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Tough Love with Charlie and Erika Kirk

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
September 24, 2023 5:00 am

Tough Love with Charlie and Erika Kirk

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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September 24, 2023 5:00 am

On this Sunday edition of The Charlie Kirk Show, Charlie sits down with his wife Erika, founder of Proclaim Streetwear and Biblein365, to answer some of her fans' most-asked questions on dating, relationships, and marriage. They provide some clear insight on “missionary dating,” Gen Z relationships, and how to prepare for your future spouse.

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That is right now. Hey everybody, a conversation with my wife, Erica Kirk, about dating, marriage, and relationships. Now some of this you might find very offensive, especially if you are in your 30s as a female and you're unmarried. If you find it offensive, then that's more of a problem with you than with what we say, because what we just say is true, and maybe you need to hear it. It's hard truth, speaking plainly, in love, so that maybe the Holy Spirit wants you to hear that.

So that is your warning, so enjoy the conversation. Email us freedom at Subscribe to our podcast.

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I think you'll enjoy it. Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. We are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA.

We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here. Brought to you by the loan experts I trust, Andrew and Todd at Sierra Pacific Mortgage at Okay, everybody, welcome to this special conversation with my wife, Erica Kirk. Hi. Brought to you by and Proclaim Streetwear. Buy your Proclaim shirt today.

Yes. Right, It looks so good on you. It's so comfy. People rave about it.

Made in the USA, organic cotton. So we're here to answer people's questions about dating. Right, it's like ask the Kirks about marriage, dating. Yeah, I don't know if people can handle the truth, though, so we'll see.

I think they can. I don't know. It's tough love, right? Mm-hmm.

Do you want to start off with a softball or do you want to start off with- Sure, a softball's fine. Does your husband ever cook dinner? Very rarely. No. You've cooked once.

I think once. The man should not be cooking, though. I understand. I mean, every now and then it would be nice, but- Yeah, that's the one. That's my domain. I get it. That's the wife's job.

I think so, too. How to find real men of God who follow Jesus first and with their whole heart and lives. You answer that. Well, first you have to pray to God. Mm-hmm.

For him to reveal your future husband to you, but also I think you need to be focusing on digging into the word and getting your life together. Don't you agree? Yeah, of course. Yeah, I mean, a lot of women are quite trashy, actually, and they're looking around for men, and it's like you're dressing- Well, you're dressing for a different demographic than you're looking for is what you're meaning. Yeah, and they don't act with piety or with purity, and so men want what they can't find or they can't see, so keep that in mind. Leave something to the imagination. Yeah, and just don't act with trash and don't act- Be classy. Be a lady. Yeah, don't act like a feminist. I'm sorry.

No, these are great. No, no, no. Just tell the truth. We have to tell the truth. Okay, we have to. This is why they're asking questions.

We're not going to do Patty Cake Christian podcast where people are like, it's all going to work out. Go get them. Like, no, just stop looking like a bum. Brush your hair. Yeah, wash your hair. Lose some weight. Brush your teeth. Eat healthy. Yeah.

Take your vitamins. I am considering dating my best friend, but I am afraid to ruin the relationship. Well, women shouldn't have best male friends. So does she mean like she's a lesbian? I don't think she's a lesbian if she's submitting these through my Instagram.

Well, maybe she is. But women shouldn't have male friends. Okay, you're saying in a relationship a woman shouldn't have a male friend?

Just in general, I think it's really unhealthy. So if I was single, and you were single, you wouldn't be my friend because I'm not allowed to have male friends. Usually it ends up the man is gay, because all really men want is relationship. Like an idea of a man having a female friend, it's all a facade. So you're saying that obviously the male is friends with you for a reason.

Yeah, he wants to be with you romantically. But not every male feels that way. Some males might be like, Oh, you're like a sister to me.

That's what they might say. In your head, when they say that that means they're gay. Well, they might have homosexual tendencies. If they want to be your friend? I don't like real men don't have female friends. Okay. They might have acquaintances like people you know, but like real deep friendship. You're saying like a super, super best friend? Yes.

Okay, that's what she said. So you're saying either that guy is obviously gay, which women feel comfortable with. Right. And gay men enjoy female friends, which is a thing. Right.

Or he's only doing that because he actually wants it to lead to romance. So should she take the, should she do it? Yeah, but I don't know if again, I don't know if she's a lesbian or not.

