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Cutting Room Floor Vol. 2

The Bart Winkler Show / Bart Winkler
The Truth Network Radio
July 4, 2023 2:22 pm

Cutting Room Floor Vol. 2

The Bart Winkler Show / Bart Winkler

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July 4, 2023 2:22 pm

Our second clip show of clips, segments and voicemails that didn't make an episode of the show for one reason or another

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Happy 4th of July, everybody. As the title of the podcast suggests, this is our second edition of the Cutting Room Floor series. Did one over Christmas where I aired a bunch of stuff that I just had never aired? Either I cut it for time or it was a voicemail that you told me not to play or whatever. Well, I've saved all that and that's today's podcast.

This is a clip show of clips that never happened. I am taping this on July 4th. I just got back from doing writer than you. On July 5th, I will be doing the DA show for four hours.

My alarm is set for 3.45 a.m. Kill me. About to do four hours on them canceling the Nathan's hot dog eating contest. In terms of present day, may still jump on and do a brewer thing with him. We talked about it, but we always talk about that and then we never do. And then new episode, new, new, new episode on Monday. I would love to do one. And then I'm going to be at Summerfest a bunch.

So I'm just working real jobs is actually kind of hard and time consuming. Everything you hear from now on outside of the blue wire commercials, everything you hear from now on will have been something that we taped that never aired. Hope you're having a good fourth. Don't waste your money on fireworks. And if you do, don't blow yourself up.

Just leave it to the pros. What are we thinking here? New episode Monday, the 10th.

Maybe one sooner. Is this a new one? I don't know what I count this as. Something to listen to. Clearing a low bar here.

Take it away. We'll start with a voicemail. Good morning, John and Franklin. Sorry about the boys fighting off the never ending cold or whatever I have here. Just listen to your Wednesday or Tuesday night broadcast.

Very actually Tuesday broadcast. Sorry. I'm going to start this over part. Get rid of this. Ryan Horvat's here just to be a witness if I die.

If I get anthrax. Well, I got a piece of mail sent from Milwaukee Yogi Bear stamp. And I don't know what it is or who it's from. No return address. I haven't mailed the I haven't sent anything in the mail in so long. Don't you have to Oh, okay, they didn't put their Okay, so there's nothing there.

There's nothing there. So they don't want me to know who it's from. You should probably be opening this with gloves.

Right? But maybe when I open it, I'll know who it's from. Or someone just sent me something randomly. What if it's like, you know, like the Riddler would like send like pieces of mail to Bruce Wayne or to Batman, like how he was going to kill him pretty much but you would like cut out, you know, the letters out of a newspaper. What if it's something like that, like, hey, liberal.

It's actually much better than that. What is it sent me? Packers? Better.

From a Brewers game, a corporate savings book. Okay. And this gets sent to me that someone's done this before. So this is I forgot who it was. But because I get $25 in reward play to Pottawatomie. Oh, hell yeah.

So that's awesome. Me that could use that on sports bets? Or does it got to be on table games? I think I can only use it on slots.

Or maybe Yeah, maybe table games. Still cool. So someone went to the game and then decided to send me has my address. I also got a dollar off Sargento cheese product. I like that. 25% off my next oil change at take five. I like that. Yeah, that I need. What else did I get? $35 off 35% off bath and shower installation at Tundra land is all $5 off the team store.

I might take that. So this is all this is all from the Brewers, huh? Yeah, but someone went to the game got a couple of these books and sent it to me.

Hey, I don't know when you're going to release this. But why does Corbin burn sucks so fucking bad? Because No, because he actually likes Milwaukee and is taking his value. Is that really a is that just your take?

Or is that some inside information? Oh, why is he sucks so bad? One of someone on Twitter said it's because he he locates. He's so focused on trying to get his cutter or one of his pitches that he completely ignores the other ones. But you know, what's weird is this is just a weird you're like, why does Sandy Alcantara suck all of a sudden?

