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Psalms 119:81 - God's Good Fire In Our Hearts

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
December 21, 2021 9:21 am

Psalms 119:81 - God's Good Fire In Our Hearts

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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December 21, 2021 9:21 am

Psalms 119:91 They continue this day according to thine ordinances: for all are thy servants.

The fire of Judgement or ordinances as translated here are to refine our hearts for the Good that God's faith in us comes to life as from verse 90's Faithfulness.... PUS -Robby's story to illustrate

Psalms 119:91

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Hidden Treasures of the 119th Psalm. How fun we get to dig around in the 91st verse of the 119th Psalm. We get to dig for counsel in the heart section, the lamed section of the 119th Psalm.

How fun is that? And actually, when you look at these verses, you have to kind of combine verse 90 with verse 91 in order to see where the psalmist is going. So I'm going to read 90 and then 91, which is today's verse, because they do go together most certainly. So verse 90, we talked about yesterday. Thy faithfulness is unto all generations. Thou has established the earth and it abideth.

91. They continue this day according to thine ordinances, for all are thy servants. So they continue obviously refers back to the faithfulness of God, which is a really good thing to know that they continue as that's just absolutely critical. And it says according to thine ordinances is the way it's translated in English. But that word ordinances is that misfit, that idea of judgments that we've talked about.

It's one of the 10 words, which by the way, I've updated the PDF with my new understanding of the Bakutem. And so that's there in the show notes. If you go to, by the way, I've added a new link where you can look at the verse at the episodes with the show notes.

So you might see that at But anyway, those 10 words, one of those is the misfit. And the idea of these misfit is critical to understanding this verse in my view. So it says all are thy servants, meaning that all the ordinances are a servant, but in some ways all I mean, literally, all are thy servants. And so, you know, the way I've thought about this is interesting when you look at this idea of judgment, we've talked about it before, that it's literally a pay, you know, right next to a tete. In other words, the idea of the presence of God looking for goodness. Well, when you think about the presence of God, and especially when you look at the idea of misfit, you have this idea of a mem, which means, in this case, more fire.

Because that S is the shin. And so you got like this fire, that's God's judgment. But that is turning things to good.

That's the way that fire works, right? That it is going to refine us for good. So, you know, I think it's no coincidence, when I think about my own conversion, right? I didn't come to Christ until I was 36 years old.

And I was in the car business. And I found myself, as I think most new believers do with a target on their back, they didn't have before. And in other words, you didn't have an enemy because Satan was not your enemy when you were on his side. And once you come into Christ, all of a sudden you have a target on your back you didn't necessarily have before. But this is actually part of God's judgment. He is in the business of refining us, right?

And heating things up, just like your body heats up to get a fever to kill the viruses. Well, I can remember wasn't long after I came to Christ, I got fired in a really strange way. I mean, it was just too bizarre to even think about how it happened. I was the general manager of the most profitable store in the crown organization and had gone really well. But unfortunately, the owner who owned the whole chain, son in law, had an affair on his wife, which caused this huge shift in all the management, because he couldn't have his son in law who he now despised in the same city with him. But he didn't have much choice because his son in law owned all this stock and in his Honda store there in Greensboro.

So I had the other Honda store, of course, the most profitable one. So his move was to put his son in law into the into the store that I had and to move me and and the where he moved me was under somebody that didn't just came into the organization. And he was extremely, I don't know, he would even admit to this day that it was extremely worried about how strong that I was. And then if he kept me around, he wasn't going to be able to be my boss anymore. And so essentially, he fired me. Although, you know, that may sound a bit vain. I did, you know, the God just gave me a blessing to be able to sell a lot of cars.

He just did. And I'm really thankful for that. And I kind of when I look back at that situation, I remember just saying, God, I don't understand, you know, I'm going to church, I'm getting lost. And now I saw this happening to me, you know, and interestingly, the way it worked in my life was that, I mean, almost immediately, I wasn't without a job for two or three days. And I got a call to come to Winston Salem to even better position that was more money.

And the president of what became Bob Neale, Christ will come a cheap eagle, which I've told that story on the air many times. But there were several things just right off the bat, right, that, I mean, here came this, losing my job, and having to move, and going through all this turmoil that moving does. And then it was long thereafter that, you know, I had cancer and several other things that were clearly just heating up my fever in order to get rid of the viruses, right, and to purify us in judgment. But the point still gets back to that what God is after in all this judgment is goodness, right? Because at the end of the of the idea of misfit, the reason why it's, it's ends with that T, you're right, remember, we did that whole section on the Tet, and it's goodness, right, teach me good judgment, knowledge, all those verses that had to do with goodness. And the idea of all this stuff is working together for good, right. And so all that appears to be going on that are shenanigans are actually working together for good, to purify everything is a fire that's burning.

And that's what his judgments are. And interestingly, the psalmist clearly knew that. And so, you know, I love this verse that part of God's faithfulness is he's faithful to discipline is he's faithful to allow fires and trials in our lives in order to bring out the goodness that's there that he knows is there he has faith in you that you can undergo the things that you are struggling with. And so, in this idea of counsel, I mean, how much do our hearts need to know that, that God is faithful, like, like we just talked about, but they are hearts need the counsel of, look, as you go through these judgments. God is bringing out the good. Look for the good. It's in there like prego spaghetti sauce, spaghetti sauce. I assure you that, that God is after something with every all or his servants is the way this, this, this, this verse reads. And I think it couldn't be more true as we look more into the lamed section, the heart section of the 119 Psalm. Thank you so much for listening with me today.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-07-06 19:56:32 / 2023-07-06 19:59:50 / 3

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