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Running With Horses - Shirley Weaver Interview

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
September 25, 2022 8:00 am

Running With Horses - Shirley Weaver Interview

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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September 25, 2022 8:00 am

A  special interview with a Truth Network Podcast Partner Shirley Weaver .

Discussions supernatural prayer stories that inspire her podcast and her ministry



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Oh, how fun today on my podcast.

I have a sort of a special edition for you guys. We've been doing the NRB Chronicles, where I got a chance to interview a lot of neat people. And again, just being in radio, I get to meet some really, really neat people. And so as a Christian car guy, when you meet somebody whose podcast and their book that they wrote is called Running With Horses, you may think that I'm thinking Mustangs, or you might even think that I'm thinking horsepower, but that's actually not what I'm thinking. I'm thinking about a certain prophet that ran with horses, because that's what Shirley's talking about. So welcome, Shirley Weaver, to our podcast, Running With Horses, a host, and really, really cool, because God has shown you some supernatural things to make you a fast runner, and so you want to talk about those things.

Oh, Robbie, yes. Oh, and thank you for the opportunity to do just that, to talk about what God is speaking, what I believe he's saying, not only through our book and our podcast, but really to the church, really around the world right now, especially, I mean, we're coming out of, thank God, a pandemic that has really hit really hard, and the concept of God's power in our lives is something that we need to talk about and magnify as we worship him, because it's very real and so needed by the whole world right now. And we're talking about something supernatural, not just natural, but if you're going to actually run with horses, and by that I mean you can outrun them, as the prophet did, then that's going to be, take something supernatural. So I know this amazing story about this nurse, and talk about supernatural. I mean, there was stuff in that that you guys really ran with horses, didn't you? Yes, yes we did, and I love the story that you're referring to.

We have, for years, communicated really through a mailing list using the daily devotions that come from our book, Running With Horses, and because of that outreach, we have subscribers, and one of those subscribers in the state of Michigan has been following our daily posts for some time. I had never met her, and I received a call, I believe it was a Saturday afternoon, I was at my desk, and I got this call from an unrecognizable number, but the Lord prompted me to answer that, and when I did, the voice on the other end was this beautiful lady who knew us through these daily posts that are online, and she just said, I am in a desperate place, I am so ill, and I've done everything that the doctors have prescribed, I am a registered nurse, and I think there are some other credentials as well, but the thing of it was, she knew medicine, and she had done everything that medicine had to offer, and so she explained to me that she had nowhere else to turn, really, and she felt the prompting of the Lord to reach out to us, and I answered the phone that day, and Robbie, you know what happened, and I love this because the way that God moved on her heart, which is the prompting of the Holy Spirit, he moved on her to connect with us, with me, and at the same time, by his Spirit, he confirmed to me to take, not only take the call, but in that instant, there was a download of faith, there's no other way to describe it, and that deposit that came into me, this was not of me, although I know the principles, because I know and love the word of God, and I know what he says about his power, and so that was the confirmation from him to pray, and it was a simple prayer. It was an outlandish at all. It was just simple, and a release of our faith together, if any of two of you shall agree as touching, the word says. So we prayed and agreed, and as we were praying, Robbie, the symptom began to disappear. By the end of the call, that was so accelerated that she was saved. She was declaring she was beside herself with what God was doing in her body. Our call ended, and as the day wore on, she and her husband, I love this, her husband really documented what had happened, and it was a total, complete, divine healing of her body when medical science had not been able to do that. It was the hand of God on her, it was the release of her faith, and her confidence in God, her bold confidence in God, that she was not taking no for an answer. She believed God, she trusted him, we prayed, believed him together, and he met that need on the spot.

Oh yeah. That's the story. You know, and interestingly in my life, and I don't know if you even know this, but I'll just share that I had what was called killer cell lymphoma. In fact, this story is written up in a book on miracles that's quite popular.

It's at my website, by the way. I didn't write the book. I did write this part of the story because I lived it. Anyway, I had a lymphoma, and it was non-Hodgkin's lymphoma that was just these, looked like tumors all in my skin, and they were all over me. My sister worked at the University of Michigan hospital at the time. She looked at the pathology report, and she was like, Robbie, there's only two people who've ever had this kind of lymphoma, and neither of them lived for more than two months.

