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Will Pronouns Break the Palestinians? with Chris Elston and Tom Homan

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
November 7, 2023 6:45 pm

Will Pronouns Break the Palestinians? with Chris Elston and Tom Homan

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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November 7, 2023 6:45 pm

Will gender ideology fracture pro-Hamas movement? Chris Elston has been crisscrossing the U.S. and Canada to demonstrate against child mutilation, and his activism work just gave him an up-close look at the collision between radical Muslims and radical left Israel-haters. He joins Charlie to talk about it, and then former Trump official Tom Homan describes how a second Trump term could unleash an unprecedented wave of deportations in 2025 and beyond.

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The only gold company I trust. Hey everybody, thanks for watching the Charlie Kirk Show. A normal person changes the narrative.

Billboard Chris joins the program. Amazing story. Listen carefully. He's really incredible. Tom Homan reflects on the open border policies of Joe Biden and we get into some very specific policy conversations. If you're interested in that, you're going to love this.

Incredibly technical and very important. Email us as always. Freedom at Get involved with Turning Point USA at

That is Start a high school or college chapter today at Start a high school or college chapter.

Really important. Come to Amfest,, Phoenix Convention Center, December 16, 17, 18, 19. And email me as always freedom at Buckle up everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created. Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.

That's why we are here. Brought to you by the loan experts I trust, Andrew and Todd at Sierra Pacific Mortgage at Joining us now is someone I have admired from afar on social media. He's a very courageous man and very effective. Billboard Chris joins us now. It's If you're not familiar with Billboard Chris, he's a father of two girls and he decided to take a stand against gender ideology and he goes out into the street over 2,500 hours and has conversations while wearing a billboard.

For example, one of them is children cannot consent to puberty blockers. His name is Chris Elston and he joins us now. Chris, thank you so much for taking the time. Thank you so much for having me, Charlie. It's a big honor to be here. So Chris, tell us your story. 2,500 hours in the streets, kind of a free speech advocate of the West. Tell us your story and what you have learned by having over 2,500 hours of dialogue.

Sure. So in 2019, I learned about these things called puberty blockers. And I'm just a normal dad living out in the suburbs who used to be a financial advisor. And I've got two little girls and I said to myself, what the heck are puberty blockers?

And I looked it up and of course, these are drugs being given to kids to stop their development because these kids have been led to believe that they were born in the wrong body, which is extraordinarily psychologically abusive, nevermind all the physical harm coming to these kids. And I learned all about this. And the more I learned, the worse it got. And I decided to take a stand against what I consider to be the greatest child abuse scandal in modern medicine history. And the only way I could really reach people with no platform or anything was to head outside and talk to them one on one.

And I had a vision for this whole thing. And I knew if I just kept going outside talking to people that I would help educate them and help to activate other people. And when the borders opened up in 2021, I started heading down to the states where it's been just phenomenal. I get so much support down there. There are so many great conservative organizations helping me. And today, this is the number one cultural issue of the day, raising awareness about this child abuse all over the conservative airwaves. We have 20 states just this past year who have passed legislation to stop this madness. And I just keep going traveling the world.

I was just in London, I'll be heading to Australia in a few months. And I'm never going to stop this until this child abuse stops. So I have just a very quick question that I'm going to play your piece of tape here that's gone incredibly viral. Do free speech laws allow you to do this in Canada without free fear of reprisal or recourse?

Yeah. So our free speech laws aren't as good as yours. We do have freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly and all that. Section one of what is called our Charter of Rights and Freedoms says these following freedoms are subject to reasonable limits as prescribed by law. So who makes the law? Lawmakers, of course.

So that makes this a lot weaker. But I go wherever I want, say whatever I want. And in defiance of what our government wants, and I've been fine. I have been arrested twice. After getting assaulted, I was charged with causing a disturbance and banned from walking on all the streets of Vancouver, Canada. But that was a violation of my rights. I was really looking forward to going to court. But of course, the prosecutor dismissed the charge before that ever happened. And I think I've embarrassed a lot of police forces, so they just leave me alone now pretty much.

