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Insurance Language

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
July 20, 2024 12:03 pm

Insurance Language

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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July 20, 2024 12:03 pm

Guest Host Jerry Mathis guest host Christian Car Guy

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On Finishing Well, we help you make godly choices about Medicare, long-term care and your money. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. Welcome to the Christian Car Guy Radio Show.

I say this calls for action and now. Good morning and welcome to Christian Car Guy Radio. This morning, I'm Jerry Mathis, the Christian Body Shop guy filling in for Robbie who's on vacation this week and I tell you what, I'm excited about this morning.

I've got a couple guys sitting in front of me that are, you know, I'm always excited when I get them in the studio because it's guys I've known for a while and just enjoy just sitting around having conversation. I also got Nick on the other side of the glass there, so we're all in good hands, somebody who knows what's going on. This morning, one of the things I want to make sure that I get across, we're going to take and figure out a way that maybe we can save our listeners a little money and maybe not cost them some money on a couple of things. We're going to talk a little bit about insurance language and Junior just went through an accident. Junior Reynolds who's with me, I'm going to come back to Junior and to Mark and let them introduce themselves in just a moment. But also, we're going to talk a little bit about summer driving and some of the dangers out there that we kind of take for granted. But also, this is a call-in show, so I hope you'll get a pen, write down this number, but it's 866-348-7884.

Again, 866-348-7884. Before we get going this morning, as we're sitting around, any conversations I've had in the last, I don't know, really seems like for the last year and after we came out of COVID, really end the COVID season, just how dark the world has been and just how much hatred's in the world. You know, I don't think God is pleased sometimes with America and with this world, I mean, but I'll tell you what, the two guys in front of me will agree with me on this.

We kind of cheated, went to the back of the book and we know how this all turns out, so that gives us a lot of hope and assurance. This morning, just to start off, I'm going to sort of read out of, this is a devotion book that I really, and I don't know if you've ever picked them up, if any listeners ever picked it up, it's Sarah Young, Jesus Calling. It's a go-to devotion, I read it every morning and this morning, as I was leaving the house, sat down reading, drinking my coffee, I thought, I'm just going to open up the radio show this morning by reading today's devotion because I think it's just so relevant to the times we're going through. And it's July 30th, seek my face and you will find all that you have longed for. The deepest yearning of your heart, offer intimacy with me.

I know because I designed you, I designed you to desire me. Do not feel guilty about taking time to be still in my presence. I'm going to stop there, how many times do we just take time to be still? We feel like things move too fast, microwave society, but God's word is just sometimes just take time to be still in His presence. You are simply, do not feel guilty for, let me back up here, do not feel guilty for taking time to be still in my presence.

You are simply responding to the thugs of divinity within you. I made you in my image, I hid heaven in your heart. Your yearning for me is a form of homesickness, longing for your true home in heaven. Do not be afraid to be different from other people. I'm going to read that one again, do not be afraid to be different from other people. The path I have called you to travel is excrescently right for you. The more closely you follow my leading, the more fully I can develop your gifts. To follow me wholeheartedly, you must relinquish your desire to please other people. Follow your closeness to me with bliss, and you will be able to bless others by enabling you to shine, by me enabling you to shine brightly in this dark world.

To me, that devotion just hit home. I mean, we sit there and we see all the political unrest, all the racial unrest, and just, you know what, God calls us to humble ourselves and to seek Him and give ourselves to Him. And I think sometimes we get so caught up, even as Christians, sometimes get caught up on the, I don't know, it's just the pressures of the world. You know, as we get older we think, you know what, I don't have peer pressure. That's something we think about our kids deal with in school, our school kids deal with peer pressure.

Man, we all deal with peer pressure. And God says, just pull up close to me, live in my presence, and I'm going to take care of you. And when I do that, you're going to be able to make an influence on other people. Jesus Christ is going to shine through us. So this morning's devotion from Sarah Young just kind of hit home with me. And as I said this morning in the studio, I'm going to let you introduce yourselves and a little bit of your background and what you're doing in your walk today with Jesus Christ. Start with you and then we'll go right over to Mark. Good morning. I'm glad everybody is out there and listening to us today.

