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Show Me You Care

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
June 5, 2021 12:40 pm

Show Me You Care

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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June 5, 2021 12:40 pm

Robby is joined by Bill Mixon, The Christian Insurance Guy. It's all about CARE on today's show.

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Hi, I'm Matthew. My co-hosts, Brianna, Michael, Paul, and I have found life beyond Mormonism to be brighter than we were told it would be.

Join us for discussions about our journeys from Mormon to Jesus. I'm Brianna from the Outer Brightness Podcast. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening to the Truth Podcast Network.

This is the Truth Network. What do you want me to do? I want you to pray, son. Go ahead.

Lord, feed the hungry and bring peace to all of mankind. How's that? Great.

If you want to be Miss America. Now, come on. What do you really care about? Grace.

Grace. You want her back? Well, it seems your friends deserve you. There's somebody thinking of you. I'm the one who'll never hurt you. Maybe that's because I love you. Call me.

Don't be afraid, you can call me. Welcome to the Christian Car Guy Radio Show. I say this calls for action and now. Show me you care today. Car care.

Show me style on a Christian Car Guy show. So, yeah, today's show. And I got Bill Mixon with me is. Good morning. Show me you care. And let's see, Bill, try that again.

Good morning. There you are. I knew he was here. So anyway, so you might have heard Jim Carrey and Morgan Freeman in the movie Bruce Almighty there at the very beginning. I hope you did. And we're going to hear that clip a little bit more this morning because it got down in my soul and I can't get it out of there.

Because. There's this beautiful thing that happens. Jim Carrey is in the if you watch the movie, you know, the whole thing almost has to do with his praying and God trying to teach Jim how to pray. And you could see how you want to pray if you want to be Miss America. But then he says, what do you really care about?

And so that's a great question for you as you begin to pray about your car or about your life or so many things is what do you really care about? And then you might have heard Petula Clark and she was saying, call me. Right. That was her wonderful song from the 60s.

And then the troggs. You might remember that song. Love is all around. And then at the end that says, go on and let it show. Well, again, let it show. So what does it look like when you care?

How do you show that you care? So Jesus asked Peter three times. Right.

Do you love me? And each time he gave Peter an opportunity. Right. To do something that would prove that, which would be show me. Got him frustrated there for a while.

Feed my sheep. Right. Yeah. So your car could be asking you right now to show me you care. Right. Yeah.

Mine demanded a lot of love and care recently. Well, you know, what made me think about this to some extent was I keep seeing axles on the side of the road and I see cars that are bent over the axle. The front axle is actually broken. And there the car sits without a front wheel. And I think, oh, my goodness, how could they listen to that C.V. joint racket long enough for that axle to actually break? The only thing that could make any sense to me is it didn't care. It's like that red light that comes on.

And some people wait until it starts flashing and deep in before they do anything. So today's show, like always, is brought to you by Hebrew letter, which is the race today, like, you know, Sesame Street. You like that, don't you? I do. I do.

And I learned something new every day. Well, I try to. Yeah. So the race is very, very instrumental in showing that you care. And so we're going to get to that.

And then I also want to talk about our extended warranties or rip off. And I'm going to show I care a little bit by sharing some information along those lines. That's kind of been on my heart all week to share that. So actually, Bill, this morning I was in a kind of a different kind of situation because all week long, usually I'm on this lesson plan that clearly has to do with this show. But I'm so blessed because Sunday tomorrow, I get to preach at Peace Church in Durham.

So I hope anybody that's in Durham area tomorrow will come see me. But as a result, my week has been like preparing for that. And and so when I got to the show this morning, I kind of climbed up in God's lap and I knew I had a lot of information floating around in my brain, all sorts of things God had been teaching me. And so I said, well, God, what are we talking about today on the Christian Car Guys show?

And he kind of slipped this word into my mind. Care. And actually, as I thought about care, I thought about that. I thought about Morgan Freeman and Bruce Almighty, Jim Carrey, when he said, you know, what do you really care about? And so I went on a word search for the word care biblically, like what is caring look like in the Bible?

I hope you had more success than I did. I've got I'm armed with many, you know, concordances and all sorts of neat things to do. So as I went searching, the cool thing was that it was never the same word twice. That the word was used for all sorts of actions. And what I came up with was it had to do with seeking, like going and looking for something.

That's caring. And it has to do with speaking. Like call me. That's where the Petula Clark thing like if you care about somebody, you want to talk to them. And it came at handling.