Okay, so she's not a lesbian that maybe? Yeah, of course. What are you waiting for? There we go.

There we go. Okay. How to start a new relationship in a godly way as a teen girl? I don't think you should have. I don't think you should be focusing on relationships when you're a teen.

Well, definitely save yourself for marriage. Depends what teen is it 17, 18? I don't know. I was so focused on basketball, like playing in college. I was not in school. I was not thinking about teen girl answers are all you. I don't know.

God bless our daughter. How do you know if you just haven't met the right person or if you need personal growth? That's a good question. Everyone needs personal growth. Yeah, that's one of the big problems is that, you know, I get these emails from these 33 year old cat ladies that are really angry. They don't have a man.

It's like, have you spent time getting smarter, getting fitter, growing deeper in the word, becoming more interesting, become funnier, become wiser. Everyone can grow, men and women. Right. And so if you don't have a partner, it's because of you. It's not because of the world.

And they're like, all the men are gone or the world's against me. You're not trying hard enough, honey. I'm sorry.

You're just not putting enough commitment into it. OK, so so it's you. It's about personal growth. It's about showing up, going to church, making yourself available, making yourself as attractive as possible, putting yourself in positions, making yourself interesting, reading books, listening to podcasts, becoming really aware of current events. Right.

It's like really understanding how, you know, you work as a physical being. Right. And I think you should always have personal growth, like even if you're even if you haven't. OK, you haven't met the right person.

But even when you do meet the right person, like both of us are really big on constant improvement. If you're not growing, you're dying. And Tony Robbins talks about this a lot, who I like.

He isn't outspokenly Christian, but he is a Christian. Right. And he talks about it in the Bible a lot, which is that if you aren't growing, you're going to be depressed. One of the main reasons why people are depressed or anxious is they're not growing.

And so you have to set goals for yourself, physical fitness goals or reading the books or learning a language. And that literally is actually what triggers dopamine, which is the reward molecule. Or putting yourself in social positions that might make you uncomfortable, like going to a new Bible study.

Yes, yes, exactly. Or meeting new people. I mean, and so you have to know what is good for you and then commit yourself to that. If you think you've already reached your destination at 25, well, then, of course, you'd be depressed.

And that's why we have so many kids committing suicide and so many kids on drugs is they don't make personal growth a priority for their own life. I agree. How to know when you have found the one? You know. If you're asking the question, then you don't. No, it's so true.

If you're asking if that person's the one, then you haven't found the one. That's right. I knew.

So did I. No. You grilled me at Bill's Burgers. I did. And you passed the test.

Oh, man, that was great. Okay. Please talk about missionary dating. Thinking you can win someone over to Christ. Very bad idea.

I think so too. Do not date to change them. That's a really bad idea. It'd be different if you're dating them and you're like, oh, we can up your wardrobe. But if you're trying to completely change them.

Like me. No, baby, you were fine. You were great. No, I wasn't. We just needed to enhance a few things. Shoes. There we go.

A little tighter fit of clothes. No, but you have to have the same worldview of the person you want to marry. So dating is not a recreation. So if you're recreationally dating and you're like, oh, I can change you, you're dating for the wrong reason.

Right. Because that parlays into another question about interfaith marriage. Bad idea. Do not do it. Like Catholic and a Jew was an example.

Do not do that. I mean, Catholic and Protestant can work because the big things are in agreement, but even that at times could be really tough. I know, it's still tough. Right. Because then you're dealing with baptism.

Yeah. I mean, if you do not agree on heaven, hell, redemption, sin, the scriptures, which Catholics and Protestants largely agree, there's some big disagreements, then you should not marry that person. You should absolutely break up and find somebody else. Do not try to change them either because they'll always either they'll fake change. If it's a true conversion, great, but that's very rare. Or it's a fake change or they'll change with resentment. I was going to say they'll resent and then they'll hold it over you as soon as there's a conflict.

Like, I became a Catholic just for you and I don't even believe this stuff. And I mean, who's going to educate your kids? What are you going to teach them? What prayers are you going to say? What holidays?

Yeah. What holidays are you going to observe? Are you going to Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Hanukkah, or Christmas and Easter? Which Pentecost are you going to observe? The Christian Pentecost or the the Judaic Pentecost?

It's a bad idea. What is the Judaic Pentecost? It's about the same time. Is it the same time?

