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THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 17 — Hamas-Loving Lefties? Colonialism = Great? RFK Hurting Trump?

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
October 14, 2023 5:00 am

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 17 — Hamas-Loving Lefties? Colonialism = Great? RFK Hurting Trump?

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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October 14, 2023 5:00 am

In this latest THOUGHTCRIME featuring Charlie Kirk, Jack Posobiec, Tyler Bowyer, and Blake Neff, the gang explores dramatic questions like:


-Why is the left openly endorsing Hamas's child-murdering tactics?

-Does Israel vs. Palestine demonstrate that colonialism is good?

-Does RFK's independent presidential run help Trump, or hurt him?


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That is right now. Hey, everybody, today on Charlie Kirk Show. Thought crimes. This is your warning. Thought crimes, things that are not allowed to be said or even thought. Is colonization good?

We talk about the latest that of Israel and the atrocities and the massacre there and so much more. Email us freedom at That is freedom at Go to and click on the members tab. Get involved with Turning Point USA at

That is And sort of high school or college chapter today. Buckle up everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House.

He's got freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here. Brought to you by the loan experts I trust, Andrew and Todd at Sierra Pacific Mortgage at All right, everybody.

Welcome. Thought crime. What a week. We are not in our usual location. We're here in sunny South Florida. We're here with Blake. Blake, say hi. We have Tyler who is in studio.

Tyler, say hello. Holding down the fort here for you, Charlie. That's great.

I love the Noble Gold Investments hat. And then we have Jack Pessobic as well. Jack, what a week.

What a week. Charlie, not much going on. Like, I'm not really sure what we're going to talk about, to be honest.

Been kind of quiet. Like, you're watching the baseball playoffs, man. Who are you rooting for? Billy's doing all right.

You know, I'm liking that. D-backs. Tyler, where are the Diamondbacks in?

Are they still in contention? That's how little I care about baseball. Producer Andrew will be happy to know that the Diamondbacks are going to sweep LA tonight.

Guys, I wasn't serious. He's got to deal with it now. We're talking about baseball. And they are going to get swept really bad. That's the Dodgers experience. You win 110 games and then you get swept. So, in other news, Jack, walk us through what has been happening in the Middle East.

Israel, walk us through it. Well, Charlie, it's been amazing. And the reason that I bring up the baseball situation is because, you know, people know my family's from Philly. And so, you know, it's like in the family chat, we've got this chat where they're giving us, oh, you know, here's the, you know, the play-by-play of whatever game is going on. Like, oh, somebody got a hit, somebody got it out, et cetera, et cetera.

And then every single other channel on my phone, my telegram, my signal, various other apps that I use that I'd rather not talk about on air. I'm just getting full on war atrocities, complete insanity that's going on in Israel on the back of this attack, this insane terrorist attack from Hamas on civilians living in southern Israel on these farming settlements, these remote farming settlements, known as kibbutzes. And then also this music festival, this rave that was going on right outside of Hamas where hundreds of people were now being told were completely shot down, cut down, murdered, entire families, villages torn apart. And it's just amazing watching this sort of play out, you know, these are the types of killings that, you know, there was an IDF soldier who said the same thing that we read about in a historic textbook from the Bronze Age, you know, the slaughtering of an entire village by one group.

This is not the kind of stuff, it's very Old Testament, I'll put it that way, it's very Old Testament. And it's happening, of course, in the very land of the Bible itself. I think a lot of people didn't think this would be something that could happen in our modern age.

And a lot of those people are called liberals, because they don't understand that human nature does not change. And so we find ourselves in this situation. But what's even crazier is that, you know, initially, we thought, well, certainly everyone will condemn this horrible, though it's so gruesome, these images. And then we had groups here in Washington, DC, in Chicago, in Dearborn, Michigan, come out, and not only start holding rallies that are pro Hamas, like we saw in Dearborn, Michigan recently, but we've even seen one organization, they're called Black Lives Matter, release statements in full endorsement. Some saying we back the Palestinian people. But there was one out of Chicago that actually posted essentially a meme that said, I stand with Palestine and showed this image of a paraglider. The reason being is that paragliders and paratroopers were used to land in this rave and start slaughtering people. People have compared it to Israel's 9-11. I think that's accurate. I mean, it is not 9-11, but it is like 9-11 for them.

I mean, 10-7 might be the new thing we have to say. But they're just straight up supporting a terrorist attack. There's no other way about this. I mean, this is full on barbarism. And what's interesting for us is that in 2020, if you said BLM is a terrorist organization, you would have been fired, you'd have lost your job, you would have been canceled, you've been kicked out of the military, whatever you were part of, you were done.

Your children would be kicked out of school, probably taken from you and given off to some other family. But no, no, turns out that BLM, they were terrorists all along. Who knew? Who knew?

You know, it's always the ones you least expect. Yeah, and Jack, you and I led on this as the Israeli atrocities were being reported. We said, watch closely.

BLM and Hamas are going to use similar messaging. Blake, this is something we're exploring on our show. Introduce our audience to Franz Fanon.

Did I say that right? I'll just say Fanon because I'm American, so I don't need to worry about the correct way to pronounce things. So yeah, walk us through, who is this tricky little philosopher? So Franz Fanon.

Whatever. I wish it was Franz Ferdinand, like the group or the dead archduke. Anyway, Franz Fanon, he is this Afro-Caribbean, left-wing intellectual. He's written a lot of, some of those foundational texts that even, you know, the right will often overplay how much leftists actually read some of these works, but this is a guy who's read, he wrote a book called The Wretched of the Earth.

