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The Wonder of A Drip of Jesus and The First & Most Important Sale

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
August 4, 2023 9:40 am

The Wonder of A Drip of Jesus and The First & Most Important Sale

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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August 4, 2023 9:40 am

After seeing The Sound of Freedom yesterday, God connected many of my studies this week and The Power of a Story Well Told. Come wonder with us....

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Did you ever wonder? Did you ever wonder?

I do. Did you ever wonder? Why the sun always rises, but the stars never fall? Why dry land is never satisfied by water? And why fire never says enough?

Enough. The wonder of a drip in the water. So, along those lines, interestingly, what God has been teaching me all week.

I have been studying this idea of waves and slits. If you've listened to the podcast, you know what I'm talking about. Tammy and I went to see the movie The Sound of Freedom yesterday, and it's powerful on all sorts of levels, but one of the most unique things about it that I truly loved was, at the very end of it, Jim Caviezel's speech about how we all are now the storytellers. And he actually quotes Steve Jobs when he says the most powerful person in the world is the storyteller. The storyteller sets the vision, values, and agenda of an entire generation. And so, it just fit right in with my lesson plan all week, is trying to understand that there was a man sent by God. His name was John, and he was sent to bear witness to the light. And that idea of witness that I've been studying, and it was just so fascinating, all the things that God had me study this week, to where I've now seen this so clearly, what I hope to be able to illustrate to you today through the power of story, because it is this powerful story that has rocked the box office this summer, and certainly rocked the movie world.

Like, what is going on here? This story about, you know, obviously sex trafficking, and if you haven't seen the movie The Power of Freedom, believe me, it is definitely worth seeing on all sorts of levels, especially to illustrate the point. I just want to think that God was illustrating to me. But one thing I do want to correct, if you've seen the end of the movie, Jim Caviezel says, you know, that he's not the hero of the story, and certainly not the Tim Coe character.

I shouldn't say certainly not. He's being very humble to say he's not the hero, and the person that was the real apparent hero in the story was not the hero, but it was the two children that worked to get themselves out of sex trafficking. And I'm just going to respectfully disagree with him, although, you know, all those peoples were heroes, and far as I'm concerned, he's a hero for hailing that role and doing such a wonderful job with it, and certainly Tim Coe, the original freedom fighter that did all that, he's a hero, and both children are a hero, and there's several other heroes in the movie, but the real hero behind all the heroes? That would be Jesus. I mean, he's always the hero of the story. It's kind of like, you know, there's this old dad joke where apparently when you're watching a movie, as soon as you've seen the leading man come on the screen, you go, oh, there he is. That's him. Oh, yeah. As soon as you see the leading man come on the screen or the hero of the story, well, it's always Jesus.

It just is, and here's why. Because who put, you know, that spark inside of those two children to help each other get free? Who put that spark inside of Tim Coe, and who trained him on all the special operations he would need to know in order to be able to do all those things?

Who trained Jim Caviezel in order to be able to make sure that this story would be delivered, and all these different things come together, but it all comes together in one wave. Because, you know, it's interesting that it says that in the book of Acts is a better way of quoting what Steve Jobs says. It says, you will receive power from on high when you become my witness. And it's simply, you know, the interesting thing that we learn even from the beginning of Genesis was they heaped up these stones, right, as a picture of what a witness is. And if you went and hopefully listened to my other podcast this week, we did the quantum physics, or we explained the quantum physics idea of the two slit test. And the idea when you have two witnesses, obviously, then you create these waves, like your eyes, and those waves have interference patterns, and they change the direction on things of other patterns.

Well, that one story, as Jim Caviezel talked about, the story of Uncle Tom's Cabin literally had a huge effect on all of culture that led in its own way to the Civil War. Well, you know, they're hoping and then certainly praying, and so am I, that this movie is going to change the culture on the issue of sex trafficking. But the real, you know, the other thing I would say about that is, and believe me, if there's anybody out there that believes that we need to turn the light, we need the searchlight and the floodlight on sex trafficking and all that's going on, but that is just a symptom of the real problem. The real problem is that these people don't know God. In other words, Jesus is the solution.

