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Special Bonus Show - Robby's New Year's Eve Eve Challenge with Dr Carson

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
January 5, 2022 10:05 am

Special Bonus Show - Robby's New Year's Eve Eve Challenge with Dr Carson

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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January 5, 2022 10:05 am

Robby's Hosted Steve Noble's Show on Dec 30th with Dr. Carson of Date the Word - fun discussions and calls

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The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. Most people know me as The Christian Car Guy, but I get to host—like, not only is it New Year's Eve Eve, just saying, but also it's Theology Thursday. And so, you know, I put a call into my favorite theologist. Like, I don't know if you've got one, but immediately when I knew I got Theology Thursday, I was like, oh man, I'm going to call my favorite theologist, Duane Carson, Dr. Duane Carson. And you may know him as the host of Date the Word. But from my experience, right, there are people that—and this is why I say I feel like the luckiest man on earth—that when I get to talk about the Word of God with somebody and I get to interview different hosts all the time, whether it's James Banks or—and all these people, we end up with an hour-long discussion on the Bible after we, you know, do our show or whatever, and we all just, you know, it's just like these people love the Word of God. All these people that work with us here at The Truth Network.

And one of these is, like I said, my good friend, Dr. Duane Carson. So welcome, Duane! Hey, I'm so glad to be here with you, and you're exactly right. We have a love for the Word of God, and I love sharing the Word of God with you, and excited with you.

Happy New Year! Yeah! Right around the corner here. And that's what we're going to talk about today. It's 2022, and so for you listening, those of you who can call in—and we would love for you to call in, that's the whole reason for the show is for our audience to take part in it—is what are you excited—what are you pumped up in 2022 that you feel like God has put it on your heart, theology-wise, to study? Where is He taking you?

What adventure in His Word, right? Because I know you listening to The Truth Network, you know that the Word is God and, you know, that this is—to fall more in love with His Word is to fall more in love with Jesus. And so, how are you mindfully setting that up for 2022? 866-348-7884 is the number to call in and share.

866-344-TRUTH. And if you ever listen to Masking Journey or some of the other shows I do, you may have heard me talk about that we have a practice where we ask God, in the month of December, to give me a word for the year, the upcoming year. And really cool, Duane, I don't know if I ever told you this, but in 2021, you know, I had asked God, and He had given me the word engage.

Right? And we actually did a show on the word of the year last Tuesday night, we recorded it. And so I was preparing for that show, and I looked through all my journals, because the Lord gave me this opportunity to share life with Him in the mornings, and I write down what He teaches me. And so I was reading all my journals, I went through—I spent a lot, a great deal of days Sunday looking through all my journals to see where I felt like I had engaged along the plan of what He had done for me. You know what I discovered? I got to believe a lot. Yeah, I did, I discovered a whole lot. But what I really discovered was, you know, it wasn't me engaging God, it was God engaging me.

Are you following me? I'm liking that, yes. Well, if you've ever seen the movie Evan Almighty, where it came up Genesis 614 all over the place, because he was trying to get Evan's attention. Well, that was what he did for me. And you know, because we're good friends, that he'd started to put it on my heart to memorize Scripture, and I really had not been doing that in my life until 2021. And he was like, Robbie, I want you to remember, because I love the 16th Psalm, I love the idea of in your presence is fullness of joy, right?

That was the end. And so all of a sudden, God said, well, if you ever wonder how he got there is you might go back to the beginning and then memorize that Psalm and see how he got to in your presence is fullness of joy, right? And you'll find, you know, He's asking to be preserved and all that stuff. And so as I memorized that, then I got done with that, and he said, Robbie, I want you to memorize the 13th Psalm. And my immediate response was, which is absolutely hilarious in my book, how long is the 13th Psalm?

Well, if you know the 13th Psalm, you know what the first verse is? How long, Lord? How long will you hide your face from me, right?