Well, that's good to hear. Yeah. I mean, Canada does not have, as you say, as robust free speech protections as we hear and have in the states. OK, I want to let before I play it, kind of lead us up. What is the context of this video? Essentially, it is, from my from my understanding, Antifa sympathizer is getting into a debate with pro Palestinian marchers about how Muslims don't believe in gender transitions.

Set the stage before we play this tape here. Sure. So I was in London for the ARC conference last week, and I kept a few days on the end of my trip so I could go out on the street. And of course, this huge protest is going on. So I go to wherever people are. And I was there. I was hanging out by Trafalgar Square. And I was just walking along and some guy masked up said, F you, you effing fascist.

So for me, that's a fish on the hook. So I turned on my phone and I started filming and I had a conversation with him. And what I usually do with these guys is I ask questions to get them to challenge their own beliefs because they have no idea why they support what they do. They just know that this is the acceptable opinion for them. And this is some Antifa guy. And he started getting really agitated.

Three young Muslim women came along to see what the fuss was all about. He appealed to them for support. And of course, they totally destroyed him because he said something like, he thinks kids can't be trans. And of course, they said that they can't.

And then they berated him and he ran away. Okay, let's play the tape here. See it for yourself.

Everybody play cut 53. Oh, Chris, that video exposes the contradiction in real time. That is a 45 second window, a microcosm of the universe of separations that actually the left has.

It's a snapshot. It's an incredibly powerful thing because you have these rather passionate, by the way, they happen to be right Muslim women arguing with a white woke typical European person. And you saw it unfold that it's very deep. There's a reason why this has gone viral.

Chris, tell us about it. Yeah, I think that guy's actually American, by the way. But no, of course, no Muslims support this. And in Canada, on September 10th, across the country, I mean, I've been traveling myself standing out on my own for the longest time, unable to find any supporters.

This year, just two months ago, we had 30,000 people across the country protesting this. And tons of them were Muslims. Because of course, Muslims don't support gender ideology. Boys are boys, girls are girls. And that's that. And they all know that. So they're not in favor of any of this. And they're starting to find their voice.

But this is what it is. This is the this is where intersectionality, where different worlds collide. And he's out there supporting these pro Palestinian marchers.

And of course, they do not support him at all. So it's just a really poignant clip that shows how leftism ultimately isn't going to have success because all of these immigrant communities and everything don't support any of this nonsense about gender transition. Yeah. So there's a there's there's an important thing here, which is intersectionality. And we you know, we built this out pretty comprehensively on this program. But until it was exposed by a third party, which is you, the Palestinian Arab women and the woke guy were friends.

But a third party introduced into that forced marriage created friction and tension and a schism. That could be a very interesting blueprint, isn't it? Because in some ways that that is a microcosm of how we as how we expose the inherent contradictions in the tribes that compose the Marxist left. Yeah, absolutely. I knew this was going to happen because, of course, tons of these radical leftists are out there supporting this.

And they simply do not mix these two different groups when it comes to this issue. So I thought it would be powerful to expose that. I just take whatever happens. And fortunately, that clip went incredibly viral.

It's been seen probably tens of millions of times. And yeah, going forward, hopefully this helps to empower more Muslims to continue speaking up about this, because the left doesn't know what to do. They don't know what to do.

They don't know what to do with them. Someone like myself, a white conservative male, they can just easily dismiss. But as we saw with this Antifa guy, he was left speechless himself and he ran away. So we need all these voices to speak up against his child abuse. Chris, please plug your website.

Billboard Chris Dotcom. There's a donate button they can click there, which would be very helpful because I literally survive off 30 and 50 dollar donations. What I really want people to do is get informed about this and start having these discussions, because when we don't know anything about this, we can't talk about it. When people don't know what to do, they end up doing nothing.

