September 4, 2021 12:21 pm
Guest host Bill Mixon is joined by Dr. Speed and Jack Wingote to discuss COVID-19 Vaccines and insurance policies.
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Faith And Finance
Rob West
Faith And Finance
Rob West
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Dana Loesch
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Hey, this is Jim Graham from the Masculine Journey Podcast where we explore relationship instead of religion every week. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. Welcome to the Christian Car Guy Radio Show.
I say this calls for action and now. Good morning. Thank you for turning into Robbie Dilmore's The Christian Car Guy Show.
Robbie is enjoying a weekend in the woods. If you are a regular listener you might recognize my voice from the first Saturday of the month. This is Bill Mixon. I spent over 30 years with one of the greatest insurance companies in North Carolina and Nationwide Insurance.
I majored in insurance at Appalachian State and it would be my pleasure to take any insurance questions you may have today. With me is Jack Winget of All Choice Insurance Agency. Good morning Jack. Jack, you there? Can you hear me? Yes, good morning.
There you go. Good morning Bill. After combining my agency with a small group of fellow agents and then that agency being bought out, I went and searched for my own insurance agent and I called Jack, a friend from church who's just been a wonderful person to work with. But before we get to Jack, I've got a wonderful friend joining us for our first segment, Dr. Brittany Speed. Good morning Speed. Good morning. Dr. Speed is an emergency room physician, not in just one hospital but in two. Doc, you must see a great many victims of vehicle accidents and I was hoping you might help our audience understand the importance of things like wearing a seat belt, not looking at our phones when we're driving, which I really need chastising over, and how dangerous it is to place children in the front seat of vehicles.
Where would you like to start? Well thanks again for having me Bill and I'm happy to share some thoughts into that today. Wherever you like, if you have a certain question that has been kind of on your mind, I know you joked about needing chastising, about looking at the phone while driving, it's certainly a new thing in the last 10 years, 20 years where people are using their cell phones in the car and you know I think anybody could tell you that taking your eyes off the road can be quite dangerous and it doesn't take but a split second for someone or something to pop out in front of you and cause a serious accident. You know it's hard with all the technology we have today but when you're driving I think it's important to recognize that those things really can wait 10 minutes, 15 minutes until you get home rather than risk some terrible accidents. You have to remind yourself of how you might feel if you accidentally struck someone or you know injured yourself or those in the car while they're riding with you if you weren't able to see something in front of you during this brief moment. Would you say 20% of the emergency rooms are vehicle accidents?
It'd be hard to put an exact percentage on it but it's certainly a lot of what makes up with the trauma accidents and the activations for trauma. It's certainly not it's a little exciting but also a little scary when you hear the page overhead that you've got an MVC coming in or a motor vehicle collision. Yeah I was driving on the way to the show this morning and pulled into a parking lot that didn't have all the lines in it and put my eye down to the phone for just a second to turn it off and look back up and some somebody I'm biting my tongue was speeding through the parking lot and if I hadn't looked up just at that second we'd have had a problem and that was just taking a moment to look at the cell phone. You know I just I have a hard time imagining waking up in the emergency room and my first question being where's my child you know how's my wife how often do you have to deal with trying to tell somebody the worst news in situations like that is that a weekly thing? Certainly one of the things that we deal with being physicians in the emergency room is delivering bad news or having worse even we don't have the answers to their questions when it comes to multiple you know victim motor vehicle collisions where there was an accident for whatever reason they weren't looking they were on the phone and or just an accident it's definitely pressing and people you see the regret when you deliver news and you talk about the story and you know most of the time I think having the person on the receiving end of I don't know what happened they just swerved into my lane I don't think they saw me and having to explain what happened I think there's a lot of things that go through their mind during that time including if their family's safe how are they going to deal with this who's in trouble what's my fault in this and it's certainly a problem that could easily be avoided if you're doing your best to focus on the road. One of my dearest friends from college somebody I kept up with for decades I bet we talked every other week if not more was at 10 o'clock driving down a road and a drunk driver swerved out of their lane and smashed right into her and she was gone now he walked away from it from what I understand he went to the hospital and then straight to the jail it just amazing how quickly the entire world can change and you just have to wonder if there wasn't a distraction would you have had just a beat to have gotten out of a situation like that or if it was just completely unavoidable but I know that that every day there are just horrendous accidents that happen and people end up and