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They Want You To Love Big Brother + A TPUSA Staffer Gets Attacked with Peter Christos

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
October 24, 2023 5:00 pm

They Want You To Love Big Brother + A TPUSA Staffer Gets Attacked with Peter Christos

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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October 24, 2023 5:00 pm

Former Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis has pleaded guilty in Fulton County — and on top of that, she's been forced to deliver a humiliating public apology. Charlie reacts, and explains why this Orwellian, Maoist tactic is a core part of the left's arsenal. He also discusses Owen Shroyer becoming the latest J6 political prisoner, and then speaks to TPUSA staffer Peter Christos about getting assaulted by violent Hamas supporters in Illinois.

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Jenna Ellis pleads guilty. Owen Schroyer goes off to prison. A struggle session occurs.

Also, a Turning Point USA staffer gets a concussion for defending elderly Jews in Skokie, Illinois. Email us as always freedom at Subscribe to our podcast.

Open up your podcast application and type in Charlie Kirk Show. Get involved with Turning Point USA at That is Start a high school or college chapter today at You can email us as always freedom at Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

Brought to you by the loan experts I trust, Andrew and Todd at Sierra Pacific Mortgage, at Speaker of the House race is ongoing. It's a joke. Tom Emmer is a liberal. He should not become Speaker of the House.

Former spokesperson for some sort of Soros-aligned organization. He's far worse than McCarthy. It's not even close.

Worse than McCarthy. There is no plan. There is no strategy. For those of you that might be roughly familiar with the cultural revolution that occurred during China. By the way, we're living through a cultural revolution now. There's this term struggle session, and you've probably heard of the term struggle session before, but they're really really better phrased as denunciation rallies. These were public spectacles in Mao's China, where people were turned against one another, students against teachers. They inverted the power structure, but in reality, the people on top of the communist society in Mao's inner circle, they delighted in the dividing and conquering type of strategy.

DEI is struggle sessions by another means. Now, the public part of humiliation is very important. If you study struggle sessions from the establishment of the People's Republic of China, you realize that Mao was really a pioneer of how to use human psychology, and quite honestly, demonic political practices put them together, to maintain psychological control of an entire nation. Part of a struggle session was also to speak bitterness. Struggle sessions emerged as a tactic to secure allegiance of the Chinese people during what would be best called as the land reform.

By the way, China still does this. Bad social credit, they have pictures put up in public, very similar to what we are living through right now in our country. If you are deemed a racist, they will put you on Twitter and get you fired from your job.

If you are a young lady who might have said something, you use the n-word, for example, when you're 15 years old in a private conversation to a friend, and you want to become a cheerleader at the University of Tennessee, five years later, during Floyd-a-Palooza, someone who decides to ruin your life, they put your picture up on the internet, and the University of Tennessee rescinds your scholarship. Maybe you are a Jewish young man by the name of Kyle Kashuv. Kyle Kashuv, who I got to know at Turning Point USA, went to Harvard, was a survivor of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting. Someone found some messages that he did when he was 14 years old, and Harvard rescinded his acceptance into an Ivy League school. But the public aspect of this is necessary. To keep you in line, they will destroy your life. They will humiliate you.

I've said for a while we are living through a fusion of Mao's China and Stalin's Russia. Today, Jenna Ellis pled guilty, and the conservative movement is coming after Jenna Ellis rather aggressively. Now, one part of the Jenna Ellis story that I think she needs to fix is she raised about $216,000 from the public claiming she was going to fight against the court case. She pled guilty today. I know Jenna very well. I text with Jenna.

My advice to Jenna is you should donate that money back that wasn't covered for legal fees because that's raising the money under the appearance that you are going to fight the Fulton County government. But honestly, let's take a step back. I have the exact same tact that I did with Sidney Powell. It is very easy to arm chair quarterback somebody who's facing 20 years in prison. People say she's a traitor. She's terrible.

I'll take that line of criticism seriously when you're facing 20 years in prison in a very Democrat area with a Democrat prosecution that wants to lock you in jail forever. People are calling her a squealer. People are calling her a traitor.

