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The Split-Second Hesitation That Nearly Destroyed America

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
July 30, 2024 7:00 pm

The Split-Second Hesitation That Nearly Destroyed America

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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July 30, 2024 7:00 pm

Secret Service snipers spotted Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks before he opened fire, but crucially, they hesitated — and American history nearly took a dark and radical turn. Afghanistan combat veteran Sean Parnell discusses the failures of planning and communication that made the Secret Service fail so dramatically at its job. Plus, persecuted 2016 meme-maker Douglass Mackey gives an update on his case and explains how a Kamala administration would be a catastrophe for American free speech.

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Hey, everybody. What happened in Butler, Pennsylvania?

Sean Parnell, who was there, is infuriated with the Secret Service's lack of concern or care. He joins the program. Email us, as always, freedom at Become a member today, That is, As always, you can get involved with Turning Point USA at That is

Start a high school or college chapter today at Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.

I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.

That's why we are here. Join us now is Sean Parnell, combat vet, best-selling author and host of Battleground Live. He was also at the Butler, Pennsylvania rally and he was helping do some heroic work there, get people to safety and help out. Sean, welcome back to the program. Sean, I want to get your instant reaction of acting director Rose's testimony right now, and also your thoughts on just the general lack of improvement from the U.S. Secret Service as Donald Trump is still not safe.

Charlie, first of all, thank you for having me. But, you know, Roe, the acting director of the United States Secret Service doesn't seem to be much better than Cheadle. It's hard to believe.

Like, consider this for just people who are listening. We know nothing about this. It happened over two weeks ago. The leading Republican candidate for president was a millimeter away from dying on national television.

Somebody from Pennsylvania is dead, a couple others wounded. We know nothing. And you talk about the deep state, you talk about the blob, call it an entrenched bureaucracy, whatever you want. But Cheadle's testimony was a perfect microcosm of the dangers of that. Here you have Republicans and Democrat members of Congress asking her questions and her thumbing her nose at them. Like, these are representatives of the people and these entrenched bureaucrats, these deep-staters, they don't care.

And so it is the thing that I can't wrap my mind around, Charlie, and I've been trying to piece this together every single day for two weeks, is how something like this happens. And the fact that the United States Secret Service continues to try to blame this on local law enforcement is absolutely mind-boggling to me. And by the way, good on the local law enforcement types, like the Beaver County SWAT guys that were on ABC the other day, good on them for coming out and defending themselves. But the fact that the United States Secret Service didn't even have their morning meeting with those guys, it is dereliction of duty of the highest order, Charlie. And so I'm just saying this right here on your show. I'm telling you, I'm not talking about boots on the ground Secret Service, people willing to sacrifice their lives, put their body between a bullet and President Trump.

This does not apply to them. But there is some serious, willful negligence going on at the highest levels in our government. I believe that they tried to starve President Trump of resources in the hopes that somebody took a shot at them, which would give them plausible deniability, which I know it's an explosive thing to say, but nothing else makes sense about this. Well, Sean, I want you to remind our audience that you have significant military experience and so logistical type of. I was there.

Yeah, I was. Please, it Charlie, it's just, listen, my friend, I, in the chaos of the moment with bullets flying over over our head, I'm like building water tower, those are the two threat areas I knew the sniper fire was coming from from the building. And so if I knew that in the chaos of the moment, how does the United States Secret Service not know that and we come to find out now that the counter sniper tactical plan wasn't even signed off on until a day in advance. Now these guys are typically on site doing reconnaissance five, six days in advance to an event, but the plan has signed off on a day in advance. We have absolutely no information as to, as to how this happened, how the secret service, it's really important for people to understand this for all my life. They have largely been considered as the premier protection agency in the world.

The fact that they are considered that has deterred countless threats against their protectees. But that's not the case anymore because they were outsmarted by a 20 something kid who, by the way, has anybody even asked the question, how does a 20 something year old kid when Donald Trump and his team announced a rally seven to 10 days in advance, he gets on site, he flies a drone, he draws a range card, he figures out he brings a range finder, he takes a shot at a president, he gets up on a roof, how does all this happen in seven days? He has a remote detonators on him, he builds explosive that allegedly had explosives in his car.