Maybe we can touch your hearts with something that the Lord's touched us with. I'm A.C. Reynolds Jr. A lot of people know that I was in Standardville for all my life. I run the salvage yard and the garage and record service.

Worked with Jerry and Ray's Body Shop and all the other towing companies in South County for years. Jerry's given me some good points this morning. I got a little book that I read in the morning and it has those devotions in them and it just speaks truth to you. My wife would tell you if she's sitting here that sometimes I'm like a bull in a china shop and I don't want to leave it leave there until everything is broken. And she gets on me about that. And, you know, sometimes I listen to our praise team leader. He'll say sometimes less is more. And if you read your devotion there, you know, it's a small devotion, but it's more, more than you got that day.

The Bible, Jerry told you a while ago that we know how it's going to end. And what we need to be looking at ourselves as Christians is this. We'll say, well, I can't do anything.

Let me tell you this. Each one of us that God created is creation for a reason. And that reason could be no more than sitting in a pew on Sunday morning, going to Sunday school and saying hi to someone outside your neighborhood and letting them know I go to church here or something. Or you could be a deacon.

You could be anything that God wants you to do. But first thing you got to do is obey Him, trust in Him and walk with Him. And I think sometimes we get so many things in our way to turn us away from Him that we're not paying attention. But if you read the Word, you'll find things in there that maybe we're doing that we shouldn't be doing. And one thing that hit me the other morning was this.

At the moment right now, it seems that we're worshipping more of the creation and worshipping less of the Creator. And I'm going to pass this over to Mark. I'm through. Go ahead, Mark. I'm Mark Flint. I'm owner of Pulliam's Barbecue and Hot Dogs.

Hold on, let me interrupt you one second. Every time Mark comes in here, the first thing I do, I start my taste buds, start watering and all that stuff right there. Amen. On a hot dog. Great hot dog. Go ahead, Mark. I'm sorry. Anyway, yes, I pretty much grew up, well, I did grow up in the Winston and I've known AC since I was a teenager.

Back when they were in business, they used to go by and get their business. But at any rate, I have to agree with everything that they've said so far about how dark and gloomy things seem to be. But please, people, remember that even though you're down and out and you're thinking that Christ the Lord is not helping you out, He is, but you've got to make it happen yourself. You've got to believe in Him. You can't just say, well, if He cared about me, why don't I have a new Cadillac? It's not all about that.

It's about daggone faith and believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. Yeah, absolutely. And when we come back, we're about ready to go into a break. And like I said, I just want to talk a little bit about some insurance language and stuff, how it can save you some money and not get you in.

Not that when you talk to your insurance company on the phone or filing a claim or something, not that they're trying to trick you into some of the language you may use, but it's just wise to know what that language is to keep you from kind of getting it where it's going to save you money, because it has a lot to do with language with the insurance industry and stuff. And we're going to talk a little bit about that. And again, this is a calling show, 866-348-7884. And also, I want to talk a little bit, we're going to spend some time talking about, this is the time of year when it's beautiful outside, most of the day. It's been awful hot lately. And there seems to be more traffic on the roads.

So we're going to talk a little bit about summertime driving and some of the hazards that are on the road that we kind of overlook and take for granted. So we're back in just a moment. Again, calling show 866-348-7884. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Christian Car Guy Radio. I'm Jerry Mathis, Raised Body Shop and Record Service Christian Body Shop Guy, along with Junior Reynolds and Mark Flint. And this morning we're, well, I tell you what, I think we got a caller on the line. And Jamal, can you hear me?

Yes, sir. I can hear you. How are you guys doing? Hey, I'm doing wonderful. Glad you called in this morning. Excuse me.

Yes, sir. And didn't know that the guy from Pullians knew you all. I went over there to have a hot dog a while ago and I probably met him and didn't know it.

