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Good Dad's Make You Lay Down

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
June 18, 2022 3:04 pm

Good Dad's Make You Lay Down

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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June 18, 2022 3:04 pm

Today's episode is a special Father's Day weekend show. Robby shares with us how much a father is meaningful in all of our lives. As well as how willing our Father God was willing to lay down his son Jesus Christ in order to save us from our sin and show His everlasting love for us.

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Jesus said, Blessed are the persecuted and they are suffering big time right now. This is Bible League International and 19-year-old Aria was beaten by her own father and violated by local authorities. You know what her crime was?

Simply that she gave her life to Jesus Christ after leaving radical Islam. They need Bibles in order to endure and persevere. And that's why Truth Network and Bible League are teamed up to send God's Word to 3500 persecuted believers around the world at $5 a Bible.

$100, send 20. Call 800-YES-WORD, 800-YES-WORD, 800-YES-WORD, or give at This is Darren Kuhn with the Masculine Journey Podcast, where we search the ancient paths to find ways that God brings light into a dark world and helps set men free from the struggles that we all face on a day-to-day basis. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network.

This is the Truth Network. Today we're going to be showing how to make a sheep lie down in Green Pass. All right, so this is how you make a sheep lay down. This is when you're checking their hooves or when you have to work with them, but that's one way to make a sheep lie down in green pastures. So when we're looking in Psalm 23 we say, what does it mean for for the shepherd to make a sheep lay in a green pasture?

I don't imagine that was the case. It looked very uncomfortable and it is an uncomfortable position. So what does it really mean? Here's Fawn and she is happy as can be laying down, chewing the cud, enjoying the day. You can tell that she is enjoying herself. The only way a shepherd can make a sheep lie down in green pastures is when they feel relaxed and comfortable. They feel like there aren't any predators around. When they finish eating for the day then they'll lay down and just chill.

That's how they lie down in green pastures. Welcome to the Christian Car Guy radio show. I say this calls for action and now. Good dads make you lay down today on the Christian Car Guy show.

I hope you got the message. So yes, good dads. They really do.

They make you lay down, but in order to do that they themselves have to learn unfortunately or fortunately I guess I should say that you know how to lay down their own life. So you heard actually the Iroquois Valley Church's shepherd. That was just an awesome video. It's there at if you want to watch the whole thing and see the sheep get laid down. It's awesome isn't it Jerry? You watch that. He pulls that sheep over and it's something to see, but anyway and then there was Phil Wickham with This Is Amazing Grace and Chris Tomlin with Lay Me Down and I don't know if you ever connected these thoughts, a few dots in the Bible that has to do with laying it down, but anyway you know we got quite a show lined up for you today.

We really really do. This being Father's Day weekend. So today's show is brought to you by the Hebrew letter zadik, which the word to lay down or to make to lay down in Hebrew is actually only one word and that word is rebatz and so you can tell that it ends with that zadik. You can hear that z sound at the end of rebatz and the idea is actually that laying down is what makes you right because the zadik is the letter for righteousness.

So how are you going to get right if you don't lay down? Oh my goodness. There's so much in that word that is just phenomenal and we're going to go into a lot of that as you might guess, but on today's show we have so many cool things. We got the Fords calling in with their new heritage vault which unlocks 100 years of history.

We're going to get into all that and we're excited about that. Then we also have in the last segment the latest episode of Christian Car Guy Theater and we'll actually hear some laying down of lives from both our heroes Christian and or excuse me Valiant, Plymouth Valiant and Plymouth Fury Faithful. So it's really really cool and I would also mention that during the week my good friend Keith who often calls into the show contacted me to remind everybody that this Father's Day, just like Mother's Day, it's a tradition in church and I think it's a wonderful tradition that if your father is passed you wear a white carnation. If your father is living you wear red and I can assure you I get to preach tomorrow in Durham and I will be wearing my white carnation and looking forward very much to for what's going to go on there. So that's a neat reminder.