It's probably his most famous one, and the opening chapter of that book, The Wretched of the Earth, is called On Violence, and this is the opening line of On Violence. National liberation, national reawakening, restoration of the nation to the people or commonwealth, whatever the name used, whatever the latest expression, decolonization is always a violent event. A few lines later, it is the, quite simply, the substitution of one species of mankind by another, and it goes on like this for 60 pages, and he's describing how the act of colonization is dehumanizing. It reduces the colonized person to a status that is less than human, and the way you reclaim your humanity, he writes, is to just violently destroy the colonizer. He really relishes in this, and we see people explicitly citing this guy on Twitter, on other social media platforms, saying, yes, this is what he means. Decolonization means not just expelling the colonizer, and that is what they regard all the Israelis as, as colonizers, but it is specifically to do these horrible atrocities, to decapitate children, to rape women, to torture the elderly, to take their cell phones, call their family members, and say, hey, check out your Facebook page, and then when they log in, they see an uploaded video of their loved one being tortured to death, and they cackle about it. This is, people are just saying, yeah, what did you think we meant when we said, you know, decolonize Palestine?

This is what we meant. Is this a serious academic thinker in certain circles? Yes, this would be, I believe I saw that this guy's works are in the curriculum of Washington State, as one of those, you know.

Pullman Washington. Yeah, and just all sorts of this is, this is a core text of the radical left, this is the sort of thing that they will read and cite to one another, and it's almost like they're shrugging and looking at us, and like, you didn't think we were serious, you thought we were joking the whole time, you thought this was a metaphor, and it's, no, it is very much not a metaphor, and, you know, they're going to put out posters that celebrate paratroopers who go in to kill civilians, it's, it'd be like if they, you know, put out a poster that was like, we stand with Germany, and it has like a train that they would send to one of the camps. Yeah, so, Tyler, what has been your take on the reaction to the Israel atrocities from the media, from the left and from the right? It seems as if it's creating a lot of chatter amongst the American right and even causing some division. Yeah, so, I mean, I actually think that the Israel issue is uniting everybody more than anything else, you know, we have the speaker's race, so, you know, you've got, it's like a really odd thing, this is just my perspective right now, I've seen more commentary about bring Trump back after what's happened in Israel than anything else, right? So, you've got this scenario that's playing out where it's like, well, you know, Trump's going to be your guy, and this is not just for Trump and about Trump and Trump connected to Israel, but the Israel issue is now pushing more Trump, like more pro-Trumpism amongst the people who are undecided, and then the undecideds now are realizing like, hey, we don't want to walk into 2024 with people who are like not on the same page with Trump, and by the way, we don't want to mess around with people who are more interested in the Ukraine war than protecting Israel. And so I think that that's starting to be the conversation that's playing out, and I'm seeing actually amongst activists and people who are close to members of Congress and people who are close to other legislators and politicians that are in our states, they're saying, hey, we need people who are absolutely locked in on priorities at this point, and the priority isn't having squabbles in a stupid presidential primary where the front runner is up 50 points, and by the way, it'd be really nice to have a speaker that was lockstep with the president, and can you totally trust that the next guy is going to be, and by the way, is the next guy going to be focused on the right priorities, which are Republican-centered priorities, putting America first priorities, and that doesn't really include the Ukrainian war at this point. So that's a good thing, I think, for the party because I think it's actually consolidating more. I think you're going to see Trump's numbers actually continue to go up, and I think that's part of the reason why you're seeing Jim Jordan get such a good look.

I mean, it'd be so competitive. I don't think a couple years ago anyone would have ever thought that Jim Jordan even had a shot at becoming speaker, and now look, he's like right in the mix here against Scalise to take over the speakership, and I think that that's all tied together as one. Jack, you know, what's so disturbing to, I think, a lot of people, and to me in general, so when I saw Hamas doing this, and I saw the immediate response by these leftists talking about decolonization, and it was amazing because I think we're going to talk about it in a minute here, but when they specifically talked about, you know, it was Christopher Columbus, right? It was Christopher Columbus Day this Monday, and I said, well, look, this is the exact same type of narrative, the rhetoric, the phrasing that they use specifically to talk about white people in the United States, and they say you are a colonizer. Now, that word didn't originally come from left versus right in the US. I've never heard that in the liberal conservative debates during the Trump, or excuse me, during the Bush years, right? This really came up during the Obama years. This came up during the rise of the first, sort of the first Ferguson moment, the first BLM movement in 2014, 2015, and then suddenly, with the rise of calling people, of calling out white supremacy, white supremacy, white supremacy, and we've all seen those New York Times charts, then suddenly, where these phrases were not discussed at all prior to the Obama presidency, and then suddenly have this massive hockey stick curve to the right, that instead, they started calling people colonizers, and rhetoric and linguistics and linguistic warfare or something that read a whole book on it.

I look at this, I call it 40 warfare. And so I noticed this term being employed, not only by the left in this country, the intersectionality, intersectionality, if that's a word, and then also by Hamas, essentially over in Israel, and then we know we can see this, because if you go, all right, I'll give you an example. If I'm going to speak somewhere on a college, or Charlie, if you're going to speak when you go out, you'll see this, that when Antifa shows up, you'll notice that within that crowd of leftists, you'll see trans flags, you'll see Antifa, the black and red, but then you'll also see some Palestinian flags, you'll see Hamas supporters, and you'll say, wait a minute, what does this have to do with this?

These are totally separate things. You'll see BLM flags. This is where the intersectionality meets the radicalization, because at the end of the day, it's all about just kill all the white people, right?

Kill Whitey. You know, in Israel, I say, they've been doing this all along. You guys called us crazy for talking about this. You guys called us insane for calling it out. And this has been the right worldview now for a decade, because we've told you this was coming. You all just called us conspiracy theorists for accurately noticing and assessing the situation. Well, and Jack, this is where Republicans have an opportunity at this point to talk more about how corporatism and these corporations really created this monster. And if we don't make that transition, where it's, hey, all that money you gave to support BLM, which seemed like a really nice thing to do at the time, and then they immediately turned around, burned down cities. Now they're seeing the long term impacts of that. I mean, they're not funding a pro-black narrative.

