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It's a sports overload

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold
The Truth Network Radio
November 25, 2022 1:36 pm

It's a sports overload

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold

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November 25, 2022 1:36 pm

Hayes Permar sits in for Adam Gold, and Permar discusses how this time of year is where there are almost too many sports, and it's more than normal right with the World Cup. Permar talks NC State vs UNC football, USA vs England in the World Cup, ACC basketball with UNC, Duke, and NC State, NFL, and more.

Focus on the Family
Jim Daly

It's the Adam Gold Show. And it's the day after Thanksgiving, which means it is full on Christmas season. Christmas music on. Christmas trees up. Christmas decorations out. If you aren't putting a Christmas tree up this weekend, what are you even doing? Christmas lights lit. Lit.

100%. Even if you're eating Thanksgiving leftovers, it is Christmas season. And we are being gifted a great Christmas, first weekend of Christmas, sports season. I am Hayes Permark filling in on the Adam Gold Show.

Dennis Cox producing, coming at you across the state of North Carolina. It's one of those days, okay yesterday, I ate at my mother-in-law's house. It was too much good food. I stuffed myself. There were like six pies and cakes and other desserts combined. I couldn't even get to them. Like sweet potato was my dessert. That's how good it was. And I've got another Thanksgiving meal coming today.

It is too much. Likewise with the sports. Right now, like I love sports. Love college hoops. Love the holiday tournaments. Love college football. Love rivalry weekend. Love the World Cup. Yeah. Love American soccer. Love potentially historic moments. Love the Canes.

Yes. Would like them to score a little bit more, but I love them. Love the Rod Brendamore era. But right now, it is just too much. We will try our best to get through all the sports that happened yesterday and the sports that are coming up for you today. And set yet another Thanksgiving table for you for sports. But there's a lot happening both locally and nationally. But let's start with the most important athletic thing that's happened in the past 24 hours. We're going to have to extend that.

27 hours. Dennis Cox. I destroyed the Turkey Trot 5K.

First of all, I want a holiday rule. Not even a coach. Josh Kutz would say cross country coaches don't do anything. If your coach can run beside you, which my wife was doing, that makes it a lot easier.

I'm just like I can't let her go. So you had a good coach. Yes. But all Turkey Trots. First of all, I encourage Turkey Trots. It does make you feel better about the rest of the day. Yeah. Like you feel better about. Normally on Thanksgiving, I have no problems starting booze at like hours that come before noon.

I'm not going to say how many or how long before noon. But after you've run a 5K, it's put on by a beer place. Shout out Trophy Brewing in Raleigh. You deserve a beer, right? Yeah. And after that, you can go home, shower up and then start with, you know, whatever drinking, eating you want to do.

It feels good. But all trophy trots should be 5Ks. Don't give me your 10Ks. Don't give me your five milers. Don't give me your half marathons. I had a friend who ran a half marathon yesterday. Ridiculous. Why? All trophy trots should be 5Ks and people should be encouraged to do them.

Even if you're just walking, get your whole family out there. Some can walk, some can run. I was trying to see what this 44 year old dude can still do. And darn it, I was pretty excited about myself, Coxy. I was trying to think, I'm not a great golfer, but like, I'm better than just like average dude who doesn't play ever picking up sticks, right? Like I have at least some skill. And like, I'm a non athlete, but I can still do some things at my age that would render me like somewhat athletic. Like I can get around a golf course around 90 strokes, sometimes even under that. Now I've found I can get around a 3.1 mile course in under 23 minutes. I can still get up and down a basketball course.

So that's the most important. For three hours, we're just going to break down my athletic life at 44. Okay.

Hey, I will chip in at age 36. You know what? I don't have room for that. It's just going to all be about me today. I don't, I need to lift a little bit more.

I don't really have the bulk that I need. I know that that's what's, no, no, no. But that was the most important thing that happened in my world, athletically yesterday. Let's get out of the gate and start about some other, talk about some other sports things that are happening. I was going to break down my, my adult league hockey team. Not lacrosse, you play, you play hockey? I'll play hockey now. Yeah. 8.01 in our last nine, Hayes Permar. If you saw me on skates, you would be very fair to render a judgment of complete non-athlete right there. Like anybody who has any athleticism could figure out ice skates better and more quickly than this guy.

I tried it last year in downtown Raleigh and it was ugly. All right. I didn't know how to prioritize everything that happened yesterday, right?

So I'm just going with this. It was Thanksgiving. The traditional sport is football.

That's what we're getting out of the gate with yesterday. The Bills beat the Lions 28-25. Lions did their part. They did respectable. And then they did the Lions thing.

They lost, right? Jim Nance. Thanksgiving tradition. Absolutely.

