Hey, everybody. Today on The Charlie Kirk Show, we go through the January 6 pardons and why it was the right move by President Trump.
Then Cain recaps the last couple of years, the triumph that we are experiencing and more. Email us, as always, freedom at charliekirk.com and subscribe to our podcast. Open up your podcast application and type in Charlie Kirk show.
Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country.
He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created. Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.
That's why we are here. There's a new era. It is a golden era for America. I won't go into too much of the details here, but I think I'll just mention this. Julie Kelly and I were On the phone together with the president last week about this topic of January 6. We won't say any more than that But it got Julie and I reconnected. She has the president's respect She knows this topic better than anybody else Julie.
Welcome back to the program. Hey, Charlie What an amazing day yesterday and thank you for your help with this historic decision courageous decision that the president made It's really amazing to see the videos on acts of people being released from federal prison after all these years, so thank you and thank you to the president for including me in that process and I hope we can toast in person one of these days Charlie. Yes, and Julie you deserve a lot of credit You were the president was making his whole final decisions and you were very persuasive for him Let's just put it that way.
So Julie, let's recap for the audience. What exactly was signed? What are the details of this pardon? Educate our audience on that, please So the pardon as the president said during the signing ceremony last night is a full pardon so that applies to close to now 1600 J6 defendants there was a carve-out there Charlie for 14 individuals whose sentences have now been commuted and those were all members or associates of the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers and I believe that he said that those cases will be reviewed also for pardons and I believe His final decision will be similar to what we saw yesterday pardoning those individuals Many of whom were convicted of seditious Conspiracy which is a terrorism statute usually reserved Charlie for real terrorists not political protesters So I'm sure the president will reach the same decision and then what's happening today Charlie There were several j6 related court proceedings in Washington scheduled for today including one case going to the jury for a verdict and You have the new DC US Attorney Ed Martin who I believe that you know who is a friend of mine and he's already filing motions to dismiss those Indictments and I know that judges were forced to do that today and boy I wish I was there to have seen those judges have to drop those cases That would have been another incredible moment And and so this is this is so profound and I hope everyone here Understands what's going on is that the president could have done the watered-down version, right? He could have kind of gone halfway now the media is attacking they say oh well president Trump even Commuted or pardoned people that were violent. This is the important thing though The question is do you believe if the tree is rotten is the fruit also rotten can a rotten tree produce?
Good fruit. No Talk about the due process violations. That's really what we're getting at here. Is that these defendants did not have basic Constitutional guarantees they were guilty until proven innocent pre-trial detention Solitary confinement did not get access to adequate attorney attorneys They did not get the ability to examine evidence Julie It's not about that President Trump made a comment on the actions of what they did that day He was pardoning and commuting the process Yes, explain, please and Charlie that obviously was something you were very adamant about is emphasizing the lack of due process the constitutional rights violations at play in this prosecution so that is of course something that we added to the consideration and I know that the president himself is fully aware of what these Prosecutors and judges have been doing for more than four years But I think the most egregious violation is that judges Systematically for three years Charlie as we discussed denied every single change of venue motion filed by every J6 defendant arguing that they could still get a fair trial in a city most entirely populated by Democrats and not just Democrats Trump loathing Radical left-wing Democrats who view the events of January 6 as they do compare it to 9-11 I have sat in some of those jury selections. You cannot believe what the residents of Washington DC think about January 6 So they the judges would claim. Okay.
Well, we'll go through this wah dear process We'll really you know drill down into their political views about Donald Trump in January 6 No, they didn't they didn't do that. And so it resulted in the DOJ having this perfect conviction rate after now almost three years of Trials so that right there is an indication that these J sixers did not have their constitutional rights of an impartial jury Going before an impartial jury and certainly the judges were a big part of that but also withholding discovery Brady materials Exculpatory evidence concealing the use of not just FBI informants, but other undercover agents from numerous law enforcement Agencies, so there were so many things just systematically happening there That resulted in more than a thousand going to federal prison So I know that that was part of your strong argument not that we needed to again The president was on board but I think just developing the argument and the record for this extraordinary Measure that he took yesterday There were people not on his team. His team has been excellent But in his orbit that we're saying do not do the widespread pardons. Is that fair?