And you're right. Whenever you think about Pullians, you know, your mouth starts watering. You get the taste of those good hot dogs. Appreciate you coming up. Oh, oh, yeah. So I'm glad to.

Thanks to you, I'm about to go back over to Pullians and get myself a hot dog. All right. Appreciate you. I wanted to. Oh, yeah. Thank you. Appreciate you being out there for us. Wanted to talk on what you guys had mentioned about the state of affairs of our country.

Yes. I'm a former Democrat and the Democrats, from my observation, you could be about the little guy. They used to say, well, what can we do to lift up the people who are forgotten, the people who maybe be who might have been looked over? Unfortunately, that's not the Democratic Party of today. I went to a Republican meeting yesterday and we were talking about patriotism. We were talking about supporting our police, supporting our military. We're talking about having to hide in our country. You don't hear the left talking about that. Even Bill Maher, who says he's an old school atheist, liberal.

Even Bill Maher says we're the only country that he teaches our citizens to our own country. Yeah. So you have people within their own party who don't agree with this new direction that the Democratic Party is going. Because the only thing I get from my observation, the only thing I keep hearing from the Democratic Party is how bad our country is, how racist our country is.

OK, I get that. But can we get off the racism for a minute? Can we get off anti-Americanism for a minute? Can we talk about what we can do positive for our country? Can we talk about how we're going to lift our people up? So if I don't hear that from the Democratic Party and I'm hearing that from the other guys, I'm going to go towards other guys because I'm tired of focusing on the negative. I'm tired of, you know, beating ourselves up.

What are we going to do to lift ourselves up? And I hear that from these other guys about patriotism, about lifting the whole country up, not just one particular group, but lifting the whole country up. I'm hearing that from other guys.

I'm going to lean towards other guys. You know, I can't agree with you. I mean, really, it's kind of it's sad because I think one thing we any party that tries to or any organization or people that try to divide, divide us. I mean, is what what I see out there so many times.

And I think it's become so prevalent. You know, that's not who we are. I mean, we know if especially if Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, I mean, we are all I mean, he saw that on Calvary.

He died for all of mankind. That's right. And and I always tell people and in business and Mark will tell you, I think he'll agree me on this. We really had had this conversation and also junior in business. You have to kind of you want to make sure people know where you stand, but you have to understand that other people have different thoughts and stuff.

So you kind of walk you walk gently and still be firm. But I always tell people when this conversation comes up and I know that I'm that we got two different points of view. I always say, you know what you what I suggest you do is take the names away from it. Look at the platform.

What? What this organization or this person or this politician, what their platform is, what they stand for. Which one of them mirrors my beliefs as a Christian. And I'll tell you what, that's where you need to go. It doesn't matter if it's independent, Green Party, Republican, Democrat.

It doesn't matter which one. As a Christian, we're called just like the devotion I read this morning where it says, don't be afraid to be different from other people. And Jamal, one thing you know, I really hate when it starts any political organization. I'll never forget what was that four years ago when Biden says, if you don't vote for me, you're not black. I mean, to me, that was one of the most degrading thing I thought. You know, I was just like, you know what? That that just just just hurt me that that would even that would even be accepted.

He thought that was acceptable to say. So I appreciate your comments. And I think we're in a time that we need as Christians to stand up for what our beliefs are. Jerry, before I go, could you give me that devotion again?

So I want to write that down. OK, it's Sarah Young, Jesus Calling. It's a great book. And I've been I tell you what, I take taken my Sarah Young book.

It's been in Jamaica on mission trips. I take it everywhere I go. And it's I do a Wednesday morning breakfast group at a mega house in Winston that meets on Wednesday mornings at seven. And we use that as sort of our just gets our conversation going. But it's a great devotion. It's easy read.

And she and her writing is as if Jesus is just sitting down speaking to you. I appreciate you guys taking up enough of your time, but I appreciate your comments and God bless you all. I made your mail before you leave. Are you there? You're still here. All right. This AC, I want to read you something.