You don't just learn this stuff in seven days. So what the hell is going on? Like, we don't know anything about his family.

We don't know anything about his house. We don't know. I mean, the law enforcement, not the feds or local law enforcement have had a single press conference about this for run of the mill crime. There are press conferences about this. And now we have an assassination attempt on the presumptive on the Republican nominee and likely the next president of the United States.

And we know nothing. It is absolutely infuriating. And the American people, both Democrat and Republican, should not tolerate this.

But but we are tolerating it. And I'll tell you that, you know, we had we had Donald Trump on Friday and in Palm Beach and we've done many, many Trump events. We've done three this summer. Sean, it was by far the most relaxed, poorest security I've ever dealt with in the history of hosting President Trump. Multiple people were able to walk the perimeter. There were people backstage. And I asked Secret Service, don't you guys have to know who these people are?

No, no one would. And the perimeter was not secure. People, people text me after said, Charlie, I feel really bad.

I went through and I forgot I had a pocket knife with me. It's like they are not even close to in their job. President Trump is not safe. Sean, there's no urgency. There's no care. There's no concern. There is no checks and balance. There is not there.

There's nothing. In fact, President Trump is a sitting duck. He's a sitting duck waiting to be shot again. Am I exaggerating when I say that, Sean?

Absolutely not. And listen, you know, you have Representative Corey Mills that's asking this question. Hey, there's been a significant escalation here. The FBI tapped this guy's phones as a private citizen.

They are intelligence community, fabricated intelligence on him and tried to destroy Trump's life and the lives of his children. Now they're trying to throw this guy in jail for the rest of his life and use the enormous power of government to crush his business and destroy his legacy and tear apart his name. You see a very clear escalation here. And now we have something like this happen.

And it just drives me crazy. And you have a member of Congress and a great member of Congress and Corey Mills saying, was this willful negligence? And every member, almost every member of the media is like, Oh, I feel uncomfortable talking about it.

It's like, well, yeah, you might feel uncomfortable talking about it. But isn't that the question? And the fact that almost everybody universally is saying that we're not allowed to ask it should tell you something. Because look, I hope that we can roll it out.

But if that question is not on the table, then how does how do you ever say that didn't happen? And it absolutely needs to happen. Because number one, we're 60 days out from a potential investigative report from the United States Secret Service, which in and of itself is ridiculous. But Democrats and Republicans, this is a bipartisan thing. They're going to be on the campaign trail.

And President Trump's not safe, but neither is Kamala Harris at this point. You know, it's just like, it's just mind blowing to me. So help me understand, Sean, you have significant military experience, retired Army infantry captain with the elite 10th Mountain Division, right, the best of the best that our military has.

So I'm not an expert by any means here. So what I never understood is how quickly the counter snipers were able to neutralize him. And but they weren't able to neutralize him 15 seconds prior. And so that means that they must have had him in scope, or they must have been looking at him 20 seconds ahead of time, 30 seconds ahead of time.

Is that correct? Yeah, listen, I'm going to tell you exactly what I think. Now, I can't verify this, but having been in situations like this before, I can tell you that stuff like this is plausible. In the moment when I was like water towers rooftop, I said that's where the sniper fire is coming from. But then I immediately, Charlie said, no, there's no way because the United States Secret Service was have that on lockdown.

And I was wrong. Part of me thinks now again, I can't substantiate this. But if you're a counter sniper team, but one of those counter sniper teams was perhaps even a local law enforcement element that did not have their meeting with the United States Secret Service counter sniper team or the Secret Service that morning, right? That's that's verifiable. Now, you look through that scope, you see somebody on that roof and the prone, your first thought is, is that an enemy?

