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Rightly Rated: Over, Under, Rightly

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold
The Truth Network Radio
June 27, 2023 3:55 pm

Rightly Rated: Over, Under, Rightly

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold

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June 27, 2023 3:55 pm

Is the Roman Colosseum THAT awesome or is just awesome because it's huge and was built centuries ago?? Are orcas taking things over? And why are grillers trying to out-do everyone AGAIN?!


All right, grill masters, gurus, dorks who have to like think they're better than you because they can grill better, they're at it once again, okay? Oh no, well it is the season.

I'm sick of it. Yeah, it started with turkeys, okay? For a while everybody cooked their turkey in the oven. Right. It's the easy thing to do, we all did it, we threw a turkey in the oven, it got too dry, you were supposed to like keep basting it, it was hard. Turkeys, right.

Then. Now you're judged if you don't fry it. Then people started frying and it was like, oh you're better than I am. Now I will say, once you had the fried turkey and you see like the time spent on it and like you don't have to like monitor for that long, that precisely, like you're probably not going to dry it out. Yeah.

Like this actually seems like a pretty decent deal. I'm just terrified of blowing. I was about to say, I was about to say, there is the small risk with huge implications. You're probably not going, like in the oven, you're probably not going to ruin the turkey, but even if you do, you're just going to ruin the turkey. Yeah, not your house. When you fry a turkey in scalding hot oil, you're probably not going to ruin the turkey, but if you ruin something it could mean, you know, disfiguring your pet or burning down your back deck and more, right?

Yes, okay. But I dutifully went in, figured out how to do it, got myself a vat of oil to fry a turkey in and learn how to do this. Does it matter what kind of oil? Is that key too?

I think there's a few you can do and a few you can't. There's some oils burst into flames at a lower temperature than others. You want one that can like hold a decent temperature, right? A little safer. So I think peanut oil does the job.

Gets really hot and bubbles without actually lighting on fire. So I did that. So now I grill turkey, right?

Excuse me. So I fry my turkey. I'm like, I am a modern man.

I'm doing things the way that we're supposed to be doing now. And then this year or maybe last year, some of you out there started doing something that I've learned is called spatchcocking your turkey, where you're like, you're getting charcoal grills, you're getting it perfectly timed, you're doing the temperature, but not just with a little thermometer and a dial. Like you're getting the exact number of charcoal grills.

Maybe you got some wood pellets in there or something and you're putting it on a certain way. All not because it tastes better. This is all so that you can say you're special and you grill better and more than I do. You're leaving behind the turkey fryers of the world.

They probably have like a special apron too with a bottle. All this stuff. All of this stuff. Okay. I was, I think I was complaining about this to Dennis Cox last year and said, next up, next up, you people will be surveying your turkeys. Okay. So now it's not just good enough to have a charcoal grill and put some burgers and dogs on.

Right. That used to be, if I could cook a nice burger, some decent dogs, and then maybe a steak, then I was like grill certified. I don't need to do ribs. I don't need to smoke a brisket to prove my worth.

I just need to be able to feed a gathering of somewhere between two and 20 people. Sure. Okay. So I went, I've advanced beyond the, I mean growing up, I felt like everybody just had the conventional charcoal grill. Oh yeah. Now more and more it's the gas grill, which I do. I love the gas grill for convenience. Yeah. Some grill masters probably thumb their nose at me on that one. They probably have some like hybrid thing that has both so they can get the charcoal flavor in there.

Right. But Victoria, have you seen this thing called the flat top grill? It's basically like think hibachi.

Okay. I was going to say like, are we at waffle house? Think con key or like, yeah, if you're putting pancakes on it, it's a griddle.

If you're at con key, it's it's hibachi. Yes, exactly. But now, and I was talking with my dudes today and some people were like, you know, it just seems to be everywhere. It's the ads and everybody's doing it. And my friend Ben Swain summed it up perfectly where he was like, it feels like the type of thing that you're like, well, this grill master guy over here now he's got this flat top grill and everybody's doing it. It seems cool.

But as soon as you get it, you'd be like, I hate this. Yeah, this is awful. I hate it.

I absolutely hate it. And you know what? There's like TikToks and Instagram reels out there where people are like, this flat top grill has changed my life. Look at this. I love it. Look at what I can cook now.

And I do. There is something about, you know, I lose an item or two in between the grill spaces. I don't even know what we call that. Oh, like the grate? Yes, the grate. The grate. Yes. Sorry. I lose some things down there.

And I'm like, every now and then I'm like, why is there going to be space there? Why can't we just heat up something flat? Right. But more than that, I'm not saying that I couldn't enjoy a flat top grill. And I think also the way to go on this is keep your regular grill, but have like just a piece that sits on the flat top and like heats up. Right.