That's the opening. So his sense of humor was, you know, how long will you forget us forever? How long will you hide your face from us? So the 13th Psalm ended up being like, I had no idea when I started memorizing that Psalm what a gift the 13th Psalm is. But let me just share the last two verses for you, okay? Like, oh my goodness, because it says, but I have trusted in the Lord's loving kindness, which is hesed in Hebrew. So I have trusted in the Lord's hesed. And in my heart, I will rejoice in your Yeshua, in your salvation. But that word salvation in Hebrew is Yeshua. So in my heart, I will rejoice in Jesus.

I mean, get the picture? So, but I have trusted in your loving kindness, and in my heart, I'm going to rejoice in your Yeshua. I will sing to the Lord who dealt bountifully with me.

So how fun is that? And then it says, right? Or then it says, I'll sing to the Lord who dealt bountifully. So I was like, God, now where do we go? And he says, okay, now we're going to the 119 Psalm. And I was like, are you kidding me?

I'm 66 years old. How in the world could I ever, right? And he wanted you to memorize all 178 verses. There you go. And here we are.

And that started in July. Yes. And I'm at, I think I'm at 114 that I have that I can, that I can, but oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Did I get, and he engaged me. It wasn't me. I'm just saying. And so guess what? We come back. I'm going to share my word for 2022. But my question to you is like, as you're listening, what are you excited?

Like, where's, what's the adventure God has for you in 2022, right? That you're saying, man, I can hardly wait to study this. And one of the things that you've studied just recently, Dr. Carson, is the date, the whole word idea of the idea of date.

Yeah. Where you're getting to know the word at a much deeper level, not just casual, but you're delighting in the word and you've got an appetite for the word. You want to taste that word because if you eat the word, it becomes a part of it, brings joy to you. And then you have these incredible experiences, engagements with the Lord. It's so much fun. So you can see, we got some serious theology from my favorite theologist coming up, but we need your call, right?

It's just not the same if you guys don't take part. So I'm excited. I haven't got to talk to Noble's audience in a long time.

866. Welcome back to The Steve Noble Show. Welcome back to The Steve Noble Show. Robbie Dilmore filling in for Steve today on Theology Thursday. And I get to host my favorite theologist since it's Theology Thursday. Dr. Duane Carson would date the word. And the question for today that we want you to call in and tell us, what has you excited to study in God's word?

Where are you really thinking, man, this is some place that I can make tractions this year. And we need you to call us to tell us about that. 866-348-7884, 866-344-TRUTH.

If you're digitally gifted and you can do phones like that, it's never something I could do, but nonetheless. But Dr. Carson, today, and if you've never listened to date the word, you need to, because, I mean, this is awesome stuff. Every single day, insights into the word of God. But today's date is December 30th.

Yeah, 1230. And Mark 1230 for today, where the scribe had asked Jesus, what is the greatest commandment? He wanted to know. And Jesus had already been dealing with the Sadducees, and they were asking him some tough questions. Well, now what's the greatest commandment, Jesus? And he said, oh, the hero is, well, the Lord your God is one, Deuteronomy 6.4. And then he says, you are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and might. That's the greatest commandment.

It all comes down to a relationship a relationship with God. And so from the end of the year, December the 30th, 1230, it's Mark 1230, that you will be growing in love with the Lord. And you take it from a standpoint of, as you think about the end of the year, how did you grow this past year? And then your question, what are you excited about? What are you excited about growing next year of knowing more about God?

What are those components that you want to know about? When it comes to theology, you think about how God adopted us. And you spend time and you study that doctrine of adoption. You think about justification and how he takes us as a person who is filthy, covered in unrighteousness, and he will now cover us with his righteousness. And you study a doctrine like justification. He declares us righteous. And then there's reconciliation.

And you've got, I call them the T-I-O-N's, and you just go right down the list, the implementation and the sanctification. But it's studying God's Word so that you know him better. And the more you know him, the more you can help but love him.

We love him not because we love him, but we love him because he first loved us. And just looking at 2022, you know, come up with 22 great things to learn about God this year. That's a thought. Yeah, that is cool. So I remember some of the best advice I got one time.

