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Eternal Warranty

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
September 18, 2021 12:17 pm

Eternal Warranty

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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September 18, 2021 12:17 pm

Robby is joined this week by his good friend Jerry to discuss how you can enter an eternal warranty with God.

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Hi, this is Roy Jones with ManTalk Radio Podcast. Our mission is to break down the walls of race and denomination. Your chosen Truth Radio Broadcast will be starting in just a few seconds. Thank you. This is the Truth Network.

You get the Ginsu knife, the matching carving fork, the versatile six-in-one kitchen tool, a set of six steak knives, and the spiral slicer. You get them all, guaranteed in writing for 50 years. Welcome to the Christian Car Guy radio show.

I say this calls for action and now. Eternal warranty today. I don't know if you've ever thought about that concept, but an eternal warranty today on the Christian Car Guy show.

And I've got my good friend Jerry, my Christian Body Shop guy with me here. So eternal warranty, that sounds like a deal, doesn't it, Jerry? Yeah, eternal part, yeah.

It's better than the Ginsu knives, man. Eternal, better, what, 50 years? Is that what it said? Yeah, forever and ever. So that was the English concert choir doing the Hallelujah Chorus.

And I hope if you were driving, you didn't try to stand up, but... Please don't. But today's show is brought to you, as always, by Hebrew Letter. And today, really cool. I think you're really going to enjoy this as we dive into the Hebrew Letter, Vav, which is just a straight line coming down. And you might remember those old Ginsu ad knives, right? Buy these knives now, and there's more. And we'll throw in the slicer. And there's a six steak knives.

And there's more, a 50-year warranty. Well, those ads worked really well. That's why you heard so many of them back then. And the reason it worked, it's actually a biblical principle that's based on the Hebrew Letter, Vav. So, King David, you may know, in the 119th Psalm, spent eight verses on each letter to try to show us the wisdom and understanding and the principles of each of these letters. And so, when we get to the Vav section of the 119th Psalm, right, it really is a picture of what this line, what this letter means. And the idea of the Vav is, and there's more, right? And there's more. And so, when you put a Vav after something, you're saying there's more coming, or there's a continuation, or and.

And so, when each verse, obviously, of the 119th Psalm starts with the corresponding letter that it's in, so each letter of the Vav section starts with a Vav, so guess what? It's a continuum. And as you go through these particular eight verses, you get, and there's more. Paul Harvey would say, and the rest of the story.

Right. And so, it's really a really beautiful thing. So, the whole section itself is a continuum on the hei, which was the previous letter, but we're not going to go into that right now. So, the first verse says, let thy mercies also come, which it actually starts out with also in Hebrew, because it's a continuum. And it says, let thy mercies come also unto me, even thy salvation. Now, we've talked about this before, but if you hadn't heard previous shows, the word salvation in Hebrew, it's going to sound really familiar to those of you who love Jesus.

It's Yeshua, okay? In this case, it's teshuva. And so, when you hear that word, salvation, well, Jesus in Hebrew is salvation.

I mean, the same thing. And Christ means the anointed one, but Jesus is first name. I always say that. But anyway, Jesus is Yeshua, or salvation. And so, when he said, let thy mercies come also unto me, which is sort of this loving kindness hesed word that's in Hebrew. And then he says, and he continues it, and there's more, even thy salvation.

Right? He's saying, there's more. Well, I have to tell this story, because it blows my mind. There's a fabulous Hebrew teacher, a rabbi in Canada by the name of Mendel Kaplan. And I watched hours and hours and hours of his teaching, because he knows the Torah like nobody I've ever seen.

He teaches on all this stuff. So, when he is teaching on this verse of the 119 Psalm, he is very transparent. And I gotta give him credit for not being opposed where he goes, I do not understand what this verse says.

Well, think about it. If you were a Jew, you wouldn't understand what this verse says. Right? And he was like, why would he double the word? Because he said, loving kindness and salvation is the same thing. Right? Because the challenge is, if you're Jewish, you don't understand what salvation even is. You don't even know, because you don't know Jesus. Right?