That seems like to make sense. But my bigger point is this. You people out there haven't found some new hobby or passion that you love. You're not like, oh, it's changed my life. So it's a little bit different.

It's kind of a different crowd. This is probably more of now I'm getting like sexist about it. I'm just making, I'm putting guys out on the grill and women up in the kitchen.

That's what I'm doing. This is true men and women actually. But like, there's some of you that do this with the air fryer. Yeah. I was going to say, as soon as I learned, as soon as I learned to like cook a thing or two, you know, or I got a crock pot or an instant pot thing that, yeah, as soon as I get a crock pot recipe that I like, then you're telling me that it's got to be instant pot or air fryer. This is the same thing happening on the grill. We're just, it's not that it's better. It's not that you like it more. It's not that you found some new recipes or, or, or that it's all tastes so amazing. It's that you're trying to leave behind, condescend, thumb your nose at, look down upon average Joe Griller like me, who's just trying to feed his family. And you have to be some cut above. So fancy.

That's all it is. So stop it with your flat top hibachi grills. I'm tired of it. I know it's probably beside their outdoor pizza oven too. I just feel like you're setting the tone.

I feel like I'm like eating. You still order pizza. You still have some, you would allow someone else to make your own pizza. Or are you like, you still cook your pizza inside your house.

You don't have a stone with a gas line running to it. What's wrong with you? You're disgusting. Just trying.

They just need to feel better than and make someone else feel lesser than. That's all this is. So grill people with me unite. Just go out to your janky old grill that's falling apart. With the charcoal probably has a hole in it. Or just the black electrical grill. If you got a silver electrical grill, then you're fancy. I have one, but guess what? It was a hand me down.

It was my sister's before me and she moved out of town. So I got it. So I'm not fancy. Okay. But I used to have the black, the janky one that like it's got an ignite switch, but you know, it don't work no more.

Like you got a light, a stick or a piece of paper and just stick it in the hole where the ignite switch is supposed to go. You, you don't feel bad about yourself. Okay. You grill your burgers and dogs.

You are a hard worker. Proudly on that thing. Your food tastes just as good. Do not look over the fence and see Mr. Flat Top hibachi.

Do not allow that person to make you feel lesser than okay. With his pizza oven. That's yeah.

Doing both at the same time. Oh, I'm just doing some shrimp skewers on my hibachi flat top as an appetizer for a, for my, you know, a white cheese pizza that I'm going to do in my outdoor oven. Absolutely not. Um, with the few minutes we have remaining, we have enough time to decide if things are overrated underrated or properly rightly rated.

This is rightly rated. I think we've been overrated. I think they've been underrated.

I know Mac Brown just joined the show last week. We got to ask Mac Brown what they are this year. Are you guys overrated or underrated? Where does, where does the media have you? Too high or too low? Tell us Mac.

Let us know. Um, all right. Graffiti.

No, excuse me. Graffiti is the thing that happened. The thing that's overrated underrated or rightly rated is the Roman Coliseum. Is it overrated underrated or you've been there? Yeah. All right. Well then you can answer the question first. Is it overrated underrated or rightly rated?

Well, okay. If you, if you go in loving history, then it is rightly rated. If you say that it's awesome because it's really, it's super cool just to think about the history that happened in there and then you get to see it in person. And of course you're not supposed to take the little pebbles, but you can touch it. So I was like touching everything.

That was like gladiators were in here. It's really excited. Uh, is it big? Is it as big as you would think it would be? Yeah, it's pretty big. All right.

So I'm going to go with Coliseum rightly rated as well. It, here's my thing. Anytime they build things huge.

Yeah. Before electricity. Before cranes. And computers and cranes.

Always like underrated to rightly rated. Like it's just amazing that we were able to construct these things without what we have now. Now they may not have had the, uh, you know, red tape regulations that we have, but that's another story. So, uh, somebody thought it might be a good idea to scratch him and his fiance's name into the wall at the Coliseum. Uh, it says Ivan plus Haley 23. And now they're looking for you, Ivan. You might want to change your name or at least not.

I hope you don't have Ivy plus Haley on the Like hope you don't have a wedding website because Italy's culture minister is calling for a man to be identified and sanctioned after he was filmed, carving him and his fiance's name into a wall of the Coliseum could be a fine of up to 16,000 or at least excuse me, $16,000 after he carved letters into one of the walls of the nearly 2000 year old amphitheater. The other cool thing I always think about this. Like when you were a kid in school, you're like, I can't believe that the human race, the Roman empire built these colossal buildings for the sole purpose of watching man kill another man. Yeah.

For fun. And then you go look at like, uh, you know, the Dallas Cowboys stadium and you're like, Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Maybe it's the exact same thing. Maybe these are just Roman coliseums. No, we're not watching tigers eat dudes. We're just watching dudes, you know, slowly kill each other instead of like actually jab swords at them.