But please get yourself educated. Follow me on Twitter at Billboard. Chris, same thing on Instagram. I get asked all the time, what can I do? Charlie, I'm helpless. What can I do? I mean this in the most positive way, Chris. But here you are a one guy with a sign who is now impacting hundreds of millions of people. I never want to hear from our audience, but there's nothing I can do.

There's nothing I can do. Chris is a living, breathing example that anybody can change the zeitgeist, the Overton window in the narrative. One guy with a sign, but it took work.

You got to get off your tail and standing in the public recording and having conversations for 2500 hours. That is thankless work. But you deserve gratitude, Chris. And we are thankful.

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Go to or call 1-800-246-8751 and get this special offer by using discount code Charlie. So, Chris, let me just make sure I understand you support your family and your lifestyle and you just started going out with a sign. Tell us more about it's just an amazing story. And now you impact tens of millions of people.

Yeah, literally just did this all from nothing. I just felt I'm really a calling to go raise awareness about this. I'm a dad. All I care about are my girls and all I care about is the world. I'm going to leave for them. I'm an older guy now. I don't care about my own life, but I'm not going to send my girls into a world that doesn't know what a woman is or girl or world trying to change the sex of children.

We just cannot tolerate this. So, I have a financial background. I kind of viewed this like compounding interest. You start with a dollar, you double it. Pretty soon you're at a million. And I knew if I just started reaching people one at a time, this would grow into something. I knew other events would happen and viral videos would start going. So, it's just working. And really what I'm also trying to do is activate other people.

So, for example, in November of 2021, I was in Texas. I jumped on a Twitter space at night. And I saw this group called Moms4Liberty.

I had no idea who they were. I talked to Tiffany Justice, the co-founder that night, told her what I was doing. She believed in me.

She learned all about this. And now there's 130,000 moms fighting. So, that's one way I'm able to leverage my efforts.

And it's just working spectacularly well. We have to believe that we can achieve whatever we want in life. If there's a huge problem, we can't be cowed by that. We just take it one day at a time. What do you have to say to people that will push back? There's nothing I can do.

It doesn't make a difference. I'm just a normal person. Well, that's all I am. That's all all of us are.

We're all just people. But especially in this age of social media, it's possible to reach millions. And you can do it quickly. You can go to a school board meeting, write a good two or three-minute speech, and lay into these school board members who are trying to transition kids without their parents' knowledge. Tell them you're not okay with it. Get that recorded.

And it goes viral. Just do something. Join an organization like Moms4Liberty.

Get involved with universities. Get involved with Turning Point. Do whatever you can. But my gosh, we have to fight back against all this nonsense going on in the West.

We have to stop apologizing for truth. Chris, some people say, but aren't you afraid to walk around with a sign? You could get attacked, Chris.

How do you do this? Well, I do get attacked. I've had my arm broken by Antifa. I've been assaulted probably 30 times.

But whatever. Look what's happening to kids. They're cutting off the body parts of children. There's a girl named Layla Jane in California right now. She was 13 years old when they cut off her breasts in grade eight. She'd just left elementary school. Now she's suing.

Harmeet Dillon is her lawyer. But she was led to believe that she was born wrong. What the heck does that even mean?

I think a lot of people have been confused because the left uses all these euphemisms to describe all these terms. But there's no such thing as a transgender child. They're called girls and boys. And the positive message we should be sending is that they're beautiful, just as they are.

No drugs or scalpels needed. I say that all the time. There are two sexes. There are zero genders and there are infinite personalities because that sums us all up. And the left has taken the word gender, which we used as a synonym for sex for the longest time. And they've tried to make it into being some separate thing.

They essentially believe that we're all in drag, that we're all performing the stereotypes associated with our sex. This whole thing is nonsense. We need to get back to reality. And we just can't be afraid because this is a war.

Our grandfathers stormed the beaches of Normandy into machine gun fire to defend the West, knowing they probably wouldn't survive the day. And I'm supposed to worry about some 130-pound trans activist in a black mask who's going to call me names. I'm supposed to worry about CBC or CNN calling me a bigot. Please, we've got to get our priorities straight.