I mean, it's really a tragedy when you think about it. And even ask all the people, he said, give me an example out there. If anybody in the class can give me an example of somebody showing you a kindness, a hesed, that was not also salvation, that also didn't solve your problem.

Right? And that was all he was looking for, was a kindness that solved your problem, that solving the problem was more escalated because it had to be second, so it had to be a bigger deal than the kindness. And he couldn't, and all these people, they came up with stuff and he argued it. And this went on for 20 minutes in this particular thing of him trying to show that, see, it's saying the same thing.

Because you're leaning forward, Robbie, saying, I got the answer. Call on me. Call on me.

Call on me. Well, think about it. Let me give you the one that I thought of, maybe you got a better one, was how about Judas at the table? Right? Jesus washed his feet.

That was a kindness. But he didn't get salvation. Right?

I mean, terribly sad. Because what David is saying here is, I'm asking you to bring my salvation. Right? Now, he went on to teach this beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, and I'm going to talk about it later in the show, example of what the Midrash teaches on how what King David was really saying was, I know that I'm in the line of Jesus, I know that I'm in the line of the Savior, so I need you to bring salvation to my family, like my generations. And so he's trying to continue this on past himself.

Right? And so as he is going on, and there's more, right, and there's more, and he says, so shall I wherewith have an answer to him that reproaches me, for I trust in your word. See, he's saying, again, I've got answers why I'm spending so much time in your word, and take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth, for I've hoped in your judgments. And then listen to this fourth verse, which is the continuum of continuums. So, shall I keep thy law continually forever and ever.

And if you look closely there, it's a triple continuum that's based on a continuum itself. Darrell Bock So, continually, forever and ever, right? That's more than from infinity, that's way more than Buzz Lightyear ever thought about right there. So, continually, forever and ever, which is what King David knew based on this prayer that he had. My question is, since he knew that he was quoting Deuteronomy 4, 6 to an extent, that to keep the law was wisdom, okay? And he knew that from the law. And so, that's when he kept on saying, according to your word, according to your word, to keep the law is wisdom. So, and if you know, Jesus is wisdom, and the law is Jesus, and so to keep Jesus forever and ever and ever is, oh, by the way, wisdom. So, my question to you today is, I've really just been pondering this, because obviously I want my kids to have it and my kids' kids to have it, and it's on us, right? We're just one small part of a big sweep of history that's coming on, and how do we get this eternal warranty? So, how do we keep His word? How do we keep Jesus?

Eight, six, six, three, four, eight. I'm not kidding. This is not rhetorical. I'm really wondering, you know, your wisdom. How do you perceive that I am going to keep Jesus continually forever and ever? That's a continuum there, Jerry. Yeah, and then, you know, we start breaking it down.

How do I pass that on? Because our lifespan here on earth that we're able to do that, then we see the glory of God by doing that, but then those we leave behind or those we come in contact with, how do we continue that chain? And boy, we came on the air.

One of the things I just thought about as Robbie was talking about this was, I love Josh McDowell when he kind of sort of put this in focus for me, sort of the polar opposite of what we're talking about is, well, he teaches on how just one generation can lose Christianity, you know. And so we're the ones in the gap. We're the ones that have to fill the gap today. Right, we have to keep it. And so, you know, here's our opportunity. And again, it's an eternal continuum like Wowser's.

This is way beyond anything that I have or can think of. We would love your insight. 866-348-7884, 866-34-TRUTH. Again, we're talking about the VOV section, the 119th Psalm. It's verse 41 through 44. So as I mentioned, he had a beautiful understanding, Mendel Kaplan did, and I hope you all are praying for him. I pray for him all the time. Like, God, I'm hoping someday I can actually call him and feel like, you know, God's giving to me, because I keep praying. Like, should I call him and bring this up? Because, you know, just have a real discussion with him, because I have just so much respect for him.

But he has a beautiful understanding of how this happened with Jacob and Esau and Isaac when we come back. But more than that, I need your view of how you keep this. 866-348-7884. And oh, yeah, we're going to talk about Cora Wardy's too.

