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The Wonder of Habakkuk 1:15 - The Wholy Net

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
January 31, 2023 9:01 am

The Wonder of Habakkuk 1:15 - The Wholy Net

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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January 31, 2023 9:01 am

Hab 1:15 They take up all of them with the angle, they catch them in their net, and gather them in their drag: therefore they rejoice and are glad.

Fishing works both ways as does the letter Samech - much to discover here how we get hooked.

The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore

This is the Truth Network Bible Wonders of Habakkuk. Oh, the 15th verse in the first chapter of Habakkuk may be the greatest lesson, or is the greatest lesson on the letter of Psalmic I have ever been taught.

I am just absolutely blown away. This is the Psalmic verse, and oh my goodness, does it have to do with the letter of Psalmic, which, as you may know, the letter of Psalmic in Hebrew is a circle, and it has to do with this idea of being surrounded. And so think of all the ways that this has happened.

It also can mean the support, but it's a force that, like, man, you can be just totally have to reckon with it. And so we'll get into that in so many different ways in this verse. In English, in English, again, we're talking about the Babylonians and what they did as far as captivity, but in a way also, in this case, what ensnared the Jews in order to end up, you know, having the Clodbusters have to come in and catch them in nets and all that stuff, is they were captured by Satan long before that. So the 15th verse in English says they take up all of them with the angle. They catch them in their net, and they gather them in their drag.

Therefore, they rejoice and are glad. And, you know, it's kind of a sad thing that Satan literally makes sport of us, like a fisherman, you know, enjoying, reeling us in. And that starts off with that idea of to angle. And we talked about this when we were studying the Song of Solomon, that the word angle is the same word as to taste, because you get hooked by how things taste, right?

I mean, how that tastes in your mouth. And the bait, so to speak, is you're going after that taste, whether that's alcohol, gambling, pornography, oh my goodness, the different things that hook us. But the fascinating, just remarkable thing about the idea of being hooked is the word starts with the letter het, which is the word that we've been in search of statutes, right? That it has to do with wanting to be united to something. And so when you eat something, you literally are becoming united with it, and the taste of it, and that desire for that taste of it, is like, you know, people have a hunger for sex and those kinds of things, because you're desiring to be united to something, which is very much connected to your spirit. The word rach ends in that letter het, because again, your spirit has this never-ending desire to unite with things. And so here is this taste that is so easily ensnares you, it hooks you because of your taste and those who angle understand the value of bait, and that's why being fishers of men beats the heck out of this kind of fishing.

But nonetheless, men are so easily marked by what they taste. And it really, even as I was thinking about that this morning, how about comfort food, right? People that are lonely, they're looking to be united to something.

There's nothing like eating, you know, because you're being united with the food, and that it has to do with that too. It's really sort of a sad thing, but it can be a really, really happy thing, like almost all the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. And then it says it catches them in their net, and that idea of net is a fascinating word.

Again, it starts too with the letter het, and then it has the kuf, and a reish, and a mem, which really has to do with a circle in its own way. Because the net is holy, so to speak, but it's holy in other ways, you know, where we're going to get into all that. And the idea of the letter psalmic and net are very much connected as we're going to find out in the next word.

But oh my goodness, this idea of, you know, when you're caught in a net, you're being united with all those people that, you know, unfortunately, are also caught in the net with you. And the snares that were talked about throughout 119 Psalm, you know, this idea of a net, oh my goodness, I mean, it really is the word. It means net, but it also means a devoted thing. And actually, a cursed thing, you know, something that's kind of marked for destruction. So, you know, that bad sacrifice and those kind of things that they had in the temple, same word as net. It's a fascinating word. Again, it has to do with that letter het that's at the beginning of it, that we are united, you know, in this case, in a bad way. Of course, you can be united in a good way too, because this same word harem is the beginning of the word herman, which means sanctuary.

So, you know, these words are all paradoxical. In other words, there's a beautiful thing if you're in the sanctuary with God, but if you're in the sanctuary with Satan and you're in that group, you know, you're caught in the net and you're definitely ensnared and what a horrible thing. And then this last word that Habakkuk uses is just used here in the scriptures, but what a word it is, because then he says he gathers them in their drag. And here's where the letter of Psalmic comes in, because that word gathers is an aleph and a Psalmic and a pei.

And of course, the operating letter there is to be surrounded. I mean, you know, as you gather something, you surround it. And if you watch somebody with a net, especially, you know, I actually watched this morning a YouTube of what's called a drag net of these Africans actually dragging this net and gathering it around these fish. And the interesting thing about a drag net and that's a net that scrapes the bottom.