They're funding, again, like you said, an anti-white, eliminate people, eliminate Jews narrative. This is crazy stuff. No, it's completely insane.

It's completely insane. And there was the story, you know, earlier this week about, and then people question their skepticism, this decapitation of babies, beheading of babies. People said it happened. People said it didn't happen. People said that maybe it happened, but it wasn't, you know, etc, etc. But the real interesting point of this was that no one on the left seemed to have a real big problem with whether or not babies were decapitated, as long as they were Jewish babies, as long as they were colonizer babies.

And I think that, by and large, most people on the left look at this situation, and they just see brown people fighting white people, so they take the side of the brown people. They're not actually going in and deciphering all the knowledge. And then Mia Khalifa will come up and show, well, she shows a lot, but she'll come up and she'll post some graph or whatever, but she doesn't actually understand any of these things. She just wants to go, by the way, Mia Khalifa, who was a fatwa issued against her because she did hardcore porn while wearing a hijab, now suddenly she's going to come in and act like she's all pro-Islam. Excuse me. No, I don't think so.

No, she's trying to get back in the good graces. But what you really see here is a mass support for violence, for expulsion, for ethnic cleansing, for genocide. It's completely insane. And yet, and I'll throw this out there as well, that I haven't actually seen the ADL, Jonathan Greenblatt, say a single word about the fact that BLM has come out in full support, not just of Palestine, right, or like the Palestinian people, Palestine's not real. But Hamas and Hamas attacks. The ADL, who goes after all of us on a regular basis, can't find a single problem with someone who's like actually supporting the deaths of Jewish families.

Just want to point that out there. Well, Mia Khalifa is a perfect example of the tables turning on hipster racism. You know, you brought up Kill Whitey. Remember the, what was it, Tommy Boy?

Was it Tommy Boy or Chris Farley, the Kill Whitey scene? Anyways, all that came from like the hipster racism, which was that goofy appropriation of white people pretending to be black. And that's where kind of like a lot of this stuff actually started, even amongst white people about the white guilt and then turning into white guilt.

Mia Khalifa is actually the opposite. She's participating in hipster racism, you know, appropriating, you know, American and white culture and then, you know, the guilt of what she's done and doing the exact same thing just on the opposite side. And the result, though, is that people are dying and this is insane stuff. And literally, there's nobody calling it out at all. The media on the left and anything like that at all.

And it's like literally you have a porn star appropriating this stuff. It really tells you where the state of the country is at right now. So, Blake, talk more about decolonization and then also is colonization good? That that'll be a big that's a good topic. Yeah. So the decolonization thing, you know, this is the actually the route we could actually play number 22 here.

Let's play 22. So they're saying they're settler, settler, you will learn by the millions will return. And that's actually been sort of the central sticking point of like Israel Palestine conflict for the entire history of it. We will return that slogan they use from the river to the sea, which is from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. That's the elimination of Israel is what they're saying.

That's not an exaggeration. Or at least when they say you'll sometimes hear them say the right of return. And what that essentially is, is it's a demand for at minimum, like an open border with Palestine, which they all have the right to move back into the rest of Israel proper. And that is the idea of decolonization to them that to remove any of the Jewish portions of Israel from in the Jewish portions of it. And especially in the past, that was really big, because if they did that, they would outnumber them at this point, that would no longer be the case. And so that introduces a different dynamic where sometimes you'll even see very pro Israel people say like the solution to this is they should just forcibly annex Gaza and the West Strip are in the West Bank, and say, you know, you guys are all in our country now, and we're still the majority deal with it. It's a very strange thing.

But that actually might be what the best outcome is. Because if we want to talk about colonialism, like what is the best thing to have happened to the eastern Mediterranean in the last 1000 years, it's the fact that now it there is a Jewish majority country there that has made it a first world place to live. Was this area of the world ever that nice to live in before then?

Not really since the Romans bulldozed it 2000 years ago. It was poor, it was often war torn, it was backwards. It was like a desert place. It was certainly not prosperous.

And now it's the exact different. It's one of the richest countries in the world. It's a huge agricultural producer. It has industry, it has a high tech industry. And the portions of the Near East that are not owned by Israel are basically terrible.

And probably the single best thing that could happen is if they actually were running the West Bank and Gaza to the same extent. Isn't it the root of the defense of civilization, which was made possible thanks to colonialism, this idea that some ideas are better than others and some form of civilization is more preferable for humanity. And they don't like that. They believe, and they don't even believe it. What they say they believe is this like fake egalitarianism that all cultures are equal.

Who are you to say that Western society is better than Hamas? Exactly. It really is. And I think a lot of it is it was ultimately rooted in envy.

It's very traumatic. Yes, if you're in a culture to see look around and say, like, we're starving half the time, we've not created any, you know, we're poor, we've not created any art that other people aspire to. And then other cultures are just throwing it out constantly. Like, even if you're a European, you look at what's accomplished in a country like England, and you're filled with seething envy at what they've done. They launched the Industrial Revolution. And you could be like, oh, well, they're just, you know, they're only worried about money, except they also write the best books, and they produce many of the best painters.

They just dominate like crazy. And this causes so much seething resentment. And often the way this manifests is the only way they can cope is they just want to smash it all to pieces. You know, after, after they decolonize parts of Africa, and Kenya, for example, there were these kind of estates that the Europeans had in Kenya, and they didn't just take them over, they actually sent in bulldozers, and they destroyed what was already there. And the reasoning was that this these were estates, you know, for just a handful of Englishmen, and we're going to let thousands of Kenyans survive and, you know, make these rich plantations there and such. But instead, often they just fell into ruins after they did that. And that's often what decolonization looks like in practice, it's kill a ton of people, destroy, burn everything down, you know, plunder the wine cellar and drink all of it, even though that's not allowed in Islam.

