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Exposing the World's Largest Child Sex Trafficking Operation ft. Bob Unanue

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
August 8, 2024 5:00 am

Exposing the World's Largest Child Sex Trafficking Operation ft. Bob Unanue

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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August 8, 2024 5:00 am

Not many CEOs were bold enough to loudly support Donald Trump, even before 2024. Charlie is joined by one who was: Bob Unanue, CEO of Goya Foods. Bob and Charlie discuss Big Food, sharing one's faith boldly, the spiritual war America is in, and why a Harris/Walz administration would be catastrophic for children in America and around the world.

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Hey, everybody. It's time for The Charlie Kirk Show. Bob Unandwe, an amazing conversation about Goya Foods, faith, family, Donald Trump, and being blessed. Email us, as always, freedom at Subscribe to our podcast. Open up your podcast application and type in charliekirkshow. Become a member today. It's That is And as always, you can email us, freedom at Buckle up, everybody.

Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campuses. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.

That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold.

Go to Really special guest for you this hour. Someone that I met at the RNC.

He gave a great speech, and I want to get to know him even better. And I invited him on the program. And it's Bob Una, who Una knew. I'm sorry. I apologize, Bob. Can you tell me how to say your last name? Well, Kirk is much easier.

Charlie Kirk. It's an honor to be with you. Unanwe.

It's actually a Spanish name from the best country. It's Unanwe. Yeah, I looked at it three or four times. I was like, boy, I really don't want to mess this up. I'm sorry. Well, welcome, Bob. Thank you. You have such an amazing story, and I think we have all hour, and you have a book out, and it's an Only in America story. Tell us your family's incredible story of entrepreneurial, entrepreneurism and wealth and job creation. Well, thank you, Charlie.

Again, it's an honor to be with you. You're an incredible voice for the future of this country. And it's a country that is moving away from God. But more importantly or significantly is moving toward communism. And, you know, it's the few controlling the many.

It's like Animal Farm. And unfortunately, the people that they pretend to protect or care about are the people who are being exploited. For example, trafficking.

Seventy-five percent women, twenty-five percent children. The biggest victim of trafficking is the Latinos. So we find ourselves there. But my grandfather left Spain at about seventeen years old in 1904 for Puerto Rico. For Puerto Rico, he left on a steamship.

And imagine a seventeen-year-old kid striking out, and to find opportunity, prosperity. He was in Puerto Rico for a while. He went to New York to study English and to business. He was importing products from Spain.

In 1936, the Spanish Civil War ran out of products from Spain, so he imported some sardines from Morocco with the Goya name on it. And since then, you know, originally he was catering to the Spanish community in New York. After World War II in 1945, a big influx of Puerto Ricans. And by the way, for my grandmother's side, I have some Puerto Rican blood. And my mother's side, I have some Irish.

We are Irish. But the Puerto Ricans came in 1945. And these were economic migrations. Fifty-nine bought in Cubans with a political migration.

And the seventies, the Dominicans. And by the year 2000, we're thirty-five million Latinos. And today we're seventy million Latinos. We're the second largest Latino country in the world. And we're divided by politics and things like that. But the things that unite us, I believe, are God, family, work, freedom, those values. And by the way, many people coming to this country looking for that prosperity that my grandfather came to find by working hard and giving to this country, like the great Republican or Democrat John F. Kennedy said, ask not what your country can do for you, but for your country.

And so he came here to work and to prosper. Unfortunately, fifty-nine percent of the illegal immigrants coming into this country today are on some type of subsidy. So it's not sustainable. We cannot take care of the world. We cannot have borders that are open and illegal and bring in people like Mr. Maduro, who just had a very corrupt election in Venezuela, sending him the worst gangs in the world, the Tren de Aragua, with orders, by the way, in El Paso area to shoot police. These are the people we are bringing into this country.

We're a country of immigrants, but the immigrants are the people who have built this country, but immigrants who have come in to work and to make a difference, to wake up every day with a purpose. COVID kind of killed that purpose, our spirits. The government takes care of everything. We rely on the government. We end up in a communist nation. They call it progressive. It's communist. And we're going to run out of other people's money to spend.

