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Share it. But most of all, thank you for listening to the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. Welcome to the Christian Car Guy radio show.
I say this calls for action and now. Good morning and welcome to the Christian Car Guy show. Uh, we got a really good show this morning. This is Scott Barton and I'm actually filling in for Robbie Dilmore, the Christian Car Guy, and we're going to be focusing on the ministry that I've been so blessed to be a part of and it's called Jesus' Labor of Love and Robbie actually started it about 10 or 15 years ago. It's been a while and I've been just blessed to be involved the last I think four and a half, five years. And we got a special guest here today and Jamal Womble is going to be on today.
And, uh, so call in and, uh, we look forward to your calls. Um, first we want to talk about joy. Um, all week long I've been, uh, so burdened with so many things and, um, just rushing and rushing and rushing and it just hit me yesterday and I just woke up and I was just full of joy, just full of joy. And I was thinking, why, why, why am I always in such a hurry?
Um, this is just not Christ-like, uh, stress, stress, stress, trying to, you know, meet all these deadlines and get all this stuff done. And I just, I did my daily devotion and, and I just thought, I am so full of joy. How about you, Jamal? You feel the joy this morning? Yes, sir. Mr. Barton, uh, definitely full of joy and, uh, thank you for allowing me to be on. And I want to say hi to Truth Network, all the listeners.
I'm looking forward towards a good show today. Okay. All right. I have something here that I just want to share with you guys. This is a devotional that I did last year and it's, it's kind of a little different devotional.
Um, and for, December 18th of last year, it was called Find Joy in Something New. And I'm, I just want to read it. It's, these are the days of discovery. You will discover me and hidden places and in previously unknown ways. I am calling you into new experiences, into adventures of life and spirit. Life isn't meant to be boring and monotonous. It is yours to enjoy.
I want you to ask me to lead you into these times and places of adventure, both great and small. It's time to step away from the security of what you've known. Do something new and embrace radical change. Challenge yourself and become comfortable with discomfort. Look at fear and laugh at its face. Do things you've been too afraid of to attempt.
Separate yourself from procrastination once and for all. Take a risk. You may find exactly what you're looking for in the very places you've been afraid to go. Do not feel me prompting you. Do you not feel me prompting you? Don't ignore the nudges of my spirit. You'll find me in the most unlikely places. You will find joy in the unknown.
Behold and do something new. What do you think about that, Jamal? Amen and amen to that, Barton.
Sorry, just a quick re-up for the guys that don't know. I called Scott by his last name, affectionately it says Barton. Me and Stu kind of do that. I'm not sure where that comes from.
So if you hear me say Barton, I'm referring to Scott. But that does a lot for me. And one of the reasons why that does something for me, it kind of gives me a focus on what I should be doing, kind of gets my mind right and my emotions right. And one of the things you wanted to hit me with this morning was I think also a service.
And service is another way to kind of get our focus and our mind right and our emotions right, our spirit right as well. And I want to hit you with a return scripture. So bear with me with this. I want to tie this into another topic I want to bring up.
And this is going to be, where are we at? Second Chronicles 12, 8. Nevertheless, they will be his servants that they may distinguish my service, my is capitalized. They will distinguish my service from the service of the kingdoms of the nations. So what does that mean? That means that his service as in God's service is going to be different than the service of the nations. And it makes me think of Paul as Paul saying our good deeds are as filthy rags. So what the Bible is establishing here is a clear line, a clear distinction from what man calls good, what nations call good versus what God calls good.
So what does that mean? How do we unpack that a little bit further? One thing I heard on Truth Network is, well, if two terrorists give each other weapons, bombs or whatnot, are those good gifts? They consider that good gifts. But in the grand scheme of things, those are not good gifts.
So who's to say what's a good gift or not? God is going to be the determiner of what's good. Again, what we do, our good works are as filthy rags.
So we have to have a standard and that standard is God. Yeah, good point, Jamal. You're exactly right.
You have to have perspective. Definitely, definitely. And one of the good works that we have that we're blessed with is something that you're involved in, Barton, and that's the Jesus' labor of love. And that's something that I think needs to be talked about a whole lot more.