Okay. And so you're literally getting the bottom feeders, the shrimp and these other unclean, you know, what, what are considered animals, but unfortunately the bottom dwellers, you know, they're, they're caught up in this, you know, horrible picture of this, you know, drag. And here, this, this word is got a, a mem and a hoof and another mem and then a race and then a tav. And so like these people are being judged. They just completely are being judged and in a way they're being sealed. And so this is a very, very, very powerful word that is this word drag and what a concept it is that, that, you know, obviously at the end of the age, you know, God's going to take this net and he's going to gather up all those that are, that are meant for, you know, the lake of fire and, and, and what a horrible, horrible group that to be placed in. And so you have this idea of our spirits are longing to be united with something.

Right. And so by using the bait of what Jesus, you know, of wanting Jesus to be the savior, you know, of, of truly tasting the Lord and seeing that he is good is, is completely the idea here. But unfortunately, you know, people are drug in their, their spirits are drug in by this. And again, it gets back interestingly that the letter none is so connected to the letter Psalmic and here's where this fits together just absolutely beautifully. And this is the big lesson big lesson for me in this and the 145th Psalm King David did that as an acrostic. Again, every single verse had to do with the letter of the Hebrew alphabet, except he left out the letter none. And the reason that he did that was because it's this whole Psalm, the 145th Psalm is all a praise of God and the letter none means to an extent the fallen one.

Okay. And in fact, um, some people refer to David as the fallen one. And so he didn't want to praise God with this idea of fallen. But then if you look at the letter at the verse after where the none would be, he uses the, the Psalmic to bring back the fallen one.

It's, it's absolutely spectacular when you realize what's going on here in so many different ways. And so to read the 145th Psalm, the Psalmic verse, it goes like this, the Lord uphold with all that fall and raises up all those that are bowed down. Again, the idea of the Psalmic is not just to surround, but it is also to uphold. And if you look in the 119 Psalm, all those eight verses on the letter, Psalmic, you know, uphold me that I might live, you know, and not be ashamed of my hope. All those things are connected to that letter, Psalmic. And so you might remember that last, you know, episodes verse was on the letter none and these people that are, are obviously falling and now they're being surrounded and caught up in this net. But interestingly, all this is working together for good, right?

Because God is going to use all this in the end to redeem Israel and, but they have to get their clods busted up. And so often Satan uses these drags and these nets and, and these hooks, all these in order to entice us. But what that actually does is causes us to fall like that letter none so that God can show us, right.

Disrupt us. And we can get an idea of that intercess pool that the Spurgeon talked about every once in a while, we get a whiff of our intercess pool and we're like, Oh man, man, I need God and I need him desperately. And again, God is there is that letter, Psalmic here to uphold us. And what a beautiful, beautiful thing as you think about what David is teaching us in the 145th Psalm is that letter, Psalmic undoubtedly is there to be a net.

It's there to be a snare. It's very, very powerful force to be reckoned with in the last verse in the Psalmic section, 119 Psalm, you might remember it says my flesh trembleth for fear of the, and I'm afraid of that judgment. In other words, David was afraid of that letter, Psalmic, but he also knew that it was that, that which it's upholding him. But it's really spectacular to me to see that the idea of these holes in the net, you know, is in its own way, holy that, that, that the letter hat is the beginning of the word statutes, which is what we've been seeking at, which is this idea of being really, really close in union with God.

And so when you think about the answer to all our problems here with being ensnared in these nets, from my standpoint is that idea of a statute. So when we are longing to be close to something that would be the bait, so to speak that we, we are longing for that union, draw near to God and he'll draw near to you that letter, the letter cuff that comes after the hat has that idea with proximity and with holiness. And so if we will in holiness draw near to God, then wow, we, we escaped the net, we escaped the hook and we get hooked on Jesus.

Then we can go about hooking others that way. What a wonderful idea. What a lesson today in the letter, Psalmic in the 14th, in the 15th verse of the first chapter of the book of Habakkuk. And now let me also say this, that if you enjoy these podcasts, would you pray for us that this light would be shared with more people. And of course, if, if while you're praying, if God puts it on your heart, somebody that likes deep teaching like this, that you think might be interested in Hebrew and that kind of stuff, think about it and just, you know, email them, share this. You can just click the little share thing on the podcast app you look at and, and send it to somebody that you think might enjoy it because I, I forgot to put it on my heart for people to share this light. If this is a light to you, I'm praying it will be a light to others and maybe they'll get hooked. Thanks for listening.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-01-31 10:12:10 / 2023-01-31 10:17:22 / 5

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