Unlike any other. Jim Nance is out here completely jinxing kickers and kickers were a big part of this game. Here was Nance chiming in on Thanksgiving. Do not talk to me about an announcer's jinx. Michael Badgley has not missed a kick all year. Field goal or PAT.

And I want to say you can talk about 29 years about it. Badgley's kick. And then we had a missed extra point later in that game and it mattered. Yeah, right because the Lions were able to drive kick a field goal tie the game up with 23 seconds.

We're going to talk more about this a little bit later. But Josh Allen has become a too much time quarterback. When the game is on the line, especially when it's like Todd and there's no real pressure, you just know they're going to fling a little bit. Certain quarterbacks, some quarterbacks enter this realm for a season or two. Other quarterbacks seem to have it for their career like, you know, Patrick Mahomes. Josh Allen did not have it from the get-go.

He did not have it his rookie year. Like Mahomes seemed to come out of the gate with too much time magic, right? But sure enough, Josh Allen got the ball with 23 seconds, nothing to lose, flings the ball immediately into field goal range to Stephon Diggs. One of the best wide receivers in the game, although there might be a better wide receiver who played later in the day.

We'll talk about him as well. Diggs makes the catch. They do what they need to do to put their shaky kicker, I mean he's not really shaky, but he had just missed an extra point basically in the fourth quarter that could have clinched the game.

And he comes out, nails the game winner. And the Bills beat the Lions 28-25. Bills obviously a Super Bowl contender.

They're in there regardless of what their record is. The Pats are going to be harder for them if they don't have a good record. But if they are in the playoffs, the Bills and the Chiefs are the two best teams in the AFC and there's nothing that's shown me otherwise at this point. Also on Thanksgiving football, it was the Cowboys beating the Giants 28-20. I don't have a whole lot to say about this one other than the Cowboys seem to be a legit team in the NFC.

But the NFC does seem inferior. Whoever comes out of the AFC, unless it's a total upset, kind of like last year when the Bengals made it, if it's the Bills or the Chiefs out of the AFC or even the Ravens, who I don't even think look like a great team right now, or the Dolphins or something like that. If we see them win three games in a row, two games in a row in the playoffs, they're going to be the favorite in the Super Bowl. But the Cowboys, I think, are a contender. They're now at 8-3.

The game that was maybe the most interesting, Vikings over Patriots, the night game, 33-26. Vikings now 9-2, but I still don't take them seriously, except for Justin Jefferson. After Stéphane Diggs made his claim to like, I might be the best wide receiver in the game, Justin Jefferson came out and had another night where he broke Randy Moss' record for most wide receiving yards in the first three seasons, and he's just darn good. And he had the whole team gritting. He's got a dance about him.

That's a good wide receiver move. Stuff like that separates Hall of Famers versus not Hall of Famers. Currently, Justin Jefferson is on a path where he'll be a Hall of Famer on his own merit, right? But even if his numbers don't get to where they need to be by the end of his career, remember from like two seasons where everybody did this one dance and that was his dance? That's Hall of Fame type stuff. That's icky shuffle worthy.

There was also a moment that I did not understand and still cannot explain. Hunter Henry for the New England Patriots caught a ball that, if you caught a catch, he clearly got it over the goal line too, so it's a touchdown, right? And if you watch it over and over again, I get you talk about the ball moving and stuff like that, but keep in mind there's no out of bounds in play here. So there's no question of whether or not he was inbounds or out of bounds. It's whether or not he caught the ball and that's it. The ball never touched the ground.

Yeah. I don't understand what we're doing and how catches aren't catches if like, yes, after he moved it away from where it was near its point on the ground, it moved around on his chest, but then resettled in his arm. Like it never touched the ground. That's like, it's not the definition of catching like the dictionary, but like, by all means, if you never go near out of bounds and the ball never touches the ground and it ends up in somebody's hands, that is a catch by somebody that don't understand it. And I don't think we got an explanation. They tried to get an explanation from Bill Belichick, and he told the reporters, go do your job. It's not really that simple, but it was interesting to hear Bill Belichick this angry and stern about it.

Why don't you guys go to the officials with your pool reporter and ask them about the play and let them explain it to you. Isn't that what you do? Thank you. Oh, and a thank you. Yes.

Just to be a little bit more of a jerk about it. I did. Thank you. I don't think you really meant thank you. I think you meant don't ask me about that again. Thank you. I feel like this is going to be a theme of the day. Yes.

Thank you. Well, they did. The pool reporter actually did go to the official and ask them. And what was the explanation? The officials said that there was a part of the ball that touched the ground, even though Hunter Henry's hand was under 90% of it. Like, part of it touched the ground, causing the ball to move.