Julie? Yes, absolutely Because to your point the easy one the low-hanging fruit and I think what a lot of people thought Was going to happen in CNN in the Washington Washington Post actually erroneously reported this a few hours before he issued that part in is okay. We'll just Just dismiss the counts. Pardon those who were convicted or accused of the four or five common misdemeanors Which is still hundreds of people and then we'll go case by case For the 300 or so with those federal its 111 charges assault interfering impeding certain officers So I think that's what everyone was sort of suggesting and you know this Charlie pressure from Republicans in Congress We had US senators very strongly come out during Pam Bondi's confirmation hearing Tom Tillis and Lindsey Graham Very unequivocally saying there should not be pardons for anyone accused of assaulting police. So this was such a courageous Decision by President Trump. I really want to emphasize that this was not an easy thing for him to do but he did it because it's the right thing and he feels personally passionate about Restoring justice and making these people whole it was an in phenomenal act of courage a breathtaking act of courage and The other element of j6 news is that in the morning every member of the j6 committee and their staff Received a preemptive pardon from the scum-of-the-earth Joe Biden.
This one even took me By surprise. What is going on here? So he issued pardons for not just the members so Benny Thompson and Adam Kinzinger Of course Liz Cheney, but the staffers so this would be the investigators I think they hired a dozen federal former prosecutors Charlie to interrogate a thousand plus witnesses Mostly Trump White House employees. They're all pardoned But the real outrage Charlie is pardoning what I call the four j6 celebrity cops Mike Fanone Aquilina Ganell Harry Dunn and Daniel Hodges who not only committed perjury under their sworn testimony testimony during that first hearing in July of 2021 they have showed up as victims and witnesses in j6 hearings and trials and sentencing Begging judges to throw the book at j6 errs based on the lies about their injuries or what they saw or what they endured All four of them committed perjury multiple times and that is proven by the fact That Joe Biden has had to issue a pardon to exonerate them.
They caused arguably more damage To j6 errs than Liz Cheney in that committee really a despicable move by Joe Biden on top of so many January's here. Can you believe it? How are you doing with your new year's resolutions? Mine was pretty easy to focus on my well-being and we all know the foundation of well-being is a good night's sleep So if I could do just one thing to improve my sleep and overall well-being it is taking the number one mineral for that Which helps me personally on so many levels. I can't even describe it.
Yes. I'm talking about magnesium Actually, I'm talking about magnesium breakthrough by by optimizers the seven different forms magnesium and the supplement are involved in over 600 different biochemical reactions in the body pretty much every Function your body gets upgraded when you take magnesium from the quality of your sleep to your brain function from metabolism to stress levels And let's face it. Even if your 2025 resolution is not to focus on your health as it is mine How are you gonna be able to achieve all your goals without quality sleep and stress management support really? So do yourself a favor and make magnesium breakthrough part of your daily routine this year So you can get the vitality you need to conquer your dreams go to the URL now and enter code Charlie to get 10% off your order go to mag breakthrough calm promo code Charlie Julie last question here before we bring on a released hostage John strand who had the whole government thrown against him Have we ever seen anything like January the January 6? show trials and Let's just say blitzkrieg in American history. Has there ever been an equivalent to this? There has not and the criminal defense attorneys have said this to me.
They've said it in court motions There is nothing comparable and I think one big indication is having that reversal Charlie of the 1512 c2 count John strand can talk to that that post Enron obstruction that was overturned by the Supreme Court in June Saying that the DOJ Wrongfully applied that statute in 300 plus cases nonetheless the DOJ DC US Attorney Matthew graves at the time Pushing forward with trying to make that charge stick even after the Supreme Court Overturned them. This was a rogue reckless destructive political Persecution and Charlie people have to pay for what they have done This cannot be the last word on the travesty of the j6 defendants those in charge Matthew graves Lisa Monaco even Merrick Garland have to be held accountable For the lives that they have destroyed or tried to destroy over the past four years under the capital siege prosecution Julie you're the best. Thank you so much Congratulations, you played a big part in this the president credited you multiple times privately for helping shape his thinking So great work. Thank you.
Thank you, Charlie. We are just getting amazing testimonies I mean one in particular. Let me just read this to you from my pastor pastor Rob McCoy a very disturbing one was Mark Ibrahim, so mark Ibrahim was a j6 er who was an active DEA agent who never stepped foot in the Capitol But publicly testified that he knew that they were undercover FBI agents there because his brother was an FBI agent who was there and he trained With others he was an active DEA agent therefore legally allowed to possess a weapon in Washington DC allowed to possess a firearm Despite that he was arrested for carrying a weapon with the intent to support an overthrow of the u.s Government and was facing 16 years in prison and lost his job Well, mark Ibrahim is now completely pardoned and he has his life back.