And a lot of times you get in politics, you know, you battle the name, what party and all this. And Max Locato. Have you ever heard of him?

Locato is a good guy. Yes. Here's what he said one time. And this will bring you out of the battle very quickly. It wasn't an accident.

You were deliberately planned. So sit specifically gifted and lovingly positioned on this earth by the master craftsman. So each of us have a gift and have a purpose. And all we got to do is realize what the purpose is and obey it. And you know what? That word that they keep using as a weapon race.

We finally figured out there's only one race, the one he made. Amen to that. And I'm going to follow ultimately anybody, any group that follows our Lord. Thank you, Jesus Christ. Again, take care of God bless God. Thank you.

All right. We're going into a break again. This is a calling show. I'd love to hear from you also. 866-348-7884. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back Christian Car Guy Radio. I'm Jerry Mathis, Rave Body Shop and Wrecker Service and Christian Body Shop Guy. Again, this is a calling show 866-348-7884. As I said, I would try to always like to try to figure out a way that can maybe save listeners some money and also a little bit of aggravation. I was going to take just a minute to kind of go over a couple of terms in the insurance industry that that for my dealings, customers don't quite understand and and really can get themselves backed into a bad spot by not really understanding terminology.

And then I got two guys who jump in, Mark and Junior on any of this, but a total loss. I must start with that one, just because this morning before I came here, I had a conversation with a guy that we had wrote a estimate on it. And he said, you know what? They came by and he says they told gave my car deemed a total loss. Don't look like it's that much damage. And I said, well, kind of explain to him it's really just 75 percent value of the vehicle. If the estimate hits 75 percent, the insurance company has the total loss.

It has deemed it a total loss. Well, his question then was, well, I told him it's a total loss. I want to buy the vehicle back and get you all to go ahead and fix it. I looked at the vehicle and told him, I said, you know what? And this is something that people first get upset about a total loss and don't understand that the insurance company really doesn't have any leeway on that.

It's written in stone, 75 percent, it's a total loss of your vehicle. Well, the issue is when somebody has an older car, like we're on South Main Street in Winston and we are involved in our community. Been there since 1964.

The only two people that I know that are in business longer than me were the two people sitting in front of me. Real quick, because this is interesting to me, Mark Williams, what date was they first in business? I was. 1910. 1910. 1941.

Yeah. So, see, I'm sitting there thinking 1964, these guys got me beat. About to tell everybody I look pretty good. I've been 114 years old. We've almost got a hot dog perfected in 114 years, possibly getting close. I think you got it pretty darn close.

You got the trophy. Yeah. Well, a total loss vehicle, whenever a car, like I said, we're in the community and stuff, so people, a lot of these older neighbors have older cars. And I do understand when you get a car that's total loss and it's a 20-year-old, 25-year-old, 30-year-old car, they know that vehicle and they know that it's been taken care of. Well, from the insurance point of view, it's just what the value of that car is. And we see cars that come in that are perfectly good cars and this older couple or an older man or woman that have been driving that car know they can go anywhere they need to go.

It's total loss and then they're told, you know, all they're going to get for the vehicle is $1,000. And it doesn't take much to total off some of those older cars. So in those points, sometimes it's good to have a body shop that you can talk to about that because some of the older cars, they don't have all the electronics and the electrical systems in them. So, yeah, sometimes it's better for you to have a vehicle that you know and not have to spend much money to get it back on the road and driveable and repaired.

So maybe it is a good idea. But then when you get some of the newer vehicles that maybe all of a sudden the vehicle is worth $25,000 and you get that estimate that pushes it over the limit and then people start talking about wanting to buy it back. I always caution them in doing that because now with the electrical of the vehicle and so much stuff, even like a headlight, we put a headlight in an Audi a couple weeks ago. The guy said, it's just a headlight and a scratch on the bumper.

I'll probably just pay out of the pocket on this. And I said, well, let's go in there and run that and get my guy to write the estimate on it. The headlight was $6,500 and he's like, I couldn't believe it because now it had the adaptive site in there where the light moves with the steering wheel, had radar made into the light and everything.