Nope. And that's an incompletion. It's not what happened. It's not what happened. Not what happened at all.

It didn't happen. Not a Patriots fan here. Yeah.

For the record, I just want common sense. Like, catches are catches. That ball was a catch. It was ridiculous. Meanwhile, maybe the most interesting part of the game, whoever does the turkey for NBC may have gotten fired. You know what? The eating turkey thing, I know it's Thanksgiving, but that was Madden.

That was Madden's thing to have a turducken and 16 turkey legs or whatever, and everybody got one. And nobody else can do it. It's like, figure out your own thing.

Come up with your own gimmick. Maybe it's sides. Maybe it's casseroles. Maybe it doesn't have anything to do with eating.

Figure something else out. But the eating turkey thing was a Madden thing, and that's it. And it definitely didn't work last night when Adam Thielen revealed they had some dry turkey. Before, Kirk Cousins was called out for not even trying the turkey.

Here's what it sounded like. Yeah, I mean, to be able to play here on Thanksgiving at home, family, all the family here ready for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow night, that's like a turkey in my mouth. But it was a little dry. Hey, that's the best.

That's not the best. In the later part, she turns over to Kirk Cousins. She's like, hey, why aren't you eating a turkey? He's like, oh, no, I am. I'm eating it. Justin Jefferson's in the background. He didn't even want to take his grills out to eat the turkey.

Nope. Somebody else made off of the leg, which is probably the juiciest part because, you know, the dark meat tends to be a little bit juicier. But whoever cooked the turkey for NBC did not get the free media love they were hoping for because Adam Thielen called your turkey dry. Although I imagine we talk about the barbecue bowl we want UNCNC State to end with a pig cooker being opened up and the team running over there and eating it. Even like moist, good turkey and or barbecue, like if you literally just played a game and you're stuffing your mouth with meat, you might be a little dry. Like you might need to like sip a couple cups of water before you start consuming meat. So maybe it wasn't the turkey.

Maybe that's just a post game look. Next up. In college football. Do you follow? Are you aware of the Sicko's Committee, Dennis Cox? No, I'm not. So there's the College Football Sicko's Committee.

It's a Twitter account. It's kind of like referring to like there can be terrible games or games that you should have no interest in, but they just become dramatic. Like it could be that bad late night Hawaii game that you end up staying up late for because it's a shootout or whatever. Or like the old classic example is like the Virginia Tech Wake 0-0 game where it becomes compelling of like I can't look away from this, right?

So the Egg Bowl went down on Thanksgiving as it does traditionally. Old Miss, Mississippi State playing against each other and it became one of those where like even if you didn't care about these two teams, you were just drawn in. He's also got two personalities as head coach, Lane Kiffin and I'm picturing him now. Mike Leach? Mike Leach, yes, from Mississippi State. You have the drama of Lane Kiffin this week being announced or being reported to be gone for the Auburn job and him sort of taunting the reporter many different ways, including in the press conference.

We'll have somebody of that a little bit later. And by the way, I'm still not 100% sure that Lane Kiffin is made clear he's not going to Auburn, but he's made it clear that that reporter's report that he's signed a deal is inaccurate. But anyway, there was an actual football game to be played and people got drawn in because it just got weird. Mississippi State has an eight-point lead late and Mississippi has the ball and they throw what is maybe designed to be a lateral, but the guy drops it.

And there's that, I don't know, was it a backwards pass moment? Mississippi State falls on it, but a ref had blown his whistle before he did. Here's the ref explaining that play. There was an inadvertent whistle on the play while the ball was loose.

We'll replay the down, first down. All right, now here's where I think the refs were right. An inadvertent whistle is a bad thing.

You made a mistake. But when you come up there and you call it an inadvertent whistle, you're admitting your mistake, right? You're saying, we goofed, you know, it's like calling a player down when maybe he like looked like he was about to go down, but he caught himself and his knee didn't actually touch, but you blew the whistle just a tad early because you were sure he was going down. It's like, darn it, I made a mistake, but we can't then let this player run for more yards because my whistle stops people.

The same thing seemed to happen here. The ball hit the ground, the whistle blew, and it's like even though it might have been a fumble, the guy standing closer to the ball didn't make an effort to get it because the whistle blew or whatever. So after saying it was an inadvertent whistle, we'll replay the down, somehow the refs then decided, no actually we're not going to replay the down and it's a fumble and it's Mississippi State's ball.

So now the game has gotten crazy. Then Mississippi State goes and they're well within field goal range, they're up 8, a field goal will probably clinch the game. They're like first and goal, and the quarterback coughs up the ball. Just the worst thing to get, you could have probably taken a knee and run the clock 45 seconds 4 times and you still might have won the game with the 8 point lead. Kick your field goal, you almost definitely do. I understand going for the touchdown, but maybe the priority should have been more on protecting the ball. Mississippi gets the ball, Ole Miss, they drive the 98 yards or whatever, they score the touchdown, they're down 8, they need the 2 point conversion to send over time, they take a timeout, they take another timeout!