Oh, no, wait, no way. There has to be a friendly and in that split second, people die. That split second hesitation, people die. And that's why that communication between the United States Secret Service and local law enforcement on the ground, everybody having a task purpose and a mission and assignment. People on the building have a direct tactical channel to the counter snipers.

The fact that there wasn't an open tactical channel where people could communicate back and forth in a fluid way is again mind blowing to me. But I think, Charlie, if I had it, I don't know this for sure, but they're looking down the scopes at this at this person in the prone, like looking and then say, well, that's is that a friendly? But then realizing it wasn't and then taking the shot. But by then, hold on.

But, Sean, don't you have like 50 times mag and magnifying ability and you see some kid not in a uniform with an AR 15 with long hair? I mean, what friendly you dismiss that in two seconds, right? I mean, this is not right. But two seconds to hold on.

But I don't buy any of this. I understand you're saying, but you're trying to tell me that these guys have the higher ground and they don't see him army crawling on a white roof in a middle of a day. And then they're able to in as soon as crooks start shooting, they're able to get themselves in a position to take a one in a million shot to neutralize him immediately. And no one could have been like, hey, get Trump off the stage. They don't have a they don't have a degree.

The more I learn, the more I think there's a very dark element at play here. Hey, everybody, Charlie Kirk here summers here in the weather is beautiful. Everyone has a favorite outdoor activity, golf, bike riding, birdwatching, long walks, ask 100 people, you'll get 100 answers. But if everyday aches and pains are keeping you on the sidelines, I have one answer relief factor. Relief factor is a 100 percent drug free daily supplement that helps your body fight back against pain naturally developed by doctors. Relief factor uses unique formula of natural ingredients. It doesn't just mask pain, helps reduce or even eliminate it.

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That is relief factor dot com or call 1-800-4-relief relief factor dot com. We were supposed to get a face to face briefing with the Secret Service snipers whenever they arrived and that never happened. So I think that that was probably a pivotal point where I started thinking things were wrong because that never happened and we had no communication with the Secret Service. You had no communication with the Secret Service at all on that Saturday? Not until after the shooting.

And by then? It was too late. Sean, your take on that? Yeah, unbelievable. It's just like an unbelievable, I said it before, I'll say it again, an unbelievable dereliction of duty by the United States Secret Service to do something like that. And you know, I know you think it's incomprehensible to have a sniper look down the scope, think friendly, maybe not friendly, but it's in that split second of hesitation. Like, wait, that's a dude in long hair. That's not somebody in a uniform.

You pull your eye back from the scope and then you get back on the scope and pull the trigger. Maybe a second or two goes by, but that sniper is still able to get six rounds on the target. And that right there is exactly what I'm talking about. Those meetings, you know, those Beaver County SWAT guys that you just showed, that's why those meetings with the United States Secret Service are so critically important. Because even now we're like, well, were officers assigned to be on that roof? Did Secret Service task them with that?

Oh, I've heard that it was too hot. And maybe they were in the window. But now we learned that if even if you were in the window, you could have easily seen crooks on the lower roof. But more than that, like one of the biggest things that really not a whole heck of a lot of people are talking about is that there are two counter sniper teams positioned directly behind President Trump, as you look at the television, if you're watching the rally on TV, directly over his left shoulder and his right shoulder looking out over the crowd. But what about counter sniper teams looking in the opposite direction, one of which would have been on that rooftop, looking at the wood line, the five or six kilometers of wood line directly behind President Trump.

So it's just like, there was no overwatch on that there was no eyes on the wood line. So in the moment, I was thinking that there were multiple shooters, and maybe this was a more complex attack than it was. And I'm thinking, well, there's not going to be the manpower to search that wood line. So we have to make sure that we have, you know, an evacuation plan for these people to make sure they're protected from that. But again, I'm asking questions like that on the ground as a civilian, but the United States Secret Service, at least it seems at this point, didn't even consider it.

I want to get to this story here from The Washington Post. Pennsylvania presidential elections could take days to count. Sean, the entire election could come down to Pennsylvania.

