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Hidden Treasures of Psalms 119: Verse 24- And There's More

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
September 10, 2021 8:58 am

Hidden Treasures of Psalms 119: Verse 24- And There's More

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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September 10, 2021 8:58 am

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As the Psalmist takes us over the finish line of the 8th verse in the Gimmel section, he asks God to keep filling his house with more and more treasures of knowlege

Psalms 119:24

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Hidden Treasures of the 119th Song.

So today in our mining expedition for gold and nuggets, we are certainly right on topic. Because this verse, as we finish up the gimel section, and this being the eighth verse as we talked about in The Matrix, which was the very first episode of The Hidden Treasures of the 119th Song, we talked about that each section has eight verses, and the idea is that there are seven verses that we put everything we can into it, and the eighth one is going to take us over the finish line. Essentially, God is going to hold us up and help us make a dunk shot. So as we look at this gimel section, it really strikes me that each of these, when the psalmist is especially taking these concepts, these words, since Jesus is the Word, and he's given you in a way different faces of God. So when we did the first aleph section, we talked about how that was so equated with wisdom, and that's one of the faces that certainly Jesus has. In fact, it was one of the anointings that he got, the very first anointing that he got in Isaiah 11. And the second anointing he got was understanding, and that has to do with Bina, which starts with a bet, and that's how we went through the whole bet section.

And now we come to gimel, and we're finishing up the gimel, and so we're going to get across the finish line. And it's interesting that, from my standpoint, the Jewish stages often talk about this concept of chakma, bina, and das, and the idea is essentially wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. And so now that we have built our house on wisdom, like Jesus said, on solid rock, now we've got to fill it with treasures, and these treasures would be knowledge. And so he starts out this whole section, you might recall, when we get to verse 17, when it says gimel, deal bountifully.

In other words, the idea is, as we talked about, this idea of weaning or nurturing to make ripe. And so when it comes to knowledge, it's interesting, we know that it puffs up, and so it's kind of cool that he gives us, in the middle of the gimel section, a way to get some of the air out of our bag. Or maybe it's just the fact that either our pride leads us to God or our sin leads us to God, but often other people's sin leads us to God, so take your pick.

Either way, when you start adding a whole bunch of knowledge into a situation, people get puffed up and pride takes over, and fortunately, God is there to rebuke us, as we talked about. So coming in for a landing here, as we're going to take a jump over the finish line, it's really, really a beautiful thing how the psalmist uses the gimel to illustrate this idea of we're going to keep going and going and going, because the idea of give me more, give me more, give me more. And so what I did not mention in verse 23 is the way it actually starts with a gimel, when it says princes also did sit and speak against me. Actually, the verse starts with that Hebrew word for also, which is a gimel, as you might imagine, because all the verses start with a gimel, and then an enclosed mem. And so this is a beyond beautiful word in my world.

In my world, it's just like, oh, my gosh, what a neat thing he did. Because it's like saying and more. And when you look inside of that letter, you see this foot that is the gimel that means greatness. And then the second letter, this M is Messiah, or it also is an idea of water. But the enclosed mem that's at the end of a word, the sages of the Hebrew language have always said that is a picture of the messianic way that the Messiah will bring an understanding to the Torah that's never been there before, which in fact, Jesus did that in so many different ways, it's a shame that they miss it, but it's there. And so the enclosed mem is like a picture of Torah secrets from their standpoint. And so what King David is kind of winking at, saying here and more Torah secrets, give me more Torah secrets.

Princes also did speak against me, you know, and he talks about having meditated on the statutes. Well, that's going to get you more Torah secrets. Well, a neat thing, as he takes us across the finish line in verse twenty four, he uses that same gimel word again, that word that means also. And so although it's not translated that because the way the twenty fourth verse actually reads in the King James Version is thy testimonies also are my delight and my counselors. But when you look at it in Hebrew, it starts out with the word also or even more right. That gimel mem, even more Torah secrets.

Right. It says by testimonies are my delight, which is how it reads in English. But really, when you look at it, they're actually my delights. And the word that that that, in my opinion, King David made up here or, you know, he took the word play or delight and he kind of doubled it. He doubled down on the word and it's first place you find it in the scriptures.

And so here's the dictionary on the word itself is right here. And the idea is like, man, these are these are super duper delights. And Isaiah uses the word later. But it's only used in one hundred nineteen psalm and later by Isaiah, because it's kind of like super delights. And it's not just one delight.

It's like a whole bunch of them. And so what he's talking about and I'm hoping you have a lot of testimonies. You have a lot of places that God's worked. And you also have all the testimonies that are in the word of God itself as you unlock these Torah secrets.

They're all your delights. And so here he is saying. Right. That the testimonies are all these delights, all this knowledge that he has put inside this house that he's built. He built a house and now he's filled it with wondrous things.

And of course, it's God that took him over the finish line and gave him this dunk shot that these testimonies. Right. Are his delights.

And then really, really cool. Unfortunately, you miss when you read the English translation of this. And I know how they did it, but they just did it. But when you look at the Young's literal translation, the YLT, they're the only people that pick up on the fact that the word man is in the middle of this verse. Very clearly, the word man is in the middle of the verse.

And so the idea of my I guess was actually that they're men. And so what actually King David was saying was that these testimonies. Right. His testimonies in all the different ways that God had come through for him.

And obviously the arc of the testimony in his case and all the ways that he, you know, saw God in his own life. Right. These are his delight, but also the men of his council.

In other words, I mean, it's really it's cool that that word is in there. Right. He's got a whole bunch of these men that are his counselors. And this is so critical. This is an understanding.

I'm going to take a minute and try to help see why this is so important to me personally. This verse, because when you look at the word week in Hebrew, you're going to see that there's a pay in there. And it has to do with us talking to ourselves. Right.

Because a weak person is constantly putting them. Oh, you blew it again. Oh, you see, God's never for you. You know, and like it says in the 16th song, how long will I take counsel in my soul? You know, how long, Lord?

How long am I going to listen to myself? Right. So here King David is giving us this house full of treasure to say that, oh, my goodness. If God's word. If what he's done in my life is what's telling me the story inside my head. That. Is strength, right?

This is true power. This is this is, you know, that Jeremiah passage where, you know, the plans I've made for you. Right. He's going to do good for you and he's going to deal bountifully with you. He is going to raise you up to make you ripe.

He is going to wean you. Right. And sometimes that takes some letting air out of your bag. And sometimes that's allowing people in your life that have air in their bag.

What that looks like. But all those things turn you back to God. And if your testimonies are the men of your council, these are the voices that you are hearing are God's testimonies. OK, this is going to make you.

Have so much more Jesus in your life and be looking and more Jesus and more. And so I love the way he ends the gimel section and he uses a gimel to do it and even more Jesus and even more. It's like, you know, the you know, when they're making that offer, you know, on the Remco Bassamatic or whatever. And there's more and there's more. Well, he finishes the gimel, which is his idea of weaning and plenty and more and greatness by saying and even more right. Your testimonies are the men of my council. Thank you for listening. So much fun on the gimel section of the hundred nineteen song.
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