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Pslams 119:103 Asking The Boss That's Sweeter Than Sweet

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
January 7, 2022 9:48 am

Pslams 119:103 Asking The Boss That's Sweeter Than Sweet

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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January 7, 2022 9:48 am

Psalms 119:103 How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!

When you have the really big questions, who do you go to - The Boss. This delight in the fear of the Lord verse for the Mem section gives insight to how great a Boss/King we have - sweeter than sweet.

Plus Robby's story to illustrate ...

Psalms 119:103


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Hidden Treasures of the 119th Psalm. Oh how I love the Mem and oh how I love the delight and the fear of the Lord. So no doubt I would love this verse today as we get to dig around today in the Mem section of the 119th Psalm, specifically verse 103, which is the seventh verse, which if we're following the anointing of Isaiah 11, this would be a delight in the fear of the Lord.

And if you missed that in this one, I don't know what to tell you. But you know, when you get the idea of the Mem, which is Messiah, which is Jesus, which is King, which is more, you know, there's so much that we've talked about, water, and then here we get to this verse. It's like, oh goodness. So verse 103 in English reads, How sweet are thy words unto my taste. Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth.

So there's some delight right there. But there's even more delight in the Hebrew, in my view, in that the verse starts like the first verse of the Mem section, you might remember it says, Oh, how I love thy law. Well, that how is actually the word ma in Hebrew, which is a Mem and a hey. And so it's like, if you think about what the hey is, means something expressed, well, what's being expressed, the Mem itself is being expressed. And so fascinatingly, this is an interrogative pronoun.

Now, it's funny to me that I used to hate English. When you studied all these nouns and pronouns and all that other kind of stuff. But the idea of an interrogative pronoun is, okay, these are the big questions.

Like, how, in this case, or what do I do now or who is responsible for that? An interrogative pronoun is trying to get somewhere. And it's really, really cool that in Hebrew, this word ma, because it's even God when the first time you find this word is when God was coming to Adam and Eve and like, who told you?

What was the reason you ate this? Hey, you know, the that's the big questions, right? And the beauty of the ma is when we've got big questions, who should we take them to? I mean, to the boss, right, the delight in the fear of the Lord is telling us here, that that we can go with our biggest questions to the one who's sweeter than honey, the word, right, the word itself is Christ in Christ is the word. And so here, you've got this unbelievable idea that he illustrates with this beginning of the verse, right, was going to start with this meme. And it's going to give us a delight in the fear of the Lord to explain to us why ma, why the end, it's really, really cool that the word sweet also begins with a meme. And so, to go more sweet, he throws another meme on top of the word sweet. You know, when he goes down to sweeter than honey?

Well, when he goes to sweeter, he throws another meme on top of the meme, and you get this idea of more sweet. So you know, you get this combination of what a king does, right? He makes the kingdom like fit, like a place fit for his subject, and for a king. And I can remember how my father loved to provide for us in so many neat ways, take us to fancy restaurants and our to Disney World or whatever, and kings love to delight in giving us sweetness. But they also delight in the fact when we come to them with the big questions. And so, this this idea of ma, like, why, like, why is this going on? And so I've got a story that may not seem like it's sweeter than honey, but it ends up sweeter than honey, and in so many different ways, because it taught me so much. Because when you've got those big questions, that's when I like to use the five slam a jam and cats of a jam or prayer I've talked about in other episodes where you just listen, you take a big question to God to Jesus, like you would, you know, here's the boss, that's the delight and the fear of the Lord, we're going to take this big question to him. Because we know that his words are going to be sweeter than honey.

To our taste, you're going to be sweeter than sweet, even though they may not be what you're expecting. As you process it further, you're going to find that it will be so one of the big questions that I took to him when we lost the dealership, and we lost all our money and all we had then obviously, this is very, very difficult on our children, who were in high school, my daughter was a junior in high school, my son was a senior in high school. And the turmoil in the family was crazy.

