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The First Ever CK Exclusive Q&A

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
March 8, 2024 5:00 am

The First Ever CK Exclusive Q&A

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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March 8, 2024 5:00 am

Charlie, Andrew, and Blake answer questions in a live Zoom call with Charlie Kirk Exclusive subscribers, including:


-Should Trump make food purity a campaign issue?

-What state would Charlie move to if he has to flee Arizona?

-What is the greatest challenge Charlie has ever overcome?


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Hey everybody, this conversation is where I take questions just from members. If you want to be one of these members, to ask me questions, be part of these exclusive Zoom calls, go to and you could be the next person to be involved in these private Zoom calls and also ask me questions. So go to, that is If you would like to get involved, support this program and ask me the next question, that is Email me as always, freedom at, that is freedom at

Get involved with Turning Point USA at, that is Again, it's, so buckle up everybody, here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House folks. I want to thank Charlie, he's an incredible guy, his spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.

That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at, that is It's where I buy all of my gold.

Go to Okay everybody, hello. Welcome to our members-only chat. We're going to be doing this with more and more frequency and regularity as we move forward.

Joining us we have Andrew, allegedly, but by popular demand, Bud Light Blake, allegedly. This is kind of an opportunity where you guys can ask the questions that you desire behind the scenes, and no scripting, and we're here. So did you see that poor woman in South Carolina who broke her hip in the parking lot? I did not. This woman was going to vote in South Carolina. This just goes to show that the Trump movement is unlike anything in politics we've ever seen. Poor woman slips and falls and breaks her hips, screaming pain, and they say, we got to bring you to the hospital, and she screams, no, Trump needs me. He needs my vote, and they come out and they bring her a mobile voting unit, and she votes from the ground.

I saw this. Did you not see this, Andrew? And I know that the media was making fun of her, but I'm like, that is one of the coolest things as far as like the strength of our movement, and she's screaming from the parking lot in pain, I've been waiting to help Trump. I've been waiting to help Trump, Andrew. Remember, Charlie, our movement is the threat against democracy movement, right? But yet our people are literally breaking hips trying to cast a ballot for President Trump.

It's amazing. Andrew, have you voted yet? No, I'm going after this right now. I got the ballot filled out. I'm just going to go in. So you got the mail-in ballot thing going on? So they sent me a mail-in. They sent me a mail-in, but I'm going to go into. So I filled it all out. So I know what I'm selecting, you know, and all these props and things like that.

And I'm just going to go in, copy my mail-in down, you know, and toss the mail-in. So if you guys want to have your question answered, there's a Q&A portion. I think it's at the chat, essentially.

Is that what it is, Daisy? You guys can put your question and then we'll call on you. Sorry for any of the technical stuff. So I just want to also thank you guys. The member community that we're building here on The Charlie Kirk Show allows us to take on topics, allows us to cover stories that otherwise shows would not cover. We have amazing advertisers, by the way, guys.

Noble Gold, Relief Factor, Andrew and Todd. We have Strong Cell. We have Preborn. We have amazing, amazing partners. But you guys give us that extra ability to speak our mind and to be able to hire staff and do everything we do.

And then we also offer you the episodes advertiser free and this building community as well. OK, what's the name again, Daisy? All right.

Christian and Lisi, I hope I said that right. What is your question? Hello. So this was a question that my husband wrote with me right now, but he asked if Trump has addressed or if he plans on addressing the food industry to bring higher standards and get rid of the chemically heavily foods similar to European nations. I love this topic. Blake does not like this topic. Well, I think it's funny with Trump because Trump, you know, he kind of loves his chemical foods. He likes McDonald's and Diet Coke.

So, Christian, so I think I said that Christian and Lisi, I love that. I wish he would address it more. Honestly, he could. Let's just talk politically, Blake.

He could splinter some of the RFK support because so the RFK support is kind of returned towards natural farming, natural growing and environmental toxins. And it appeals to some people he's traditionally struggled with. I think it's sort of college educated voters have more of that purity sense on mid 30 moms.

