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Hidden Treasures of Psalms 119 - The Meaning of Word

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
August 3, 2021 9:39 am

Hidden Treasures of Psalms 119 - The Meaning of Word

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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August 3, 2021 9:39 am

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Digging into the many words that repeat time and again in the 119th Psalm today's word - Word - Dabar in Hebrew a fun word to seek understanding of it's meaning

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Hidden Treasures of the 119th Psalm.

So, we are going on a treasure hunt, and the gold we are seeking in this treasure hunt is actually the face of God, pure light. And how fun to actually mine this treasure with King David, a man who sought God with his whole heart and his understanding of God's expression of the Hebrew language itself as he goes through the 119th Psalm, letter by letter, giving us eight verses, which the Jews teach as eight faces, of each letter of expression. So, join us taking this deep dive mining with King David in the 119th Psalm. Oh, welcome back to another episode of Digging into the 119th Psalm.

And in this introduction, we're still digging into these words. And today, how fun we get to dig into the word, word, because it is one of those that is repeated continually throughout the 119th Psalm that when you think about the word, word, it's throughout the Scripture in so many different ways because it is, in fact, Jesus, because as we talked about many times there in the, in John chapter, you know, the very first chapter where it says, in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. Well, this is the word debar in Hebrew. So, how fun when you think about the word is to look at the Hebrew letters again, and the neat thing about as we process the 119th Psalm, we're going to spend eight verses on every single one of these letters, and so we're going to be taking a deep dive. But the word debar starts out with this dalad that we've talked about before. But the dalad, as we said in most of these, ends up being a doorway, but it is also the poor person or the servant, and it's really got a lot of neat meanings to it. It's going to be a really neat word as we continue.

I can hardly wait, actually, to do the eight verses on the dalad. But in this case, when it comes to the word, word, certainly it starts off being a servant because obviously the word is going to serve you, but more than that, it's a doorway. It is a doorway into a way that you can relate to one another, but more importantly, like how God relates to us is through words. And so, Jesus himself is this doorway, and he's the narrow gate, and he is the way, the truth, the life.

All those things have to do with expression, which have to do with words, which the word debar, when they say, the word of the Lord came to me, you're going to hear that throughout the prophets say this constantly. And what they're saying is that this debar came to them. Well, what's that?

It's Jesus. So it's really, really a beautiful thing. You know, it starts off with that dalad. It is by all means a door and by all means, in its own way, a servant. And then the next letter, beautiful as it could be, is a bet. And that bet, again, we're going to spend eight verses on that, and really early on in the psalm, because the second section of eight verses is on the bet. But the bet is very much a kingdom word, because it means home.

It means house. It's where God hangs out. Hopefully, if you're like me, he hangs out in your heart. So to an extent, your heart is his bet. Well, you know, that's where you want the word to be right is in your bet. So is in the kingdom. And so when you see this doorway to the kingdom, is what God's Word is, right is to the kingdom, where, you know, you can hang out and hang out with God, because it's a whole reason that he, you know, in Genesis made the earth and so that he could create a place where he could relate to us and have communion with God. Have communion with us. And where are we going to have this? We're going to have this in the kingdom, which happens to be where? It's inside of you, as Jesus tells us, right?

It's in your heart. And so after you've prepared him room, after he's cleansed it, you know, through his blood, so that your heart will be ready to accept it. And that's done, again, through his Word. So it all kind of is an interesting, almost circular argument of how we come back to the fact that Jesus is the Word, and the Word is Jesus. So we have a Dalet and a Bet, and the last letter in the Word to borrow is a Resh. As we've talked about so many times, Resh, it means beginning, and it also means head. And, you know, much, much, much, much, much study goes into the very first words of the Torah, very first words of the Bible, which start with the letter Bet, because God wanted to make a place where he could come relate. So that term in Hebrew is Bereshit, which has to do with in the beginning, and that's what that Resh is doing, that when you hear that R, you hear a Bet, you hear Beir, right?

And Bereshit, well, what you hear is very similar to the Word, because guess what? Jesus spoke all these things into existence, right? When he was making the earth and all these things, he did it with words, right? So in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, right? And so it's not only the beginning, but it is also the head. So is it not just totally surprising that the word Word has this Resh in it that would mean the beginning of greatness? You can do great things when you can commune with God and hear his word.

So I hope you're as excited as I am to continue. So as we search this 119 Psalm, because David was so aware of this, right? Because when he said, I've hidden your word in my heart, right, that's the word to bar.

He's hidden Jesus there where he had access to him, right? By memorizing Scripture, you're literally memorizing God's expressions to us through his Bible and being able to commune with him there over his own expressions to us. It's just terribly exciting. And I'm personally so excited to take you along with us again. We've got these words all in a PDF file that I'll mention in the show notes, where you can look at the actual Hebrew and see how beautiful that is. But also, my email address will be in those show notes. If there's something more that you got a question or something, I would love to take up a discussion.

Maybe you disagree with me strongly, love to hear that. We can't learn from one another unless we challenge each other sometimes. So feel free to do that. Feel free to share anything that you want. It's all there in the show notes. Again, I'm so honored really that you would spend your time with me this morning and God bless your day.
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