we are just so grateful that we've got people like you that have decided to make their life making people whole after they go through a really bad accident. Some of the worst accidents I would think have kids involved. Any stories you're interested in sharing? Sure within my my law-abiding compound sure but you know I think I was thinking on that certain stories of course pop into my head that you hit the nail on the head with the drunk driving or driving intoxicated quite often we see children as victims of this either they were in the car or during a drunk driver who you know didn't think to put them in the seat belts or didn't think to put them in the car seats or drove intoxicated with children in the car you know your your level of knowing what the right thing to do is lowered of course when you're drunk and these things just get missed and we see you know traumatic pediatrics or children accidents in this case and of course adults too we don't want to see them get hurt but when people get behind the wheel intoxicated often people get hurt and it's something to think about for yourself I mean at the end of the day your life and a taxi or a cab is a lot better of an idea you know your life is worth more the cab is cheaper than all of the litigation you're going to face so why make the risk you know you should think about that before you drink alcohol and often we see people who unfortunately are victims of being in an accident from a drunk driver and it's just crushing you know you don't ever want to see that and a lot of times those who do cause accidents because they've been drinking there's a lot of regret you see when you see them in the emergency room and you want everybody to do well but they're definitely suffering from a bit of guilt and this one thing you can do is think about it before you make the decision not to do it yeah it's good to be the designated driver and it's good to remember that you know shooting for being right under the legal limits not necessarily the best thing just one drink can impair you enough to not be able to get out of an accident I'm so glad I survived my college days sitting here thinking I'm not sure I want to share that particular story but I would think that they're an awful lot of people that end up in the emergency room that were at the end up there and the other person wasn't actually legally drunk they were just slightly impaired we hear about putting children in the back seat is there anything you can share or help us understand a little bit better why it's important yeah absolutely so you know children and I can speak from my own experience I grew up in the country so I'm sure that there are times in the farm field where we were put in the back or put in the trunk and you bounced around in the back we're relatively unsafe yes so with that being said though there are reasons that you know they study these things they make rules and they have suggestions and they have laws such as seaport laws to protect people so that they understand what can you know they do the research and they make the rules because they understand that this is something that will help people people safe in the in the event of an accident children in the back seat is typically recommended I think that can change during state but children 13 and above I believe are recommended for the front seat that'll obviously differ on size because if you have a you can have a 13 or 14 year old child who's relatively small and why they recommend that is the airbag deployment the airbags deploy at a certain height and if you have a small child in the front even if their seatbelt is on it can hit them in the face it can actually lift them up to where they hit their head on the top of the car hurting their neck and there's certain reasons that they recommend that kids fit in the back like the seat belts like the airbag deployment that could potentially cause more harm than good in a in an accident situation well those are some words of wisdom I hope people people will take to heart it's uh too often I see children sitting in the passenger seat of the vehicle and it's good to remember it's much safer to put them in back I want to thank you for talking to us we're going to be cut off here in just a second and Jack can share with us some ideas that will help us do a better job ensuring our cars you're listening to the truth network and good morning jack are you back I'm here it's so good to have you on thank you for being with me um I'm sure you have over how many years have you been in insurance let's see my business just turned 17 years old and uh two years before that 19 years golly I white here I've just gone completely white over my my years with nationwide but I guess that's better than always go to my barber and complain that every time he cuts my hair it gets lighter he says shut up you should just be glad you got here that's right um I was you've got how many locations now so we have four locations uh one in Greensboro sort of our corporate headquarters uh Clemons and Winston Salem then we have one down towards Wilmington and one up in Hendersonville in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina I got to get by and see that one in Clemons since it's the closest one to me I hadn't even been by yet I know uh now which one are you working out of primarily Clemons um I've lived in Winston Salem for since 1999 when I got out of college Appalachian state um and I made the drive to Greensboro every day for 14 years and that just got to be um got to the point where I was like I'm tired of doing that so I opened the office at Clemons and what was your major at ASU uh oddly enough I started with a finance degree and then it was two extra classes to get a degree in risk management and insurance never wanting to go into