Definitely needs to be supported more than what it is. So for the folks that don't know about what you do with Jesus' labor of love, can you give us a description of what that's all about? Sure, I'd love to. Okay.
If you know anybody out there that is struggling and they just can't, they can't put enough money together to get their car fixed, tell them to give me a call. Well, actually go online, christiancarguy.com and scroll down to Jesus' labor of love. Scratch the first part about the call.
I'll actually call you. So there's a place in there for your information, your phone number, what you're going through right now, your church affiliation. Of course, you don't have to fill all that out. A lot of people aren't involved in a church right now.
And just some general information. It comes straight to me and within usually 48 hours or sooner, I will reach out and contact you and we'll just have a little talk about what you're going through, pray with you, and I'll tell you where you can take your car. We have people from all over the country, actually, that I talk to every single week.
So you can take it wherever you want. Now, if you don't know a place, we've actually used people pretty much all over the country, but we know quite a few in the Carolinas and especially here in Winston-Salem that you can go, that we trust, that are honest. And we'll tell you how you can get your car fixed. And we actually have people that donate cars. And so we can put you on that list. And we've been very blessed this summer.
In fact, June was like a record month. We had three or four cars. Yeah. All right.
And we're working on some right now. Looks like we caught a caller here. Okay, good deal. Jean, how are you this morning? I'm doing great. Thank you. Morning, Jean.
Thanks for calling. I just wanted to call in and say hello and tell you how grateful that I am that for my car every day I pray. And I just think it's a miracle that you're doing the job that you're doing and helping people. And I'd like to just read a little prayer. This is a prayer each day. And it says, gracious God, help me to know by the joy and strength of Christ is love that I may become more and more like him each day and share his love with others. Amen.
And that's what I read every day. It keeps me going. And I just think it's wonderful that there are people in this world like you.
And you will be rewarded. Thank you. Thank you very much, Jean. That that blesses us tremendously.
Real quick, Jean, we're getting ready to go to a break. But you could you tell us how you use that vehicle that was donated every day, how you get around and and why it's so important to you. Oh, it's a lifesaver. It really is. I couldn't live without it.
And it gives me a chance to get out and about and do the work that I need to do to help others too. Oh, good deal. Well, we are about to go to break guys. Give us a call. 866. Thank you so much, Jean. 7884.
Yes. Thank you very much for your call. Once again, that is 866-348-7884. Thanks again, Jean. Give us a call. Christian Card Guy.
Thank you. You're listening to the Truth Network and Truth Network dot com. Welcome back to the Christian Card Guy show. This is Jamal guest hosting with my buddy Barton.
And we're so glad that you're tuning in. And Rob is not with us today. So in the spirit of Rob, if you know him, he likes to tell jokes.
Yep. So I'm going to be your current stand in comic for about 30 seconds. So I got one here for you, Rob.
I hope you like this. All right, here we go. And since this is the Christian Card Guy show, it's kind of a card joke. Oh, we got the music.
All right, Nick. Spot on. The police officer sees a car weaving back and forth down the highway and he takes off after it. He pulls up alongside and sees the driver is a little old lady. And she's kneeling as she's driving the car.
He cannot believe it. He yells at her. Pull over. Pull over.
She yells back. No, it's a scarf. All right. All right. Okay. I'm pretty sure I got a lot of groans on that one.
That's that's fine. Another one. Cop pulls a woman. Cop pulls a woman over and says, let me see your driver's license, lady. Woman replies, I wish you people would get it together. One day you take it away and one day you ask me to show it. Okay. You might get that a little bit later. Okay. All right. Let's see. I got one more. Do I have one more? All right. Okay.
Hopefully you guys will like this one. A juggler driving down to his next performance is stopped by the police. What are those knives doing in your car? The officer says, I took them in my act. The juggler says, oh, yeah, let me see you do it. So the juggler pulls off the side of the road, starts juggling the knives and all that. He's having a great show. Another guy drives by says, man, I'm glad I quit drinking because you won't believe what they're asking guys to do to pass the driver's license test now.