His era is over five. What about the dude from Toronto? Like everybody kind of blows.

You know what I'm talking about? Alex Manoa. Oh, he's frickin terror.

Like he broke. Yeah, nobody's his work. Nobody's as bad as Jordan wiles. He's on 11.

Yes. Oh, he's terrible. He doesn't want to start all year. I bet against them every game. Every start. He's got an era over like six something. He's terrible.

Dylan sees kind of blows. Baseball sucks. Like I'm glad that we're talking football here. I hate baseball. I don't give a shit about the NBA draft. I didn't give a shit about the NBA draft. I barely gave a shit about the finals. Like I knew who was going to win. I just needed Jokic to be finals MVP. I just I really only care about college football in the NFL.

I bet 15 college football win totals already. We're driven by the search for better. But when it comes to hiring, the best way to search for a candidate isn't to search at all. Don't search match with Indeed. Indeed is your matching and hiring platform with over 350 million global monthly visitors according to Indeed data and a matching engine that helps you find quality candidates fast. Leveraging over 140 million qualifications and preferences every day.

Indeed's matching engine is constantly learning from your preferences. Join more than 3.5 million businesses worldwide that use Indeed to hire great talent fast. And listeners of this show will get a $75 sponsored job credit to get your jobs more visibility at slash blue wire. Just go to slash blue wire right now and support our show by saying you heard about Indeed on this podcast. slash blue wire terms and conditions apply. Need to hire? You need Indeed. Without the ones like you who work tirelessly to keep things running, everything would suddenly stop. Hospitals, factories, schools and power plants, they all depend on you. No matter the weather, emergency or time of day, you're the ones who get it done. At Grainger, we're here for you with professional grade industrial supplies. Count on real time product availability and fast delivery.

Call or just stop by Grainger for the ones who get it done. Hey Bart, first time on the voicemail so I don't know if you still do the feels like a first time. So little brewers, it just goes to show you that it bites you in the ass when you screw people over. They didn't pay Burns the 700,000, 800,000, whatever it was exactly and then Woody gets injured.

And now next year, Burns isn't going to want to play with the team and you're going to have to pay Woody who's going to be injury prone. So I'm just, I don't know. I don't know what to make about this team. The young guys are fantastic. They're getting out of, they got to get out of this slump.

It's going to be good. I don't know. I lost my train of thought. All right. What's going on brother man?

It's your buddy KB. We're here in Castle Brant with Miss Sue and Kenneth. You know, I saw that you're getting back into nineties music. You know, Jimmy Eat World, it's okay.

The Middle, it's okay. It's no Springsteen though. And I just wanted to take a moment to, you know, maybe if you're getting into the nineties, maybe, maybe get back more into some Springsteen, the King.

I mean, he's a banger of the day, all day, every day. Well, I got to go back to putting sunscreen on Drew's fat neck and get ready for sunburn bull five brother man. Hot take Jake.

Thanks buddy. Yeah. Um, real quick, can I throw a theory at you? I think so. Let me, let me check with the producers. Uh, Shay, do we have time for a hot take Jake theory?

We got, uh, Matthew collar coming up to talk Vikings. Yeah. Okay. All right.

I'll let him know. We have time. All right. So, and I hope you don't take this personally, but I feel like I figured out your, I don't want to say hatred, but your dislike of Denver. So there's a few things. Number one, you took the Jokic over Giannis MVP stuff really, really seriously.

Cause you wanted your guy, right? Yeah. I agree. I agree.

Yeah. And that's kind of what started it. So it's like, we try to pick apart Jokic because we want to put our guy on a pedestal.

And I feel like any fan base is going to do that. The funny thing is the least deserving guy, the three won it. And you know, well, it was his turn.

Right. And that's, but here's where I want to like quick sidebar on that is not just you specifically, but bucks fans, NBA fans, you got to stop worrying so much about MVP. This is a season long thing and it never ends. And MVPs don't mean anything anymore. To me, it sealed the deal.

