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And Away We Go

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
August 3, 2024 3:05 pm

And Away We Go

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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August 3, 2024 3:05 pm

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This is Hans Schile from the Finishing Well Podcast.

On Finishing Well, we help you make godly choices about Medicare, long-term care, and your money. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. Do you know the way to San Jose? I've been away so long, I may go wrong and lose my way. Welcome to the Christian Car Guy Radio Show.

I say this calls for action and now. Jesus, you are way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness, my God. That is who you are. I know, I know you are way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness, my God.

That is who you are. And away we go today on the Christian Car Guy Show. Yes, away we go. That was Jackie Gleason, you might remember.

I hope you do if you're of my generation. And then you've got Dionne Warwick with Do You Know the Way to San Jose, and of course, Leland with Waymaker. I love that, and he is that. And so we are going to be away we go today at the bottom of the hour. We have a new episode of Christian Car Guy Theater with Hansel and Gretel, but right now, starting off, we're going to go right off. And away we go with Todd Eckert. He's a Ford group manager with some hot off the press information about the Ford Maverick. That truck, it's awesome. So what's going on, Todd? Hey, Robbie, thank you for having me on the show.

I really appreciate it. And yeah, we're really excited about the new Maverick. It's adding a fresh look. We have some new appearance, adds versatility and technology, and now we're available in a hybrid all-wheel drive.

The Maverick's been doing great, as you've said. It's launched in the 22 model year, and now for 25 model year, we'll bring out this new, freshened version with new technology that we're really excited about. Right, and this stuff, it was embargoed until the first of August, so it's fresh.

It's fresh, hot off the presses, for sure. The Lobo, tell me about that. Yeah, so the Maverick Lobo is actually a new version for us.

We'll sell it as a series on Maverick. And it's really, think of it as kind of a marriage between kind of the lower trucks of maybe the mid-80s and early 2000s in their heyday, but also some performance. So we really think of it as a performance street truck version of Maverick, bringing a unique design and value, which is core to Maverick. And it's really engineered for performance.

A number of different things. It'll be based on our 2.0-liter EcoBoost with a seven-speed quick transmission. It'll have a twin-clutch gear drive, which will help with torque vectoring for performance, larger brakes, which actually we borrowed from the ST Focus over in Europe, lowered ride height, so it's gonna have a great street look, but also performance.

Think of kind of a marriage of autocross and a little bit of drifting. You know what's so cool about this, and just my own history, my father was the AMC Jeep dealer in Albuquerque, New Mexico back in the 70s, early 70s. And you may know, the University of New Mexico, their own mascot is Lobo, University of New Mexico Lobos. And so my father, a very creative car man himself, he created an El Lobo edition of the AMC Gremlin. And it had, I'll never forget it, because back then CB radios were a big deal, so it had a great big long whip CB antenna, and it had these really cool wheels for the time, and he put all this stuff on it to trick out this Gremlin, which back then, it had a 304 V8 in it, and it would roll. And it was just really, and so I just saw that, that like man, here comes this Lobo edition, which by the way, for those who are not familiar from New Mexico or whatever, Lobo means wolf in Mexican, and I'm not in Spanish, I shouldn't say that.

Because when I was in New Mexico, you know, obviously that was a big topic. Obviously we're going to be a little bit different than your father's, but the Maverick Lobo, as you might imagine, it brings all the versatility of that truck that we get, which really Maverick has defied expectations since we launched it, and we thought this was a logical extension. That lowered ride height gives it a really strong look, a unique front fascia, we've got rocker panels, a painted black painted roof, and unique 19 inch wheels that really play into the overall kind of street aspect. So we think for those customers that are kind of into performance and into driving, that this will really fit a real need for our customers. Yeah, and so you used a term, actually, you know, I hate to be ignorant, but sometimes I am, you said torque vectoring. And so I know what torque is, that's the ability to spin, like, you know, you want those wheels to go, especially when you got all wheel drive and those kind of things. But what does that mean to vector the torque? So basically what it means is you can send different power to the wheels at different times.