I think I really think Jerry when you when you see those kind of things. So I don't know if you ever thought much about in the 23rd Psalm the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want but then all of a sudden here comes this line he makes me lay down in green pastures. He used that word that robots. Well interestingly the same message is brought to you again in the song of Solomon chapter one when the Shulamite woman or the church herself is asking Jesus how do I find you and she asked the question by saying tell me you whom I saw loves where you pastor your flock and where you make it lie down at noon once again using that robots word. Well the good shepherd the good shepherd himself Jesus in chapter 10 he decides to give us a little shepherd training here and you know his word on that is I am the good shepherd right the good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. You see if you listen carefully to our little buddy from Iroquois that he was laying down his life to an extent to take care of these sheep right and to whatever extent you lay down your life as a dad right that's a big part of being a dad because the good shepherd he cares for a sheep so he's willing to lay down his life as David would take on the bear and the lion in order to protect him and and you think about all the ways that and so I bet many of you know John 3 16 but do you know first John 3 16. Well this is right along the same lines because in first John 3 16 he instructs us the apostles by this we know love that he laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our life for our brothers at first John 3 16.

So good dads are shepherds they fend off the predators right they they provide for their families and and most of all they care for the sheep they know them by name in order to know them by name they have to name them and that's the you know that's part of the deal too. So when was the time that God taught you how to lay down? Well I just hope I can get this story in quickly. So when I had cancer I took chemo you know might have heard my miraculous healing which was miraculous that's a neat story all in itself but we celebrated by after our last chemotherapy treatment going to Jeep Jamboree in Murphy North Carolina and when the last day of the Jeep Jamboree I was getting out of the jeep to unlock the hubs and as I was at the back of my jeep getting my son a root beer I was laying down my life to get a root beer and all of a sudden I heard this crackling behind me as the person uphill from me had gotten out of his jeep failing to put it in park or setting his emergency brake and so his jeep rolled down the hill crushing me between the two jeeps. Now at this point right my son what he remembers I've heard him tell the story many times is you never heard a scream apparently like I let out at that moment but as they finally got the jeep off me the one that was pinned me against my own jeep I realized that my left leg had almost been severed and I fell to the ground and at what point in time just based on I guess Jesus prompting I just said Jesus help me and I can remember it vividly as I laid down on the ground I had no choice at this point in time I had no leg to stand on really so as I was laying on the ground I remember very very vividly this God hug in other words you know in the Song of Solomon in the second chapter you hear he says he left he put his left hand under my head his right arm embraces me I don't know if you've ever gotten a God hug I hope you have but I can assure you at the moment in time when you really lay down he will be there and it will give you such a sense of grace of like you are his favorite such a sense of peace such a sense of love I can never ever ever explain to anybody how wonderful that felt that day in spite of the fact that I've you know it's just about been killed and so you know just to show what kind of happened that day the poor guy that had let his jeep run out of gear he was freaking out I mean because he thought he'd killed me right and so he's standing over the top of me he's going I'm sorry I'm sorry you know he is really really upset and since I was in this great state of mind I really was in spite of the fact that I was bleeding all sorts of stuff going on I just looked up at him and go hey dude how's your insurance and like it immediately the whole crowd which was totally freaked out heard that comment and they could say well he can't be too bad if he's sitting there telling jokes when he's you know laying on the ground you know it's all that was going on and literally I'm telling you it took him over an hour because where we were up in the mountains to get an ambulance up there and they couldn't get air cover and that there was no way to get a helicopter or plane up there that day because of the weather and when they finally got there and when they gave me the morphine it made no difference because I had I was already and I felt no pain I know that's hard to believe I just experienced it it was a God hug in a moment I needed a God hug but at that point in time I was laying down right his his his left arm was under my head and his right arm embraced me and I laid down so we got ford coming up talking about the fault and we got some neat stuff coming up at 10 30 and christian car guy theater so much more laying down to do is good for dads make you lay down today stay tuned you're listening to the truth network and the only way a shepherd can make a sheep lie down in green pastures is when they feel relaxed and comfortable let it shine good dads lay down their life right they lay down and they also teach us to lay down there's all sorts of interesting angles to this whole idea but very cool we have ted a ford historian with us today on the christian car guy show because wow we know that henry himself if talk