Well, a lot of people do care, Chris, and people have to get off their tail and get into the arena. And you are moving the dial significantly and you have been attacked. But we have your back and it builds and it builds and it builds. And then all of a sudden a wave is created and there's this crescendo and this cascading effect. And I hope that it resonates with at least one person in this audience that's sitting on their tail just yelling at the screen or being negative.

Final question, Chris. How do you not allow the overwhelming negativity to make you despair? So many people in our audience say, oh, it's not worth fighting. It's not worth doing this.

And they just kind of they don't do much. I know what's right. And I know what's true. And what other people think of me is irrelevant. I've got all the friends in the world I need. And I've got my wife and my two daughters.

And ultimately, that's all I need. And they know who I am. So we just got to stop worrying about what other people say about us. The fact of the matter is I've made more great friends, friends for life in my mid 40s than I ever made the rest of my life combined.

Because I'm living a purpose driven life and I'm finding other people who are living that same purpose driven life. And we're just going to keep building this network because traditionally conservatives have been quiet on grassroots conservatives like to go home, have a barbecue and watch football. And for leftists, they love getting involved in all these grassroots activities. But we have to build up these organizations ourselves. And we got to fight back because government isn't going to save us.

There's no savior in the president. It's going to stop it. It's up to us. It's our agency. God bless you, Chris. We have your back. You're an inspiration. Thank you. Thank you so much.

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That is Patriot mobile dot com slash Charlie or call 878 Patriot. Tom Homan, former ice director and president and CEO of Border 911 dot com. Tom, thank you so much for taking the time on a play piece of tape here that has been making the rounds and then we'll riff on it.

Play cut 54. I've done this job for over three decades. I've never seen numbers anywhere near this. This is this is drastic. This is the biggest national security failure that I've seen in this country since 9-11.

This is historic. I promised President Trump when he announced that he goes back, I go back and I'm going to run the biggest deportation operation this country has ever seen because these millions of people being released in this country, nine out of 10 will get order removal based on immigration court data. A judge ordered them removed. We're going to find them and we're going to remove them. There's no consequence.

We can't fix the border. We're going to have a consequence in the Trump administration. Tom, tell us about it. A second Trump term, the largest deportation force ever seen.

Tell us more. Yeah, you know, I met with President Trump many times. I was on the first guys that he met with when he when he re-announces coming back and I told him I'd come back in a minute and I told him I'd come back for free. I'm so pissed off what this administration did. We gave this administration charity the most secure border in my lifetime and they unsecured it.

The first president in history's nation that unsecured the border. So I promised President Trump I'd come back and people need to understand these millions of people that are released in the United States. If you look at the immigration court data over the last decades, people claim asylum at our border. Nearly nine out of ten never get relief from US courts. They simply don't qualify and they're going to be ordered removed and we're going to remove them under the Trump administration because if you're demanding due process, which we give them, due process doesn't mean squat, it's a final decision of the courts aren't carried out. So we're going to find the nine out of ten, they get ordered removed, we're going to locate them and we're going to deport them because there has to be a consequence to breaking the laws of this country. What do you have to say to some people that would, you know, say it's not logistically feasible to deport millions of people? You know, it is very difficult and do I think I removed 20 million people?

No, but we do it one at a time. No one's off the table. Listen, if the immigration court, if the federal judge orders somebody removed and we can't, we don't remove them because it's too hard, then let's shut down the immigration courts too because the final orders obviously don't mean anything. No, we need to carry it out and look if we work with Congress and pass a legislation that if you get an order of removal from the courts, you don't qualify ever for amnesty, for DACA, for any benefits, that will certainly help to self deport many people.

You've got to cut it off. You've got to stop rewarding people of illegal behavior. Whoever they're going to do to become two gyps, they get order removal, they don't leave, they'll hide out long enough for the next giveaway, the next amnesty, the next DACA. We can't allow that. That has to stop.

