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Ask Charlie Anything 154: America After 9/11? Best Bible Verse for Today?

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
July 31, 2023 5:00 am

Ask Charlie Anything 154: America After 9/11? Best Bible Verse for Today?

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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July 31, 2023 5:00 am

Charlie and Blake take the questions you email them at including:


-Why was America's reaction to 9/11 so damaging to the country?

-Why does the left dislike the First Amendment so much?

-What Bible verse applies best to the challenges facing America today?

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That's, the only gold company I trust. Hey everybody, happy Monday, Ask Me Anything episode. We talk about what Bible verse do I think connects to today's times.

I think you'll be surprised, but I think it fits. We also talk about our regime post 9-11, and I take your questions that you've emailed me, freedom at You can do to support our program.

In fact, it's a great way to get behind the work we are doing. Dan Bongino, Patrick Byrne, Tucker Carlson, Steve Bannon, Megan Kelly. We have exclusive conversations with all of them. That is Get involved with Turning Point USA today at

That is Buckle up everybody, here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country.

He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

Brought to you by the loan experts I trust, Andrew and Todd at Sierra Pacific Mortgage at Welcome back, everybody. One of the most insightful aspects of George Orwell's 1984, which should be thoroughly studied and read by all patriotic citizens, is this idea that an illegitimate regime needs to be perpetually at war. You need an enemy. And after 9-11, it was easy to hate the Taliban, hate Saddam Hussein, hate ISIS, well ISIS didn't exist, hate the radical extremist Muslims in the Middle East.

But of course, there's a supply and demand problem. It's easy to spin people up against an enemy. And sometimes those enemies are legitimate. I'm glad we went to war against the Nazis. I'm glad we went to war against the Japanese. I'm glad we went to war against the British in the Revolutionary War.

But sometimes we pick and choose wars that are bad choices. 9-11 and our reaction to 9-11 is one of the main reasons we're living through the garbage of what we're living through. For example, we could have reacted from 9-11 and we could have said, we're going to close down our borders.

We're going to build a southern border wall. There was such a political mandate for whatever the regime wanted after 9-11. They could have done anything. You know what they could have said? They could have said, as a lesson from this, we're going to balance our budget and keep inflation in place because they might take down our towers. But if they destroy our economy, that will be the true gut punch to our republic. They could have said, we're going to have a national infrastructure works project to just appease some of the Democrats and union workers. They could have said that we need to have stricter immigration and have reform of who comes in this country. Because remember, 9-11 was as much an immigration failure, even more so than it was an intelligence failure. Bush and Cheney had an unprecedented mandate.

Now, for some of the, let's say, more speculative people in our audience, they believe that Bush and Cheney knew 9-11 was going to happen. I'm not going to go there, guys. OK? I know I'm going to get the emails.

I'm not doing that today. I actually think that's a rather inconsequential element to this discussion. But instead, we did, in my opinion, one of the dumbest things we could do. We decided to break, invade, and clumsily engage in a no-win war in two areas of sand and death. Hell holes. Afghanistan and Iraq.

No-win wars. Instead of reinvesting in the country and realizing that, boy, this is terrible what happened, we got involved in quagmires. We soon realized Bob Mueller changed the FBI from an intelligence, I'm sorry, from a law enforcement agency to an intelligence agency. We started DHS. We started TSA. We started all these different agencies. And at the time, their focus was on radical Islamic terrorism.

Great. But then a supply and demand problem set in. We ran out of radical Islamic terrorists to spy on. So then we expanded a little bit further, and in the movie Snowden, I think it's one of the most powerful parts of the movie, where it showed that the National Security Agency, the NSA, they needed to hit quotas. They wanted to get bonuses based on how many terrorists they could find. So they started to expand their idea of a terrorist, and there's this incredibly powerful part of the movie Snowden, where they find some guy who's like loosely affiliated with a cousin of a Pakistani in London, and he has a daughter he's sending to an American school, and he may have met with somebody who may have also done a wire transfer with somebody that once visited with someone near a terrorist in Dubai. And on all of that, the NSA said, yeah, I can go look at all of the private messages, the direct messages, you know, the emails. And so then that net started to get further because they had to hit quotas, had to hit quotas, had to hit quotas.