I couldn't help you. Well, yeah, we're going to go there. So stay tuned. So much more Christian Car Guys show coming up. Eternal warranty today on the Christian Car Guys show. What does that mean to you?

I hope you have your eternal warranty. And we're working on that whole thing, and today's question I'm asking is, you know, is wisdom accorded to Deuteronomy to keep the law or to keep Jesus? You know, same kind of concept there. But what do you do to keep it?

I mean, what does that look like practically? Well, how do you actually make that happen in your life in such a way that it's going to impact generations? Because here's what I—I hope a lot of you have seen the series that chose, and there's an app, you know, and a beautiful, beautiful series on the life of Jesus.

And there's some lines in there that have gotten down in my soul that I can't forget. And in the first episode of Season 2, they're in Samaria after the woman in the whale incident, and the disciples are going nuts, because they don't like Samaritans, okay? These people don't wear masks. They're not vaccinated. I don't know what the problem is.

Like the wrong kind of music, the wrong kind of color of carpet. And man, I mean, they are—and the disciples are going nuts on Jesus, trying to say, what are we doing? You know, these people are spitting at them, throwing rocks and all this stuff. And Jesus looks at them and says something that just grabbed my soul. He said, don't you understand what we are doing here will impact this community for generations and centuries.

Centuries. Actually, what He was doing right there with the disciples was going to impact the kingdom forever and ever, continually, from, you know, infinity and beyond, right? That it didn't have to do with the petty what have you. It had to do with, you know, loving these people and building the kingdom and understanding, really, what Jesus is and what the law is and those kind of things.

So I told you that there was a story I wanted to share, but I really want to know in your heart, how do you keep this stuff to the point that it impacts centuries later? So my friend, I just know him from video, my friend Mendel Kaplan, was, you know, trying to understand this verse, you know, the verse of, let thy mercies come also unto me, even I salvation. And he went to the Midrash and he found this teaching that was absolutely beautiful, which talked about, and I know you've never heard this story told this way, so, you know, what can I tell you?

It's other than this is the way they teach it. That you know the story of Jacob and Esau and that Rebekah, you know, had Jacob put on the hairy arm treatment, right? So he could deceive his father, Isaac, into getting the blessing. Now, the blessing is the forever and ever thing here. This is the eternal warranty, right? Because what we're doing when we're giving a blessing to the next generation is we're passing on the favor of God that you've had, okay?

I hope you're like me and you've enjoyed God's favor and you know what it means to have mercy and then salvation, okay? So now I have that, now I'm going to pass it on. So what they are looking, what Isaac was looking for in his two sons, because he had twins, he was looking for the concept of the Baal teshuva, okay? And Baal teshuva means a master, Baal, and teshuva means of return. Now what this concept is essentially the prodigal son, somebody that would get down in the ditch and then have the wherewithal to get out of the ditch and get their way back out. Well, from Isaac's point of view, Esau was the man.

He was out there in the woods, he could do this kind of stuff. But his other son was a mama's boy, you know? He sat in the corner and he studied or whatever he did, but from Isaac's point of view, he was not the man, right? So he was going to pass on his blessing to what he said was the man. But his wife, Rebekah, she knew from God that it wasn't Isaac that was the Baal teshuva wouldn't remake himself to be a man of God, it was in fact Jacob, right? And so she talks Jacob into doing the whole airy arm trick, right? Well, what you've always heard and what the way the Bible reads in the King James version is that when Isaac found out that he'd been tricked, he trembled.

Well, the Jews teach that word completely different. They say he was thrilled because he realized from their point of view that Jacob was a Baal teshuva. He realized, oh, he's not the little mama's boy if he could pull off this shenanigans.

I mean, just think about that. You know, that Isaac, according to them, he immediately realized and recognized God's providence, like, if this is happening, God must want the blessing on Jacob, which means that he is the Baal teshuva, which means he is the one that eventually will be like King David was. You see, King David went down in the ditch and he came clear back out. He was a Baal teshuva.

And he said, this is a big deal. And they know, the Jews do, that Jesus, the Messiah was going to be the ultimate Baal teshuva. And what a sad, sad commentary it is on life, from my point of view, that talk about the master of return.

