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The Evil Lurking in the American Soul

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
October 26, 2023 3:39 pm

The Evil Lurking in the American Soul

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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October 26, 2023 3:39 pm

Lewiston, Maine has become the latest city gutted by a deadly mass shooting. Charlie reacts by breaking down the miasma of mental illness and psychosis that permeates modern America. Then, Charlie breaks down the cascade of evil, anti-Semitic behavior on American colleges, and issues a call for America's donor class to stop enabling it.

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Watch anytime, on any screen, at and local now channel 525. Hey everybody, 10 The Charlie Kirk Show, Guns in America. It's time for us to talk about that as we reflect on the tragedy in Maine and also what happened in Israel.

Are Jews finally waking up to the amount of Jew hatred on American campuses? Email us as always freedom at That is freedom at Subscribe to our podcast, open up your podcast app and type in Charlie Kirk Show and get involved with Turning Point USA at

That is Buckle up everybody, here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country.

He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

Brought to you by the loan experts I trust, Andrew and Todd at Sierra Pacific Mortgage at Last evening, some terrible news unfolded. Mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine. The person responsible is still on the loose.

The manhunt is underway. 18 people dead so far. We as human beings are not accustomed to just this barrage of negative news.

For those of us that do this for a living, you really need to kind of create systems. You need to create patterns to just step away from the news. I mean, you know, I was getting blown up in our chats last night. Oh my goodness, there's another mass shooting. I turned on the news for like three minutes. I said, you know what?

I don't need this right now. And so I said, I will get back to this in the morning. I'm glad I did, because whether it be the massacre that happens in Israel, the bombing that's happening across Ukraine and Russia, the violence in the streets of the country, it's nonstop. And you have to sometimes take a step back and not just stare at the negative and stare at the carnage. But here we are today. Another piece of news that is hard to comprehend.

At least 18 people killed in shootings in Lewiston, Maine. Manhunt underway. Police are looking for Robert Card, 40 years old after the attacks, at a bowling alley in a bar in Lewiston last evening. Now, Robert Card received quote unquote mental health support this last summer.

Whether or not he was administered medications, whether or not they worked or whether or not they hurt remains to be seen. So now, of course, we don't even have the suspect apprehended yet. And the radical left, not even the radical left, the media is already putting forward article after article,, Atlantic, talking about gun control. It's now time to pass more gun control.

He is still on the loose and they're already trying to politicize and push forward a legislative agenda to make it harder to buy weapons in the country. Now, this is important to isolate what the left wants here in this country versus some other lessons of the last couple of weeks. And I find this to be very important and fascinating.

And I also want to be very clear. This is just a terrible thing that happened in Maine. It's a tragedy.

It's happening time and time again. We should bring back insane asylums. There are some people that are so deranged that they're so deranged, that are so unbalanced, that the pattern of behavior, whether it be the trans person in Nashville, of which we never saw their manifesto, whether it be what happened in Uvalde or El Paso, as I mentioned, Nashville, Fort Hood, Sandy Hook, it is not popular, but it is necessary to say that you need to have some form of asylums where people are locked up so they're not allowed in decent society.

It's an unpopular argument, but it's the way it is. Taken off the streets. It could be done humanely. It could be done properly.

But this is one of those people that should have just been taken off the streets. Okay, so the left in the country wants more gun control. They've always wanted that.

And they're going to increase their volume and increase their intensity. But interestingly enough, in Israel, the exact opposite is occurring. In Israel, breaking news yesterday, before this shooting, the Israeli government issued a new executive order slash government directive that they want almost every single citizen in Israel to own weapons, that they are deregulating gun control in Israel.

So let's take a step back. Israel just experienced the most deadly day for Jews since the Holocaust. 1,300 Jews were savagely murdered, raped, decapitated. And Israel has historically had very, very serious gun control comparable to a European country. Most people could not own handguns unless they lived in a very, very high risk area of which some of these kibbutzes were not even deemed high risk areas because of their faith in the Israeli border security system and their faith in the Israeli intelligence system.

And even then, they had a cap of 50 bullets. The Israeli government is saying no more. We want to have more people own guns in our country. Now, why would Israel come to that conclusion? Well, the answer is very obvious, that God forbid that all out war happens again. God forbid that more Hamas or terrorists, Hamas sympathizers, Hamas actors or terrorist sympathizers come into the nation of Israel. They no longer want their citizens to be sitting ducks. You see, in Israel, there was a high trust and high faith in government. One of the reasons why people that were miles away from the Gaza border were okay with not owning weapons was because they trusted their government. That trust in government has gone to basically zero in the nation of Israel. They no longer trust their government to keep them safe.

