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Psalms 119:160 - The Foundation of Truth

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
April 11, 2022 8:13 am

Psalms 119:160 - The Foundation of Truth

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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April 11, 2022 8:13 am

Psalms 119:160 Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.

The Miracle verse of the Resh - Is the miracle of the Bible's foundation - Truth/Jesus and that is marching on through His judgements. The reverse of that makes for great movies as the tension of a crumbling lie is a familiar story line I can see in my life.

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So how fun. We get to do the miracle verse today in the race section. And as we've talked about throughout this race section, whether this being the eighth verse, we're going to make sure that we see that like, and since this is Easter week that we're actually recording this, obviously, or maybe not obviously, but Jesus came in on a Sunday and the eighth day was the day of the resurrection. How wonderfully we get to see that kind of thing as this verse we see today is very much in its own way connected to that. It is verse 160 in English and clearly a miracle in so many different ways and has everything to do with Jesus.

And I'll just read it in English and we'll talk about it. So verse 160, thy word is true from the beginning and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth forever. And so beautifully, I think we've talked about the race is like a head or the beginning of a river.

So as you read different translations of this, they talk about the complete word, but I love the way that the King James has this because I think it gets the essence of the letter race better because the idea is that the head or the beginning of a river is going to give you a direction of where the whole river is going to go. And so very much as Ken Ham has answers in Genesis, you know, if the beginning of the word is not true, then the rest of the word will crumble. And anything you ever see that the foundation is not built on truth, not built on Jesus, in other words, it is not going to last. As we'll share in several examples are coming up when we get to the story, but then I don't want to miss the second part of the verse where it says, you know, that every one of thy righteous judgments endureth forever.

And again, we've talked about this idea of judgments. And so as this truth is marching on, which is really an idea what this verse is saying, which Jesus is marching on and with him comes judgment. And that idea of refining, the refiner's fire is processing fortunately all of us as we have a chance to be made into the likeness of his son, as it's clearly told to us in Romans 8, 28, all things work together for good.

But why is that? Because we're being made into the image of his son with the help of the Holy Spirit. And so as the truth keeps marching on, it really brings that idea of judgment as we talked about throughout this. I love the verse in the 119th Psalm that says, you know, I know thy judgments are right and in faithfulness thou has afflicted me.

In other words, all this is God's faithfulness to us as this affliction comes and it's making everything right. And we know that all these things come together with good, but it's based on this foundation. In other words, if the beginning is not true, you know, this thing is going to crumble and it's really the subject of so many different movies. When you think about it, you know, last night we watched the movie, it's called Love on the Rise.

It's on Pure Flix. And again, the setup is classic where, you know, these two fall in love, but the poor guy's company is fixing to crush Boldo's, the woman's bakery. But, you know, it's his father that's the head of the company and the whole movie is set up on, you know, he's trying to figure out a way to tell her who he really is because, you know, she doesn't really know who he is and doesn't know that he's the one responsible that's going to take out her company. And so the whole movie has this tension of, you know, the foundation of this relationship is not built on the truth. And how many movies are like that, right?

Like, you might remember The Prince, A Christmas Prince, right? Those movies, again, this lady was a reporter that got in as a nanny, but you could tell the foundation wasn't there. So the whole tension of the movie is that, you know, that this thing is going to crumble at some point in time because it's not based on the truth. And when I look back in my own life, you know, the dealership, when I started that, you know, based on a misconception that I perpetrated, essentially, I was building my company on a falls foundation. And so you got to, I think we always have opportunities to go back and work on our foundation, because the beauty of it is all his judgments are always at work, making us into the image of his son. And so that's why truth is so very, very, very important, but really critical when it comes to, you see, the beginning of thy word, the beginning of Genesis is absolute truth. And as it marches on, you see, it's creating truth as it goes, it's creating purity as it goes, it's creating righteousness as it goes, just like Jesus in the eight days that we're in right now is going to the cross, right?

And so, you know, just an absolutely beautiful thing. I've been talking about that in my Bible Wonders podcast, which is coming out at the same time if you want to listen to that. But meanwhile, I'm so grateful for this miracle verse, that the beginning of thy word, in other words, this idea of the race in the very beginning. And in fact, if you look at the beginning of the book of Genesis, the second letter, well, the first letter is a bet. But the second letter is a race because the word beginning begins with a race, as does the word head with the idea of being the head of a river and as the beginning of this thing goes on, you can see the miracle of the race. Thanks for listening.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-05-08 15:37:26 / 2023-05-08 15:40:09 / 3

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