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Trans vs. Detrans: Charlie's Prove Me Wrong Table at San Diego State

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
May 16, 2024 5:00 am

Trans vs. Detrans: Charlie's Prove Me Wrong Table at San Diego State

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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May 16, 2024 5:00 am

What happens when pro-trans radicals are confronted with the realty of detransitioners? Charlie decided to find out by having detransitioner Chloe Cole join him at his Prove Me Wrong table event at San Diego State University.  Charlie also debates what distinguishes Scandinavia from American, whether patriarchy is real, and more.

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Hey everybody, my conversation on the campus San Diego State. These conversations have been viewed tens of millions of times. Chloe Cole is there and we just have an open mic and people come up.

We disagree, sometimes agree, and we dive deep in the pursuit of truth. Email me as always freedom at and subscribe to our podcast. Get involved with Turning Point USA, That is

It's already a high school or college chapter today at As always, you can email us freedom at Buckle up everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.

That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold.

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But what if we look back and we realize we were just inches away from victory and that's when we decided to give up? Join us and thousands of American patriots for the summer convention that all are invited to. You're going to hear how we're going to win in 2024. With the biggest speakers in the movement, featuring President Donald J Trump. We're going to fight and we're going to win. Charlie Kirk, Vivek Ramaswamy, Governor Christy Nolan, Dr. Ben Carson, Steve Bannon, Candace Owens, Laura Trump, Senator Rick Scott, Congressman Matt Gates, Benny Johnson, Jack Posobach, and more.

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We play to win. Register now at slash peoples. Hello, how are you? Hello, Charlie Kirk.

It's very good to meet you. So let me figure out what I was going to say. So I've seen this one YouTube thumbnail that says Charlie Kirk believes that TikTok is turning children trans. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? It is helping turn kids trans, yeah.

Please explain why. Well, so just I'm curious, you know, how many, is Chloe Cole around here somewhere? Where's Chloe?

She would know the number. Do you have any idea of how many, like how dramatic the increase of trans identification is with youth in the last five years? It's up, it's up like 5,000%. That is correct. Yeah. So, so do we think that TikTok is playing a role in normalizing or finding at-risk autistic kids and making them think that they might have gender identification issues? What I'm hearing for you is that you, you think that a TikTok is taking out the, is finding these children and exposing them to trans ideas.

Not necessarily. The algorithm is just pushing things that people want. And it's obviously very persuasive content for a 14 year old girl who's having puberty anxiety, shunned by her friends and might not have a great relationship with her parents, spending six to seven hours on her phone. And all of a sudden videos start popping up saying, hey, have you ever felt uncomfortable in your body? Have you ever felt shunned by your peers? Let me tell you my story.

My story is I was 15 and all of a sudden I started taking testosterone. That's very persuasive content for at-risk, at-risk youth. Chloe, how much is the increase of transgender in the last couple of years?

It's been roughly about 2,000 to 4,000% in most teenage girls being referred. By the way, this is Chloe Cole. She's a de-transitioner everybody.

So she was sold the lie. Say hello everybody. Talk about TikTok and how it plays a role. So in my experience, I learned about transgenderism through the internet at roughly about the age of 11 or 12. And I mean, I first discovered it through Instagram, through communities that are based around my own personal interests. So stuff like digital illustration, anime TV shows that I watched, fairly innocent communities. But I noticed that there are a lot of users in these communities who were trans identified.

Many of them were young women around my age, around like between the ages of like 12 to like early twenties. And I mean, it captivated me because all these new terms with which somebody could like describe their identity with, right? And like the focus just on like self-expression and discovery and community. You know, I was like this young autistic girl, tomboyish, didn't really feel like she fit in. I had body image issues and it felt like I found the explanation for as to why I felt so different from the women around me, that this was it. That I was really supposed to be a boy in a girl's body. I mean, at the time, I wasn't really directly interacting with anybody when I first discovered this. It was just that sheer influence of all these ideas coming to me that made me feel as though I was actually supposed to be a boy.