And we're running out of the work ethic that immigrants, strong immigrants from Ireland, from Italy, from all over the world came in and built this country. So I love that story. And you have assumed the leadership of Goya Foods. Can you just reiterate to our audience that only in America this is possible? And let me ask you a question.

If you had to start Goya today, do you think it would be possible, given the regulatory tax environment and cultural difficulties here in this country? Well, my grandfather started it, like I said, in 1936 for 88 years old. Not me.

I'm only seven. No, no, I know. I'm saying if you had to, if you had to start, you're running the whole deal, of course. Yeah.

Okay. So no, it wouldn't. It couldn't happen because, again, the people coming into this country today are here to take advantage of this company. The only industry that has grown exponentially under this administration in the last three and a half years, tremendous growth in this industry, the two largest industries in the world, trafficking and drugs.

The third is arms sales. But we've allowed this to grow because, you know, the genie said to Aladdin, never drink from a cup of money or power, you'll never be satisfied. And there's too much money in this. There's a lot of good intentioned people out there that, you know, see this epidemic of trafficking, which is a tremendous exploitation, is a tremendous business. I came aware of this with the, you know, getting involved in The Sound of Freedom, this movie on trafficking. But our borders are Kamala Harris, Javier Becerra, head of HHS, Andrew Mayorkas, they've presided over this industry because we're bringing in kids. Last year, Tara Lee wrote us, testified before Congress on April 26, that the U.S. is the middle man in this trafficking and drug business. The cartels are making hundreds of billions of dollars.

They can't make it alone without the support of Mexico, the United States, and certain individuals with the great resets that are trying to really exploit not just the Latino community, but everybody. The money is too great. So Javier Becerra, when she testified, wrote us and said that we're dropping off 30, 40 children at one address to a sponsor. We're not dropping them into a home. We're dropping them into a business.

Sponsors that have multiple addresses to take in more children, what for? To sell them for sex, to sell them for slavery, to sell them for body parts and blood, quite honestly, and grossly. It's a huge, evil business. You know, the Cuban poet José Martí said, there's people born to love and build, others to hate and destroy. And that divide, and I said before that got me in trouble that Donald Trump was a builder and we were blessed by him. On the other side, we have this anger, we have this hatred. I watched Cori Bush yesterday, after losing her race there, to say with so much anger and hatred, why are we hating each other?

Why do people hate Donald Trump so much? The only thing that can conquer hate is love. And we've got to look beyond the selfies. We're looking at creating our own identity in a flag, in a letter.

There's even map flags, minor attracted people. So we're finding identities in flags that say, OK, I'm a pedophile. So, you know, instead of looking to God who is perfect, we're looking at all the imperfections of our world. The book is blessed. Donald J. Trump and the spiritual war, how the battle for the soul of this country began with one word.

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That is slash Charlie, slash Charlie. So, Bob, I want to ask a question. Your book here is terrific.

People should check it out. Blessed. Donald J. Trump and the spiritual war had a battle for the soul of this country began with one word. Forward by Dr. Ben Carson. Your faith is very important to your speech at the RNC was beautiful. Ryan, can we get some clips of Bob's speech at the RNC?

I thought it was great. You were very clear that this is a spiritual battle. Explain.

OK, well, thank you, Charlie. You know, I was minding my own business during covid and I wouldn't be here talking to you or know the incredible Ben Carson and so many great people if it weren't for something that happened at the White House on July 9th, 2020. And we were in the middle of covid.

There was no food. We were working as an essential business. All business is essential. We need a reason to get up every day.

God, family and work. So I had the idea. Let me donate food as we do always. But to the commander in chief of the country, Donald J. Trump at the time. And I had the idea of two million pounds.

It went closer to five million pounds by the end of the year. So I went up to the White House. I was also appointed a commissioner, the White House Commission on Hispanic Prosperity. And so when I was invited to speak, which was an incredible honor, I happened to say and the Holy Spirit put the word blessed on my lips. I said, we are blessed to have a president like Donald J. Trump, who is a leader, a builder like my grandfather.

And, you know, that word came on my lips and it got me into a lot of trouble. They called for a boycott and basically for my head. They wanted me to apologize. This was in 2020, right?

July 9th, 2020. And I told Laura Ingraham, I wasn't going to apologize. I said, hell no.