about an old dad he he certainly gave us a legacy uh in the car business as of you know of of years and years and so ted you guys have a big announcement we did on thursday uh ford motor company's 119th anniversary we launched the ford heritage vault it's the online library uh the first such for the archives for ford and uh we're sharing a lot of our content for free download with with the ford fans that are out there around the world yeah a hundred years of pictures and brochures and and all sorts of amazing like man um you know whatever that car was that was your absolute favorite you know i remember um you remember um trying to remember her name had the mercury comet um oh rachel rachel rachel yeah she had a 63 mercury comet she used to wash with kerosene ever talked to her ted thank goodness she wasn't a smoker kerosene that's that's that's not probably too wise i can't imagine that helps the paint finish but no this this library has more than 3 000 uh photos of every ford uh lincoln or edsel vehicle from 1903 until 2003 unfortunately no mercury's yet but we're getting those in there but then we do have brochures we have 3500 uh scan digitized brochures of every ford product uh between that we have we don't have every single brochure ever made but but from the model t in 1908 all the way up until current so those mercury brochures will be in there when you sit there and look through those what's the one thing looking back at the the history and those old brochures when you first stumbled across you go wow was that not cool i mean just the one thing there's always something that kind of catches you by surprise the cool factor is typically what happened around the brochures so i love looking at the fashion you can you could teach a class on american history using these brochures because you would see the changing fashion you'd see the beehive heritage you'd see the emergence of african americans in the brochures you'd see all the different ways that life has changed over the past 100 years uh flipping through them and then you'd see the car styles change so but it's just the when you hold a 19 i just literally had a 59 t-bird brochure in my hand the other day and that was the year that you could get different colored tops and different colored bodies so in the back of it they've got these pinwheels that show 27 different varieties of paint finishes it's just amazing well getting back to our hero rachel we we had her on the show maybe uh 15 years ago i mean it was a long time ago and she had this 63 comet that had over 400 and some odd thousand miles on her way to half a million she thought and that car had the original paint job and the and she lived in florida okay so just you know jerry who's a body man and i've worked in car dealerships all my life and when she told us i said well what's the secret of you keeping that same paint job ever since the car was new she goes well i won't lay it i i wipe it down every day with kerosene okay well sure can't rust right i mean you know and you can't argue with her results i'm not saying anybody should do it it'd be highly flammable and dangerous but rachel pulled it off and her car from what i understand is in a in a museum now um she did finally make over a half a million miles and all sorts of people did stuff on it because she was a genius like she got a a lifetime warranty from pennies in 19 like 68 and she'd had like 18 batteries anyway so she's a piece of history that that that uh ford ought to just hang on to because she was a genius in her own way she had a lot of stuff and i'm sorry to jump in but i just i hadn't thought about her in years and it was so cool so uh as as i tried to access this apparently i'm fat fingered or something you're we've been having a hard time keeping it live in fact our our vendor wrote us it's hosted by a third-party vendor on thursday morning when the embargo lifted and we get they actually got more than a million hits in the first 15 minutes and it took their servers down so they have moved into new servers i just checked five minutes ago and it was working but it's been sporadic and the goal is by end of day today by 5 p.m today that it's going to be uh totally stable totally live and a new much bigger server farm but it is the site is ford heritage vault dot com and uh once it's up and going it's a tremendous uh way to to look back through uh through ford history and the other thing is all of the content is free and downloadable so if you see a picture of a mustang that you want you want to make it your computer desktop image you can do that we we actually had students in mind with this too that a kid in california writing a paper on the mustang will now has access to all the mustang brochures and photos to to to help with the study so uh students enthusiasts uh media and then just casual fans who want to look at cool car photos yeah wow and i can imagine over a million so it's it's ford heritage vault dot com dot com yes that's yeah ford heritage vault that's pretty easy to remember dot com and there you've got dot com and put that in google and uh it should bring up the site uh like i said i checked five minutes ago and it was working but i checked an hour ago and it wasn't working so uh i was about although our error message but it isn't working uh that we had it change last night it says whoa unfortunately ford fans are fanatics and they we're getting too much traffic taking down the site so well that's really good news you know like it's it well good or bad though i got an email from our ceo jim farley uh two nights ago saying that you broke the internet now go fix it so uh got an email from edsel ford this morning asking why it's not working so you know oh wow yeah when you get an email oh wow that's a lot on your plate you know to to to make all that happen and so can you