I got fired from Bob Neal, Chrysler, Plymouth, Jeep, Eagle back in, I think this was in 98 or somewhere, right before I bought the dealership in Mocksville. And a friend of mine said, because I was all perplexed, what's my next move? Where am I supposed to go? And this friend of mine, Frank Fanik is his name, he said, Robbie, what have you always wanted to study in the Bible and you've never had time to do? And I said, well, I really wanted to study leadership, biblical leadership.

What does that look like? And he said, well, now you have time. Now you have time. He said, what I would do is dig into that what you've wanted to study in the Word, and then just trust God to meet whatever that other need is for your, you know, don't get hung up there, just go into the Word.

You've been dying to study that, well, you now have the time to study it, go study it. What advice that was? Sounds like he was pointing you to seek first the kingdom of God, and then everything else will be added to you. And first things have to be first, and that's one of the great things about a new year. We get to start this thing over again, get the first things lined up again.

What will be those first things that we're going after? And what's interesting about what you just said was one of the things that just grabbed me back then, I remember it well, is I went into Matthew headstrong. I mean, that was where I spent a lot of that time, and that seek first the kingdom of God was, you know, front and center. In that study of those days, I can remember well, and it was interesting, you know, how he led me not long after to the Christian Car Guys show, right? And, you know, a career out of the car business and into radio that I never would have dreamed in a zillion years, right? Because that was not what I thought I had. You know, I'd spent almost 40 years in the car business, and so who would have thought that that was the next thing in my life?

But because of my love for the Word of God and my love of studying that, it was like that's where he showed up, and that's where he met me, and that's where I grew in my relationship with him. And so, you know, you got something out there that you've been thinking, I want to know. 866-348-7884 is your chance to call in and share, and just thank all the people that are listening, right? And they're like, I don't know if I should call in, you know? This is Robbie.

This isn't Steve, you know? Well, you encourage all those other people who would really like to call, okay, when you call, and then they see, wow, if he could study this, I can study that. And the next thing you know, wow, God shows up, and we would love to have that. So you can give us a preview of what's tomorrow coming, since it's 1231.

Well, 1231, we'll stick with Mark. Really? Because Jesus didn't just give that one answer. He didn't just say, love the Lord your God with all your heart. He says, secondly, he didn't ask for seconds, but Jesus gives him a second when he says to love your neighbor as yourself.

And, you know, we just draw that real easy conclusion. What's life all about? Loving God, loving others, loving God, loving others. And then you evaluate yourself on how did I do in 2021 in loving God, loving others, and now as I move forward with 2022, how am I going to love God, grow in my love for God, and increase in my love for others? And that was when Paul speaks prayers for the believers that they would always be an increasing in their love for one another. So Mark 1231 for tomorrow's verse. Yeah, it's so cool because we know, you know, as I've been telling you, I was studying the 119 Psalm, and it's all about, you know, these 10 words that you repeat over and over again, and one of those is commandments.

And so you hear commandments, commandments into, you know, the Jewish way of thinking there's 613 of those. But it's nice to narrow them down to, wait, there's two biggies here, and we go from there. Well, we got Ben is in South Carolina.

So Ben, you're on the Steve Noble Show. Good morning, or good evening. I'm used to saying good morning. Yes, I was just commenting on your word thing. Yeah. And I guess my word would be spread the word. Spread the word. Yes.

And do it deliberately. Yeah. I praise the Lord that I'm actually an old PTB guy that's listened to him over the years, and he's been kind of inspiring to me to hear and listen to the Word of God, you know, and to do my lunch break around it, stuff like that, because the Word of God is powerful. Yes, every one of us need to be planters of the seed.

Like through the Bible from James Vernon McGee. Oh, I love it. I love it.

Absolutely. In fact, I have a dear friend who was really saved, you know, through J. Vernon McGee when he was listening to that, you know, between sales calls and whatever. Yeah, that's powerful stuff. Ben, I can't tell you how glad I am you called, because I love that.