We have this $200 billion budget. We have to find terrorists. We have to find terrorists to defend the homeland.

But were you really defending the homeland? And yeah, in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, it was still centered on radical Islamic terrorists. But around 2013 or 2014, as the new era of indoctrinated millennials, the Obama era progressives started to take leadership positions in the FBI and the DHS, all of a sudden, the radical Islamic terrorism kind of stopped being an emphasis.

2013, 2014, and 2015 rolled around. That guy went down the golden escalator and the press immediately went into full freak out mode and said, oh, my goodness, this is going to be right wing white supremacist, domestic violent extremism. This massive beast that was created post 9-11 that was supposed to keep us safe, went through a metamorphosis, went through a transformation. What was once designed to keep us safe from another 9-11 is now publicly being positioned as a secret police, a Gestapo for the Democrat Party.

I'm going to play some pieces of tape to confirm all this, that our reaction to 9-11 has created the tyranny that we are now living through. All right, you've probably heard me, it's actually now 25 pounds that I have lost. And I'm sure some of you say, oh, Charlie, I've tried everything, that was me. You know, my first Zoom call with my Ph.D. weight loss, I was kind of skeptical. I was like, come on, guys, all right, I've learned this whole thing before about about about about. And boy, was I wrong. They know what they're doing, my Ph.D. weight loss.

Look, this is 100 percent legit. And people say, well, Charlie, you've lost so much weight. And I say, yeah, my Ph.D. weight loss. Hello.

But look, they have a different approach. And it's Dr. Ashley Lucas. She's great. I text with her.

She does a really, really good job. Twenty five pounds, I'll tell you. And I have more energy and I'm healthier than ever before. Here's why. The program rids your body of the inflammation that is causing so many health problems. If you look around today, America is the fattest it has ever been. Our families, friends and neighbors are dying of diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer's now called T3 diabetes. Ph.D. has helped so many people who want to have a good active life, play with their grandkids, travel, hike to a waterfall, go for a bike ride.

But their weight was holding them hostage. They don't want any of you on experimental drugs for your brain degeneration from Alzheimer's or homebound with an oxygen tank for heart failure. My Ph.D. weight loss knows that losing weight is the best thing for overall health. We are way too fat as a society. And here's the thing.

If you're listening to this and you say, boy, I'm a little overweight, it's perfectly fine. Do something about it. Use your free will, your agency, say, you know what, I'm just not where I want to be.

This is an empowerment tool for you. All of these things can be prevented. You look at heart disease, what they now call diabesity. By the way, there's a great new book by Dr. Peter Attia about longevity.

You want to live long? Lose weight. Look, Dr. Ashley Lucas, she is the master of this and she is the genius behind my Ph.D. weight loss. So you can call them today at 864-644-1900.

That is 864-644-1900. By the way, this is not like a sign up and you're automatically going to lose weight. You got to do some work. You got to apply yourself. It's not a too good to be true thing. But if you have motivation, they will channel that motivation towards a very positive, measurable and real outcome. Find them online at

Tell them Charlie Kirk sent you. That is Ph.D. weight loss and nutrition. Physician and dietitian developed, individually delivered. Again, I lost 25 pounds and I feel great.

If you think you've tried everything, you're wrong until you say you've tried my Ph.D. weight loss. They map you as a whole person. It's not like, hey, just read this book. No, no, no, no. It's a deep dive. It's personalized. It's going to get results for you. So cut 57 ready. Mary McFord says that the First Amendment is being weaponized by extremist Republicans. It is not enough that they're indicting Donald Trump, that they're indicting the maintenance man, that they've indicted Steve Bannon, that they've come after Dinesh D'Souza. They raid James O'Keefe's apartment.

They come after Rudy Giuliani. That's not enough. They think they're going to have a serious problem until they can change the First Amendment. You know, it's an interesting thing. Thank goodness we are not a democracy. I'd say, well, that's a provocative thing to say.

