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How God Rolls

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
September 11, 2021 12:33 pm

How God Rolls

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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September 11, 2021 12:33 pm

On this 20th anniversary of 9/11, Robby discusses how God was seen and heard by many on September 11, 2001.


Hey, this is Mike Zwick from If Not For God Podcast, our show.

Stories of hopelessness turned into hope. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. Welcome to the Christian Car Guy radio show.

I say this calls calls for action and now. Where were you when the world stopped turning on that September day? Teaching a class full of innocent children, driving down some cold in her state. The earth trembled and the tomb began to shake. And like lightning from heaven, the stone was rolled away. And these dead men, the gods, they all stood there in fright. As the power of love displayed its might. Arise, my love. Arise, my love.

The grave no longer has a home. Welcome to the Christian Car Guys show. We've had some technical difficulties with my intro. So I hate that, but nonetheless, it is 9-11 and we're going to talk about how God rolls today. So how does God roll and what might that have to do with 9-11? And it's brought to you today by the letter Gimel. And the letter Gimel is a really neat word, a letter in the Hebrew language in that it is like the wheel. It's the beginning letter in the word roll.

It's also the beginning letter in the word wheel if you speak Jewish. And so you're going to understand more as we go on about why today's show is brought to you by the letter Gimel. And so as you remember 9-11 today, and I had some really neat music so you could do that, and hopefully we'll be able to get that in the bumps that we hear today.

Boy, we're just struggling this morning. So I just lost my headphones for a second, but now I feel better. So as we remember 9-11 today, I'm guessing like me, you have a testimony. I mean, you can put yourself there at 9-11. You might remember exactly what happened, and I don't think that's any accident that God sets up our minds that when some huge tragedy like that happens, that you can recall exactly what happened. It's almost like time stood still, like the world quit turning, which you would have heard in the music at the beginning. When you think about, or for me, when President Kennedy was shot, that very day, there are several images or moments, because it's interesting.

You don't remember days as much as you remember moments. And so maybe there are moments for you, like the day that 9-11 happened, and what would that have to do with the word rolling? Well, you're probably wondering that, but I would love to hear your stories, how you keep 9-11, especially the stories of how you saw God on 9-11, and this is a live show, so we would love for you to call in today and share at 866-348-7884, 866-34-TRUTH. So where were you when the world stopped turning, meaning time stood still and you took a snapshot? For me, I can tell you that I was still at the dealership at Westside Chrysler Dodge Jeep, and that morning seemed like any other morning, and we had a customer service lounge that sat right off the showroom floor, and so I was kind of looking at the TV through the corner of my eye, and all of a sudden it just appeared that this plane flew right into the Dagum World Trade Center, and I ran in there to see what had happened, and about that time, I mean within moments, another plane flew into the other World Trade Center, and I really thought, and I bet you did too, I was wondering, how in the world is this happening?

Are the air traffic controllers not at the wheel, or what are people doing that these planes are flying into the World Trade Center? And all of a sudden, when they said that this was an attack, and they started talking about the Pentagon and all those things, about that time my wife called me, and the day started to just become that place where the world stood still, and it was really interesting, as I had an affiliation with Truth Broadcasting at the time, and Stu Epperson and I were great friends, and Stu had wanted me, Greg Laurie was going to do a crusade in Winston-Salem that year, and we were supposed to have a meeting that day, September 11th, I remember it very well, and I drove onto that meeting, which I did not know they had cancelled, so when I got into Winston-Salem, because I drove from Mocksville, I was like, oh my goodness, you know, is this not going to happen? And so we saw the things pour in, and so again, as I'm relaying what happened to me on 9-11, I would love to know what happened to you on 9-11, 866-348-7, 884-866-34-TRUTH.

Well, shortly thereafter, I went to work for Truth Broadcasting, and I got the chance to interview people. So one of the stories that will always stick in my mind, I mean, it's just one of those things that I got to, I guess, be a witness to somebody who witnessed something, was I was interviewing a man that had gone in there to try to help all the victims in so many different ways, and he was a Christian, and there were a lot of organizations in there trying to minister to those people, and he said this person came out of the rubble, they were covered in the soot, and they were, you know, coming to this because there was a sign that spoke about their faith, and this man wanted to come to Christ, and he wasn't a Christian. And what he told them, you know, because everybody at the scene, according to this minister, was asking, why would God let this happen? Why would God let this happen? But what this man said as he came out of the rubble, wanting to give his life to Christ, is that he realized that without God, every day would be 9-11.

