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NRB Chronicals - Frank Shelton - Urgency

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
September 4, 2022 8:00 am

NRB Chronicals - Frank Shelton - Urgency

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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September 4, 2022 8:00 am

Regardless, if helping the homeless or counseling Heads of State; Frank Shelton GLOBAL exists to shine a Light and help humanity reach their God given potential. We at FSG are all about TEAM and together we accomplish much more than alone. Our mission is to minister to the poor but also the powerful and anyone in between because everyone needs occasional assistance, direction and encouragement. Our primary sole purpose is seeing souls saved and we assist in various projects and different venues to accomplish Kingdom growth.

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Dramatic Pause. A dramatic pause says something without saying anything at all.

Dramatic Pause is a go-to for podcasters, presidents, and radio voiceovers. It makes you look really smart even if you're not. Feet deserve a go-to like that. Like Hey Dude Shoes.

Light, comfy, good to go to. Oh my goodness, somebody pinched me. I'm so excited to talk to the man in front of me because I had a chance to listen to him and Nikita when he was on the Nikita show. So you've got to go back to man up. You know, it's time to man up when Nikita to hear more about Frank Shelton.

But how cool is this? You might have heard his story on Nikita's show. So we hope that you go to that podcast or the broadcast from when Frank Shelton was on the show with Nikita. Because Frank, you travel, right? All over the place. Yes sir, I do. And it's great to be with you. And I love cars as well. Christ, Cars, and Candy Bars are my friends. So we're in good shape.

I like candy bars too. We have a lot in common. But anyway, Frank is an amazing man of God. He travels all over the globe.

But also a prolific. I don't want to say that. He writes a lot of books. Yes sir. I used to be a speech writer for a member of Congress. And they said, well how do you do that? And I said, I close my eyes, say a prayer, and pretend like one day I'd have to give the speech. And I started writing his speeches. And one time he threw the speech at me.

It hit me in the chest. I said, well I guess you don't like that. He goes, no it's great but I got floor votes on the floor of Congress. I said, well who's going to give it, the chief of staff? He said, no you wrote it, go give it. And next thing I know that started opening up doors for me to speak at ribbon cuttings, hospital groundbreakings, graduations for public schools, and even wrote a speech for a Nobel Peace Prize recipient.

So you just never know. Really? Yeah, it's been wild. Yeah, but I'm really excited to be with you today in Nashville. You have this like a more than amazing story, more than amazing story.

You've got to listen to Nikita's podcast. Well thank you. But we've got to talk about your new book. Yes sir. It is urgency, like wow, and it is urgent, Heaven or Hell. Yes sir.

And there's nothing more urgent than that is there? No, you know I really believe, Robbie, that we've been so busy playing checkers, the real battles at the chess table. Checkers is temporal, chess is eternal.

Chess, kind of talking about, you know, is it War Eagle or Roll Tide, you know, is it Ford versus Chevy, you know. But the eternal is the Lord versus Satan, you're going to Heaven or Hell. And, you know, a lot of people make a vacation once a summer if you're blessed to go to the lake or go to the ocean or go to the mountains. But a lot of people haven't thought about their eternal vacation.

You know, there's people who die and never left a will. Well, they put it on the back burner. And I'm just sharing this in love. The subtitle, as you mentioned, is called Heaven or Hell. And there was a publicist I was viewing ironically and they were like, wow, that's a little bold, can we take that out?

I said, no, that's what it's all about. And the cover has an hourglass and the sand of time has about slipped through. Yeah, it does. It looks like Dorothy is fixing to meet the Wicked Witch here. Exactly. And I tell people, Robbie, if we're not in the bottom of the night, I think we'd realize we're probably in the top of the night.

But there's no extra innings. And I like what one preacher said, Hell was too long to be wrong. So I think the pandemic was a space of grace to get our house in order. And when it came out, it was the number one new release on all of Amazon for Christianity and evangelism. And it had some wild stories. I was the one that had the honor to connect Roger Stone with Franklin Graham the night he made a public commitment to Christ. One time I'm at an airport and I see an African-American come to me. God said, give her your seat. Didn't know who she was.

Found out it was Alice Marie Johnson. Kim Kardashian went to the Oval Office. Donald Trump got out of prison. So I've met two people who've now gotten two pardons. So I got one from the Lord in 1979.