You apologize and then they fire you. But, you know, I stuck to my guns and we had a boycott after that. People started buying our products. I was part of it. I was part of the Obama Let's Move program and My Plate. Just wanted to do good things for the country and food, which was needed at the time. People were hoarding and things like that.

And the food banks were empty. So next thing you know, I say the word blessed and it's like the cancel culture erupted, wanted to crucify me. And I was on TV for a couple of weeks. I got this platform, you know, that there's no way I could have planned that.

You know, you make plans and God laughs. The earned media I got there was in the millions and I wasn't looking for it because some of them was bad. The ire of the left, progressive, communist, I call it, wanted my head. It's the love and build.

It's the hate and destroy. So after that, with this platform, I was invited to work with Dr. Carson, American First Policy Institute, Brooke Rollins and people like that. And this gal, I did an interview and this gal from San Antonio sends me a rosary and said, you know, would Bob accept a rosary?

I said, sure. It turns out it turned to a thousand. It turned into 15,000. We went over to the Ukraine border in Poland, which is very Catholic, by the way. It's a very Christian country. And to bring food, we were giving food around the world, Venezuela, Poland, Ukraine, and rosaries. And some extreme berets delivered rosaries delivered rosaries into Lviv for us. And so, and the next thing you know, I had looked into this thing I heard about with the Hermit of Loreto.

This is the hermit around Loreto in Italy, where they have the House of Mary was transported there. And he put a brick with a message on it when the Vatican had opened its gates for a certain time, that Donald J. Trump was going to lead this country closer to God. And I was kind of, you know, that's kind of weird, you know, but as it turns out, I believe that the Holy Spirit, you know, started, we started this spiritual war of love and build, hate and destroy, moving away from God. And, you know, fast forward, there were so many things that happened that I talk about in the book, you know, The Sound of Freedom, you know, turned out to be a big hit with Angel Studios. Again, I love the connection.

And, you know, Goya cares what happens to do with child trafficking. And I think a lot of what the Holy Spirit wants us to do, and in The Sound of Freedom, there's a scene where Vampito, this Bill Camp, who's the actor, he has a gun to his head, and he says, when God asks you to do something, you cannot hesitate. And so I think we're all called. We're called and.

And, you know, we need to move closer to God as a nation, as a people. So I want to play a piece of tape here. Bob, this is from your speech at the RNC. It was terrific.

Let's play Cut 85. Four years ago, I dared to say that we were blessed by Donald J. Trump, a builder. Got into trouble for that. But more than a builder, he's a courageous leader. And he will bring this nation closer to God. He will bring strength to America, and he will bring prosperity back to America. Tell us more, Bob, about the idea that he will bring strength, prosperity, and that we need to keep our eyes on God.

Yes, Charlie. Well, strength is such a big deal right now, because you look at what's happening around the world, all the wars, the people being killed, all the conflicts, because of a lack of strength. We've shown so much weakness around the world. And also, that's affected our economy. You know, our war on fossil fuel.

From day one, President Obama put out about 50 executive orders that 50 executive orders that undid, that everything Donald J. Trump had put into effect. Catch and release, you know, allowing all these children. And I think we were put into this spiritual war, that the Holy Spirit or God says, you know, enough is enough.

We've had hatred and love throughout our history. But the big thing now is the children. A hundred thousand children missing, given to sponsors for exploitation, millions of people enslaved and in sex trade. Ben Carson said there's more slavery in the world today than in the history of the world. But the children and, you know, I think I was asked with this platform to talk about children. Goya cares about trafficking, the sound of freedom. And I just took this excerpt out of the Bible where it says, let the children alone and do not hinder them from coming to me. For the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. And it is the children that we are exploiting.

J.D. Vance was talking today about an 11-year-old child who was raped. But it's even younger than that.

The sound of freedom deals with a six, seven-year-old and even younger than that. You know, we're taking our children for profit and we're the middleman, as Tara Lee Roda said, this country is the middleman and the people in power. And, you know, the borders are and the head of HHS, Javier Becerra, Alejandro Mayorkas and everyone behind it. I have to believe that people are profiting for that.

You know, you've got to follow the money and that's not my job. And so, Bob, I want to just say, so there's been 88,000 missing children under Kamala Harris. She is the largest child sex trafficker in American history.