Like, wow! And I've never, ever forgotten that. Like, that was, that is my, I guess, testimony that I guard in my heart about 9-11, that I've never forgotten that this poor man, who was in the middle of the actual tragedy, which clearly I was not, but what he saw was a need for God, where so many were asking, how would God let this happen? You know, God called him in the midst of that, and I've always thought that was absolutely beautiful. So, we would love to hear your story today.

866-348-7884, 866-34-TRUTH. So, I guess you're still wondering, Robbie, what does, and again, if you'd heard my intro, you'd have got this, but you know, what does rolling have to do with 9-11, and what does it have to do with the Christian Car Guy show? Obviously, if you're the Christian Car Guy, rolling is a big, big deal to me. And so, in Joshua 5-9, I don't know if you've ever noticed this, but the Israelites are coming into the promised land, and God says something really amazing right here.

He says to Joshua, this day I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you. Wherefore, the name of this place is called Gilgal to this day. And as I mentioned, the letter Gimel is the letter that would be a wheel. In fact, it's a Gimel and then a Lamed, which means the heart. So, you've got kind of this foot and this heart, and interestingly, that means wheel. And so, no wonder we love our cars. I mean, there's obviously some connection to the rolling idea and to love, which that Lamed, when you hear the L sound, you think of, you know, love, but it also has to do with learning.

And so, it's interesting that wheel is involved in love, and it's involved in learning, and how exactly does that fit together? Well, King David, you know, gave us this whole Psalm 119 to go over all these letters. And interestingly, when he gets to the Gimel section of the 119th Psalm, he gets down to verse 22, and he quotes God from Joshua 5-9, and he says, Roll away from me reproach and shame, for I have guarded thy testimonies. So, I don't know about you, but I didn't know what the word reproach meant. Do you know what the word reproach means, Sean?

I do not know. Well, this is going to help you, and when you see that it's been rolled away, it's really good. Reproach is that look that your dad would give you when you brought home the report card with the C's and D's on it, okay? You probably never did that, but I did.

A few times, every now and then. And so, when you bring home something, or, you know, your dad had that look, okay? And when you got that look, you knew that things were, you know, and I hope you had a father figure in your life that would give you some sense of what reproach is, but reproach is that look. And believe me, King David wanted that look rolled away, as do we. You know, I had this real agreement I had to break my life, that I was a disappointment to my father. And it was interesting all the years I lived under that, because we need it rolled away. Well, you may know that Jesus, the stone, right? It got rolled away at the tomb.

And so, if you look in there, your reproach is not in there, and it has everything to do with testimonies, which has to do with 9-11, and I'm just shocked. I haven't gotten any stories yet, so I'm hoping for yours. 866-348-7884. 866-348-7884. Thanks. 866-408-7804. How God rolls today on the Christian Car Guys show, and we would love, love, love to hear your story of how you remember 9-11, especially how you saw God in 9-11, whatever that felt like.

And there's a reason for that. It has to do with the word testimony, and we're going to get a lot into that, but I just, you know, I would really be blessed, and it certainly is representative of God's power. Like, when we cherish up these things in his heart, your story of what happened for you on 9-11.

866-348-7884. You know, I put it together sometime this week because I'm not too bright. I said, wow, it's been 20 years.

20 years! And my wife has a friend who teaches school, who posts these cute things on Facebook, and she posted that one of her students asked her, said, were you alive on 9-11? And her teacher, you know, of course, you know, oh yeah, I was alive. And she goes, you were? That's epic!

You're a hero! And so I bet you listening were alive on 9-11. And so what do you remember? What do you remember God doing? And I don't know if you recall, but so many people flock to churches like they hadn't in years and years and years as a result of those events. And what does that exactly mean and why is that?

So 866-348-7884, I would love to hear your story. And as we're talking about rolling, of course Christian Car Guy is all about rolling. And, you know, very specifically, we're talking about verse 22 of the 119th Psalm, where King David said, and I know for so many the translation they have does not say roll away from me.