People are calling her all these different things. I'm only going to say the following, that when you are facing multiple decades in prison in a Fulton County jail, by the way, you might have a different approach. When the regime throws everything at you, so be it. By the way, the deal was almost irresistibly good for Jenna Ellis. It's pay a fine.

You go on probation 100 hours of community service in conjunction with cooperating with the ongoing prosecution. Now, I'm not defending everything Jenna has done or she has said, but I would just like to say she shouldn't be the target of your anger or your fury. It should be Big Fannie Willis who is weaponizing the government and trying to build a, quote unquote, RICO case against Donald Trump. But what they made Jenna Ellis do is intentional. This is right out of Mao's playbook.

Make her publicly in humiliating fashion as she breaks down, bend a knee to the regime. The final line of 1984 is as follows. He gazed up at the enormous face, 40 years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark mustache. Oh, cruel, needless misunderstanding. Oh, stubborn, self wild exile from the loving breast.

Two gin scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right. Everything was all right.

The struggle right. The struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother. Now, when Orwell wrote this in 1984, I remember the first time I read this, I got chills.

I got goosebumps. It's so poetically powerful because the entire book, the entire book is Young Winston in 1984 fighting against the regime, fighting against Big Brother, fighting against the power structure. So how will Orwell land the plane? How does Orwell in his prophetic piece of literature in 1984 finish it off? Full and total surrender. You must understand that in the story of 1984, there is this tension of every time you look up, it's Big Brother's eyes looking down at you. And it's a menacing type of approach. What Orwell brilliantly prophesies is that they will be able to break the actual appearance of reality for the political dissident. He was forced to convince, not just confess, but he's forced to denounce the woman he loves.

But that's not enough. You must also love the thing that you tried to destabilize. One of the most powerful lines in 1984 is exactly what the left believes today. And it's when O'Brien was torturing Winston in whatever was room 13 or whatever it was.

And O'Brien said it is power for power's sake. Here's Jenna Ellis. This is a hard clip to watch. It's tough. I'm not asking you to feel sorry for Jenna Ellis, but this is cruel. This is unusual.

And this is intentional. This is getting the defendant to love Big Brother. You will bend the knee. You will admit that we are in charge.

Play cut 45. As an attorney who is also a Christian, I take my responsibilities as a lawyer very seriously, and I endeavor to be a person of sound moral and ethical character in all of my dealings. In the wake of the 2020 presidential election, I believed that challenging the results on behalf of President Trump should be pursued in a just and legal way. I endeavored to represent my client to the best of my ability.

I relied on others, including lawyers with many more years of experience than I, to provide me with true and reliable information, especially since my role involved speaking to the media and to legislators in various states. What I did not do but should have done, Your Honor, was to make sure that the facts the other lawyers alleged to be true were in fact true. In the frenetic pace of attempting to raise challenges to the election in several states, including Georgia, I failed to do my due diligence. I believe in and I value election integrity. If I knew then what I know now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in these post-election challenges. I look back on this whole experience with deep remorse. For those failures of mine, Your Honor, I have taken responsibility already before the Colorado bar who censured me, and I now take responsibility before this court and apologize to the people of Georgia.

Thank you. They probably wrote that statement for her. Whether or not she believes that or not, I have no idea. But I would just add this before you in a angry fashion say she's the worst, she's a traitor and all this. Would you?

Would you say I'm going to serve 20 years in prison? And if yes, then let the emails fly. I want to talk about I want you guys to check out 100% drug-free, knee pain, back pain, joint pain, elbow pain. Check out Relief Factor Energy.

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It's a major part of life. Check it out right now. Fair amount of the emails I'm receiving, I think, see this correctly, which is they say, Charlie, I'm not thrilled that Jenna Ellis took a plea deal, but that was a hostage video. And that's a really important way to view it. And I think that's accurate.

She was being held hostage by this entire machinery. The target of your anger should be to Brian Kemp. Why is Brian Kemp not fired Fannie Willis? Brian Kemp has the ability to fire prosecutors in the state of Georgia. And Brian Kemp is just going to sit there as governor of Georgia and allow person after person to have to plead guilty, which is obviously a mounting type conspiracy case to Donald Trump. And they're going to try to use all of their guilty pleas and cooperation against Trump. Now, I fully under I believe that Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis telling the truth, as long as they do tell the truth, will not harm Donald Trump because Donald Trump did nothing wrong. But understand, take a step back. I know a lot of you are saying, for example, Charlie, are you saying that we should celebrate Jenna Ellis?

