siege although the siege ramp is not being built from the outside, the siege is taking place from the inside where you have a large percentage of our population who are just taking sledgehammers and hammering and breaking down the walls that held up this country from the beginning and to be honest I don't think there's much left of those walls, it's not going to take much, much more for these walls to come crumbling down and then everything is going to change in this country and I know that's not a very optimistic look at this country, I could be wrong, it may be many years but if you read Revelation and where the world is going, the world is going towards a globalistic situation where there's a one leader of the world, a human leader in attacking Christians and in Israel and so forth so we're going that direction I just don't know when and it just appears that America, the strongest nation in the world which is kind of a restraint in the world from so many of the evil actors with their powerful economics, our powerful military, with our innovation, with our freedoms and our Constitution, with the will of the freedom loving people in this world, if that is just squelched down there's really nothing in the world from a standpoint to offset the rest of the evil in other places throughout the world so that's why MacArthur said there's a wrath of abandonment taking place in this country at this place, he said you know God restrains sin through the conscience, the family, the police or law and order government and through the church, there's attack on all of those, consciences, don't listen to your conscience, go with what you want to do, the family disrupt the nuclear family as Black Lives Matter says, defund the police and by all means don't meet in churches, we'll come back and talk more about the party of Romans 1 from the Democrat National Convention. The Bible says that children should be raised in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, there's nothing more important than sitting, walking, talking and teaching your son or daughter to love and fear God, the church is swimming in children's resources but it's ultra important to select ones that accurately represent God, his word and the gospel, at our store on, we are intentional about offering resources that will build a sound and strong faith in children, you will find several Bibles for children, the Adam Raccoon book series and Good News for Little Hearts series, we also have video and audio resources like Theo and Sugar Creek Gang, browse them all at and then use them daily with the child God has put in your life, that's The Christian Worldview radio program airs live Saturday mornings at 8 a.m. Central Time but did you know you can also listen according to your own schedule, one simple way to hear past programs is at our website you'll also find short takes there which are bite-sized highlights of each program, beyond our website you can search for the Christian Worldview in the podcast app on your smartphone and subscribe for free, the program is also available at,, iTunes, Google podcasts and Stitcher, if you need help navigating the online podcast realm just give us a call toll free 1-888-646-2233 or follow the links on the home page of because when believers have a sharper biblical worldview and non-believers come to saving faith, lives and families are changed for the glory of God, thank you for listening thank you for joining us today here on the Christian Worldview radio program as we talk about the Democrat National Convention which took place this past week we'll do the Republican National Convention coming up after they take they hold theirs and we're calling this program subtitling it the party of Romans 1 in light of that soundbite we played in the first segment from John MacArthur saying that this country is now kind of like the Jerry Springer show and it's a country that suppresses the truth and unrighteousness again these are generalizations you could say oh well not everyone of course not everyone does that we have we live in a country of 320 million but now there is a big momentum you see what's going on in the streets and the government officials don't really do much about it you see what's going on an educational system in in in a corporate America and politics and higher education I mean it is it's it's given over to suppressing the truth and unrighteousness that's a wrath of abandonment and we we don't want God to abandon abandon us we want God to be convicting us and convicting our conscience and there's a there's a push back against all of that in this country so I mentioned the the Democrat National Committee platform and that's nothing more than what a particular political party what the Democrat Party either supports or opposes so policies they either support or opposes I'm just going to read about 15 of them that I took directly from the Democrat National Committee platform and there's different categories on here the first category is bioethics and health issues the Democrat National Committee opposes all federal and state laws that prohibit or restrict abortion the the killing of unborn or partially born children now just get that it would be enough if I read no more than that of the other 15 I'm going to read but just consider that again the Democrat Party opposes all federal and state laws that prohibit or even restrict abortion abortion is the intentional killing you could say murder of a human life in a mother's womb that's what this party and its candidates stand for that's the first thing under bioethics and health issues number two supports the Democrat National Committee supports restoring taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood the largest abortion provider in America so not only do they oppose any federal state law that prohibits or even restricts abortion but they support having you even if you oppose abortion through your taxpayer dollars funding the largest abortion provider in America number three the Democrat National Committee supports medically accurate LGBTQ that's lesbian gay bisexual transgender queer plus inclusive age-appropriate sex education okay if