They're approaching shame or reproach and contempt. But believe me, if you look at the Hebrew there, it's Gilgal, okay? And it's Gal, and it has to do with that letter Gimel, and it has to do with this whole idea of rolling away reproach, which is that disappointment on your father's face, and shame that King David was experiencing. And he is trying to teach throughout this section 119 Psalm on this letter Gimel, and how important the letter Gimel is as he is going to, you know, share with us the importance that Jesus, the stone was rolled away, the tomb was empty, and the reproach that the Jews felt, right, as they came out of Egypt, and here God promised him. He said, I'm going to roll away the, in Joshua 5, 9, it says I'm going to roll away the reproach and the shame. And again, there's an interesting part that King David gives us, you know, sort of a commentary on it. He says, for I have kept thy testimonies.

Well, that word testimonies in Hebrew has everything to do with being an eyewitness or witnessing to something and remembering something. And I'm sure you might realize that we do these things to this very day. We remember the moments that we saw God show up in our own lives. And when we do, we're not unlike King David. We want to guard these things because it helps in actually rolling away our reproach and shame.

So we want to talk about that, but obviously we're very thankful for your calls, and we're anxious to get you on the air at 866-348-7884, 866-34-TRUTH. So when King David is sharing this whole idea of the gimel, he starts out in verse 17, deal bountifully with thy servant that I may live. And that word deal bountifully starts, that bountifully word, as you might imagine, starts with a gimel.

Because every letter, every, excuse me, verse in the 119th Psalm starts with that letter gimel. And that word bountifully actually means weaned. And so the idea of weaning is that you're going to be nourished until you're ripe.

And so when you're taking in milk and those kind of things, I apologize, there are just several technical things going on that I'm struggling with today. But anyway, when you're trying to wean somebody, what you're going to do is you're going to nourish them until they're ripe. And so when we get to this gimel section, the idea of the letter gimel is it's this rich man running after the poor man to give him what's been stolen. And so it's cool to me that here we have the rich man is asking, I'm remembering we have King David and you couldn't, you know, at the point in time that this is, you know, he's about as rich as it would come in the place of Israel, but he's asking God here to deal bountifully with thy servant that I may live and keep thy word. And so what he's asking actually is to get more and more and more of the word. And so as he's getting the word from God, he's getting to the point where he would hopefully become, you know, nourished to the point of being weaned and come off milk, right? I mean, like so many times Paul says that, you know, you get from the milk of the word, you know, to switch over to the meat of the word.

And so it's kind of cool that King David is here, you know, when he gets to the gimel section is switching from meat to milk. And so he's asking, you know, that if you could do that for me, God, I would be able to, right, keep thy word, which is all about the 119 Psalm very, very much. And so as he's building on this concept, right, he comes down because the challenge with the gimel is it also is the beginning of the word pride.

I mean, because as people get more and more stuff, they get more and more puffed up. And thus, you know, when you get to verse 21, King David says, Thou hast rebuked the proud and cursed, which do err from thy commandments. In other words, he's talking here that what's happened is we've given so much stuff that they've become proud. And so that's what sets up verse 22, which is where we're getting to the roll away part, okay?

And again, if you're like me, and you've had that situation, or you've disappointed your father, or disappointed that man in your life, you're looking for him to roll away the stone, and the testimony part comes strongly into that. 866-348-7884. I think we might be having some kind of struggle with the phones, but please keep calling. We need your calls. 866-348-7884. How God rolls today on the Christian Car Guy show, and we are talking about remembering 9-11 at the same time, thinking about testimonies, and we'll get to why that is here shortly. But we would love your calls on remembering 9-11, specifically maybe where you saw God in that.

866-348-7884 is the number to call in and share. We got Ann, who is my good friend Ann Alt in Charlotte. Ann, you're on the Christian Car Guy show. Hi there. Good morning.

It sounds like there's a few technical issues going on. Welcome to live radio. Yeah, welcome to live radio, and it's kind of been one of those days, but nonetheless. I know. It's interesting, because I wasn't going to call in, but I thought, well, I'll give it the old college try, but I have a heavy heart, to be honest.