Or a drinking test now. So you guys got that. All right. Robbie, that was for you and your listening audience. But today we're talking about, um, uh, servicing and what we can do to service people. And last we left off, we were talking to Barton about the Jesus labor of love and what that is and all the people that, um, it, it helps. Um, so Barton, could you pick up where you left officer? Sure. I'd be, I'd love to, um, for those that are just tuning in or I'm not familiar with our ministry. Uh, today we're doing the Christian car guy show and we're talking about the Jesus labor of love ministry, which I've been very blessed to be a part of the last, uh, four and a half years.
And if there's anybody out there that has a neighbor or grandma or friend that, uh, the car has got some issues and they just can't put together enough money and needed just a little help, I would encourage them to go to christiancarguy.com and scroll down to Jesus labor of love ministry. There you'll see a short little app, online app. Um, if you don't, um, if you're not computer savvy, you can get one of your grandkids or somebody to help you.
You can do it on your phone, your laptop, desktop, tablet. It's just a short little application. Come straight to me within 48 hours, I'll contact you and we'll pray together and we'll talk about how we can help you. Um, and so that's christiancarguy.com. You just scroll down to Jesus labor of love ministry and it's a short little application. And um, and from time to time we have people donate cars. And as I was saying this summer, we've actually had, um, several and um, of course they're not new, but, but we do fix them up and make sure they do pass inspection. So, um, we'd love to help you. And, um, for those out there that have a car that's just been sitting around and even if it just needs something, um, we could use it, we could either fix it up and sell it, uh, or you get a tax write off or there's a good, good chance that we can get it running and it might just be a good, reliable transportation for somebody.
So, uh, you can just go online and go at christiancarguy.com and it also shows you how you can donate to our, our wonderful ministry. So, um, we were talking about joy today and uh, what is filled your heart with joy this week, Jamal? Well, um, one of the things that has filled my heart with joy and it's very interesting that that, uh, you mentioned that is considering you introduced me to the Wednesday in the word group and I've been going to that Bob study every now and then, which by the way, Wednesday in the word meets at every Dario in North Carolina, eight o'clock in the morning. So uh, Wednesdays, Wednesdays for the men.
Yeah, for the men. And we have a women's now Thursdays. Um, I believe there's one in archdale.
I'm not sure where the other one is. Um, but I'm pretty sure you can ask, um, one of the folks at Wednesday in the word and they can, they can tell you. So since I've been going to Wednesday in the word, I've been blessed with a good support group.
Um, Stephen hall with the rescue mission. Um, I've been directing people towards his ministry and I've got to see how that there is a group out there willing to help people to get off the street, to learn a skill, to learn a trade and to be self sufficient. That's a blessing cause I have a heart for people and I don't want to see anybody struggling. So I'm glad that there is a ministry out there that that can help people out. Um, we have mr her burns, who's a, who's a Gideon and he passes out bibles and he's a church supporter. Um, and you know, also got to give a shout out to mr. Um, Steven, sorry, not, not Steven.
Um, mr David speaks, uh, they call him the money guy and he's helped me out personally. So what brings me joy is that we have a culture of Christians out there. Um, don't say that we're just compartmentalized in one area or not. We're all around in every area, every business in all facets of society. And it's good to have that good support group to, to, to rely on to help bring, uh, help lift me up as I try to lift up other folks as well.
Thank you, Jamal. I wanted to read something here while we're okay. We're getting ready to go to a break and then come back. We're going to talk about more joy. Amen. Give us a call guys.
That's eight six six three four eight seven eight eight four eight six six three four eight seven eight eight four. We look forward to talking to you. You're listening to the truth network and truthnetwork.com Okay. Welcome back to the Christian car guy show. Wow. That song really takes me back.
I just love the horn section there. Speaking of vehicles, we're talking about the Christian car guy show, the Jesus labor of love, and we have Wendy on the line. Uh, welcome Wendy and good morning to our guy show. Good morning guys. How are you doing?
How are you doing this? Thanks for your call. I'm doing well. I'm very blessed. Um, you guys were able to give me a car in the past couple of months and um, my son and I have enjoyed it.
He's probably going to learn how to drive in it and we're so thankful and so excited to have it. We really appreciate you. Oh, that's, that's good. That's good. How's it holding up on you? It's doing really well. Um, I'm grateful.