Yeah. Or mid 30 moms. That's a big sort of like younger professional voters are really into this. And I think he's just in an older generation. You know, he grew up in the age where fast food was taking off. People didn't fret about this stuff nearly as much.

It probably is an opportunity. By the way, I know that demographic and Andrew, you do, too. They do. They think we're crazy for how we care about like I take ginger shots and turmeric and supplements and you think I'm nuts, too, for the amount of stuff I take and that you eat avocados. They're like, I thought you have that only in guacamole.

But to answer your question, no. And I think Donald Trump probably is a little bit skeptical, not skeptical, but he is understandably fearful that he might actually lose some of the ag vote in Iowa or Ohio. Wouldn't you agree, Andrew? Because kind of telling, for example, big ag in Iowa.

Yeah, you're not able to use you're not able to spray your crops anymore. Probably is unpopular, even though it's an awful practice. Well, no, I totally agree, actually. And this is, you know, Christian and lacy. This is something that the base is just now starting to embrace. And you have to think about the way that the way that political change happens. Right. So one of the things that I'm really passionate about is urban sprawl and beautiful architecture.

I thought I was alone on that. And then in the conservative movement and then guess what? Tucker Carlson starts talking about urban sprawl and he starts talking about beautiful architecture and visits Hungary. So all of a sudden these ideas get injected into the base and then the base. It's these ideas grow in popularity and then they become a winning political issue for somebody like Donald Trump to take on. So I think what you're actually exposing is that this is just a nascent political movement and a political value system within the conservative party and movement that just has to grow more. I don't think we're there yet. To Charlie's point, I think as as we do podcasts on it more as we messaged on it more, so we tweet about it more, it's going to become more popular and then somebody like Trump will get behind it.

But I wouldn't put it past seeing it in in a Trump second term that that this could actually gain momentum once he's in office because it's it's growing in popularity. I would love to be what Tucker has been to have people talk about architecture. Charlie Kirk talk about healthy living and organic eating. And Blake will keep on going to Wendy's and roll his eyes and think we're nuts and we're going to live to our 115.

And Blake will live till he's 107. You know, most of the evidence is it's just your genes. And there is some truth to that. But what if you don't have great genes?

Good eating can help. And you're just going to probably get dementia and die. And it's nothing you can do to stop it. Hold on. Hold on.

No, no. So I have a we should get the next question. These people these people want questions. We should get to the next one. Andrew, go ahead. And then let's get to a question. All right.

No, but this question is well placed, right? Because I have friends that are allergic to milk in the United States. They go over to Europe and all of a sudden they can eat ice cream again and eat cheese and drink milk. So these things have a fundamental effect negative on your quality of life. And I think we would be smart to embrace them. Being a conservative means you can serve the good, the true and the beautiful. And I think that means food.

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Click the link in the description below and use the code Kirk to save 10 percent on your pine pollen tincture and all other products. All right, next question, Jamie. Jamie, thank you for the support.

You can unmute yourself. What is your question? Hi there. Hi. Thanks, guys. We appreciate you so much. Thank you.

I have two questions if you have time. The first is from what you see around the country. And if you had to move to another state, where would you move?

Yeah. So the backup plan of Arizona completely collapses. We're going to the west coast of Florida.

Sarasota, Longboat, Key Area. It's a slice of heaven. I love it there. Why? What is wrong with you?

I can't. Florida is not my climate. Florida.

All right. Then move to South Dakota. South Dakota is great. We should build a redoubt in the Black Hills, man.

That'd be great. But I love the west coast of Florida. I'm not a fan of humidity, but I suck it up. It is one of the most amazing parts of the country.

It's super right wing, super hard working. It's like it's the best of the Midwest that has been moved down to sunny and humid. Andrew, if Santa Barbara collapses, where are you moving to? Are you going to Nevada? I mean, this is a yeah, this is a real, real question. I'm a native Nevadan and I've got a lot of faith in Nevada still.