And the way you're talking about the reproach, and let it roll, and wanting it to roll away. And for me personally, actually, I was asleep. I had stayed up till 3 a.m., writing out the end of my new brochure. And at the end, I had suggested Kingsgate Studios for Christians to come together and have a big studio system like MGM, you know, or it would only be at Newgate Studios or something like that, MGM. And I felt that heavily in my heart, that God wanted Christians and media to unite. And that was, so I went to bed, and I was married at the time. And my mother called us a few hours later and said, you know, a plane ran into the building, you know, flew to the building, and we just thought it was like a little plane. It's that inability to grasp the horror of what was about to happen. And so literally, we went back to sleep. I hate to say it, because, you know, we thought, oh, isn't that a shame?

But that was about it. And just that and that just that inability. But I think what what has hit me more more than anything is, you know, the unfolding of the horror, you know, and, you know, then my brother, Jimmy, was the fireman paramedic ended up at the Pentagon, you know, the end hearing the story of let's roll, you know, that kind of courage. It really hits me. That's why I wasn't even going to call him because I knew I'd get emotional about it.

It's just my dad was in the military and so on. So I have a real heart for this sort of thing. But but also it has occurred to me through the years, God, was this your call? Was this your reproach on America? I mean, we have to look at that.

And because God had did judge nations over the years. And I know we want it to roll away. And even more now more than ever, God help, help, please help us to roll this away to come back to you in earnest. And that's the way that's what has left me. It's just like I to remember when Kennedy was shot and I and I, I remember in being in college and walking down a path and just blind horror again. But this was the unfolding. Darrell Bock You remember that the feeling that time kind of stood still like you can remember that you went back to see you remember the phone call about the small plane, like those moments are just embedded in our heads.

And the thing that it also strikes me in that really, as I was listening to you, I was thinking the answer that God gave you to your prayer. That media and Christians would come together in so many ways. And last night, as it would be, you know, the Kendricks brothers released their new movie, Show Me the Father.

And my wife and I went to that and oh my goodness. You know, they've done it again. And I can remember interviewing them when they did War Room. And I asked Alex, where do you guys get these ideas, you know? And he said, Ravi, he said, everybody has a lot of good ideas. But we can tell when we've got a God idea.

And when you if you'll take the time as we can, I hope you will to go see Show Me the Father with the Kendricks brothers. As you walk out of the theater, you're gonna go, okay, God was definitely in that. I mean, you can see that was a God idea.

And you can see why it was a God idea. Have you seen it in? No, but I want to.

Oh, yes, you do. If anybody I know wants to see it. But think about now, in 2001, they had not even done Flywheel.

Right? And so when I started the Christian Car Guys show in 2006, the second week I did my show, somebody asked me if I'd seen the movie Flywheel. And I ordered it and watched it.

And I was just like, oh, my goodness, this is unbelievable. So when they came out with Facing the Giants, you know, I jumped into all that. And think of what those movies that which led to other movies, you know, and other movies and how media really has taken on this.

And you feel some movement from media there. And when you interviewed that time, the Kappa Studios boys, you know, Paul Long and Brad Silverman, and how they felt, how Paul felt God was saying, which really touches my heart. I think that's why that interview that you did with them was so wonderful.

And it really touches my heart. They're gonna be on again today. Oh, give me a break. No, they are. We have a new segment in Kingdom Pursuit's called God in Hollywood.

And it's gonna be hosted by Brad and Paul. So yeah, you're gonna hear that. But just think about how God answered your prayer even.

You know, I just I put it together. Like he called me in the media from the car business. Yeah. In 2006, which definitely impacted you, Christian Car Guy Theater, all these things happened as a result of God.

You know, he has his servants. And it's hard for me to know, you know, what, you know, whether it's reproach or what it is that, you know, the whether it's COVID, or whether it's, it's, and all these things that we've seen in our lifetimes, that you just go, wow, this, this is clearly testing. This is clearly people turning back to God. This is this is clearly a call. So I'm so grateful for your call, and unbelievably grateful for your prayer that night. And I wrote it out.

I mean, I have it, I still have my old brochure. And I read that. And I realized, wow, what an exclamation mark from God. You know, what a horrible one, of course.

But still, if him saying come back to me, you know, don't let my reproach fall in America. And we need that now more than ever. And I'm just, I got goosebumps, all this that you're saying. Can't wait to hear Paul and Brad.

Yeah, they're coming up. So stay tuned. Well, thank you. And God bless. I'm so grateful for your call.