It gets us everywhere and for a little bit we had some trouble with the AC, but that has been repaired and is working now too. So we're very thankful. That's good.
You certainly need it today. Boy. God is good. I'm so glad. Yes. We're blessed. So, um, you're going to take, uh, your, your son out there in the middle of the woods, um, you know, out there in the clearing, uh, the stadium parking lot where he has yards and yards and square footage to, to drive around at something like that.
Ms. Wendy. Yes, definitely. I'm a little nervous. I'm like, we just got the car and I don't want him to mess it up, but, um, but the Lord provided and he will, he will continue to provide, you know, so, but definitely have to pray.
We, we put our hands on the car and pray over it for sure. I just think the sooner, you know, you can get acclimated back in the day. We used to, you know, 12, 13, 14, you know, country roads, um, Trey. Yeah. The sooner I think you can get Trey behind the wheel, just practicing and feeling comfortable, I think the better, don't you? Yeah, it's definitely a process, but I'm grateful. I'm grateful to have a car to teach him to drive in for sure.
Yeah. Uh, just, just don't put a hole in the floor when you're hitting that emergency brake on your side, you know, that, you know, donated cars don't come with those emergency brakes on my side. I know I tried to teach somebody to drive a while ago and I kept hitting that imaginary emergency brake. I was like, it's not working.
It's not working. Uh, I just had to, you know, calm down and pray and we got through it. We, we made it. Uh, but, uh, those guys that do the driving tests, those guys are blessed.
I will let them do all the driving tests from here on out. I'm done with that because I think I lost some years of my life trying to do that myself. Yes.
I at least have more gray hair than I used to for sure. Just thinking about it. Oh yeah, definitely. Well it is a blessing. It is a blessing.
Yeah. Well thanks for your call. Thank you guys. And I'm, I'm so glad. I appreciate it. And I'm so glad that the AC is working. That's so important.
That was such a blessing, an extra blessing we didn't expect. So thank you so much. We appreciate it. You're welcome.
Take care of it. All right. You too. Have a great day. Have a wonderful weekend. Now, uh, Barton, um, so for what you guys do, um, this is for single mothers, correct?
And, uh, what, what kind of cost is it to them for them to, uh, have their car looked at and operated on all that? Okay. Uh, actually you just made a good point and, uh, it, we probably started it out pretty much for single women, um, veterans, widows, but we don't turn anybody away.
Um, most of them we get are single women, but, um, we've helped all kinds of people. Um, and what was the second part of your question? Uh, it was just, um, the, the cost behind it. Um, cause Oh, to just to get a diagnosis. Yeah.
Okay. Um, that's a very good question because I've had people that lived in various parts of the country that all they, they pretty much knew what was wrong with the car, but they had to go get a diagnosis and they were saying that a mechanic was going to charge them a hundred to $150. And, um, that can be a problem. So I think it just kind of depends on where you go and who you know. Um, most of the mechanics that we know around here will not charge you for that. Oh, let's say if you're in Utah and we've had quite a few from Utah and, uh, out West, they've, they've told me that, that they couldn't. Um, so that's a very good question. I think it's just depends on what the issue is and where you go. I do know that if you have that engine light come on that if you take it to an auto zone or advance rallies or somewhere like that, that they'll actually come out there and do it for free just to kind of, they put this little thing on it and they kind of can pinpoint what's actually causing it.
Um, and then you got to spend more money to, um, a lot of times buy a part or do something. And that's where the Christian car guy, Jesus labor of love comes in. Um, you know, this is what Christians are supposed to do.
Um, you know, this is not being biased. This is not to put Christianity up on a pedestal saying we're better than anybody else, but we were made to serve. Christians are to serve other people. Uh, we, we have no designation.
We have no demographic that we put above anybody else. And we were talking about service a while ago because that's one of the themes, uh, with, with, uh, today's show is joy and service. So I'm going to hit you with another scripture about, uh, who we are as Christians and who are supposed to serve. This is going to be Matthew 20.
