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Retake Maricopa, Retake Arizona ft. Justin Heap

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
July 31, 2024 7:00 pm

Retake Maricopa, Retake Arizona ft. Justin Heap

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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July 31, 2024 7:00 pm

RINO Stephen Richer played a major role in Republicans losing Arizona in 2020 and 2022. Now, he's on his way out, unseated by a grassroots uprising. Charlie talks to victorious challenger Justin Heap about what has to change in Arizona this fall to make sure 2024 goes Donald Trump's way. Plus, RealClear reporter Susan Crabtree discusses a leaked email warning that there will be another assassination attempt on Trump, and Amie Ichikawa discusses Kamala Harris's role in exposing women prisoners to depraved male predators.

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Hey everybody, here on The Charlie Kirk Show, we have Justin Heap, who has defeated Stephen Richard here in the Arizona-Maricopa County Recorders Race. Ballot chasing works. If you are cynical about elections being rigged or elections being broken, ballot chasing works. We just unseated the Maricopa County Recorders in Arizona.

Chasing ballots makes a big, big difference. We have a conversation about the U.S. Secret Service and also men in female prisons, become a member today. It's That is And as always, you can email me, freedom at

Buckle up everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.

That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold.

Go to Stephen Richer is currently the Maricopa County Recorder, and for quite a while we've said he's got to go. He lost last evening because he turned Maricopa County into a national disgrace, and he lost to Justin Heap. Justin, congratulations at dethroning Mr. Richer. Welcome back to the program. Thank you for having me, Charlie. So tell us all about it.

Tell us about your race. It was very grassroots-y, and you were up against a rather powerful individual. Yeah, we were, and look, it's a great day for Arizona. It's a great day for America. So I'm proud to announce that for all of your listeners that we have won the Maricopa County Recorder race. So Stephen Richer conceded this morning, and Richer was our Biden-endorsed Republican candidate here, and he has made our elections a national laughingstock. So here's my advice to you, Justin, is that Stephen Richer is now a lame duck, and he will be overseeing the November election.

You are the, again, you have to win the general election, but I want to make sure that this election November is properly conducted. My question is, yesterday during the primary, did we see any improvement from previous elections? I think we did as far as I did not hear about machines failing across the valley, and if so, that is some promising developments that it went smoother than in previous elections. Yeah, I think we did see a slight improvement across the board.

We had a few small technical issues. Hopefully we're getting all of those resolved by the time we get to the general election, which that's when the stress is going to be on, because there's going to be three to four times as many people voting in the general. So we're hopeful that some improvements have been made, but there's a lot that has to be done. And as our campaign, we beat an incumbent who outspent us four to one and a third challenger who took part of the vote, and we beat both of them. So I have to give a huge shout out to the hundreds of dedicated volunteers, to the people on my campaign team, to my amazing chief strategist and consultant, Jake Hoffman, who I know has been a great ally of Turning Point, and to everyone. And Charlie, I have to say, look, the ballot chasing operation that you have put on as part of Turning Point Action has been a real force to be reckoned with here in Arizona. I think it's going to do tremendous work in keeping our wonderful state red. So the staff and the volunteers, the people who we put out, who have knocked tens of thousands of doors, I think that made it real powerful. And I think it's going to be a huge role on November 5th in the general election. So all the conservative and all the grassroots in Arizona are hugely grateful to Turning Point for the amount of work you guys have put in and time to help us get out our vote, get out our base and make significant changes.

Well, thank you, Justin. And we have the data now to show it. We saw a major increase in low propensity voters where we were able to deploy these ballot chasers yesterday as a test pilot project. In fact, we were breaking 50 percent turnout in a primary, which, Justin, can you just give our audience some understanding? Fifty percent turnout in a primary. I mean, you're lucky to get that high turnout in a general election in certain parts of the country.

No, that's true. I mean, primaries. I mean, I was expecting, you know, between 25 and 32 percent would be a normal turnout. So to have 50 percent turnout in a primary race really shows, look, the the Republicans are fired up. This is going to be a good year.

They are turning out. And we expect that to continue with the general if we if we work hard and we all pull together. Justin, how can people support you? Because you still have to win the general election. And although it does not impact this November, we have a very important governor's race in 2026. We need ethical elections moving forward for senatorial races. How can people support you to make sure you are the next recorder of elections in Maricopa County?

OK, well, we've we've done it. We've made a significant hurdle by getting through the primary. The reality is, however, is that, look, this I think behind the presidential race, the Maricopa County Recorder's Office race is going to be the second most important race on the ballot because the county recorder's office is responsible for 80 percent of the votes in Maricopa County in Arizona's most populous county.

