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Psalms 119:90 - Understaning For The Heart That Goes On

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
December 20, 2021 9:03 am

Psalms 119:90 - Understaning For The Heart That Goes On

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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December 20, 2021 9:03 am

Psalms 119:90 This year I made my Christmas wreath out of Franklin Fir branches. I really like a wreath of Franklin.

The Understanding our hearts need in the second verse of the Lamed section, God is Faithful to all generations - Robby shares a story along those lines

Psalms 119:90

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Hidden Treasures of the 119th Song. Oh, I love these heart verses in the lamed, that lamed letter meaning the heart. And so, you know, from King David's point of view, we're talking about a wholehearted individual here. He's sharing with us in these lamed verses, you know, what the wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge and fear of the Lord would be when it comes to your heart, because those are the anointings of the Holy Spirit that we learned about in Isaiah 11.

And so as we go through each of these sections, we get an idea of how to do that. So what is our heart need as far as wisdom? And it's really cool that their word is established in the heaven. In other words, our hearts know that what a wonderful thing that they just know that, you know, God's plan is working out here is everything's going to be good. You know, if that can make the journey from my head to my heart, that's specifically the wisdom that my heart needs.

So what would the understanding be? And so we're going to go ahead and read this is verse 90 that we're talking about today. And it would be the understanding verse of the lamed, or the heart. So thy faithfulness is unto all generations, thou has established the earth, and it abideth. We need our hearts desperately need to know that God is faithful. In other words, he believes in you, he has faith in you.

He has faith in your children, he has faithful to he is faithful to all generations, our hearts need to know that God has faith, he believes in us. Right. I mean, this is absolutely just beautiful. And it is more than true that he established the earth. And it does abide. I mean, it is there just like we are to abide where where you can abide is in your heart. And so our understanding would be this, that God has faith. I mean, this is a beautiful, amazing understanding that he has faith in you.

He has faith in your generations. So an example of that is, I thought about this beautiful example, actually, when we do the masculine journey boot camps, sometimes we do something called listing prayer, which is essentially that we break off in groups of, you know, seven or eight people. And then we all listen, everybody in the group to see if God wants to speak over somebody that's in the group. So we all listen for a name.

And as we hear that name, and we all agree that that's who God wants to speak over, then we start to listen, what does God have to say over this person. And it takes a lot of faith, obviously, obviously, to go into this exercise. And it's always a very awkward thing.

It's very uncomfortable. But I can't even begin to tell you all the fruit of it. But this one time we were at the North Carolina Boys Academy, which is a sort of a drug and alcohol rehab place for for young teenagers. And these boys that were, I don't know, they were 14, 15, or 16.

And somewhere in that neighborhood. And here we have a group of them, there was a couple older guys leaders with me. And for whatever reason, God put it on our hearts to do that with these younger people. Well, when these boys were sitting there and supposedly listening for God, if I hadn't experienced this, I would never have believed it for the first 15 minutes, all they did was laugh. They just laughed hysterically. And every time you know how kids get tickled, and they can't stop laughing. Well, every time they and they apologized, I'm so sorry. And then they'd laugh again, and they'd laugh again. And the whole time they're laughing, I'm just praying, God, where are we going with this?

I, you know, do you want me to just, you know, clearly, this isn't something that they they feel is real. And so as it turned out, after like that 15 minutes, it started to happen. And one of them said, Well, I'm hearing, I don't recall the boy's name, but they he heard the name. And then one of the leaders heard the name.

And I confirmed that that was the name. And the next thing you know, all these boys started speaking over this other young man, which was absolutely amazing, that in itself, and and, you know, I could see that this was awkward as it could be for them, but they were doing it. But what happened afterward is what blows my mind, because we, you know, probably spent 2030 minutes speaking over this young man. And then, one by one, the boy started coming up to me, we were supposed to be in a break.

But the first one came to me. And he said, Can I talk to you in private? And I said, Yeah. And so we go over and his, his question to me was, I mean, I clearly heard that name. And then I clearly heard, did I really hear this? Was that really God? I mean, I heard, you know, and he was just in awe that he had the ability to hear from God. And then he went into his whole story, I mean, sharing all of why he was there and what he'd experienced and, and, and, oh, my goodness, how he felt as a response. In other words, he felt like God would talk to him. In other words, God had faith in him. And he first begin to sense that.

And what a huge difference it made in his life. Well, he no more, you know, walked away, or I may have been talking to him when the second boy walked up. And he had exactly the same question. Mr. Robbie, do you really think that was God talking to me?

It was almost identical experiences. I said, Yeah, I mean, did you hear it? I mean, yeah, because the boy started making reference to things that they were saying that they would not have known, unless God had told them. And so it was, it was a miraculous thing that they had witnessed, and that they had heard out of their own voices. And it was one of those visits, but couldn't that I feel like God, you know, showed up and made it made a real impression. And so, you know, we talked for maybe 2030 minutes, and I walked away from them, then the third boy comes over.

And it was exactly the same thing. He goes through, you know, did we really hear this? And then he tells me his whole story, how he just and I remember, he was a little bit older than the other boys. He was 18. And he was telling me, you know, what had happened with his father and all sorts of things, that that clearly what you see there. You know, I thought, and I'm sure much of the team of masculine journey thought, well, these boys are just too young to really take part in this listening prayer exercise.

Like, oh, my goodness, I mean, I feel bad even call it exercise, because it's a percuitum. I mean, God showed up, he showed up big time, and he impacted lives for eternity. Right. And when people hear from God, and they they're in that type of prayer thing. It's absolutely amazing. And so this verse is precious to my heart. It just is because I know, right, that God's faithfulness is to all generations, thou establish the earth and it abideth.

I mean, how cool is that? So how fun our hearts need that. And this is what King David knew. That understanding is absolutely amazing. And I can hardly wait to share next verse with you next time. Thanks for listening.
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