That's a great word. Last year I was on a ventilator. Oh, wow. Well, we've got to go to a break, Ben. Can you hang on for me through the break? We'll be right back. Welcome back to The Steve Noble Show, and today's Theology Thursday. Robbie Dilmore filling in for Steve with my favorite theologist, Duane Carson. But we have Ben, he's in South Carolina, and when we left our hero, Ben, he was talking about last year this time you were on a ventilator?

Yes, sir. So what was going on there? Well, I made it. I didn't die. Everybody was praying for me.

Everybody and their brother was praying for me, and I guess it wasn't my time to go. But I don't, you know, I kind of lost my thought, but I was thinking, we just need to return an epidemic for Christ and the Word of God, like the coronavirus has been turned from the devil. God will make good of His Word. He says, My Word will not return unto me void. And I thank you guys, you know, and I just wanted to say, I'd be deliberate.

When you see people, you get some stares every once in a while, but give them a little bit of something that they could put their teeth into. And I can't think of anybody any better, but there's a few more. But I'm looking for some young guys that can turn that voice into a different voice, that they can pick up on the Word of God and talk to their people and their language that people kind of like to hear sometimes. That is so awesome. Well, Dr. Carson was telling me, Ben, a second ago, about his son and the college that he's in now. Tell Ben about it.

Ben, he's over at Mid-America there in Memphis, and they've got it now. It's been part of their requirement is that you do soul winning once a week. And I love that that my son's at a place that is emphasizing evangelism. You know, a lot of people say they don't have the gift of evangelism.

Well, it's not so much that you have the gift, you have the requirement. He says do to Timothy, do the work of an evangelist. And each one of us have a story, and God's constantly working on the story so we can share how he's working in our lives so that others can know that he can work in their lives. And the things that's happened in you over this past year has now given you an opportunity, a platform to share more about what God can do in a person's life. And first and foremost is that story of salvation, sharing how God loves every person.

He wants to see them come to a personal relationship with them. And I would hope that every listener for 2022 is thinking right now, I want to see at least one person come to know the Lord as Savior this year. And that may mean that we witness to 100 before we see the one, but there'll be that passion that Paul had in Romans 10 one, that he had a burden that he would see Israel saved. Well, who put someone else's name in Romans 10 one instead of Israel, put a person's name there, a family member, a relative, an associate, a neighbor, someone you say, I just, I've got to see them saved, Lord.

I'm begging you, please give me the opportunity to share the Lord with them here in 2022. That is so awesome. Ben, thank you for calling.

That was courageous. And I'm so grateful. You're welcome. And I, sir? Yeah, go ahead. You're welcome. And I just, I just always look at, there's no such word in the Hebrew as incidental.

And things break, there's a reason, start looking around. It's there. You just got to say, okay. And just, we need some cards or something that would just tell you, nobody's, like, I was an old boy scout and we wasn't supposed to be doctors, but we could give the first aid that could save a life.

That's right. We need some first aid scriptures that can say, hey, there's truth in the word. And that's the reason I like the guy that's not dogmatic, but yet he's thorough.

And I don't agree with everything all these people say. I'm an old Wesleyan Methodist, you know, but my daddy would listen to him. And there's other people, and he's on this station that I'm talking on now. He's on that station like once a week, but we need a little more spots out there at night and on the radios and stuff or stuff like that for truck drivers and people who just, driving down the road, just give them the word of God. And another thing that he said that was very, very interesting to me, can you hear me?

Oh yeah, yeah, we're excited to hear it. Yeah, well, the other thing that he said that I quote him, you know, like, Jesus and shoe leather and stuff like that, but the other thing was, you don't have to defend the lion. He got it from somebody else that told him that, and he quoted them, and he says, you don't have to defend the lion. You just turn him loose. Turn him loose? You don't have to prove the word of God.

You just turn the lion loose and let it work. Praise God. And I'll get off the air and let somebody else talk. Oh, thank you so much, Ben. I appreciate you calling.

Thank you. Thank you for taking the call. And you can see how encouraging that is that Ben called, and you can call and encourage, we hope you will.