And then you look around afterwards, you're like, well, we did it, you're you're smiling over a smoldering ruin, kind of like what we saw in Baltimore in Minneapolis, doesn't it? So, Tyler or Jack, whichever one wants to take it, colonization. Sorry, I was hearing somebody talk to some news report in my ears, very strange. Yeah, someone's on the side of street.

Jack or Tyler, just start talking. Well, you know, I think, I think one of the interesting, most interesting parts of this debate is, you know, and I think this is really going to expose it in Europe. And I think this is where you're going to see the, the, the, and again, I don't know, Jack, if you want to go down this road at all, and talk about this, but I think that rhetoric that that they're using in Israel, you know, a lot of Europeans are going, wait a minute, you're taking over our country. And there's a lot, Islam is taking over our country. And so if you believe that, then you need to get out of our country in Europe. And, you know, we're seeing this wave, you know, particularly in the northern parts of Europe, that have been just like, kind of just like, oh, you're welcome to come here. And now they're, they're going, wait a minute, in Norway and Sweden and other places. Now they're starting to get really uncomfortable because it looks like Muslims are going to be, they're going to be taking over our country.

And so that's going to be the number one religion very quickly in many of those countries. And so it's like, if it, if it, if it makes sense, if that argument makes sense for Palestinians and Israel, what is the argument in Europe? Well, and of course, you know, you look at all this, right?

So and you can see this writ large. So this is, it's communism, but it's also, which is sort of morphed into a sort of third world-ism. And from a historic perspective, I think we really need to point out that what we're dealing with here in all of this is just the detritus of the breakup of the Soviet Union. So the PLO was set up originally by the KGB.

I mean, this is pretty well known. The first leaders of the Palestinian was the National Congress, or whatever they tried to say, where they were basically picked directly by Moscow, this back in the 1960s. And this was part of that whole process of you'd sort of had like, the US backed group, the Western backed groups, and it's Cold War era stuff. It's all Cold War era stuff, right?

That's the way to put it. So these groups, and then Hamas, which is sort of like the successor organization to the PLO, all have these proto-Soviet connections because of the way they were founded. There's Ojalan down in Kurdistan with the Kurds is the exact same way, what do you call it, like democratic, you know, inter socialism or something. There's basically there's a reason that you see all these groups flying their sort of, you know, third world nationalist flag, along with the hammer and sickle. And then they stand in solidarity with all the other Marxist groups, like BLM, which they perfectly said, are a Marxist group. And so you and you get obviously this mix of Islam is kind of in there as well. But, you know, when they're chanting Allah Akbar, they're not actually praying when they're saying that. They just know that's something that you say when you kill somebody. And I think that most Americans were probably right about that at the end of 9-11, when 9-11 happened.

And so when you're trying to actually have a serious conversation about any of this, you run into this problem where you're starting to take these people seriously, and starting to take the ideology seriously, but it's not. And Blake is 100% right. And, you know, write down the date, because you're not gonna hear me say that often, but Blake's 100% right, that these guys, it's all envy. It's envy, it's greed, it's jealousy, and then ultimately compounds with the other. And as Charlie, you know, this is sinful, this is part playing on our sinful nature. And there's a reason that we have two commandments against what? Against covetousness, right?

Two commandments about this, because it was that strong that covetousness was so bad for the human spirit and human nature that we have two commandments specifically about different types of covetousness. One on goods, one on women's spouses, that if you come up with some sort of ideology, some sort of rationalization, or justification to turn envy into a political movement, it will always turn out this way. And it's always going to turn out this way.

It always has turned out this way, whether it's Rwanda, whether it's the Palestinians, whether it's Russia, whether it's China, whether it's France, again, and again, and again, this will play out if you if you feed into these negative emotions. And when when I when I, I guess what I'm trying to say is that you you, you can make a lot of money, you know, you're running around and, and walking people through all this stuff. But the end of the day, you're just going to come back to what Blake said, I want to tell everybody about noble gold investments. Noble gold investments does an amazing job Tyler is wearing the noble gold investments hat. Noble gold investments calm I buy all of my gold from noble gold investments hedge against the inevitable with gold.

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That is So let's continue this kind of colonization talk. Blake, some of them will say, but it displaces native tribes and it destroys their original culture.

How would you respond to that, Blake? Well, first of all, not being colonized also is constant displacement, constant warfare. Like humanity is, you know, before modern civilization, humanity is like almost a Hobbesian state of war of all against all, or at least Nasty, brutish and short.

War of my group against your group. It's not a very fun way to live for a lot of people. It certainly is devoid of a lot of the things we take for granted today. You know, a thing you said on Twitter the other day is that, you know, overall colonization has been a net positive to the world.

I've got the tweet in front of me. Colonizers brought superior values, institutions, philosophy, technology, and norms to the rest of the world. Colonialism brought order to a world of chaos and it dragged a world of darkness into the light. And is that true in every single case?

Absolutely not. There are certainly a lot of wars, certainly a lot of atrocities associated with colonialism. But, you know, the end result is like if you live in a country that was part of the British Empire. You're better now.

You are better now. I mean, so I'll give you an example. I mean, if you go through the Caribbean, the Caribbean is a really interesting test case, right? The wealthiest islands, because they're basically very similar cultures, not all of them. The wealthiest islands are by far the ones that embraced British colonialism, right? Like Grand Cayman, Turks and Caicos, the ones that are the poorest, like Haiti, for example, which had, you know, French type roots and they kicked them out, didn't do too well, actually. You know, and yeah, Haiti, I mean, you can understand how Haiti came about the way because Haiti was a very grim slave colony.

No, I'm not defending what was there prior, but they're the poorest by far nation in the Caribbean. The most fatal thing they did is they launched their slave revolution, which succeeded. Which was a moral thing to do.