tell thus far what's the big hit uh mustang always mustang mustang mustang and then actually lincoln's number two well there you go well eventually they'll get mercury and we'll be there ted thank you for sharing that again it's it's ford heritage vault dot com god bless you keep up the great work there ted great thanks for having me on this morning oh thank you god bless we're gonna be uh back with a whole more a whole lot more good dads make you lay down hopefully in green pastures you're listening to the truth network and the only way a shepherd can make a sheep lie down in green pastures is when they feel relaxed and comfortable so good dads lay down or make you lay down one of the other take your pick today on the christian car guy show and so jerry you know during the break you were you were explaining this this has got a lot of there's a lot of facets to this particular diamond yeah when you start there and you think about laying down your life i mean the human side of us we automatically go to am i willing to give my life for and you're talking about losing your life for of course i would for my child for taylor i would definitely do that and robbie you would too most of us would do as parents but really when you look at it it's would we do that continue would we take ourselves take a back seat to what's best for our family and that's where it really gets tough that's where the rubber meets the road in a way i mean yeah because when i look back at it the place where i felt like i failed the most as a father is where i was chasing things that were important to me where you know i didn't come home at night you know to my family to the things that were important to them and literally didn't didn't lay down my life unfortunately you know love covers a multitude of sins and and my kids you know they've given me a lot of grace but nonetheless but you think but during the time you think you rationalize that you're doing absolutely everything right that that's that's what that's what that's all about you think about jesus never didn't lay down in other words here comes a lady's got a flow of blood or here comes this woman caught in adultery and he immediately laid his life down completely long before he went to the cross right and laid down for the lepers or the blind people or wherever it was you know he he laid down his life you know for the sheep and so you know what an opportunity we have right as dads as shepherds is all those things to to take this lesson and one of the places we get to do that very fun for me is through the christian car guy jesus labor of love and so years ago we have uh pastor tim heath with us and we had a contest one time for um energized ministries which is a ministry to pastors gave a race um a nascar trip um for the winning pastor and tim was the recipient but this week i got a call from his wife that they had there they have a lady in their congregation who is in desperate need of a car and so we need a cart we need somebody actually to lay down their life we we need somebody who who has a car um that would be good for this situation so pastor tim share what's going on yes sir it's good to talk to you how are you i am delighted i was so excited that your wife called me that she thought of me and so excited that you could be on the show with us today really sure well let me share it quickly this lady um she's a single mother of three uh her husband left a couple years ago and uh she actually attended our vacation bible school a couple summers ago her kids did and we just fell in love with the kids and uh she's just had a hard time trying to make ends meet and uh she's finally gotten a good stable job uh but it's a paycheck paycheck type thing and with three kids on a single mom's income and her car the engine in her uh car that she's driving has gone out and we're just trying to find her a good dependable automobile that she can get back and forth work and get her kids where she needs to be um she can't afford a six thousand dollar engine uh installed and what have that's the quote she's gotten and uh so we just we thought about you and knew that you had pretty outreach uh a footprint there and and uh see if we can get her some help yeah what a neat opportunity it really is because the jesus labor love has always been just people that had something connecting with the people that didn't have something and so right you know this is somebody might have a car they were going to trade it in they couldn't get enough for it or they've got a car sitting around that they're not using i mean time and again people think well this car would never be a good donation well people don't care what it looks like if they can get the car they can get to their job if they can take the kids if the air conditioner doesn't work those aren't those aren't deal breakers at all and so if you're in the north carolina south carolina area because tim's wife told me they would drive anywhere to go pick up this car and we'll make it that easy for you because we have a 501 c3 through the jesus labor love where that's a donation if you need that and all you have to do is just go to and you can see where it says donate to the jesus labor love and say i want to help um can we use her first name is it uh murray murray so just put in there that you want to help murray you've got a card to donate believe me uh we will be all over trying to do that so um jerry and pastor heath would you guys join me in prayer as we just ask god because jesus we know that you're in charge of all these things and that you have cars everywhere and so lord we just pray you would put it on someone's heart to make this donation and and for murray that she would see your hand in this and that that all the congregation and the people hearing would see how you provide in so many different beautiful