So what I'm getting at, there's always a written estimate is only an estimate. So there's a good chance of a lot of hidden damage. And when you start talking about electronics, it isn't like a few dollars. A lot of them have those amplifiers on the headlights where you go buy it. That's expensive when you get in a car that's got an amplifier to make that beam very bright. It's all the electronics in there. Mirrors even have radar in them and have the signals on them and stuff. Those things used to be, you know, wasn't much replacement mirror. Tail lights. Even the system in, you know, whenever you may be in an accident, you don't even know it until it's rebuilt and you start running diagnostics on it and stuff and you're getting codes where the accident caused some electronical systems to malfunction and they had to be replaced.

And all of a sudden you're talking thousands of dollars. So it's so important to have a shop. I'm just telling, we're picked up syndicated by a lot of places. If you're in Seattle and California, Florida, Tennessee, Virginia, wherever it is, try to have a body shop that you could go in and talk to and show them the estimate. That'd be Ray's Body Shop on South Main.

That'd be a little far to drive from Seattle, Washington. You got people who drive all the way from them places to come over here and watch them race at the stadium. They'll drive for days, they'll come talk to you about a car.

Yeah, that's true. Let me tell you some good things here. Now wait a minute, AC, before you start something, I was going to tell you something, but I wanted to say that if you want a good example of insurance problems, my next door neighbor bought a brand new Equinox. A few weeks back I was out there and we was talking in the yard about the repairs on this Equinox and what the insurance company wanted to do. So at this point, I'm going to turn it over to my neighbor here next to me, AC, because they really, I could not believe what he told me. That insurance told him about his extended warranty or his unlimited warranty bumper to bumper.

It was unreal. But AC, you go ahead and tell you. Well, when we came on air, Jerry had mentioned that I had been in an accident recently.

I had. But he didn't tell you about the other accident I was in that he was involved. And let me tell you this, Mark is correct on getting someone that you trust and can help you through this insurance claim.

And I'll tell you why. If you file a claim now, you've got to file the claim and they can help you if you're not sure what they need you to do. They'll email you what they want you to do. Take a picture of this. Take a picture of that. Take a picture of this. Now, some of you all can't even hold the camera.

So why are you going to be out there taking pictures? Go get your body shop. They will help you through that process. File that claim for you and work you through the system.

Now, the insurance company will stay in touch with you and all this. My first car that I wrecked, my wife and I went out to eat. It was a Malibu. And I loved that car. They bought it new. They had 70,000 miles on it.

I didn't want it total, but they did total it. Now, Jerry mentioned a while ago, there's a lot of gadgets here that we are not looking at. That car had 22 computers on it. So when you get in your car, you're in your car, don't expect just one computer.

There ever were. Under the seat, under the hood, in the trunk, under the fenders. He had a custom car. He had a custom car, too. My neighbor had it come with a snake.

I did have that, too. But Jerry, Ray's Body Shop, Jerry worked me through that. The only thing I had to do was work with the claims to total the car. I was offered a buyback, but if it was a total loss, then that's what it is. I'm not going to buy the car back.

I just want to sell it, get going, get something else. I bought another new car, and it wasn't long I had that one tore up. But the car first, the Malibu, I wasn't even in the car when it got totaled. I was in the restaurant eating.

But that's another story later. But I bought an Equinox. My wife and I decided to buy one.

She had been sick and had been in the hospital, and I was transporting myself back and forth on South Street, and got hit in the back and in the front. I called Jerry, and they set me up an appointment. They took care of everything. Now, they fixed this one, and all I had to do was sign the check to pay them and talk to them about some other issues. But get you a good body shop, a good towing company.

Set it up. Don't expect to have nothing, because that's when it's going to come, when you don't expect it. And I felt like an Oreo cookie that day when I was in the middle of two cars, one in front that I hit and the one behind me hit me. So be ready for that unexpected. But, dude, I really like Jerry.