It's looking more and more that way. Shapiro might be the VP, the amount of electoral votes. It looks like it's all I mean, Trump was shot in Pennsylvania. The VP might be everything is Pennsylvania, right?

What your reaction to this story, Sean Parnell? Well, it's unacceptable, but I will say that Republicans in Pennsylvania have done some pretty good things this legislative session. One, they completely banned Zuckerberg's.

So that's really, really important. Two, these Democrats, well, nobody across the state in any precinct can stop counting. So once counting starts, they do it until complete.

So those are two real positive developments. But what The Washington Post leaves out in this article is all this other radical stuff that they were they were doing to erode the guardrails of our election integrity here in this state. So they make it seem like Republicans are the ones responsible for lack of pre canvassing in the state of Pennsylvania.

But that couldn't be further from the truth. The Democrats, as they typically do, even on Capitol Hill, try to lump all of this insane, insanely radical stuff in an election integrity bill that actually does the opposite. So you are right, that I do think that Pennsylvania is the linchpin. In fact, Democrats, I would argue, absolutely have to have it. It's a must-win state for them. And so with Shapiro as the potential VP, and of course, he's our Poindexter governor here in Pennsylvania, he controls a lot.

So it's important for the Trump campaign, and it's important for Republicans to have a plan in place to make sure that we've got poll watchers to make sure that we're tracking mail and ballots to make sure that we've got people on site to supervise these these drop boxes. None of that happened in 2020. But the good news is, is that we're trending in the right direction. I think we're going to get there in 2020. Even with all the nonsense, we fell 80,000 ballots short in 2020. Sean, on the ground, does it feel better on the ground than it did in 16 or 20 for Donald Trump?

Absolutely. I mean, look, they had Democrats had almost an 800,000 person voter registration advantage just five or six years ago. That advantage is like 395,000. So we've cut it in half. And we're registering Republican voters at a far faster rate than Democrats are registering. We just flipped Beaver County from Democrat to Republican. We just flipped Bucks County from Democrat to Republican.

So, yeah, Pennsylvania is more favorable today than it's ever been before. Sean Parnell, excellent work. Check out your show, Battleground Live. Is that correct? Yeah, that's right.

It airs five to six p.m. live every day on Rumble. Thanks so much, Sean. Really appreciate it.

Thank you. Thanks, Charlie. Hey, everybody.

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Click on the preborn banner. Joining us now is Douglas Mackie. Douglas, welcome to the program. Douglas, we have your back 100 percent. Douglas has been sentenced to federal prison.

The judge denied bond and then went to the Second Circuit Court and won bond. So you are kind of in limbo right now. What is Douglas Mackie's crime? Making a meme. Douglas, tell us your story.

Hey, Charlie, thanks for having me. Well, the funny part is I didn't even make the meme. I actually just shared it on Twitter. It was a meme that was floating around the Internet for months and the government admitted as such a trial. So, yeah, I I was arrested seven days after Biden was inaugurated. It was really unbelievable. And then it's been a three and a half year roller coaster.

We went to trial last year in twenty, twenty three. They couldn't even find a single person that was tricked by this meme because for those that don't know, the meme said you can text your vote to Hillary texture. Yeah, there it is.

Text your vote. Avoid the line. And it's absurd on its face if you look at it. But the DOJ didn't think so.

And the Eastern District Court didn't think so. Yeah. So let's just kind of take a step back here. Douglas, what kind of treatment could conservative meme makers expect from a Kamala administration? Remember, she prosecuted the pro-life activists who taped the Planned Parenthood representatives. So for you are like the beginning of the lawfare crusade.

Tell us more. Exactly. This is the canary in the coal mine. They were planning on using this statue, which they went after me with a KKK statue for conspiring to threaten, intimidate, injure or oppress people in their exercise of their rights. So this they were they've been whitepapering this. They've been planning this for years.