Which was very moral and understandable. But then after that, what their second leader did, Dessalines, I believe was his name, he killed all the white people on the island. After they'd won, they basically did.

Wait, so that's not insignificant. So let's actually talk about Haiti. So Haiti embraced decolonization as that France lunatic would have written it. How did it work out for Haiti? Well, they have been the world's poorest country, pretty much the world's poorest country ever since.

They've had recurring civil wars. It's so bad at this point that you can't even do the agriculture that once made Haiti prosperous as a slave colony, unfortunately. But they can't even imitate that as a free country because the topsoil has eroded away so badly. So is it fair to say that Haiti is a test case in decolonization the same way that South Africa is a test case in critical race theory, like as an ideology of your government? Meaning like we now know what happens if you try to decolonize. It certainly shows that if you go maximum decolonization, you're probably not going to get the best outcome.

Whereas yeah, as you say, states that lean into it. Or another great example, to be honest, is let's take a look at China. Hong Kong is a British colony up until the end of the 20th century. And what is the richest part of China, you know, in the People's Republic? It's Hong Kong, because Hong Kong has the strongest legacy of a colonial institution compared to everywhere else in China, which, you know, is under the People's Republic practicing Marxism, or, you know, was under this like imperial regime for that they had before that. And Singapore, also a British colony, also amazingly successful relative, even to the rest of Southeast Asia.

Yeah, but finish your thought. India was a British colony. India was a British colony. And again, this is a good example.

It's not always good. There were major wars in India that the British had to go through to establish themselves, but it grows enormously. And then here's the really telling thing is, after they become independent, they react against much of this, they embrace a lot of Soviet economic theory. And India is very stagnant for decades before they kind of learn, you know, those guys had a point, and they embrace a lot of more free market norms, stuff that we regard as more overall Western, and then they're finally growing to reach the potential that everyone knew they had a century ago, but they had kind of a lost half century in between those times. So I want to I want to zero in on just one element of this that you mentioned, the inheritance of colonization can be common law, the respective private property. We know that if you have that as an inheritance, your country will be far better off than witch doctors in Haiti.

For sure, for sure, you get lost institutions. I mean, we often often colonialism, you know, them setting up a native parliament to run the government on the way out is the first time they have a democratic government of any sort. And all of these, so many things that we would take as granted constitutional rights, freedom of speech, a lot of these are just inherently a Western legacy, which we learned at a grave price, it was very difficult for us to learn these lessons ourselves. And to an extent, places that got colonized, even if it was traumatic, were essentially given an opportunity to be brought up to Europe's level far faster than Europe itself was able to get to that point, initially, and places that lean into that legacy do very well, places that actively reject that legacy, wherever they are, don't do as well.

And you know, what's one of the most westernized countries in Asia is Japan, because they actively decided to embrace it after you know, the United States opened up Japan. They they almost go insane trying to imitate us, they start dressing the same way we do like it's like it's magical. They copy, you know, the uniforms that their soldiers where they copy from Europeans, because they're just like, there's something they have something.

And the result is they grow enormously. After World War Two, they copy us even more, they get a Western style parliamentary government. But you should copy Western ideas. The West the West is the best. Jack, your thoughts on this West is the best we should be not just clear but unapologetic, we should be proud we should honestly, these countries should be thanking us that we brought them the work of Blackstone and the breakthroughs of the Western tradition that is an outgrowth of the biblical canon. They progressed a lot more than the scalping and earth worship of the Navajo Indians.

Yeah, Cortez did nothing wrong. This idea that we could have let the child sacrifices continue that were being practiced not just throughout Mesoamerica and South America, but also all the way up as far north as right across the Mississippi River from St. Louis. There's this in these ancient Indian burial grounds where people have gone in and looked at these things where they're filled with the bodies of teenage girls with the body bodies of young children, people believe that this they were being done to produce greater agriculture, greater yield, you know, then we're all told but Oh, no, no, no, see, Squanto taught the Indians, farmers go, excuse me, Squanto taught the pilgrims farming. So that's, that's what they taught. Yeah, except they leave out the fact that Squanto learned all that from Europeans, because he had actually lived in Europe before he came back to the United States.

It's completely insane what was going on in many of these cultures. And one thing, by the way, just as an anecdote, which I think is hilarious is, and Blake, I think you'd appreciate this because it lines up with what you're saying is, I started this meme, I don't even know how you call it, but I started this whole meme about like, about whether you're whether or not your ancestors developed wheels in their country. Because we made this meme of Columbus getting to the United States, or getting to you know, the new world, I should say, getting to the new world.

And him saying, Wait a minute, you've been here for how long? Where are your wheels? Where is your bronze? Where are your ships?

Where are your roads? And then it's amazing, because so many people, liberals, and even some conservatives too, will go back to that completely idiotic book from the 1990s, called Guns, Germs and Steel, and try to use all of these types of like, legalistic and mental arguments to get out of the fact that these civilizations were not able to develop wheels independently, that they were pulling things around for 1000s and 1000s of years. And essentially, Columbus and Cortez, and the other explorers, they encountered a Stone Age group of people, a Stone Age people when they arrived on the American shores, a group of people that responded thusly in many cases, by the way, and I'm basically it's it's it's as simple as this. So the meme ends up like this.

I will not sit here and be lectured to by the descendants of wheelers people. Okay, so and I love that. And it's also more evolution, not just a technological one, Blake, let me let me contribute. One kind of thought on this biblically, I said this on the show. So there's a lot of talks about, you know, Hamas coming in raping the women. Blake, you know, history better than anybody that I know, raping of women was normative in the ancient world, and even up until recently, correct?