insurance I uh just thought it'd be cool to stay an extra semester in school yeah I tell you if I'd have had spell check and could have done my research from home instead of having to hike all the way to the school I might have stayed in school yeah yeah that so you went into insurance right out of college right out of college no I actually started when I when I moved to Winston Salem I went to work for a company that uh they they bought and sold computer hardware like for big companies I did that for about a year and a half two years and decided that that just wasn't the thing for me and I had a college friend who had gone to work for North Carolina Farm Bureau he said why don't you get into insurance and that's kind of how it happened I gotta tell you be an independent right out of the box that I don't know that I was bright enough to have done that luckily I went to work for nationwide straight out of college and for at least 15 years we were the number one insurance agency I mean insurance company in the entire state so uh they they did a lot of those things that you independent agents had to struggle through figure ways around my life was a whole lot easier than your road was yeah no nationwide is uh and I think like you had mentioned earlier we brought nationwide into our agency about two years ago just because they're the behemoth in North Carolina everyone knows nationwide and everyone knows Peyton Manning and Brad Paisley and so we thought it'd be a good addition to our to our roster of carriers yeah for many many many years we were the number one auto and homeowners and sometimes commercial producer in the state so it was it was wonderful to be associated with them now there are some things I always like to share with folks and that is in my humble opinion or not humble opinion it is far better even if it cost a little bit more to have a personal insurance agent you can sit down with if you need to or to be able to call in and talk to the same person every time you call in instead of dialing one of those 800 numbers and the chances of being able to talk to the same person twice is almost zero now I'm sure you agree with me but I thought I might give you a chance to make a different case why is it better that somebody pick up the phone and call your office instead of calling one of those 800 numbers yeah that's a great question bill the way I look at it is in our information society there is a lot of information that people can get and should go out and get and do their own research on things but at the end of the day you actually need someone who is an expert in whatever the field is you can go to webmd all day long and diagnose your own you know health insurance I mean your own health concerns at the end of the day you really need a doctor to go in there and truly break down what's going on the same thing happens in insurance what we see is with all the commercials that happen on a daily basis I think you see more insurance commercials than anything else it's always a name your price it's save money here and saving money is great but no one ever talks about truly what insurance is designed and meant for and we see so many people come to us and once we go through and explain xyz coverage you name it they the light bulb goes on there are you kidding me I was this was this was that what I was at risk for and so again most people just don't understand insurance so it's good to have that person that you can call hey am I covered can I sleep at night should I file this claim there are questions that you're not going to get answered at a call center if you if you are an insurance expert then by all means call up a 1-800 number and you do you become your own agent do that my guess is 99.9 percent of the people out here listening and in the world today aren't insurance experts so count on someone that that you that is now one of the most dangerous things in my opinion is to have the auto insurance with 1-800 number and the homeowner's insurance with a different 1-800 number because then you've got holes and gaps and both companies can point their fingers and say it's not my fault that you borrowed a boat or rented a boat and there's no coverage for it having that one agent that can oversee all your different needs and concerns and can ask you some pointed questions and say is this a risk is this a problem that you want to assume yourself or do you want to spend a couple dollars a month to make this risks the insurance company's problem is the one of the biggest sales points I like to share with people yeah it used to be if you went and you rented a jet ski at the summer vacation that you had some coverage for that but in a lot of cases these days unless you had that coverage attached somewhere paying a little bit of premium for it you don't have that protection are you seeing that with most of the companies you deal with jack yes so I think to your point bill having one agent and whether or not that that customer is best with the same company if you're you know home and autos with carrier a that's a great thing but having one agent that can oversee even if it's a diversified set of carriers is great jack that music means that we're coming up to a hard fast break we'll pick up this conversation on the other side thank you and thank you all for tuning in you're listening to the truth network and this is bill mixon filling in for robbie while he's out enjoying nature uh we've got jack winget with us this morning a insurance agent and one story i used to share a great deal right after i got into the insurance business there was an article in the winston-salem journal about a man that was driving past baptist hospital and he heard this cathunk and he stopped his car and he got out and he had run over a child he did not even know