866-348-7884, 866-34-TRUTH. But you know what's funny about what he just said, what Ben said, is that's how I got saved, is that somebody turned the lion loose. But actually, I was, you know, selling cars, and I wanted to be able to sell more cars. And so I bought the tape set, The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. Well, I had no clue what I was in for. And the very first line, I can't tell you anything about that series other than this is what he said. If you want a positive mental attitude, you need to get up an hour early every morning, an hour earlier, to pray that God can show you what this word says, and then read the Bible. And I thought, are you out of your mind?

I want to sell cars. I don't want to be. But that suggestion changed everything. Because, you know, he came after me in that reading, and through that I came to know Jesus. And just like he said, you turn it loose on somebody, if they'll really read it, it does not come back void. It doesn't come back void. And again, think of it like that seed. It gets planted. And it does a work that is it's miraculous.

It's a miraculous work. The seed is going to die. But now comes to life, and it brings forth fruit.

And you and I've talked about that before. And we're like, well, if I don't, I don't know if I'm going to offend them, but just turn the word loose in a person's life, share truth with them, and then their lives will, little by little, be completely changed. And it won't be them that did the changing. It'll be the Word of God. It'll be the Lord who changes their lives. I can assure you that that is unbelievably powerful. We have Joseph.

He's in North Carolina. So Joseph, you're on The Steve Noble Show. Good afternoon. Good afternoon, gentlemen. And I just want to say, very impressive, very, very inspiring and encouraging to hear you. I'll be brief and brevity, but I'd like to make just a couple comments on what you said, Robbie, if I may.

Please. The memorization of the Word of God is so incredibly powerful. And I'm coming across here, I'm not an emotive man, but I'm getting a little preclamped, because of the power of the Word of God in memorization. Robbie, what you've done to memorize, for example, Tehilliah, I'm Psalm 13. Very powerful.

The Word of God is living. Yes. And my occupation is that I'm in the psychological, mental health paradigm, where that intersects law. So I'm with people in very critical situations in my work life. Really?

Very, very. The living Word of God, so many times, because it's alive and it's between my ears, it is above my head. And I know I have a knowing that is so supernatural by Holy Spirit. And I cannot say how important what you have shared today with the living Word of God, to take the time, the discipline, the self-control, and I do mean discipline, self-discipline, to go before the Lord our God, the Most High, and to memorize His Word is so critically important. And I have lived, I worked for the airline for 25 years.

I've spent a lot of time in Israel with my family. But all I can tell you is, whether it's during a missile warning or an attack or here, wherever my life has been, one thing has not changed. And that is the living Word of God. So thank you, gentlemen, for both being on, and both of you for propagating and sharing the Word of the Lord our God.

I cannot thank you enough. But today, the highlighting goes on what you've said about memorizing the Word of God. And I'll conclude with this.

There is a tripod, it's the perfect trifecta, studying the Word of God, memorizing the Word of God, and having your mind as an open vessel to listen, to hear, to be all ears to what He's saying in regard to His living Word. And I will conclude with that, gentlemen. Shalom and be well. Well, you were saying that, Joseph. God bless you.

Thank you so much for calling. And while I'm looking forward to 2022 with all these wonderful saints that are out there like you, sir. God bless. And I am enjoying you in that and many blessings upon your head and to the homes wherein would you dwell. Good day, gentlemen. Shalom. So as Joseph was doing that, Dr. Carson had the triangle going, man.

You were right on that. So expound. Well, over and over and over, we hear people saying what they can't do. Well, tell God that you can't and start letting Him help you. But the most important thing to do is get this word of God into your heart, your word of my head and my heart that I may not set against you. Psalms 119 level. We've got to be memorizing.

So start making those New Year's resolutions. I'm going to memorize one verse a week, one verse a day. And yes, our lives are going to be different because of the word of God in it. All right, we'll be right back. We need your call. Welcome back to The Steve Noble Show today on The Truth Network. So excited. Robbie Dilmore filling in on Theology Thursday with my favorite theologist, Dr. Carson, who will date the word. And we need you, because you may be one of my favorite theologists out there. Your call, 866-348-7884. What are you excited about in 2022?