it that to interpret that that means that they want to have sex education for children in this country that promotes lesbian gay bisexual transgenderism and queer perverse sexuality this is the Democrat National Committee platform number four it opposes conscience based exemptions that would allow medical providers employers and others to refuse to provide contraceptives and abortifacients what that means is that if you're a business owner in this country and you're a Christian and you oppose abortion they are opposed to you being able to refuse because of your biblically informed conscience being able to refuse to provide in your health insurance plan to your employers abortifacients drugs that kill unborn children in the womb they're against that having a conscience based exemptions that's a Democrat National Committee the last issue that I pulled out of the bioethics and health issues for the Democrat National Committee platform is they oppose the lifetime ban on blood donation by men who have had sex with other men that's a direct quote in other words when men have sex with each other there's a higher chance of the HIV virus of course and they oppose the lifetime ban that is apparently currently in place I didn't even know this of blood donation by these men who have sex with each other this is from the Democrat National Committee platform next category as if that weren't enough the creation creation care and environmental issues interesting how they put creation care because creation implies there's a creator and they certainly do not believe in a creator otherwise they wouldn't be having all these other policies that defy that creator number one under creation care and environmental issues the Democrat National Committee supports rejoining the Paris climate agreement which is a very extreme environmental agreement that President Trump got us out of number two supports eliminating carbon pollution from power plants by 2025 and supporting a national goal of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions for all new buildings by 2030 in other words it's going completely away from from carbon based energy in this country so there's no more oil there's no more coal all those kinds of things that fire up fire do power plants and gasoline everything else it's completely transitioning our economy away from that finally under that category supports the creation of an environmental justice fund to make historic investments aimed at eliminating legacy pollution which disproportionately causes illness and premature death in communities of color low-income communities and indigenous communities so now you see how it's not only enough to completely radically change our environmental practices which I'm we're all for creation care of not this form of earth worship that really was what this is but there's a there's a social justice element baked in to so many of the different policies of the Democrat National Committee you'll hear it in the sound bites as well of the speakers at the Democrat National Convention social justice though the way they define it it sounds good it's social and it's just what could be wrong with that but it's really a form of Marxism that divides the world between the oppressed and the oppressors and that the oppressors need to be toppled by the oppressed you're going to hear more of that today discrimination and racial issues is the next category the Democrat National Committee supports ending discrimination on the basis of race ethnicity national origin language religion gender age sexual orientation gender identity those are the two they want to add in or disability to the to the Civil Rights Act they support establishing a national commission to quote examine the lasting economic effects of slavery Jim Crow segregation and racially discriminatory federal policies on income wealth education health and employment outcomes to pursue truth and promote racial healing and to study reparations the paying of black people by the government for slavery the offenses against them back in the slavery so for people who didn't commit these offenses today they are to pay people who didn't weren't offended back when slavery was taking place that's what the Democrats Party stands for they support allowing states to make their own decisions about recreation recreational use of marijuana actually surprised at them surprised they don't just want to make a federal mandate because they support drug use in the population you get people all drugged up and not thinking clearly then they the government can be more of your boss down to the educational category the Democrat National Committee supports universal preschool for all three and four year olds now I wonder why they would want that why would they want universal preschool for all three well because they can get you into their governmental educational system even earlier before you even have a chance to think clearly when you're three and four year old have the parents go off to work we'll take your children thank you very much and we will brainwash them according to our humanist ideology pretty clear they support k-12 instruction in civics and climate literacy now here's where the code words come in civics that's code word for what we've talked about Howard Zinn's version of American history that America is a terrible country we are founded illegitimately was founded on genocide were based completely and built by slavery and therefore that system needs to be toppled that's what they mean by civics you have to know how they use language to deceive in climate literacy that's another another code word for radical environmentalism not not not stewardship of the earth which all Christians should support but using environmentalism to constrain and take people's freedom away they support or oppose there's another one education Democrat National Committee opposes private school vouchers in allowing public-funded scholarships to be used at private schools so they want to continue the communistic based educational system in our country where you pay taxes and the only place that your tax dollars can go is not to the school of your choice where