But as I started to go further into my medical transition, as I first started on puberty blockers, as I got my first injection of testosterone, and especially after at 15, when I underwent a double mastectomy and my breasts were surgically removed, I felt more and more celebrated the further I went into it. Okay. Well, so what I'm hearing you say is that TikTok led you to believe the wrong idea. Social media in general led you to believe the wrong idea. And that in turn made you go down a path that maybe wasn't right for you.

And that's what I'm hearing from you. I mean, it's beyond not right for me. This has left permanent effects on my body. I might not be able to have children. I don't have my breasts anymore.

I have complications from the puberty blockers, the testosterone, and the surgery. That's three years after I've stopped taking all of them. And I'd like to thank you so much for having a teacher-antisitor with you. I didn't expect that. But as I can hear that, okay, so there are people who do regret their transition. I'm not ignoring that.

You hear, what's your name? Chloe. Chloe, you're an example of that.

Chloe, you're an example of how de-transitioning happens. But what I can't say is that this is not at all to detract from your story. But I would say that this is a case.

These cases are not at all as prevalent as you've seen. For example- Chloe, you'll have to respond to that. Go ahead.

You want to make your point? And while it is true that I am very sorry to hear that there have been a lot of complications due to your medical transition, I'd also like to say that these- how old were you when you had these? I was 13 when my puberty was blocked and when I was put on male hormones.

And I went under surgery when I was 15. This is happening thousands of times a day in this country right now. I see. I'm very suspicious about- okay, but I understand- Are you calling her a liar? No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that I am trans and I'm on HRT right now, and I'm not sure who- I'm not saying that that isn't common, but I am saying that that goes against- I'm pretty sure a mastectomy goes- I'm pretty sure that's not in the trans guidelines of how people should transition. Oh, it is. No, it's 100%. It's in the WPATH guidelines.

WPATH guidelines, I cannot- They've been lowering the age guidelines for years. Okay. What I'm trying to say- my main point is I'd like to say that you're wrong about these- about trans people being indoctrinated only through TikTok, because as you said, TikTok is based on what is put on there and what is pushed out to the media. Don't you think that people who- who puts out the media, people who are- who actually- the people who put out that media are people who are proud to be out and are proud to actually do the things that they enjoy, and that is mainly because there are people who- and it's mainly because these people are more- they're more likely to be out because they're not going to be afraid to harass, and this lack of harassment is what leads to more people being out as trans. So that's what I'd like to say.

So about my case being a fringe case, I mean, there's entire online communities dedicated to the subject of detransition, about 50,000 members in the official subreddit now, and I've met hundreds of other detransioners, some of them who transgend as adults, some of them who went through it, some even younger than I was going through the medical process and have come out of it with trauma, physical trauma, and with emotional trauma that will- that they're left with for life, sterile, without parts of their bodies. I want to thank you for coming up. I want to pray for you that if you all feel pause in your medical transition, it's never too late to stop.

So thank you for coming up, and we're going to pray for you. Thank you, Charlie Cook! All right, thank you. I mean that.

I mean that, okay? Thank you. Folks, so many people I know are disheartened that our country seems to have forgotten the importance of citizenship, and they wonder how a strong sense of citizenship might be revived. That's why my friends at Hillsdale College have produced a free online course on this topic, American Citizenship and Its Decline. Taught by historian Victor Davis Hanson, the course traces the history of citizenship and explains how it is undermined in America, today by open borders, by identity politics, by the administrative state, and by globalization.

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Start your free course today at Hey Charlie, how you doing? I'm an Econ major myself and I was just wondering your opinion on the kind of social or the economic and political system in place in like Scandinavian countries like Finland, Sweden. They have like a high happiness index and I was just wondering, I understand you're a hardcore capitalist and I'm just wondering like your stance is on the social democracy in place in Scandinavia.

