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Song of Solomon 5:4 - The Key To Your Heart

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
September 5, 2022 8:00 am

Song of Solomon 5:4 - The Key To Your Heart

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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September 5, 2022 8:00 am

Song of Songs 5:4 My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were moved for him.

Has Jesus used His Key to open your heart - listen for one of my stories where He did just That.

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I'm going to say it again. This may be my new favorite verse that we get to talk about on Labor Day. How fun is that today in the fifth chapter of the Song of Solomon? We now have the fourth verse, which is the Dalud verse, which you can't help but see. It's so connected to the idea of Dalud, Vov, Dalud. In other words, that idea the beloved one that she's going to talk about in here in this particular verse. And so the way it reads in English is my beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door and my bowels were moved for him. So the idea here is just amazing.

I mean, I don't know how to put it other than spectacular. There is one person that has the key to your heart, and that would be Jesus. And you might have noted from our previous verse that she was asleep, but her heart was awake. She didn't want to get up.

She didn't want to get her feet dirty, all that stuff that we talked about. But something happened that changed her mind. And when Jesus here, when the king, her beloved, the Dalud, Vov, Dalud put his hand through the hole in the door, which is, by the way, it's got a really deep meaning we're going to get to in a minute. But that idea of Jesus had the key to unlock her heart. So Matthew Henry makes comment of, and I agree with him wholeheartedly, that this is a picture of what the spirit, the spirit itself is the key that he uses to get to her heart, to get to him, to get him, you know, get up to answer the door for him. But in Acts 16, 14 reads, and a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple of the city of Thyatira, which worshiped God, heard us whose heart the Lord opened that she might attend unto the things which were spoken of by Paul. Did you hear what he said? That the Lord had opened her heart.

Why? Because he has the key. And so as he pushes his hand through the hole, right, remember, he was knocking on her heart a minute ago. And now somehow or another, he has the key to her heart because we can tell after this, right, that her whole insides were aching for Jesus and she had to get up.

And what a beautiful thing. And I'm hoping that at some point in time in your life, you experienced that, right? That you had this thing where you just, he had touched the key to your heart somehow and you were moved, moved beyond anything that you ever recognized in your whole life. And the really cool thing about this is the idea of the word hand in Hebrew has to do with someone's power, right? And the word that is translated a hole in the door is actually just the word cave. And so it's like he put his power in the cave. The key to our hearts, right, is he came out of that, his power came out of the grave and all those things that were happening as a result. But you can see throughout what happens with the disciples, what happens with each of us, that Jesus clearly has this ability to open our hearts as nobody else can.

You know, he has the key. And so what a beautiful idea that my beloved reached through the hole in the door to open my heart. And he did that. And you might remember the best illustrate I have of this is the night I've talked about before when I was praying, praying, praying God, you know, about a lot of stuff that didn't have to do with seeing his face for sure and didn't have to do. And all I was praying about were things that were pretty selfish. And all of a sudden God showed up and actually scared me and said, you know, what do you want, Robbie? And I glibly said, I want to serve you. And at that point he kind of, I guess, used the key to my heart and he flipped open my mind to see all the different places that I had gone to serve him, but didn't do it right.

I'd let him down, which again, it's that idea of the dalad, the servant that I was supposed to be doing for him, I had not done. But it was so exciting to see all these things that I could have done that were all very simple things like call this person and go have lunch with that person and that stuff that I got up and I wrote them all down because I was so excited that I could have a chance to repent. And I went back and laid there and I was repenting, Jesus, I'm so excited to do all this, do all this to serve you. And then all of the sudden, then I realized I was going to see his face. And so when I think about when she said my bowels were moved for him, when I thought I was going to see Jesus' face in the bed that night, I literally, I can never remember being so excited in my whole life. I didn't know it was in there and I was just, I'm going to see his face. I'm going to see his face. I even woke up my wife, which kind of killed the moment. She was like, what are you talking about? You know, I'm going to see Jesus.

He's in there right now. I can see this golden, this golden light that was just his glory. Well, after my wife, it kind of put the chill on my moment.

I laid back down and I was laying there. Jesus, once again, with that key to my heart, he said, now Robbie, now do you know what you really want? And I've never forgotten that last question because, oh my goodness, there is something in there that your heart is like, he's got a key to it and your bowels are moved for, you know, I don't necessarily like the way that reads, but I can tell you every inch of my being was dying to see his face right that minute. I've never forgotten that that's what I really, really want. And so yes, he has the key to our hearts and yes, that, that when, when he opens it, you will want that relationship with him like never before. And I pray that, that each of you would have your own example of that in your life where you remember that point where you could just, you were just dying to be in his presence. And I pray that for you in Jesus' name. Amen.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-03-01 23:53:56 / 2023-03-01 23:57:02 / 3

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