If penit means 50, so it's like 50 days post Passover is what Pentecost is supposed to be. Do you agree with women dropping the handkerchief to get in contact with a guy she likes or a guy she would want to pursue her? I don't know what dropping the handkerchief means. I guess like my my assumption would be like faking like a damsel in distress or like you're dropping easy. You're drop the handkerchief to get attention from the guy. I guess it's like the Oh, Daisy says it's like giving a hint.

Is that a Gen Z? Is that like a heterosexual dropping the soap? I can't. Just that I've never I've never heard these terms before.

Are you enjoying this Daisy? This is if you're dropping the soap and you're a woman trying to get in contact with a guy where that's not Christian. But no, I don't. I don't know. So should women give a hint? Yeah, they could give hints. Yeah. They don't have to be aggressive. It's the man's job to approach the woman.

Right. But the woman doesn't have to be aggressive to from the standpoint of ultimatums of like we first we just met. I mean, there's something to be said, though, for being saying I'm intentionally dating you. I'm not just dating you to date. But yeah, I mean, but deep down women want to be approached deep down women want to be led by men.

I totally agree. Okay. I have never there's a few questions in here. I have never been pursued for the right reasons. I worry about my future husband's free will.

Will he not choose me? How does God work with women not being pursued and therefore his image of Christ in church? Christian women are waiting. And how about how a lot of us are not being pursued? I think she's just basically saying why Christian women aren't being pursued. Well, she's if she's been pursued for the wrong reasons, and I don't want to assume too much. She's probably been preyed on for her physical beauty and not for what she considers to be, you know, her spirituality.

So she has to be more pious and how she presents herself. I'm making a lot of assumptions here if that's the case, right. For example, very few women say, you know what, the guy only cares about my sense of humor and doesn't care about my body.

Like, that's not exactly a thing. So the subtext of her question, he loves my eyebrows. Yeah, exactly.

It's like he only cares about, you know, my writing skills and he won't care about, you know, my fitness. So she's implying that men pursue her only for physical reasons. So then she has to be more pious in how she presents herself, how she dresses. Then she said something, why aren't Christian women being approached or pursued? Because a lot of men are weak versions of their former selves. They're basically metrosexuals, you know, skinny jeans and basically very cowardly women looking men. But I feel like though too, women have a tendency, the older that you get as a woman not married, you're more aggressive and a little bit more hardened, bitter, right? So when a guy pursues you or tries to approach you and if they don't do it the right way, you immediately like snap.

Yeah, that's right. And they feel entitled to a man. There's a lot of entitlement for, because I mean, think about it. If you're a late 20, early 30 something cat lady, you probably have a lot of corporate success. You probably got really good grades in college, right? You probably are really well respected amongst your family for like socioeconomic.

You probably are not in a lot of debt. And so this understandably creates a lot of frustration because they have a good credit score, right? They have a lot of friends. They can go on nice trips to Belize, but the one thing they can't figure out is why I want a man love me.

And which is sad. Well, it's sad, but they have a great credit score, but they don't have a man because they probably, they might've prioritized it upside down. And the not so hidden secret is your prime as a lady is 20 to 25. So be careful squandering that just on corporate success and good grades in college.

Well, if you take care of yourself, your prime kind of extends a little, but no, it does. Like a lot of ladies lose that and then I know what you mean. They need to hear that though. Like there's a 21 year old probably listening to this being like, Oh, I can go get good grades at Stanford, fool around, sleep around. And then a man will love me when I'm 32 or 33. It's a risk. Right.

And your egg production goes down and you know, here is just a, it's a, it's a fact of life. Men in their thirties reach more of a dating prime and young ladies do not, young women do not. We were talking about it the other day about how an older guy. Yes. Like a 38. Yeah. He did not want to date a 32.

We both know a Christian eligible about bachelor, tall, you know, charismatic, whatever. All that stuff. Checks the boxes. Yeah. But will not date someone who is like between 30, 35 has to be between 20.

He said it was like 24 to 27. Yeah. And I don't think he's being totally fair, but I, but then on the flip side, I get why he doesn't want to date that guy.

No, no. We know girls, we know young ladies that don't want to date older men, but that, that will change. I mean, the thing about older men is they're usually financially stable or established in career. And like a 23 year old, 24 year old, that's too big of an age gap. I think a decade is too long of an age gap.