Almost 75 percent of our population lives here in Maricopa County. So this is a massively important and we are still there is a Democratic challenger. And so we are going to be facing a Democratic machine that is going to pump massive amounts of money in to hold this. So we're going to chase ballots.

Yeah. So anyone who's who's within the sound of my voice, look, we you could help by we can help by going to, just Justin, A-C-A-B, donate, five, ten, eight, fifty, whatever you think. Congrats, Justin.

Thanks so much. Hey, ballot chasing works, everybody. Hey, everybody, Charlie Kirk here. Is the bird flu the next pandemic? Why do globalists keep talking about Disease X? Everyone knows the next medical crisis is just around the corner. I refuse to lock down again or take another experimental vaccine.

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And I want to just play on this for a second. There's a lot of chat that people say, chatter that our elections are rigged and they're irredeemably rigged. If that is true, Stephen Richer was overseeing our elections. And by the way, there were a lot of problems with our prior and previous elections, no doubt, a lot of problems.

But if that is true and that our elections are so rigged, then why didn't Stephen Richer just rig it in his favor last evening? And the answer to that is that we can win. The news out of Arizona last evening is phenomenal. Tyler Boyer deserves a lot of credit.

Turning point action on the ground. We chased a ton of ballots on the ground, a ton of ballots on the ground here in Arizona. And I have to just reiterate, we can win. Last evening in Arizona, the Patriots of Arizona together in Maricopa, we unseated the Maricopa County Recorder, who is responsible for so much of this nonsense that we saw.

It's great, great news. I want to play cut 71 here. Pennsylvania Democrats who voted for Biden in 20 are fleeing dangerously liberal Kamala Harris for President Trump.

Play cut 71. In 2020, who did you vote for and why? Biden. Paralegal, though this Theresa explained last month when we visited, she's switching to Trump in 2024, frustrated by the rising cost of living and running a business in Reading. Biden's endorsement of Harris only pushing her further away.

She now volunteers at the recently opened Trump campaign office. It's just I don't trust her. Why? Because her background, I don't trust her.

Smart person. It really is coming down to Pennsylvania. Now, Arizona is still very much in play. A new poll shows that Donald Trump down two in Arizona could be true.

Find it a little hard to believe, but it could be true. We got a lot of work still here to do. Got a lot of voters still to register. We're going to have the largest ever ballot chasing force in the history of Republican politics. I'm telling you, we have plans right here to swarm this valley like you wouldn't believe.

We got people coming from California, where people coming from Utah, we got people coming from Idaho, people. And by the way, if you want to dedicate your like, let's say that you work for, you know, Amazon or you have a nice job or whatever and you want to take some time off instead of a vacation to just go sit on the beach, take your vacation to Phoenix, Arizona. Let us know. Go to TP Action dot com. That's TP Action dot com.

And we have a whole forum there. Tell your boss I'm doing five days in Phoenix. If you pass our vetting, we will even pay you a stipend that week to chase some ballots. But you got to pass some vetting there, obviously.

And that's all at TP Action dot com. So, for example, if you live in Chicago, I want to get out of Chicago, I want to go on a nice trip. Well, you could go to Miami and spend a bunch of money and sit on a beach and do nothing for your country. Or you can come down to Phoenix, spend a week and I will put you to work. Maybe you could take a day, sit by the pool or whatever.

Isn't that a better way to use your vacation? We will put you to work. And during that voting month period, we will have you download the Turning Point Action app. We will train you and we will have hundreds, if not thousands of people from around the country working this valley. Every nook, every cranny, every low propensity voter we will find. We will knock on the doors and we will flood the system with ballots, the likes of which we have ever, never seen before. Kamala Harris is supposed to announce her vice president on Tuesday.

She's doing it in Philadelphia. The betting markets are over the top, saying that it's going to be the dork, Josh Shapiro, Josh Shapiro being the current governor of Pennsylvania. And let's just put one on one up on screen. These are the betting markets. Betting markets usually have a lot of precision. Tied the likelihood of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris both winning.

I know 51 plus 51 doesn't mean anything that 102 doesn't matter. I mean, the odds are about the same. Donald Trump's slightly favored. It's a coin toss, everybody.

And by the way, I just want to make sure you are prepared. This next month, those odds are probably going to get worse for us. Is that reflective of reality? Sort of.

But this is very typical of sugar high politics and media infused propaganda. So you got to buckle up and do the work. And then in September and October, we make our final advance.

September, October, we do the metaphorical battle of the bulge. We've got to stay measured. You have to stay calm.