ways and and i thank you that we got a chance to take part in this and i just pray that you would get the glory for it uh and no matter what goes on and i just thank you again for a chance to help in jesus name i pray amen amen amen thank you rob appreciate it appreciate it very much i am so glad you thought of us and hopefully um we'll be able to you know follow up with us some more calls to get you that car yeah we'll be able to tell the story of how god blessed you now hey man he blessed you with a trip to the charlotte motor speedway i remember that one too that was same here god bless thank you tim god bless you have a good day now bye-bye hey rob before you get off of that i mean i just want to just we never know it's like when you hear this somebody's hearing this who may have had that car or you may be just thinking you know what i'd like to just throw a few dollars there you know ten dollars fifteen dollars twenty dollars whatever it isn't going to make a difference yeah but the collectiveness of it all where people are just given what they can and it all goes directly for that purpose and and and and through the name of jesus christ so it's you know you're meeting a need in more ways than just one it's not just putting somebody behind the wheel for transportation but it's also letting them see jesus christ working from the community of believers also and your brothers and sisters out there right it's just an awesome ministry and it just occurs to me for some people i know going to is not easy and so we've got that phone number we give it out every week and you're welcome to call and say i got a car or you're welcome to call and say i want to get you know whatever the situation is we can accommodate you it's eight six six three four eight seven eight eight four everyone i'm put you on the air we're just gonna you know take your name and number and we'll get back to you eight six six is the number eight six six three four eight seven eight eight four and if you're digitally gifted it's just one eight six six three four truth i love that because i work for truth broadcasting and so you know in the as as i was mentioning in the song of solomon there's this passage that says his left hand is under my head and his right arm embraces me so as you lay down and i was talking about that god hug earlier and i just spent some time enjoying a god hug actually this morning to try to isolate everything that i think that you can experience if you can actually get there where you lay down let his left hand go under your head and let his right hand embrace you he's dying to do that by the way i know he is and so as you do the immediate thing that you will come to realize in that position you are face to face with jesus okay i mean you can't miss it that that like you are face to face and in his presence is fullness of joy in other words you are going to feel joy like you have never felt ever you know robbie stop talking about that i'm not going to go ahead one thing and i try to do and i and i i encourage people to do this is just take either in the morning or whatever time where you know that you can just isolate yourself not no one around and just sit in stillness you and our lord and savior and the blessings that will come from that no agenda no nothing just knows you're sitting with our lord and savior yeah yeah you couldn't be more right that's exactly what i was doing this morning i was just laying down i'm like well i know this is the deal so as i was doing it i was just writing down now what am i experiencing okay the next thing i experienced after i you know obviously got to be the joy of his presence it's like i don't know if you knew this jerry but i'm his favorite i knew you would think that in other words you got grace man i mean this idea of favor like you know when people really really like you and when you're in their presence you just know oh yeah i'm their favorite well or maybe your parents you were their favorite however that worked that's jesus like he is full of that stuff i mean he's full of grace in truth but by all means you're gonna feel like you're his favorite and then i i also wrote down that i felt alive i mean you feel more alive maybe than you ever feel and i felt warm and i felt known like yeah you know me you know you know all this you know all that stuff and it feels right and there's no shame and there's no guilt and there's no condemnation so i hope that all fathers get a chance to lay down a little bit this weekend we like to take naps and when you do um maybe think about how you can lay your down life down to show your sheep how how they can do that and now stay tuned we've got christian car guy theater coming up oh my goodness it's a lay down episode you're listening to the truth network and and now time for christian car guy theater with today's episode a Plymouth's progress episode 29 now jimmy had seen in his dream that his heroes Plymouth Fury Faithful and Plymouth Valiant had run into much mischief at the town of Vanity Fair and for just having said they would buy the truth they had been beaten and besmeared with dirt and hung in a caged garage for all the town to carcat there they lay for some time and were made the objects of sedan sport or malice or revenge the great one of the fair laughing still at all that befell them looks like you two bought some trouble not true you two lunatics never seen such as these lord please don't lay these words to their charge bless them to see the truth yeah goody four tires oh looks more like something in a zoo now don't it ah lord forgive them for they know not what they do or give us now you're gonna get it enjoy this egg you cracked shells hey leave them alone guys they ain't done nothing bless you kind sir leave them alone you say why these two are the reason business has dropped off