I think five to seven years is fine, but a decade you're in total, you're in different generations. You have different slang. You have different TV shows. Yeah. So we love Frasier.

Frasier is amazing. That's not even within our age range. Okay. Advice for learning to submit to your man if you naturally take charge and are a leader. So I think there's a difference between being an alpha female within the sphere that you operate in from like work standpoint, friendship circles, all of that. But when it comes to your husband, you are always, he is your alpha.

You are always to submit to your husband and not in a way of slave versus master, but in a help mate way because you and your husband are one. Yeah. The reason she's asking this question is her husband's not leaving. So he's leaving the pants on the ground and she's picking them up.

Yeah. And so if a wife ever even asked this question, it's a hundred percent the man's fault for not taking charge because no woman who's being led well be like, I have real trouble, trouble submitting or so, you know, trouble. It just means that he's probably a drunk or he's watching pornography or I'm not saying he is doing these things. No, but typically this is the behavioral pattern we see is when young moms or women are like, I am a go getter. That's fine. But if you even have that kind of thought process, that means that your husband is not doing his job, right?

Because I never have that issue with him. Thank you. Thank you.

Thanks so well, babe. OK. How to date for marriage and how to best communicate that to the potential man. First date.

Tell him I want to marry you. Just be like, I'm not here to play around. No, I know. Date with intention. Yeah.

This is not if this is just fun or a hobby. We're done. Totally. But the woman, the woman has to say that. See, women have this built in fear of rejection and it makes them do weird things. So women have to be OK with being rejected early.

And I was we were talking about this to some extent. I think you need to have all of the spheres of your life kind of built out to. So you're not just so heavily fixated and anxiety driven over just that one small little. I mean, it's a big part of your life.

But if you're so focused on I need to find a man, I need to find a man, I need to find a man, you're looking at your life from a lack view standpoint versus being like, wow, I have an incredible life. I have a great family. I have this.

I have that. I have that point of abundance and then being so absorbed and focused on the amazing things that you're building and you're growing that God will bring up someone alongside you. That's not going to distract you from that's right. All the amazing things that you have in your life.

I agree. So you can't even be depressed because the guys right there. OK. What has kept your relationship alive? Quality time.

Constant growth. Yeah. And adversity. If adversity actually can make a relationship stronger, I mean, an external adversity, our travel schedule, all the people that want to murder us, you know. Death threats. Yeah.

We bond well. You know, complacency is the death of anything. Right. So we have a different fear, which is too crazy. But I think we've done a good job with the Shabbat of dialing that out. But do you want to talk about that?

Yeah. A lot of people don't. Well, if you look, it's it's a great thing for you. Every single Christian should be honoring the Shabbat. Not because I think you're commanded, because that's debated.

But because it's one of the coolest, the most amazing. It is biblical. Yeah.

Things ever. God rested on the seventh day of creation. And so every Friday night we do the Shabbat dinner and, you know, do our version of the Kaddish, which is the Jewish prayer.

And in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And just Shabbat means stop. And then what do you do? I turn my phone off from Friday night to Sunday morning. Put it in the kitchen drawer.

I put it right in the kitchen drawer. I'm untouchable. And so it's just a reminder of a couple of things. Again, everything is what you do with it. But that God created the heavens and the earth, that you didn't create this, that you're just a sole little speck of a member there. So it should be humbling.

You could pridefully do it, too, you know, in anything. But I think I think that commandment, which, depending on what what how you detail it, I guess the third commandment, third or fourth commandment, well, it's do not take the Lord's name in vain, I think. Depends.

It depends how you break it. It is the only ritual in the Ten Commandments. And it is for six days you shall work and for the seventh day you shall rest.

So we're commanded to work for six days, which we do good and do very well, I should say. And I think it keeps families together. Totally. Yeah. I think also, too, something that's really special is that we always ask each other, we check in with each other constantly throughout the day of like, how can I make your day better? How can I help you with this? How can I serve you with that?

How can I just like constantly being able to see, I mean, just check in and touch base? Yeah. That's right. Okay. What if he checks all the boxes, but you're not attracted to him? Well, then you should not marry him.

Well, he obviously didn't check all the boxes. Well, I mean, yeah, attraction is absolutely so unbelievably important or else it's just going to be you might as well just get a sperm donor. Are you laughing, Daisy? Okay.