No more rewarding over behavior. If we get some legislation to support that, we'll have a lot of success in removing a lot of people. So, Tom, walk us through what is occurring on the southern border as far as the morale of Border Patrol and what your average illegal that comes in contact with a Border Patrol agent right now. What does that conversation look like? Americans tend to think in their head that every single one of these people are just escaping and they're running into the interior.

But it's not like that. They actually meet an agent, they'll declare asylum. Walk us through what does that dialogue look like and what are the American federal agents told to do, instructed to do, when they declare asylum? That's a great question because the cartels teach them a few key phrases.

They only got to say a few key things and they're going to pass the interview and they'll be really serious. Here's what's happening on the border. They catch them. They process and release as quick as possible. They'll send them to their final destination either on a bus or airline ticket.

At the cost of the United States taxpayer, you pay for this. They're going to get to their final destination. They'll apply for a work authorization and they'll go to places like New York City or Chicago. They'll get free lodging, free health care, three square meals a day and work authorization. I mean, when you make those type of promises to an illegal alien population, why wouldn't it come?

I mean, the whole world's going to come and we are seeing the whole world coming over. Borucho has arrested people from 171 different countries and that's where I went to. This is the biggest national security failure in my lifetime because Borucho has arrested people from 171 different countries.

Some of these countries are sponsored from terror. They've already arrested 569 in the past year. They've arrested more people on terror sponsors on the northern border than they did on the southern border but no one talks about that. So if they've arrested 569 people on terror's watch list in the last year in the entire country, we got 1.7 known gotaways.

These are track gotaways. How many of that 1.7 came from a country sponsoring terror that came here to do us harm? If people think it's zero, then they're idiots. There's no way not a single one of that 1.7 million gotaways didn't come here to do us harm. This is the biggest national security failure this country's seen since 9-11. Mark my word. Do I know how many known suspected terrorists have entered the country of this administration?

No, but someday we're going to find out. It's going to be a bad day for America. So Tom, contrast what Border Patrol and DHS is told to do now versus what you guys had under Trump as far as how to deal with fraudulent asylum claims, the kidnapping of children under the guise of family migration, remain in Mexico, getting the Mexican government to do their part. What are the, and I know this is a technical question, but what are the greatest policy changes that Joe Biden made? There's a lot of macro narrative changes, but specific decoupling of policy that worked.

What were the ones that were the most disappointing to see? The remain in Mexico was a game changer with the Trump administration and President Biden ended it. People are still paying asylum, but don't wait in Mexico for the hearing. And that way, when the nine out of 10 lose, they get order removal, we don't have to go look for them.

So that was a game changer. Matter of fact, when they realized, it took about three months to remain in Mexico program and they realized, hey, I'm not going to be released in the United States to not show up in court or I'll lose my hearing and not be removed. When they realized they weren't being released in the United States, they stopped coming. So the population going to Mexico to claim asylum went down drastically. The second thing Biden administration did is ended third safe country agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. What that policy said was, if you're really escaping fear and persecution in El Salvador and you get to Mexico, have you not escaped that fear and persecution? Obviously you have because you left the country.

You should be claiming asylum in the first free country you come to, Mexico. Biden undid that policy and he undid the construction of the border wall. Not a lot of people say, well, the border wall don't work. We have historical immigration, even though we built 465 miles of wall.

But the question needs to be asked, where are the remains crossing right now? They're crossing where there isn't a wall. Walls work. Walls throw people down.

Walls funnel people, the most vulnerable people like women and children, to a place where there isn't a wall, where they're going to be met by border patrol agents who can first take care of the humanitarian crisis because a lot of them are stuck in bad shape and they can enforce immigration law. But one of the most important things the Trump administration did was end catch and release. The law is clear. If you're an arriving alien without proper documentation, you shall be detained.

That's what the statute says. You shall be detained. Well, we detained them or we removed them. We didn't release people so people realized we had a consequence when entering the United States. You want to claim asylum?

