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NRB Classic Interview from 2014 with Larry George & Faith Radio Uganda

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
November 28, 2021 5:00 am

NRB Classic Interview from 2014 with Larry George & Faith Radio Uganda

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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November 28, 2021 5:00 am

How fun to be with my old friend Larry George with Siloam Missionary homes at the NRB in 2014

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World Mission Report and I can tell you it's so cool to be here at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention because you come across your stander there and all of a sudden here's Daniel from Uganda and Daniel has such a neat Ministry Faith Radio there you talk about taking your passion and using it for the kingdom. How about Faith Radio in Uganda and so Tell us a little bit about Faith Radio Yes, Faith Radio is a radio station based in Eastern Uganda in a small town called Bali and it is run by Impact Ministries Uganda and Impact Ministries Uganda is overseen by Pastor Patrick Okabe who is actually my dad and you know I'm a pastor's son and Faith Radio and the radio voice you can hear that that he must have trained you early how to get that full volume Yes, I actually used to be involved in radio ministry I used to work at Faith Radio in Uganda for about two years before I moved over to the United States to get my training in radio broadcasting and I used to run a children's talk show on how children's rights can be respected because we've had a lot of Incidences where a lot of children in Uganda are still abused today So that was my show would bring in kids from different schools and different churches and we'll just interact and share with them so Faith Radio reaches an area of about 10 million people and we broadcast the gospel We are ministry oriented and we we feel it's time to just pray the gospel and share what God is doing In Uganda and also to just touch people's lives and I understand from from my friend Larry George who doesn't place missionaries call home on a network that you have There's somebody by the name of stripes and there's a there's a neat story of how God works through that.

Yeah You share that with us. Yes, actually stripes is The man who led my dad to Christ and that was way back in the 70s Stripes was an 80 year old man who used to walk, you know We didn't have we don't even up to today people still walk very many miles to get food or to to go to different places, so Stripes ministry was he used to walk and Spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. He would go to the market would go to the villages and just Spread the gospel and this was an 80 year old man who walked all the way around and his real name was not actually stripes stripes was actually a nickname because Every time I would preach the gospel of Jesus Christ are the soldiers of Idi Amin I'm sure many of you have heard of Idi Amin way back then in the 80s and Idi Amin soldiers used to beat him up every time every time they would meet him they would beat him up because he was spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and The that was a time when Christianity was under a lot of persecution from the rebels and lots of rebel activities But stripes was a man who never gave up preaching the gospel. He went to different villages one thing to get beat up now I'm not 80 yes, but getting beat up when you're 20 and getting beat up when you're 60 Yes, you know what I'm talking about Larry It's the first in the average age of a person's 50, but God kept him alive until he was 80 to lead your dad to Christ Yes to lead my dad. Well you ain't got it.

We'll get to that. We'll get that don't get in a hurry Larry Yes, so stripes is getting beat when we left our hero stripes. He's getting beat up. Yes, and and what happened and he kept preaching you know he never gave up his main goal was to spread the gospel and People fed him as he preached and walked miles and there was a time finally The soldiers of Idi Amin were just fed up with this man They never wanted to kill him because he's an old man. You know what would that do and they decided to One of the commanders used a gun batch You know the front of the gun and broke all his teeth And they beat him up and broke all his teeth because they thought you know if he had no teeth then maybe he might give Up and stop preaching, but even after taking out his teeth stripes kept preaching the gospel he kept walking and preaching the gospel and At that time my dad you know way back then we used to marry at very arranged marriages It's still arranged marriages today my dad got married at about 18 and my mom was I think 15 and they got married and were living a very tough life my dad was a fisherman and I life was not easy life was not easy So he gave up he gave up with life and decided to drink a lot and his life was torn apart But that those are times stripes when my mother was giving birth to our firstborn son who actually I've never met met before because he died at a very tender age and stripes went to our home and brought commodities like basic needs like soap sugar for the little child and for my mom and He led my mom to Christ. He told my mom about how the rebels you know Mistreated him and just what he has been doing and my mom was touched so the next time he came and My dad was actually sober and searching for hope and he told my dad about Christ and my dad became You know a Christian 28 years ago And I started serving the Lord joined became a youth pastor of a church there and at that time when he was the youth pastor At the senior pastor of that church was actually attacked by the rebels of Idi Amin and he was killed So my dad was actually made the senior pastor and they started hunting for my dad And you know the rebels wanted to kill my dad many situations where they wanted to take his life away But they decided to run away from northern Uganda because stress very tough there and they moved on to eastern Uganda where there were refugee camps and those refugee Camps were where all these people from the war-torn areas were being looked after and at that time There was a group of Christian missionaries from Britain who came and? visited the refugee camp and my dad was the leader of the community leader of that camp and they got fascinated by my dad's story and the Sponsored him to go and study a diploma in in a Bible school in our town in Bali and later on sponsored him father head he went for a bachelor's degree and Sponsored him to go again for a master's in Kenya where we all went with him, and he came back to Uganda He decided to come back to Uganda and serve and they made him the principal of the Bible College in Uganda and now you got faith radio, and you know here's this man Yes, taking a beating for the gospel yes everywhere and and look how God has blessed that and now blessed you Daniel And you're here at the NRB and how can people connect and pray for faith radio, Uganda? Yes, we would love you to keep praying for the work of God in Uganda And you've got there's been a great revival in Uganda And many churches people are looking to God at the only hope because when somebody comes to church without food and Brings this only chicken to give us off atari It just shows that you know the gospel is growing there And people just have the faith and we'll just want you to pray for us that you know more people will be reached With the gospel and one of our main goals is to expand our radio We are trying to get our tower on top of the mountain so that we can reach more People for the gospel, and yeah, we just need your prayers And you can also come and visit Uganda some with us or you go on the web They do impact ministries not o RG. Yes impact ministries, Uganda Yes, that or RG. Yes, wonderful great having you on today Daniel. What a blessing what an honor To see what God's doing in Uganda Amen yeah, thank you great
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-07-16 15:39:54 / 2023-07-16 15:43:16 / 3

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