How about return from the dead? I mean, talk about it. He had the entire sin of the world on him.

I mean, talk about getting down in the ditch. I mean, he was the serpent on the pole, right? He had the entire sin of the world on him. And when he returned from the dead, you see, he was the absolute Baal teshuva of all time, right? And when he returned from the dead, do you get the picture? Like, what they've been looking for the whole time, the blessing that's been returned. So now, the ultimate Baal teshuva, you've looked up at the pole, you've looked up at the cross, and you've accepted his salvation, his kindness, and his mercy, right? Now, how do we keep that, right? How do we take that on and on and on and on, practically? Like, you know, I want my kids. I want to pass on the blessing. I don't know how to pull off the whole hairy arm deal, but I know that it's really cool, and I think, you know, hey, my kids have potential.

Because they sure have gotten into enough trouble that I can see. So anyway, we've got so much more. But I want to know, how do you keep—come on, this can't be that hard. 866-348-7884. 866-34-TRUTH. We've got so much more coming back.

You're listening to the Truth Network and You get the Ginsu knife, the matching carving fork, the versatile six-in-one kitchen tool, a set of six steak knives, and the spiral slicer. You get them all, guaranteed in writing for 50 years.

To infinity and beyond! Eternal warranty today on the Christian Car Guys show, and, you know, this whole idea of how do you keep the law continually forever and ever? I mean, that verse is particularly challenging. It's verse 44.

There's actually a few words in it, and it says simply, so—and this is a promise from the psalmist. So shall I keep—this is a continuum to what all the other stuff that he's prayed for—he said, when you come through for me here, God, so I shall keep the law continually forever and ever. And so, just to break down those words for us all a little bit, which is helpful to me, the word keep there was originally, you'll find that in the Bible, where God told Adam to keep the garden. He told him to dress the garden, too. So there were two things he was told to do—keep it and dress it. And then, oh, by the way, those angels with the flaming swords that, you know, guarded the garden, they were to keep the garden, too.

So you get the idea that it has something to do with guarding here, but it also has something to do with engaging it. And the thing I think about was where Adam failed, right, was relationally—the thing I'll never understand, I guess I'll ask him when I get there, is what we were just talking about, Jerry, that the difference between understanding all this stuff—like, I'm telling you, my friend Mendel Kaplan, he understands it—woo, I mean, it's beautiful. But he doesn't have a relationship, you see? And if Adam had just turned and said, Jesus, I got problems here.

There's this snake, you know, or whatever. Right? Because to some extent, if you don't have the relationship in the midst of this, I don't know how you keep it. Yeah, I think that is the key. I mean, we can know it in the heart, we can know the scripture, we can be at church every Sunday, every time the door is open, we can be the one who at work is handing out the little pamphlets and stuff like that. But if we personally don't have that relationship, the world sees it as shallow, and it's not going to draw anybody to Christ. I think it's the same thing with our kids. I think just moving forward, you know, it's engaging them into getting involved and understand scripture and understand God's providence, understanding God's grace, understanding that God is in control. What have we been going through? God's still in control. But yet they need to see us living that and us having a relationship with our Lord and Savior, because that's really what all of a sudden, as you mentioned, you know, that's sort of the fuel, you know, that passes it on because of if we don't have that.

Right. Well, what looks encouraging about it? I kind of hesitate to tell this story because I hate to toot my horn, but it's just kind of what God did for me, and so I'm going to share it. So this year, I asked for my word of the year, like I always do. And I'm like, okay, God, what's my word of the year? And he told me, engage. I'm like, okay, I like that word. I've struggled with that my whole life. How does that work?

What is it? Am I going to engage in you, engage in work, engage, you know? And of course, he doesn't give you a lot of details, just gave me a word, and so we begin to pray, and every morning, I would get my, you know, I go and I ask questions. That's part of my relationship. I get in his lap, and I'm like, God, where are we going today? And so he starts having me memorize Scripture, and he started out with actually a 16th Psalm after I'd memorized the 23rd Psalm years ago, and then he wanted me to memorize the 16th Psalm, and now here I am in the 119th Psalm, so I'm going to be here for a while.