Definitely. Bye bye. Bye bye. So I know you got a story. 866-348-7884.

866-34-true. So why, after King David said, you know, roll away the reproach and contempt, for I have kept thy testimonies. What's the connection? And as Ann was saying, you know, those guys on 9-11, you might remember them saying, let's roll.

It's a fascinating word. But when it says, I have kept thy testimonies, well, what happened right before Joshua happened in 5-9, right? What happened in the other parts of Joshua 5 is that the Israelites were keeping the testimony actually of circumcision. And they were keeping a remembrance that God had given them to remember, right? And one of the remembrances we get to keep, and I'm sure that time stood still for everybody, was Thursday night, the night before the stone rolled away, right? Was Jesus said, remember me, right? And do these things to drink the wine and eat the bread. These were remembrances. And their testimonies, eyewitnesses to what actually happened.

And so when we are in communion like that, in our own way, we're keeping testimonies, which, again, allows us to roll away the contempt and allows us to roll away the shame. And so, very cool. I have my friend Clay is on in his 9-11 story. Clay, you're on the Christian Car Guys show.

Good morning. Well, God bless you, brother. Top of the sanctifying Saturday. He said, you know, we're coming up on a break, so if we have to put me on hold while that goes on, that's fine. You know, it's interesting that you're doing this, because I'm also listening to the ministry that's going to be going on until 3.30 this afternoon, the Chosen People Ministries. I'm really thankful to the Lord that things like this are happening, because yesterday, listening to Brother Steve broadcast live, you know, from New York and the people that he had on and talking about, we really—I guess I need to be put on hold, huh?

Yeah, we do, but that's all right. We'll be right back. We need your call. 866-348-7884, 866-34-TRUTH.

We'll be right back. And how God rolls today on the Christian Car Guys show. You know, and again, how God rolls—rolls away the stone is basically where I'm getting to, where he rolls away the shame and contempt, and—but also remembering 9-11 and those testimonies of how you saw God in the midst of that, 866-348-7884.

We've got one more segment to get you in, and we'd love to hear your story of what happened to you on 9-11, 866-348-7884. And for those of you who just heard the Focus on the Family Minute about Show Me the Father, I just have to say I'm sorry, but you know, based on what I just heard, they gave that show 4.5 out of 5 stars because there was a story in there about unwanted pregnancy. Well, they would give the Bible about a 4 out of—in family friendliness, okay? Just based on that rating, because I'm going to tell you, that is a 5-star movie for family friendliness if ever there was one. And I'm—you know, I just am—I'm just sitting there going, oh my goodness, you had your own president, Jim Daly, in the movie, and he did an outstanding job, and you guys rated 4.5 out of 5? I mean, are you kidding me?

I'm just like, oh, I'm a gasp. So please, I mean, don't miss that show based on Focus on the Family's rating, because that's just beyond horrible. But anyway, we have Clay is still with us.

I'm sorry, Clay, I don't rant very often, but man, that one just struck me like, what are you talking about, 4.5? We're talking a Kendrick Brothers movie? Well, you know, that's the way things happen, brother, but there's no name for you to be sorry. Anyway, what I would like to share is, you know, yesterday I heard, you know, Brother Steve talk to one of the people, I think it was either Brother Mitch or somebody while he was having—doing the show for New York. And it's interesting, I did not know this, and see, you're talking about, you know, at first I thought you said how God the Father rules, not rolls.

So, interestingly enough, what was shared yesterday is in the book of Esther, you know, that Jesus, nor God, is mentioned, but the hand of God that, you know, shows is talked about. So let's go back 20 years ago, when everything happened, you know, that one plane went in one tower, one plane went into the next, the third plane went into the Pentagon. And, you know, just to hear everybody sing and sharing what they have said or shared, so many people feel that that fourth plane, which was taken down in Pennsylvania, and I'm hoping and praying that they're doing a memorial for those people, was headed to the White House.