Well, I mean, obviously looks fades. You can't be like super fixated on that. Is this a woman asking this question? Yeah. But women can be attracted to men that are unkept for other reasons.

Okay. But here's the thing. You can't, you can, if he is super smart, but he needs a haircut or he needs to groom himself a little bit better or something, a guy can change a lot between the ages of 20 to 25 or 25 to 30, like their face changes a little bit. Do you know what I mean? She wouldn't ask this question if there wasn't a major, and by the way, that's an unusual question for a female because most females don't consider looks to be nearly as important as character or financial stability.

I don't know. Genetics is a big thing. Like you're looking, that's your kid might look more like him than you. Yeah. And very rarely do I hear from women, I'm not attracted to him, but he checks all the other boxes. That's, that's, that's rare. That's, that's a very visually stimulated female, which is usually a male characteristic. So are you saying she's a lesbian? Just kidding. Why are we getting so many lesbian submissions? We could be. I don't know.

We're getting trolled. Okay. How do you cope with feeling that God does not hear your prayers regarding relationships? I feel like God always hears your prayers. It's just, he's answering them in a way that you might not like. Yeah, that's, that's exactly how I would have answered it. That's exactly right. He hears all prayers, but there's a lot of pride in that question respectfully that you are so important that God is your celestial butler to ask for all your questions, ask for all your stuff.

Love the lamp. Yeah. God is not the room service phone at the hotel at four seasons. Yeah. I want a burger.

I want a milkshake. That's not God. It's not the way it works. It's a, she has a unbiblical view of God. Prayer is a petition to the divine out of obedience and gratitude and piety and service and duty. You don't, you don't go to God. And God, I also want the Corvette. It's not your Amazon shopping cart.

No, literally. But he also, he hears your prayers, but also too, if you feel like he's not quote unquote delivering you, you're human in time. I feel like it's also because you still have a lot of growth to do yourself.

He's still trying to prune from your life, maybe a past relationship, or maybe he's trying to get something out of your life that you're holding on to make you more obedient to do things you're not doing. Right. Maybe you should stop going to the TV show or go club or stop drinking alcohol or lose 10 pounds or whatever. Yes. Well, there's a great, there's a great, uh, song, I think it's by Toby Keith, thank God for unanswered prayers. It's true. If you think every prayer you're giving, you know exactly how it's going to end up. That's a very arrogant, prideful way of looking at the sovereignty of God. Well, and too, that means you don't understand how beautiful God's will is. That's right.

Because God's will will always be way better than anything you could have ever. Yeah. And to this person's question is she's obviously in pain. So I would just have her change her opinion and instead she should have, instead of why is God not answering my prayer, what am I not yet doing to find my future mate to get to the place where only God can open the door? I believe God meets us halfway. Yeah.

And you know what I would recommend her doing too is instead of right, instead of in her mind thinking God's not answering her prayers, she should look back in her life and write down the things that God saved her from, that she thought that she wanted and write and meditate and pray on the things that God saved you from that you thought you needed. Okay. Next question.

Should a son-in-law and a daughter-in-law honor the parents of the partner? Yes. Absolutely.

Because it's your marriage. You're now one. Well, no, just practically it makes life a lot easier. A hundred percent.

No, totally. I'm very blessed. We have the best in-laws. I have the best in-laws ever. We have a great family. She's the best. Yeah, we have a great... We just have a great unit.

Yes, we do. Great family all together. I would say absolutely, you are one, but it makes your spouse's life infinitely easier. Well, and two, their parents are like your parents, I'm grateful for it because they brought you into the world. Yes, and they raised me. And so...

Taught you how to use a spoon and a fork and a knife and everything else. A hundred percent. Yes.

The answer is one hundred percent yes. Okay. Good question.

Where to meet single conservative Christian men in their thirties? You know where? Amfest. Yeah. That's right.

You can go to But also church. They're church. They're pastor.

Yeah. Just the pastor's wife. Most pastor's wives operate as like Christian mingle. So with that said though, some churches when they know that you're single, it's the most awkward because you're in a group. Let's say you're in a youth, not a youth group, but a younger group and everyone knows you're single and then it's like if someone starts flirting with you, then another guy's like, oh, that guy's flirting with her, I'm going to not touch her. Yeah. I mean, my experience is that whether it be uncles, aunts, cousins, if you really want to get married and you're in your thirties and you feel like your biological clock is ticking, which obviously you do as a female, then you need to kind of be a little aggressive, which is not a female characteristic naturally, and text everyone and say, I'm looking for a mate.