2 timeouts to get your 2 point play conversion set up, and they still don't get it. A shovel pass doesn't work, Mississippi State, I believe in an upset, although I saw some list of this, I don't have it in front of me, this is just classic SEC stuff. Ole Miss has been in the top 25 the entire season. They were in the top 15 for like 7 weeks of the season, about half the season. You know what their best win is over? 9-2 Troy in the sunbelt. Their SEC wins are over Texas A&M, who stinks, Vanderbilt, who's like everybody's automatic win except for they actually beat a couple teams this year, and they do not have a great win. It's sort of about the timing of their wins, or beating teams when it looked like those teams were good, so then it made Ole Miss look good and then you forget later when that team falls off like a Texas A&M. Maybe that win wasn't actually that good, but because they're an SEC team, they've been hanging around the top 25. Meanwhile, Wake Forest and NC State beat a Florida State team that seems to be walloping people right now. That beat LSU? That beat LSU that might go to the college football playoff, and you don't hear these talked about as the quality wins that maybe they should be. Florida State's win over LSU, or Waker State's win over Florida State.

Interesting how that works. Speaking of Lane Kiffin, here he is talking about the inadvertent whistle, and most of the time he talks, and especially when he's mad, he's entertaining, so I'd like to bring you the audio. Here's Lane Kiffin talking about the inadvertent whistle that led to a fumble in the Egg Bowl. As you heard them say, which they probably shouldn't have said to you guys, there was inadvertent whistle, so they're going to replay the down, so even admitting that there was a whistle, so everyone stops, and I mean, I can repeat myself. In your fifth grade football, when the whistle blows, you're supposed to do what? Stop, so all of a sudden we're supposed to coach different, so obviously I was very frustrated with that situation, and told them right away, it's a lateral, I can see that, but everyone stopped because you blew a whistle that you already said you did.

So, no reasonable explanation at all, except for, well their 44 didn't stop, okay, so what does that mean? One guy didn't stop, maybe he didn't hear it, and everybody else did, so I don't know what to do about that. Love Lane Kiffin that, love him going to his son, hey son, what do you do when the whistle blows?

Stop, look, he said stop, even my fifth grade son gets it. Fifth grade son, by the way, one of his sons was blowing a fire extinguisher on the sideline, I think, was that yesterday, or was this a different game, I can't remember, but then after the game, he got the towel from the Mississippi State quarterback, like, you can't be out there, like, fraternizing with the other team, especially if your dad's gonna use you as a problem. Use you as a prop at the press conference, but anyway, it was interesting, college football sickos were loving the game, hopefully rivalry games that are happening today can be as entertaining. Next up, getting out the gate, World Cup, scores yesterday, because we didn't have a show, Switzerland over Cameroon 1-0, South Korea and Uruguay played to a 0-0 draw, a little bit of an upside there, Uruguay, kind of a sneaky, fun, good team, Portugal over Ghana, this was interesting, Portugal a couple times looked like they had this in hand, Ghana scored some good goals, and then, I don't know if you saw this, Cox, this was like a, I can't believe this is happening at the World Cup moment, they did the thing where the player's like, trying to make a play for, at the goal, so then the keeper gets up, and everybody's running away from him, and one player stays behind the keeper, hoping the keeper will slip up and put the ball to the ground, and he does! He doesn't realize there's a dude from Ghana behind him, and the Ghana player runs at it, and if he hadn't slipped, he probably would have been able to knock it quickly away, and then he's got a wide open goal, ow, I just did a kick, and I just kicked the desk there, while doing the motion of what that player did to do. Just, we got an injury on the show, wow.

I wish I had the Fox injury music to play for you. Just kicked the desk there. Anyway, it was one of those like, oh my gosh, I can't believe this is happening at the World Cup moments, almost like that almost happened against Team USA, when they were playing Wales, and late in the game Gareth Bale had the ball like, I don't know, 60 yards out, and the keeper was way out of the box, it was like, oh my gosh, he's about to wind up on an empty net, and it was like one of those things that I can't believe we've seen on the World Cup.

Fortunately, someone had the wherewithal to pull him down. Also yesterday, Brazil over Serbia, which is fun, because the World Cup's always better when Brazil's good. They had a couple cool goals, so I'm all down for Brazil being good. Today, interesting result early, Iran over Wales.