I feel like they mean more than ever. People care about more than ever. If I mean, if you care about Twitter argument, sure. But it sealed the deal for me when Doris Burke went on national television and said, look, I'm a narrative based voter for MVP. So that to me, that's just, that's one person, but you have so many of these idiots now that use their MVP vote, not as like, this is my responsibility to pick the best guy, but what's going to get me clicks.

What's going to get me social media interactions. So with the media being celebrities now and being these personalities that are so accessible, they need those talking points. So they'll do stupid shit, like waste their MVP vote because they'll know they'll get more followers and people to engage with them. So MVP is a sham.

Um, unless they figure out a new voting system, I don't, it means less than nothing to me. So number one, so back to the original point, the Yoka Chobriana stuff started it, but I also think, and this is getting a little bit deeper when the bucks were down Oh two, right. And you were like the gatekeeper of guys, they're winning it all. You know, you were the positive, you were, you kind of became the gatekeeper for the bucks and their us against the world mentality. So now that Denver took that and ran with it, and now it's them with their us against the world mentality. You hate them because it's like, no, no, no, that's our thing. We're Milwaukee.

You can't take that from us. Like we're the guys that get disrespected by the national media because I think if all of these scenarios played out with Milwaukee and Denver's place, and whether it be boot and holes or whoever was the coach dropped whatever the, you know, Mike Malone said about, nobody respects us. You would be all over it. You would be loving it. You'd be like, thank you for saying what needed to be said, fuck the national media, but it's someone else. And you're like, no, no, no, that that's, that's our little thing. And you want it. It's like a, I don't know your favorite band. They not really made it.

Then they get on the radio and everybody starts liking them. And you're like, no, no, no, that's my band, but here's the last portion of this. And I'll try to keep it brief because I know I've gone long, but what's that? No, I just, what else you got doc? I know.

I feel like I'm analyzing you. So Denver, I don't know. They go on this long run of, like I said, kind of being ignored as far as like the national conversation goes.

But a guy like Jokic, he's so easy to build around. And I think that bar, you may be upset because Denver is what you want Milwaukee to be. They have their superstar.

They have, I just tell you what it is. I, the Packers were 14 point favorites and super bowl 32 to the Denver Broncos and ever since then. So it's the city of Denver. Okay. That's cause I was going to say, I think, and I, I'll admit I didn't like Jokic cause I saw him act like an asshole in a, in a, in a scrum, which I could have, you know, I can't judge a guy by one moment. I, Jokic is fine. Jokic, if anything, I've turned my, I've turned my hate from Jokic into yeah. But Michael Malone is a loser. Big loser.

I don't know. I think if that's the Bucks coach, you're loving it. But I'm, I'll admit I'm jealous of Denver because they have their superstar. They have a perfect core around him.

They're all like matching age wise and their window is wide open. Whereas I look at the last five years of Bucks basketball, like, damn, we only got one. We only got there one time. We've got more to go. But that's where I see that window. It's closing.

Maybe there's a little bit of light still peeking through, but I got a whole summer that I got to fill content. So let's not empty the chamber here. Yeah. I miss basketball already. I've spent my night watching fucking Dyson Daniels highlights. So that's, that's where I'm at.

I watched the congressional baseball game the other night. It's going to be a long summer. My friend. See you buddy. All right.

Love you. Hey, this is teacher Tom have a few thoughts on the last week or so. I'm just finished the Thursday podcast and I'm excited to hear a story of Alan. I remember listening the day when he called in and talked about that. I would like to say that I am not the Tom who complains about swearing on the YouTube channel. There's more than one Tom apparently who listens.

So that is not me who complains about that. But I do think it's funny with Paul and swearing. Last fall, he tried to talk him into swearing on the radio or on the podcast. And he said no, because he's never done it live or recorded.