that there had been a child there well he ended up in court and in the middle of the trial the insurance company he had wrote a check for a hundred thousand dollars and got up and left him all alone sitting in that courtroom and he had to call a firm and tell that firm i need a lawyer really bad and if lawyers listen to what he had to say and they said well you know if your insurance company's already cut a check and left you this is going to be a hard case to win so we need all our money up front because at the end if there's a settlement you're not going to have anything to pay us so he had to figure out where to get the money to pay the attorneys well when he went to the bank the bank asked are you in any litigation are you in the middle of a lawsuit and when he said yes all the banks said no so he had to go to all his family and his friends and scrape together the money to pay the attorneys and at the end of the trial the judge says you owe far more money than what you've got insurance to pay well he said well you know i'll just file bankruptcy i said well that's fine but you're going to garnish your wages and your spouse wages sign this piece of paper we're going to keep 50 percent of all the money that you've got coming to you in the future he says i'm not going to sign that piece of paper and the judge said well that's fine we're going to hold you in contempt of court and you can just sit in a jail cell till you get all this worked out now i don't know whether he could have hired another attorney and got out of that part of it but he didn't have the money to do it i had shared that story so many times and reprinted that article so many times that the gentleman actually called me up one day and talked to me it's a big deal especially if you've got assets to make sure that you protect those assets and your future income so that great big problems are manageable and that's the whole reason that insurance was created it's to take care of the great big huge problems that there's absolutely no way that you can take care of yourself and one of the wildest things that i discovered was to go from 50 000 to 100 000 can only cost a couple bucks right jack i i tell you bill that that's one thing that still to this day flabbergast flabbergast me is is just how much or how little it actually costs to go from these limits that won't really protect you to ones that will make you really really um happy that you have them that that's a big deal and i had a insurance professor at asu at one point i think he made in every single class was the two best values in insurance his term life insurance and umbrella policies um you know a lot of folks especially if you've got auto insurance with 1-800 number and the homeowner's insurance with a different 1-800 number never even hear about umbrella policies you want to tell folks what they are yeah i'd be happy to bill so the umbrella insurance if you think of what an umbrella looks like you know it it goes over and above you and your spouse if you're walking down the street and it's raining an umbrella insurance policy does the same thing except it sits over and above your homeowner's insurance or renter's insurance and your auto insurance or if you have boats your boat insurance all of that and gives you an extra and you know for most people million dollars worth of liability um one thing that that we're seeing now with what they call nuclear verdicts across the the nation or you know people get in accidents and their their claims that get um thrown in and the judges are awarding these large settlements so just having a million dollar umbrella anymore honestly a lot of times isn't isn't all that you need we're seeing more five ten million dollar umbrellas even on our personal side now what i used to call them were golden handcuffs you see if you've only got a hundred thousand dollars worth of insurance your insurance company is responsible for not only paying the hundred thousand but they're also responsible for paying your legal fees that is until they pay the hundred thousand so if you get in a situation like the poor guy that ran over the child in front of baptist hospital as soon as the insurance company said no matter what we do we're going to end up writing a hundred thousand dollars worth of checks to cover all the legal fees and whatever happens why don't we just cut our losses and we're going to cut that hundred thousand dollar check now and we can get out of get around not have to pay for all those legal fees well if you've got a million three hundred thousand dollars worth of protection that insurance company's not going to cut and run anywhere near as fast so the umbrella turns into golden handcuffs between you and the insurance company forcing them or making it far more prudent for them to sit there in that courtroom next to you and not only cover the amount of the exposure the amount that's got to be paid out when the gravel goes down but they're also having to pay all those legal fees yeah you know it's funny i had i had the opportunity to sit down with one of my insurance carriers the let the lady who was in charge of all claims for the company and we were talking about umbrella insurance and she said jack it's like if i'm sitting down at a poker table if i know that i have 50 000 worth of money or a hundred thousand that's one thing but if i sit down at the table and i have and i know that i have a million dollars extra so in essence i have that umbrella policy i'm much more likely to you know sit down in court try to win the case for my client because again at the end of the day the insurance company it is a dollars and cents issue i'm either going to pay out the hundred or i'm going to sit here and we're going to litigate this so i always thought that was a really good analogy yeah