I particularly like that one because there's nothing like crawling up into God's hand. Like he's got the whole world in his hands. And so when you're handling something, you're caring about it. If you're waxing your car. Right. I've always said for a long time, you want to get to know your car and fall more in love with your car. Wash it, wax it.

You're looking very strange. Yeah, I pull out a dollar fifty. When you put your hands on it, man, it's just it's you're actually caring for it. Right.

If you pet your dog. Right. I know how you feel about that. But in a word, if as I as I went through all these different places that I could find the word caring in a word, if there was one word that just seemed to nail it. It was shepherding. And so as I looked at many of those words, the reason why I used the letter race this morning is the Christian car guy shows being brought to you by the letter race.

It is. Like a bent over poor person and to see Hebrew letters or a picture of something. Right. And so unlike our language, which is just lines, the Hebrew language there drew a picture and they drew a picture of a head that's been over and it's kind of searching because it's poor. But it's also the head. And so it's the very first letter in the word shepherd.

And the second letter is an I. And and the idea is the shepherd is always watching out for his sheep. And and the better the shepherd, as Jesus explains, the more they care. Right. The more that somebody cares.

About the sheep. The more they'll search, the more they'll be willing to touch if you cared. Well, that's the whole problem.

Bill, you don't care enough about your car to touch it. Well, I don't know about that. One thing that I remember was I read a wonderful sermon by Desmond Tutu one time. And he talked about, you know, when you read the story about the lost sheep, that you really are painting the wrong picture in your mind because the Jewish language, ram fits into the same definition as the word sheep and that he was absolutely sure that it wasn't some sweet, wonderful little cuddly lamb that was lost that they were talking about in the story. It was that cantankerous old ram that was always in the wrong place at the wrong time, about to get eaten by the wrong thing, that never listened to anything. And that the story was supposed to paint a picture of Jesus was going to lead the ninety nine.

It sounded more and more like old red every minute. Ninety nine was to go after the last sheep, the last ram, the last animal in the pack that anybody would really care about. And that that's what the story is trying to say, that when you really feel down and awful and miserable about yourself, that, you know, don't worry, because Jesus cares for you just as much as he does those ninety nine really nice, sweet lambs that do what they're supposed to. And so, as always, we would love for you to call in. But my question today for you, the listener, is, what do you do to show you care? Right. And that may mean what you do to show you care about your car.

Maybe you check your oil. That's good. You got to put your hands on it to do that, Bill. But maybe maybe what you do to show God you care. What do you do to show your spouse you care?

What do those look like? Eight, six, six, three, four, eight, seven, eight, eight, four. I'd love to learn from you, because I'm sure there's things I could think of in ways that God allows me to show that I care. But the question is, how do you show that you care?

Eight, six, six, three, four, eight, seven, eight, eight, four, eight, six, six, three, four. Truth is the number to call in and share. And so when we come back, we already have some people calling in with how they care. So we want to hear that eight, six, six, three, four truth and more on. Of course, what are how do you get ripped off an extended warranty and you know what are extended warnings and those kind of things?

And plus, we got Bill on insurance. So we look forward to your calls and so much more Christian Car Guy show. Show me today on The Christian Car Guy Show.

You're listening to the Truth Network and Truth Network dot com. What do you want me to do? I want you to pray, son. How's that? Great.

If you want to be Miss America. Come on. What do you really care about? Don't be afraid.

You can call me. So today's show is show us you care. How do you show you care? And I would just throw out there initially when you hear that Morgan Freeman statement, there is what do you want me to do? Pray. You want to show somebody you care?

I mean, how could you care? You know, just pray for them. The situation also have to talk with them and have a connection to know what to pray for.

So to give your time and your energy to actually be able to just shut up and listen. You know, that's very, very true. I had a dear friend in a men's group this week share something really intimate. And as a result, I really knew what he cared about. And I really knew how to pray for him.

Which just made me feel a whole lot better. And I've had a good time praying with him all week. Well, I'm so excited because you all are calling in at 866-348-7884 to share.

How do you go about showing you care? So we got Nancy in Chapel Hill. Nancy, you're on Kingdom Pursuits. Good morning.

Hey, Robbie. I am so delighted you called. You know, as soon as you said care, I care for people every day. I do home health. And when I care for them, I try to go in and treat them, you know, like my mother, father, brother, people you really care about. And I have to listen, find out what their needs are and give them what things will benefit them. But it's not just pushing things on them. It's finding out where they are and what their needs are, too. You know, so, you know, it's loving them.