It's a great question. They do some things really, really well. They actually regulate less than we do. According to the Economic Freedom Index, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark are actually more economically free than we are. They do tax a lot.

I'll give you that. One of the test cases is not applicable, which is Norway. Do you know what funds the Norwegian government?

No. Yeah, fossil fuels. They have a 1.7 trillion dollar sovereign wealth fund.

It's the largest on the planet, basically fracking on the northern part of Norway. So that's its own test case. So it's easy to have socialism when you fund your entire government in that regard. But the most instructive part of the Scandinavian countries is that they have, they used to have incredibly strict immigration and they don't any longer. And when you have widespread mass immigration, you're going to have issues. And so as far as from a budgetary standpoint, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, for years, they had to not pay anything for a national military because we subsidize them via NATO and basically having military bases all across Europe.

So they save a bunch of money on that. They had a very homogenous population. And so they were able to restrict immigration flows. They had a high trust society, not because of homogeneity, they just had because there are homogeneity, homogeneous countries that don't have high trust societies, like a lot of African countries. But a high trust society is a society where you don't feel like you have to lock your doors. You can basically leave your kid out in the street when you go shopping. If you think that's a joke, by the way, in Copenhagen, Stockholm, Oslo, and Helsinki, it is common practice for moms to leave their kids outside, literally in the stroller while they go shopping or they go and eat. It is common.

You see it all the time. If you walk the streets of Scandinavia, that's like an unforeseen concept in America, right? So that's a high trust society.

We have a low trust society. So I think the story of Scandinavia is far more complex than people would give it. But I'll grant you that they have higher taxation and much more generous social benefits than we do in this country. Do you think that potentially lowering taxation, which I would assume you're potentially in favor of, would be beneficial for the Scandinavian countries? Or do you think that their high taxation rates, including everything you just said, is actually like, you know, when they work together is actually one of the reasons why their happiness index is so high? Yeah, I'm not one to tell them how to run their country. I mean, it depends on what kind of country you want. And so they have a different ethos in Sweden and in Norway and Finland than we do. They do not have like the Swedish dream. They have a belief called tall poppy syndrome, specifically in the Netherlands, but it's also in Denmark, which is that no one is greater than all of us. It's very collectivist. Some people like that.

I don't. I want to be able to flourish and succeed and take big risks. And I think that's the best part about liberty. Liberty is not a core value of Scandinavia. So it depends on what kind of country you want. They want stability and they want normalcy and they want, and some of that, honestly, I think we're missing in this country. I think our country is way too chaotic and it's out of control. I think we could learn something about, you know, not taking work as seriously in this country, which I happen to love work, but not everyone's wired that way. But I also, one of the other reasons why they're such a happy country is they have low crime and low crime leads to happier people.

It does. You're able to walk the streets at night. You don't have to worry about, you know, locking your doors all the time and having these complex security systems. And then finally, it is not fair to say they are only happy because of government benefits. I'm sure that's part of it, but they're also, they have different incentives and different structures. I'm sure if I went around the audience here, some of you guys want to start your own business and get rich and, you know, do all these sorts of things. That's not really a normal Norwegian aspiration. In fact, there's only one billionaire in the entire country of Norway. There's one, right?

We have, what, 485 of them. I'm not saying that's a good thing or a bad thing. I'm just saying when you get liberty, you get inequality. So one of the life lessons is you cannot have liberty without inequality. And if you think you can, you're wrong.

And so you have to accept unequal outcomes if you have freedom or liberty. I hope that answered your question. Yeah. Awesome. Thank you. And if I could just clarify one more thing, the previous econ student that came here was, I think maybe like a year and a semester in.

This is my last semester and we actually do learn about Milton Friedman, von Mises. Positively or? Yeah. Yeah.

At least my professor. Okay. I stand corrected then. That's great. Yeah. But awesome.