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But I want to go here to this one. This is, I think, a very telling clip. Let's go to cut 68, which is all about black voters. Donald Trump is going to the Black Journalism Conference in downtown Chicago today. Kamala Harris, is she able to win back black voters? And let me just say, I have so much respect for what President Trump is doing today. He might get booed. He might get heckled. So what? It is time that we end the Democrat Party's monopoly on black voters, especially if we are serious about winning Pennsylvania.

Let's play cut 68. How many of you know a black man who has expressed to you that they're committed to voting for Donald Trump? For the brothers who have told you that or said that to you, has the emergence of Kamala Harris changed that for those days? No, no, no, no.

No, no, no. Joining us now is Susan Crabtree, who had an amazing scoop yesterday about a email sent by the counter sniper. Susan, welcome to the program. Tell us about the scoop that you received. Yes, it was sort of surprised me because I was preparing to watch the hearing and I had been dealing with sources for several weeks now and an immediate aftermath of this because I covered the Secret Service for a total of 12 years and all the problems that have plagued the agency.

And at that. And it was just shocking to me that this happened, I got this email from the this counter sniper and the Secret Service, and he was basically telling me that he believed he sent it to the entire uniform division. I'm sorry. No, it's OK. We love cats, despite what the media says. I'm a crazy cat lady. MAGA is very pro cat, just so we're clear.

That is so hilarious because I always lock my door. But anyway, so the counter sniper, it's really sad that he actually had felt compelled to send this to the entire uniform division of the Secret Service. So it was honestly something that I was startled by. He was accusing the agency leaders of a CIA mentality and he wanted all five of them gone. He said there was one gone, Kimberly Cheadle, but four others remained that he believed that were responsible for these leaders, bad leadership decisions. And he he included he includes Ronald Brown, although he didn't name him in that group. And it's just extraordinary that he was willing to put it all in writing and set it off. He did send it Monday night. So that was the issue right before the hearing. I felt he was responding to a new director. And so I want to I want to read a piece of this email here. And I think this is the buried lead. He says, sadly, we've fallen short for years.

We just got lucky and looked good doing it. I've conveyed these thoughts, not only supervisors within the C.S. What is C.S. stand for? The commanding? No. Counter sniper.

Counter sniper. OK. But then what is S.O.T.S.?

I haven't seen it. OK. I don't know all these acronyms. It's very government. But those responsible for training.

No, it's OK. S.O.T.S. only brushed off as those as if those with less experience somehow knew more than me. So what he's saying, though, is that effectively the. The Secret Service has been a fake organization looking strong, looking powerful, but they're actually not protecting the people they're supposed to protect. Well, this this agency has been plagued with problems for years. I mean, going back to 2014, when we had all the issues with the prostitutes in Colombia and then we have several fence jumping incidents and honestly, Julia Pierson, this seems like deja vu all over again to me, because then the first woman director, Julia Pierson, Obama appointed her to try to basically have a woman in charge after the prostitution scandal. And she had she oversaw a series of problems and did not fix a darn thing.

And there was a Blue Ribbon Commission that was held convened and studied this issue and produced a 400 page report. And none of their recommendations, including the fact that they would this Blue Ribbon Commission wanted someone from the outside to come in, not somebody who came in from the ranks as part of the this culture of corruption at the Secret Service. But they wanted an outsider. And President Obama did not name an outsider. Actually, Donald Trump did when he came in. And but Joe Biden named and had there was a great story by my colleague, Stephen Nelson in New York Post, who was saying that, you know, Jill Biden was very influential in getting Kimberly Cheadle named. This is the problem with this cozy relationship between the presidential appointees to head the Secret Service and the president himself and the family that they want to choose a person that they're comfortable with, that they've known for years that have been close to the family, maybe even helped cover up some of the secrets in the family.

As we know that the cocaine issue is still a big problem. That was that was a huge incident. And I believe there was a cover up there as well, headed by the same leadership. This director acting director, Ronald Roe, is Cheadle's handpicked deputy.

She chose him. Why has Alejandro Moriorkas, the DHS secretary, who was impeached by the House Republicans, why is he able to choose just the number two part and parcel of the same problem? Just it's beyond me. And this counter-sniper was just he needs to seek legal advice right now because, you know, he's going to be under pressure, even though I did not release his name to try to help give him some protection. But it is unbelievable to me that he was willing to go forth so strongly.

But that is the level of frustration right now in the ranks. The people on the on the job, they are willing to put their life and their body as a shield in front of the president and former president. These people did their job that day. It's the leadership that decided where the perimeter was that that AGR building was not going to be within the perimeter and they did not put somebody on top.