This was not the best thing that could have happened for the United States. The best thing would have been for Iran and Wales to tie 0-0. No more goals on the sheet for them. But now, it looks like there's a good chance, and it probably was anyway, unless there's a miracle today, USA England, that one comes up at 2 o'clock, it's gonna come down, yes, to USA needing to beat Iran, with a lot of like geopolitical backdrop to this one, right? Like, and Iran looked like a really good team beating Wales. Now, they did get the benefit of Wales' keeper getting a red card late, they were playing with Tin Man, and they scored both their goals in extra time, so, but like, it is no sure thing, it's not like we're playing Qatar, the host country, who like just gets pummeled by everybody, but shout out to Qatar, Qatar, however we're saying it, for getting the first goal, World Cup goal in Qatar history.

Right now, it's Netherlands, Ecuador is tied 1-1, about midway through the second half there, and oh yeah! At 3.30 today, we've got a rivalry game in the state, college football, NC State, North Carolina, no real stakes in this one, except for bragging rights, right? UNC is going to the ACC Championship game regardless, UNC is out of, totally out of college football playoff contention, so like, State can't play spoiler there, State can't win a division title or anything, it is merely a little bit of like bowl jockeying, that's about it, but it's just bragging rights. Looks like the weather might actually be a little bit better than it seemed like it would be earlier in the week, so hopefully we'll get some decent play, but the field's gonna be wet, but hopefully we'll get a clean game. I'm not sure what's gonna happen. I think a lot, the player to watch for me is Ben Finley. If he gets rattled early, throws a pick in the first quarter, it could go south. If he shows a little bit of confidence early, if State's defense steps up that allows Ben Finley to get a drive or two in before ever falling behind, before UNC's offense gets revved up, then maybe he can get some confidence under him that he can win this game. But I feel like if it goes bad, it could go very bad for Ben Finley.

He's the key player for me. That is getting out of the gate. There's so much sports, we didn't even have time to talk college basketball. We'll break down the games yesterday, set the table for the games today. That's next on the Adam Gold Show. I feel like the Friday after Thanksgiving, I should be allowed to do a show where I basically just play Christmas tunes in their entirety, and you and I come in between every third song and we're like, hey, listen to the buzz, and we maybe do a funny setup or whatever, as if we're just music DJs. Oh, like we're a music station. No disrespect to music stations.

They do a lot of creative stuff, they do plenty of stuff outside of the actual radio shows, but like, there's a lot more talking on a sports show, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. You gotta fill some time. It's interesting, a little inside baseball here, the parts where they talk in music stations, they call them breaks. Gotcha.

That's where they refer to that. It's like, oh yeah, I got a two-minute break here coming up. Everyone's like, oh, okay.

Sure. And for us, I was like, yeah, our commercial breaks are like four minutes and stuff. They're like, no, wait, how long do you actually talk? Like, for about 45 minutes an hour.

Yeah, like- They're like, wait, what? Yeah, you know, you're like, somewhere at nine to 12 minutes at a time, sometimes 24 minutes. Yeah, break it up there. But today, I feel like I would be justified just being like, here are my, how many could we get in in a three-hour show?

Maybe 10 an hour? Here are my top, I could give you my top 25 Christmas songs in three hours. Oh, easy. We could play them almost all in their entirety. I could just chime in. We should do a mixtape of them. But instead, you losers want to hear about all the sports that are happening.

It really is too much. Again, the cane's coming up at one o'clock. They'll be on flagship station 9999, the fan here in the Triangle. They're taking on the Bruins. So we'll keep you updated on any goals that happen there. Although, based on the recent performance, maybe not very likely that there will be goals, especially off power plays. What do they owe for the last 600 on the power play, Dennis Cox? I think 603.

603 now. Blank power plays. And it's against the Bruins. Piotr Kuchenikov. Kuchekov. It's just Kuche. Kuche and goal. Yup.

Recently signed to a four-year deal, about $2 million a year. So let's see if he and the team can perk up a little bit. Press the right buttons. Make the right combos. Get some more goals. Maybe get some goals from people that aren't named Aho Neches or Svechnikov. Is that too much to ask?

No. Burns has been putting in a few goals. But maybe some other forwards want to put in a goal or two. That'd be okay. That'd be cool.

I think Seth Jarvis or something. We'll see. Then obviously it's Thanksgiving. There's the glut of football. We had not just two, three NFL games now. And I believe in the future, as soon as next year, I think the NFL is jumping in and saying, why are we leaving on Friday? I think there's going to be a fourth pre-Sunday Thanksgiving weekend game on Friday. Yeah, it's a Black Friday game.

On Amazon. Then there's going to be obviously college football, the traditional rival games that are going on all weekend long, including NC State UNC, which we've talked about and we'll talk about some more. But now, with Thanksgiving holiday hoops, we got college basketball crammed all up in here. The Phil Knight Invitational going on. Two of our triangle schools, two of the triangle schools are out there.