My case was a canary in the coal mine. It used to be, well, if they don't like it, they deplatform you, they dox you, whatever they do. Now it's all right. We're going to sort of dig through the federal code and see if we can apply one of these old statutes, dust off the books to throw conservatives in prison. And this is just the beginning. Now they want to make illegal these sort of deep fake A.I. videos that are obviously parody.

They're obviously satirical. So this is just the beginning. And you're absolutely right.

If Kamala gets elected, I would only expect it to accelerate this sort of madness. And you really have been patient zero. So walk through the elements of your trial. Why was you put up a a simple First Amendment defense? What law did they use against you? What what was your crime? What in the federal code could you have possibly broken? Right.

Exactly. So I was accused of conspiring against rights against the rights of American people, injuring, oppressing, intimidating or threatening them and the exercise of their civil rights. So they said, if you share a meme, that's obviously joking and you do it with two or more people, then that's a conspiracy to injure people in the exercise of their civil rights. It's really a torturing of the statute and the and the and the letter of the law.

And the spirit of the lie would say, too, because we were supposed to have the First Amendment, but we challenge this prosecution. Well, let's go back to the trial. First of all, the jury in Eastern District of New York, which is Brooklyn, took three and a half days to deliberate. They were deadlocked twice. But in federal court, they have something called an Allen charge where the judge says to the jury, well, you know, we spent a lot of resources.

We spent a lot of time. You should go back there and try really hard and see if you can get a verdict. And you see them. They're squirming around in their seats. They're looking like they're the ones that are on trial. So after that, Friday afternoon, right after lunch, they came out with a verdict. I can't say I blame them.

They probably want to get home to their families. But it was absurd. The government didn't find a single person that was tricked by this meme. They couldn't find a single person. They tried.

We know because we saw it in the discovery. They went knocking on people's doors in the Eastern District. Did you see this meme?

Did you text this number? And people either said no, or they said I don't remember, or they said, and then they would say, do you think this is a legitimate way to vote? Or did you think so back in 2016? And everybody said, no, of course not. I'm not an idiot. That's what they said to the FBI.

That's in the discovery in my case. And then they brought in all these people who I never met on the internet who maybe retweeted each other or replied or whatever, quote to each other's tweets and say, these are your co-conspirators. You guys were conspiring to injure Americans in the exercise of their vote. They dug up all of these direct messages. And what was most offensive, perhaps, was that they used other memes as evidence. For example, the draft our daughters meme, which poked fun at the fact that Hillary Clinton wanted to force women to register for the draft. So we made a meme campaign about it. And they said, well, here's the evidence that he's part of this group. They do memes. So they must have been in cahoots to do this election meme, which was just found off 4chan. And I didn't even create it. I had no idea who created it. And they dug up all these DMs and said, you're guilty of conspiracy.

Took the jury four days in one of the deepest blue parts of the country. So Christina Wong tweeted almost the exact same thing. This is a woman back in 2016. She said, hey, Trump supporters, skip the lines on election 2016. Text in your vote.

Text votes are legit or vote tomorrow on Super Wednesday. Now, mind you, you did not say any of those things at all. She was being very like, has she been arrested or investigated by the Department of Justice? Well, there's no word from the DOJ whether they subpoenaed all of her cell phone records, all of her bank accounts, all of her credit card accounts, all of her paychecks going back years, whether they interviewed her roommate, her old roommate, whether and the list goes on and on.

This is what happened to me. Whether they dug through her email accounts for sharing a joke on the Internet. This is what you think. You think you have a Fourth Amendment right to privacy in this country. Something tells me, Charlie, that they didn't do that to Christina Wong.

I'm not sure what tells me that, but I just have an inkling. So what is the path forward for you now that you have been sentenced to seven months in federal prison for making a meme? I hope the audience understands this, that under Kamala Harris, because she's really calling the shots right now, especially with the Department of Justice, they want to make it illegal to make jokes, illegal to be able to speak your mind. So you face a seven months federal prison sentence. What is your path forward right now? A federal felony, by the way.