Fine. You wait in Mexico. If you want to cross the border illegally, we're going to detain you in one of our facilities. Then when you're detained in a facility, you get a hearing in front of an immigration judge in less than 40 days because immigration court prioritizes those in detention. If you're released, you don't get a hearing for five to seven years. So within, you know, 30, 35 days they get a final order removal, they're in ICE detention, they're removed. People need to understand the Homeland Security Life Sec report, Secretary Mayorkas' very own report says this. If you get an order removal and you're in ICE detention, you're removed 99.7 percent of the time.

If you're not in detention and you get order removal, if you're a family unit, you leave six percent of the time. That's why we created the Remaining Mexico program. President Trump says, well, if nine out of ten don't qualify and only six percent leave, why do we keep releasing them? So we stopped it. It makes sense. Remaining Mexico is a game changer and the Biden administration could turn that on today. The highest courts in the land says it's legal. They can solve this border crisis today, but they don't want to solve it.

This is by design. They want the open borders. So, Tom, anywhere between eight to ten thousand people are coming a day. What would that number be?

Just speculation. What does history show us if we reinstituted Remain in Mexico? The Trump administration, when we had those policies in place, we averaged about 1,200 a day and most of those 1,200 were voluntary return. So they're kept in custody and need to return or we detain whoever wanted to fight their case. But we had an average of 55,000 people in detention. The Biden administration has an average of about 20,000 because they're not detaining people.

They're releasing them. And the biggest thing though, Charlie, is under the Trump administration, in four years of the Trump administration, we encountered 11 people on terrorist watch lists. This administration, they had 18 in one month. In September, they had 18 in one month. Again, I said just on the southern border alone, 284. 284 in three years on the Trump administration, 11 in four years. That is the biggest difference is that border is more secure.

It was less vulnerable for those terrorists went into the country. Yeah, I mean, the numbers, just everyone understands that in April of 2020, mind you, during COVID, but still about 16,000 people in a whole month crossed over. We are now looking at hundreds of thousands a month. This is not a 10% increase.

This is a factor fold increase, right? We see entire caravans arriving. Question for you, for you, Tom, what is the Mexican government doing, if anything, to prevent this or are they facilitating the invasion of America? They're facilitating it, Charlie, because this administration isn't holding them accountable. Look, Mexico, last year, took over 66 billion, 66 billion with the big money from remittances from illegal aliens in the United States and sent the money back to Mexico, 61 billion. That's a big part of their GDP. They don't want to fix this thing.

They got to be ordered. They got to be threatened to fix like President Trump did. He told them, you're going to put military in your northern and southern border. You're going to enforce your immigration laws actually against the law in Mexico to traffic your women and children. And finally, you're going to participate in the Remain in Mexico program.

You're going to host this program. At first, Mexico said they wouldn't do it. Then President Trump says, well, I'll tear up the hell out of you. And all of a sudden they did it. It was one tweet. There was no policy committee.

There was no Congress. It was a tweet when Trump got mad and he said, hey, if you guys don't do X by this date, 5% tariff, it might've been 10% tariff. We can find the original tweet on everything from Mexico. I remember when it happened, we were having our young women's leadership summit and the regime media lost their mind. It turns out it was one of the smartest things that Donald J. Trump did as president. One tweet. There was no executive order, no legislation, just the threat, Tom, of a 5% tariff on automobiles from Mexico made the Mexican government act super tough. Tom, just final thoughts on that.

Well, you're right. President Trump, he was out of the box thinker. He got incredible assistance from Mexico, but also the Central American countries on third safe country agreements, they didn't want to do that either. And President Trump said, Tom, what do we usually do? I said, well, usually we give millions of dollars to help create opportunity zones so they don't leave the country, but it never works. President Trump says, I'm not giving them any money.

Matter of fact, I don't take money away. He called those three presidents and said, you will participate in the third safe country agreement. Well, I'm going to take every dollar of international aid the United States gives you away.

Within 48 hours, all three presidents agreed to the safe third country agreement. Tom Homan, we look forward to seeing you at Amfest. Thank you so much. Absolutely. We'll see you there, Charlie.

