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Song of Songs 2:8 - The Miracle Of His Coming

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
June 22, 2022 8:40 am

Song of Songs 2:8 - The Miracle Of His Coming

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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June 22, 2022 8:40 am

Song of Solomon 2:8 The voice of my beloved! behold, he cometh leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills.

The 8th or miracle verse of the chapter is the very thing we all hope for - HE IS COMING.

His voice is just as much a miracle as it is significant in our search for statutes as it begins with the letter KOPH. I spend sometime in this episode with that significance.  My story of His voice in that section of the 119th Psalm verse 145

KOPH. I cried with my whole heart; hear me, O LORD: I will keep thy statutes.

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This is the Truth Network. Hidden treasures of the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's. Oh, I do love eighth verses, as we studied the 119th Psalm for so long. The eighth verse always being the miracle verse, and clearly from my perspective, this is a miracle, and so amazing to just think about.

So verse eight in English, the voice of my beloved, behold, he cometh leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills. So as we are in this never-ending quest, it would appear to understand the statutes, which is really why I kind of entered into this study, because I realized through the 119th Psalm how critical it was to understand statutes. And we talk a lot, we have talked throughout this a lot about the letter het, but the other letter that's in statutes, the other 50% of it, is a kuff. And so I really feel like this verse, this eighth verse, is going to bring the kuff front and center, because the word voice is a beautiful word in Hebrew, and it begins with that letter kuff, as does the word cry. And you may even remember, as we studied the whole kuff section in the 119th Psalm, that we cried with our whole hearts, oh Lord, we will keep your statutes.

You remember that? That's the very first verse in the kuff section. And it has so much to do with proximity, in other words, how close you are, and it also has to do with time. As we studied this kuff, and it was so eye-opening to me in the kuff section, how much the kuff, which also is the first word in the word kadosh, which means holiness. So as you get closer to God, you get holier, but you also get closer in time, and you also get closer to eternity. Because you might remember the last verse of the eighth verse in the kuff section is concerning thy testimonies, we have known of old that thou has founded them forever.

In other words, here we're seeing eternity again as the miracle of the kuff. And so here, when we begin this verse with his voice, I mean, the fact that we can hear God means, A, that's a miracle. I mean, B, he's got to be close both in time and space. In other words, to hear it, he has to be close. You don't hear somebody that's miles away.

I don't anyway. And the other thing is they have to be there at this time with you, right in this moment. And so in time and space, they're there. So as we put together this idea of our union with God, and this idea of time and space being right there, united with God, his voice becomes a critical part of this. And I love what Matthew Henry said about this verse, that only his sheep hear his voice, right? And so when we hear that voice of our beloved, behold, right?

I mean, pay attention. This is his sheep. This is the shepherd, the good shepherd, and he's calling our name. And then the second part of this, again, goes back into the idea of time and space because he's coming. He's coming. Behold, he's coming, leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills.

Now the Jews teach, Rashi would teach about this verse, that this has to do with the fact that they were told, Abraham was told that his children would be in Egypt for 400 years, when in fact, they were in Egypt only 210 years, and it was only 85 years of slavery that they endured. And so the thing of it is, is from a time and space from their perspective, he came leaping, he skipped time in order to get them out of there, right? And the idea of looking forward and that this miracle verse has everything to do with Jesus is coming the first time and Jesus is coming the next time, right? It's a miracle. It's just a miracle. And when he comes, what we have is voice.

It's here in both time and space. And when it's right, he is like Superman. He leaps over tall mountains in a single bound. And it's really cool when you look at that idea of skipping. Skipping has more to do with time than it does to do with the physical idea of skipping.

In other words, he's just skipping the hills because he's just past that, okay? And the idea is when it's time, he's a Superman. There's no doubt about it that this verse, when you think about it, is a miracle, right?

From one end to the other. And so when you try to put that all in perspective, I mean, I hope you can perhaps think back to maybe the first time you heard his voice or maybe the last time you heard his voice. But to me, the miracle came of understanding the kuff. When we did the kuff section, I had studied the kuff maybe for two or three years before I started the study of the 119 Psalm. And I knew it had to do with holiness, but I did not have any inclination of its time and space connection. But when you look in the 119 Psalm and you go through that kuff section, if you miss the fact that that letter has everything to do with time and space, then you miss something that's really critical to understanding of the whole letter kuff. And if we don't understand the kuff, how in the world could we ever understand statutes?

Because it's half 50% of the idea. And so I think the fact that he is coming is in fact a statute. I mean, we know that the rescue is coming. And I love the whole thing when you look at the word behold, and then there's a Z that comes right after that. And you might remember in the Zion section of the 119 Psalm that Zion has to do with remember. And then he cometh, which again, what you're happening here is it's your faith because behold itself is the middle of that letter is a nun and which has to do with our faith. So we know that we can remember that he is coming. There is clearly in the middle of that, this whole idea of he is coming and we know that. So as you think back to when you actually heard his voice, maybe for the first time, or even when I think about it, when I heard the kuff section, I realized, oh, he is eternity. And in his own way, whenever he comes, whenever I can be in his presence, I'm in eternity. And by the same token, he is coming eventually, just like it says in Exodus 6, that he's going to come and take us to be his people. And he will be our God and we will be his people.

I mean, that is clearly the end game here. But we first, I've got to grow our faith and he's growing us in this whole understanding of statutes. And so I hope you guys see the miracle of this verse. I hope you ponder, gee, when have I heard his voice and what does that mean about his proximity to me in both time and space? It's amazing because as we get closer to God, just like in his presence, his fullness of joy, but then you get kadosh, right? You get this idea of holiness that you will get that shine on you like Moses got on his face because he had the courage, right, to go up the mountain and be with him, right? He knew that to get with him would be to get to where his heart really, really desired, where all the people said, you go up on the mountain, Moses. Oh, what an opportunity they missed, just like Peter was the only one that got out of the boat. Like, man, when we have opportunities to reach out for him, you know, it takes courage. But just think, man, this is the time and this is the place. And he is here right now. I know, because I heard his voice because I miss sheep. Thanks for listening.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-03-30 10:54:05 / 2023-03-30 10:57:41 / 4

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