Absolutely. So we have a really strong legal appeal and I'll tell you all about it. Let me just say first, we need funds. Mean defense fund dot com.

Everybody go and donate and we can win this appeal. And it's not just about me and keeping me out of federal prison. This actually has implications for everybody because we're challenging the application of the statute saying that you can't apply this statute to what they call disinformation, to what a normal person would say satire or parody, obviously, but they call it disinformation. We're saying that they cannot apply this KKK statute to simple memes that are published on the internet, especially parody. Not only that, but you have to have a reasonable expectation that you're breaking the law when you do something like this in order to actually be prosecuted for it.

So who could think that they're going to apply this law to somebody sharing a meme online? And so this is why it's very important to help me fund this appeal. And the third appeal that we have is based on venue. They brought this case in the Eastern District of New York.

There's no connection to the Eastern District of New York, except for they say, well, he sent the tweet out and the tweet went over the wire, over the bridge, over the waters surrounding the Eastern District of New York. It's completely farcical and absurd. And venue is in the Constitution because the British used to take Americans and ship them over to London and put them into a star chamber on trial, way away from their home, for sedition or conspiracy or whatever it was. So this is very important that we can't have a precedent that says the Eastern District of New York can drag you into its courtroom, even if you live in Wyoming, California, wherever, just because a tweet went over a wire.

So it's completely absurd. And those are the grounds for our appeal. And we're just waiting for the circuit court to make its decision. So remind people it is meme defense fund dot com.

And how are you holding up personally? This has been a awful trial for you to go through. And everyone in your audience, if you have made a joke online, they might come for you.

If you made a Facebook post, they could knock on your door and arrest you and raid your home and your apartment. That is Kamala Harris. She is going to use the DOJ as the secret police, as the Red Guard, as the Stasi to go after dissidents like Douglas Mackey. Douglas, how have you held up throughout this? And again, plug the website one more time. A great question.

It's meme defense fund dot com. I'm holding up. Well, all things considered, it's been a roller coaster. There's been ups and downs.

The trial was one of the most difficult things that I've ever gone through in my life. But fortunately, faith is no longer the case. God is number one. I'm trying to stay strong in faith and walk with God and understand that God has a plan and God can make good come out of anything. So I'm keeping the faith.

I'm keeping hope. And I'm also fortunate for all my family that's staying behind me, all my friends. And absolutely, yes, all the people praying for me and benefactors that are donating to this case. I'm grateful to all of them. So I'm very grateful and thankful. And I'm still standing here. I'm very grateful and thankful. And I'm still standing.

They haven't knocked me down yet. Amen. Douglas Mackey, we have your back. Thanks so much. Thank you.

Email us freedom at Charlie Kirk Dotcom. Let's just play this really quick. This is this is this will be illegal under a Kamala Harris administration.

Play cut 67. I Kamala Harris and your Democrat candidate for president because Joe Biden finally exposed to senility of debate. I was selected because I am the ultimate diversity hire. I'm both a woman and a person of color.

So if you criticize anything I say, you're both sexist and racist. I may not know the first thing about running the country. But remember, that's a good thing. If you're a deep state puppet. I had four years under the tutelage of the ultimate deep state puppet, a wonderful mentor, Joe Biden. Joe taught me rule number one, carefully hide your total incompetence. Another trick is trying to sound black.

I pretend to celebrate Kwanzaa. And in my speeches, I always do my best Barack Obama impression. And just remember, when voting this November, it is important to see what can be unburdened by what has been and by what has been.

I mean, Joe Biden, you think the country went to over the past four years? You ain't seen nothing yet. Hey, everybody, Charlie Kirk here, you've asked and my pillow listened.

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Wonderful organization, So there's polls that show Trump up, Trump down. Susquehanna poll shows that Kamala Harris has a four point lead in Pennsylvania.