Thank you for the correction. I appreciate it. Hi Charlie. Thank you so much for being here.

Good. So I wanted to speak on behalf of young women. I'm a Marine Corps veteran.

I'm an entrepreneur, a business owner. I've come out of homelessness, overdose, addiction, all those kinds of things. And now being here and also witnessing what's happening in our communities for people that are going through sexual assault, trafficking, free things are being handed out to people.

What are things that we can do as the young generation to be able to promote and help people understand that people that are coming across that are illegal, getting their ability to get free housing and get all this free stuff is not actually beneficial for our generation. It's actually hurting us even more. Boy.

Yeah. We're being invaded on a daily basis. It needs to be repeated. It's 15,000 people a day that are coming across the border that we know of. It is worse than anyone can imagine or comprehend. Look, I just, let's just take one element of it. I mean, a fraction of that number are people that are basically in modern day slavery and we're lectured all the time that slavery was the worst thing in the 18, seven 1800s.

And it was it's evil. Where's the outrage for the modern day slavery happening on the Southern border. It is indecipherable when you have an eight year old that's coming from Honduras that is purchased by a cartel and they're trafficked into this country either for sex or labor reasons, and they're legitimately purchased and transacted. I don't see a lot of protests on campus about that. I see a lot of protests against Israel, but I don't see a lot of anger against the modern day slave trade happening on the Southern border or, and you guys can come take, you know, a drive down to the Southern border, if you want with us anytime, you know, you can go visit the rape tree right there in the Hollis, where every day there are hundreds of women that are brought to the rape tree and they're raped by cartel members. And then they're brought across the border. Anyone who comes illegally as a female, they know you better, you better travel with plan B because you will get raped two to three times on that voyage across the, the Biden administration is subsidizing this. They are allowing it to happen.

It is one of the great social crimes of our time and complete silence from the media and from the activist class. Absolutely. So would you just, would you say that based on college being a scam and anybody here that wants to, and I'm a full Testament of this, you can and go be anything that you would like to be in this country, like Charlie was talking about with Liberty, because you don't just get to come out of homelessness and getting out of the military and being stuck in a country in the middle of COVID and not knowing what to do with yourself, but then being able to grow your own business and actually being successful that can only happen here in America. And so for anybody that for, for Charlie, for you, what would you say for advice that you would give yourself, if you were someone who wanted to start a business but didn't know where to start? Boy, start a business.

It depends on what it is, but look, I think we need more entrepreneurs and more business owners in this country, to be honest. The find a problem that people have. So here's the best way to get rich. It's super simple. Find something that someone's complaining about all the time and then solve their problem. That's how you get rich. Absolutely.

Because people are willing to pay money to have their problems solved. Thank you so much. Thank you.

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Promo code Charlie. Hi, I'm wondering what your intentions are. Sorry, I'm new to you and this and I was just intrigued. Sure. Hear from different ideas and see where we agree and disagree.

I'm going to go ahead and hear from different ideas and see where we agree and disagree. So yeah. What's like your purpose though? Like communication?

Yes. But like what are, what ideas are you trying to bring or like help people understand? Conservative ones, traditional American ones. Okay. Like traditional conservatism or like modern conservative right wing?

Cause they like switched. I don't like labels so you can ask me about a topic. So yeah. Okay. I think there's only two sexes, no genders, infinite personalities.

Life begins at conception. We should deport all the illegals, right? The MRNA gene altering shot called the vaccine killed a lot of people and is currently poisoning a lot of people. So these are just some of my opinions. So you think it'll like make the country better?

Like what are you? Yeah. I mean, I hope that number one, I want to support our amazing Turning Point USA chapter here where they feel outnumbered and isolated. Number two, we're promoting our event tonight. So I hope you guys show up.

Where's our event? It's like in the Montezuma hall or something. Yeah, that's great.