Wow. As I'm processing that, Nancy, sometimes, you know, because I can remember my father when he had home health care people came on. A lot of times those people stretched him. In other words, he didn't want to get out of bed. He wasn't, you know, those things were hurting him, but they knew.

Yeah, but it's giving them things they need, you know, to improve and get better. And that's beautiful. Absolutely like, wow. And and I, you know, I happen to know Nancy for those who are listening and say, well, I know Nancy well.

Actually, she goes to Peace Church. And so I get to see you tomorrow. That's exciting.

Excellent. But and I know that that you guys are all about prayer. So can you share with our listeners a little bit how you pray before you go in on that visit?

Well, I have a little time while I'm driving and I love driving because I do pray continuously. And when I as I'm approaching the house, I just say, Lord, let me be able to see what you would see. And be able to be tender to this person, no matter what mood they're in, because sometimes they're not in a good mood. Or really are like, well, the doctor ordered this. So, you know, but a lot of it, like you said, is is also listening, finding out, you know, what is it that that they feel like they need? And sometimes you have to introduce new things. But, you know, I just say, Lord, just let me treat this person like my mother, my father, my sister or brother on their worst day, you know?

And I still love them. But, you know, and also not be forcing things on them. You know, just just really finding out what they they need and where they want to be and try to help them get there. But I ask the Holy Spirit to help me, though. Well, yeah. And what an honor.

You know, really, Nancy, that God has entrusted you and I can see why with with such an opportunity. You know, because a lot of times the people that you visit, they may not see another friendly face. For days and days. Right. That's true. That's true. And and part of, you know, what was mentioned was, you know, part of caring is compassion to. Yeah, it is.

It is. Well, thank you, Nancy. I'm so blessed that you called. And and you really do have an opportunity to show you care in so many different ways. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Well, thank you. Thank you so much, Robbie, for all you do. Oh, I really appreciate it.

So fun. God bless. So God bless.

What what's your thoughts? Like, how do you show that you care? What's what's a neat way that that God has implanted something in your soul? You know, like like you could really sense that this this you can feel God's pleasure when you care in this in this manner, in this way. I would love to hear that. I know all our listeners would love to hear that. So we have the courage to call 866-348-7884.

And Bill, you're looking at me like you got some. Well, I love telling my wife all the wonderful reasons that she's wonderful. Every day, I'm trying to find a new way to let her know how much I appreciate her, how much I appreciate time with her. So is your wife's love language encouraging words? I wish mine was. I could I could handle that one a lot easier. That's mine.

And so it's pretty easy for me to just, you know, throw that stuff. But, you know, Tammy is more like, show me. And her show me means do the dish, you know, acts of service and those could be quality. If she's standing there with you, I don't know.

Did she send you over there to do that while she's doing something else more fun? So anyway, I did want to get to something about extended warnings for a minute, you know, because I want to show that that this there's things out there about cars that we can all learn in general. And we're going to spend a little time on this subject is that to begin with, your car's warranty means it's going to be free from defects and workmanship and material. And so the concept of an extended warranty to begin with just isn't technically logical because a warranty would be something that the manufacturer would offer and it wouldn't be backed by an insurance company.

So when most people say the word extended warranty there, what they're actually talking about is an insurance policy, which is a service contract. So we're going to get into all that. And, you know, are they a ripoff? Well, they can be and they they might not be. So we're going to get into those things as well.

They are like all insurance. So but we want to know how you show you care most of all. 866-348-7884. One of the ways you can do that is through the Jesus labor law.

You're listening to the Truth Network and Truth Network dot com. Show me you care today on the Christian Car Guys show. How do you show that you care for your car, your loved ones, or how do you show God that you care for him?

866-348-7884. We would love to hear how you really do care. And I want to say that in that clip that we play at the beginning of all these segments, because I love it so much, that's down to my soul. If you watch the whole movie, you're going to see that Jim Carrey kind of abuses his girlfriend throughout and her name is Grace. And and he's in this thing totally for himself, and he's not necessarily somebody who really cares about what she wants.

He seems to care more about what he wants. But at this point in the movie, actually, there's a whole change because, you know, actually, Bruce is in heaven there with God. And when he's asking him to pray, he says, do you want to pray? And you might remember from the very beginning, he said, do you want her back? Well, Bruce's answer to that was not that he wanted her back, but that he wanted somebody to love her and to see her with the eyes that he now had to see.

Somebody to care about her that would really care like that good shepherd, so to speak. It's a beautiful prayer. And at the end of the real prayer, Morgan Freeman says, now, that's a prayer I can get on.