So if you need a pardon, I'm three for three. That's amazing. You know, one of my most popular posts I ever made on my website, The Christian Car Guy Show, is vacation ready five must haves. I need to rethink that. Wow. Well, maybe the sixth one's free. You know what I mean is, I love what you said.

Like, we think all about our vacation that we're going to go on, but man, we've got an awesome vacation. Yeah. All expenses paid. More than that? Yeah.

Streets of Gold, Gates of Pearl. And here's something to think about. If God made all this in six days and took a break, if Jesus has been gone for 2,000 years and he was a carpenter, one, there's no crooked walls in heaven.

No. And two, if you think the Biltmore House in Asheville's big, wait till you see, you know, your house in glory. And, you know, he said, I'd go to prepare a place for you and my father's house for many mansions. If it wasn't true, I wouldn't have told you so. There where I may be, you may be also. And, you know, so again, I just think, you know, God died for us.

We should live for him. And, you know, this whole thing, I know that's a controversial subject on the vaccine. We won't go deep in that. But this whole narrative of trust the science, I felt like the Lord was waving his hands, maybe you should trust the Savior. You know what I mean?

And so, yeah, so God's good. But I went through hell writing the book. I wrote 235 pages in five weeks.

We were getting ready to go to editing. And all hell came against me. In three weeks, my car died on top of a 200-foot bridge separating two states. I tied up the Saturday before 4th of July traffic.

They weren't pleased. The next Saturday, I preached for the first pastor in America who was arrested for having church in the pandemic. He was arrested.

I'm preaching in his pulpit July 4th. And I come home and Microsoft Edge deleted the 235-page book. The only file to be deleted out of my computer was the book. It was gone a week before getting ready to go to editing to print. I had to rewrite it all over again with no notes.

I had to start from scratch. So one Saturday, my car died. The next Saturday, the book is dead or stolen. And the third Saturday, coming out of my house, I felt like my best friend died on barefoot. God said, walk off some steam.

You're going to have to redo it. And I got bit by a four-foot snake coming out of my house. And three Saturdays, a dead car, a dead book. And now I'm looking, is it a dead snake or a dead author? Is it poisonous or not?

I was afraid to come out of my house for two weeks. What kind of snake was it? Now you got us all wondering. It was a Maryland Racer snake. But at 7 a.m. with sleep in your eyes, everything looks venomous.

But I didn't get them. But the funny thing is, fast forward seven months later when we finally went to print. The day going to print, I see the snake again out by my house. And it was pregnant with lunch. And someone said, I'll just leave it. And I said, no, I'm taking this guy out. And I killed him. So I got bit the week after my book was stolen. But I took out the snake when we went to print.

And then it was the number one new release on Amazon. So all glory to God. But I went through a little hell to give the reader a little bit of heaven. So the question I always love to ask authors is, there's two different things I love to ask. One is, God asks you to write a book. You feel that calling. He's going to help you write this speech, however that works.

And then all of a sudden, He just shocks you with something you did not see coming out of left field. And like, what? And like, man, you want me to? Okay.

And what was that in this book? Well, great. So first of all, I can totally see God saying it for multiple reasons.

But I'll give you two quick ones. Number one, when the bottom fell out, ego means edging God out. And I'm on a missions trip, yes, but an ego trip, no. And if it was pride or the flesh or ego, no one would have went what I went through for round two. So it was truly God to keep pressing on. And two, a disappointment was a divine appointment. And I did more research. And when you talk about Dr. Fauci and the vaccine, and all that wouldn't have been in the first edition. So whatever the devil meant for evil, God meant for good. I don't know if you've heard there's a silver alert out for Dr. Fauci, you know, since the invasion there in Russia.

Nobody's seen him. Yeah. It's definitely true. Yeah. I have this presence over top of me. Yeah.

Nikita Kolos just stole his wallet. I saw the whole thing. Yeah.

My security detail is here. Praise the Lord. But no, God was in it. And by the way, I love Nikita and I'm so thankful for the connection.

And I want to encourage everyone to listen to the podcast. But God's hand was in it. And what was 235 pages were stolen. It was supposed to be about 260 pages. I don't like to read, but I enjoy writing. But it's 500 pages.

But it is wild. I have a candidate for governor in the Northwest. Tells me she's been quoting my book and her speeches. I just had a two-hour private lunch with a Secret Service agent. I'm expecting some pushback. He said, Frank, other than the Bible, this is the most amazing thing I've read and I'm on the presidential detail. And he said, I agree with what you wrote. And you have a connection with that.