There's some good body shops, but I trust Jerry. Every time I go back a long time, even my way back to Piggy Park Grill on South. So, Jerry, I'm sorry I interrupted you.

No, no. I mean, it's all good information stuff, because we just don't understand that. And we were having to deal with it at the moment.

We're usually in a crisis, and it's hard to kind of make everything, the pieces fit together. Another thing on the insurance language is uninsured motorists, because that comes up a lot. And people will, what is uninsured motorists in North Carolina and other states is you have to have it on your policy. We're going to talk about the uninsured motorists when we come back. We're fixing to go into a break, and again, this is a call-in show, 866-348-7884, Christian Car Guy Radio. Welcome back, Christian Car Guy Radio. This morning we got a, I mean, it's been a great morning. A lot of good conversation.

And as I want to wrap up this last segment, I want to make sure I touch on a couple other quick ones. Uninsured motorists. That's one that I won't spend too much time, but if you have a policy, and it does have uninsured motorists on it, so many mistakes that people will make with uninsured motorists. You have to, the insurance company has to, you have to prove to them that the people that hit you did not have insurance. So, by going to them and you get in an accident and somebody tells you, I'm sorry, I don't have any insurance, I'll give you my name and number, and I'll pay you whatever the estimate is, and come find out when you get there and check on it.

The name and the number, you don't have anything because they just threw something out and you walk away and you didn't get any information. Well, the insurance company will not allow you to use uninsured motorists. That's, now that's a collision claim because you didn't, they can't prove that that vehicle that hit you did not have insurance. So, it's important to always, and I say this, and I say this cautiously because I think there's a lot of times where somebody will have a small thing and it's somebody you trust and say, I'll just pay for this instead of turning on my insurance.

I, there's, do that, and I, if I was in an accident and I hit somebody and I could, I would ask to let them, and I hope that they would trust me to do that, but if it's somebody you don't know, I always say, and I tell my daughter and my wife and my close friends and family, always call the police and get an accident report because if there's any issues, that's going to be the things that saves the day is having that accident report. And by that you can prove if they had insurance or not, that way it'll help with uninsured motorists. The other one I'm going to talk about is a comp claim, and here's where language really can get you messed up. Comp claim is if somebody vandalized your car, glass damage, you really had no bearing on the damage to your vehicle. Well, a deer hit and hitting something in the road, if they ever, when the insurance company, when you're reporting that claim and you say, I hit, there's something in the road and I hit it and cause, you can do a lot of damage to a vehicle, the key to that is, was whatever you hit moving or stationary. If you hit a tire rolling down 52 and you tell your insurance company, I'm not sure if it was stationary or not, it was just right there sitting in the road and I hit it, all of a sudden you have a collision claim and not a comprehensive claim. That, whatever you hit has to be moving or it has to be vandalized.

So that's just one thing to know and so many people make a mistake of that because just kind of think about what you're going to say. I mean, don't, I mean, just remember what really the incident looked like because that'll make a big difference in the vehicle and also the way the claim is processed and I want to take just a moment and those three things. If anybody has any questions, I mean, you can call, call your local body shop, call Ray's Body Shop and record service and then people in our office will make sure they walk you through that process and help you any way we can. Stop in, we take, we look at cars every day and just to give advice and I encourage you to do that. Like I said, like Junior mentioned, have somebody that you know that you can call for towing and body work, mechanical work, whatever it is.

The relationship makes a difference. And please don't do all this with our media we got now, the internet, text and emails. Don't do this thing where you get it and it says they can save you hundreds of dollars.

Just fill out the information on the internet or whatever and they, you don't know if it's a scam or not anymore with things, but people, this insurance, I get them all the time. And with this new technology is great in a way, but I'm going to tell you what, these two, we've had last, was it Friday, where the one system where they were doing an upgrade and airline industry and all this, your mail probably didn't run yesterday because of this. Our end, it hit a lot of the suppliers that we use and orders were lost and so we're going to have to recreate that. And back a few weeks ago, we had to deal with the major one with the major manufacturers and stuff.