Montezuma hall, Montezuma, whatever. And number three is, um, I want to see where I might be wrong, strengthen my arguments and anybody can say anything to me. I think that a free speech is the last best hope we have in Western society.

Nice. Okay. Um, then I have a question about like women's rights in America.

Uh, I just want to hear what you think, like where you think we're at, how you think we could better them. Can you, just so I know where you're coming from, can you tell me what is a woman? Um, oh, that's a great question. I would classify a woman as somebody with a womb and, or a vagina.

Sometimes people are born with either one or the other. Good. Uh, we agree.

Yeah. So as far as, um, woman's rights, I, I don't separate rights based on sex. So you have to tell me what, what you mean based on that. Um, okay.

Oh, that's interesting. So do you believe that there's a difference right now in like people's rights and, uh, no, no. I mean there's male female differences, but there are no male rights or women.

Can you give me an example? Like patriarchy. That's what I'm getting at. Do you believe that we live in a patriarchy and it negatively affects women?

No, no. Yeah. So for example, men are more likely to commit suicide.

Yeah. More likely to die at work, more likely to care, declare bankruptcy. Women are far less likely to be in credit card debt, far more likely to graduate from college, far more likely to get a high paying job.

Do you think that the, um, that's a really good point. Do you think that the suicide rates or the depression rates and the bankruptcy rates that you just mentioned regarding men have to do with the fact that men are pushed to be, um, less open about their emotions. They're, they're less available to being able to communicate how they feel with others. They're taught to be more violent and be more physically harmful to themselves and others.

And do you think that pushes them towards suicide, depression and bankruptcy? I think it's the opposite. I think that we're teaching men to be Metro sexual versions of their former selves. What does Metro sexual mean to you? Indecipherable between a man and woman. So, um, what's a man and woman to you?

What's the difference between them? Well, a man isn't, you're looking at a man and I think I'm looking at a woman if I'm not mistaken. Nice. Yeah. Yeah.

That was funny. Yeah. There's yeah.

Thank you. There's, uh, there's characteristics, archetypes, but we have, we have differences. Uh, there, there are significant male, female differences. I think those, um, well, men tend to be more assertive. Women tend to be more agreeable, innately or taught innately. And I wouldn't say based on what science. Um, well, just for example, if we look at artificial intelligence scanned, uh, over 10,000 brains using a spect scan and was able to determine male, female differences, 95% of the time of different brain functions based on basal ganglia, amygdala, cerebellum, ages, 14 to 22. Okay.

14 to 22. I read a study recently that, um, before the age of 10 brains are, um, neuroscientists are unable to be able to tell the difference in gender based on the brain, but at a certain point, the social implications that children are taught start making them act differently. But it's been, it's been shown that if a man or a woman were given the same, okay, have you heard that men are a, they have more spatial awareness like in their brain? I think that's probably true. Yeah.

Yeah. So we learned that if women are given a month of the same practices as children that men are given or allowed to do, whether, whether it comes to what they're playing, the media they're in taking, like what they're told and how they're told to act that women have the same spatial awareness ability as men. So we're finding that innately the brain is the same, but because of the social constructs that we're taught on men and women and how they're supposed to act their brain ability to activate certain parts changes. So by 14, the brain does seem different. You raise kids. Tell me, have you ever raised kids? I have six nieces and nephews though, men and women. You couldn't be more wrong. If you're even around a two year old boy and two year old girl, it's not a matter of what they're taught. The girls are run into the dresses.

The boys are run into the guns. You know who agrees with me? One of the leading feminists of the sixties and seventies, Gloria Steinman, who wrote feminist mystique. And even that, even she, who was like a hardcore gender is taught when she raised her kids, she was like, Oh my goodness, there is a fundamental innate difference between men and women. And it's not just brain structure. It's testosterone. It's estradiol estrogen production is hormone levels. It is all.