And it really the picture is like, wow. And as Nancy was talking about when she was caring for people or if you know that this morning, I thought, what a fun thing to pray. God, that this person would be able to care like you care.

Wouldn't you like to care like God cares? We had the different situations and the different categories of friends. There's some people you want to be totally and completely invested in. And there's some people you're willing to help as long as they're going to pull their own weight.

We've got a wonderful organization in town called City with Dwellings that works with our homeless. Yeah, I'm sitting there working in counseling with somebody who just given me half the story and make six phone calls to try to solve the problem. And then you get, yeah, I don't mind praying for him, but if he's not going to pull his own weight and help, I'm not nearly as concerned about it as that select few people that I would, you know, would love to give it. Well, he could be that ram you were talking about earlier, Bill. He could be the old ram. Yes. It's off there in the bushes.

Yes, he was. And, you know, there you go. So I think of the Jesus labor love. And if you're familiar with the Christian Car Guys show, we have this ministry to single moms, widows and families in crisis. And and often when I hear their calls. I can tell they they didn't care about their car much or it wouldn't have gotten in the shape that it's in. Right.

Like I could have knowledge and resources. Well, I understand. But like you say, when a red light's flashing or you hear this awful noise. You know, you either care or you don't care. Well, if you don't care, there will be consequences. The beauty, the beauty of it is, as we talked about last week, that God comes in there and then allows us to care. And just like the guy you were just talking about, he allows us to care right now.

Scott, I know, is praying with these ladies every week and he's caring. In a loving way that, of course, hopefully they'll learn that the next time they hear that noise, they see that light flashing. Which, by the way, I'll say it one more time.

I say it quite often on the show. If it is a red light that's on your dash, it's red because it wants you to stop. Oil pressure light is red. Break light.

You mean when it starts flashing and beeping? If it's yellow, that means caution. So check engine lights are yellow.

Not as huge a deal. But if it's a red light, like, those red lights mean this is an emergency. Yeah, I saw a new one. It said check gauges, which meant there was another red light I wasn't paying attention to. Yeah, there you go. That's the deal. Yeah, that was a really – I had to Google what check gauges meant.

Luckily, I found it in time for the next exit. So the deal is I cannot tell you how many times – it breaks my heart – that people will run with the overheat red light on, okay? Now, when that red light comes on and says your car is overheating, you now are going to blow your head gasket. You are going to end up needing an engine. This needs nothing to mess around with. There's nothing to mess around with. You got no brakes. Nothing to mess around with when you got no oil pressure. But there's also nothing to mess around with when your car is overheating.

Because if you do not stop and pull over and invest in a wrecker, you will soon be investing in a new engine. I mean, it's you can pay me now or pay me later kind of thing. But it still gets down to, right, how much do you care?

How much attention do you pay it? Yes, sir. Well, you know, and again, you made a wonderful statement, I think, Bill, on love languages, right?

Yes. Like there are five love languages, but they've added one now that is like being in the present time. Like being with the person that you're around.

I found another one that said they added chocolate. That's not – don't go there. Go back to being in present time. This is what's important, okay? Like whether you're driving your car or you're talking to your friend, right? If you're texting and driving, you're not in present time. Or if you're – Depends on – well, you are the person you're texting. That's not the place you should be. Well, let me just say, if you're talking to your friend, and I saw this three times this week, I actually saw – no, I'm not going to do that.

Yeah, I am. This was a radio host, okay? And they were hosting a radio show. And they were reading their phone while they were listening to a guest. Multitasking. Right, they were multitasking. And I was like, man, how in the world are you going to really pay attention to that caller in the midst of this?

Because you're not in present time. And what does that really signify to people about your attention? Like who's most important here?

Who's number one? And that gets us back to the race, right? Because here's the – let's go back to the Hebrew, the little old man with his bent over, and he's looking, right? Because he's so poor, he needs something, right?

And blessed are the poor in spirit. Because just like the woman who's looking for the lost coin, or the man that's looking for the lost son, or the man that's looking for the lost sheep, right? They are looking. They're seeking.

And they're trying to find – well, you can't do that and look at your phone at the same time. I'm just saying. Just add a whole new layer of risk. Yeah, so we didn't – we need to get back to these warranty things. So we talked about that in the last segment.

So a service contract is saying – and there are, you know, interestingly, just to show that I do believe in them, I bought one for my daughter. You know, she's in college and she has a car. You didn't want to call on you up when problems happened.