you want to send your child they don't attach that that taxpayer funding to you and saying okay here's your money you can go spending at a public school a private school a Christian school or home school no they oppose all of that all those vouchers and it's only to be used in their government humanistic propagandist incubation corridors of public schools the Democrat National Committee supports forgiving all undergraduate tuition related federal student debt for those earning less than a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars so if you've gone to college if you've taken out student loans and you don't make over $125,000 your debt should be paid for by your fellow taxpayers last two categories I'll read the Democrat National Committee on LGBT issues lesbian gay bisexual transgender supports passage of the Equality Act again code word equality who could be against that but that would radically change Christian freedom in this country to be able to oppose or to stand against or stand for biblical morality when we went over that in a previous show months ago on this program they also support banning convert quote conversion therapy practices that's for homosexuals in other words trying to have a a clinic that does counseling to to help people get out of homosexuality they they support a ban on that number three they support allowing all transgender and non-binary people to identify in documents that reflect their gender identity and we'll get to the last one on religious liberty right after this break if you like golf you'll love playing in the Christian worldview golf event at historic Woodhill Country Club in Moiseta Minnesota on Monday September 21st golf registration includes lunch range and 18 holes with cart on one of the best courses in the state bring your own foursome or we can fit you into a group whole sponsorships are also available shotgun start is 1230 p.m. there won't be an evening dinner event this year due to indoor group restrictions but golfers will enjoy the rare opportunity to play at Woodhill with its immaculate condition challenging greens and beautiful setting all in support of the Christian worldview radio ministry we hope to see you on Monday September 21st registration deadline is Tuesday September 8th to register visit the Christian worldview org that's the Christian worldview org be sure to take advantage of two free resources that will keep you informed and sharpen your worldview the first is the Christian worldview weekly email which comes to your inbox each Friday it contains a preview of the upcoming radio program along with need to read articles featured resources special events and audio of the previous program the second is the Christian worldview annual print letter which is delivered to your mailbox in November it contains a year-end letter from host David Wheaton and a listing of our store items including DVDs books children's materials and more you can sign up for the weekly email and annual print letter by visiting the Christian worldview org or calling one triple eight six four six twenty two thirty three your email and mailing address will never be shared and you can unsubscribe at any time call one triple eight six four six twenty two thirty three or visit the Christian worldview org we are one month away from our annual golf event and if you haven't signed up for that if you're interested in taking place in that we'd love to have you come Woodhill Country Club in Wazeta Minnesota find out more at the Christian worldview org we're still working on since we're not holding a dinner event this year we're still working on some sort of gathering which will update you in the coming weeks about even this fall so stay tuned for some upcoming announcements from the Christian worldview today in the program we're talking about recapping the Democrat National Convention which took place this last week and how it has become the the party of Romans chapter 1 where they don't see fit to acknowledge God any longer God gives them over to a depraved mind reading from Romans 1 now to do those things which are not proper being filled with all unrighteousness wickedness and greed and evil and this is what that that party platform is as you read through I haven't got to the last point yet whether it starts out in edge never opposing all federal and state laws that prohibit or restrict abortion supporting taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood reducing completely reducing any carbon-based energy in our country going down to supporting preschool for universal preschool for three and four year olds looking into supporting the Equality Act LGBT issues banning conversion therapy of for homosexuals that's always the interesting one to me that you can't change your jet you can't change being a homosexual but you can change your your sex your gender it makes absolutely no sense at all of course there's no logic here and finally the one I want to get to that I would really should put a chill up the spine of every single Christian listening today is the category of religious liberty and here's what the Democrat National Committee says in their platform the Democrat National Committee opposes broad religious exemptions to allow business medical providers social servants social servants service agencies and others to discriminate again another code word discriminate now who would be for discrimination well what they mean by discrimination is let's say that you have own a Christian business and you're a Christian photographer and you say you do not want to use your skills your artistic skills who to participate in a homosexual so-called wedding and so you you denied servicing those two homosexuals well the Democrat National Committee opposes you opposes any sort of broad religious religious exemptions to not participate business medical providers whatever to not have to participate in things that offend their faith so they're against religious liberty they're against religious liberty and for homosexual rights keep that in mind now if you read all that you'd realize any any reasonable person would realize that John MacArthur is exactly accurate