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Hidden Treasures of Psalms 119: Verse 29 - How Do I Stop Lying?

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
September 17, 2021 8:57 am

Hidden Treasures of Psalms 119: Verse 29 - How Do I Stop Lying?

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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September 17, 2021 8:57 am

Link to The Ten Words PDF

First the humility of the Dalet to admit we do lie, but then the faith to believe God can help me to not only stop but get on the path of Torah..

Psalms 119:29

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Hidden treasures of the 119th Psalm. Oh, what a whopper of a prayer we get to pray today as we're digging into the 119th Psalm, verse 29. Oh my goodness, this is the fifth of the verses in the Dalit section, and I think you'll agree with me that it takes an unbelievable amount of time.

Humility to pray this prayer, but it's it's a really good one. So before we get into that, I just want to say a few things that if you're just tuning in, or you've just been in this a couple of sessions, a couple of episodes, and you feel confused, it might be helpful to go back to the beginning of, you know, I, I started this with just the overall matrix of the 119 Psalm and, and the idea behind the eight verses and the different words that are repeated. And that might be helpful as well as, as coming along with this. But either way, I did place in the show notes, always the PDF of the different words so that you can see those in Hebrew, but also is my email address. And I would be so delighted for your feedback or your questions like Robbie, what did you mean by saying this?

Or maybe you think, Robbie, you're all wet with this. I would love that. I would absolutely love that because the last thing in the world I want to do is teach God's word wrong.

Wrongly or in any way, shape or form. So again, I put my email address in there would love your feedback and would love to have a discussion with you about anything that we've been talking about here. I'm so delighted that you personally tuned in and always just cool to see what God is doing. So this 29 verse seems on the surface extremely easy and it is.

And so don't miss it. It's extremely easy, but it's extremely hard. So the verse reads, remove from me the way of lying and grant me thy law graciously. Again, we're in the Dalit section, which has to do with the door of humility that leads us into spirituality. And how much humility does it take to admit we're liars? And the sad, sad, sad, sad, sad news is the person that we lie to the most is ourselves.

Right? Robbie, you're not going to be able to do that. You know, I know God's law says to do that, or I know that I'm not supposed to lie in this situation, but I'm under so much pressure. The lies I tell myself and, you know, John Eldridge teaches along this line that when we are lying, we're essentially agreeing with Satan and he locks in to areas of our lives as we put these lies out there, even if we're lying to ourselves, especially when we're lying to ourselves, I would suppose that then he has a right to that area of your life. And so if if you feel like, wow, you know, I looked at pornography yesterday, so I'm definitely, you know, the horrible sinner. I'm not going to heaven.

I've got no reason that I could possibly talk about God's word. Well, there are several lies in there and there are several things you need to. I've been there.

I've done that. And I certainly have needed the repentance, but I needed God to remove from me the way of lying and those lies that I'm telling myself. And then you got to love the second part of the verse. Now that we know that we're all liars, which we really are. It says, Grant me thy law graciously. How much do we need grace when we really confess that, oh, yeah, we're we we lie constantly and especially to ourselves. And if we can break those agreements with Satan, by the way, he no longer has that authority in that area. And so when you're aware of a lie that you've been telling yourself, just break it and say, I renounce that that's not true. Satan, you've got no area right here to work in because I am going with the law. Grant me the law graciously.

There's so much here that I could. Oh, my goodness. But the way of lying, when you look at that word in Hebrew, it's essentially the false path. It's it's the counterfeit which we often take. Unfortunately, it's not the way, so to speak, because we need the actual Derek of, you know, Jesus. There you go. He is the way. And so we can take away the false path.

Right. Then it says, Grant me thy law graciously. And I love the word grace.

I hope you do, too. And that word in Hebrew is so absolutely beautiful. At first, he says law and that word is Torah. And of course, that is Jesus. And so you're asking to get Jesus and he's full of grace. And so it only makes sense that those things go together. But that word grace after Torah there is the sense of planting the seeds of faith, that there's a hat, which means life, and then there's a nun, which, you know, means faith.

But it also is very much a seed. And then there's a yod and another nun, a final nun, actually, in the word graciously, which is a little bigger expression of than just the word grace. And so graciously, they add another yod and they add another nun to give you that real solid like this is this is planting seeds of faith. OK, which makes sense that if he's if he's granting us and the word grant is just it's just a letter in Hebrew.

Which is, you know, this kuff, which is this crown that's kind of coming down. And when you think about being crowned with the Torah. Oh, my gosh. How wonderful would that be? If he could take out of my life the false path, the lies that I don't tell myself, all those things. And if he could replace that with the truth. Oh, my goodness.

How powerful would that be? I mean, in so many different areas, in so many different ways. Right. He's giving us the key to salvation right here, by the way, that if we could just remove from us the way of lying and grant us by law graciously, which is all about what Jesus does. And the cool thing that really gives me hope. And the reason I want to pray this with you this morning is he wouldn't pray it if it wasn't possible. I mean, this is the word of God. And King David was under the spirit or thus almost was in the spirit of God when he wrote this. And so we know this is truth.

We know that it's truth that God can remove from us the way of lying and he can grant us the Torah graciously. I mean, what a what a promise and what a prayer. In fact, I prayed it for everybody I knew this morning because. And individually, because I just thought it's such a beautiful prayer, such a beautiful thing.

And I would point out that it is the fifth verse. We're certainly leveling up in humility. But you can I think you can see if we can open the door to the humility of all the lies that we really are telling, especially the ones we're telling ourselves. And then then God can remove those when we admit it. Right. And we get humble.

Then he can remove those and replace that with our truth. Those are my prayers for you today. And again, I would love, love, love your feedback. My email is there in the show notes. I would love your questions. Anyway, you want to communicate with me would just honor me. No end. So thank you for listening.
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