Can you set? And you're going to probably have some pretty awful dates. I'm just being honest.

That's what once you get into your thirties and you're unmarried, I hope every 20 something woman hears me, you get in a little desperation mode. But then it also too, you have to be careful from the standpoint of you, your CVS list receipt of non-negotiables is going to have to, yeah, it's got to get to be like 10 be chopped or like four. Yeah. Or two.

You're going to have to have like an Einstein. Yeah. I know. A young lady texted you recently. She's like, I want this and I want this and I want this and that. I was like, geez, are you like customizing a Ford Explorer? Yeah, she was like customizing, literally. Like, and I want the, you know, the heated seats and I want the four wheel drive and satellite radio.

The spinning rims. Wow. That's, that's a very narrow path. Should you just get married if you don't feel peace about it yet? No, absolutely not.

I totally agree. No. Marriage is not just a- No, absolutely not. You need to find, you need to find a pastor to help sort that out. See, that's the thing though, is that I don't think the weight of marriage, I don't know if it's as appreciated. And that's, it's better to not marry than marry wrongly.

I completely agree. And I'm not, I'm a huge fan of marriage, but if you have any sort of lack of Shalom, then you need to find a pastor and figure that out. It's either on you or it's on them.

And then if you need to have the intellectual and spiritual courage to admit, maybe it's you, commitment issues, your father left you, stuff like that. Does equally yoked mean commitment to Jesus or theological knowledge? I don't know.

You'd have to ask a pastor that, I don't know. Well- Probably both. I mean- I would say it would have to do somewhat with both. Not, not- Yeah, I don't want to speak out of turn theologically.

No, that's true. There are some people that feel as though, as long as they say Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, that means we're equally yoked. But then there might be some theological things where they might- Yeah, I mean, first of all, you need to have the same worldview. And so the Catholic-Protestant thing can work, but it's still risky. But you need to believe in the inerrancy of Scripture. If you both believe in that, Jesus is the King of the world, Nicene Creed, if you don't believe in that, then you're not equally yoked.

It's not fair because, I mean, if your husband's a theologian, you're not going to know as much as he does. No. Right? So that's not exactly a fair question. So I don't think so. Okay. So then a lot of these questions, just to skim through, is like 33 and single, no prospects, any advice, or heading into 30s plus and single, hitting the deadline, but still being single and feeling the pressure of that. I just- I don't mean to speak down to these people.

And we're going to get so many hateful emails, I don't care. It's like someone needs to tell you that you have to focus on your personal growth, your walk with Christ, right? Do not blame others.

Because guess why? For no other reason, then that's very unattractive to other men. A man has a certain, you know, men are not necessarily atmospherically very aware of things, but men can sense bitterness in a woman like immediately, and it's very unattractive. Right. So a 33-year-old single male- Oh, male's got plenty of time.

He'll figure it out. No, I understand, but is when a 33-year-old single man meets a 33-year-old single woman, the tension there is- Yeah, the man is probably financially stable, just beginning to look for his options. And the woman is like, I only have 30 seconds left on the clock.

I know. And that really does suck for the woman. It does suck, but I'm just reiterating, the culture lied to her.

And so I hope she's able to find her mate. No, I understand, because she put career and stuff first, but it was almost like also too, what if their parents were like, you have to find a job and go and do this and go to college and do that. A lot of boomer parents have created really anxious 33-year-old women.

No, I could not agree more. And these boomer parents were like, well, I'm glad you didn't get married at 23. Are you? No, but that's exactly- You don't have grandkids. That is exactly right, because they said, you need to go to the Ivy League school, you need to get the top job, work your way up through Google, and then- Get on the pill. Get on the pill. We don't want you to get pregnant when you're 19.

Well, obviously you don't want to go to the pill. Or even 26 or 27. You don't even start seriously dating.

Right. And then now the parent is now- They're like, where are your grandkids? And then it creates a lot of acrimony in the family. So I mean, my heart goes out for these women that are in their thirties.

I don't have easy answers for you though, because I don't want, I don't lie, I don't mislead people. No, but okay, so let's create, because we're closing out, let's create kind of a checklist if you will, because a lot of these questions were submitted by women who are still single looking for the guy, what's, take care of yourself. So okay, what about this? Take care of yourself from the inside, meaning- Spiritually nourish yourself.

