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The Crime of "Noticing" with Steve Sailer

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
October 12, 2023 5:00 am

The Crime of "Noticing" with Steve Sailer

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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October 12, 2023 5:00 am

Steve Sailer is America's greatest "noticer": Someone who can look at the data and recognize patterns other people fail to see, or don't want to see. Whether it's the connection between BLM and traffic crashes, or the truth nature of transgender "women," Sailer is a must-read to understand what really goes on in America — and that's exactly why the press has tried so hard to censor him. No more! Steve joins Charlie to discuss noticing, the state of speech in America, the "Ferguson Effect," and more.

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Well respected intellectual who has committed the crime of noticing. As always, you can email us freedom at That is freedom at Subscribe to our podcast, open up your podcast app and type in charliekirkshow and get involved with Turning Point USA at That is Start a high school or college chapter today at

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That is Buckle up everybody, here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campuses. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA.

We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here. Brought to you by the loan experts I trust, Andrew and Todd at Sierra Pacific Mortgage at Very special guest this hour. It's going to be informative and deep. Joining us now is Steve Saylor, who I find to be incredibly interesting and one of the most talented noticers in the country. Steve, welcome to the program. You know, we like to say on the show that people committed the crime of noticing. You obviously started to, you popularized that, meaning using their brains and using pattern recognition. You might be one of the most talented noticers on the planet. What are some of the things that you noticed long before the national media did and how have you been treated as a result?

Yeah, I mean, my basic approach is to say that there isn't some vast dichotomy between the science and what you can notice every day with your lying eyes, the kind of patterns that are apparent in daily life. So if you see a stereotype in regular life, yeah, it probably shows up in the social science data from the federal government and academics and vice versa. If there's some sort of pattern going on nationwide that is showing up in the FBI crime statistics or the Center for Disease Control's statistics for deaths, then you'll probably notice it on your own street.

So, for example, May 25th, 2020, George Floyd dies. This begins the second Black Lives Matter era. The entire establishment of the United States decides that this is the time for the racial reckoning, that among so many other things we must do, we must have the police do less policing of African Americans.

They're suffering from too much law and order, all right? Now, we'd already done that once on a smaller scale during what was called the Ferguson effect. In August of 2014 in the St. Louis area, Black Lives Matter emerged after the shooting by the cop of Michael Brown, the gentle giant during his crime rampage. This set off a whole series of scandals across the country about too much policing of blacks.

Well, what happened then? Well, one thing that happened back in the Ferguson effect was that murders went up, especially murders of blacks. From the year 2014 to the year 2016, African Americans died 27% more by homicide, according to the CDC. And something that people didn't notice at all was they also died 24% more in motor vehicle accidents, in car crashes.

Now, what's going on? Well, basically less policing, just like the establishment asked for in the name of Black Lives Matter. You end up killing off about a quarter more blacks in those years because you're policing them less. If you see somebody in St. Louis driving badly, should you pull them over?

Should you search them for an illegal handgun? And, you know, the New York Times will be on our case. So the cops pulled back, they retreated to the donut shop, and the death rate for blacks went up about 25% over those two years. A heck of a job, Black Lives Matter. All right. In 2020, during the mania of 2020, the establishment decides we're going to do it all over again.

We're going to, on just a massive scale, national, right away, and what happens between 2019 and 2021? Well, blacks die 44% more by homicide, almost all at the hands of other blacks, and they manage to get themselves killed 39% more in traffic fatalities. Great job, Black Lives Matter.

Now, these patterns are huge. They're historic. Stuff like murder rates and car crash rates normally don't change much from year to year.

They're all rather personal decisions. But we've managed our cultural, national, political, corporate leadership has managed to get a whole lot more blacks killed. I estimate, in the name of saving black lives, I estimate that in 2021, about 10,000 more blacks died annually due to car crashes and murders, than if the trends seen back before Ferguson, before the Ferguson effect, before the Floyd effect, before Black Lives Matter, had carried on.

It's 10,000 a year. By this point, you know, it's many times the total number of African Americans who were lynched in American history. The incremental numbers have been getting killed during the Black Lives Matter era. It's a complete fiasco, and it's mostly just buried in the press. If they need to mention that one thing or the other has gone up, they say it's due to COVID. Never explain why it's due to COVID. It just is. And let's just not go into this huge effect that's been going on, that's been unleashing chaos across America, and that people in our elites promoted so heavily for about a year and a half in this decade.

Now they're backing off, they're trying to get, they're embarrassed by it, they just want it to be memory hold at this point. But that's the kind of thing I notice and I bring up a lot. We as human beings naturally notice things, pattern recognition. I'll give you one that is non-controversial. During COVID, the people that I saw that were dying were fat. I didn't need a study to tell me that. Just in my local life, in my local circle, people that were really struggling with COVID were people that were overweight. And it turns out that once our health agencies were forced to put out accurate data, the macro and the micro connected. So it turned out that the pattern recognition that I was seeing in my neighborhood was also confirmed with a macro trend. We're naturally wired to see that. Do you have a thought on that, Steve, before I get to the deeper question? But I want to give you a chance to interject.