And I'm not saying that's a good thing or a bad thing, but it's honest. They no longer believe that the IDF, the current government of Israel is going to be able to keep them safe, especially after all the incompetence, the missed intel warnings, the delay eight to 20 hours to come scramble and save them. And so the people of Israel saying, let us take this into our own hands.

God forbid, if this ever happens again. And so Israel is deregulating gun control because Israel lives in an active war zone. Israel is surrounded by evil. Now you contrast that with what some people in America want.

Some people in America want more gun control because they believe the government will keep them safe. An unfortunate and tragic reality is this. There's a lot of evil in the world right now, and that evil is being activated in a variety of different ways. You could call it post-modernity, the insanity of a overmedicated country. You could call it the consequence of not having proven and effective brain health care and mental health care. You could call it a consequence of broken families and a spiritual decline, a godless and secular agenda.

You could any one of these things can be is a proper explanation. Evil is basically ubiquitous, ubiquitous right now. We have this scumbag psychopath who said, I heard voices and he previously said he wanted to shoot up a national guard place, should have been put in an insane asylum, period. Went for mental health treatment and now unnecessarily 16 to 17 people are dead. Simultaneously you have in Vegas the two young men who did a joyride and killed a retired police officer. They're laughing in court. They're laughing. And this is evil that is just so hard to wrap our heads around.

I believe of course there is a spiritual dynamic to this. So is the answer to take guns away? Is the answer to pass legislation? I was watching MSNBC a little bit, just a little bit, and they couldn't help themselves. They couldn't help themselves but say we need stricter gun laws.

We need stricter gun laws. But let us not forget the story of Inbar Lieberman. Inbar Lieberman, 25 years old, saved an entire kibbutz from Hamas Muslim terrorists because she had weapons. 25-year-old Inbar Lieberman, the security coordinator of the kibbutz in her arm, led a group of residents for a four-hour gunfight killing two dozen advancing terrorists.

The government was not there to protect her or her people at the kibbutz and 12 residents took up arms and defended themselves. Here is a brutal but honest truth of the world we live in. Evil is everywhere. More so than any other time than I've been alive. Evil in our streets, evil in our schools, evil in our government, evil domestically, evil foreign. So is the response then to trust the government to keep us safe?

No. The callous but direct truth is this, is that you need to be armed. You need to be prepared to defend yourself and your family. We're not going to see a decline in this until there is a spiritual or a cultural turn away. These false promises by the government, we'll take away the guns, we'll make you safer.

It's nonsense. Just look at Israel what happens when you take away the guns. It doesn't make you safer, it makes you sitting ducks. Do not ask the government to give you a false assurance of safety while you see your liberties and freedoms evaporate in front of you.

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That's good promo code Kirk American meat delivered. And of course it's important to mention that there's a temptation. There's a temptation to say take my freedom and liberty away to make me safer. That is the human condition. The human condition is to say, I will forego my liberty for safety.

We saw that play out in COVID. And so I actually sympathize with a lot of people in the middle. A lot of people that see these stories and they say, why can't we just take all of those weapons away? Why can't we?

And I understand that gut reaction. I don't agree with it. I don't think that's very deep. Let's go through some other examples here in the modern era. One that I think we highlighted better than any other program, which is Hong Kong. Hong Kong has been taken over by the Chinese communist party. Remember all those Hong Kong protesters up against the Chinese military was never a fair fight. That's a hostage situation, not a negotiation. You cannot have a free society if you do not have an armed citizenry, because once you have a big government, that big government is 100% can be taken over by corrupt cartel style actors running it like a mafia or a mob.

So I understand. I truly do when people say, let's just take the guns away. Let's just take all the guns away. Israel did that. And their citizens became sitting ducks for evil. Hong Kong can't own any weapons.

So the Chinese Communist Party can come in and do whatever they want. And armed citizenry comes with costs. I said this at an event a year and a half ago, and people lost their mind.

I think it was a year and a half ago, actually, earlier this spring, people lost their mind, which is, look, when you have freedom, you're going to have situations that are tragic. Anywhere between 35,000 to 45,000 people die in auto-related fatalities every year. It could go as high as 50,000 in some years. Driving, allowing people to drive comes with a cost. Is the cost of having cars, of allowing people to drive 70 miles an hour worth the benefit?