one time many years ago it used to be that not only did the umbrella sit on top of the home and the car but it also sat on top of the gaps between those two policies so if you did not have a boat policy that the umbrella would actually pitch in and take care of you if you had a boat problem in today's market in almost all the policies that i've read about seen in red if you don't have coverage already underlying if it's not part of your auto policy if it's not part of your home policy where it's not part of a separate policy you don't have coverage so most of the umbrellas i'm familiar with now only sit on top of what you've already got coverage for underneath that umbrella is that the way you're seeing most of the policies yes sir most definitely i am sure if we dig hard enough into a policy jacket there there might be a little coverage here but it's for something so nuanced that the likelihood that there's ever a claim brought up on that is probably very slim so we always tell people let's just assume that it's just covering the things that that you have underlying coverage for now my point is you're back to having somebody that can sit across the table from you look you in the eye and say here's some risks you might consider is this a big risk that you want to take care of or is this a small risk that you don't want to worry about it's good to have somebody that's interested in you that can drive out to your house who can sit there and do an estimation of what it would cost to rebuild your home who's willing even though they're not going to i mean how much more is the agent going to make if they talk you into spending an extra two dollars a month yeah a lot of the 800 numbers just want to give you the lowest price possible the smallest amount of insurance possible because you know if they only sell you fifty thousand dollars worth a lot of auto liability insurance that's all their risk is where that agent that's sitting across from the table from you is going to say you know for just a little bit more for just a little bit more you can go up to three hundred thousand dollars and for a little bit more than that you can go up to a million three hundred thousand dollars in my opinion the agent that's sitting there across from you the one that you can find when problems happen are a whole lot more likely to take care of you and make recommendations that are in your best interest than those people that are on the 1-800 number that you won't ever meet won't ever see and probably won't ever talk to him more than once you agree with me jack oh most definitely and i think the misconception uh bill that we see is that people think that the 800 numbers but are just cheaper than what's a local independent or some other agent that is an actual person can provide i would say that in 95-ish percent of the cases when we see someone come to us from one of the online carriers or whatnot we end up saving them money most of the time and giving them better coverage so there is a misconception with that and the way i look at it is you're getting the same the same coverage or better and you're also getting me to boot so i'm worth something thank you so much for being owned with me this morning jack and i want to thank all of you that tuned in i want to tell you you know the covid and the reaction to covid has affected a great deal of our lives and a great many churches and a great many non-profits and it's been hard to find a way to make a difference in the lives of others maybe it's time to call those groups that used to be a part of and ask if there's a way that you can get plugged back in is there a way that you can make a difference in the lives of the people around you we need to get connected again and through the help of christ we need to not be scared we need to get connected you're listening to the truth network and truthnetwork dot com and now time for christian car guy theater with today's episode a Plymouth Progress episode 18 jimmy is in great distress in his dream as valiant looks like he's about to go bumper to bumper with apollyon in tensa amazon valiant here challenges the evil fiend apollyon as to why jesus hasn't come to the rescue of many of his saints before it's the right time the lord's restraint not to deliver them is for the purpose of testing their love to see if they would cling to him to the end and as for the ill end thou sayest they come to that just adds glory to their account they do not expect deliverance now and will endure all life's trials knowing it adds to their glory in eternal life when their prince comes in his and the angel's glory you have already been unfaithful in thy service to him how does thou think to receive wages of him how oh apollyon have i been unfaithful to him you almost fainted when you first set out when you almost choked in the swamp of despond you also attempted to get rid of your burden in the wrong way instead of patiently waiting for the prince to take it off you did sinfully sleep and lost your scroll you were also almost persuaded to go back at the side of the lions and when you talk of thy journey and of what you have heard and seen you inwardly desire your own glory in all you do and say all this is true and much more which you have left out but the prince whom i serve and honor is merciful and ready to forgive but besides these infirmities possessed me in your country for there i allowed them to come in and i have grown under them been sorry for them and have obtained pardon for my prince then apollyon broke out into a grievous rage saying i am an enemy to this prince i hate his person his laws and people i have purposefully come here to stop you apollyon beware what you do for i am in the king's highway the way of holiness therefore take heed to yourself then apollyon widened his