So the wheels themselves, depending on what's happening from a grip or performance perspective, and overall give you enhanced handling. So it's a unique aspect from a performance perspective that we really think will help the Maverick. In addition, we've got a really cool thing called a Lobo drive mode. It's a unique drive mode that will be only available with Maverick Lobo, and it's essentially meant for close course driving.

So it's not something we'd want people using on the streets, but in more of an autocross environment. This really improves cornering performance, grip, and stability, and it'll also help minimize understeer. So you'll get a more true kind of handling and performance steering, you know, experience.

Wow, so that's really cool. So essentially what you're telling me, if I'm trying to follow along, that, you know, when it comes to all wheel drive, you got four, you know, if you have a two wheel drive car, you just have two wheels that are driving, and usually actually only one of them is driving, you know, based on the fact that you have a differential between when you go around turns. And so with all three drives, you got a new situation where all four wheels, if you really think about it, especially in a handling situation, are going at different speeds. And if you're, you know, applying torque to one or the other, it's going to affect the handling. And so I've never heard of, and it's just, you know, again, being ignorant about it, but I think it's really amazing that somebody sat down there and studied, you know, how it would affect the handling if you change the torque on different wheels in a curved situation. And so what you're saying is they have, you know, they're using a computer to maximize that, and I could see how that would stop the understeer, especially, you know, handling in pickup trucks usually isn't that, which is of cars, because it doesn't have the same weight distribution. So what a cool thing.

It really is. And, you know, what our engineers are doing, you know, is amazing. It's the base of the Mavic Global is four-wheel drive. So it's based off our all-wheel drive system.

And then, you know, the design around the twin-clutch rear drive with its torque vectoring capability, you know, really adds another level to your point. Yeah. And then on the other end of it, you guys introduced a hybrid. So what's the fuel economy on that hybrid?

Yeah. So our base offering will be now our hybrid front-wheel drive. And we're targeting, we don't have the final numbers back yet from the EPA, but we're targeting 42 miles per gallon in the city. And as I mentioned, one thing we're really excited about is for the first time, we'll be introducing on that hybrid also an all-wheel drive option. So that's not something we've had in the past.

It's actually something our customers have asked about. And so we've been working on that and that will actually, we're targeting 40 miles per gallon in the city on the all-wheel drive version. So really great numbers from an efficiency perspective. And that's really where we feel like Maverick really comes into play. Oh yeah.

When you look at all the offerings. With efficiency and fuel economy, it's great for our customers. Yeah. It seems to me almost crazy that there are no really fuel-efficient trucks out there and there's very few small trucks anymore. And so I think it's beautiful. Maverick slips into a really great position for you guys. It's almost like Henry Ford's at the wheel again. Well, you know, innovation is at the core of what we do at Ford and continuously innovating. It's what's set apart our brand-built Ford Tufts trucks as well. And so that's something we really take seriously, understanding our customers and bringing out new innovations. But to be able to provide, that was something we saw right away with this customer for the Maverick. They were making compromises in terms of the vehicles that they had to choose. You know, it's more of an urban type customer.

Some city streets become important. The nimbleness and the flexibility and the smaller size of Maverick helps a great deal. But then when you can put capability together with, you know, it tows 2,000 pounds of towing base and we have up to 4,000 pounds with our matched towing package. So it's a very capable truck given its size and the affordability that we can bring. Our Maverick for 25 miles a year will start MSRP at $26,295. So we really feel like it brings the total package. Yeah, it really does. When you look at the small truck offerings of today, I was looking at them recently, and I was just shocked that you guys have just owned that market.

I mean, right now, I don't know if anybody comes close and buy these offerings. That's just outstanding. I hate we're out of time, Todd, but I really, really, really appreciate you guys always coming on. And you guys keep up the great work, okay? Thanks, Robby.

You do the same. We always appreciate the opportunity. Thanks, Todd. God bless. All right, we're going to be back with Away We Go. Oh, wait till you hear what all this means. We'll be right back. Away we go today on the Christian Car Guys show.