I'm not. This whole thing is a tragedy. And I don't think you could watch that video of Jenna Ellis breaking down, reading what is obviously prepared remarks by these vile serpent maggots and act as if this is a wonderful thing. She was left with nothing but crummy options. She's been broken financially. Yes, she raised two hundred thousand dollars. What she didn't spend on legal fees, she should return.

I think that's a perfectly fair point because she did raise it on the let's just say the expectation that she was going to fight perfectly fine. But you guys know me. I'm someone that is a very harsh grader from the turtle to Lady Graham to all of this. Understand, you're facing 20 years in prison as a 30 something lawyer. I'm going to reserve some of my harshest words for, I don't know, Brian Kemp for allowing this thing to occur. It's similar, similar to would you blame all the people that, quote unquote, pled guilty under the Soviet show trial stuff? They psychologically manipulate you.

They will financially break you. So by no means defending Jenna or Sidney Pell, I am saying, let's just take a step back and understand that when you watch a video like that, that is struggle session, denunciation, public humiliation. I mean, she's crying reading this thing.

Does she believe it? I don't know. It's under duress. You want to talk about under duress?

That's under duress. Additionally, today, a young man who did nothing wrong, who I used to have a little scuffle with, but who cares? Get over it.

Grow up. Owen Schroyer is going to federal prison. Owen Schroyer is a very popular host on Infowars. Infowars is Alex Jones' website.

They certainly push boundaries. And turns out they are right about a lot of different things, but you're not allowed to say that. So Owen Schroyer is a very popular host on Infowars. You're not supposed to talk about this story because he's an Infowars host.

You're supposed to just kind of roll your eyes and say, oh, that's just Infowars, the same way that when Alex Jones got kicked off of iTunes and got kicked off of Spotify and got kicked off of Facebook and got kicked off of Twitter, we're like, oh, that's just Infowars being Infowars. I hope we have learned our lesson. While Jenna Ellis has to be held hostage and read this transcript, obviously prepared by somebody else while she's facing 20 years in prison, Owen Schroyer, a young man, is reporting to jail today for a 60-day sentence in federal prison related to January 6th. Owen Schroyer did not go into the Capitol. He did not go into the Capitol.

He didn't jump any barriers. He didn't attack any police officers or tell people to attack police officers. He was just there with Infowars.

He didn't attack police officers. He stood next to Alex Jones and shouted some boilerplate political rhetoric into a bullhorn. 60 days in jail. 60 days in jail.

Owen Schroyer is a political prisoner in what we call a free country. BLM burns down the country. They raise $100 million.

They buy mansions. They mislead their donors at the very least, potentially and allegedly defraud donors all across the board. You have Antifa prowling the streets. You've got Hamas. Literally in the next segment, you're going to see Hamas sympathizers beating up Jewish people in Skokie, Illinois, including Turning Point USA staffers. And who reports to federal prison today? An Infowars host.

Why? It's because Infowars is a quote unquote conservative news outlet and the regime would love nothing more than to have a scalp. And that scalp is let's put Owen Schroyer in prison simultaneously. Jenna Ellis is reading off a script. And yes, they broke Jenna Ellis.

And yes, they're sending Owen Schroyer to prison. What I'm trying to reiterate to you is you're living through not something that's going to become Mao's China, but Mao's America. Public Square is one of my favorite apps. There are progressive corporations out there that are just doing terrible things. And Public Square is out there leading the charge against all this garbage that we see from Target, for example, Starbucks strong arming their customers to support abortion and financial services like PayPal canceling customers for their political views. Thankfully, we don't have to fund these companies any longer at Public Square.

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Check it out today. Breaking in the last 24 hours, one of our Turning Point USA staffers who helped start high school chapters in the Midwest, in the Chicagoland area, was assaulted by Hamas supporters and sympathizers. So Peter Christos, was going to attend a pro-Israel rally.