NC State is in the Bahamas. So, let's take a look at what happened yesterday. All three won yesterday and it was a little bit like this. What's the...oh, not Little Red Riding.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears. It was like, this one's this, this one's this. It was just right. This is how it was yesterday. UNC's performance is like, ah, it's not enough defense.

Right? Then Duke's performance was like, ah, not enough offense. Then NC State's performance was like, just right. And so, NC State the big winner yesterday. UNC got the win over Portland 89-81, but it's basically been the story for UNC throughout their 5-0 start now. Where they came in number one and they've basically stayed number one because they haven't lost, but they have not looked like the number one team in the nation.

They have struggled at times with some of these, in theory, lesser squads. Although, you never know when the season plays out, one of these squads, Portland ends up being a sneaky NCAA tournament team or something like that. They sure seem to have a bunch of dudes that could fill it up and UNC did not do a great job of guarding them. They shot lights out from three in the first half. So, Portland kept it close, took a lead. It was back and forth for most of the second half and then UNC sort of extended itself. Got the free throw line a bunch.

And, Nance, just too much for Portland. If he's going to shoot threes the way he did, everybody's been saying, oh, he fills in pretty well for Brady Manick, but he doesn't shoot the three quite as well. He did yesterday. I think it was five or six or five or seven for three. 28 points. Caleb Love had another 23. Caleb Love continues to impress with his shot selection. Occasionally, he'll pull a long shot, but he's not just pulling silly shots and he's not making terrible, not making bad drives in the basket that result in just a thrown up shot when he doesn't get opened.

He actually blew a couple layups where he made the exact right move and the exact right decision and then just didn't execute the finish, which you don't like to see, but his decision making was not in question there. Duke over Oregon State, 54-41. Again, not enough offense from Duke. Kyle Filipowski carried him as he has with 19 points, but Duke shot 26% from the field. You don't win a lot of games shooting 26% from the field, so I guess in that sense, good to gut it out. Oftentimes, it goes to like, oh, we lost, but when is the team going to shoot 18-21 for three against us? That's kind of like what UNC was griping about in the first three quarters of the game against Portland when everything seemed to be going in. Duke's sort of taking the reverse. Yeah, it was close, but we shot terribly. We'll never shoot that terribly again.

It's like grinding out a 1-0 win in hockey. And the upside for Duke was they did get to the free throw line a bunch, and when they got there, they converted 17-21 for Duke. That's one thing that UNC could have done. If they shot free throws better, they probably could have taken more control of that game at points. Duke did get to the line, 17-21.

That helped cut into the scoring deficit that there was from the bad field goal and three-point shooting, and they come away with the win. Still their only loss to Kansas on the season. But still, Duke and UNC, and I know it doesn't seem fair to say this about UNC when they return this many starters, but every team's different.

And now they're working in how to get Nance into their rotation. There's no reason to believe that UNC won't be playing really good basketball come late in the season, right? That's not as assured with Duke, but based on the level of talent they have and the future NBA prospects they have, and the guys that are coming back off of entry, same thing. Yes, there are things to point to, and there are things that they are struggling with, but mostly they look like a team that will probably be a really good team. It's just a question of how good? Are they first weekend good?

Are they second weekend good? Are they final four good? Obviously not likely that they both end up in the final four again. But the best win I thought yesterday of the three Triangle teams was NC State because it went over a pretty good dating squad with a good coach in Anthony Grant.

76-64, they looked good in doing it. 27 points from Jarkel Joiner. Jack Clark had some great moments in this game defensively, and just State has talent. That backcourt, they've got multiple dudes who could put up 30 in a game.

I mean Joiner obviously can fill it up to Quavion Smith on any given night. He can go up for 30. He's a guy that could have 40 in a game this season.

He is a scorer. They have scores. They've been playing the pressure D. That win over Dayton, who knows? NC State may go through the conference season and have no trouble and put itself well inside the bubble. But if history is any indicator, NC State is usually involved in bubble talks and wins over Dayton. Playing teams like Kansas even helps you, right? The committee's not going to look long and hard at like, oh, they were playing right with Kansas there for 80% of the game. It's a loss to Kansas, but it still helps your strength of schedule, right? A win over Dayton is a big non-conference win for NC State when you look back and you need those to differentiate yourself. And you obviously go cheer for Dayton to have a great conference season and become a top 25 team down the road.

That helps you out even more. Today's games! All three teams play again! We've got Duke vs. Xavier at 3.30, UNC vs. Iowa State at 5.30, and NC State vs. Butler for the Nightcap. That's their last game in the Bahamas for the 4th place in the Bad Boy Mowers battle for Atlantis.