So I think that would probably be my first choice. I'm from Northern Nevada, not Southern Nevada. It's more like Idaho by temperament and by climate. I've thought about Idaho, thought about Montana, thought about Tennessee. I'm not a Texas guy. I love Texas. I love visiting Texas, but I can't deal with the like roads and the it's like not my vibe. I've got a brother-in-law in Texas. So, you know, we actually did look at Texas for a time. But no, I mean, I'm one of those crazy people that's hanging on for dear life here in California. So what can I say?

I love the west coast of Florida, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Fort Myers, Naples. Great, great. What about Utah? No, Utah is going in the wrong direction, actually. Utah is way more liberal than people realize.

It's very techie. It's very moderate Republican. It's a Mormon place and we're not Mormon. We love our LDS friends, though. We love our LDS friends, but it's like it's their place. It'd be like if we moved to Israel or something. We're not Jewish.

The libs are fine going in there. They colonize. All right.

That's a great. That is a great question. Alex, you said is the next question. You can unmute yourself in just a second. And so, yeah, now everyone knows our backup plan, which is the west coast of Florida.

So all right, Alex, you're unmuted. What is your question? Thank you for the great support. Well, thank you for picking the west coast of Florida.

I'm in Naples. I love it. I like you more already. So what is the biggest challenge that you've overcome, whether that be personally or politically? That's that's a great question. I'd have to say there was a moment in Turning Point history and I'm disconnected enough from that where I could talk more about it. And Andrew was just entering when it was happening, when it really was kind of us against the world, where there were so many institutional forces that wanted to see us fail. That was right before Trump.

Andrew entered Turning Point world at the end of this. But it was really nasty. Remember that, Andrew, where we were the new kind of entrepreneurs on the block?

It was a fight every day. We didn't have a show. We didn't have a huge social media footprint. We were kind of scheduled for deletion.

Right, Andrew, would you say? And we survived it. It was gritty. I remember sort of painting a whole vision of how we were going to fix that, actually, when I first came in and we sort of embraced it. And it maybe worked too well, because, you know, Turning Point went from being young upstarts, disruptive, too boisterous, too loud, to whatever to then, you know, two, three years later, I remember we were considered part of the establishment by some people all of a sudden.

I was like, wait, wait, wait, hold on, hold on. Just because Charlie's got like a New York Times profile. But funny enough, I would have answered that as, you know, similarly, Charlie. But I also would have said it's interesting because when you went after Rana and the RNC, I mean, people don't realize that she picked the fight with you.

Just so we're clear, people don't realize that part of the story. She went on Brian Kilmeade's show and publicly attacked you and Turning Point, I think, because she was feeling a lot of pressure. So she was looking to cast blame in all directions. But then when we did that, and ultimately when we succeeded in getting a regime change at the RNC, we were told, we were warned that we were going to have hit pieces on Charlie. They were going to go into like, you know, they start turning over rocks.

And sure enough, right after we went to Vegas, there was, we had reporters coming and it felt very similar to that kind of season. Yeah, we took on the establishment, you took on the old, the old bulls, and, you know, they're like, you're going to get the horns. And, you know, at the end of the day, you know, the people are with us, the grassroots is with us. And so that insulates us from a lot of that stuff. But they came and they tried to smear Charlie and still trying to be frank. But we're getting through it pretty, pretty successfully.

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Prescription may be required. Name again, Daisy? Got it. She says it's Micon. Hello. How are you? I'm sorry.

I get it patched in. I apologize. Thanks for your support.

How are you? No problem. No problem. Thank you. Thank you. We appreciate everything you guys are doing with this movement. Thank you.

It makes a big difference for a lot of younger people. Thank you. Thank you. What is on your mind? Well, what's not?