It was at capacity, and so he went outside of it. By the way, Hamas supporters moved their location from downtown Chicago to Skokie. Skokie is a very Jewish area. And mind you, remember, this was the place where Nazis, actual Nazis, marched in Skokie defended by the ACLU because there were Holocaust survivors there. And so they were there.

And so because there were Holocaust survivors there. So these Hamas supporters then target Peter Christos, Turning Point USA staffer, who was escorting an elderly Jewish couple. And Peter Christos was savagely beat by these Muslims in what a hate crime is. And the cop, of course, the police officer sits and does nothing because, God forbid, the police officer arrests a Muslim person. Only white Christians get arrested in America with this sort of stuff.

Play cut 47. So this story is going viral. And it's going viral for good reason. Because here is a group of quote unquote pro-Palestinian forces, people that are sympathetic with Hamas, but hunt down Jews and start beating them in the streets.

Has this received massive media support? Now, this is a simple yet necessary take that you hear all the time. Could you imagine if a group of people wearing MAGA hats went and beat up elderly Jewish people or elderly Muslims? Could you imagine?

It would be the front page of The New York Times, front page of The Wall Street Journal. Now that's a simple take, but it's necessary. OK, I think we have Peter Christos with us. Peter, tell us what happened in Skokie, Illinois.

Hey, Charlie, how are you? Thanks for having me on. So basically on Sunday, there was a pro-Israel event that was being hosted by various different organizations.

And Skokie, Illinois, which is a historically Jewish town. So I attended this pro-Israel event and realized that one of my coworkers from Turning Point happened to also be in town. So I invited him to come to this event with me. And as I met him outside to park his car, we were stuck in between a roadblock, the pro-Palestine protesters and the police. And we had to make our way through all these protesters.

Obviously, you know, we weren't saying anything or engaging with them because we were outnumbered about 200 to 300. And we made our way up to the police barricade and they said that we were not allowed to access the pro-Israel event from this point. So now everyone in that crowd saw that we were pro-Israel and they began following us back as my coworker and I made our way down the street. They began kicking my coworker. They were screaming at us, harassing us. And as we made our way down the street, I noticed an elderly Orthodox Jewish couple. And I said, are you here for the pro-Israel event?

And they said, yes, they were. So I said, come with us. And as I started walking with this couple, the mob began to grew and started screaming at us more, kicking myself, kicking my coworker, getting into this elderly Jewish lady's face and screaming at her. She was shaking and trying to pull her phone out. And I said, miss, don't worry.

I'm already recording. And next thing I knew the mob grew angrier and I was separated from my coworker. And the next thing I remember, I was punched in the back of the head, pushed into bushes and beaten and kicked in the head and hit with a flagpole. The police intervened and got me out of there, but we had to run as the mob started chasing us.

And I, and I met up with my coworker down at the end of the street and we had to continue to run. And we heard gunshots ring out and it was overall a very scary situation for everybody. So are you doing OK?

First of all, I mean, that was a real violent attack by a group of Muslims. Are you doing OK? Yes, I have bruising on my hands and on my back and have a concussion. But other than that, I am doing OK. I have a concussion. Well, OK, we'll take that seriously.

That's not a small thing. So the elderly Jewish couple, were they also assaulted or did you basically experience the brunt of the attacks? I experienced most of the attacks. I know that the Jewish lady towards the end was trying to push them away and try to pull them off of me.

And the elderly man was kind of like protecting me, kind of like the base of my feet and was pretty much trying to push them off of me. I do hope that they are OK and that we can connect with them. And I just I really just hope that, you know, this wouldn't have ever happened. Well, yeah. So first of all, God bless you.

I mean, here you are. You stepped up and I mean, they're old enough that they actually might have died. And so you actually might have saved their life. And God bless you for standing up for, you know, these innocent Jews that are being targeted by these Hamas sympathizers. As it says in Genesis 12, one, I'll bless those who bless you and him who dishonors you. I will curse. So those people have something coming for them.

But let me let me just ask you, Christos, just talk more about the atmospherics here. I mean, it's hard to believe this is happening in the country, in the country. Did the police officers arrest anybody after they did this? So when all of this was happening, even when I was getting attacked, I seriously couldn't think. All I was thinking in that moment was I need to get out of there. I did notice that the police did arrest one of the assailants, but I'm unsure about the rest of them.