That's still unclear to me. Ronald Roe still has not answered the question about why someone was not placed on the roof or was there someone assigned to that roof and they didn't do that. Local law enforcement didn't do that job. But, you know, you can't just blame local law enforcement.

It was your security plan. But, yeah, that's a really good point that you make that the Secret Service director and leadership might have been chosen to cover up the let's just say less than virtuous behavior of the current D.C. ruling class. I mean, you think about all the affairs that these presidents have and former presidents, you know, they're constantly cheating on their wives. They're constantly, you know, bringing in foreign officials and doing bad business dealings and doing some nefarious stuff. And the Secret Service is witness to a lot of it.

So you have to wonder that have they been choosing and selecting directors of the Secret Service and leaders with Secret Service that are willing to cover up the behavior of the ruling class, not the best that actually physically protecting them? Well, certainly when we I have found that in that instance of the cocaine, I'm told that regularly when they find what they call contraband, illegal substances in the White House, that the normal policy, normal operating procedure is to just dispose of it. So in this case, they thought it could have been anthrax. So they actually called in the D.C. Metro police. And so they documented it. So then it was known more widely. And then it went to the forensics department of the Secret Service for further testing. But otherwise, they would have just gotten rid of it.

Well, no, I just I have to interrupt. It's like, of course, they have a standard operating procedure for cocaine. It's the Biden White House. It's not the first time that they've encountered cocaine. And they know what to do.

They just flush it down the toilet. It's fine. It's Joe or it's Jill or it's Hunter.

Ashley just getting a line in before a press conference. Thank you so much. Great work, Susan. Really appreciate it. Absolutely.

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That's the lowest price ever. Don't delay. Order today. Use promo code Kirk at checkout. That is promo code Kirk at my pillow dot com. Check it out right now. Wonderful organization, my pillow dot com. Joining us now is Amy Ichikawa. I hope I said that right. Amy, welcome to the program.

Thank you for taking your time. Tell introduce yourself to our audience, please. Good morning, Charlie. My name is Amy Ichikawa. I am the executive director of a nonprofit called Woman to Woman based in California. And I'm also an ambassador for the Independent Women's Forum.

Wonderful. So we're here to talk about Kamala Harris and what she did as attorney general in California. Let's play this piece of tape here of Kamala Harris bragging about her track record of supporting surgery for men to masquerade as women to then enter female prisons.

Let's play cut one or two. When I was attorney general, I learned that the California Department of Corrections, which was a client of mine. I didn't get to choose my clients. A client of the attorney general, a client of the attorney general of the Office of Attorney General, that they were standing in the way of of surgery for prisoners, for prisoners. And there was a specific case. And when I learned about the case, I worked behind the scenes to not only make sure that that transgender woman got the services she was deserving. So it wasn't only about that case. I made sure that they changed the policy in the state of California so that every transgender inmate in the prison system would have access to the medical care that they desired and need. And I believe it was not only I know it was historic in California, but I believe actually it may have been one of the first, if not the first in the country where I pushed for that policy in a department of corrections.

So, Amy, what is going on here? Is it true that male inmates are allowed to now go into female prisons? And what is the consequence of that? Well, first, let me just mention that that specific case, Northworthy versus Beard, the trans woman in that case is absolutely against everything that's currently happening.

And it's completely disgusted with the whole Harris agenda. So what's going on is there are no requirements. They took that specific case, took that individual's trauma and they turn it into this brief for all or any any individual who is incarcerated in California to claim a gender self ID and then they can transfer to the prison of their gender with no requirements other than self ID. There's no requirement for surgery. There's no requirement for hormone therapy.

All you have to do is say I'm a woman and you can get your interview and you qualify for a child transfer. So, yeah, this is this is so chilling and women are getting raped. Is that correct?

Because of this? Correct. We currently have a lawsuit that is in court now. I think trial starts in September, which is against an individual who used a 132 to transfer to the women's prison and raped two women within a 24 hour period. So what specifically was Kamala Harris's role in allowing men into female prisons? She's prioritized the transgender community in the carceral setting. I think that they've used this community as a Trojan horse to start a totally pro pedo agenda. They've allowed anyone to identify as trans.

There is no longer a definition. So what's happened here is a large number of sexual predators, people that you definitely would think wouldn't be appropriate to put in a women's prison are taking advantage of this opportunity. Thirty three point eight percent, as a matter of fact, are registered sex offenders.