How amazing is that? It's a total reversal of fortune 16 years on completely BS made-up stuff Totally made up the other one that we're gonna have on the program later this week is Siaka, Massaquoi Siaka, Massaquoi was hunted by the federal government for years an actor a supporter of President Trump and was found eventually at an airport with his pregnant wife and Was shook down as if he is El Chapo or some sort of child sex trafficker or drug smuggler He was actually facing trial last week. His his trial started last week Charges dropped game over.
Thanks for playing. They went all-in on January 6th The regime went all-in as a way to try to break our will they thought that they could break our spirit break our gusto Break our will joining us now is John Strand John congratulations. You are a free and cleared man. What does this day mean for you Charlie? Thank you for having me on and thank you for acknowledging the enormity of this moment Myself and every j-6 er have truthfully been exonerated as the innocent Brave citizens that we were that day showing up when it was unpopular and uncomfortable to do so To stand up for constitutional integrity in our constitutional rights This is a day of incredible victory vindication And a recommitment to the reality of truth I thought it was incredibly beautiful and incredibly important.
What President Trump acknowledged in his historic inauguration speech That there is a God and in him we trust that is what this republic is built on that there are only Two sexes male and female that God has created And this truth about January 6th is also incredibly important that we no longer live in the lunatic left Paradigm of a false reality about January 6 being an insurrection or any of this other rhetoric that was clearly not only false but deeply malicious Julie Kelly was spot-on in her comments about the malicious And unprecedented nature of a weaponized DOJ that waged what was tantamount to a kinetic war against its own citizens The carnage is that catastrophic and we must have a national reckoning With what has been done to these citizens and their families myself included and many others some who lost their lives who lost babies Who lost for families fortunes and sacred honor it was all obliterated. It's terrible Hey everybody Charlie Kirk here if pain is affecting your life I have the perfect New Year's resolution for you make 2025 the year of feeling good again the year of moving better sleeping better Feeling more alive and do it with relief factors Relief factor is a daily supplement that fights pain naturally developed by doctors It doesn't just mask pain temporarily helps reduce or eliminate pain Over a million people have turned to relief factor and feel the difference it can make in your life Give their three-week quick start a try. It's only 1995 less than a dollar a day and it just takes a phone call 1-800-4-relief that is the number 1-800-4-relief and you could start feeling better in three weeks or less And every day you feel better is a day you live better whether you're hurting back neck joints or muscles make 2025 The year of feeling good again try relief factors three-week quick start today visit relieffactor.com Or call 1-800-4-relief. That is 1-800-4-relief. So check it out right now relieffactor.com John we don't have a ton of time. So let's let's do this quick But John I need to make sure I mention The January 6 defendants who killed themselves in this process.
Matthew Perna, George Meacham, Chris Stanton, Mark August Can we put this up on screen? These are just some I think there's a fifth somebody mentioned but I want to verify that We know that these are some of the January 6 defenders who've taken their lives after they lost everything over the protest They're up on screen right now The Department of Justice, FBI, and media and the entire January 6 committee has blood on its hands John your reaction Restorative justice is essential. We're gathering J6 defenders and as well as the entire country and the world as advocates to get this movement for restorative justice Please join us at wearej6.com And what that means is we need a national reckoning with the truth of what happened with the weaponized government with the corruption of The DOJ and the prosecutors and with the harms and catastrophe Inflicted on these these folks so we need to make them whole we're talking historic civil damages We want to work in cooperation with the incoming and trumpet administration to make sure this happens in the right fashion And also that there is serious accountability as Julie Kelly mentioned We must hold these government officials to account and make sure that as a prosecutor and as a judge That you are upholding the constitution and you are not willfully Participating in a collusion to violate civil rights Uh title 18 code 242, uh under cover of law violating civil rights There is strong law in place that must be enforced and we need a reckoning with these institutions really quick Recount for our audience. You were in solitary confinement in federal prison That's right. And now you have a full pardon from the president of the united states Put that in the words the best you possibly can John.