I'll have to follow up with the local or possibly the county sheriff to see what happened. But it was a very it was like a very angry atmosphere. You know, the pro Israelis, they were holding the rally in this historically Jewish town where many Holocaust survivors went after World War Two and the pro Palestinian event was supposed to be hosted downtown, but instead moved specifically to protest this pro Israeli event. Can you just talk about some of the language?

I mean, the physical violence is bad. What's some of the language that was being used just to kind of fill our audience in? Was this anti-Israel or did it also bleed into anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish type language of, you know, these peaceful people? The media tells us draped in Palestinian flags that beat you and gave you a concussion.

Yeah. So there's some things I wouldn't feel comfortable even repeating on your show. Some of the things that were said to my coworker and I and this Jewish couple, we were called racists. We were called Nazis. We were called, you know, we were told that we were committing genocide and all of these things. And, you know, most of what was being told to us, I just don't, you know, for the audience, I don't even feel comfortable repeating it on the show, but it was, you know, we were called Nazis. The people, they went up to an Orthodox Jewish man and they called him a Nazi to his face. Just to give you a perspective. Yeah, that sounds about right. So, Peter, at Turning Point USA, you know, we are fighting for America, fighting for freedom and liberty. We also have a lot of pro-Israel programming. I'm really glad that you were there and we're honestly fighting for civilization.

Just kind of fill in in closing here. This is the type of courage that we want to see out of our students. I'm very proud of you.

You did the right thing here. I'm sorry that you had to experience the concussion and you were brave and courageous because, again, those elderly Jews could have been killed by this mob. And I just want to reinforce this, that the in Skokie, very Jewish area, there was a Stand with Israel event that was on Tui Avenue.

I know it very well. And the Muslim groups changed their location from downtown Chicago. That's them right there. Really peace loving people to Skokie. Peter, what what is some other takeaway in closing here do you have for people watching and talk about the kind of venom, the menace and anything you want? Just kind of closing thoughts.

Closing thoughts is I know that the world is a very scary and hateful place, but I just think that we need to all come together and love one another, to be honest, at the end of the day, because we all bleed the same. There's no reason to be such a hateful person to someone that you don't even know. I know that people are angry at times, but that doesn't that does not give someone the excuse to harass and assault and beat someone just because you think differently. And I think that, you know, Chris, whether you're Christian or whether you're Jewish or whatever faith you may believe in, it's important to stand up, even if it's scary, even if you're alone, even if you feel threatened, it's super important to stand up and vocalize for things that you believe in and for things that are right.

Honestly, good for you. And you embody the turning point ethos beautifully, which is that we go into the line of fire. We defend those that can't defend themselves. You fight for the vulnerable. You fight for civilization.

And honestly, if it means that you have to take a punch so that other people can remain safe. God bless you. Peter, very proud of you and really thankful that you're part of the Turning Point USA team.

And I know our team, I know our audience feels the same. Turning Point USA is fighting for civilization, and you might have saved an elderly Jewish couple's life. Thank you so much. Thanks for having me., by the way, if you want to get behind the Turning Point USA movement, there's no movement quite like it. And yeah, can you see why I lose patience when I lose patience, when Ben Domenech and Eric Erikson come after us saying that Turning Point USA is an anti-Semitic organization? Really, Eric Erikson, did you get punched in the face and have a concussion through a bunch of Muslims saving an elderly Jewish person's life?

Like, just curious. We are in a battle for decency against barbarism in Skokie, Illinois. and so much more. Plus, we're going to be inviting members to Zoom calls with me starting very soon, so do not miss out. Help keep us uncensored by providing you with new content daily by becoming a member.

Your support means the world to me and the whole team. Sign up today at If we have blessed you in any way, if this show has impacted your life, if you like the impact that we are making for other people and young people especially, consider becoming a member.

It's affordable for people of all income levels. You guys get amazing perks and benefits and it's only beginning. So go to

That is Now, I don't mean to belabor the point, but it really bothers me when our organization gets lied about. Ben Domenech, who is Meghan McCain's husband, and Eric Erikson and many other people were trying to launch the Soul Smear campaign against Turning Point USA, saying that we hate Jews and we're Holocaust and there's just insane stuff, right? And honestly smeared and slandered by two largely irrelevant people that just sit on their tail and tweet all day long.