what he said about this country being in a situation of Romans one and specifically this particular political party which is pushing this agenda which I just read from their national platform but the really disconcerting and disheartening thing is is that Christians professing Christians at least believe are saying today prominent ones ones that we once considered part of conservative evangelicalism are saying that you know don't be a one-party voter Christians can be can vote for either party you can look at you can look at this two ways it's a matter of conscience and you can vote either way and be in good conscience Jonathan Lehman I'm gonna play a soundbite from him he is the he is a works for nine marks ministries he is a edit editor for that particular ministry I'm trying to find his trying to find his here it is right here his bio he's editorial director for nine marks nine marks is a collection of of church churches the church network led by Mark Dever of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC they have churches all over the country there's a really well-known book called nine marks of a healthy church I think it was called Jonathan Lehman works for that organization he's an occasional lecturer at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary he teaches adjunctively for the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Reformed Theological Seminary and oh by the way Mark Dever Ligon Duncan others from this this theological world used to be speakers at the shepherds conference with John MacArthur back in the day but there's been a split over the issue maybe not maybe not spoken but there's been a split they weren't the shepherds conference last year over the issue of social justice that's what it's been split over and Jonathan Lehman was interviewed by Mark Dever the the director of nine marks ministries about voting and here's what he said about how Christians can really vote either way listen very carefully maybe we'll even stop it as we go through to point out a couple things of what he is actually saying in this soundbite and so Christians gravitate on you know majority culture Christians gravitate this way minority culture Christians gravitate that way Satan is psyched over the issue right because he sees division in the church and we don't trust each other and you're voting for them well you must you must not care about justice I don't even know if you love Jesus right okay so that would be a you're voting for them that would be a Democrat so-called Christian saying to Republican Christian you're voting for Republican so you must not care about justice because that's what the Democrats are supposedly for therefore the little guy remember therefore helping people with taxpayer redistributing wealth they consider that Democrat so-called Christians will consider that to be charity that's never what scripture says about charity charity comes from a willing person giving of themselves and and their resources that God has given not out of compulsion but freely moving I question your Christianity and just rank division in the church and again I think this is where we have to allow for Christian freedom there you go have to allow for Christian freedom in other words Christians of good conscience can vote either way Christians can vote for a Republican or you can vote for that party in the candidates who support that list of platform of what they suppose in a port that that goes directly shakes its fist in the face of God how can that be moving on and remember Romans 14 and differently calibrated consciences and the fact that we're united around the gospel and not how I work out my decision on who or who not to vote for so you can vote either way and be in good conscience so I can understand for instance how a person might I might not agree with it but I can understand how a person might decide well look here comes the rationalization pro-life but you know there have been Republican pro-life quote-unquote candidates in the White House for the last number of decades and yet the laws haven't been overturned meanwhile I think this let's just say I'm thinking hypothetically the welfare policies of these candidates is actually decreased the number of real abortions in such and such a state and actually brought the number of abortions down so though they are pro-choice I think that they've actually helped the abortion issues as opposed to your Republican candidate okay so he just created a rationalization for Christians who who may not want to vote Republican and think you know what I'm pro-life but I support the welfare policies of the Democrat Party the redistribution of wealth and that is somehow going to reduce abortions more than the Republicans have been able to do so the president's well the president's aren't kings they can't by divine fiat change the law of Roe v. Wade that has to be done legally it has to be done through majorities in Congress and so forth and so on but there's the rationalization continuing I might not personally agree with that argument I might say well that's wrong for reasons X Y & Z nonetheless I can understand how a Christian in good conscience could make that argument and therefore I'm going to leave space for that particular option for Christians unlike now it's possible we get to an issue I'm gonna vote for a pro-nazi candidate okay so now this this particular issue promoting for a racially a racist candidate that will be completely unacceptable it's okay if you want to vote for Democrats because you think that their welfare policies will reduce abortion but when it comes for voting for a candidate who is who is tinged with racism that would be impossible this is the point of no reach a Ku Klux Klan candidates a Communist Party candidate in China well I'm gonna I'm gonna restrict a bit more it's getting there are parties there are candidates that I think are beyond the pale and it's possible we reach a place in American history where we decide that's case for certain parties and I think some Christians already feel that way nonetheless I would say I think we're still in a two-party system where Christians can and good conscience