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That is I'm telling you, Israel, the issue of Israel can break the back of the Democrat Party. They have no idea how to handle this except try and call people like me an anti-Semite. Of course, Media Matters says, we've been documenting Charlie Kirk's escalating anti-Semitism. Today he blamed Jewish dollars for funding cultural Marxist ideas and said that ideology must be cleansed. Yeah, that's 100% the truth. How is that anti-Semitic by the way? It's not happening but it's good that it is.

Michael Anton. You know you're getting closer and closer to the truth and doing something powerful and significant if the other side has to resort to baseless, repeated and frantic name-calling every time you do a segment. It's very powerful.

It tells you a lot. This Thursday, there will be a walkout at UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles, led by the Students for Justice of Palestine, but that's not it. There's many other groups that will be there. By the way, it just so happens I will be on campus simultaneously. That'll be something. Let me read this for you. Let me see if actually I could send this to you guys so we can put it up on screen really quick.

It's really something. Because it's not just the Students for Justice of Palestine, it's the socialist group, it's everything. And this is the Hamas playbook.

Kill Jews, then play the victim and complain that you might be held accountable for that. But it's also the union-made group, Students for Justice of Palestine. Answer Los Angeles, Mecha de UCLA. So the Hispanic group, whatever. I don't know what they do.

Mecha de UCLA. Outright News Mag. All these different groups unite around the Palestine issue.

Here, this is a simple but very, very accurate answer. These people are bored. These people are bored. Boredom plus affluence equals really, really bad and weird behavior. If you are bored and rich, you get existential despair.

Instead of improving their own life, finding purpose, contemplating deep and meaningful ideas, they fill that void with hatred, with envy, with resentment. And the Palestine-Israel issue or the Hamas-Israel issue, that is a simple and easy way to be able to wear the jersey of victimhood. Instead of understanding that there's quite a lot of nuance to this, going a level deeper and thinking to yourself, well, maybe there's a reason why Gaza is poor. Maybe there's a reason why all these Hamas billionaires are living the high life. And the media is morally reprehensible.

The media is attacking me as an anti-Semite, which is hilarious. Los Angeles Times. This is one of the most unbelievable headlines I have ever seen.

And I've seen some incredible ones. You guys have got to put this up. So there's a very tragic story of a Jewish man that was murdered, second-degree murder, at a Israel-Hamas protest in Thousand Oaks-Westlake Village.

I know the area very well. How does the LA Times cover it? Jewish man in California dies after hitting head. Dies after hitting head. Jewish man in California dies after hitting head during altercation at Israel-Hamas war protest. Man in California dies after suffering head injury at pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian demonstrations.

NBC News. Jewish man dies after hitting head. It's like saying the 9-11 victims died in a fire or that or they died from a fall.

Witnesses said Paul Kessler fell and struck his head. Second-degree murder. Manslaughter at the least. And they act as if he fell. The media manipulation against the Jews is unbelievable. Jewish man dies from injuries suffered in Israeli-Palestine rally in Westlake Village.

This is some sick stuff, everybody. Could you imagine if a Muslim died at a rally like that? Would they say Muslim man fell to his death? No, they'd say that Jew killed Muslim on the streets.

That's what they would say, of course. When I grow up, I want to be hired based on what I look like rather than my skills. I want to be judged by my political beliefs. I want to get promoted based on my chromosomes. When I grow up, I want to be offended by my co-workers and walk around the office on eggshells and have my words policed by HR.

Words like grandfather, peanut gallery, long time no see, no can do. When I grow up, I want to be obsessed with emotional safety and do workplace sensitivity training all day long. When I grow up, I want to climb the corporate ladder just by following the crowd. I want to be a conformist. I want to weaponize my pronouns.

What are pronouns? It's time to grow up and get back to work. Introducing the number one woke free job board in America,
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-11-07 20:10:09 / 2023-11-07 20:26:32 / 16

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