And now he does it all the time. And then, well, the exits on 94. Both and Grant were right about Cottage Grove and oh, one other good one that I saw Cottage Grove in Boston, but also Lake Mills is a good one. You know, you have Culver's Quick Strip and McDonald's, I think one other fast food place all right next to each other. Easy access, not much traffic. Johnson Creek has like everything, but kind of too much traffic there.

So I tend to bypass that and go to Lake Mills. promo code is Bart, 25% off each and every order. Chris is here. The pet, I like the DS stuff for pets, not just with the fireworks, but even dogs, some dogs, certainly. One thing of Thunder, it's like they're back in Nam or some shit the way they act. Yeah. Yeah. Thunderstorms.

Yeah. Fireworks, you know, and older dogs, too, if they kind of got the old hips and old bones. Now this stuff really helps. And it added years of life to my elderly pug. I swear by that stuff. It really works.

What if I wrestled Tim Shea down and sprayed it in his face? It's so we try everything we make and we've tried it. It's very fishy, made of salmon oil. So it's not pleasant to the human palette.

Dogs and cats love it. Okay. All right. That's why you have all they got a lot of human products. Yeah.

Hey Bart, it's me. Just on Twitter. I've seen a lot of Brook Lopez crap.

Crap is a pretty nice word for it. A lot of stuff about Gold State, the Lakers, and now Houston. And people are saying Houston has the highest offer that is above 40 million for two years. Like what, what the fuck is the logic behind that? Houston is an abomination of a basketball team.

Brook Lopez is as old as I am practically. So why would you give him a large contract when you aren't going to do a goddamn thing for a few years at least? I don't, I don't understand this.

And I'm starting to feel like in addition to coaching an NFL team to nine wins, you or I or anybody else, maybe definitely Paul, even though his trades are kind of weird with the whole trading a 33 year old for a 23 year old when the team that the 23 year old is currently building, so it's backwards, but whatever. It's just, it just doesn't make sense to me. And I just, I want Brook back and it's going to hurt. If he leaves, it's going to hurt a lot. So just, just voicing some frustrations on Friday night, hopefully this doesn't, doesn't turn ugly over the weekend.

So God help us off. Bart, can I say one thing before we're done? Because this is on my, on my mind this morning on my heart this morning, lacrosse is the best fucking place in the state. I walked to get coffee this morning.

It's like 60 degrees in sunny. I walked down by the river. I sat down on a bench, drink a lot of my coffee, watch the river go by this, this fucking town is just lacrosse is where I grew up. I will say I've said that. Mm-hmm. Likewise.

Um, Paul, have you been, I think when I was, it's hard to get to, like, you don't, like I said, you don't go there by accident. Oh, that's a good, like I could in the next five years, let's say I have no plans to go to Madison or green Bay. Mm-hmm. I would still end up in green Bay. Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Don't even, don't even consider the badgers or Packers. Like don't even consider that a part of it. Lacrosse is like, so hard to get to. It's like when, uh, Anna and Kristoff are going on their journey to find Elsa. And then there was a big Canyon and they're like, well, how do we, how do we fucking get past this? You get so far. Then it's like, how do we get past this? And the wolves are chasing you. That's really just another hour and a half from Madison.

Really? I mean, it's, it's all two, but yeah, I mean, it's, it's, it's, it's hard to get past and it's hard to get past. Um, but you got to make an effort to go there.

That's why there should be a train. You got it. You got to live here. You have to live here because I, I don't want to third street and having a weekend. That ain't it. It's not it. You need to live there. You need to be, you need to be of it.

Are you, are you thinking you're not, you're not a life, you're not going to be a lifer. Are you no, but I would be, but there's, there's something different in lacrosse about the way the sun shines. There is, it did, it shines a little bit brighter, a little warmer. There's, there's a different, I always have compared it to the island on lost. Like it's so hard to actually find it because it doesn't exist. You have to go back. Yeah.