Yeah. For example, here's an obscure finding that I made regarding that, which was I was trying to figure out how much human capital we're losing from COVID. If you go back to the Spanish flu of 1918, it struck young people, it left a whole bunch of widows and children, it killed off like national leaders, just dropped dead in office.

It was extremely disruptive. And so the question is, how many people still in the prime of their years at the top of their careers were being killed by COVID? And when I went through lists of prominent people who died, most of them, you know, they were famous 20 years ago, 30 years ago.

How come? Why aren't they celebrities anymore? Why isn't the striking dead the celebrities of America? Well, it's hard to be fat and a celebrity.

I mean, one area that did get hit pretty hard was like right wing radio talk show hosts. That's one of those jobs you don't have to be on camera. No, and I could say this, that in my profession, the waistline is far above the national average. It takes you think about it. We're constantly sitting on our tail, you know, talking.

It's not it doesn't exactly require movement. And, you know, the old expression, Steve, is and I have a face for radio. You don't have to be Leonardo DiCaprio to be a right wing radio host.

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That is and click on the preborn banner. So, Steve, what I'm getting at and I'm struggling toward it, it's been a very long month this week, is walk us through what it takes for a person to ignore the noticing and to embrace delusional ideology. Because in some ways, that could capture the academic elite. They refuse to notice and they live in a created synthetic world that is inconsistent with what is actually happening.

Please, your response, walk us through that, Steve Salier. Yeah, I mean, my finding is the true academic elite. Researchers out on the cutting edge of findings in the human sciences are really pretty good at discovering stuff.

Stuff that ties into daily life. I'll give you a complicated anecdote, but way back in MBA school in the early 80s, I was on a team in a class with a fellow who was extremely bright, extremely ambitious. His goal was to make his fortune in outer space, which I said, well, yeah, I've read all those Robert Heinlein novels, too.

That sounds great. But I didn't actually believe he was going to be able to do it. But he was also the most arrogant man in the entire program, which business school might be saying a lot. All right, I lost track of him after that.

He wasn't the most pleasant personality, but he could get things done, that's for sure, until about 2013. I'm reading the Washington Post, an article about America's highest paid female CEO, which turns out to be this guy I'd been kind of to know real well back in MBA school. He now had decided he's a woman.

He's made his first fortune in satellite radio, which I realized I'd been sending him a check for $25 a month for years. And then he made his second fortune, and this is amazing, when one of the many children he's fathered came down with some rare disease, and he dropped what he was doing in outer space, studied the medical textbooks, and invented a cure, which he went on to make a second fortune. So this is, he's a hero out of old time 1950s science fiction, but he's also decided he's a woman. And all right, so what I learned was that that's not a real uncommon pattern among the people, the X-Men, who announced that, well, I was always a girl on the inside, I was assigned the wrong gender at birth, I've always been super feminine on the inside. If you take the ones who achieved prominence before they had this revelation and decided to transition, most of them are not at all feminine in any aspect. They tend to be highly masculine, highly arrogant, high IQ, one study found average IQ in the 120s, not real good people versus persons, kind of extremely high functioning Asperger-y types, very self-motivated. And so if you go around looking at celebrities who have decided that they're really women, oh, like the father of the newswoman Katie Tour, Bob Tour, who as Chopper Bob became the most famous TV helicopter pilot in the country covering OJ and the white Bronco and stuff like that. Katie has published a memoir of her life with her father, who was a complete jerk. And, you know, hopefully, castration has made him a little less violent for the people in his life, but it still seems like he's not really calmed down that much.

You can go through a long list of these people, and they don't tend to be feminine, they don't tend to be on the left, they're libertarian economists, they're ex-navy seals, they're all over the place. Hey everybody, Charlie Kirk here, and like many of you, I'm a busy guy balancing Family Show, Travel, and TPUSA. When I needed a mortgage, I went to my friends Andrew Del Rey and Todd Avakian at Sierra Pacific.

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If you are a first-time home buyer renting and want to be, they'll call and help you prepare. Check it out,, that is, fill out the quick form, and they'll get you back with answers. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there.

Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Please finish your thought there.

Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Please finish your thought there.

Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Please finish your thought there.

Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there.

Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Please finish your thought there.

Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Please finish your thought there.

Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there.

Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there.

Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off.

Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off.

Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off.

Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Steve, sorry to cut you off. Please finish your thought there. Please finish your thought there.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-10-21 13:56:30 / 2023-10-21 14:05:10 / 9

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