Yeah, I mean, it's pretty natural. You know, in wartime, you know, if you want to get an example of what maybe all like Stone Age people are like, you could look at, you know, some of the Indian tribes in America, like the Comanches. So the Comanches were this tribe on the plains, and they would launch raids into Texas into Mexico.

And what do they do? They go for captives. And unfortunately, what do they do if they take women as captives, they're raped immediately, and they're taken back. And that is basically what happens to them after that.

And they would also like torture them, you know, they would burn them with hot coals, like what is, you know, the most basic primal thing humans kind of like to do, they kind of like to inflict suffering on people. And it is a long process of moral evolution to overcome that. And this is a moral evolution that thankfully, you know, under the influence of things like Christianity, the West began to go through, I was telling you, you know, 500 years ago, the code of the Holy Roman Empire, Charles the fifth has the death penalty for rape. And this applies to soldiers in wartime as well. Not always perfectly administered.

But that is the law. 400 years ago, the Swedish military under Gustavus Adolphus, death penalty, if you commit rape as a victorious soldier in the king's army, if you do this, you will be shot. Napoleon, he goes to Egypt, and he puts out a statement to his men, he says, everywhere in the world, a man who commits rape is regarded as a monster. And if you do that here in Egypt, I will shoot you. The Union military during the Civil War, we hang men who are convicted of rape, dozens of them. We do it during World War Two, you know, I think World War Two would be considered a time that's pretty intense, where we're, you know, willing to go all out for victory. And yet we still say, that is not acceptable to behavior to do in our army.

We will hang you if you do that. And then now we go to Hamas, which is this is civilization versus barbarism. Yes, they are certainly more, they have more technology, more modernism, more access to modern, they have Wi Fi, they have Wi Fi, they have access to the full gamut of, you know, moral texts, moral lessons, anything you want, they live better than, you know, they live better than a lot of like, millionaires lived 200 years ago. And yet they still embrace atrocities, like, like raping women in this outburst of savage violence. And it's because they are rejecting the moral lessons that come with, you know, with civilization.

It is not just when they say they want to decolonize, they mean decolonize morally, too. And one of the, you know, moral takeaways of the West that we have spread to the rest of the world is, you know, yeah, you, you can't just rape people because you invaded their house. You can't just enslave a defeated enemy.

That's another thing we spread to the world, the abolition of slavery, the West did not invent slavery, but we did end slavery. And so let's talk about kind of rape and war, because that was normative until the Bible came along. There's a very obscure, but unbelievably important and applicable law in Deuteronomy, where it says at war, if you come across a female that you want, you're not allowed to touch her. You cannot rape her. If you want to keep her as a wife, you could bring her back home.

She has to mourn her family for 30 days. And then you may only touch her if you marry her. That's a massive moral achievement. When you think about it, it's certainly it's vastly more moral than you know what Hamas is practicing. Well, no, but you think about it. I mean, you have a you have rape and murder everywhere, which is to this day. And it's a law that they say is from God that the only way you're allowed to be with that woman is by marriage after 30 days.

And honestly, think about it. It's like that woman becomes less attractive after she's been crying in your house for 30 days. Yeah. And it's you must really want her at that point. It really is one of the most important things about the Judeo Christian heritage, which is almost, you know, basically every human civilization has a moral code for members of its own tribe. Like, yeah, definitely in even in, you know, Hamas society. Yeah, if you rape another, you know, Palestinian in your society, they'll probably kill you. And they might kill her to honor killings, all of that nasty stuff. But, you know, they have very strict moral codes within their tribe. But it's often anyone outside the tribe has no moral word whatsoever.

You can do anything you want to them. Especially for non Jewish women in Deuteronomy 21. That's the point. An important legacy of, you know, of Judeo Christian morality is the idea that actually all people have some kind of moral word that must be respective.

Yes, that's exactly right. And that is a hugely important thing. And it is a gift of, you know, a gift of Christianity to the world that the West spread that norm to more places. And the fact that people don't know this or don't acknowledge it is really just just proof of how strong that moral code is. And that's what moral evolution was that now we just take it for granted. Oh, of course, everyone would do that. But as we saw this last weekend, not everyone does that.

No, not at all. In fact, left to their own devices, these people become absolute unrestrained savage animals. Okay, before we move on to the next topic, any closing thoughts on the colonialist or colonization?

Because with Columbus Day and all of this, you know, we are told that the indigenous people were nothing but these wonderful peace loving people never displaced until the white man came along. Final thoughts on this, Jack? Yeah, here's a final thought. The child sacrifice will stop. We're so sorry.

Oh, no, the far right are here. They're stopping us from sacrificing the babies. Keep in mind, by the way, just like on a factual note, all of the other tribes around the Aztecs joined up with Cortez to destroy the Aztecs, all the Mexican tribes outside of there, the Mesoamerican tribes, because the the Aztecs were forcing them to give over their children for sacrifice to their pagan gods.

I'm sorry, we're not doing this anymore. No more child sacrifice, no more baby killing. This is one of the first things the first influences you see out of the Old Testament, when when God that's right binding of Isaac known throughout the entire world, which then, by the way, of course, is reflected in the story of it of Christ, where we see God ends child sacrifice by submitting to have his own child sacrificed for everyone else. If you do not understand that this is one of the central themes of the Bible, then I suggest you have not read the actual book.

That's exactly right. And child sacrifice was normative and abundant. In fact, there are many laws in the book of Leviticus that talk about Moloch, which was the god of child sacrifice, all the all these like egghead intellectuals in the 1800s. But this is obviously made up. This is just war propaganda. And then we excavated Carthage. And they're like, no, tell us about this. That's not as obvious to me.

So what do you mean? I think Topher is the name for what they supposedly end up like these kind of child graveyards. And so in Carthage, of course, like even not even just Jewish writings, there's even Roman writings that are like Carthage, they eat babies, was that right?