Well, I'm going to prove it to you. Sometimes the heated passions of the people can be very bad for natural rights. According to a new poll, a 70 percent, 70 percent of Democrats believe that the government should censor misinformation, what they deem as misinformation.

It's not even in quotes, misinformation. 70 percent of Democrats and Democrat-leading independents support speech limits. They're done hearing about right-wingers having a right to speak. They just want to take over the country and revolutionize it, and they see speech as a threat, speech as, honestly, it's not even a threat.

I think Blake would agree with this. They look at it as an annoyance more than a threat. It's almost an irritation for them.

But why do I have to keep on putting up with these people, complaining and asking questions? They just pay their talented communicators, like Walsh and Shapiro and Owens and Kirk. And it's not that they have good ideas. It's just that they're, they're sophists. The way they justify the suppression of speech is that their ideas are bad, but they're beautifully presented using sophistry.

Sophists were the people in the streets, I think of ancient Greece, that presented bad ideas rather convincingly. That's how they teach speech in the university. Not that everyone has a moral right to speech, not that the best ideas are going to win. And the Democrats love censorship so much, they did it at a censorship hearing.

I'll play those tapes in a second. But here it is. Mary McFord, MSNBC, the First Amendment is being weaponized by extremist Republicans, aka, we're allowed to speak. The Democrat Party does not believe in speech. It's an annoyance for them.

Play cut 57. The First Amendment does not protect violence or incitement to imminent violence. But the line about where that is and when a threat becomes that type of incitement to imminent violence or violence itself is something that the courts have struggled with over time. And I think that that's been essentially weaponized by extremists to really push that envelope. So here's their argument. They say democracy is good because the people can choose what is true and false. But sometimes the people pick the wrong idea because of misinformation. So we need to get rid of that misinformation. It's the only explanation of why we lose. That is perfectly put together, Blake.

That is perfect. You see, they scrap for reasons why they're not in total power. Why don't we control the governor's mansion in Texas? Our ideas are so good as left-wingers, it's because of that pesky free speech. They think free speech is good, but it's not. They think free speech is the right of everyone to speak in support of Democrats. They think free speech is that you can yell as loud as you want in support of the Democrat regime, but not RFK. They do not believe that freedom of speech is freedom of ideas. They believe that it's the freedom to agree. It's unbelievable. RFK Junior gets this, understands that the Democrat Party have become hordes of mini Joseph Stallons.

Play cut six. And it's inevitable that if you do start censoring speech, because government abuses every power that it's given. And if government suddenly has the capacity to censor its critics, it has a license for any atrocity. Boy, he's talking like a libertarian, not like a liberal. I mean, I disagree with libertarianism on some stuff, but that one-liner, government abuses every power you give it.

Hard to disagree with that, especially what we're living through. Freedom of speech is the most basic test of a society's self-confidence. Scared tyrants fear speech. Maniacal, neurotic tyrants who are unpopular must be able to shut up the opposition. Put political dissidents in prison. Put their opposition leaders in prison. And this is the whole ballgame. This is why they need another January 6 for their power.

MSNBC guest Paul Reicoff, he acknowledges what I have built up in this portion of programming. After 9-11, we created the Department of Homeland Security. There was the Patriot Act. We now need the same thing against right-wingers.

Play cut 58. I mean, we're in a battle for hearts and minds. And there are people who are on the fence. You've got to have leaders and messages and messengers and programs that get to those people, that bring them over into community organizing and into nonprofit organizations and away from the Patriot front and the oath keepers. And I think the parallels with 9-11 are important.

We've talked about this before. After 9-11, the laws didn't work. Like, they've made massive changes to respond to a new threat. And I think we have to face the fact that many of our structures, laws and policies may not work. After 9-11, we created the Department of Homeland Security. There was the Patriot Act. There was massive change in our entire society to face the number one threat or at least what was communicated as a number one threat. I think we need the same kind of tectonic shift. It's got to be much more than see something, say something. But maybe our laws need to change.

Maybe our laws need to change this new tectonic shift. Speech de-radicalizes a country. Speech allows us to agree more than we disagree. Speech lowers the temperature in the room. Speech allows good ideas to be introduced. Speech creates nuance. Why is the country so divided?