But the island didn't even exist at all, Bart. Paul, I'm, I'm not going to be a lacrosse lifer, but I would, I would, I would set up shop right over in Shelby, right? Just a couple miles away. I would raise a family. I'd send them to lacrosse central. They'd be red. They'd be river Hawks, not red Raiders anymore.

They'd be river. Like, isn't the distance and, you know, forget your job. Like, let's say you sell out one day. Like I did. Like, would you like being so far from brewers and bucks and even from Packers, that's gotta be a deterrent, right? It's quite, it's quite hellish. Yes.

The drive is quite miserable. I do it. I do it quite often. It's like, it's cool. Just being able to like, yeah, let's, let's go to the game. Yeah.

Like what the con to that is what makes it also a pro it is hard to get to. And there it's, it's ours. We, we are a part of this.

What lacrosse you mean? Yeah. I mean, you're there and you live there.

You are like, and you got Winona. I can't Paul, I can't describe it. So I brought it up.

I just, I was walking around this morning. I'm like, this place is just the balls. And if you've never lived here.

Yeah. I think you need to live here for a certain length of time too. If you just go to school here, there are people who go to school here. They graduate and they're like, I'm moving back to Appleton. I'm moving back. Okay. Go off. But I'm glad I had the three bonus years there. Yes.

And I'm going to have about the same amount of bonus years. I think when all those years, cause then, and I, I was in TV and a photo I've been everywhere. You see all the things and you know, the calendar and the event schedule lacrosse.

I haven't hit. So I know it all. Yeah. You know, it's not like if you go to, if you go to school there, uh, should we go on exit three today and exit five?

So we can see something different, bro. I've I mean, I shit. I went to, I went to pick up a friend at the airport cause they were graduating. They were back in town and it was so busy in downtown lacrosse.

And I said, you know what? Over by, by on Copeland, it's down to one lane. It's going to be jam packed. I'm going to go across the bridge and I'm going to go through the crescent and get on 90. And I'm going to back door my way on the French Island and skip all the bus, save so much time. And I'm in my car, like just hand on the wheel.

Like I have got this shit. I know it. I am.

I am of this place anyways. I mean, until you throw the bee at Pettibone park ball, you don't know what the fuck you're missing. Yeah.

I'm not sure what's yeah. I mean, for the bee, the disc golf. Oh, Hey, Hey, post Malone while we were recording post Malone announced a tour and he's coming to Alpine Valley.

A new Toby continued also dropped. That's a real thing he's doing. Yeah. I also, I'm not sure I like Alpine Valley. Dave plays there all the time, which makes me respect it. But the dead hasn't played there. Like they don't go there anymore. Also, I almost went last summer and they canceled the show. So I've yet to see a show.

I read about that. Where are we? Posties?

He's fine. No postie at Alpine Valley. You know, fucking Alpine Valley.

You know, he, you know, he got his start in like hardcore music. Like sure. But it's like you go to Alpine Valley with adults to tailgate.

No, one's going to tailgate a post Malone concert. Maybe I got to go. I got to go attend to my sick kid.

I got to catch up on succession. I'm behind and then I'm going to walk to work because I live in beautiful downtown La Crosse and I work just a couple of blocks away and I'm going to walk by all the people who work at the neighboring businesses. Howdy. Morning. Maybe I'll stop and get coffee.

I can do that. I'll swing by the river on the way to work. It was a pleasure to see you guys. Fuck. I got to get back there. Have a great day. There's something to it, Grant. When I, when we lost my job.

Oh, you found your way back. Pretty darn first thing I did was text or email. I email my buddy and said, I need to be in La Crosse within the next two weeks. You just need to be there. Paul, you got to make a trip.

Let's have a live taping of wow. That would be a commitment, but I, yeah. All right. Later guys. Bye. Asante came to TurboTax after graduating from culinary school and landing a job in the hottest kitchen in town. My hands are full all day, every day.

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