We just watch them pound each other's heads until they die. Um, next up overrated underrated or rightly rated orcas or orcas overrated underrated or rightly rated. Um, first of all, can we just talk about the orcas got a great PR team for about 25 years of my life. They were killer whales. They were killer whales. Yes.

Speaking of things that we grew up saying is one thing and now is another. Now they're orcas. Uh, and apparently we've always known that they were smart.

Yeah. And now we know they're really smart. See, we kicked all the orcas out of like our SeaWorld back in the day. We used to let orcas swim with people and then they started killing people in exchange every now and then they would just eat one of the people. So now we aren't letting them do that anymore.

And they're exactly their events are like, Oh, you think you can keep us away just because we're not in your parks. We're going to come get you in the ocean. Watch this. So orcas, uh, took on the ocean race teams, J A J O. They endured several heart-stomping minutes on their approach to the Strait of Gibraltar on Thursday when their boat came under attack from a pod of orcas. There's video footage circling the Dutch yacht before accepting before accelerating towards it, ranting the rudders. This has been happening to a bunch of boats off of Poland.

Uh, excuse me, off of Poland, off of, uh, Portugal started with a PO, got my wrong European country there off the coast of Portugal. This has been happening a bunch and like some they've sunk three boats and several people have been watching and be like, yo, these things are like learning and teaching each other how to do this. We haven't figured out what the behavior is for. Like, are they doing it for fun? Do they think they're playing with the boats? They think they're like hunting what's going on here.

Wow. But this one disrupted the boat. And these people like drop their sails. They tried to like bang on the hole to make noise to go away.

And finally, after a few texts, they said they went away again. Authorities have noted a steady increase in interaction between orcas and vessels in the Strait of Gibraltar and Portugal, more than 20 incidents in may, in some cases, both significantly damaged three to the point of sinking. So like the, we were worried about the robots. Yeah. Real life animals can still come at us to move over jaws.

There's going to be a sequel for free Willy. Yes. But, uh, but yes, scary one orcas. Uh, they're coming at us.

Uh, wow. So orcas overrated, underrated, rightly rated. So speaking of free Willy, I grew up, you know, watching that movie.

And of course the cool part where the kids on the like stones, the rock and it jumps over and it's awesome. And you know, you grow to love orcas. So to hear this story is kind of terrifying. Although I've heard they're sad. The other thing about orcas, they, so, you know, we had them in SeaWorld for a number of years and like 99.9% of the interactions would be great. And like, there's signs of them, like showing love and they like really care for their people and they'll be playful and they'll make them do flips and stuff.

And then one day one will be like, nah, just decided to drag my trainer around and whatever. Right. Yeah. It all, whenever I like think about that, I always think about like the wolf that I own and keep in my house that we call a dog. But like, it's the same thing where you're like, you know, everything's going fine.

But like one day if I accidentally step on its tail wrong, it might decide that it's got the teeth, the jaws, the will, and the natural, you know, predatory instinct to just destroy me. But I'm like, nah, nah, I'm sure. He's fine. He's only 130 pounds. Yeah.

I'm sure he would never do something like that. Yeah, he's totally fine. You know what? I guess maybe they're underrated then. I got to go, I think underrated.

I think we've underrated them. And finally, the lottery. Is the lottery overrated, underrated, or properly rated? Do you play the lottery at all?

Okay. So uh, so every now and again, I'll do scratch offs just for fun. My mom always loves to do that.

So he knows the best. And let me say someone I went to high school with just won a bunch of money. That's why you play.

I know. So I can't, I can't say they're not worth it. I'm a sucker on like, I don't, I don't play like every day or all the time, but I'm a sucker on, you know, the Powerball stuff. Do you know the odds?

It's like one in 1 billion. And I'm like, oh dude, do you know the odds? If you don't play zero, you cannot win. You can never win. I might be able to win.

I have a ticket. We know before the drawing, we know you're not winning. So you're telling me there's a chance to win. I don't care about the odds.

Mine are better than yours. Uh, the lottery probably rightly rated. This actually comes up because the short story, the lottery completely underrated. Oh yeah.

75 years old today. It turned when it first got published, the New Yorker that it was published in, got all kinds of response from people like, this is crazy. And they even describe it as like almost like a sopranos ending because there's a twist at the end. And then they don't explain it.

You just walk away and you're like, wait, did that just happen? So shout out to, there are not many short stories or books or whatever that I read in seventh grade. Many of my fakes reading anyway, I just wanted to pass the test, right? Or you got the pizzas from Pizza Hut.

As long as I knew enough to pass the test, I was fine. The lottery, I read that thing and it stuck with me and I go back and read it every few years. That is a fantastic, discomforting short story. Happy 71st birthday to the lottery. It is underrated. Go read it if you haven't.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-06-27 16:13:33 / 2023-06-27 16:21:16 / 8

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