And again, this is talking about service. Just as the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many. And I'm going to repeat that just for emphasis in case it didn't really hit the first time, just as a son of man who was God did not come to be served, but he came to serve and to give his life a ransom to give his life as a ransom for, for many. So if God, the creator of this universe of this existence, God has all kinds of power, you know, the, the, the guy that's in charge of it all. If he can come down and serve and wash feet, take time out of his schedule, then who are we? Good point, Jamal. We were not above God.
And if God can serve, we have no excuse. I'm too busy. I don't have the tools. I don't have the resources.
I don't have the networking. Well, that sounds like Moses to me. Moses was kind of complaining a little bit about, well, God, what do you want me to do? I can't talk. I can't speak. God said, who made man's mouth, Moses? If I command you to do something, then you are going to be powered by me to do that.
Absolutely. And look what Moses did. And I can speak a little bit to, to, to that fact, because I never thought in a million years, million, million years that I'll be behind a microphone to the network. Never thought that because I didn't like to talk either. You know, I'm kind of like Moses a little bit.
I didn't want to talk and didn't like politics and a radio or nothing like that. But over the years I found my voice and got hooked up with Barton here. So I started talking to Wednesday in the word, Bible studies and you know, long story short, I'm here. So if God calls you to something, then he's calling you there for a reason. He's going to give you the tools to get that thing accomplished. He's going to give you the tools to get that, that task done.
Uh, what's the saying that is going around nowadays? God doesn't call the called. He equips the called, you know, paraphrase something like that. So if God is calling you to something, he's going to equip you to handle that task.
What'd you think Barton? Yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm always reminded Galatians 6.2 that we should carry each other's burdens and that way we fulfill the law. That's a very good point. Um, I'm not really great at memorizing a ton of spirit of scripture, but I do have some and that's one of my favorites. Um, Galatians 6.2 carry one another's burdens. So important.
And that's what I got to remember. So send me that scripture in a text message. And isn't that something that we as a Christian nation, brothers and sisters that we're supposed to do carry each other's birds? That brings me to Jesus labor of love.
Robbie Dilmore had a passion to help out people who had car issues. And I'm pretty sure with today's prices in this economy, those single mothers and veterans and whoever are being served there appreciates saving a dollar getting served, you know, with Jesus labor of love. So if there's somebody else out there that has a need, we are to carry each other's burdens. I mean, why not?
I mean, what else that's more important than the great commission to spread God's love, to spread the gospel and to service one another. So, uh, just, just remember that. And, uh, we're going to be going to break here shortly. So I just want to toss out the number before it gets too late. 866-348-7884. Again, that's 866-348-7884. Give us a call. We'd love to talk to you. Thank you. We'll be right back. You're listening to the truth network and truthnetwork.com.
Yeah. Welcome to the Christian car guy show vehicles are important and it looks like we got two callers. Uh, first caller is Dave. Welcome Dave. Hey Dave. Hey gang. You both know who I am.
So I come to Wednesday in the word and I have church services in my garage in the winter time. He's my brother from a different mother. That's right. That's right.
What a pleasant surprise, man. Yeah. I'm uh, I'm in my garage right now and it's a donated van to the church for a lady in our church. And uh, she's got medical conditions, can't work, low income housing.
And uh, the last vehicle she had that, you know, you can replace anything on a car, but when you don't have nothing left to bolt to, you got to throw it away. That's right. And see, brother, you live in that Galatian six and one lifestyle. You're sharing a burden for somebody else right there. Man. It's just a lot of people don't have the knack.
Uh, growing up on a farm, you had to fix everything, you know? I mean, so it just me and my brothers, uh, we all love cars and hang out with them and brace them and break them and put them back together. But anyway, um, well, well, go ahead.
There was a guy that once said, uh, pretty popular guy that said we have talent on loan from God. Amen. That's right. Okay. Yes.
But I, I got a friend who was a, uh, pinstripe artist. Okay. His business was his talent and the man had a stroke and you know, brick and mortar business you can sell, but you can't sell your talent.
Somebody else is just going to take up all your customers. Right. And so his talent and our talents are on loan from God. God is the giver of our talents. Amen to that. We don't use what he gives us to serve him. Um, there, there's a price to pay for that.
