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Freddie is out – Raanta is in, and making crazy saves!

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold
The Truth Network Radio
November 8, 2023 3:35 pm

Freddie is out – Raanta is in, and making crazy saves!

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold

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November 8, 2023 3:35 pm

Antti Raanta, Carolina Hurricanes Goaltender, on stepping up for Freddie and his thought process when making insane saves.

How many times has he watched his crazy save, way outside the net, from last night since it happened? What goes through his mind when situations like that happen? Because of bad circumstances concerning Freddie, Antti now has a lot of responsibility on his shoulders. What are his thoughts on everything and his mindset?  How does Antti lose himself in the game, while it’s going on? What are the biggest factors for things tightening up within the team, as the season progresses? Antti isn’t native to the US, but does he celebrate Thanksgiving? What does he like most about it, which gave Adam a good laugh? What would a Finnish Thanksgiving look like?


I am privileged, and I mean this sincerely, this is not a, you know, I'm very facetious about a lot of things. I make jokes about a lot of things, but I am privileged to be able to cover the Carolina Hurricanes for a lot of reasons. One, I get to talk to a lot of these guys.

I don't know, we're not friends, but I know how good the people are in that locker room who play. And then I get to, do you have the clip, Victoria? I get the chance to see stuff like this on a regular basis. Now a chance for a break. Ronta comes all the way out to play away from this, and it runs!

Mercy gets across, he's still got to get to the blue paint. The Cane somehow survived that, and Ronta in the middle of it all. Oh, Aunty Ronta is having himself a highlight real night.

It was a mess. Mike Maniscalco, the voice of the Hurricanes. I'm on the fifth floor watching this going, wow!

And Aunty Ronta joins us here on the Adam Gold Show. How you feeling today, sir? I'm doing good, thanks for asking. So have you seen the video of that yet? Yeah, I think probably 20, 30 times already. There's been back and forth thinking what happened there, but it's just pure instincts and good things that the Fox stayed out of the net. You made two saves on it. I don't know if you get credit for the first one. You should get credit for the second one because I don't know if it was on net or not because it was above the face-off circle and so were you.

I have so many questions about this. Did some of the players, do you laugh when that whole sequence finally calms down? Did anybody skate past you just like chuckling? Yeah, I think guys were probably shocked at what's going on in the bench, but obviously when things got calmed down a little bit, I think that was probably when they saw the replay. That's when the laughing starts and like that, but as a goalie you're so into the game and you just try to keep your focus into the game and don't get your emotions get too high. So you just try to focus on what's going to happen next, but obviously after the game you have a laugh in the locker room and you watch the coach's face and they're like, what's going on now?