First of all, thank you for helping removing Ronna. We need fighters. We can't be having losers all the time and they're taking nosedives for the Democrats. I was wondering, did you hear about what Vivek said this morning about the 9-0 decision and that it doesn't necessarily mean that the future lawsuits that Trump's coming down the pipe with is going to be treated kind of in the same capacity or, you know, does that make sense?

I mean, I'm kind of concerned that we're not going to see the same kind of favor from the Supreme Court for Trump's future lawsuits that are coming in. What do you think about that? Can you do you have that what Vivek said, please? Thank you for the question.

It's a great question. I actually didn't see it. Blake, can you I'm looking I think she's just saying that, you know, we also have this immunity argument that's going to the court and we can't take that for granted.

And I was thinking that the other day this might well, they love their setup on decisions. And Andrew, he does have a tweet here, guys. It says today's 9-0 Supreme Court decision didn't needn't be something to celebrate. It's something we ought to once again take for granted.

We the people decide who governs the fact that it took the highest court in the land to say it to say it shows how far we've fallen. But it's a good start in the right direction. Got it.

So yeah, you'd like to set up you want it really quick. Blake, I want to get the next question. Well, we know that certainly John Roberts has always loved his like institutional credibility of the court. And they like to try to find these unanimous decisions or higher majority decisions that are don't go as far. We even see that here where they you know, they did what they could to make it so this decision would come out as a unanimous per curiam on the core thing. And so I could really easily see a situation where we get unanimous. You can't kick Trump off the ballot, but also unanimous.

Trump can't make this immunity argument on the Mar-a-Lago case, which I'll get in trouble and all the people listening will hate me, I think would probably be the correct ruling under the law. I think it was a very bold play of theirs. The fact they just extended this by three months making the argument is very good. Maybe it was a Hail Mary just for timing.

It might be. I do think politically there was harm to it in the sense that we did get these stories where they're saying like, well, Trump's legal argument is that he could the president can just shoot someone in the head and no one can do it. It's not always the best to have that be what your news cycle is, but probably no one will care.

Great question. We'll get to the next one. And if you want to hear Blake and I debate that, which we're not going to do, watch Thought Crime. Tristan, thank you for the support. How are you? And what is your question? Good.

Thank you very much. I am full of this adventure right now. I really want to get in the fight. I really want to be on the front lines and be beneficial to this movement.

I end up sitting at home and kind of watching far too much YouTube. I needed a mentor. I need a way to get involved. And I can't really join the chapter because I'm a little too transient right now. I don't know where I'm going to be in six months. So where do I go?

What do I do? How do I be in this fight? So that's a big question. I'll give you kind of the general parameters how to answer that without getting too deep in this. Everyone has a skill. And if you have a skill that can be used for the movement, try to intersect those two things. So if you're a graphic designer, try to be a graphic designer for a conservative organization or group. I could tell you that, you know, those we at Turning Point can only hire so many people, but the 400 people that work for us at Turning Point, they every day feel purpose and they feel a sense of accomplishment in their work.

And so my piece of advice would be just find or identify, that's a better way to say it, identify two or three skills that you have and then try to make your career what you really care about. So if you're just like watching YouTube videos like, I got to save the country, I got to save the country, there is a plethora of job openings right now in the conservative movement. And honestly, it might be like, hey, I don't know if you have kids or not or if you're married, but if you don't, an easy job that you can get that is pure grit, I tell this, is just to go work for a campaign. You're not paid well. It's a lot of travel.

It's a very few days where you're just kind of sitting still, but it's very rewarding and it will open the door for other type of job opportunities. So I hope that's helpful. I'm happy to elaborate more if you want to email me more freedom at

Happy to help. Yeah, Andrew, go ahead. Yeah, you also have Turning Point Action, Battle Chasing.

I mean, right now would be a great point. I don't know, what state are you in, Tristan? Utah, speaking of which. Utah.

All right. Well, if you don't know where you're going to be anyways, then if you're really passionate, you could get involved in ballot chasing with Turning Point Action, moved to Arizona, moved to Wisconsin. There's groups in Michigan doing that.