I love that term and those who knew Jackie Gleason to know how much fun that was. And of course, with Jesus, the joy of the Lord is our strength because in so many different ways, he is joy and he is peace. And so I love that when you really listen to what he was talking about, that you can throw your cares goodbye because you go the way, right?

And when you think about that word, way, I was studying it this week. I was teaching vacation Bible school, Nick, actually. And we were teaching from John chapter 14, as you might imagine, where Jesus says, I am the way, the truth, and the life.

No one comes to the Father except by me. And, you know, I don't know if you—when my daughter used to do Bible drills back when she was younger, we learned that John chapter 14 is the comfort verse. You know, because it starts out with, you know, don't let your heart be troubled. And so here we're going to throw our cares goodbye with this verse, but it's fascinating to me. So you know how you look at something fresh when you go to teach it again.

And I was teaching youth, which were kids from 12 to 20, actually. And so I dug into that word way, and it's really a big Bible word, and I just made the assumption, you know, I said, well, the way in Hebrew is usually pronounced Derek, or usually would be that word, I would think. And so as I began to study that word, I realized, oh my goodness, because I went and I thought, you know, at the end of the 16th Psalm, it says, you will make known to us the path of life in your presence is fullness of joy.

It's the right hand of the pleasures forevermore. Well, I thought, well, that word path would be the same thing as the way, because it's usually path and way. But when I looked at it closely, no, it wasn't. It was a completely different word. And I thought, well, isn't that strange? And that word begins with an aleph.

And it has a completely different idea to it. And then there was another word that like when God, you know, put the angel down in the book of Genesis chapter 3 to protect the way to the tree of life, right, which we know the tree of life is obviously the destination again. And so that way, you know, becomes significant. And you might know in Jeremiah, it says, ask for the ancient way. And so that word comes through in the Bible several, I don't know, you know, maybe a thousand times in different applications of how it works out throughout the Bible. So I began to puzzle about this, Nick, like, okay, there's different ideas here about the way, especially when you think about Psalm 119, the first verse says, blessed are the undefiled in the way that walk in the law of the Lord. And so again, you would think that that way and that way again is interestingly the word Derek.

And so as I put this together, I found out, guess what? In one, well, actually in two different Psalms, they put both of the main words that probably means in the same sentence. And so in Psalm 25, 4, it says, show me thy ways, O Lord, and teach me thy paths.

And in Psalm 25, it says, show me thy ways, O Lord, and teach, excuse me, teach me thy, I have them backwards, it's in Psalm 27, it says, teach me thy ways, O Lord, and lead me in the plain path because of mine enemies. So if I can try to break this down for you, if I was to say, Nick, I'm going to show you the way to my house. I'm going to explain to you, here's the way you go, okay? So if you were going to start out in Stokesdale, you would end up at my house, which is at Blues Creek Lake, and you would get on Ellisboro Road. And so the way is what I'm explaining, but then I would have to tell you the actual paths to take to get there. In other words, you're going to have to take Ellisboro Road, and then you're going to have to turn left on Crow's Nest Drive, then you're going to make a right on Windward, okay? So you see, there's a way to my house, but then there are paths to my house. It's very, you know, when you think about it, that there's a way that you would tell somebody this is the way to go, but then they would need to know the paths.

And so I love what it actually says in that 27th Psalm, because he asked God to teach him the way, but then he says, guide me in the paths. So imagine that if I was in the car with you, now I could tell you, you take Ellisboro Road, and you take a left on Crow's Nest Drive, but if I was sitting in the pastor's seat, and I say, okay, turn here. All right, Nick, go about another two blocks and turn again, right?

How much easier would that be? Right? You get the picture. So, you know, this is the thought, that Jesus is not only the way, he is also the path. However, you need the Holy Spirit riding next to you to say, here you go. It reminds me of when I threw newspapers, right?