And we have decided as a society, yes. The liberty to be able to leave your home, to get to work in 20 or 30 minutes, to go on a road trip with your kids is worth the fact that anywhere between 35,000 to 45,000 people a year will die on the road. So then you have the ability to say, I'm not going to drive at night.

I'm not going to take any unnecessary risks. And even then, just in Malibu, California, four young ladies were run over by a young kid in a car. And that story is just gaining momentum.

Just wait, that story is going to really explode. Four young girls cross the street, boom, gets run over. We don't necessarily need cars to survive, but are you a free society without them? 15-minute cities basically all but guarantee getting rid of all private automobile ownership. Part of the safety agenda would be to say, let's get rid of cars. And if you come at things from how do I make things as safe as possible, how do I try to wrap things in, I guess you could say, saran wrap, bubble wrap all the time, then yes, you could come to that conclusion.

But there's also some questions that we must ask about what's unfolding or has unfolded in Maine that the media will not ask. What psychological medications was this insane person on? Received mental health treatment over the summer, what medications was it? Did the medications help? Did they hurt?

Did they increase these bad voices? Did they increase his violent tendencies? What was he saying when he was institutionalized just a few months ago and why was he released? Who determined he was ready to be released and for what reason? What existing laws went unenforced to enable him to go on this killing spree? Existing laws, not new laws, existing laws. And who at the mental health treatment facility was in charge that signed his discharge papers to allow him back onto the streets? If guns in the Second Amendment caused mass shootings, why did these not really occur when we were a more socially cohesive country?

And this is the kicker. Guns have always been present in America. Machine guns even used to be legal. Maybe it's because our country has been hollowed out economically and spiritually and it has nothing to do with gun ownership. And tragically, it made sense when I heard this happen in Maine. Maine has become a very sad state. Not that everyone in Maine is sad, but it leads the nation in per capita, it's the top five, drug overdoses, in opioid addiction, in suicides. There's a lot of suffering that happens in the state of Maine.

They consider themselves to be a forgotten state. And so people look as an outlet harming others. This is nothing new. And tragically and unfortunately, that unclean spirit of darkness was introduced largely with the Columbine shooters, reinforced with the Sandy Hook shooters. That people that are troubled and have evil possession think that killing others can liberate them from it.

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So check it out, slash charlie. For the last 11 years, one of the most frustrating things that I have encountered is when very wealthy people put their life's work, their earnings, the things that they have earned in the market economy towards institutions that hate them. I've seen it happen so many times. Their legacy. They underwrite a legacy to institutions that hate their values, hate their worldview, and train up a new generation of activists to undermine the nation that allowed them to be so successful. Now, we've been somewhat successful at Turning Point USA of getting this message out. We have our Professor Watch List, which is a fan favorite amongst many people. We have a Dean's List. We also have Divest U, where we have been able to successfully divest over $130 million from higher education of donors that otherwise were going to give millions and millions and tens of millions of dollars to higher education, and they've pulled that money out.

But I wouldn't consider my work in this space, our work in this space, I should say, to be overwhelmingly triumphant. More times than not, I've seen major donors that are pro-free market, pro-American, pro-liberty write $100 million, $200 million, $300 million checks to institutions that will assuredly participate in the erosion, the destabilization of the greatest country ever to exist in the history of the world. Universities across America are the greatest threat to freedom and liberty that exists.

They are institutionally against everything that is promised in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Now, thankfully, college attendance is starting to go down. Thankfully, people are starting to ask, well, why am I sending my kids to these schools?

It's down actually 10 or 15 percent in some areas, yet tuition keeps going up. But in high society circles, it is a heresy to go in and start poking the bear and talking about how these colleges hate white people, for example. University of Chicago has an entire course against whiteness, talking about how at Yale University, they have entire symposiums dedicated to the destruction of the nation. I wrote a whole book on this. I've mentioned it before, College Scam. Highly recommend it if you want to go through the details, the facts. And by the way, there was only one somewhat sarcastic critical review, but the media and the book reviewers avoided the book, largely because there are over 50 pages of footnotes.