And meanwhile, here's our Turning Point USA staffer who literally has a brain bleed and a concussion because he went to go save two elderly Jews from a Muslim mob. Anyway, it just bothers me. This is kind of one of the problems with the quote-unquote conservative world right now is it's so overly emotional.

It's like filled with zeal. There's reason and rationality is being cast aside. It is not a healthy time for the conservative movement. It is not.

I've been doing this not for a long time, but significant enough to have perspective for 11 years. And it is, I don't want to say the most divided, but it's the sickest I've seen the conservative movement in quite some time. It's not to say that we can't get rid of the tumors and get rid of the bacterial infection, but this Israel issue is kind of the straw that broke the camel's back in some ways. Because a lot of the pent-up anti-Trump hatred, we're not going to win the primary, like Eric Erickson, who thought he could, like with all of his power, make Ron DeSantis the nominee because he had him at some sort of a candidate for him.

They have all this pent-up anger, and then they use the smears of the activist press to come after Turning Point USA because we are the biggest organization, because we're the most conservative organization, because we're a grassroots organization, and then they throw it at them because they have all these other complaints that they want to vocalize and they use left-wing attack vectors against us. That's what's really going on here. I don't want to belabor this too much, but it looks as if right now a Tom Emmer wins the GOP House Speaker nomination. Now, there's no guarantee that Tom Emmer will then become Speaker of the House. Tom Emmer is he's far more transactional than Kevin McCarthy. OK, Tom Emmer does not hold America first MAGA type perspectives. And if Tom Emmer becomes Speaker of the House, you will have made this House of Representatives far more liberal post Kevin McCarthy. So hopefully we can block Tom Emmer.

But, you know, we're told that there was a plan, that there was all this strategy. If you get Tom Emmer, this motion to vacate will have been a serious and significant mistake. If you would have gotten Jim Jordan, it would have been an upgrade. But Jim Jordan is obviously step aside. Tom Emmer was working with Soros aligned organizations to get rid of the Electoral College. He is at best socially moderate, at worst, socially liberal.

He's a typical transactional Uniparty type D.C. politician. So we'll see. We'll see who ends up voting for Tom Emmer, what deals are cut. Matt Gaetz, who I have a lot of respect for, is backing Tom Emmer.

Why? I don't know. I'm waiting for an answer on that. Unlike Scalise, Jordan and McCarthy, Emmer voted to certify the 2020 presidential election results. Emmer currently sits on the House Financial Services Committee and the House Republican Steering Committee and has been a supporter of crypto.

OK, that doesn't bother me. What is Emmer's relationship with Trump? Well, Trump, the former the former President Trump, the front runner 2020 election, continues to exert significant influence. And yet Trump has reportedly told allies he opposes Emmer's bid for speaker. He voted to support gay marriage.

Tom Emmer, could you imagine if he becomes Speaker of the House, you have a pro gay marriage Speaker of the House? Now, by the way, I know some of you probably might be more libertarian on the issue. This is more than libertarian.

This is not indifference. This is actually trying to codify saying that marriage is not between one man and one woman, which is not a principle in the Republican Party. It's actually at odds with the Republican Policy Committee that happens every four years at the convention. Tom Emmer close with all of the establishment kind of moderate wing, and we'll see. I sure hope he doesn't become Speaker. I sure hope that gets derailed. And according to Steve Bannon and many others, he's a never Trumper. And he's also just taken money from every single possible swamp creature. So I sure hope that Tom Emmer's bid for speaker gets derailed and denied.

We shall see. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always. Freedom at Thank you so much for listening and God bless. by my co workers and walk around the office on eggshells and have my words police by HR words like grandfather peanut gallery long time no see no can do when I grow up I want to be obsessed with emotional safety and do workplace sensitivity training all day long when I grow up I want to climb the corporate ladder just by following the crowd I want to be a conformist I want to weaponize my pronouns what are pronouns it's time to grow up and get back to work introducing the number one woke free job board in america red balloon dot work
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