That's not an exaggeration. Where are these kids? Where are the 88,000 kids? Are they being sold for sex or for labor?

Bob, you have a whole nonprofit dedicated to this. You understand it behind sound of freedom. Where potentially are these children? OK, well, you know, they say Tara Lee Roda was saying, hey, you know, why didn't you follow up? They asked her. Well, you know, we couldn't keep in contact with them.

Why? If you drop 40 kids, as her testimony said, they drop 40 kids at one address, they're not going to follow up and see where they are. They've sold these children. The cartels have sold the children to us. We bring them into this country and then we're selling them to sponsors. We're not vetting these sponsors. These sponsors are looking for multiple addresses to take children in for sex, for slavery, for body parts. You know, there's horrific stories I don't really want to get into about how, you know, they're exploiting every single part of a child. When Jim Caviezel, a friend who was in the sound of freedom, he was talking about adrenochrome.

Oh, that's QAnon. That's not real. It's when, you know, your blood fills up with adrenaline and then they take the blood and then use it as a fountain of youth. This stuff sounds horrific, but there is so much evil out there.

I don't know personally that that's a thing, but I tell you what, we're selling children for body parts and we're selling them to slavery and for money. It's the money and the power. Why the power? We want to keep ourselves in power, that we can continue this business and we don't give a darn about anyone else.

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What can we do to make historic gains with Hispanic Americans, especially in states like Arizona and Georgia, going into this election? I think we already are, Charlie. And one of the reasons is the economy, you know, the where prices of things have doubled and more. And because from day one, our war on, you know, fossil fuels, Keystone Pipeline. The other day I heard this story. I was on actually a program yesterday in WBC where Johnson, House Speaker Johnson went to President Biden and said, you know, this war on, we can't export natural gas out of the United States. It's going into Russia.

He said, no, it was just supposed to be for this or that. No, we're not being able to export a lot of natural gas, which a lot of it comes from Texas, and people aren't too happy with Abbott. But we're punishing ourselves to enrich others and give money to other people.

So this war on fossil fuel has created tremendous inflation around the world. The other thing that creates inflation is that 59 percent of immigrants coming into this country are given handouts. We cannot afford for people who have come into this country legally to have to support people who are coming into this country with their hands out and to take and also, quite honestly, to do what's harmed some.

Of course, we are a country of immigrants and most immigrants came into this country, like my grandfather, to work and to contribute. But what we've done, this administration has done, is open the doors. And all this costs money. We can't support the world. I can't bring people into my house and pay for 500 people coming into my house.

I can't do it. And neither can anybody. And this country will not survive.

This is an existential election. But I think that the Latino—who, by the way, they share the values God, family, work, freedom—many people come to this country looking for opportunity only to find the middle class is being annihilated. And they are the middle class. They're the working class. And if they're being exploited and abused, they're going to start turning away from these policies that have contributed to all this inflation.

And again, like I said, the Latino is the biggest victim of trafficking. So in every part of our lives, we're being exploited and abused. And enough is enough.

We just have to get that message out. And people are starting to understand it with their pocketbooks. What is your reaction to the media's unwillingness or lack of care that there are 88,000 missing children in this country? Well, you know, they should be outraged. But, you know, I don't know who's profiting from this, but they're part of this far left that is profiting from this. Why would we want to bring in more children?

Javier Becerra said, you know, Henry Ford would be embarrassed by lack of efficiency. Why do we want to bring in more kids to sell and to exploit? Two things, money and control. Stay in power. You know, the media is in to keep this far left fringe, which is not the Democrats. It's not the Republicans. It's this far left fringe in power so that the few can control the many. Let's play another piece of tape here from your speech at the RNC.

Let's play cut 86, please. We want the freedom to worship, to love and to work in a way that gives us purpose, gives us a reason to get up every day. The Biden-Harris administration disrespects our values and has abused our community.

They buried our businesses with inflation and government red tape. They even use the FBI to go after traditional Catholics as if we were terrorists. Talk more about that. You are a devout Catholic, correct? And a serious Catholic. What has Kamala Harris done to the Catholic community? You know, it's not just her. It's his whole it's not Biden.