It's called killer cell lymphoma. We really got something, you know, was going on, but I continued to work because I didn't feel all that bad. I just had the tumors. They scheduled me for chemotherapy, and I was obviously a car dealer in Winston-Salem, and one day as I was at work, but I was back in my office because I looked like a freak with all these tumors, and so I didn't want a lot of people to see me, and so I was back there, and my finance manager came back there and said, there's a man out here. It's actually, my pastor says he was driving by, and the Lord put it on his heart that somebody here needed to be healed, and so he wants to come pray over you. Well, at this point in time, I can just share that I had come to Christ maybe three years before this incident, and I knew nothing about laying on hands, anointing with oil, praying, and I honestly, unlike the lady that you're talking about, I didn't have a lot of faith.

I mean, I actually thought the guy was a bit nuts. I don't know how to put it other than that, but he came in, and I said, well, if the Lord told you to pray over me, good, good, so he anoints me with oil, and he prays, and obviously he prayed a supernatural prayer, but I can honestly say that it wasn't my faith other than I could honestly say that, man, I really felt something happened when this man prayed, and so it was his supernatural, but nonetheless, that was on a Friday afternoon, and I was covered in tumors. On Monday morning, as I went to Baptist Hospital to get my chemotherapy treatment, I did not have a single, not one tumor on me anywhere, and it's documented as well, it's in this book.

Not one, and then they actually did a pathology report on that, and they said the cancer turned on itself, and it ate itself, right? And so that was in the year 1996, so here we are nearly 30 years later, and I'm still here to prove that obviously medical science could not even come close to telling them what happened here, but God sent Pastor Little to come say that prayer that time, surely, and so I couldn't agree with you more, because obviously I lived it, that supernatural things do happen, because sometimes just one person's faith, but obviously if you and the person praying, it's going to help a lot, but that's the idea of running with horses, it's right supernatural. Absolutely, and you know, this is really, I think this is the point, when we do what basically are little pop-up tent events for our book, and it's a way for us to make outreach into communities locally and beyond, but people pick up the book and read the cover, and they frequently just say to me, these are obviously maybe not church people, or I don't know, but their question is, are you saying that God's supernatural power is available today? And I say, are you saying it is not? And their countenance softens, and they go, I want to read this book, and I find that the comments we receive about the podcast is the same, Robbie, you know, when you know the word of God, and you know stories like that from Elijah and Jeremiah, and so much of the testimony in God's word about his power, and really just the culmination, and this is an important verse to me, Ephesians 3, 20, actually 2 and 21, now to him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever.

And so my answer to the question is yes, to all generations, forever and ever, the power. Oh yeah, and I love what John Eldredge says along those lines when it comes to, you know, the Bible is not a book of exceptions, like what? He talked to Noah, but he talked to Moses, or you know, that kind of prayer happened for King David, but it's actually a book of exceptions, not a book of exceptions, but a book of examples, like here's the way that you can, right, just like Paul did, just like you know, Peter did, all those guys, right? It's exactly, and so the beautiful thing about running with horses is obviously you're tapping into those scriptures that will help people pray those supernatural prayers, but there's more to the supernatural prayers, real quick, because we only got a minute or two left, tell us some of the other things that your podcast spends some time on. Well we just showcased that there is a lifestyle available to the born-again believer that includes divine interventions, and we really have bold confidence in God to believe him that way, that it's a lifestyle, Robbie, and that this is, it's not rare for God to intervene in our lives like you, my body has been healed supernaturally more than once. God has delivered a family member from very destructive or threatening things, and so you can't dissuade me. I am convinced that God not only does, but wants to intervene in our lives and that he does that more than we realize. It's just a, it's kind of a mindset that needs to be tweaked, and we receive on our, from our podcast, primarily through email connections from those who have testimonies, not only like what you and I are describing, Robbie, but also they want to know more.

This is, in other words, they haven't been taught, they didn't understand that they could believe God this way. So whether it's deliverance in the body, also deliverance in the emotions, and healing in the mind, forgiveness, you know, these are principles that Jesus taught us, and his power is available to help us walk, walk those things out and live that way. We can live like this, and the world needs to see us doing that very thing. As I said at the beginning, we've just been through a horrendous pandemic.

What a time for the church to be the church. There you go. The podcast is Running with Horses. It's also her book, Shirley Weaver.

You can find it on Amazon and at her website. What's your website, Shirley? It is three words,, trumpet like the horn, There you go. Well, thank you, Shirley. God bless. Thank you, Robbie. God bless you.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-01-08 21:50:04 / 2023-01-08 21:55:30 / 5

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