All their database, man, it has been a disaster. I mean, we've got parts out there. Everybody has parts that they don't even know where they're at and customers are upset.

And the body shop's usually the one that everybody gets to take their anger out on, unfortunately. Real quick, I want to just make a couple points on a couple of things as far as just safety in the springtime, in the summer. And the other day, riding, I also have a motorcycle and I'll ride it and sometimes it's a little dangerous. And part of the danger is with people, you always say, you know, you've got to be extra careful and watch for the other driver.

Well, I've kind of come to the realization over the last, this summer, made me kind of think. I mean, there's been a lot of accidents in Forsyth County and stuff for motorcycles and stuff. Part of them is just the speed. You know, you don't have to ride a motorcycle at four throttle every time you get out there. But also on the roads, there is a lot of mopeds and scooters and grass. And I think that, yeah, and I think that people who sit there and see, especially during the day or at night, they see that headlight coming down Main Street and the motorcycles about are coming that way and a car's about ready to pull out and they see that headlight. They're assuming that that's a scooter that's running about 15 to 20 miles an hour because there's so many of them on the road now and they'll pull out when it's a motorcycle running 45 miles an hour. And because it happens every time I ride, I'm always braking for somebody, starting to pull out, and then they realize that there's a motorcycle coming down the road. And I think it's because in their mind, they're so used to seeing scooters on the road and going such a lower speed, they think they've got plenty of time to pull out, and I don't want to get behind that thing.

I'd rather just pull out now and just be aware of that. Another concern for summertime driving that I worry about is the fact that now there's Mark just talking about his boat, Mark and Junior. People are towing things that they're not used to towing, campers, boats, and I just always say just be extra careful because if people don't do that for a living, they may only hook that thing up once or twice a year, and they get out on the road, and they're just not used to it.

So give people a little bit of grace and leniency. And if you're doing the towing, check it good. I mean, I always, when I hook my boat up, I check it good, but even when I pull out to the driveway and get up top of the road, I'll get out and check the hitch and stuff again just to make sure I've got it.

Absolutely. That's sort of the, and I want to spend more time on that, but hey, it's been a great conversation this morning, not able to spend as much on some of that tips for summer driving, but I think we, I was able to give a few things. I think we'll save some listeners some money as far as insurance goes, and also hopefully make them more aware of being on the road and safety. Another thing is with this summer and the heat is make sure, you know, pets and children being left in a car realize how hot those cars get. Even if you're just getting out, just step outside the car for just a moment.

In 10 minutes, the temperature inside of a car can rise 30 to 40 degrees. And you think about that, I mean, it's not... As I look outside right now, as it's raining, you've got to remember them windshield wipers and things too to make sure that, you know, because that can throw you out there, buddy. You know, that's the other part, you know, weather, I think, in summer driving. During the winter, you know, you've got to deal with all the snow and the sleet, but usually that's forecast and you know it's coming. In the summertime, you never know when these showers and heavy storms are going to pop up and stuff. So, yeah, be aware of that.

Puddles in the road. Yeah, makes a big difference. Before we wrap up, I just again want to make this morning one of the first call, the first caller we had was Jamal, and I just want to make, just appreciate his call and his words. But, and I'll say it again, what I said to him is, you know what, political unrest that we have, vote whoever's platform meets you as a Christian, what your belief system is. Junior, I enjoyed having you this morning. Thank you, Brad.

Always great to be able to talk to you. Mark, what's the difference between your hot dogs and everybody else's? You've got about 30 seconds to tell me. The difference is that they're toasted and we make all our slaws and stuff ourselves. I mean, you're still getting the home type style cooking on your hot dogs and your barbecue. We still make it in-house, all of it. And you can't copy that bun toasted like he does.

I've tried, and there's no way. If you have not ever ate a hot dog with a toasted bun, Pulliams has got it. Pulliams and Winston-Salem, go ahead and give it a shot. Tomorrow morning, be in church somewhere, worshipping our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I'll see you.
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