But nonetheless, as I have been memorizing this stuff and spending time with him, it's amazing how many times a day these things come to life. It's like, I'm listening to Mendel Kaplan, and he's talking about the relationship between hesed and teshuva, or the relationship between loving kindness and salvation, and I went, well, that's not the only place it is, Ken. I mean, you know, look at the end of the 13th Psalm, because King David said it there, too. He said, because he was getting all this grief from everybody that was bugging him, and he said, you know, but I have trusted in your hesed, in your loving kindness, and in my heart, I will see your Yeshua. I will see your Jesus. And see, he made the connection before, so it wasn't the first time that King David makes reference to this, and it's part of the deal, that as we, however we go about engaging God's Word, however he shares with you, which to me, has to do with the relationship, is I don't take any credit for this is what he told me. And so, as I do that, I can see it like, oh, man. And my prayer is obviously that my kids could have a chance to engage in it, as I have even more so than I ever did. Yeah.

And what your kids see, and all our kids see, is how we engage with our Lord and Savior, how we live it out, how our personal relationship is, because that's the fruit of it all. All right. Well, we have Trey is in Winston-Salem.

We want your call at 866-348-7884. Trey, how about it, buddy? How do you keep God's law? Well, you know, what does it say in the verse in there about the meditation of thine heart, you know, and as soon as I may not sin against thee, you know, I'm paraphrasing you. I can't remember the whole verse, but... Right. I've hidden my word in my heart that I will not sin against thee, right? That's right.

There you go. You know, I think what God's looking for, he's looking for repenters. He's wanting people to repent. He's wanting us to, you know, for there's not one righteous, no, not one. He's wanting people to see themselves, you know, what does that say? I think it's what that Corinthians says, examine ourselves, prove our own selves, lest we be reprobates in the faith.

You know, I think he's looking for people to do self-examination on their own selves and, you know, admit things and confess things, you know, to kind of go through there and do that. Robby, I'll tell you, I've been feeling wet. You know, people may laugh at this, but you know, I've been feeling like a spiritual wetness for quite a while, the past few weeks. I told my pastor the other day, I was talking to him about it and I said, I think, and this is, you know, a prelude to this, I said, I felt like I saw a man fall down in front of me. I said, I went outside the house, I said, I felt like I seen something. I said, and I think it may have been that. And then I noticed when I said, it was about the next day, he called me and he was beside another church member and he said a white powder stuff came and filled up his arms and the lady that was beside of him. And he said, we had the same thing.

And I said, you know, that's amazing. And then I started feeling a spiritual wetness. Robby, I believe that we're in the season of the flood coming, where God sent the rain down on the ark, you know, and he came through and I think we're experiencing the rainfall from God. I think he's had enough. I think he's had enough of the sin. I think he's had enough with people being disobedient with the law.

I think that people are doing their own thing and not adhering to what God is saying. And I think right now with this plague and stuff that's come on, I think God has done since the rain down and the flood waters are starting to rise up on the ark. And I think that's what's going on right now, because I've been feeling that spiritual rain coming down and I feel like that's what's going on. Darrell Bock Well, that's a good time to lean into Jesus, right? No better time than right now.

Greg Love I believe it is. I was talking to a preacher about it yesterday and I said, you know, I've been feeling that and we just got back from the ark trip and kind of do that and the world was the spirit and I was smelling that God aroma, the incense of the throne room. All that stuff was going on right before I got into the ark. We were looking at the monuments and all that stuff, you know. We were in Kentucky and it was just God knocking my socks off is what I told him. I said, you know, he was just really resembling something. Darrell Bock So you went to Ken Ham's ark experience up there in Kentucky.

Is that what you're saying, Trey? Greg Love Yeah, we just got back. Just, you know, we got back, I think it was yesterday there, day four yesterday. Darrell Bock Isn't it the ark experience? That's really cool. I bet he did knock your socks off right there. Greg Love Yeah, I'm going to tell you, Robert, we got up here and looked at those monuments, you know, as I was getting there and as I was going through looking at the monuments and it's kind of like a history type thing of the movement in the hand of God, what he's doing with creation.