Yeah. Washington's my backyard. My family are five-generation Washingtonians.

We're five-generation D.C. police. My ancestor hand-carried Abraham Lincoln across the street the night he died. My dad was the assistant chief of the entire U.S. Capitol Police.

So out of 3,000, my dad was the number two top cop. He protected eight presidents. My ancestor on my mom's side hand-planted the world-famous cherry blossoms in 1912 that a million people come every April to see what he created.

It was a gift from Okinawa. So we're not out to hurt anyone. I personally worked in four White Houses, two different parties. I wanted more than one party at my funeral.

But having said that, you know, it wasn't just God that told me to write the book. All my friends said, Frank, well, you did 20 years on the Hill. You got an award of the United Nations. You worked in a couple of White Houses. You're friends with Hollywood.

I think you can help us piece the puzzle together where we're at with end-time prophecy. Plus, you're an evangelist. You were on staff with Billy Graham.

Write a book. So I felt not only called of God, but I had friends that said, please. And towards the end of the book, I said two things. At one time, I wanted to take a bullet for the president.

It's been in the family. Billy Graham said, you're not ready to live until you're ready to die. But I wrote at one time, I thought I would take a bullet for the president. But by writing this book, I felt like God said maybe I was to protect society as a whole, to read what's going on.

There's a 2030 plan implemented by the U.N. It's a fact Bill Gates owns more farmland than anybody in America today. You know, it's an interesting time that we live in. And I just believe in an eagle, now's the time to soar, not be sour. And we can't be a peacock and strut arrogantly, but we can't be an ostrich and stick our head in the sand. But his eye's still on the sparrow. So wherever you're at in the leadership spectrum among birds, I just believe in God before you who can be against you. And I'll just share this.

I've been in a room with Trump, I've been in a room with Biden, but a lot of people are looking for the return of Trump. We better listen to the sound of the trumpet, because we're that close. Again, checkers is politics, chess is the Bible, and I'm going to stick with the Bible. So for those people who really just have questions, and they're like, I don't know about this, God. And they pick up your book.

What in that book are you just, man, I can hardly wait until they get to this. Well, I appreciate it. So I was booked in 10 countries in 12 months in 2020. I was getting ready to fly out of Pakistan to preach to 100,000 Muslims. And you say, why in the world would you go?

Because I knew time was running out. And two, regardless of the fake news, God loves Muslims. But it was my job to tell them God loves Muslims, and they need God. And that's not Allah or Confucius or Muhammad or Buddha. It's Christ, and hell's too long to be wrong.

So I was booked in 10 countries 12 months, but when the pandemic hit, the bottom fell out. That's when the Lord told me, you're in my army, but I need you in the Air Force. And you'll love this. True Talk Radio. He said, take the airwaves back.

So do as many radio shows, television shows, podcasts, and let my people know. So while we were on house arrest, I was speaking out. And so one chapter is called pandemic or plandemic. Towards the end, one chapter is called stand. Jesus said, having done all stand.

The last chapter he said, occupy till I come. But what I really want them to realize at the end is God loves you. He has a plan for you, and he's not a good way to heaven. He's the only way to heaven. And at the end, I tell him how God changed my life. And for a guy who worked in four White Houses, it's one thing to be at the White House.

You've got to make sure your reservation's in his house. And God loves you, and it tells you how you can know Christ as your savior. And going to the beach is one thing, but missing heaven is everything. So I want you to find heaven before it's too late. Wow. But I love you, and man, I'm honored to be with you.

I'd love to hear your listeners. Then go to S-H-E-L-T-O-N dot com. Go to Amazon. Type in urgency, Frank Shelton.

And I would encourage you to buy two books. And for those of you who spell like me, urgency is not spelled with an E. It's spelled with a U. And so I'm like, what is that word? Oh, it's urgency. U-R-G-E-N-C-Y, urgency.

Because I really believe ministry minus urgency equals catastrophe. Oh, wow. We're late in the game, but I've read the end of the book, and Jesus wins. There you go, Frank Shelton. Absolutely amazing. God bless you. Well, Robbie, I love you, and blessings to you and your listeners. Same here. Have fun.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-03-02 11:39:54 / 2023-03-02 11:46:46 / 7

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