This was not some sort of just blog post that I did. This was a decade of work that I put into where I personally think I understand this issue better than almost anybody else, from visiting over 150 campuses, understanding how these schools work, the Board of Regents, the Board of Supervisors, the endowments, the gifts, the foundations, how all of this cabal and this cartel works. Department of Education, subsidized student loans, graduation rates, all of it. So I felt like we were starting to have some momentum, that we were finally starting to get some people to open their eyes. People were starting to say, you know, maybe these university campuses are not in the best interest for my grandkids' future.

But it wasn't hitting the fever pitch that I felt was necessary. Who cares if the University of Chicago hates white people? Who cares if Stanford, for example, you have a DEI administrator coming in and encouraging students to interrupt a federal judge.

Remember that story not too long ago? It's disturbing that University of California, Davis, that students come out with weapons and they go and bash windows to interrupt my speech at UC Davis. It's concerning that students at University of San Francisco kidnap Riley Gaines at a Turning Point USA event, but it's not enough to get the high society donors that interested. Because the high society donors, you must understand, the billionaire oligarch type donors, of which I don't say as a pejorative.

I know some of these people and they're really great people, some of them. But they give also for access. If you give 100 million dollars to Harvard, if you give 50 million dollars to Yale, you're in the club. You get invited to all the right parties. You get better access to business dealings, you get on certain committees. It is a token. It's almost like a special token given to you that allows you to continue to ascend in elite circles, parties, events, you name it.

Name in the brochure you get considered to be a good guy in philanthropy. But I could tell you right now, the last two and a half weeks, we have seen a profound and material change in how high society America views higher education. A paradigm shift. Now whether this will last or not, I'm not sure.

Whether or not this will be permanent, I certainly hope so. So I want to introduce you to a gentleman who has now passed away. I don't know him. I don't even know how he made his money.

I'm trying to find out. But his name is Melvin Gellman. Melvin Gellman obviously made tons of money in his life. He's a Jewish man.

Now whether he was a conservative or a liberal, I don't care. Melvin Gellman, okay, he was a real estate developer and he died in the 1970s. Melvin Gellman, Jewish man, wanted to create a better country for his kids or grandkids and left a massive charitable trust that his wife Estelle was in charge of. Estelle Gellman then decided to give a big gift to Melvin Gellman's alma mater.

The most expensive university in the country, meaning the most expensive tuition in the country, George Washington University. And with that, a library was named after a successful real estate developer, a Jewish man, Melvin Gellman. In fact, included in the Melvin Gellman library is the following quote, a collection of Judaic books, periodicals, videos, primarily in English, Hebrew and Yiddish, religion, philosophy, literature, history, and other subjects. Not open to the public, students only, it's by appointment only, and the Estelle and Melvin Gellman library special collectibles. So he endowed this 50 years ago with a vision that George Washington University will carry on the values that he cares about and Estelle Gellman cared about. To this day, you can walk by the Estelle and Melvin Gellman library and see their names on there, but if you walked by a couple days ago, you would see something else.

Play cut 109 as I continue. On the Melvin and Gellman library side wall, all of a sudden you started to see images, words that were projected onto this library wall, glory to our martyrs, divestment from Zionist genocide now, free Palestine from the river to the sea, calling for the abolition of the state of Israel, the destruction of the Jewish people. Melvin Gellman, 50 years later, who has been dead for quite some time, gave a portion of his fortune to help build this library where he houses Jewish books to then have those words on the library that he paid for.

The library that Melvin Gellman paid for with his hard-earned capital is now subsidizing Jew hatred. I could not find a better example of exactly the suicide of the American West via university campuses, and it should shock nobody. This is happening at almost every single school except Hillsdale across the country.

People say he must be rolling over in his grave, but it's not just there. It's happening at Harvard, happening at Yale, and also occurring at Stanford. So what is the solution? Can the Gellman Trust ask for their money back? Probably not. George Washington took the money, and they said, suckas. You guys think we stand for Jewish values because we have Judaic texts? No, we're going to raise up a new generation of Hamas terrorists and sympathizers in the name of social justice. When the book is finally written 20, 30, 40, 50 years later of the state of America and how we got there, it will perplex historians why wealthy Jews, wealthy Christians, wealthy conservatives decided to give all their hard-earned capital to assembly lines of hatred, to factories of Marxism so that their worldview could be deconstructed and mocked.