Right. And as a, uh, as a mechanic and also as a veteran, I'm going to toss it out there and thank you very much for your service, sir. So, uh, as a mechanic, what advice would you have out there for the listening audience? Uh, any advice with their, their vehicles? Well, I, I can tell you some really scary stories I'm sure about people taking their cars to a garage and wanting them to charge them $600 for a complete break job on a car that had brand new rotors, brand new calipers, brand new brake hoses, and the breath pads were only a year old. The noise it was making was the insulator plate fell down on the rotors and was making a terrible grinding noise. Just took the insulator plate and put it back together, you know, and they were going to charge $600 to this, uh, uh, single lady.
Yeah. And it just, so I guess the advice would be, get a second, third opinion, something like that. Well, um, the people up at my local advance, they know me. Uh, they all say, Hey, when I come in the door, cause I buy a lot of car parts up there and uh, um, the, the manager up there said, you know, she, she hears this horror stories and some of the stuff that I've got to go through.
A lot of times your heart local parts store can tell you a place that you might be able to go and trust. That's good. That's good. Hey brother, Dave, uh, I hate to rush you off, brother. I'm glad you called.
We got, uh, another call waiting. I'm going to give him some time also, but Hey, thank you very much. All right. God bless you on Wednesday. Yes sir.
We're looking forward to it. Good morning, Herb. Hey, this is Robbie.
How are you doing? Yeah. You sound like Robbie.
I do. Hey Robbie, I got some sad news. Oh, no. What's going on? That, that, that van that I bought from you in 2004 is finally now gone to rest with the other cars after 275,000 miles.
We'll bring it in and we'll trade in for a new one. Yeah. But I also want to share the good news. And the good news is this guy you got sitting there with you in a radio station, Jamal.
I mean, I'll tell you what, he is touching so many people in ways that he will never know. Well, thank you bro. Right. So Robbie, you know me. So if you know somebody who's going to hang out with me for half a day knocking on doors of strangers, that has to be a very special person.
Yeah, that's right. And that very special person is right there sitting with you. He, uh, he's got a compassion for the community, a compassion for God, and he just touches people beyond what he can imagine. Thank you very much, Mr. Burns. And I'll go door knocking with you any day. And by the way, your check is in the mail for all those compliments. I appreciate that. Nice, nice. But yeah, I mean that that car, you know, it did pretty well over what to 70,000, 200,000 miles. Yeah, that's good.
I'm thinking of a scripture. I fought the good fight. I ran my race. You know that that car definitely did that. So yeah, that that car put in his work and it's off to better patches.
I didn't get too many tickets running the race with it, but it took me a lot of places. That's right. That's right.
And I'm a toss some good kudos back to your way. Also, Mr. Burns. Mr. Burns is a very educated, very intelligent guy.
He's his hands as any. No, don't lie. Don't lie. No, no, no, no.
You know, I don't want to get struck down here in truth, the network and cause any kind of lightning, lightning damage over here. Uh, but also he's a, he's a Gideon. And, uh, as I mentioned before, they, they go out and they support, uh, churches and pass out bobbles and all that.
So if you see a Bible at a business or, uh, some other kind of institution, chances are there's been placed there by a Gideon and, uh, he's also an architect and, uh, he's worked with people overseas. So he's done a lot. Um, we got to go ahead and go, Mr. Burns, any last words?
Yeah. Jamal been listening to you and your, your, your words of wisdom are just amazing to the people that are listening on the show today. And, you know, thank you a Robbie for, uh, bringing Jamal in. You got to have him back for a followup because, uh, he knows the gospel. He spreads the gospel. We're going to have to start calling him a pastor.
Womble. Thanks so much. And this show by saying more of my favorite scriptures, I call it the whatever scripture Philippians four eight, finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admiral. If any of these excellent and praiseworthy, think about such things. Keep that on your heart.
Okay. Amen. And one final, final thing as Christians were again to go out and spread the word, where to go out and be salt and light. We got to reach the loss.
So go out there and then reach the loss as a brother. Fred was saved. Fred Hagee given the Jesus book Jonah three one three. Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time saying arise and go. So Jonah arose and went as Christians arise and go good people. Take care and God bless. This is the truth network.
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