I mean What I am so grateful for is that by exercising what I call uncomfortable courage knowing what's right and wrong and choosing right fighting against Evil, I actually refused the plea deal and therefore was vindicated at the u.s Supreme court and I am about ready to be vindicated and exonerated legally even before the pardon comes So that's a that's a representation of the fact that we were innocent betrayed by our government We stood strong the pardons cleared the decks and reset the narrative that we have been exonerated and we must examine what government has done wrong John, congratulations. Thank you so much. Thank you charlie. God bless you before I bring on citizen Kane email us freedom at charliekirk.com. I want to hear from you guys directly and subscribe to our podcast Mr. Kane, we did it Kane we did it Yeah, kane I have right here. I just want to go through it.
I want to hear from you guys directly and subscribe to our podcast Yeah, I have right here. I just want to go I want to go through this really quick for the audience The headlines donald trump regains power front page the washington post trump's stark vision washington times trump's vows golden age Kane The floor is yours. Yes, sir So trump was dead charlie.
That's the thing. We need to remember, you know It this these last three days were eat and and drink and celebrate and now we go to work today. We go to work and it's it's important to remember with the you know, the The new golden age and and all the joy and excitement excitement from the past 72 hours that trump was dead in the water Murdoch had banned him from fox news any live appearances on fox news weren't allowed because he might dare mention the steel This all happened after january 6th As you and I know because we talked about it all the time on your show. He was tied in the polls with desantis Right, the billionaire donor donors had turned their back on trump two years ago The davos crowd declared that populism was dead charlie. They said it was dead and and gone and trump with it So this guy rose from the grave.
He never stopped fighting. I personally I view trump as an athlete Okay, I know I view him as a guy who doesn't like to lose He he never likes to come in second So it it never even occurred to me that he wouldn't run again to sort of clear his name But but no one else thought he was going to do it or thought he could do it So that that sort of needs to be the backdrop For those for those amazing headlines that you just showed is and and you you know You've been chronicling it every single day And and I know you remember that stuff two years ago. There was serious doubt about president trump. So it's a testament to you know to To the to maga nation. It's a testament to the viewers.
It's a testament to you know, populism is about the people It's about people pushing and forcing Action, it's it's not sort of a typical Political philosophy and and I really feel like it was the people That made this happen and made it happen for president trump. So it's just a great day Okay, let's go back in time. You and I really grew close during the kind of dark night of the soul Before what? You know, we see here on screen president trump dancing at the ball He wasn't dancing a year and a half ago came when you and I were chatting Talk about how dark things looked Yeah, I sent you a 3 a.m. Text.
I think that's sort of famous. We talk about it sometimes I saw you know, it was six months or so before the the uh first Indictment and we saw it coming and and and we didn't know exactly how to react We you know, it was probably that probably was part of the reason that trump wasn't doing Especially well in the polls that he was tied with de santis In addition to the donors turning their backs on him is is people didn't know how the base would respond when the indictments came Right, so you and I that's what I mean, we got nitty-gritty into the polls And we were trying to analyze all this stuff ahead of time. What is the first indictment going to do to him? Right, so that cleared we looked at the polls two or three weeks later and he was still fine In fact, he was a little bit stronger. So you and I got a little bit more optimistic The second indictment the third indictment. It was the same thing trump seemed to grow strength I remember the vague being the only candidate who showed up in the the florida indictment vivake went down to florida And gave a little press conference there an impromptu press conference, you know We didn't know how the other candidates were going to react We didn't know how how the voting public and we started to see that mandela effect as you coined it You know that trump was getting more popular that that even the never trumpers were starting to see that And and independents included in that were starting to see that this was this was lawfare This was this was they're attempting to keep the candidate the people's candidate out So we watched him gain strength and you know, I know we were guessing the whole way charlie We were looking at tea leaves.
We were reading these polls trying to figure out if if trump was going to lose strength How he was playing how this was playing out these indictments with the independents, right? That was really what we worried about was the independent voters And so for all of it to turn out well, and and I started to say at the beginning of this broadcast There's a great tweet that charlie put up, you know charlie never stops working and he never stops worrying That's something people don't know and it's a good thing to never stop worrying and I think charlie finally took you finally took a uh, A deep breath as the inauguration happened and you put that tweet up and people really really loved it It's very sweet cain, you know on screen we had some b-roll of elon musk Cain you and I both agreed that with the purchase of twitter that was almost the cause set in motion that got us here It was the beginning where all these other tech companies started to reconsider. It was elon musk was the tipping point. I cannot emphasize enough The the role that elon musk played in all this by the way that that also should get in the smithsonian of president trump with the sword How should we think about elon musk's role in saving western civilization? I'm 100 on on uh on team elon for what he did for twitter and you're right about getting the ball rolling He made it easy for all of silicon valley, you know mark andreas and david sachs Jason kalkanis Other big names in silicon valley and he made it easy for you know You know young people tend to identify with that and and and with sort of that that cohort and In addition to the work that tp was doing on all the college campuses. There was sort of a you know, uh, There was a meshing underneath it all that that sort of young men young women silicon valley All sort of turning and making it okay to talk about your support for trump It's okay to admit that you plan to vote for him.