You're looking forward to studying. 866-348-7884. We've got Anne is in North Carolina. Anne, you're on The Steve Noble Show.

Good evening. Hi, Robbie. When I saw it was Anne, I was hoping. I was like, man, I hope that's my friend. Because talk about a theologist, one of my favorite, favorite, favorite actress theologists I've ever met in my life. I have to say, you study the word and you have a love for it. Like, oh my goodness, it's so sweet. Oh, I do. And frankly, I thought, you know, I only got this part of the show, you know, the last 10 minutes or so as I was driving somewhere, and I'm outside, outside now, parked in my car.

But I just, I was going to say how, I love that releasing the lion bit, man. Is that ever the truth? And to just, and like, I have friends that are still saved, and I keep praying for them, and I keep sending them stuff, and I just, you know, and I think that's so important, is to keep at it. Because I myself was, like, I was raised Air Force Brat Christian, base chapels, you know, I was baptized when I was eight. And I had a hundred of the things of God in the college, and I suddenly got pulled from the Ouija board and all this, and then the New Age stuff, and all that New Age, old Y, is what I call it now.

But it's like, but I was searching for truth in all the wrong places, and trying a little of this, a little of that, which is what people are doing these days, and they're thinking, oh, I know God, I need, I want truth, you know. But finally, in New York City, when I was an actress there in 1974, this friend of mine had the courage to just, and this is where it's so important, God's timing, if He tells you to do something, to talk to somebody about the Lord, be sure to do it. And Roger said to me, Ann, why don't you give your life to the Lord? And I always thought I had, you know, even in the New Age stuff, and I said, well, but then I said to him, well, I don't think I'm worthy, and I don't think I could hack that kind of commitment. He said, you're not, and you can't, just do it. And so right there in that restaurant with Roger and an actress friend, I quietly bowed my head, but the guy's real proud of you, he's a real sweetheart, but he's a tough guy, so I quietly did, and it just gave my life to the Lord.

I floated out of that restaurant, and from that point on, I just praised God for His reality, and for knowing that this Almighty God, and He gave me a word a couple of years ago in the middle of the night, ubiquitous. How can He be with all of us at the same time? Because He is ubiquitous. He is everywhere at the same time.

We're an amazing God, and no one and nothing else is more worthy. Well, you just sent half the world to their dictionaries. I like that, ubiquitous. That's a mouthful right there, man. So it means every place, every place all at the same time?

Yeah. He gives me a word like duplicitous or nefarious to warn me, but I never had even thought of the definition of the word ubiquitous. And the next morning I looked it up, and it has inflamed my worship of Him, really it has.

Isn't that interesting? You bring up an awesome point, Anne, which you often do, is that He knows our hearts better than we do, and He knows the word that flips your switch. Like, that word not would have not flipped my switch, Anne, I'm just going to tell you. But He knew you, and He gave you a word. Like, He gave me that word, you know, to engage. And I promised everybody I would tell them my word, and I'm so excited about my word for 2022, that God gave me, and here it is, delight.

And which in Hebrew is ratzon, and so which also has to do with His will is His delight. And so it's really, really neat, those words, right? Imbiquitous. I'm probably not even saying it right, but ubiquitous.

U-b-i-q, whatever. Well, thank you for calling, Anne. Always such a blessing to talk to you.

For those of you who don't know, Anne is an amazing actress on Christian Car Guy Theater, also at one point in time with Adventures in Odyssey and so many other Broadway, off-Broadway, Hollywood things that she's done over the years. Just what a gift to the kingdom. Thank you, Anne. Thank you, God bless you.

It's my privilege, and I'm loving the show. Thank you. I hope you start to hurt us sooner. God bless you guys. Happy New Year. Yes, bye-bye.