make different kinds of arguments and we need to leave space for that last just gonna play that last part again I think we're still in a two-party system where Christians can and good conscience make different kinds of arguments and we need to leave space for that last okay so you think a Christian a biblically sound born-again Christian can vote for that particular platform of the Democrat Party that I just read I don't see how a Christian I mean they of course they can but I don't think they should when there's another option that's not the biblically based Christian party that God has put his finger on and said this is the party of me absolutely not but it's comparative so all you need to know is it's comparative none of those things I read from the DNC platform not one of them is in the Republican Party platform so you're telling me that all that ungodliness and the Democrat National Party platform is okay Christians of good conscience can and should vote either way I I don't see the biblical basis for that at all that was Jonathan Lehman of nine marks ministries and this is the this is the real problem by the way it's not shocking that unregenerate people support the Democrat National Committee platform it's that's not that's not shocking the shocking thing is those who are professing Christians like Jonathan Lehman and those in nine marks and some within the Gospel Coalition and many others which I'll try to get to in the last segment take this particular view that Christians of good conscience can and should vote either way when there's a choice between rank unrighteousness suppressing the truth and unrighteousness and a much lesser version of that in another party you can vote either way think about that over the break we'll come back we'll get to a couple sound bites from the Democrat National Convention listening to the Christian real of you I'm David Wheaton the Christian worldview radio program airs live Saturday mornings at 8 a.m. Central Time but did you know you can also listen according to your own schedule one simple way to hear past programs is at our website though Christian worldview org you'll also find short takes there which are bite-sized highlights of each program beyond our website you can search for the Christian worldview in the podcast app on your smartphone and subscribe for free the program is also available at one place calm sermon audio calm iTunes Google podcasts and stitcher if you need help navigating the online podcast realm just give us a call toll-free 1 triple 8 6 4 6 22 33 or follow the links on the homepage of the Christian worldview org because when believers have a sharper biblical worldview and non-believers come to saving faith lives and families are changed for the glory of God thank you for listening there's an abundance of Christian resources available but the reality is that many of them even some of the most popular do not lead to a sound and strong faith well there's only one perfect book a key aim of the Christian worldview is to identify and offer resources that are biblically faithful and deepen your walk with God in our online store we have a wide range of resources for all ages adult and children's books and DVDs Bibles and devotionals unique gifts and more so browse our store at the Christian worldview org and find enriching resources for yourself family friends small group or church you can also order by calling toll-free 1 triple 8 6 4 6 22 33 that's 1 triple 8 6 4 6 22 33 or visit the Christian worldview org final segment of the day here on the Christian worldview radio program as we talk about the Democrat National Convention the party of Romans chapter one don't forget to read that this week Romans 1 verses 18 through 32 to describe what they're really party platform stands for I was thinking about Jonathan Lehman the the sound but we just heard that Christians of good conscience can vote either way despite the fact that their party platform is is incredibly more ungodly than the Republican National Party platform and in his issue of that the rationalization there that you know you might come to the conclusion that you know welfare giving welfare to people who are poor or the black community and so it's somehow going to reduce abortions well the fact is has that actually taken place has the welfare state toward the the black community in this country was started way back when 50 60 years ago has it really helped reduce it no there's a disproportionately high number of abortions taking place in some ways you can see maybe it's incentivized it even more so that that's a completely fallacious argument that he tries to make there as justification for why you might want to vote for them secondly look at the welfare has done to them has it helped there these cities where this takes place where these inner cities and black communities are over the last 60 years since that took place has all this welfare and government subsidies and everything else has it helped them and they're run by the way by Democrats every single one of these big city inner city areas has been run by Democrats for generations so if that party is so good for black people for social justice why hasn't it worked in the last 60 years no it has hurt them more than far more than it has helped let's get to a couple of sound bites of from the Democrat National Convention let's start with the darling of the Democrat National Committee which is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez she's a congressperson from New York she's become very popular very outspoken she was given some speaking time short speaking time but to listen to her short message at the Democrat National Convention sounds like honestly it's like the only thing she didn't say is the like workers of the world unite it's straight out of the communism playbook as if Karl Marx wrote the speech for her listen to this good evening bienvenidos and thank you to everyone here today endeavoring towards a better more just future for our country and our world in fidelity and gratitude to a mass people's movement working to establish 21st century social economic and human rights again code words for Marxism