That wasn't it. It was that I knew that really she couldn't afford a $1500 air conditioning repair or something at 60,000 miles. And so it was better for her, the way we set it up, that she go ahead and get all this stuff so that she would be set up to go that way. And again, I bought it from Chevrolet. She was buying a Chevy car. Because to me, the manufacturer has a reason to honor the warranty. Even if it's a service contract, you know, they have an extra thing.

They're trying to protect the Chevy name, plus they have all the resources and all the Chevy dealers across the country because my daughter's in Alabama. I wanted to make sure that this warranty would be good wherever she went. And so I'm really a big proponent of if you're buying a Chrysler, get a Chrysler warranty. If you're buying a Ford, get a Ford warranty. If you're buying a Honda, get a Honda warranty. Because those people have something at stake to make sure that you're happy. Yeah, it costs a little bit more, but the warranty is only as good if it'll pay for something that's broken.

Right? So, you know, to buy a service contract, which you may not agree with me since you work for Nationwide. Well, it depends on this. I mean, the concept of insurance is that you're setting aside a known amount of money to take care of a problem you can't financially deal with. And a warranty, you buy a used car. I am a little bit more interested in buying a warranty for that period of time. You're wondering if you got a limit or not.

But in general, they aren't a good bet. So I have Barbara is in Greenville, South Carolina this morning. Barbara, you're on the Christian Car Guy show.

Good morning. Barbara, are you with me? Yeah. Can you hear me? Yeah, I hear you.

What you got for me this morning? Oh, okay. You don't know how much I look forward to Saturday morning hearing you and Bill sacrifice your time and come in and spread so much fear and encouragement.

It's not a sacrifice. I enjoy this guy. Well, I'm glad. Well, that's sort of my care thing. I make homemade bread. Do you? Oh, oh, oh, Barbara, can you hang on for us?

We came up on the break right in the middle. Absolutely. So daily bread. Now, talk about some care. I'm very excited about this bread idea. I know you are, too, Bill. Sourdough.

I love sourdough. So when we get back, we got Keith is in I-Point and we got Barbara. And we're going to hear more on new care. So 866-348-7884.

You're listening to the Truth Network and What do you want me to do? I want you to pray, son.

How's that? If you want to be Miss America. Now, come on. What do you really care about? Call me. Don't be afraid. You can call me.

So if you really love me, come on and let it show. Show me you care today on the Christian Car Guy show and talk about somebody that cares. We've got The Cure coming on at one o'clock today on the Truth Network. If you listen on the Truth Network or you can listen on the Truth Network app and you get The Cure, which today they've got actor and director Jason Mack, whose movie The Father Legacy is going to be on. So that should be exciting.

It's on one o'clock live and you'll be able to call in and talk to them. So getting back, we have Barbara who's going to share. So you care by making bread.

So tell us about that. OK. Well, many years ago, probably 35 years ago, I kept hearing about people having a starter making this sourdough bread. And I've never made bread before. Maybe monkey bread. And I also buy grain from a Christian baker in the Greenville, South Carolina area so that I can grind the grain as I make the bread.

It makes all the difference in how whole wheat and the grain bread taste. But it's just grown to where that's what we give instead of Christmas cards every year to church and family and neighbors and friends we've made along the way and people we do business with. And so it's mostly sharing with other people. And if someone has an illness in their house or the wife's going to be away for several days, I'll take a loaf of bread so that the husband can at least survive making sandwich. And so it's just it's just been something I enjoy doing.

I've taught other people how to do it. And it's just the way of lifting people's hearts a little bit because so few people make bread anymore. That is beautiful.

And it has done that. And so both you and Bill like now this is the sweet sourdough. I get it.

Yeah. I like the real San Francisco sourdough that tastes, it's so pungent. But this is the sweet sourdough and people say that's what they like. So I really, you know, I enjoy making it and doing it.

It's not a business. And so when you're actually grinding, I've never heard of anyone. I know a lot of folks that make bread, actually, but I've never heard of anyone, Barbara, who ground their own flour. So do you sense God's pleasure as you're grinding that?

I just have this sense of like, man, that's so biblical. Well, people usually think of me having a water wheel in one of my bedrooms. Do you have a creek coming through too? No, you actually can buy. It's a very small machine that grinds the wheat for you. And it takes nine cups of raw wheat to make three, two, really two and a half.

No, three, three. I'm sorry. Big loaf. But most people like the sourdough. They say it's not the healthiest, but it's not. Well, you know, we pray every day.