We had I put it in the stack yesterday. We had the Ceo of uber writing a pretty hilarious, uh explanation of how he Went from never trumper to pro trump and now back to elon when I talk about being on team elon You know I don't want to have I I want people to understand that there are shades of gray and everything We're not always all going to agree on every issue and the h1b issue is one of those but elon showed some ability to compromise there and and The bigger point if we didn't have twitter charlie, we didn't have anything. I mean that you got you've got an army I mean, there's a charlie kirk army. There's a benny johnson army There's an elon army and and these armies went to work in you know in the final three months Leading up to november and i'm convinced You know, I really believe that there's social pressure involved in voting and people talk to their friends and i'm convinced that that social pressure had finally sort of abated that that you weren't allowed to talk about voting for trump and weren't allowed to Support president trump publicly so I I agree with you that that you know the day that he first mentioned Hey, maybe I should buy twitter you and I both know what that meant we could sort of see ahead and it turned out better Than we could have imagined.
Um, and you know, and i'll throw it back by saying You know, it's correct other than um, I can't think of his name now. So oh reid hoffman at linkedin other than reid hoffman We had zuckerberg. We've had bezos all led by elon musk And it's it's just a fantastic feeling, you know, it gives last thing i'll say is it gives me hope What it makes me really feel is that we can grow this coalition for jd vance Assuming he's our he's our nominee. We can grow this coalition over the next 12 years Hey everybody charlie kirk here with new year's resolutions many of us will vow to eat healthier and that's a good thing But what about your beloved pets and their nutrition naturopathic?
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I don't remember you i'll pause here. What were those numbers on that straw poll? It was overwhelming. It was well over like 60 to 70 percent. I mean it was it was triumphant Yeah, and and that was it though if you remember a week before that jd Vance was sort of just in the mix with the other candidates polling equally. So something happened and and you know Not exactly sure what that was. It was probably a big some big influence from um From from the base as we all finally got together, right?
There had been no convention to that point that that's another reason that was a great convention It brought the base and and and and the people Together in june and you know and jd mance was a favorite and he emerged out of there and it was smooth sailing from there I think it wasn't any more than two or three weeks after that Maybe it was all the way at the convention that trump I I don't remember when he announced that he had chosen jd But it's really interesting that he goes from third in the senate primary in ohio on the republican side to winning that thing to raising his profile for a couple of years in the senate and then really exploding last summer and And I think you know, I think what you said is correct about jd. Just being a really really nice person You know him so you're able to confirm that but it comes across the best and the kids, you know the way His his sons and daughter. They're just they're great kids and the way they parent them is so relaxed and and and like the The thanksgiving video when I think jd was cooking with his son. No his daughter.
He was cooking with his daughter It's just sweet stuff. These are real american people. It's they're they're perfect populists So so i'm super excited and and i'll close it with just saying we really have a chance charlie, you know Let's get scott pressler turning new jersey into the next pennsylvania Let's grow this working with this working class coalition and let's win 60 percent for the next 12 years. What do you think?
I love it. I I just think it's spectacular Kane, you are the greatest seriously, uh, you have been a uplifting cheerful Consistent based voice on this program for a couple years and we were in dark spots together But we were we were always rallying we were talking about how we were going to get through it We were strategizing live on air and this is your victory kane. You were you're the new drudge. You're bigger than drudge How are the numbers kane? Yesterday charlie is the biggest day since the day after the election 19 million page views in the last 24 hours and you're right It's not me man. All I do is work Yeah, but but but it's the people it's the people spreading the word and yeah, we we've passed drudge probably In november was the last time he's beaten us.
We're about right about 500 million page views a month now So it's that's unbelievable. I gotta I gotta text you more links. You're the greatest Kane, thanks so much. God bless you. This is your victory. This is cvp cfps audience victory citizenfreepress.com Kane talk to you soon. Thank you Talk to you soon. Thank you. Thanks so much for listening everybody email us as always freedom at charliekirk.com Thanks so much for listening and god bless For more on many of these stories and news you can trust go to charliekirk.com
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