It's a little bit much for me. I don't buy that, but it's a tight, tight race. And the fact that it is a tight race without Donald Trump running a single television advertisement is unheard of. And repeated credit to Suzy Wiles, Chris Lassa Vida, James Blair, Dan Scavino, Stephen Chung, the entire team at the Trump campaign. You know, some people said, hey, guys, why are you not running TV ads? Why are you not running TV ads? Well, I'm really glad they didn't run anti Biden TV ads.

Donald Trump is officially on air. He has built a war chest and he's held his fire, held his fire. Hold your fire till you could see the white in their eyes, what they used to say in the Revolutionary War. Hold their fire, hold their fire. And now they have a lot of dry powder, which means that even with Kamala Harris's war chest, Donald Trump will have parity, if not superiority on air. Now, I know a lot of you say, oh, TV ads don't work.

That is not correct. TV ads absolutely do work. Are they the most important thing?

Probably not. I think ballot chasing what we're doing is a very important component of finding new voters and registering voters and chasing those ballots and getting them out to vote. But you need to have a presence on television. And in 2020, Donald Trump ran out of money in mid-October. Donald Trump's cash crunch, how Donald Trump went from one billion dollar cash advantage to a bankrupt campaign. That will not happen this time. Donald Trump is now on TV and he will be on TV every single week from now till Election Day.

That will move the dial one point, two points, three points in the states that matter. And Donald Trump has a phenomenal new advertisement I'm going to play for you here. It's right against Kamala Harris. We need to define Kamala Harris. She has been treated far too well by the media. She's had this honeymoon period. Honeymoon over.

Play cut 61. I'm Donald J. Trump and I approve this message. This is America's borders are and she's failed us under Harris. Over 10 million illegally here. A quarter of a million Americans dead from federal brutal migrant crimes and ISIS now here. Do you have any plans to visit the border? You haven't been to the border.

And I haven't been to Europe. I mean, I don't understand the point that you're making. Kamala Harris failed weak, dangerously liberal. Perfect dad. Not only does it show that she's failed and weak and dangerously liberal, but she's dancing while kids die. She is not the loving mother of society. She is a cruel political operator.

She's a stone cold killer. She's someone that just cares about advancing up the political ladder, regardless of what she has to do. She does not care about kids being medically mutilated, does not care about foreigners in our country. She wants to give it foreign benefit benefits to illegals. She wants to give out taxpayer funded subsidies to foreigners.

And Donald Trump is playing offense against Kamala Harris. Remember, there are millions and millions of low engagement, low information, low propensity voters. Many in this audience are not that you are high propensity, high activist. And so every day our task, our duty, our purpose, our emphasis, our focus is to find those new voters. You can win this election, every one of you, if you find five new voters. A niece, a nephew, a cousin, a neighbor, a friend, a church member, especially those of you in churches, especially. Here's a great task for you this weekend.

Go to church, spend some extra time at the coffee hour afterwards and go around. What do you think of the election? What do you think of the election? They say, I don't know if I like Trump, I don't like this tone, say, well, you know, Kamala Harris will be the most anti Christian president in history and she already is the most anti Christian vice president. She turned Easter into transgender day awareness. She will use the Department of Justice and IRS to go after pregnancy crisis centers, churches and Christian nonprofits and 501 C threes. Joe Biden has opened up the borders, which is the largest slavery operation in American history. Kamala Harris will nationalize late term abortion.

She visited an abortion factory. Those individual conversations all of you have make a massive difference and that will make or break what is coming in November. And then out in the neighborhood when you're doing yard work, wear a MAGA hat, put a Trump flag in your yard. You ask people, are you registered to vote?

Turning Point Action App. True story. Yesterday I was in Scottsdale. I registered two new voters who moved out of state, came here. I said, are you registered to vote? I said, you know, I'm registered in California.

I said, no, no, we got to fix that. Register in Arizona. You know, I just moved from New York. Register in Arizona. I registered two voters yesterday. How many of you registered? Get to work. TP Action dot com. Thanks so much for listening. Everybody email us as always. Freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. Thanks so much for listening. God bless.
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