Give us this day our daily bread. I do have something about my Buick that sort of surprised me just a couple of weeks ago. I do not. It's a Buick. Oh, gosh, what's the name of it? The SUV Enclave.

I can never think of that. I know it starts with an E. But anyway, I do not have parking assist. But I got a flash up on the dashboard that says parking assist.

And I don't even have the feature on the car. It's talking about the person sitting in the right hand seat. So I'm guessing, Barbara, that's a yellow line that's saying check parking assist.

Yeah. And so it's not a red light. Nothing you have to freak out about. But I would certainly, you know, call the dealer anyway.

And I bet you there's there's something in your computer that a censors is is telling it to do something. But I wouldn't be terribly concerned about it. But I care. And so because I care, I would say, you know, let's call the dealer. Yeah, there you go.

Well, I know you care. Both you and Bill have a very caring spirit and it's just a wonderful gift that the Lord has given you and I enjoy it all the time. Thank you. Thank you, guys. God bless.

Thank you so much. Bye bye. Bye bye.

I wonder if it only comes on with certain friends right now. Yeah. So we have Fail is in Greensboro, North Carolina. So Fail, you're on the Christian Car Guys show. Good morning. Yes, hi, Brother Robbie. Fail, how are you? I am excited to hear you. Oh, great. It's been a while.

I've been so busy every Saturday. So how do you care? This may seem very small, but it means a lot to me because I care a lot for my husband. So every time I prepare his coffee, I know how he likes his coffee. But there's not one time that I make his coffee that I don't take a sip first to make sure it's just right. Now, that's actually huge. I think about in the Bible with the cup barriers. Oh, yeah.

They always tip the wine or the food before the king to make sure it's OK. I think I'm more like I know I'm going to help me, but sometimes I think I'm a cup barrier. Oh, you are.

And you know what? I was as soon as you said that, Fail, I thought, man, Tammy makes me coffee every night before she goes to bed. If she knows I get up stupid early and I'm first thing I do is plug in that coffee maker and she doesn't have a chance to taste it. But but it always means the world to me. And I will tell you something that I do for my wife. I really enjoy doing it.

I sense God's pleasure, but it too may sound stupid, but it's what I do. So in the little sugar bowl, actually, we use sweet and low. I take a toothpick and I write out shimly, which is see how much I love you. I write those initials in the sugar and then I put a heart in there. And so after she's made my coffee, which I know she's shimmying me, that she makes me the coffee.

I know, Bill, it's corny. I think what used to happen is she used to wake her up. When she didn't do that, you'd end up waking her up. So what I have what I have determined over the years is that sweet and low, sometimes their consistency is too thick to do it well. But so when she gets the real powdery sweet and low, man, I can really shimly out.

I put a big swirl in the ass and it's really, really cool. Oh, that is so sweet. Oh, I love it.

Sweet and so many ways. Yes. No pun intended here.

Yes. Thank you, Phil. You have a blessed day. I'm on my way to the church right now.

And believe it or not, the name of the ministry that I worked with this morning is called Bread of Life. Oh, there you go. Thank you, Phil. God bless you. I'm so glad you called. Thank you. I love you. I love you, too.

Bye bye. So we got Keith is in a high point. We got to try to get everybody. Keith, I'm sorry, buddy. We don't have a lot of time.

But what you got for us? Well, simply there's just call somebody and leave a message. If I can't get around like I used to, I'm thinking of you or I'll send or how to do that text and stuff.

So I'll text the messages at certain times. People I haven't seen or whatever for a long time, but as soon as I start thinking of them, I send those messages. And they mean. If they mean to those people, what people have done for me, especially my situation, I've been through the past four years. It is that those little messages are like somebody giving you a rose instead of a. Oh, yeah.

They're getting their own shimmlings, however. It means of course it does. Yeah, because somebody cares. Somebody is thinking about you. Somebody is wanting to talk to you. That's so beautiful, Keith. I hate we ran out of time because I always love talking to you. But, you know, we'll be on the other side in King of Pursuits if you want to call back away. Thanks, Keith. God bless. Well, Bill, as always, it's been fun. I missed you last month and we got a new love language.

We got an eighth one shimly. Well, remember, slow down. Jesus walked everywhere. He went everywhere, you know, and he also probably wrote shimly in the dust sometimes. That's what he did with a woman caught in adultery. So and he got it all done in 33 years. So, you know, thank you for listening. The Christian Car Guy show is so much fun.
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