When I lost a dealership and lost all my money, and I went and I got a job throwing newspapers, actually in my 50s, so that I could get the money together to get my deposit to turn the power out of my house. I was kind of desperate, but the guy that showed me my route, I was only going to have him for two days. And so you're up at five in the morning, and you're driving from house to house to house to house, and he's showing me the way, right? And he's also showing me the path, but the beauty of it, he was guiding me. He said, okay, you see that house with the dog on the mailbox? You throw a paper there, and you see this house, you know? And so he said, I'm going to do for you what somebody did for me.

And he says, let's record the whole time we're out, and it'll be timed perfectly between house to house. And so I made this recording, and not only was he showing me the way, but he was guiding me in the path. And so with the use of the Holy Spirit, and Jesus is the way, which is obviously the cross that gets you to heaven, but now you've got decisions moment by moment by moment as you're on your road to sanctification, and so the Holy Spirit becomes unbelievably handy when all of a sudden, okay, now do I go left or right in this situation? How do I turn?

Who do I turn to? And if you really were aware of the Holy Spirit's presence, like David was, then you would have this chance to see this path. So all this is leading to, I want you to call in with your story.

If when Jesus not only showed you the way, but through the Holy Spirit gave you the path, it was like you were guided. I know you've got a story I've got a bunch I'm going to share when we come back, but it's the number to call in and share your way, your path, is 866-348-7884. 866-348-7884. You know, sometimes you were just missing your keys or maybe you lost your phone and you started to pray.

I don't know, you share your story. 866-348-7884, and away we go. We're talking about how we can find our way. We'll be right back. We'll be right back. I have Andrea is in Indiana. I hope I set your name right. Is it Andrea or Andrea? Andrea. Andrea, I'm so glad you called this morning with your story about a way and a path. And so I'm interested, but what have you got for us? Okay, so I just had to be very, very brief.

I'm from England. I tried to commit suicide on my bedroom floor and I didn't know who Jesus was. And I cried out just for someone to help me and Jesus came down and rescued me. He told me to sell everything I have, leave my family, leave everything I've ever known, get on a plane and trust him.

I fought him, I didn't do it straight away, I'll be honest with you. But I guess I'm just going to, you know, I came to America and I saw these happy Christians. I was like, wow, I really made it to the land of Canaan, you know what I mean?

The land of milk and honey. And what I realized through my own spiritual walk that happiness and joy is not, it's not necessarily what God wants. Where you meet him, the way I found him and the way I continue to find him, I was self-righteous.

And before I knew that, he cannot work in a proud heart. It has to be a broken and contrite spirit. And it's the only way I have found him is through my tears, through my tribulations, through my trials. I've found him through my life. I've found him through my life. I've found him through my trials. There's too many happy-go-lucky Christians today who don't realize that they're not broken.

Does that make sense? Oh, you are exactly on it. It's a fake smile. And dare I say it, I'm just going to speak the truth.

America is very fake. It's like, oh, I haven't seen you in a long time, you know what I mean? They love you on a Sunday. My husband says, like, they're the Sunday saints and the Monday yanks. Oh, wow, that's sad, isn't it?

It really, really is. But I'm very, very curious about when you were on the bathroom floor, and you're exactly right. Jesus meets you, and he's met me many, many, many, many times in horrible situations. But can you kind of describe that meeting for us? Okay, so I was on my bedroom floor.

I didn't know, bedroom floor, sorry. I was working a job, like two jobs. I was nursing, doing 12-hour shifts. The reality was so hard. My boyfriend was a drug dealer. I was drinking, I was smoking, and this is just the way of life, you know what I mean?

A get-out clause. And I'd had enough. And I was like, I just can't do it. I can't meet the bills.

My boyfriend's beating me every night. I'm forced in a situation that I'm not happy. I had money, I had everything.

Being a drug dealer's girlfriend, you're going to have everything, but it will strip everything away from you, too. And I just cried out. I was like, I'm done. I didn't want to kill myself.