And I could just prove it. If you sit down to a young with a young lady, they're far more likely to talk about microtopics and men are more likely to talk about macrotopics. What's the difference between micro and macrotopics? Great question. So if I sat down with a young lady, she'd be much more likely to talk about friends, relationships, and things that are very intimate to her.

A young man, we more likely to talk about the weather sports or the stock market or politics. Yeah. And that's not taught that is innate. That is innate into our bio-programming.

What is bio-programming? Um, how we were designed. What do you mean how we were designed? I mean, I believe that there's a creator that designed us and that we're fearfully and wonderfully made. And you might not agree.

I would just say how you were born. I could even say just the come to common ground on that. Oh, okay. So the creator chose that men and women have separate roles and it's innate. Well, not just separate roles, but made differently. And out of being made differently, you get different roles, right? So if science proves that the other way, do you just, do you rely on creator over science? But science has done the opposite.

So for example, in a Harvard study, they put 50 women in a room alone and they put 50 men in the room alone. What age? Um, not relevant, but around 25, right? Relevant. Okay. So, no, sorry. I'm actually having so much fun. Okay.

Sorry. Um, so if you really, I'm fascinated. You think that eight year olds brains are, are infinitely neuroplastic, but we'll get to that back to that later.

No, when they're like babies by eight years old, you're already going through school and you've had so many relationships. They're definitely affected. But again, if you were right, John money would have been proven, right. But we'll get to that later.

So, um, which that test has been replicated so many times and even the Dutch who are like the most progressive on this have gotten away from the idea of tabula rasa that boys and girls are, are, are boring, uh, similarly with brain differences, but we'll agree to screen that. Hey everybody, Charlie Kirk here. Did you know that 80% of adults take supplements to feel our best, right? Well, one thing your dog can't do without you is improve their diet or health to feel their best. That is why I believe rough greens could dramatically help your best friend by adding what is missing to their diet. Like you do rough greens is helping thousands and thousands of dogs feel better and live longer, including my dog, Mr. Briggs, who loves it. Naturopathic Dr. Dennis black who created rough greens is also an airborne ranger and green beret, an amazing background. He loves dogs and is on a mission to help as many as he can. Dog food is dead and rough greens supplements your dog's food with existing vitamins and minerals, omega oils, digestive enzymes, probiotics, and anti-oxidants. Dr. Black is offering you a free jumpstart trial bag to fetch your free jumpstart trial bag. Just cover shipping. Don't change your dog's food.

Just go to rough slash Kirk, R U F F slash Kirk. But anyway, 25 year olds were put into a room. Okay. And they said, men, what do you think about when they're alone? No surprise sports and sex, right?

Young ladies. What do you think about in the room alone for 30 minutes just by themselves? They replayed prior conversations that they had for the record. No man in the history of the species has replayed conversations that we had and thought about them when we were alone in a room. Like what conversation was this person said? Women are far more relational, micro than men.

And that's just based on how our design is. Well, I think that you just lied that all men don't think that's such a, it's called a joke. I'm sure there's a man somewhere that recollected on a conversation. Well, I didn't know that in a dialect, that's a debate based on science. And you're talking about a study that would you implement a joke that's based on it? Yes.

Humor is a tool of a rhetorician to try to get people, you know, to chuckle a little levity. So yeah, thank you. I appreciate it. Thank you.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think testosterone and estrogen play into people's ability to have drive, ambition, feelings? And do you think testosterone and estrogen are important? Yes.

Okay. So then if women are lower in testosterone and higher in estrogen and men are lower in estrogen, higher in testosterone, wouldn't that independent of society's framing play into the idea that there are natural differences between the two? I think that it definitely plays into the idea that there are natural differences. And I think there are natural differences.

I just think to an extent that as a society, we've decided that men, because they have more testosterone and we've known testosterone makes people more aggravated that, or what's aggravated. I'll just leave it aggressive, aggressive. Yes. Sure. I'll take aggressive. Yeah.