So you know just one of those nights where things are bouncing in your way and you make a superman jump and it just hits your stick and everything is going your way. So happy to be able to get the puck out of the net. I was listening to your post-game interview in the locker room. We're doing the post-game show, so we aired that and I appreciated the fact that you understand this is entertainment and the fans want to be entertained and that was supremely entertaining. So from the fan's perspective, thank you for that. What was going through your head when you just started coming out of the net at that? Well you see, Buffalo, they throw the high flip and you kind of try to see where the puck is bouncing and you know when the puck bounced first time I was like okay like you know I think I have to go there and then when you start taking the first two steps and you're like oh no like the guy is way too close to the box like I don't know if I'm gonna make it and then you know then it's just pretty much instinct you you just in in a half a second you just decide what to do and and you see the their guys pretty much getting the puck so you just try to poke check and try to try to get that puck out of his thick and and then you know you know then the puck bounces to the boards and there's another guy and you're just like oh no like this is this is not a good thing but yeah then just you know just try to draw something on the box way and try to try to keep it out of the net and and then it's just the then it's just a battle and you know I think Brady Shea was was doing a good job in the in the coverage covering the net and you know we were laughing after they gave me but like yeah I think I was doing a good job at the net like I was I was in my stance and my fan was that stance was really good and like that so yeah it's uh it's all fun after the game but you know obviously it's it's great thing that it's uh it went this way and not not went to the net just then then it wouldn't be so much fun to to talk about it right wouldn't we wouldn't be laughing as much uh but it was still a sight to see auntie ranta is joining us here on the adam gold show on a serious note and I I'd probably had more conversations with you about kids than we have hockey and I don't mean that this uh I just always seems like whenever you and I talk uh we're talking about I know your your kids are involved in all sorts of activities and my son is as well um but I'm I'm curious this this it's not really opportunity I guess it's opportunity but bad circumstances with Frederick Anderson getting the diagnosis that he's got a blood clotting issue uh this puts a lot of responsibility stuff that you're already uh willing and able to handle but a lot of responsibility on you and Piotr Kacekoff to kind of you know you know fill the void uh what are your thoughts on how this is all shaking out yeah obviously you know shocking news pretty much what when we when we heard that Freddy Freddy has the health issues and and then obviously the first thing is just you know hoping that every everything goes well with Freddy and and but but obviously you know the games games keeps coming and and it's just uh I think the mindset pretty much stays for me the same like you know obviously when when Freddy is healthy and when he's playing good you know you know that he's he's playing probably a little bit more and and he's he's the number one guy so you know now it's just you know just focusing and and just working hard on the practice and and getting ready for the games and whenever whenever it's your turn to play you try to try to give give your best and and give the guys a chance to win and and that's pretty much all what it's what it's going to be now now in the in next the next next game when when that comes you know just focus on one game at a time and and don't get too ahead of yourself because that's that's usually when you start thinking too much and that's not when you when you're playing best yeah yeah I mean how do you explain losing yourself in the game because when you think you slow down right um I I've coached youth level kids a lot and when you think about things you're moving slower you because you're not just reacting naturally uh so how do you kind of lose yourself in the game yeah sometimes you you know you you might you might start you you're over thinking about like you know what the player is going to do you're not like trusting trusting like trusting trusting your position or or you know you you start thinking what's going to what he's going to do like if he's going to shoot or pass and then you start like sinking in a little bit also in your crease you're not that aggressive anymore you're not like purely playing the puck you you're like trying to stay two steps ahead of ahead of what's going to happen and that's pretty much what happens you you start getting slower and and you're not reacting anymore you're just uh it's just almost like start hoping that something's going to happen and then when that doesn't happen then you you're pretty much out of the out of the game out of the place so uh you know it's it's it's pretty much inside your head always like it's the the mental aspect on this game you you just have to stay in the moment just you know whatever happens happens then you just have to go with it like that's that's what we tried to do before the game we started we talked with the goalie coaches and and you know that mental mental preparation preparation you know before the game you just go out there and and you trust your own own thing and then you just play the game and when that doesn't happen obviously you you're not playing your best so just try to stay in the moment and just do your do your things what what got you in this this place and and then then just play the game auntie rods is joining us here a couple of more quick things and then we'll let you go uh by the way you were certainly out on top of your crease in the third period late in the third period uh the crease would could be very very big uh you were certainly out on top of it um the team for the first six games allowed 30 goals and in the last seven you guys have allowed 14 uh what do you think the biggest factors are for things just tightening up all over the place yeah i think you know it's it's not normal but i i think you know early in the season there's always different things what happens and you know now we we got a couple new guys in the team and obviously then then we got a couple injuries and like that and and pretty much played one game at home and went to the went to the road trip and you know as a goalie you you i i felt like i didn't do my part i i was you know soft goals like kind of where you where you were overthinking things and you weren't playing playing your best and and then you know it's just you know just find a way to go in and and you couldn't make those timely saves what keep your keep your team in the game and and like that so i i think it was just kind of pretty much the the early season and and you know everyone is trying to find their their spot again and and like that and you know obviously we've been talking a lot about about our defense and and what we want to do and like that and and you know it now it starts to look more and more what what we what we all about and and i think it's just you know everyone is taking the steps on the right direction now and and we're playing better as a as a five-man group on the ice and i think goalies are also making those timely saves now so that's that's the big difference yeah i mean what you did obviously late in the third period but there were other saves during the game payton crebs you you may not remember the player but payton crebs and kyle aposo uh sometimes sometimes they hit you with the puck and sometimes you have to get in position to be hit with the puck and you i thought there were some tremendous things last night one quick thing i know you guys are going back out on the road because you haven't been out on the road enough like lately so you have two more road games this weekend uh down in florida uh but then home for the most part the rest of the month so uh as somebody who is not a native here of the united states are you a thanksgiving guy um yeah a little bit you know obviously it's always uh i think the the black friday is the bigger thing than the thanksgiving for for our family but but uh you know we i think most of the i think most of the parts of my like this is my 11th year now in the us so uh i think i've been on the road pretty much i've like if i would say seven times out of 10 10 years i've been on the road for thanksgiving so you know we've been having the team dinners and like that so you get a little feeling of it so you know i think this year we actually gonna have a day off for the whole thanksgiving so that's gonna be that's gonna be special so you know maybe do something with the with the family and maybe maybe get some uh some finish finish thanksgiving going on or something like that so you know it's gonna be it's gonna be fun and obviously it's it's a great day to to have and and you know you really you really start appreciating it more and more when when you when you leave here longer what would what would finish thanksgiving be what would the what would the the the the we have a turkey here would it be it wouldn't be turkey would it i i we had a commercial here uh where uc yokinan was cooking reindeer in the parking lot uh what would have finished thanksgiving it was great commercial dynamite commercial um what would it what would the finished thanksgiving centerpiece be uh yeah maybe that would that wouldn't be a bad idea maybe bring a little reindeer but but uh i i don't know yeah maybe maybe we try to go with the with the u.s style and bring the bring the turkey to the table but uh yeah it's it's always funny christmas table we always bring ham on the table so uh you know it might be maybe a little ham and maybe a little turkey and thanksgiving to to kind of get you see yourself ready for the christmas time also so uh yeah we'll see i have to talk with my wife and and you know other things what they want to do but um maybe maybe we go with the traditional u.s style and bring the turkey all right well black friday good luck on black friday and i appreciate your time aunty ronta here uh on the adam gold show have a good time down in the sunshine state and we'll see you when you get back it sounds good thank you so much you got it aunty ronta here on the adam gold show such a dad we go right to black friday that's the important thing because black friday has already started it it has i'm telling you black friday deals online have already started that is tremendous
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-11-08 21:15:00 / 2023-11-08 21:21:00 / 6

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