wheelbase and straddled quite over the whole breadth of the way and said i am boy of fear in this matter prepare thyself to die for i swear on my infernal tin that thou shalt go no further here i will spill thy soul and with that apollyon threw a flaming dart at valiant's grill oh i have shield for those darts foul apollyon my faith with that valiant caught the dart and then threw his sword saying i will love the lord my god with all my heart and my whole soul and with all my strength with a fiendish fury apollyon race for value one dart you can stop watch now as they come thick exhale the sky grew black with apollyon stars by the witch it was more than valiant could do to avoid them oh my head my hand oh my foot with that poor valiant shifted in reverse your shield doesn't seem quite big enough proud hips queen let's do it again once again the sky drew black with a hailstorm of darts but this time valiant took courage as he felt the lord's presence in the struggle his armor held the more his mortal combat lasted for above half a day even till valiant was almost quite spent for you must know that valiant by reason of his wounds must needs grow weaker and weaker then apollyon aspiring his opportunity began to drive up close to valiant and bumping and gave him a dreadful roll and with that valiant's sword flew out of his hand then said apollyon i have you now and with that he almost ran valiant to death so that valiant began to despair of life but as god would have it while apollyon lifted up to deliver his last blow to make a full end of this good sedan valiant nimbly stretched out his hand for his sword and caught it saying rejoice not against me oh mine enemy when i fall i shall arise back up take this you despicable dragon with that valiant gave him a deadly throw which made the fiend fall back as one who's received valiant seeing his advantage thrust his sword at him again saying me and all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us when apollyon heard these words he spread forth his dragon wings and sped away that valiant for a season saw him no more in this combat no man can imagine unless he'd seen and heard as jimmy did what yelling and hideous roaring apollyon made all the time for the flight he spake like a dragon and on the other side what sighs and groans burst forth from valiant's heart i never saw him all the while give so much as one pleasant look valiant fought with such vigor that his countenance never once relaxed its grim expression until he perceived he had wounded apollyon with his two-edged sword and indeed he did smile and looked upward but until that point the battle was the most dreadful sight that jimmy ever saw so when the battle was over valiant said i will give i will give thanks to him that delivered me out of the mouth of combat with apollyon the lion to my god that did help me against apollyon great bills above the captain of this fiend and car crusher designed my ruin therefore to this end he sent him harnessed out with weapons and with rage that was a hellish and fierce battle but god's angel michael helped me and i by slash of sword did make the fiend to fly therefore to my mighty god let me give lasting praise and thank and bless his holy name always tune in soon for another exciting adventure in the Plymouth Progress now here's Danny Dipstick and Randy Radiator to review today's episode Randy i think valiant was like a octopus in that battle yeah daddy i get it well that was one intense episode wasn't it but seriously have you noticed that in all wars we are always we always seem to underestimate our enemy as valiant sure wasn't expecting the hailstorm of darts valiant couldn't face apollyon on his own which is a lesson i keep learning time and time again in my life i need god to stand i mean jesus says it so clearly apart from me you can do what nothing exactly danny we need his full armor and we need his presence hey danny what did one eye say to the other eye between you and me something smells oh boy bye danny see you later radiator wow i could not be more grateful to god for the spectacular acting job i mean wow of ben webb as he played apollyon in this episode and then jesse cordy oh my goodness playing the part of valiant i don't know about you but i definitely got chills the way he delivered a lot of those lines and wow god how how cool is it that he has provided us these tremendous actors like jesse was the voice of le flue in the original beauty and the beast that was a disney classic the animated one and then he also played the part of the black panther in zootopia so i mean how amazing that god gave us those and you can find out all about these guys and all our actors at the cast and crew page at as well as the podcast for christian car guy theater right there's a podcast for christian car guy theater itself so you can just go get all the episodes of pilgrim's progress or all the episodes of christian car guy theater right there on the podcast page of christian car guy theater at and of course i'm always so grateful to god for the jesus labor love car repair labor for single moms and widows and this very week i'm very very grateful that god has provided another car and means to get to another car so two more cars for single moms and widows and so continue to pray we are so grateful for your prayers and and grateful for those who have needs and go to the jesus labor of love and then of course i'm so grateful for you listening because without you we wouldn't have a show i'm grateful for bill filling in for me today so i could have a labor day excursion and so wow thank you so much and remember slow down jesus walked everywhere he went and got it all done in 33 years we listen to the truth network this is the truth network
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