Put that video up just one more time. Make no mistake, the life's work of Melvin Gellman, a real estate developer who thought he was doing good, is being mocked and humiliated by the very same institution he helped subsidize. We're starting to finally see high society donors open their eyes, and I certainly hope that we can do that. I certainly hope that this is shining a light on the stupidity of these donors. Stop giving your hard-earned money to institutions that want your people dead. Stop the denial. Stop the clubbiness of Harvard, the social acceptance of Yale, of Brown, of Columbia, and understand they hate you. They just want their money so they could create more Elon AOCs, Rashida Talibs. Certainly hope the lesson sets in.

Okay, play cut one, one, two, please. And finally, new rule as an Ivy League graduate who knows the value of a liberal education, I have one piece of advice for the youth of America. Don't go to college.

And if you absolutely have to go, don't go to an elite college, because as recent events have shown, it just makes you stupid. There are few, if any, positives to come out of what happened in Israel, but one of them is opening America's eyes to how higher education has become indoctrination into a stew of bad ideas. Is that the Charlie Kirk show? He's like reading right out of the college scam, like word for word. Bill Maher. Only took him 15 years to realize that. We were called crazy.

Turns out we were just early. At Cooper Union, which is a school, Cooper Union College in New York, Jewish students had to be rescued by the New York Police Department because they were held hostage by groups of Muslims. Now I'm going to read this tweet.

I'll be very honest. I have not fact checked all the details here, according to Jake Novak. This is according to highlights from his interview with eyewitnesses. Number one, Cooper Union College Dean said that before the protest, he could not stop it because it was not slated to enter school property, which it obviously did. The New York Police Department was called as soon as protesters stormed the main Cooper Union building, but did nothing. Same thing, by the way, in Skokie, Illinois, when our Turning Point USA staffer got assaulted by Muslims concussion. I don't know if anyone's been arrested.

Probably won't be. Librarians bolted the doors and I find this one hard to believe. I don't know hard to believe, but I'm going to need some more fact checking on this because it's so like, what?

Come on. Librarians bolted the doors and approached the identifiable Jewish students and told them they could hide in the attic if they wanted to. Now, the reason I find that hard to believe, that is such a ridiculous syllogism to Anne Frank and hiding in the attic from Nazis. Like really, they have an attic in the Cooper Union Library. I find that hard to believe. If that is true, geez, what are they going to tell them?

Go upstairs and just go write a diary. Geez. And do I, I feel sorry for these Jewish students, but I'll be very honest with you. I don't feel sorry for these rich Jews that have been funding this crap. They're like, oh my gosh, I don't understand. Like you guys have been underwriting this, like wake up. And they're like so outraged. Like, where's the ADL? That's what they're saying. Well, the ADL is on the side of this. You guys have created this beast because you've been so afraid of right wing terrorism.

Turns out we don't control these colleges. Sorry, guys. This is a beast of your own making. Look at this clip here. Play cut 110 group of Jewish students being held hostage by Muslims.

Play cut 110. There is a real reckoning happening. By the way, there are self-hating people in any group, right? And there are some Jews that are still like making excuses for all this.

Not all of them though. You're starting to see a fair amount start to defect and say, hold on, hold on, hold on a second. What have we done?

Maybe those crazy right-wingers were right about immigration that you can't keep on importing people that don't share your values. The ADL by the way, has spent decades. The ADL raises nearly a hundred million dollars a year to just quote unquote fight antisemitism. They've been oddly quiet recently.

Why? It's because they're only focused on random conservatives in middle America. The ADL makes liberals think that random Trump voters in Idaho want to do a second Holocaust when the Jew haters were right in front of them the whole time. In fact, the ADL demanded we let the Jew haters in. And in a stunning turn of events, the people that the ADL said were Jew haters are actually the biggest defenders of Judaism in Israel right now in the country. Us, conservative evangelical Christians. And Jewish donors, they have a lot of explaining to do, a lot of decoupling to do, because Jewish donors have been the number one funding mechanism of radical open-border neoliberal quasi-Marxist policies, cultural institutions, and non-profits. This is a beast created by secular Jews. And now it's coming for Jews and they're like what on earth happened?

And it's not just the colleges, it's the non-profits, it's the movies, it's Hollywood, it's all of it. It's like time for you guys to wake up and say no more, draw a line in the sand. I don't care if you hate me. I will not live through another Holocaust. I'm not going to do it.

And I sure hope that reckoning increases in volume and we see a mass divestment of these cancerous institutions. Thanks so much for listening everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless. It's time to grow up and get back to work. Introducing the number one woke free job board in America,
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-10-26 16:24:54 / 2023-10-26 16:37:51 / 13

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