It was just like I had the Holy Ghost killed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet and then I started smelling that fruity, flowery smell of the incense of presence of God. I said, oh my goodness, I said, God's in this thing. I said, he's tearing me up. And I told him, I said, I told him, I said, God's just smelling me. I said, I told him, I said, we get on this thing. I said, this thing, it may not sell on the water, but God will lift this thing up. I said, we might be going on up we get in there.

I said, I must take in the hand of God to come and flip this old boat on out of here. Darrell Bock I love your passion. I mean, that's awesome. Greg Love I'm telling you, Robert, it's just real, man. Darrell Bock It is real.

It absolutely is real. That's your, that's your spirit, you know, confirming his spirit. So we got to go to another break. But thank you, Trey, for calling in. You need to call in with how you keep the law.

866-348-7884, 866-34-TRUTH. We do have to get the car warnings. Sooner or later, we got to do it. So we're going to get there.

Hang on. Eternal warranty today on the Christian Car Guys show. And you know, the beautiful part of verse 41, when you think about it is, let thy mercies come also unto me, O Lord, even I've, excuse me, I meant verse 44 is what I wanted to say. So I shall keep thy law continually forever and ever. So it's not just a matter of keeping it forever and ever. It's keeping it continually forever and ever.

And, you know, wow, that's quite a warranty. I mean, that was quite a promise that, that he made based on the things that he felt like he was seeing. And I keep working on that, Jerry, but I, you know, the continually part is really hard.

Yeah, it's hard for us sometimes to wrap our mind around. And tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. So I do want to say that, okay, well, you got this idea of a finite world where there is a warranty and there's, there's, you know, the whole idea of perpetual emotions been out there forever. Like how do you get a car to run forever?

Well, they don't. Okay. And in the finite world, things wear out, even the sun is wearing out, you know, at some point, you know, all these things, you know, are, are in this state of, and so the idea of extended warranties came out, the manufacturers themselves started it, was they, you know, they would have a warranty for 12 months and then they would extend it for 36 if you paid extra. Right. And then, you know, at some point in time, they came out with all sorts of different kinds of warranties.

And so what happened was it was just a mass confusion and I think the mass confusion extends out to this day. And so I want to speak to it for a minute, and this is a finite issue, but nonetheless, in the car business, I came to understand that when a manufacturer gives you a warranty for something, they're saying that their vehicle is going to be free from defects in workmanship and material. That doesn't mean that they're going to fix something that wears out because that's not necessarily a defect.

Okay. And I'm, I imagine many of you have faced this very thing I'm describing right now. Well, it wore out, so it's not on a warranty because it's supposed to wear out. Well, of course it wore out. Your brake shoes wore out, so they're not on a warranty. You get the idea or, you know, of course you need another air oil filter or air filter because you know, those things where they were designed, that isn't a defect.

That's the way that it was meant to be. Now there's a big crack in the block while that's a defect. And so now we're going to cover that under the warranty for the period of time that it actually was. And that's what the original manufacturer warranties were. Well, when they went to service contracts or these what we are called extended warranties, which actually probably would be a better term of service contract or insurance policy because this is a completely different deal.

This is not, the manufacturer is saying it's going to be free from defects. This is saying if this happens to your car, you know, the engine lapsed it, dah, dah, dah, then they're going to repair it. And there's a deductible like any insurance policy and, and, and there's underwriting. Well, you know where these people come out and look at this claim to make sure that this actually happened and because it's an insurance claim. And so when you look at a service contract, it's not, when you're looking at what they call an extended warranty, it's not like the manufacturer's warranty. It's not handled the same way. They, the factory doesn't pay the claims the same way.

And so it's just a, it's a different thing. So just understand what you're getting into if you're buying one. Now, if you're buying one from someone other than their manufacturer, in my opinion, not a good idea. The key to that is understanding what you're buying.