And I tried many, many times before, and I cried out. I didn't even know his name. But inside of me, I was like, you put your hand over your face, like Eve and Adam would have done in the garden. I'm naked. God, don't look at me.

That's how I felt. And I didn't even know Jesus. So there had to be something inside of me that knew that I was a sinner. And I think that's why Christ got hold of me that night, because I was like, help me.

Someone help me, but I'm not worthy of speaking to whoever you are. And he came down, and I can't even explain it. I feel him now as I speak, just something, just love, just literally over poured over me and a peace that was in my heart. And I couldn't explain it, and I just looked up that nothing was there, but I just felt this love and acceptance. And I knew that, I knew I'd been accepted.

And I was like, how is that possible? I've done this and this and this in my life. And he said, I've been trying to get a hold of you for a long time.

You have not been listening. And I said, Lord, I said, you're the one. You're the one in the books. You're the one in the churches.

You're the one people have been telling me about, and I thought it was a story. I said, Lord, send me. Be careful what you pray for.

Be careful what you pray for, because he said, leave your only son. Leave your family. Leave everything you've ever known and get on a plane and trust me, within two weeks, everything was closed. The house was gone.

Everything was sold on Facebook for everything outside the house. I don't need it. I found the pearl of great price.

I don't need it. I gave everything to them. And in the end, I didn't accept money.

I didn't even accept money. I said, look, take it. I found the pearl of great price.

And I think this is very, very powerful because I know in the Bible it says, someone went up to him and said, what must I do? I've done this and this and this. I've kept the commandments. I've kept everything you have for the poor. Long story short, I came here, I met my Boaz, because Ruth left her land. And I met my Boaz. And we got married. When you leave everything for Jesus, you better believe he's got something better in store for you. My first date was in the Bahamas when we were dolphins on a cruise ship.

Not Arby, not Wendy. The Bahamas. You know what I mean? And by the way, the beautiful thing is, the story of the rich young ruler that you're talking about, in Mark chapter 10, in that version, it's in all three gospels, but in that version, he tells him if you leave everything and do that, and his disciples ask him, well, we left everything. What are you doing for us? And he said, and I love, this is actually my birthday verse because I was born on October 30th. Mark 10, 30 says, you will not fail until you have 100 brothers, 100 sisters, 100 brothers, 100 lands. And so there you are in the Bahamas, you know, and all that. And so you received all that, and persecutions, by the way, which isn't the happiest thing in the world like you were talking about, and persecutions in this present life, but in the life to come, eternal life, right?

And so... But it's not about prosperity. God took all that away from us. And I ended up in Portland, Indiana, and anyone knows it's a tiny little place with nothing here but hurting people. And I didn't know why God had taken everything away from us, our money. We lost everything. We lost everything through situations, and God was trying to show me that love ensures all things. Did you marry this man for money, or did you marry this man for love? And it was just showing me, you know, when God takes everything away from us, which he will do again.

You could look at Joe. God took everything away from him, and what did he do? He went in his clothes, got down on his knees, and he repented. And he still didn't curse God. And I believe that that's coming because America is...

They're too proud and happy. And if you look at Jonah, go back to Jonah, what happened? They were in stacked loaves and ashes, and even the king repented to God. So I think you were saying about the way and the past. The way is through the cross.

The way is through suffering. And people don't like that. They like the cross. They don't like the suffering part.

They don't like to sell any stuff. Well, Jesus actually told the rich young ruler, right, take up your cross. Deny yourself. Yeah, yeah. And that is the deal. You know, the interesting thing is that...

I've got swimming pools and posh cars and how is that denying yourself? Yeah, and there's a big difference between joy and happiness, right? Oh, absolutely. It's the spiritual. You get that spiritual joy from obedience to God.

That's where you get it. And doing something that the flesh does not want to do, that's when you get that joy. Happiness has to do with happenings, like what's happening in your life versus joy, which comes from that place that you described that night on your bedroom floor. A contrite, broken spirit. And contrite actually means a crushed spirit.

You have to be completely crushed and broken. And I believed it myself. I thought, okay, I'm broken. I'm doing good.