and socialism don't be to see including guaranteed health care higher education living wages and labor rights for all people in the United States a movement striving to recognize and repair the wounds of racial injustice colonization misogyny and homophobia okay there it is again all oppressed versus the oppressor this is perfect perfect example of where this party is today that is this Marxism you're listening to couched in the English language and to propose and build reimagined systems of immigration and foreign policy that turn away from the violence and xenophobia of our past a movement that realizes the unsustainable brutality of an economy that rewards explosive inequalities of wealth for the few at the expense of long-term stability for the many that means we need to change a free market system which has developed incredible wealth for all people by the way in this country not just the wealthiest who have who have created this but also has given jobs to other millions and millions of people we need to transform that again a lot of code going on here for socialism and who organized a historic grassroots campaign to reclaim our democracy okay that's Alexander Ocasio-Cortez basically making a a pitch for communism at the Democrat National Convention the next speaker that we're going to listen to is Pete Buttigieg you remember him he's the mayor of South Bend Indiana he ran for president he is married to a so-called married to a man he served in our military and here's what he had to say proving again the party of Romans chapter 1 I believe in this country because America uniquely holds the promise of a place where everyone can belong we know that for too many and for too long that promise has been denied but we also know America is at its best when we make that circle of belonging wider just over ten years ago I joined a military where firing me because of who I am wasn't just possible it was policy now in 2020 it is unlawful in America to fire someone because of who they are or who they love again code words who they are and who they love what does that mean who they are he's assuming that his homosexuality is who he is it's unchangeable and who I love you should be able to love you should be the marry the person you love you know again these are very effective arguments for for the for the unregenerate mind that easily get taken in by this because they have no standard for basis foundation for being able to push back against it and saying no this is not God's intent this is bad for him bad for society that we have men married to each other and women married to each other not saying we should go out and shoot them that's not that's not the alternative but when you promote this it becomes the worldview of society gets taught in the schools and the country only goes deeper into Romans 1 not only offends God which is the worst thing we can do but it hurts people it pulls them further away from God which every Christian should oppose the very ring on my finger a wedding we celebrated here where I'm standing reflects how this country can change love makes my marriage real but political courage made it possible including that of Joe Biden who stepped out ahead even of this party when he said that marriage equality ought to be the law of the land marriage equality again code word for marriage should not be defined as a marriage between one man and one woman as God defines it it should be whatever you want it to be whoever you love and right now it can be male the male female the female that will change in time now that the the the siege wall the the walls of the the country are crumbling it'll become more and more like MacArthur said the very beginning the show like the Jerry Springer show now we don't have much time left on the program today I wanted to get to the main two candidates of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden himself I'm not sure we're gonna have time to do that so what we might do is you might continue this discussion next week because it's an important one not only because it's important for us to understand what this party and these candidates actually stand for but it's to be able to in our own minds understand the undermining taking place by so many in the professing Christian community the best sound bite you heard earlier about how Christians of good conscience can vote either way I hope I hope it's clear yeah they can vote either way but just know that if you vote for the Democrat Party and its candidates you are voting for the more ungodly the more God rejecting of the choices again not to say the Republicans are the Christian Party at all I make them very clear about that but comparatively there is no comparison we'll get into this more next time on the Christian real view thank you for joining us today we do live in a changing and challenging world world one that's filled with these code words that we must discern but in the midst of it all politics is not going to save America there's one thing that can save America Jesus Christ said I am the way and the truth and the life no one comes to the Father but through me that is the only way that individuals can be saved believe in him today as your Savior and Lord and we'll talk to you next time on the Christian real view we hope today's broadcast turned your heart toward God his word and his son to order a CD copy of today's program or sign up for our free weekly email or to find out how you can be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ go to our website the Christian worldview dot org or call us toll-free at 1 triple 8 6 4 6 22 33 the Christian worldview is a weekly one-hour radio program that is furnished by the Overcomer Foundation and is supported by listeners and sponsors request one of our current resources with your donation of any amount go to the Christian worldview dot org or call us toll-free at 1 triple 8 6 4 6 22 33 or write to us at box 4 0 1 Excelsior Minnesota 5 5 3 3 1 that's box 4 0 1 Excelsior Minnesota 5 5 3 3 1 thanks for listening to the Christian worldview until next time think biblically and live accordingly
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