It's all the people around. I don't even think I said it from the beginning that Biden is in control. But we're in control of people who don't believe in God. They believe in flags and letters. You know, we have to go back to understanding that we are a gift from God. We are God's creation. And that gives us value. When we place value on external things, on things that are not as perfect as God, we diminish our value. Look at the mental health issues. We're not caring about our neighbors. We need to love God, our neighbors, as ourselves.

But we're not loving ourselves because we're not feeling valued because we don't appreciate that God has given us the value. And we need to. We have a video out with our Boyer Care.

It's called Press Pause. And just have the courage to step up and you see somebody being bullied or somebody you don't even know and say to them, you matter. How incredible is it that one young person with the courage could stand up to his group or her group and say, you matter, and they can save the life of a child.

So many kids are committing suicide and all this stuff of locking us up, which is this new Walt agreed, you know, wants to lock, wanted us to lock us up in COVID and also allow kids at 12 years old to, you know, to change their sex or their gender. It's stuff that is, these people don't care. They don't care about the person. They want to maintain the control.

They have far left ideas that are so far removed from God. And that's why we need to move closer to God, because God is who gives us value. So, Bob, in closing here, the election is going to come down to a handful of states and a handful of swing voters. And you are an entrepreneur. Can you talk about how difficult it has been to make ends meet, to be able to keep running your business? You have a big business. You guys do very well, but I'm sure you talk to a lot of distributors and what a Harris-Walls administration would mean for medium sized business and job creators such as yourself. Well, Charlie, and by the way, you've nailed my name so well from the beginning. I've been proved. And I agree with you on JD, Vance.

He's answered the questions that Kamala doesn't want to answer. Yes, it's been difficult as a company. And, you know, one of the things that Donald J. Trump did was take out a lot of the regulations. There's so many regulations, the, you know, the labor board and things like that.

There's so many things that go against you. It's so difficult to be, you know, an entrepreneur these days and to make ends meet, inflation out of control and all that. And by the way, I was kind of, I had to laugh a little bit about the head of the Teamsters who was at the convention and, you know, hammered some of the CEOs. But actually, you know, these Teamsters are CEOs also, and they find themselves in a pinch, too, because the more people we give handouts to, those people don't pay dues. And, you know, they lose kind of their reason for being as a union because, you know, people have all these help wanted signs out because they can't get people to work.

So, you know, a union is not going to, by putting a middleman in the middle is not going to help things. But, you know, we've demolished the middle class. And, you know, we sell to the middle class. We sell to the middle class. We sell to the masses. And so that's so important to us.

In fact, in hard times, we do a little bit better because people will go away from restaurants and back to the grocery store, but those prices are out of control. I did want to plug for one minute or just mention that in my book, I predict that Donald J. Trump will prevail. And that's, I believe that because of the Holy Spirit. But in the book, again, the Holy Spirit is present, blessed. We were blessed by Donald J. Trump. And I believe not only that he will be president, but he will lead this country back to God because God has a purpose for him. And the other day, and where he was, they tried to kill him.

And he was basically, his head was square to a bullet, and it turned at the exact moment and it grazed him. That, I believe, is the hand of the Holy Spirit of God, because God is calling on this man. And I don't believe there's anyone else in this planet that can do that and hopefully unite us, bring us closer to God, love and build. That's what we need to do. Amen.

The book is called Blessed. Bob, are you going to be traveling the country speaking out on behalf of Trump? I think you're a wonderful advocate. If not, we'd love to work with you at Turning Point Action and get you in front of Hispanic audiences and people of faith.

Well, they've given me that job at American First Policy Institute, but I think the message has to get out, and I'm willing to go anywhere at any time in these days, because our country is at risk. Our future is at risk. The world is at risk. We've got to move closer to God. We are blessed. We are one nation under God. And anything that I could say, and I was given this platform, I didn't ask for it. But when God asks, you cannot hesitate and you need to.

We need to be all hands on deck in loving each other, building and bringing America back to where it should be. Bob, thank you so much. And I hope to see you soon.

Our team is going to talk to you just for a second here as we let you go in the waiting room. Thanks so much. And check out the book, Blessed. Thank you so much. Love you, Charlie. God bless. Thank you. Absolutely terrific. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to
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