Thank you. That it makes people or men more aggressive that we've decided that that means that men are not in control of their moral ability or their ability to choose what they're going to do. So it becomes like men have more testosterone, but they still have the ability to choose to treat people better or with less aggression. Like it's not, it's like, Oh, men don't have the ability to make those choices. That's almost like downplaying men's ability by saying that they just have to give into their aggression.

I'm not contesting that the mark of a true man is one who can, who can control himself. Do you think that you could all, do you think there's a problem of trying to turn women to masculine? Turning women to masculine. What's masculine for you? Well, let's just say not agreeable, forceful, aggressive, aggressive in the best possible term, forward thinking, more macro, more visionary, less feeling based, more rational, more, more yearning towards reason and dialogue and less towards compassion or the ethos.

And what's feminine to you? Um, the inverse of that. So more on the emotion side, less macro, more micro, um, much more women are just what men are not. No, they're, they're different sides of a species coin, right? So you have a human species, you have a male and female and there's differences. So, um, I could also posit it separately. A woman is more compassionate.

A man is less compassionate. So I could, there's two ways to word it, but do you think that there's a problem about trying to force women to be too masculine? No, I don't think there's a problem. Okay.

Well, I disagree. We have, we have a crisis in this country. Why do you, I'm curious, why do you think that we have so many unmarried young 30 something women?

It's the most in the history of recorded data. That's a good question. I don't know if I've ever pondered why we have unmarried women. Why do you think that it's the young women are the most depressed, alcohol addicted and psychiatric drug addicted in history? Is that true?

Oh yeah. The most miserable they've ever been. I'm just curious, why do you think that is? Yeah, I guess I would, I would say that I think it's because, um, like the society that we live in, right? Like capitalistic consumeristic where there's like constant processing and overconsumption that includes like drugs, alcohol, um, so women going into the workforce a lot could create a lot of depression for them. Yeah, same with men.

Okay. But then shouldn't women like, I don't know, stay at home and have children and do what they're designed to do. Men are also have the most depression that they have right now in this country. So you can make the same argument you just made for women.

I'm asking questions. I'm saying maybe the men are upset because the women that they're trying to date are more interested in taking care of cats and trying to become partner at the local law firm. And they say, I don't want to get married till I'm 30. And maybe that creates a sense of despondency when a young male being raised in this country sees everything rigged against them. So do you not believe that women should be working? Of course.

I think I believe in liberty. I'm just asking, has there been an unintended tragedy where we have the most sick financially successful 30 to 35 year old cohort of young women in history and men? Well, again, the women history like men and women are the most sick and depressed. The women are far more depressed than the men. The men are depressed, but you just said that the men were more depressed and that's why they're more suicidal and they're largely more suicidal. They're more suicidal, but they're less depressed. No, they're more successful at committing suicide than women. Oh, that's a big difference.

Okay. When women commit suicide, women know it's true. Women try to commit suicide more and yet women will go through three or four attempted suicide attempts. Men usually only one.

You can look it up. It's just the way it is, but I'm just curious what, what is it about the 30 to 35 year old female? Do you think there might be something missing? Do you think that there's like this biological urge to get married and procreate that we might've been suppressing? Cause it is the least child.

It's the childless least married cohort in the history of the country. Yeah. I believe that marriage and reproduction are beautiful things.

I do. Do you think we should encourage it more for young women? I think we could encourage like a deeper understanding of people's individual sense of self.

And then through that, if people can better understand their wants and needs and become more self-aware about who they are and what they need that ultimately they would lead them to like better and more efficient decision-making for themselves. Okay. Whether or not that means marriage.

Last question. You posited this, how would you define the patriarchy? Oh, the patriarchy. So patriarchy, like the epistemology of the word. Or just like, if, do you believe it exists in the country today or.

Yeah. I believe patriarchy existed. Patriarchy comes from pater, right?