All these other things are just symptoms, okay? They only, you know, we're not going to stop sex trafficking. In the long run, we're not going to stop murder or war or all these things until people get the real wave, the one that John the Baptist came to witness to be. In other words, he was the one that changed the culture by being witness to the actual hero of the story, the actual light, but yet he was just one drip.

But by the power of his story, right, you're being affected by it today because you're listening to this podcast, okay, in so many different ways. That one little drip started a wave, okay, and it only takes one drip in the water. So getting back to our double slit experiment and hopefully you watch that, that these physicists are baffled on how this works. But I got to thinking about, you know, just the whole idea of a drip in the water and the idea of waves. Now, if you froze water and you sent it through the two slits that were in the experiment that they talked about on the back side, you would see, you know, certainly a particle pattern. You would not see a wave pattern if you had little pieces of ice you were shooting through those slits. However, if you let the water be in its state at room temperature, in other words, you change the temperature of the water and then you shoot it through the two slits, it would come through as water.

It would come out as a wave and you would get the interference pattern on the back. In other words, the temperature of the water affects how the message is done and such is the passion of the story that's being told. In other words, when you saw what happened in the story of the sound of freedom, because of the passion with which it was delivered, the heat with which it was delivered, it makes a huge impact on society. And you got to say that John the Baptist had tremendous heat to his message, right? And the power of message has to do with the amount of emotions and all these things that are being touched.

You know, hate has a real power to it, unfortunately, but love has a bigger power to it. And so all these things affect this idea of something that I learned in the car business a long time ago, and they're fundamental to what I hope to get across. And that is, the first one is the most important sale you'll ever make is the one that you make to yourself. In other words, John the Baptist was completely sold on the fact that Jesus was the Messiah when he was delivering the message. In other words, he knew God, and he knew through his experience with God, you know, with whom he baptized and saw the Holy Spirit come down on all that. He was the one that was, you know, going to be the Savior of Israel.

He knew that. And he was completely sold because he had passion when he went to deliver that message to the people that he was witnessing to. The other thing that certainly all this illustrates is the other axiom in car business sales or in car sales is that presentation without demonstration is mere conversation. In other words, if you just present the facts and you don't do it with any passion and you just give people the logic behind something, you know, essentially it's a frozen message and it doesn't create a wave.

You just get a particle pattern on the backside of the thing. But when you deliver something with passion and when you deliver it with understanding that obviously so much is at stake at just simply the gospel. I mean, if people just simply understood that Jesus came to get them to heaven and they began to push into that drip. In other words, as they began to study that water and fall in love with that water, that the water not only is Jesus, it is the word. And the more you study the word, the more you fall in love with Jesus, the more ability you have to fall in love with Jesus. And the closer that you get to Jesus, the further you get away from sex trafficking, the further you get away from hate and murder and all those things, because the closer you get to Jesus, the more that you get into, you know, essentially the beauty of his face and his light. And what I'm trying to say is if we are truly sold on that idea, then of course we've got to scream it as loud as the sound of freedom, because it is really the only sound of freedom.

I mean, those people may have been set free from sex trafficking, but what's the next addiction to come on, right? And the darkness that the man showed in his eyes, it was a beautiful illustration that was in the movie. But the only way to put light in the eyes is to get the light of Jesus, which comes obviously through faith, and faith comes from hearing and hearing from the word of God. And again, it comes back to this idea of you are a drip, right?

And your story is a drip. And when you deliver it with passion and with love and you truly care about people, it has way more impact, because every one of those touch points of that wave of energy that you deliver that message with sets off other little waves. And just like this movie is just, you know, growing like crazy at the box office because it set off all sorts of waves, because not only is it a very powerful message, but it's a message that comes with love. And don't think for a second that God isn't delivering that message and he isn't the real hero of the story, because he really is. And hopefully, you know, this will awaken a lot of people to the real savior of the situation, and that's Jesus. Thanks for listening.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-08-04 11:04:26 / 2023-08-04 11:09:00 / 5

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