Because they had, you know, been pretty well provided for we lived really well. And now all of a sudden, we didn't have anything. And it was quite a shock. And so my daughter decided to go to work at Panera Bread. And when she did, she fell in love with her boss, who was in at the point in time, she was 17.

And he was, as I recall 23. And this led to a very difficult relationship. As you might imagine, my daughter was a junior in high school, but she fell for him head over heels. And within just a few months, she wanted to marry him. I mean, seriously, like, they were going to get married, like she was dropping out of school. And they were getting married. And it's in she was in a Christian school, we have the same high school I just talked about the last episode, she was in that school. But this was like a freight train that she was had come on us, and I could not stop it. Her mother and I were both just up in arms.

And so you might imagine this was a question that was above my pay grade. So the night of Tess's wedding, right, and she was getting married at a magistrate. It wasn't the wedding that you had planned for your daughter. It was just awkward. I won't go into all the details. But the difficult thing was this was ripping her dad's heart out.

And she was dropping out of school and marrying this guy at 17. It was very, very difficult. And so I am that night in employing the five slamma jamma cast for jamma prayer, which is just simply throwing a question out there like why God or what this is an interrogative pronoun, like, what is going on? Or, you know, that's, that's the deal. And after, you know, really getting quiet before the Lord and spending time with him and, and, and just allowing him tell me what it is that you want to tell me, share, share with me what it is really going on. And so he, as often he does, he throws these words into my mind.

And I know that there were thoughts that I did not think. But what he said was, he said, Robbie, are you mourning the loss of what I have for your daughter tests? Are you mourning the loss of what your dreams for your daughter tests are? Now that doesn't feel all that sweet when you get that. And then he added this little thing that doesn't again sound all that sweet. He said, you know, you will mourn more of your plans for tests. Then you are mourning now. But this is what I have for your daughter. And this is this is and it the neat thing about the the answer he gave me was he was right on the money. I had totally, you know, invested all this that my daughter was going to go to college and she was going to do this, that and the other and meet, read, serve God and however, all that worked.

Right. And, and there were some really difficult times for tests based on the decisions that she made. She wasn't pregnant when she got married, but it wasn't long and she got pregnant and we had our granddaughter, Lila, which is, by the way, one of the joy joy joys of my life is my granddaughter, Lila, and her husband that turned out to be very difficult situation. And they divorced very shortly because he started cheating on her. And you can imagine the difficulties that that she went through. However, to her credit and to, you know, God's credit, you know, she went back, got her GED herself, then went into the, you know, community college program and got her nursing degree. And then from there, she the nurse that she became a nurse at Baptist Hospital, and then they put her in college to get her other nursing bachelor's degree at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. And I can't even believe all that my daughter of those kind of things have happened as, as God has just taken care of her in ways that are unbelievable and taking care of my granddaughter and the joy that has been between our family.

In other words, I have a phenomenal relationship with my daughter, Tess, I have a phenomenal relationship with my granddaughter, Lila, but it wasn't at the expense of a whole lot of shenanigans. But yet, this was a moment of truth where you just don't know what to do. And we went to it with Jesus. And Jesus made it clear to me that his plans are way better than my plans.

And sometimes I need to let go of my plans, and allow him to do what it is that he is doing. And as it turns out, right, because I accepted it by faith, it was sweet. It gave me that even that night that I got that word, it meant you came with a lot of tears. But it gave me an understanding that, you know, it's a delight in the fear of the Lord. It's like he has this even when it makes no sense.

And it didn't make any sense that night. But it was a complete delight in the fear of the Lord, because I knew his words are sweeter than honey. When we have the big, huge questions, those are the ma. Those are the ones that you go to the king for answers, right? I need help.

I need help. This is where this particular verse is just so absolutely beautiful. As I almost hate to finish up the Mem section next time, because it's so, so, so, so precious. This idea of the Mem. Thanks for listening.
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