can't you see i lost a fortune on these two you need to wake up and i had just the wake up call you deserve these sedans are quiet and sober and intend nobody no harm go back to your words and leave them alone there are plenty around here close by actually who deserve to be in that cage garage not these two that's it you've had this coming for years we told you to stay out of it yeah here is that rock i was saving for their back glass you turn coat take that once again the police were called in then were those two poor sedans brought before the examiner again oh hey not you two again please trouble and more trouble that's what you are hey uh look hey take these two and beat them up real good and make sure that uh all in vanity fair know what happens to would-be truth buyers then hang irons upon them and lead them in chains by a truck up and down the fair and that would be an example we're gonna make an example out of them yeah and our terror to others less and he should speak in their behalf or join themselves unto them yeah but valiant and faithful behave themselves yet more wisely and receive the condemnation and shame that was cast upon them with so much meekness and patience that it won to their side though but a few in comparison of the rest but several sedans in the fair this put the leaders of the fair into a greater rage insomuch that they concluded that they should threaten the two sedans with death that the cage should be filled with shame that the two sedans should not be death that the cage nor irons should serve their turn but that they should die for the abuse they've done and for diluting the sedans of the fair then they were remanded to the cage garage again until further order should be taken with them so they put them in and made their tires fast in the stocks here therefore valiant and faithful called again to mind what they had heard from their faithful friend edsel evangelist and were the more confirmed in their ways and sufferings by what he told them would happen to them so also now they comfort each other that whose lot it was to suffer even he should have the best of it therefore each sedan secretly wished that he might have the preferment but committing themselves to the all-wise disposal of him that ruleth all things with much content they abode in the condition in which they were until they should be otherwise disposed of then a convenient time being appointed they brought them forth to their trial in order to their condemnation when the time was come they were brought before their enemies in a reign hear ye hear ye the town of vanity fair versus a Plymouth faithful and valiant judge hate good presiding good to see you old buddy this ought to be good huh hey hey whereas these two are enemies to and disturbers of our trade that they have made commotions and divisions in the town and have won a party to their own most dangerous opinions in contempt of the law of our most exalted prince how do you plead your owner kind sirs we have only set ourselves against that which has set itself against us and we do have the right to defend ourselves as for the disturbance i make none being myself a sedan of peace the parties that were won to us were won by beholding our truth and innocence and they are only turned from the worse to the better and as for the king you talk of since he is beelzebub the enemy of our lord i defy him in all his angels well your honor that just about says it now don't it our lord the prince has ought against these two sedans before the bar and we will give forth evidence and we call witnesses to wit electra 225 nv ss superstition and pina forina pick thank now do you three excellent sedans know these prisoners at the bar tune in soon for another exciting adventure in the Plymouth's progress now here's Danny Dipstick and Randy Radiator to review today's episode Randy do you think judge hategood wears the same clothes judges here do i sure bet he does daddy it's called a lawsuit see what i did there daddy he wears a robe or the whole point never mind but seriously Danny in this episode when we take a deep look into these events we see that valiant and faithful's only way through this town was to resist all the hate with love hey that's directly opposite of judge hategood and all the other temptations i mean if they decided to stay in that town they'd be stuck with with all that vanity and the hate it's really it's really worse than them the mega mud puddle of despond remember that oh boy you know Danny this episode reminds me of a scripture in romans 12 it says if your enemy is hungry feed him if he is thirsty give him something to drink in doing this you will heat burning coals on his head oh it says the last verse says do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good oh boy daddy you know it seems like it seems like valiant and faithful that they were sharing their kindness and seeking truth in this town was really just heaping coals on everybody's heads oh boy you know you know Danny they are facing this judge you know judge hategood and they will soon be out one way or another that's called a cliffhanger daddy hey here's one did you hear about the sign on the outside of a muffler shop it says no appointment necessary here you're coming see danny and you got a bad muffler you'll be loud oh boy say goodbye danny see you later radiator so i can't so i can't think of a better episode of christian car guy theater to illustrate how to lay down your life as both valiant and faithful in spite of all sorts of persecution returned it all with love so as we look into this father's day can we as fathers teach our children to lay down their lives so so this is the truth network
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-03-31 05:56:44 / 2023-03-31 06:10:51 / 14

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