Go to a swing state, put your money. I know that might not be possible, but Charlie always says the stress is good. It's good for you to push through this stuff. I totally agree. You're going to be a stronger person for it on the end and to really direct that energy.

But we're hiring right now at Turning Point Action, hundreds of ballot chasers that are going to make a distinct difference in 2024 and the future of our nation. So if you're motivated enough, I encourage you to apply. Love it. Thanks, man. Appreciate it. Thank you. Caleb and Michelle, two of my favorite people.

How are you guys? Very smart. I got to tell you, got great emails from Caleb.

He's a smart guy. They have been supporting us for years. They come to all of our events.

They are excellent. So once we get you guys unmuted. Thanks, Charlie. Hey, Caleb. Michelle, how you doing, guys? God bless you.

Yeah, God bless you, too. So Governor Walz just announced this partnership with Minnesota and Ukraine, like an agricultural partnership, like we're standing with Ukraine. And what do you think about this and how many of the governors and lawmakers think that that's the that's the important good thing to do? Yeah, I would think that it would be more likely for the governor of Minnesota to stand with Somalia than to stand with Ukraine. But I guess the exact question is, you know, why are they doing this?

It's just it's just virtue signaling, isn't it, Blake? I mean, it's just to try to don't they like adopt cities or something? Now they're adopting countries. Yeah, it's I'm looking at the article here and it's even that their their partnership is with the Chernohov region. So they're doing a partnership with a specific specific city.

What part is that, though? Kind of right around Kiev, actually. OK. Kiev, I guess we call it.

Is that the Siyab? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's Kiev.

You know, it's repulsive. I wish our own leaders cared more about the southern border than they did about Ukraine. So, of course.

So maybe maybe let me clarify the question a little bit on a finer point. What's he getting out of it? Like besides the virtue signaling, is this just more money laundering going on? Is this is this is he getting some sort of grants?

You know, what's it? There's got to be a motivation beside probably, probably not. So maybe long term, it's more just kind of a a signal boost, meaning like, hey, I'm on your team.

Hey, I'm one of you guys. And he gets like a nice article written about him and he probably got a phone call from some ambassador. It's more like feel good touchies type stuff. We should never underestimate that the left really does believe in this stuff and they will do stuff just for like the ideological intensity of it. That's right.

Great job. Great, great question, guys. Yeah. Andrew, there's also, you know, it's funny, I was just reading a couple of days ago the invasion clause of the Constitution, right? Article one, Section 10, the Powers Act. And, you know, you could make an argument, a legal rationale that America is already in a compact as federally so states can sort of join on as they want. But it is interesting to see a unilateral sort of deal be made between a state of the United States and a foreign state, because it says, you know, no state shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops, ships of war and time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state or with a foreign power.

And, you know, it's it's it's probably not a constitutional crisis type of issue, but it is interesting to see these states use Ukraine as an opportunity to get involved in foreign matters. Are you ready to lose weight but not sure where to start? I understand.

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Check it out, All right, we'll take a couple more, guys. Josiah, how are you? What is your question? Thank you for the support.

Hey, Charlie. Thank you so much. I was wondering, first of all, the men's summit changed my life. I was just wondering if there's any of those events coming up by turning point faith. And then the second question was if it's better to run for office or get involved with NGOs.

That's a good question. Yes, we have more men's summits coming up and will be announced soon. We got to do a better job of marketing the men's summit, I got to tell you. They fill up immediately and they just totally change lives.

Love to talk to you offline, Josiah, about what you liked best about that. Secondly, run for office or work for an NGO. Look, it depends on what your skill is. Not everyone is called to be in the nonprofit space or the NGO space. Not everyone's called to be, you know, running for office. Just stay involved in the movement. Honestly, we need really successful entrepreneurs. That's the thing we need more of. We need like more based rich people.