Love to get the sponsors right. And NC State faces an old friend in Manny Bates playing with Butler. So that will be interesting to see how he squares off, who's more motivated. We'll see how Butler tries to handle NC State's high octane guard offense. I'll be honest, didn't know Manny Bates was still playing basketball. He's still in the league, he's just in a different league. He's playing for Butler, so again, since he stayed today, I'm sure there will be a lot of love. He's got some former teammates and obviously former coaches that he'll know.

Actually, he's got to have some former teammates, but the way there's turnover and transfer portal, he may not have that many teammates left at NC State. On the other side, I've got a question. Why was everyone jumping on this new trend of turkey cooking? How about turkey cooking?

A new trend of turkey cooking. I'll tell you what it was that I saw everyone doing yesterday, and I'll tell you why I'm mad about it next. Hey, Spermar filling in. Do you ever talk to your friends when you just got through election season? Thankfully, it's over. If you haven't already, pick up your signs. Yes, my goodness.

Take the signs down. You know how they talk about the polls? There's like millions of polls now. Polls, polls, polls on polls. Everybody's in the polls. I think there was a poll about polls recently. Polls, polls on polls on polls.

There's a North Pole. But then nobody ever knows anybody who's ever been talked to about, have you ever been called back for a poll? Nope. Nope. You ever taken a poll? Nope.

It ain't asked me. I'm a regular guy. I know a lot of regular people. Nobody's ever had them. Similar to, for me, I don't know anybody who shops on Friday.

I think the news stations are just running stock footage of past years. I think if you went to a mall right now, it'd be empty. Totally empty. There's nobody there. It's a good time to go shopping. Go out there.

There's no crowds. Well, the thing is, as well, is that we've been seeing Black Friday deals this whole month. Yes, that is the other part. Hey, November 1st, Black Friday specials start today. Yep. 25% off on select items. So, I don't know anybody who actually shops. They tell me that everyone shops on Black Friday, but I don't know anyone who actually shops on Black Friday.

What does happen on Black Friday? Sports. We got a lot of it. In like 13 minutes, we got the Carolina Hurricanes versus the Boston Bruins up in Boston. Please, please score some goals. Please score some goals.

Next up, USA versus England. So, we got our... I'm in Raleigh, so I got... That's what I'm saying.

Play them all. I got city pride on the line because I'm from Raleigh. We got state pride on the line for the Carolina Hurricanes.

We got national pride on the line for the U.S. men's national team. Then, at 3.30, we've got a state divided. UNC, NC State. We've got Duke hoops taking on Xavier. At 5.30, we got UNC basketball. Who are they playing? Taking on Iowa State. Yeah. Then, 10 o'clock, we got NC State basketball.

It's just too much. UNC and NC State both have football and basketball games today. You know it's a holiday when you tune in to either UNC or NC State and you're like, why is Jones Angel doing the halftime show?

And they're like, oh. Because Dave Nathan's out there doing basketball because Jones Angel's going to do football tomorrow. You've got to make those decisions, right?

Yeah. It happens sometimes during bowl season too. We'll have a bowl game and a basketball game on the same day or a day apart in different time zones. You've got to make those decisions. Duke basketball, like you said, is out west in Portland right now.

They're in Portland as well. They play host to Wake Forest tomorrow afternoon. You've got to make decisions. Who's going to call what? You bring in Chris Edwards. He's got to call one of those games. Well, the women are out there too.

Maybe it helps to have the men's and the women's team in the same city. Pray share an engineer at least. Yes, you do. I do like to give the grinch Josh Goodson is not here. He doesn't like it when I give shout outs to people. He calls it just doing their job.

Of course. But it is a reminder when you watch all these sports and as I watch two producers working on the day after Christmas, both with inside of me, that there are a lot of sports support staff people and broadcasters that sacrifice their holidays to put on these games, bring you these games. I'm watching Tripp Tracy and Mike Maniscalco and the crew up there. I'm watching Rusty work over to my left. I see you Dennis Cox working. You see all the people that bring you these NFL games stuff. So thanks to all the people that helped bring us all these sports. But I got another people. They got a bone to pick with in the Thanksgiving world.

Dennis Cox. Literally. Yes. So all these fancy pants. It's the same people who it's not just good like growing up.

I respect North Carolina barbecue, but it was like a little too much. Like you had to know somebody who owned a pig cooker. Right. And usually, you know, somebody in the neighborhood did.

You can either borrow him or like, you know, pay him to come do your party or whatever. But now more and more people have access to all this smoking. Right. Everybody's doing all this smoking. So like, whereas I thought to have grill competence, I needed to be able to, like, cook some burgers and dogs, cook some steak.