I get asked all the time. Because we can't speak. And the left does not want to have speech.

They do not have the self-confidence to endure different ideas. When I go to a college campus, I say, anybody who disagrees with me can go to the front of the line. That's an open invitation. If you think you are a talented communicator, if you think your ideas are so good, come to a college campus and ask me a question.

Let's have a conversation. Matt Walsh does the same thing. Candace Owens does the same thing. Ben Shapiro does the same thing. I don't know many, if any, leftists, when they get an opportunity to be in front of an open mic, they invite the disagreement. They welcome it.

They demand the disagreement. I enjoy it because it makes me challenge my own beliefs. It either makes my beliefs stronger or I can reconsider them. It makes me a stronger communicator, a deeper thinker. It makes me a better radio host. It makes me a better leader of Turning Point USA. Having your ideas challenged is also fun.

Makes you sharper. This is why conservatives on campus and our Turning Point USA students, high school and college leaders are the best because they're constantly having to defend their positions every single day. So they have a choice. Give up, give in to the left and become a leftist or they just start listening to podcasts and watching YouTube videos and listening and reading books and eventually they become a force to be reckoned with. They ask better and the liberals are just berating them.

Well, what about this and what about this and what about this and what about this and boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Liberals never have to defend their positions and when they do, they want to shut you up. When they do, they have to use force. There's two ways to govern people. You can govern people using force or speech. Force or speech. The founding fathers knew this. They chose speech. The current Democrat Party, the current regime and uni-party Republicans, they want to use force. Robert Kennedy Jr. understands this. He might be America's last liberal.

Play cut 143. These are defamation and malignancies that are used to censor me to prevent people from listening to the actual things that I'm saying. Trusting the experts is not a function of science. It's not a function of democracy.

It's a function of religion and totalitarianism, and it does not make for a healthier population. RFK knows this and boy, if we can get him on our show, I would love that. We've been working hard on it.

I've been texting with him. I want him to explain to me how he plans to challenge the Soviet totalitarianism of the Democrat Party. I want a Democrat Party that is not in the mold of Mao. I would love an anti-war classical Democrat Party working on normal issues, maybe a little bit like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. The Democrat Party becoming the party of Mao is bad for everybody. It's even bad for rank and file Democrats, but I mean, they're voting themselves into their own oblivion. RFK Jr. realizes and recognizes that the Democrat Party typically used to not censor people, but now the Democrat Party is the party of war, the party of perpetual domestic conflict, and I'll explain why. Donald Trump broke everything. All of a sudden, all the teams are messed up. The Democrat Party delights in the censorship of people they don't like.

Play cut 67. I will say whether he's up to it or not, whether he's making his own decisions, the decisions that are coming out of the White House are bad decisions. And, you know, the Democratic Party does not censor people, in my experience. We're not the party of war. We're not the party of the neocons dictating foreign policy. We're the party of the middle class and we're the party of working people. And that's not where the party is anymore. Well, I mean, look, he's talking about a party that died with his uncle, unfortunately, and his father, because the Democrat Party has been the party of war for the last 30 or 40 years.

There is not a, I would actually put them in the same category. George W. Bush and Hillary Clinton are equally as neoconservative, equally. Barack Obama was way more neoconservative than Donald Trump. Interventions in Libya, Arab Spring, way more neoconservative. Donald Trump started no new wars. Even Donald Trump voicing that he wanted to get out of Afghanistan. And, you know, people said, oh, well, at least, you know, Joe Biden got out of Afghanistan. Yeah, they got us right into a proxy war in Ukraine, like simultaneously. Boom, boom. Within months, boom, boom.

Out of Afghanistan into Ukraine, out of Afghanistan into Ukraine. And so I don't know what Democrat Party he's talking about. This is kind of this mysterious ideal that is long gone because the Democrat Party has been the party of censorship and they continue to be the party of censorship. And the Republican Party is guilty, too.

But boy, the Democrat Party just owns it. $140 gives five mothers a free ultrasound and saves babies. $280 can save 10 babies. For just $28 a month, you can save a baby a month for less than a dollar a day.