I mean, fine print. So if I'm buying it from the manufacturer, the manufacturer has a reason, a motivation to take care of you because A, you're their customer and B, they don't want their product to get a bad rap. And so for them to fix your car makes them, it looks like, well, Ford's builds a good car because they stood behind it. Okay. But if you bought your warranty from so-and-so warranty company, they have no motivation, right? For Ford to look good or for GM to look good. In other words, you're taking away one of the primary motivations, not to mention those companies don't have the infrastructure that Ford has or Isuzu or any of these people that manufacturers that sell their own extended warranties. Okay. So I'm going to just go on record as saying it's been my experience, having been on both sides of selling them and, and getting the claims paid that the manufacturers pay their claims better than the independent companies. If you found that to be the same way, Jerry. Absolutely.

No matter what Ric Flair may say. And so then comes to the question, are they even worth it? Well, what I, it's fascinating to me, the people that least can afford them are usually the ones that need them the worst, right? This person that can't afford to be without their car and they don't have an extra $2,000 in their budget to put a transmission in their car, right? If something happens, they don't even have the credit necessarily to get that done on their car. Extended warranties, I've seen those things pay off for those kinds of folks that had that kind of financial crunch.

And that was huge. And that was, and so actually, you know, in my daughter's case, when she bought her car, knowing her budget and whatever, I recommended to my daughter, get, she bought a Chevy, get a Chevy, you know, General Motors extended warranty because if something like that happens, you're, you're covered, you know, you're covered, you got this. And so, you know, for this period of time while you're making payments on this car, because she financed it like most people for 72 months, you know, you're making payments and now what happens if something goes wrong with the car on top of that?

So there are times where I absolutely would recommend people buy a service contract, but when they do, I would recommend they buy it from the manufacturer and preferably the dealer that they're buying from the car from, because now in this case, my daughter bought that car from a Hendrick Chevrolet. And so not only does Chevrolet have a reason they want to fix her car, but Hendrick's, she's Hendrick's customers too. And so when she's in there getting, you know, there's two motivations there in order to get that car fixed, which I want everybody to feel like they need to fix my daughter's car, if that makes sense.

Absolutely. And, and yes, there is most assuredly an application to this when it, when it comes to, okay, right? Relationship. Are you picking, are you picking up on the inside track here? Right?

Because I have a relationship with Hendrick Chevrolet and because I have a relationship with Chevrolet, then they're more likely to take care of me. Well, God has, if you have a relationship with God and I, and I really think this is where, you know, if we just study, study, study, study the Bible without the relationship, we end up in a horrible place, right? Like you can have all the knowledge in the world, but knowledge puffs up, but love builds up, right? So how are you, how are you going to get the love without the relationship? Right?

And so I go back to what I think were some of the best words I ever was instructed, you know, my favorite advice, anybody was Norman Vincent Peale said, get up an hour early every morning, pray, there's the relationship, ask God to show you what this stuff means and then read it. Right. And, and the relationship along with, okay, the word's just full of him, right?

Jerry. Yeah. You know, talk relationships. I mean, that's how do we understand like what we've gone through any, any kind of crisis that, you know, we're talking about, we're living through a pandemic and all the political and, and uh, social issues and stuff. We can get bombarded that unless we have a relationship, we don't see God in that. It's that relationship that it doesn't change those circumstances as much as it changes us and our view of those circumstances. And that's, that's, that's beautiful when that we're allowed God to work through us that way.

It is. And I think that's the stuff, again, I want to be one of those guys that's building stuff for centuries. I want to be one of those guys that does it for generations, you know, and so I need a lot of wisdom. Well, Robbie, everyone that is listening this morning has that ability. They have somebody in front of them that they can build the kingdom of God with.

He wants to have that relationship and he wants you to read. So thank you for listening and spending time with us today. And now we got calls.

Never fail. But anyway, we would love for you to continue the conversation on our podcast where I've been doing the 119 Psalm. I have an episode come out every day. I've been taking this verse by verse, so you can check that out at as well as the Jesus labor love, car repair labor for Baal Teshuvah. Okay.

The prodigal ladies out there, single moms and widows. Thanks for listening. You're listening to the Truth Network and This is the Truth Network.
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