I don't need to be able to really cook, slow cook Eastern North Carolina pork barbecue. That comes at special occasions. Or my friends who have pig cookers.

Right. So everybody started getting all fancy. They're smoking wings. I could do wings on a grill, but like smoking them and stuff. These eggs, these smokers, these pellet things. Well, the pellet smoker, egg owning, spend six hours every Saturday getting up at the crack of dawn crowd has finally reached into the traditional Thanksgiving turkey. And now everybody's doing this thing called. I don't even know if I'm saying it right, because it sounds like it should be an FCC violation, but I believe it's spatchcocking.

That's correct. It was about 15 years ago or so. We're like the only turkeys that were being served were coming out of ovens and the fried turkey trend came along. And like, I thought it was cool. I tasted them. They tasted good. I went and got the equipment.

It's not a whole lot. I added that to my cooking repertoire. So now I can grill a steak, cook some chicken on the grill, make some burgers, dogs, and I can operate a fryer enough to fry a turkey. Or I could like, I can even steam some oysters, right?

I can do some things. I can make a fine turkey fried. But now that wasn't enough. These elite grill masters had to separate themselves from the average dudes like me who could now fry turkeys pretty well.

And they were like, ah, we got to separate ourselves even further. And we got to do something that maybe involves some like charcoal. We need a lot of timing and time involved. We need some wood chips. We need flavored chips. You need certain types of wood.

Not just chips. The hickory. It's going to match the spices on your bird. That's true. You know?

I'm going with cedar because I'm going with a little more salty bird. You know, like these types of people. They're trying to keep me out of their turkey club. It wasn't enough. I was looking cool frying a turkey.

But now they are spatchcocking the thing where apparently you kind of rip the thing apart in the middle, spread it out, and then put it over some low heat and let it go for a while. Well, I've just had enough of it. Okay? I'm not doing that. I'm frying my turkey and it tastes good.

I got my tonicaceres or however you say it. The Bojangles like seasoning. I have my birds been sitting there. I buttered her up under the skin. That's the way to do it. And now I'm just going to fry my turkey.

But I've been made to feel inferior. And this is the year. I went and looked at like the Google trends. It started around 2012, but like it was still very small then. And every year on Thanksgiving, the search for spatchcocking has gone up.

And like I bet once the data is compiled, it went from like last year was big to like a huge spike this year. This is the year. So next year, you can have people like me that want to be in the club that are going to be like, okay, I got to either get the equipment or like learn how to operate my charcoal grill better. But not me. I'm not jumping on this trend. I'm not going to try and prove my worth at Thanksgiving. I'm just going to continue the frying trend. You should spatchcock it and then deep fry it. Get ahead of the game, Hayes. Do both?

Do both. I'm trying to think. No, no. I want to know what the next trend is going to be. Well, that is going to be the next trend because you're going to set it. No, the next trend is going to be like... You're going to sous-vide it? Yes. Yes. Sous-vide a turkey.

Let's go. That is definitely going to be it. You are spot on.

You're going to get a big, big vat. Yeah. Maybe do it like in your washing machine. Probably. And sous-vide a dang turkey.

Do it in the bathtub. That's exactly. As soon as I learn how to spatchcock, they're going to be sous-viding. That's how this is going to go.

I've seen them on this before. They just don't want me in their club. But they can have it. I'm sticking with frying.

And it tastes just fine. Alright. We've got the Carolina Hurricanes coming up at one o'clock. We've got rivalry games. We've got rivalry. They're all rivalry games. Cane's Bruins. That's like our recent rivalry. USA, UK.

Travelries don't get bigger than that. And then UNC, NC State. We will break down all of those deeply, immensely, analytically. And we'll do it in just one minute.

Literally one minute takes. That's coming up. Join us next on the Adam Gold Show. Hit me with some Christmas tunes.

Dan, so glad we were able to meet today. Whoa, what's that? It's my new FlexiSpot E7 Pro Plus standing desk.

Goes from sitting to standing with the push of a button. You know, I've been thinking about getting a desk like that. I have back pain from being in a chair all day. But I feel like they're either cheap and flimsy or crazy expensive. That's why I went with FlexiSpot. This desk is super sturdy but totally affordable.

The base is made of automotive grade carbon steel. Sit on it. Okay. Hey, this is cool.

Alright, I want in on one of these. Where do I find FlexiSpot? Just go to their website, Right now, FlexiSpot is offering huge Black Friday and Cyber Monday savings on the E7 Pro Plus standing desk with up to $160 off. Plus, use code 20OFF right now for an additional $20 off. Go to today and use code 20OFF to get up to $180 off the E7 Pro Plus standing desk from November 25th to the 28th only. That's Go to today.
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