And, you know, I know that where I was, what I was doing, because somebody said, Oh, my gosh, turn on the radio, turn on the TV, listen to what's happening, the World Trade Centers have been hit, and all this other stuff. Well, being a person who served in the United States Air Force, a former military man, a veteran, it's interesting that, you know, people that do that are sacrificing their life and serving their country. I believe, when I can tell anybody out there, I did Habitat for Humanity about two and a half years ago, and I told people my testimony to building the house, or houses that we did, I told people the end, I said, you know, if God the Father can sacrifice his son on the cross for us, I could sacrifice several hours on a Saturday morning getting up way early and coming and doing this. So many people who responded, who have responded to each different thing that's going on Hurricane Ida, that you know, that just happened a week and a half ago, so many people who responded were serving and sacrificing to help those who, for so many people that lost their life in regards to what happened, which is a darn shame, if you ask me, because what was done, it was done intentionally. And so I honestly, brother, I know that God's hand was all over this situation. You think about it, you had people that didn't have to do that, they sacrificed. You think about all the people that stepped in and did what they did, they served. And so it's just a wonderful blessing, because that's how God the Father, who creates every moment of every day of everything that goes on in our lives, and when you really expect it.

Darrell Bock Yeah, I get it. Well, thank you, Clay. As always, I'm so glad you called in and shared, and I agree with you wholeheartedly. Clay Johnson Well, you know, I called you last week and shared with you something that happened, and the Lord intervened in that with being able to talk to two people at the service yesterday. And I know that the Lord led them to share with me the things that were shared, because it has opened my heart about it. And I said, I know that I can be a better person than doing what I'm doing.

So that's going to happen. And, you know, I just believe that when we can take the time outside of everything that we have, make that time to sacrifice and give just a little bit of your day to the Lord to help something or someone that might need that need. It's a blessing. And it says that the Lord will bless those who bless himself. Darrell Bock That's how God rolls. I got to get to somebody else, Clay, but thank you so much. God bless. I appreciate you calling in so much.

Clay Johnson Yes, sir. God bless you, man. Thanks for doing your show. I appreciate it. Love you, man.

Darrell Bock Love you, too. Bye-bye. So we got another.

We got Karen, who is in Raleigh. We're going to get to her in a second. I want to get to the end of the Gemil section, which is verse 24. Real quick, in the 119th Psalm, it says, Thy testimonies are also my delight and my counselors. It's interesting that he finishes the whole Gemil idea with how powerful our testimonies are. And then when it says counselors are actually the men of my counsel.

So when we're listening to the God stories, we're listening to the real narration. So we got Karen, who is in Raleigh. Karen, you're on the Christian Car Guy show. Good morning. Karen Hey, good morning.

Hope you're doing well. I was at work when it happened, and like you said, it was like, Oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh. You know, and the terror. It was just horrendous, as everyone knows. And on top of that, though, I thought, don't know me later, you know, if that wasn't evil enough, you know, everyone was dialing 911 911, to where I think they specifically, you know, put it on that date. Did it happen that day? Yeah, you know, to where we all would always remember it anyway.

But of course, we remember, you know, the 911. But, you know, I just I just thank God that there were so many people that that, you know, lost their lives, and then sacrifice time, and honor, I mean, the honor to people that stepped in to volunteer and to try and help clean up. And, you know, I'm coming to law floors, but I just, it just touches you, doesn't it? Yes, sir. Well, I'm so grateful for your call today.

The courage to call in, unfortunately, about out of time. Did you have something else you wanted to share? No, just thank you so much for what you do. Oh, thank you! You're such a blessing.

We keep you on all the time. I'm so grateful. Thank you, Karen. God bless. All right, sir.

Thank you. So again, as we look on the 24th verse, which there are eight verses in each section, so in that eighth verse, David is asking God to take him over the finish line. He's done everything he can in seven verses.

Now he's asking God to take him over. And the way he's doing this is by asking that our testimonies, these things are our delight and our counselors. Those, that's the story where we're hearing of God's love constantly, right?

And that's how God rolls, right? It's a faith that is going to make us guard those testimonies. And I'm so grateful for all your call today and that you listen to The Christian Car Guys Show. You know, we have this podcast that's called The Hidden Treasures, the 119th Psalm, where we go into all these things in detail every single day. We'd love for you to join in that, The Christian Car Guy Theater. We should have another episode for that real quick. And of course, The Jesus Labor Love, car repair labor for single moms, widows, and families in crisis. It's all there at And again, it's all possible because of you guys. So remember, slow down. Jesus walked everywhere he went and got it all done in 33 years.
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