Guess what? I back slipped. I'm self-righteous. I praise the Lord that I'm still not self-righteous because I pray for that contrite heart and, you know, when everything's going wrong and everything's drying and you're like, Lord, why is it happening? And he says, well, you pray for a contrite heart again.

You ask me. Be careful what you pray for, but it's worth it, wasn't it? We need it. People say, don't pray for peace.

Don't pray for trials because God will send them. You need it. We're not worthy of entering heaven without this. We need this refinement. God says, you know the way that I want and when I'm refined in the fire, I will come forth as God. We need it.

And people don't want the suffering. In Philippines, it says that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and to be conformable of his wizard forgiveness. So Andrea, I don't want to say it right. It's Andrea, correct? It's fine. Yes, I'm sorry. But you're such a wonderful communicator.

Has God given you some kind of platform to share what you have experienced? Pardon me? No, sir. No, sir.

I believe that if you look at Paul the Apostle, everything that he went through was physical. You cannot lead an army if you haven't been through the battle. You have to wear the scars. You have to be hungry to help the hungry. You have to be poor to help the poor.

Right. And that's why people's hearts are hardened today because they haven't done what Jesus said. Now, Jesus left his home.

He was poor. Oh, I hate that we're out of time. Andrea, I am so, so, so, so very grateful for your call. We got to go. But we got the Christian Car Guy Theater episode coming up again. God bless you, and you keep up the great work out there.

You're listening to the Truth Network and Yes, it's another episode of Famous Fairy Tales, the radio program where you learn the rest of the stories from your childhood. We're here in the village square headed for the best bakery in the county. Here it is, Hansel and Gretel's Bake Shop. Hello there, sir. What can I get you today? I'd like a dozen of your best-selling cookies. Coming right up.

Blue Law. We need a dozen cinnamon snaps. Wise choice, sir. Those are our best sellers.

While we're waiting, I'd like to ask you about how you and your brother started this business. It was after the incident in the woods with the Wicked Witch, right? Oh, yes. Poor Hansel. He was so traumatized. He was? Oh, yes.

He hasn't been able to eat gingerbread at all from that day to this. Oh, how sad. And so he works here too?

Yes, he's back in the office doing the book. And you do the baking? No.

Actually, it's Beulah. Can you keep a secret? I'm not sure. I got to be honest with you. This is being recorded for the radio. Oh, that's all right.

Hansel never listens to the radio. Okay. Well, what's the secret? Our Baker Beulah. She is actually the former witch.

What? That's right, poor old lady. Lived all by herself in the woods.

Terrorized by wandering children. Taking bites out of her gingerbread house. But she tried to cook and eat your brother. No, she didn't. She never was a witch at all. She just said that to scare him away.

Actually, she is a shy, sensitive soul. Just needed a bath, a makeover, and a non-edible place to live. Well, now that you mention it, the Bible does say in Ephesians 4-32, Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. That sounds like just what you guys did.

Yes. But what about your brother Hansel? What does he have to say about it? Well, I never told him. He's just grateful for having a great Baker like Beulah on our team. And now that you mention it, I probably should tell him. It has been over 20 years. Yes, I think you should. He needs the chance to forgive her.

He certainly does. Oh, here comes Beulah with those cookies now. There you are. A baker's dozen on the house as a thank you for hearing our story. As you can see, listeners, the words happily ever after are much more complicated than you may think.

Tune in again next time to Famous Fairy Tales, the radio program where you learn the rest of the story from your childhood. Oh, what a joy it is to do Christian Car Guy Theater with my dear, dear friend. And all do we have on the radio, on the phone with us. And Ellen Kennedy, who writes those for us currently. Ann's written some, I've written some, but we've always had so much fun with this. Yeah, my favorite thing to do. Funny script.

And gingerbread cookies is to boot. You know, I just want our listeners to know what a miracle this is from my perspective, that Ann is struggling actually with lots of going on. She lost her sister-in-law a couple weeks ago. Her brother's helping be her caregiver.