A friend of mine who is a senior bureaucrat in government, I don't want to say more, but he once told me, he said, a lot of people ask, you know, what can I do? And they think they'll be an op-ed writer. We have a lot of op-ed writers. Yes, our movement needs is people who are successful.

Yes. You know, be a patron of things. Be someone who makes sure other conservatives in your industry are able to have careers and rise up. And you could donate back. And donate back. You can be a stakeholder. I mean, look at the good that, I mean, Elon's a very extreme, extreme example, but look at the good that Elon is doing.

I mean, that's not out of reach for most people. Exactly. So, all right. Definitely.

I totally agree. Thanks, Josiah. All right. We'll do one more question, guys, and we're going to keep on scheduling these and then we have to get ready for Super Tuesday.

What, who? Candy. Candy, thank you for the support and please unmute yourself. How are you? Wow.

I'm shocked I got all the way to you guys from Maui, Hawaii. Thank you. Thank you for the support. I've got several questions and so much going on, obviously. I'm very concerned about funneling contributions to WinRed.

I don't trust all these text messages that I get from, I don't know where they're coming from or who. They're doing a great job in advertising all these different candidates and people that need support. I want to make sure my money goes to the right place. So, how do we confirm our support is going to the right place, number one? Great question. And I want to get to your second question. If you want to give to a candidate, which is a good thing to do, mail them a check to the address on their website. It bypasses WinRed.

Your data is not shared with the RNC and it goes straight to the campaign with no fees taken. Okay. So I know that's a little old school. So for example, we got to go back to old school because AI has taken over our stuff. So for example, Ana Paulina Luna, you go to her website, it has WinRed. They have to use WinRed, by the way. It's very hard to avoid. I can do a whole podcast on that. I don't recommend giving through WinRed.

Instead, mail them a physical check. Okay. Candy, what's your second question?

Super quick. How do we overcome the weaponized NSF funding development of censorship, online speech, IA-powered WyzDock? I got this off of another substack that I follow, but it's very important to me that things are just gotten out of hand.

Yeah. It's not a perfect answer, but the only person that has brought us a competitive shot of speaking online is Elon Musk. And say what you will about him, but he has legitimately liberated Twitter and X, and he's pushing back against a lot of it. He's not perfect. He does a lot of stuff I don't like, the Neuralink stuff I don't like.

But Blake, I mean, he's done a serious good. When he bought it, you said this might be the most important purchase since the Louisiana purchase. I was right. And I thought, that's crazy. And then I racked my brain.

I was like, I can't think of one. I know everyone mocked me and I'm turning out to be vindicated. Right, Andrew? I didn't mock you.

I didn't mock you. I totally agree. I think if we win in November, you can almost draw a direct line between that purchase and that result. Now, we don't control Instagram and Facebook. Honestly, YouTube and Google are the worst. But I think that in the annals of history, the purchase by Elon Musk of Twitter, it literally could shift the future of civilization. I agree. I think it's two things. It's that he bought Twitter, so normal people can talk on Twitter. But it's also just richest guy in the world, second richest, fluctuates with the stocks, comes out and just says, yeah, I'm just going to not listen to all this crap I'm supposed to think. I'm going to say what I think. And then you just notice all these other people on Wall Street, other billionaires are like, wait, I can say all that stuff.

I have a real story to tell you. We'll close with this, everybody. I know of a dinner that happened in the last couple of weeks of 15 super wealthy people that were with Elon that are now drifting in the center right to right wing to conservative direction that would have had no business of even being there. 15 people that are all multiple billionaires, tens of billions, 20 billion, 30 billion dollars. And Andrew knows what I'm talking about.

I'm not going to say any names, but it's all because of Elon. All right, everybody, thank you guys so much for supporting us. It means a lot.

We can speak honestly. God bless you guys. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. God bless you guys. Thank you for getting behind us. We'll be doing a lot more of these, by the way.

So we'll get to more questions in the not too distant future. God bless. Thanks so much for listening. Everybody email us as always. Freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless.
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