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Email us freedom at We have a question here. Charlie, what Bible verse do you think fits what we're living through right now?

Well, there's several. I want to point you to a verse that I really love. It's one of the most famous verses of the Old Testament. And as you guys know, I'm working through the Torah slowly but surely. I started December 30th with Genesis 1-1 and I am on Numbers 25.

You might say, Charlie, it took you that long. No, I'm going through in-depth lectures on every single chapter and verse. Even the red heifer, if you don't know about the red heifer, it is one of the great mysteries of the book of Numbers, which is in the wilderness, including the talking donkey, Balaam's donkey. Very interesting. And Moses not getting into the promised land because he tried to strike a rock with a staff.

That's a very interesting riddle and mystery. So I'm working through it and working through it. You see, I got sick when I was traveling out east a couple of weeks ago and I did like 16 hours of Leviticus.

I said, you know what, if I'm going to be bedridden, I'm not going to just go watch mindless television. And so I was not doing well, but I did 16 hours of Leviticus. Leviticus, it was incredibly fulfilling. But I could tell you, when you're at like Leviticus 14, you say, what am I, what is being taught here? What is the Torah, which means teacher, trying to teach me here? Especially from not just the Old Testament sample, but from a Christian standpoint. Anyway, so when you're sick, you should study Leviticus. So one of my favorite verses is this, and it's so short, but it's one of the best known. It's in the book of Exodus, Exodus 1.8. And now there rose a new king over Egypt who did not know Joseph.

Pretty simple, right? Let's see, Charlie, that's one of the ones that applies to today, yeah. Remember the end of Genesis, 50 books in the book of Genesis?

I think it's 50, I think it's around number 50. Joseph saved the Egyptians. Joseph, who was thrown into a ditch, sold into slavery, ascended to become counselor to the king, saved Egypt from a drought. Not him, God did via his dreams.

But he interpreted the dreams, told them, hey, you guys got to start, you know, store all this grain, bad things coming. He saved Pharaoh. Pharaoh and him were tight.

The king at the time were tight. And of course, the books before it are like, you know, and then there are the names of the sons of Israel, da-da-da-da. People of Israel were fruitful and increased greatly. They multiplied and grew exceedingly strong, so the land was filled with them. Now there arose a new king over Egypt who did not know Joseph.

What if I replaced it and I said today, now there rose a president over America who did not know George Washington, who forgot why you were here, who forgot the sacrifices of generations prior? That's what it's telling us. The entire book of Exodus and God's deliverance of his chosen people is all set up on a king rooted in ingratitude, rooted in lack of understanding or appreciation. Who are these Israelites?

Who are they? Well, Joseph made sure Egypt did not die of starvation. He says, they're multiplying by too much.

Get rid of them. All rooted in that single verse. And if you were to look at it through an American context today, we have teachers, professors, governors, mayors, political leaders, corporate elite.

Now there rose a CEO. Now there rose a who did not know the prior sacrifices of what came before them. They don't know their history. They don't know the sacrifice.

They don't know the tradition, and it sets up tyranny. And that's why I love this verse. That's why I love this verse, if you forget what happens before you, you get tyranny. God's chosen people entered into slavery, entered into bondage, entered into slavery, because that verse is Ronald Reagan's quote. Ronald Reagan said differently that freedom is not in the bloodstream. You must teach it from one generation.

You are one generation away from extinction. And that verse tells you exactly that. We know that the Jews were in slavery.

We just don't always teach how they get there. They started as being the chosen people and having direct access to the king. But there rose a king who did not know Joseph. Who did not know what the people of Israel were doing there, and it built what? Contempt and resentment. The Pharaoh then had contempt for the Jewish people, because he did not know what Joseph did for them. He did not know the sacrifices, the wisdom. And he said, these people are multiplying like cockroaches. Get rid of their firstborn, put them into grueling slavery, grind them down.

If you forget your history, if you forget the sacrifices, if you have no humility towards the past, you will live in authoritarianism. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us your thoughts, as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening, and God bless. Salem News Channel is unfiltered and unapologetic. Watch anytime, on any screen, at and local now channel 525.
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