She's going through some time with, unfortunately, a brain tumor that we can all be praying for. And so she's lost most of her short-term memory. She can sometimes, you know, relate things.

But as a result of that, it's an interesting thing. I wish everybody could hear what a delight it is to record these episodes. Because Ann loves to do Christian Car Guy Theater. She loves to do it. However, she can no longer, you know, remember lines and those kind of things.

So we get on the phone, and I give her a piece of the line, and then she gives me that piece of the line, and then I give her the next piece of the line, and she does that. Where there's a will, there's a way, you know what I mean? There really is, but if you heard that episode, you would never guess in a million years that you didn't completely flow out with those lines. In other words, what a gifted actress, it's a gift that God gave you, right? Absolutely. And I know you've still got your long-term memory, so the term fatty of four eyes was really how Satan came after you to try to get you to hide the gift that you clearly have.

Oh, definitely. I mean, doesn't the enemy just try to put us down at every possible opportunity? And fatty four eyes, when I was growing up, you know, I wore glasses, I was fat, and the kids did that. But as a result, it also drives you to your imagination. It also drives you, at least for me, to be more creative, since you're not being accepted for your physical self, and now, even now, it's a good lesson in terms of what I'm going through mentally and everything.

But kids can be so cruel to one another, and how important it is to remember to build up each other and not tear each other down. But in addition to that, I mean, God has his ways of making, you know, he works everything for good. Even the things that we go through in life, the earth life, you know, that are troubling and frustrating and demanding, but I'm so blessed that, that's why I, I mean, I'm so blessed that we've been doing Christian Corregi Theater for these past years, and what, I mean, God turning everything for good as only he can with his followers, you know. Oh, it's, it's, it's still a delight to have a friend that has such a gifting, and God gave us the technology in order to still highlight your gifts, and again, Ellen's gifts as far as writing, and writing such a clever script. And you too, I mean, you too, not only getting the show together and everything, but you also are a marvelous actor, and you know, you're in some of these, I mean, these episodes. I mean, it's just a delight, you know, so the Lord makes, he brings good out of the worst times of our lives. And I love the whole theme of the famous fairy tales, the rest of the story, because when you think of God is always, right, he's putting a happy ending on us.

Yeah, in place, in process. Or, you know, from my last caller, Andrea, I don't know if you heard her testimony, which was spectacular, a joyful ending, you know, maybe it's based on joy and peace that, you know, it's a very difficult, very difficult thing what you're going through currently. Yeah. However, you know, I love to see that reflection that's of God in you. In other words, when, you know, we talk quite often, and we pray quite often, because it's hard when you wake up and you don't really know why you're where you are, and you know, why can't I drive, and why can't I go do the things that I used to go do, and why can't I see my friends the way I used to, and I can't even imagine the things that you suffer through, yet God continues to, because it, you know, I almost wish everybody could hear our conversations, because God shows up in the midst of this pain, and God shows up in the midst of this loss, and the loss of your sister-in-law just recently. I mean, it's hard enough to go through all the stuff that you're going through, but now your brother is really suffering, and so I gotta know, because last time I talked to you, you were waiting on him to go to the gym.

Do you remember, did he ever show, I mean, I guess you've talked to him since then, right? Oh yeah, because I live in a little guest house right up the hill from their house, or Jimmy's house, and so, I mean, we see each other every day, you know, and God, when he tells us that he works everything for good to his followers, he means it, and even the worst of times, it only deepens us, unfortunately. Well, you know, the title of the show today, Ann, is Away We Go.

Yeah. And I just want to point out that God will make a way where there seems to be no way. Like, you know, here is a retired actress that's struggling with all this, that and the other, yet he continues to show his mercy and his grace, so thank you, Ann, so much for, you know, this partnership, what you've done with Christian Car Guy Theater over the years. Unfortunately, we're out of time, so I've got to remind you, I'll slow down. Jesus walked everywhere he went, got it all done in 33 years. This is the Truth Network.
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