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Song of Songs 2:6 - The God Hug

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
June 20, 2022 8:22 am

Song of Songs 2:6 - The God Hug

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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June 20, 2022 8:22 am

Song of Songs 2:6 His left hand is under my head, and his right hand doth embrace me.

Short and so very very very sweet, even mind blowing. God is below you, above you, on your right and on your left.In other words, Jesus has you covered.

Even in the worst of your life. So I share a little of that horror of my sin and how Jesus still has His left hand under my head and His right hand doth embrace me.

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This is the Truth Network. Hidden treasures of the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's. Once again, I think we're digging into the best verse in the whole Bible.

I don't know. It's just a spectacular verse and it's so simple, but it's so amazingly beautiful and such a treasure and easy to get in your heart. And hopefully we can get it there and stay there. I'm quite sure it's a statute as we are in the second chapter of the Song of Solomon and we are in verse six, which is very simple in English. I'll read it and then we'll dig, dig, dig. So here we go. So his left hand is under my head and his right hand doth embrace me.

Isn't that beautiful? It's just that simple. Just those few words.

But those few words mean more than I can possibly even imagine. And there's no doubt that in my mind at all that Solomon is trying to give us an illustration of how God is all about us. He's under us. He's over us.

He's on either side of us. You know, I guess there are six different ways that he is all around us. And, you know, I, I, I couldn't help but think, you know, as we study the 119 Psalm, those two verses that go together in the cuff section where it says those who chase after mischief are far from my law.

But thou art very near, O Lord, and thy law is the truth. And so as I as I thought about that and to me, this is a picture of a God hug if there ever was one. And Spurgeon obviously loved this. I was reading my devotion last night by Spurgeon.

He used the same. I was like, OK, God, I get the picture that this is such an amazing thing to just soak. I have a dear friend, Adam Draper, and he loves to soak in the Lord. Well, what a great thing to realize that Jesus is left hand is your pillow. OK, and his right hand is surrounding you like and and and this whole thing is if you think about it, if you're in that position and you imagine it, well, his face is face to face with you. And so in his presence is fullness of joy. And at his right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Right. Well, he's got it around you. It's absolutely spectacular in so many different ways is we think that we this is something that we just can experience. And so as I processed what this means that, you know, the art very narrow Lord, because when we get back to those verses in the curve section, which have to do with proximity, how close is God? And the closer we get to God, the more holy we are. We think that our sin absolutely repulses him. And so what I thought about my own sin, which is, you know, clearly a whole lot of sin, I thought about one of the things I would have thought would have repulsed him the most. And to think that he would still hug me is just unbelievable. But my life has played that out. So when I was young, just to tell you the sin and I don't want to revel in it, I just want to show that, man, I got some horrible stuff in my life.

And yet God still hugs me. And I can I can tell you about that. So, you know, I don't know. I was probably about 19 years old and I had my own apartment. My parents had moved out of town and a friend of mine, you know, just made this offer or whatever. His girlfriend that he was actually his fiancee that he wanted to marry needed a place to stay. And so, you know, he wanted her to stay with me, which, you know, that thought didn't you know, I never thought anything whatever.

I just didn't even cross my mind. But this girl, you know, she had other ideas, I guess. We all whatever happened happened one night. I got drunk and here it was a good friend of mine.

He wasn't a best friend, but he was a good friend. And here I was with his future fiance. And oh, my goodness, what happened was horrible. We had relations. And I have always thought it was, you know, just how could you forgive me for such a horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible thing. But clearly, I was running after mischief.

I mean, that that word running after mischief in Hebrew has to do with sexual misconduct. And here it was. I was running after mischief and I was far from my law. However, the Lord was near. He was right there.

Hold that that whole time. And all I had to do was turn. And I could have fleeing a fleet, but I didn't. But but that didn't change the fact that he continued to pursue me. And he knew not only that, but all the horrible things I'm still going to do. But yet you heard me describe the night that that I got to see his face. You know, that that night that he was showing me all the things that I could have done to reach out to this person, that person. And all of a sudden, his glory showed up in my heart was screaming out.

Well, I thought about my friend Adam Draper, who was talking just on my show on Saturday, how heroin addicts are looking for that kind of thing. So one of the ways that they work with them at the House of Prayer is they get them to meditate, to spend time right in Jesus's arms in this very position with his left hand under my head and his right hand, embracing them so that they can experience, you know, the most high God was the way he put it, which I really like that because when you do that, when you really realize how much your heart is, is just screaming for that presence, that light, that life, because when you're in a God hug and I've described them many different ways, there is a sense of you are his favorite, like there is no sense of in the world. And it's called grace, but he's full of grace. And so when you're face to face with Jesus, right, you feel like you're his favorite. You feel alive. It's where life really comes from, right?

Because God is right in there with you and he's completely glowing and you feel safe. And the neat thing about right and left, if you look at it in Hebrew, time and time again, he says, do not go to the left or to the right. And so here we got his left hand around us one way, his right hand around us the other way.

And so if we would just look up in his face, we got no chance of getting off track. Right. Because he's right there on our right and on our left. And there we are right in the middle.

Right. And, you know, you've heard me hopefully talk about the time when I got hit by the jeep and I got this God hug, you know, where he came when I was thinking I was going to lose my left leg and everybody was freaking out. I've told the story many times. But the point was that that this warm, beautiful hug, the sense of peace that transcends all understanding, just to know that that is available to us at any moment, at any moment we want it.

We can we can just realize, right. His left hand is under my head. His right hand embraces me.

He surrounds me and he can help keep me on path even when I've done horrible things. He's still right. He's got me covered, which is the whole idea of Jesus's blood.

It covers us. Right. So in his presence, where's where's Satan in this picture? Nowhere because Jesus.

Right. Where are your accusers? Well, they're just gone, man, because you're here.

I mean, big brother is taking care of all that. So, you know, this is just an easy verse, easy verse in my mind to keep in our hearts. His left hand is under my head. His right hand doth embrace us or just say his right hand is is giving me a hug. Oh, my goodness. What an amazing, amazing verse. My prayer is that you can see it, experience that, you know, this very moment and even this day as much as possible. Amen.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-03-30 23:21:10 / 2023-03-30 23:24:55 / 4

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