Pater means father in Latin. So patriarchy is father over or men over. So it's like a men ruling, right? So we see it in the fact that God or the divinity is represented as men, which was only happened like halfway through the history of humans. So it was like a matrilineal matriarchy society for a while. We see it in the fact that women take men's last name.

We see it in the way that in the way that men are viewed are like men view women and how women kind of have to adhere to the way that men want them to be portrayed. And I agree with you that porn is, what'd you say? Toxic. Toxic. Yeah.

And I think that's an aspect of the patriarchy, right? Like if you go on a porn website, which I'm sure you haven't in a while, but if not in a while, I used to be addicted though. Yeah. Well, I encourage everyone to break free of that addiction.

It's terrible for you. Yeah, me too. That's great.

Proud of you for that one. Um, yeah, but if you go on a porn website, you can see that like the view of all of the porn is from the perspective of a man and it's of a woman and these kinds of aspects show that right now we live in a society where it's, it's a man's view. It's men over. So like we're all taking on. Yeah.

I thank you for that. Um, first on the porn thing, 85% of people that consume porn are men. So they're obviously going to shoot it in a way that is more attuned to men.

For example, what if women, what if it was shooted for women and then they would change, they would change the perspective because they're, they're in it to make money. The same reason why lifetime movies don't have rock and roll music and they tend to be very like uplifting, flowery, emotional based and hyper feminine in the writing. Cause most people that watch lifetime movies are women. What's lifetime movie. Okay. A lifetime movie is like a feel good movie on cable TV that has like a very poorly written narrative and usually ends in some sort of like hallmark. Yeah.

Like hallmark. Yeah. Yeah.

That's, that's the best way I could, I could, got it. But thank you for the dialogue. I appreciate it.

Yeah. Thanks. Thanks. You too. Thank you. Good luck. Thanks. All right.

We'll take a couple more and then I got to run and then tonight Montezuma. Okay. Charlie, quick question. Yes. So if we keep sending billions of followers to Ukraine, what are the odds be high that we would be attacked by an EMP?

Um, I don't know. Yeah. You guys should all prepare. You got enough to worry about an electromagnetic pulse. Very well.

Might be coming very soon. It's a very scary. So I would say that it's increasing by the day. So thank you. Thank you. Yes. And then any other disagreements and then we'll cut it off.

Yes. Super nice talking to you. Um, I kind of have like moral dilemma I've been thinking about. I come from a primarily Christian based home, Pentecost, all that good stuff. And I lived by the border for a while, like super close. And my question is, is from like a Christian perspective from your end, how would you feel like if you were at the border and you saw, you know, a migrant family coming over illegally, how would you deal with that? Would you just, you know, kindly don't come, come in from like a Christian perspective? Yeah, I would send them home.

I would too. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, first of all, they're invading and they're breaking the law. I mean, if they're like, if for example, if someone's coming across the border and they had a gashing like head wound, I would treat it, I'd get them help.

Right. And then I'd get them deported back to their country of origin. I wouldn't try to hurt them bodily.

I wouldn't try to be cruel, unusual about it. I'd say, look, you're, you're breaking the law. You're cutting in line. You're trying to squat in our country.

Go apply like the rest of the people from Singapore, Vietnam, Hungary, India, and South Africa have to do. You don't get to cut in line just because you get to live closer. Right.

And I just want to say one last thing. In addition to that, as growing up in that area, you know, it's a, it's a huge myth that they're coming over here. They get helped out a lot.

Like I saw firsthand, they came to school with the new Jordans, you know, the new iPhones and whatnot. And, you know, I see my family struggling. My dad was in the military and it was kind of like, you know, what's going on.

And I had friends that were illegal that told me, you know, the government just gives my parents money every month. Yep. Kind of just going off of that. But I just want to say that. And thank you. Thank you. Appreciate it. All right. Thanks guys. Appreciate it. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always freedom at Thanks so much for listening. God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to
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