I don't think it was eating, but not to my knowledge anyway. But you know, the Romans, they fight Carthage, which is a Phoenician city. So it's actually the same culture group as like the Canaanites. And they always say like, the Carthaginians, they they sacrifice babies to ball. And a lot of people just assumed, you know, Rome fought these horrible wars with Carthage, three Punic Wars, they probably just made that up exaggerated this war propaganda to justify conquering Carthage. And people just assumed this for hundreds of years.

And then we've been excavating Carthage. And they have found these, like these child graveyards. And one of the things about it is another theory was, well, maybe they, you know, they just sacrifice infants that were going to die anyway. And so you take a sickly infant, you say, this is to ball. No, there are healthy infants that are being sacrificed to ball. So they are deliberately taking children who could live and they are sacrificing them to a god, why they would do that, we can only imagine horrifying reasons to do it.

But it seems it was it was not propaganda. It's amazing when you think about it. There's off the top my head, at least five major ancient civilizations, many of whom had never had any contact with each other, that all had institutional public practices of sacrificing children on other sides of the world, the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Egyptians, in this river valley. It's, again, it's something we take for granted that, oh, wait, you know, children's lives should be protected, the innocence lives should be protected, we should look out for people who are helpless. We should care for people who have less than us. And that's not, it's not built into you naturally. No, it is taught. It is it is it is environmental.

I believe it's given to us by God to make the world a better place, a more moral place. Okay, we're gonna involve Tyler here because the next topic is going to be great. Sorry, Jack, one sec.

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If you do not see results, simply claim a refund. No questions asked. It's a win-win mag slash CK. So Tyler, I'm going to kind of call on you here because this has been a fun kind of debate within our chat. Blake, myself and Jack have had very strong opinions that RFK Jr. running as an independent will hurt Trump more than Biden. A couple weeks ago, you disagreed.

Do you still have that opinion, Tyler? And please walk us through all of it. You're the political strategist here.

The floor is yours. RFK is officially running as an independent. Well, nobody knows what could happen with this. So first off, you know, the takes the hot takes could be totally wrong on either side because this is we're entering into new territory with an incumbent president who like nobody likes.

No one even thinks he's going to make it to the presidency next year and to the to the race. And then we have Trump who is, you know, right in line with with national polling and negatives and everything else. And so enter RFK. And so I I'll tell you, this is my take.

And we can we can start this off and have a discussion about it. But there is concern, legitimate concern that RFK could swing the votes either way. And I think everybody's kind of frozen right now on both sides because you're not really seeing a for or against because when you know that the Democrats like really expose themselves, if they really thought that RFK was going to be helpful to them, they would be promoting them like crazy. They're not doing that. They hate them. They're angry with them.

They're not providing data to them. He told them to go F themselves. And so, yeah, that's where they're at. And so I believe that RFK has the has a greater likelihood of pulling from the Democrat base, particularly in specific states on the East Coast and in other places that really matter where he's more popular and the family brand is more popular than he does a hurting Trump. Other people disagree, but I just don't see where you have any kind of interest at all from moderate Republicans and supporting RFK. Now, with that being said, we're seeing some really nefarious characters come out and try to prop up RFK.

I think that's really early on. They're just angry because their candidate is performing so poorly against Trump. And they're going to come around like we saw in 2016 when people were doing this with guys like Kasich and and with Evan McMullen and other people that were popping up. But that's just my take, which is right now, I feel pretty good about having someone come from the left to help split left the left's vote.

And and we just saw a new poll come out here in Arizona. A good example of this is Kirsten Sinema. Carrie Lake just announced she is way ahead in the polls of the other person that's in the race here in Arizona, Mark Lamb. Kirsten Sinema is not loved by the Democrat base, but she pulls more moderates. And even with polling a good amount of Republicans away from Carrie Lake, even a little bit more so, there's going to be a significant portion of Democrats who are always going to vote for Kirsten Sinema.

And so that gives us a real advantage when we talk about, you know, the battle of throwing everything cattywampus for the Democrats and how they're chasing ballots, how they're looking at the numbers of specific precincts in a state like Arizona. Because it really comes down to three states. So we can kind of have that debate, that conversation. But, you know, I know, I know you guys, Jack, Jack disagrees.

I disagree, Jack, why do you disagree with Tyler's substantive analysis there? So, look, admittedly, you're talking about the specifics of a couple of different states. Where I'm really looking at is the Rust Belt.

This has been my focus since 2016. And even prior to then, just understanding the types of voters that Donald Trump or a Republican, but I think it's pretty clear Trump's going to win the primary, at this point could flip in order to produce states that could slide from the blue column into the red column. And there's only a few parts of the country where you can do this. And the Rust Belt, as we saw in 2016, proved decisive, proved absolutely decisive. So those types of voters are these working class, blue collar, in many cases, not necessarily super socially conservative, but are very much pro worker and pro, you know, pro USA, America first, I guess is probably the best way to put it.

So that's Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin. Well, unfortunately, the way politics works is that there are lanes. So there are lanes to those voters. Chris Christie tried to get those voters, right? That was supposed to be a huge appeal of Chris Christie when he ran the few times that he ran. And of course, I mean, ran in the political sense, not in the actual physical sense of running because Chris Christie can't do that.

No, it's not possible. And so when I look at those states, I say, well, Trump can really clean up there in a way that no other Republican can, you're certainly not going to be able to win those states by calling for war with Iran by calling for war with Syria boots on the ground. It's just not something that these voters go for. And the same in the same way as we've seen, that those voters are not interested in federal bans or even state bans on abortion.

In fact, Michigan just enshrined abortion in their constitution. That being said, if you take a guy like RFK, he appeals to those types of moderates and independents that Trump would need to win over in order to flip those states. Would it be all of them? No, of course not. Would he flip, you know, rock ribbed, thought crime listening, Trump supporters?