This is this is really sick and it is it's just beyond radical. And so you were incarcerated for five years in central California and you have a great story of redemption beyond that. But can you explain what it would have meant to have male prisoners around you?

What it would have done, what it did do. There was actually someone who did transfer and who was the serial rapist at the time that I was incarcerated. It stunts your ability to rehabilitate. I mean, any focus that a woman has on rehabilitating, on healing, on recovering from the traumas that got her there in the first place are stunted. There is a hypervigilant focus on am I going to get a rape assist in my room today?

Are we going to have to watch one of our neighbors get beat until she miscarries her baby from one of her new abusive boyfriends that the state has allowed to invade our face? The women are are not in a state where they can recover from these things. It's complex it's complex PTSD. It's nonstop. They have absolutely no respite from any of this onslaught of erasure and constant abuse.

So you work a lot with female inmates. What are they saying to you about this situation? Oh, it's horrific. I mean, they're watching right now. And I wish that some of them could actually be on to speak and let you know this.

This is horrible. They didn't ask. They just want to be able to do their time in a space that they're not in constant fear of being injured, of this psychological warfare that they're enduring. Nobody was sentenced to this. They've already been tried and sentenced. And this is additionally cruel and unusual punishment. To have women, 92% of whom are survivors of some form of sexual abuse, be forcibly housed with violent male sex offenders is absolutely insane. And the biggest crime against women, I think, in our lifetime. So the just so everyone is clear that a man could be convicted of rape, could say he's a woman and be transferred to a female prison. Is that correct? That's absolutely correct.

With no requirement of gender reassignment surgery or hormone therapy or anything. The things like criminal history or violence against women, things like that, can't be taken into consideration because it would be considered discriminatory. So Kamala Harris is running advertisements relentlessly saying that her track record as the attorney general of California was to defend women's rights and protect women. Do you believe that when you hear that?

Absolutely not. She destroyed so many lives in California. She made it really clear how much she hates black people, especially black men. She enhanced laws like this and took the trauma of a trans woman and turned it into this perverse law that allows anyone to transfer into the women's prison. And this is a predatory male's law.

This is who it was written by, Senator Scott Weiner, and this is who it's benefiting. Yeah. So help me understand what constituency exactly is in favor of male inmates to be able to shower next to female inmates. Correct.

Correct. The showers in Central California women's facility. This is an eight person cell. So there's four bunks. There's a shower and a toilet.

So this was specifically designed for women. So if anybody's over six feet tall, they get a direct view into the shower and the toilet. And there's already a limited amount of privacy as women.

So if there's imagine you have to climb up to your top bunk every night. You're having to climb up in your nightgown over a repeat sex offender. It's totally unacceptable.

People can't imagine it. And the people who think that this isn't a subject that really needs to be addressed at such an important time, like election season, they really need to take a minute and understand the women's prison is a microcosm. This is what women have to look forward to if we allow Harris to become president. This is what your life has been like. This is what you're going to look like as an American woman.

Yes. So why even have female prisons and male prisons? We really don't. In California, we just have men's prison and everybody else's prison. And in the federal system, it's the same. Take a look at what Judge Sarah Netburn did in Carswell, Texas. There's already a large number of sexual misconduct that goes on in that prison. But she thought it was OK to send somebody like J.J. who is a prolific sex offender into the women's facility. It's all over.

This is nationwide. So when Kamala Harris says that she is for women and that she is a champion of women, people should understand that her specific policy allowed women to be raped while in prison and are currently endangered because of her work. Is that a fair summary? That's absolutely fair. What kind of person would do that? I just it's it's heartless. It's cruel, isn't it? It's evil. It's absolutely evil. It goes against everything that is good and right and true. It's part of a satanic agenda. This is disgusting. And everybody really needs to have all eyes on California right now, because in order to save the nation, we're going to have to save California because this is where this thick and demented legislation is being birthed. This is this is the heart of this issue. We made it.

And we've got to fix it here so that it can have this ripple effect and save America because people are not going to be able to survive what these women are currently being subjected to. Well, God bless you, Amy, for your great work. How do people support you and follow you? I have a website.

It is We always appreciate Sam. Money is really great, too. We are on the Houston budget because we are dedicated to telling the truth. We don't really qualify for much federal or state funding, but we know that the Lord provides and we always have exactly what we need.

Well, very good. The San Francisco policies of Kamala Harris that are in California are coming to your daughter's locker room. They are coming to your neighborhood. Kamala Harris ruined San Francisco. She ruined California.

And if she becomes president, your daughters, it will be open season for men to rape them. Thank you so much, Amy. Thank you. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us, as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless.
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