Correct. But also too, take your vitamins. Don't drink. Do not, you should- Take some time off drinking.

Yeah, that's a great idea. So if you are looking for a man, literally alcohol is a toxin, it ages you. Right. So if you are looking for a man, zero alcohol, zero drugs. Why don't you make a commitment to yourself to stop drinking?

That's a big one. Until you find- Or ever. Why does anyone drink? I totally agree.

You and I are the same. So stop drinking, stop smoking or doing, you know- I would hope so. That would- Yeah, I mean, this goes to my point.

If you're 33 and you're telling us you can't find someone and you're doing a marble pack a day- Or rolling blunts. Yeah. Yeah. You're not exactly making the case.

Right. But I don't, I doubt your listeners are like that. Well, I don't know. You just told me I had two lesbians that are submitting questions. No, I didn't say that. I don't know. I said what woman- Riley, we're going to have to comb through these.

What woman has a best friend that's a man, like, that's very strange. Okay. Well, so taking care of yourself, vitamins, eating healthy, comb your hair, like shower. Yeah. And I would even go as far to say, like, embrace every trick in the naturopathic world to like fight aging.

A hundred percent. Yeah. Working out- Take your vitamins. Saunas, cold tubs, tanning, vitamin D levels, get your hormones balanced. Right.

Lips on screen. You can extend that clock a little bit further than even some people, you don't have to surrender to it. Like, don't eat carbohydrates. Don't eat refined sugars. You know another thing that's really interesting, it's super, it's kind of superficial, but if the girl has her nails done and is like, well- Presented, yes. You know, that's a thing. Yeah, and then have a, I mean, I don't know the wardrobe thing as well as you do, obviously with- Dress classy. Dress classy. And so you have to do everything- Carry yourself.

Possible, yes. Right. Carry yourself knowing that you have self-worth. And then you have to go into environments that might make you uncomfortable- Right. To find a future match.

And you know, Dennis- And when you go there, don't be rude and pompous when you meet the man. Yeah, so that's the other thing, is that you have to basically surrender to God. I mean, surrender is the only way, otherwise the anxiety will absolutely kill you.

I see it happen all the time. And you don't have to immediately go to dinner. You can grab coffee. Yeah, sure.

I mean, again, nothing will be more unattractive for an eligible bachelor man than desperation. Well, okay, so in New York City, it would be like a thing where a guy would come in and be like, okay, so I have drinks with Bethany at six and then I have dinner with, give me another girl's name. Cindy. Cindy at 730.

And then whatever they have a nightcap with. What's another name? Rolanda. Okay. These are real names.

Rolanda. That reminds me of that thing we watched the other day. Huh? The sweet tea thing. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Anyways, so guys, sometimes there are some guys, I mean, like in New York City that stack their schedule like that, because they're just here's the thing.

People are going to email us. They say it's not fair. You're right. It's not fair. The game is rigged for men right now.

In that way. Men have a longer clock. That's harder to find a man. In Arizona, there's like three times the amount of single women.

It's unbelievable. Yeah. So it's just that's why I got so many lesbians, right?

Because they want to find somebody. They're all my followers, apparently. No, it's just it's just the way it is. So. Okay.

So then to close out that list, because we got to go. Like you're healthy, putting yourself in uncomfortable positions that are going to be productive towards personal growth. And then I think to spiritually nourish your spirit and like be so in just ingrained with the word and the word so imprinted on your heart that it will literally take God saying that's him. And you'll know. Amen. And you'll know.

That's where piety comes in. And he'll treat you so well. And it doesn't matter if you're in LA. It doesn't matter if you're in New York City. I was in New York City and I found you.

That's right. Well, you didn't weren't from New York City. You kind of plopped in to Bill's Burgers.

Everyone check out Proclaim Streetwear. If we offended you, maybe you needed to hear it. It was tough.

Maybe it was a. Yeah, it all comes in love. Tough love from the kirks. We don't do happy talk. I can't stand these Christian podcasts. Sit around and God will deliver you your future mate and keep eating Krispy Kreme. It's a bunch of nonsense. Okay.

Like improve, improve yourself out of obedience and duty to the divine. Thanks so much for listening. Everybody email us your thoughts as always freedom at

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