Happy New Year to you. So, ubiquitous, Dr. Carson. That's a mouthful. When we think theology, thirsty theology, greatest promise God ever made, I will never leave you or forsake you. Well, how can He do that? Based on what you just said right there, He has that ability, omnipresence. He is with every one of us. He's not just with me, He's with you. He's with every believer all over this world.

He never leaves. He never forsakes. What an incredible God.

I loved her wording there. An amazing God. That is an amazing God. I might come to like it after all.

It is like, man. Yeah, because when you think about that, you know, that unfortunately the only person who ever had to spend a moment without the Father was Jesus Himself. And the only person who ever really experienced that separation in that way was Jesus. He became sin.

The pain that must have been taking place on that cross when that separation took place. And again, He did that because He's taken our sins. And again, that's going to cause us to cry out, worthy is the Lamb. But you know, for those who are listening right now, just that reminder going into 2022, God will never leave you.

He will never forsake you. The Christmas word has been Immanuel, God with us. And I don't know what you may be going through right now out there.

It could be something physical, it could be something financial, could be something relational. God is with you. As a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, He is with you. God with you. And I love what you just said to us there.

He never leaves us, never forsakes us, Robbie. In the yud section, there's something that's just like that along those lines. It's been so precious to me as I've meditated over what it is that the Psalmist said. But what he said is, I know, and this know in Hebrew is yada, which means, you know, that's a real get to know somebody.

You know, that's deep intimacy. I know, God, that Your judgments are right. And that in faithfulness, You afflicted me. So that You didn't afflict me unless You had something that was really, that was for my good. And then he says, the next line, he says, he says, Let I pray Thee, Thy merciful kindness be unto me, for my comfort, according to Thy word, unto Thy servant. Well, that word comfort there is like, it's like, okay, God, I know I needed a spanking, but can I have a hug? And that's where I go with that. I mean, I realized that, okay, you know, this was something that he had for me, but it was in right, you know, it was, it was his faithfulness to me. Right. And then, then, okay, that was hard.

Can I have a hug? And he does. He's preparing you to give a hug to someone else when they're going through it. God has that big picture, you know, he's working in our lives so that later on, he can use us to work in someone else's lives. And that, that's the big picture that God has for us.

And life begins to make sense when we're going, I don't understand what's going on. There's some things have happened in 2021 that doesn't make all this sense. But in 2022, it will start making sense because someone will have been going through a trial that God has been preparing a testimony so they can share it with someone else who's going through the trial of how God works.

I'll give you a little sneak preview. I just recorded the New Year's Day Encouraging Prayer Show with James Banks. And it's, we are now a year closer to Jesus. And so as we date the word, right, for the first of January, you know, what a cool thing that we are closer than we've ever been. I always, we heard something on the advertising a little bit ago about Billy Graham. And, you know, Billy Graham, I heard, said that every day when he woke up, he said, perhaps today, what a word for today, perhaps today, the Lord will come, we'll be home with him.

So we got to be fervent about our work, because this could be the last day. Wow. You know, it's really, really been a pleasure. I can tell you, like I said, I'm like I said, I'm the luckiest man in the world. I got to do this with my friend today that Steve gave me this opportunity. But also, I got to share it with you, the listeners, the Truth Network, which made this all possible, right, in so many different ways. Of course, God made it possible for us.

But what a neat thing to join together. You know, clearly for me, you know, 20 years ago, I didn't know anybody, you know, none of these these folks for the Truth Network, and always put all these saints in my life, right? And if you go back to that first Psalm, he told me to memorize the 16th Psalm. It says, right, in that Psalm, right? It says, you know, essentially, in your saints, I'm completely delighted. So, wow. Delighted. Delighted.

Yes. So, we get to love God, love others in 2022. Happy New Year from the Truth Network. Happy New Year to my friend, Dr. Carson.

And man, check out Date the Word. It's coming your way every day on the Truth Network. And Steve will be back with you, I'm sure, coming up soon. Thanks again so much for listening and for sharing the great calls today. Weren't they awesome? God bless. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
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