No, of course not. But could he flip enough people in the middle to swing those states to Biden? I think that he absolutely could. And I think that's exactly how you will see this play out if, by the way, he's able to get on the ballot in all these states. The other my other question in all of this is how much or what size house did the DNC promise to Cornel West to get him to drop out of the Green Party primary? Because the Green Party was going to get him on the ballot, but him running is independent. I just don't see him actually being on the ballot in the states now. So what is it? How many bedrooms?

How many bedrooms? Well, can I just interject here to just say it's really difficult to get on the ballot as an independent, but so all right, Blake, take it away. So I think I also agree that RFK running is going to be bad for Trump.

But I don't know if it's that he appeals to moderates. I think the image in my head, the kind of I'm with you on who is the person who's going to vote for him? I think what it's actually going to be is what's like the biggest event of the last five years? It's COVID. And then also like the subsequent post COVID thing, vaccine mandate.

All of that. There's just a ton of people who this is just a huge event in their political lives. And there are people who are just still outraged about the vaccines, the vaccine mandates, whether those vaccines cause people to die, get injured and so on. And I think there's still going to be a good kernel, you know, many thousands of people who are for lack of a better term, they're like COVID single issue voters, not so much like on COVID itself, but they're angry at Trump that Trump, you know, promoted the vaccines did operation warp speed, all of that. And they just think Trump has burned the bridge with me forever because of that one thing.

And I need to go with someone whose COVID credentials are totally impeccable. And normally, I would think this would sort of fade away. And it might it might still fade away in the next year and a half or so. But these people have kind of coalesced into these groups. They're on a lot of telegram channels together that have their own sort of political environment. And I can just see these sort of eccentric COVID obsesses being not a large voter block, but they're one of those marginal voter blocks that make the difference in whether you win or not.

And if he just gets even, you know, 300,000, 500,000 of those voters, that could be what costs him the state that would have gotten him to 270. Yeah. Here's my take on this. And I just know this from the audience, because in our audience, there's some huge RFK fans still. In fact, a lot of people say they're going to vote for RFK over Trump. And that's a real thing. I'd say probably 10 percent. One out of 10 would have that sentiment.

Maybe that will decrease as we get closer and people realize that RFK is a flaming liberal. But it's low trust, high trust. That's how I try to divide things and that Donald Trump is running a low trust campaign, meaning we can't trust our institutions. They're lying to us. They're rigged against us.

They want to put me in prison. And Joe Biden is going to run a high trust campaign. Right. Institutions are actually working. We can't give me power because the other guys are going to disassemble our institutions.

So 2024 will be about a lot of things. One of the dynamics will be, are you a low trust or high trust voter? Right. Republicans used to be a high trust coalition back in the 90s, early 2000s. You know, Intel agencies are good.

The Democrats want to disassemble. And it's really been an inversion of high trust, low trust. RFK is the most low trust candidate. Right.

He believes that the Intel agencies killed his uncle. I happen to agree. Right. He has all very strong opinions on vaccines and medical freedom. And I mean, Blake, would you agree that the medical freedom crowd, that they're not Joe Biden voters ever? Right. I mean, they would have been maybe mad at Trump over vaccine or whatever and then yielded towards RFK.

Would you agree with that, Blake? I think that that's the situation we're looking at. And especially, I would also say, because actually because they're low trust voters, that can also make them, I think, relatively immune to more strategic voting. So I think there's a lot of people, you know, a lot of us, you know, a lot of people make the calculation, you know, who can I vote for, who will have the best chance to win, even if I have differences with them and they're better than the alternative. But people who are lower trust, they're more likely to think the election's rigged anyway. They're more likely to think, well, who can I vote for? They're more likely to think, well, even if I vote this way, you know, the deep state will sabotage it or something. I'm just going to vote for who I have the strongest gut feeling for. And that's going to be a lot of people who like to vote for RFK. Tyler, final thoughts here because we got to wrap. Well, I mean, I would say this.

So in response to that, so I totally agree that you always have breakage, what they call breakage. So people who are going to vote for the other party because they don't like your candidate. There's always a subgroup that feels that way. What Democrats have figured out a long time ago is that that number typically just kind of hovers around seven to nine percent of the electorate. And so I think what you're going to see happen this election, if you have RFK on the ballot, Republicans who typically that want to divorce themselves from Trump, that typically will be like, I'll vote for Biden.

Right. Like the Republicans for Biden camp again, that that turned out to be probably right around the ballpark, about five, six percent of the rest were libertarians that voted for the libertarian candidate. Those people will vote for RFK, but you're not going to you're not going to see a dramatic increase from that number.

But it benefits us because those numbers don't go to Biden. And then the alternate situation is, well, are there more is there more breakage that are going to abandon the Democrat Party and vote for RFK instead of Trump? And I actually think that you're going to see a larger number of Democrats that are more willing to do that instead of voting for Trump, because what we said, the low trust, high trust thing, they're actually going to trust an independent candidate. They're going to trust an independent candidate. They're going to trust an independent candidate. They're going to trust an independent candidate. They're going to trust an independent candidate. And so you're going to see a little bit of RFK with that high independent numbers exist in states like Arizona, Georgia. You're seeing higher numbers of that with younger people moving into Georgia. And so you're seeing a lot of the same pool where a poll just came out actually yesterday, I think, looking at this that showed, oh, with RFK in the race, it actually I think it was Wisconsin.

It doesn't change anything. It's still like a 50-50 competitive state. And so ultimately, it's going to come down to how many ballots, how many low propensity ballots for Democrats and Republicans can they get in the box for Biden or Trump? RFK is not going to win that battle. So, you know, and they're probably going to watch each other out for the most part because both sides have very similar numbers of breakage.

That's just how it's always worked in most of these states. We've got to dash everybody. Email us freedom at We'll be back in the studio next week. Till next time. Keep on committing thought crimes.

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